Firebuds (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Piston's Driving School/Jazzyland

(fire alarm bell rings)
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or in need of helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds
are here for you ♪
Just listen
to our siren scream ♪
On your block
or on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To help our friends
and neighbor's out ♪
We're coming through,
our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear,
we're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll,
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day,
we'll crack the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get
into the mix ♪
Let's roll
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo with Flash ♪
Jayden and Piston ♪
Violet and Axl ♪
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
-Here we come ♪
-And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear,
we're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll,
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day,
we're cracking the code ♪
When trouble comes
around the bend ♪
On us,
you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
"Piston's Driving School".
(car engine revving)
What a sweet day for a drive.
Sun shining, birds chirping
Loose rocks falling.
That's what that sign means.
So we all better
look out!
(tire screeching)
AXL: Yikes.
That sign wasn't kidding.
Firebuds, we gotta do something
in case more rocks fall.
So no one gets smushed.
I got just the gadget
for the job.
I call it the J-Net.
(upbeat music playing)
Thanks, Jayden.
Now, let's clear the road
and string up
some more J-Nets.
Wham, bam, perfect plan.
These are heavier
than they look.
We'll help ya, Flash.
And we'll secure
the cliffside.
I sense unsafe driving.
-What, where?
-(car engine revving)
I don't know
how you do it, P.
Stop! Danger!
(tires screeching)
-Hiya, Piston.
That was fun!
Let's do it again!
Are you kidding?
You almost crashed.
What are y'all doing up here?
We're driving
with our vroom-mates
for the first time ever.
And it's amazing!
I was getting a little dizzy
from going so fast.
-Me too.
PISTON: Zip, Bang and Pow.
Your first time driving
with your vroom-mates
and you brought them up here?
-Why wouldn't we?
Because this road is twisty
and turny and dangerous.
Didn't you see the signs?
Oh, are there cute snails
and snakes ahead?
Or clouds and rivers!
No, it means look out for
meatballs on Spaghetti Road!
No. That sign means look out
for falling rocks.
This is Hatchback Hill
Little wee-hicles
shouldn't be up here
unless they know
how to drive the proper way.
But we know
all about driving.
We've been doing it
our whole lives.
Sure, but now you need to know
how to drive safely,
because you have
your vroom-mates with you.
And since safety
is my specialty,
I will teach you.
Welcome to Piston's
Driving School.
That's a great idea.
And while you're teaching 'em,
we'll look after Hudson,
Holly and Heather.
-Thank you.
-You all can watch us
clear the rest of the rocks
and secure the nets.
From a safe distance,
of course.
So if we take your lessons,
then we can drive on
Spaghetti Road?
(cheers and laughter)
Hey P.
I'm happy to be
your assistant teacher
if you need help
wrangling these kids.
but a safety-expert like me
can handle a few little
I got it under control.
Okay, students.
Time for class!
(upbeat music playing)
Welcome to Piston's
Driving School,
where you'll learn
everything you need to know
about driving safely.
Any questions
before we begin?
Do butterflies eat butter?
No. Okay then,
we're going to start
with a little safety video
I made last summer.
Watch and learn.
Oh, hi there. I was so busy
watching the road,
I didn't see you.
Let's learn about safety!
Excuse me, sir?
The light ahead is yellow,
which means you should
slow down.
(engine revving)
Oh, my that was a close one.
It's a good thing you were here
to teach me about yellow lights.
Can you give me
more safe driving tips?
Oh, I can and I will.
-you can never be too safe.
-BANG: You can't catch us.
-Yes, I can.
-Oh, hi butterfly.
-(car engine revving)
-Bye, butterfly.
What are you doing?
You're supposed to be
watching the video.
-We were.
-Then, we finished watching.
And now we're ready to drive
on Spaghetti Road.
ALL: Spaghetti! Spaghetti!
JAYDEN: Hey, Piston.
It's Jayden checking in.
Those wee-hicles seemed
pretty wild.
Are you sure
you don't need any help?
Thanks, Jayden,
but a Master of Safety
like myself
doesn't need any help
when it comes
to matters of safety.
-All right, if you say so.
You know what.
I can see you three
need to learn by doing.
So let's get your wheels
on the road.
BANG: This isn't a road.
Well, you're not ready
for a real road.
Or real vroom-mates.
Which is why we'll pretend
these stuffies
are your vroom-mates.
Now, we're going to take
a little drive.
But you must keep
your vroom-mates
safe at all times.
-POW: Go long!
Zip, Pow!
Does throwing your vroom-mates
seem safe to you?
Oh, great gaskets.
Bang, not you too
Zip, Pow, put that down!
(upbeat music playing)
Okay. Let's practice backing up.
It's important to go slowly
and in a straight line.
Like this.
Now, you try.
(car engine revving)
I see you're not ready
for backing up.
The goal of this lesson
is to drive safely
around these cones
without letting
your vroom-mates fall out.
-Got it?
Look at our vroom-mates'
cool new hats!
This isn't helpful.
We just want to drive
on Spaghetti Road.
But you're never
going to be able to
if you keep fooling around.
How 'bout this.
I'll do the next lesson
on a real street
if you promise
to pay attention this time.
-(car engine revving)
-You got it.
-It's a deal.
(upbeat music playing)
We are so good
at real street driving.
Wait, the light turned red.
(tires screeching)
And there go
your vroom-mates again.
Don't you remember
what "red" means?
-Red butterflies?
It means stop.
-Oh, right.
-We knew that.
And "green" means?
(ducklings quacking)
Oh, duckies!
Hi, ducks!
Do you remember
what green means?
(groans) Y'know what,
I think we could all
use a lunch break.
Hey vroomies!
We're almost ready to drive
on Spaghetti Road.
What? No you're not.
At this rate,
you may never be ready.
I'll go get us
some booster shakes.
I think we're totally ready
to drive on Spaghetti Road
right now.
-Me, too.
-Then, let's do it.
Are you sure
that's a good idea?
It's the best idea.
(slow music playing)
Hey, Piston.
How's driving school going?
It would be going better
if they paid attention.
Oh, sounds like you could
really use some help.
I'm here for ya if you need me.
Thanks, but I can handle it.
I mean, I'm not some
little wee-hicle
You okay, Piston?
Never been better.
Gotta go now.
(car engine revving)
Where did they run off to?
Oh, no they didn't
(upbeat music playing)
We're so good at driving now.
(rocks falling)
Hey! Slow down!
(car engine revving)
(tense music playing)
Look out!
(tense music playing)
Oh, my hoodness,
are you all right?
We're okay,
except for the rocks.
They're all around us.
Can you get us out?
Don't you worry.
I'll just move a few
of these rocks.
or not
Sorry, we didn't pay attention
to your safety lessons.
We thought we knew everything
about driving.
But, I guess we needed help
after all.
Well, if you had watched
my whole video,
you would have seen
that one of the most
important safety rules
is knowing when to ask for help.
Come in, Firebuds.
It's Piston
and I could really
use your help.
(siren wailing)
Thanks for coming.
(grunts) Of course.
Those are some big rocks,
but I think
we can still rescue 'em,
if we all help out.
Then, let's roll, Firebuds.
(upbeat music playing)
SINGER: Hit the sirens
turn on the lights ♪
we're gonna make it right ♪
We're gearing up,
we're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew
is on the move ♪
Our rescue is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
-You're the best.
Thank you, Piston.
I'm just glad you're all okay.
And thank you, Buds.
You were right.
I needed your help before.
Those little wee-hicles
were way too much to deal
with on my own.
Don't sweat it, P.
That's what Firebuds are for.
Piston, could you teach us
how to drive safely back home?
Please, show them.
I thought you'd never ask.
Like seriously, never.
But I could use a little help,
if you still want to be
an Assistant Teacher, Jayden.
Sure thing, man.
We'll all help.
As soon as we finish clearing
these rocks off the road.
Time to slow down.
I have good news, class.
You just learned
your final lesson
and successfully completed
Firebuds Driving School.
-We did it!
So now you are free to drive
with your vroom-mates
on your own.
As soon as the light
turns green.
Thanks, Firebuds!
They grow up so fast.
(car wipers screeching)
They sure do, P.
-They sure do.
-(car engine revving)
JAZZY: "Jazzyland".
BO: Hey Piston,
we're headed to the Fire Tower.
You and Jayden wanna come?
Where is Jayden?
JAYDEN: Hoods up, Firebuds!
I was just upgrading
our Rescue Cam.
Now we can see folks in trouble
all over the neighborhood.
Man, Jayden.
Fixing gadgets,
zipping around on cables
You're like, good at everything.
Whatcha gonna do next?
I'm gonna have the greatest
brother-sister day
of all time with Jazzy.
That's Queen Jazzy to you.
And Princess Piper.
Are you and Piston ready
to go to Jazzyland?
-What's Jazzyland?
It's a magical place
that can only be found
with a magical map
hidden at the bottom
of this steep mountain
in that deep, dark lake.
What are they talking about?
That's a kiddie pool.
(water spatters)
The map is ours, my Queen!
And so is the Dragon Stone.
That looks more like a marble.
That's 'cause it is a marble.
What's the Dragon Stone do?
Is it powerful?
Oh, yeah.
The dragon
who protects Jazzyland
has been captured.
And the only way to free her
is by crossing Jazzyland
and returning this Dragon Stone
to Dragon Castle.
And that is our mission
for today,
my dear brothers.
Oh, I get it now.
We're goin' on
a pretend adventure.
Sounds fun! Can we come too?
-And us?
I love pretending!
Queen Jazzy will allow
the newcomers
to join the mission.
If it's okay with you, Jayden.
I'm down with that.
I'll show everyone
how adventuring is done.
It is decided, then.
But first, you must all tell me
who you are.
What are you talkin' about?
We already know who we are.
Oh! I wanna be a knight!
I'll be your trusty horse,
Sir Bo.
(orchestral music playing)
I'll be a sorceress.
I'm a car-nicorn!
I guess I could be
a car-nicorn, too.
And who're you going to be?
Uh, Jayden?
Oh, come on,
you can do better than that.
-Good enough.
Now everyone follow me
to Jazzyland!
Halt, heroes.
To get to Jazzyland.
We must cross this dangerous,
ragging river.
Hmm. No sweat.
Check this out, sis!
Oh no, poor Super Jayden
has been frozen!
-It's a magical ice cream river!
Ice cream river?
And it's strawberry.
That's the freeziest.
Jayden, how're you gonna
unfreeze yourself?
Uh I don't know.
Do not fear for I, Sir Bo,
will use my hot fudge cloak
to un-freeze you.
Thanks I guess.
He's saved!
Well done, Sir Bo.
But we still need
to cross the river.
I know. I'll use
my car-nicorn powers
to turn myself and the horses
into chocolate chip ships.
Cool, but oh no!
How will you get past
the fearsome candy-corn-ducks?
-(ducks quacking)
-I know!
We can fight them off
with our marshmallow cannons!
Yes, prepare the marshmallow
Yes, my queen.
Queen Jazzy will lead the way!
I don't get it, P.
Are we supposed
to just make stuff up?
It sure looks that way.
Now, you better hop
on your chocolate chip ship
before she freezes you again.
We have arrived in Jazzyland.
But the Fire Giants
have blocked our path.
How will we ever get past them?!
I gotta step it up, P.
I'll tie up those giants
using my trusty J-Hook.
(upbeat music playing)
Got 'em!
Jayden saved us!
(gasps) But then he touched
the Fire Giant
and got turned to stone.
Wait, how was I supposed to know
they turned you to stone?
Don't panic, Super-Jayden.
I've got just the thing
to undo the spell.
Your thermometer?
My sorcerer's wand!
Magic spirits
gather near
to make the stone spell
Violet the Sorceress
saved Super-Jayden!
But the Fire Giants
are even angrier now.
What do we do?
What if I play this magic flute
to make the giant fall to sleep
so we can sneak past him?
Great idea, Sir Bo.
(triumphant music playing)
(mimics flute)
Hold up, there was a magic flute
just lyin' on the ground
lookin' like a stick?
In Jazzyland,
there's magic everywhere.
You just have to pretend
to see what you want
and poof, it appears.
Piper, let's show Jayden
how Jazzyland works!
In Jazzyland
you make stuff up ♪
Then, your friends
all play along ♪
If someone says
this stick's a flute ♪
You say
"Hey, I hear its song!" ♪
A fire giant? ♪
How 'bout a pair? ♪
Your friend pretends ♪
You build from there! ♪
It's Jazzyland! ♪
A place where all
the streets are gold ♪
And ev'ry tree has feathers ♪
'Cuz we make it up together ♪
It's Jazzyland ♪
Feel free
to let your dreams unfold ♪
The playground
where we swung'll ♪
Magic'ly become a jungle ♪
In Jazzyland ♪
We see whatever we decide ♪
Yeah, Jazzyland! ♪
Is one big wild
made-up ride! ♪
(gasp) Panda-puppies!
What do we do, Super-Jayden?
Well, animals like to eat.
We could give them some food
and slip by.
What do panda-puppies eat?
How would I know?
I'm used to solving
real problems
in the real world.
Not pretend problems.
Well, we can pretend
that panda-puppies
love bamboo-donuts.
Oh, I can pretend
that my emergency sandwiches
are bamboo-donuts.
That's how you do it
in Jazzyland!
It's Jazzyland ♪
Think fast
and watch the fun take hold ♪
Turn your plain 'ol bread
and cold-cuts ♪
Into yummy bamboo donuts ♪
It's Jazzyland ♪
You have to let yourself
be bold ♪
'Cause the skatepark
where we train ♪
Oh, is now a huge volcano! ♪
In Jazzyland ♪
We see whatever we decide ♪
Yeah, Jazzyland ♪
Is one big wild
made-up ride! ♪
Let imagination
be your guide ♪
'Cause Jazzyland ♪
Is one Big Wild ♪
Made-up Ride! ♪
Jazzyland! ♪
All we have to do
is cross the hot lava
of Volcano Valley
to get to the Dragon Castle.
Any ideas, Super-Jayden?
You're good at everything,
I know you got this.
Okay. Um
How about I use
my flame-retardant spray
no waitI mean my magical,
pretend lava-freezing spray.
That is so Jazzyland.
(mimics freezing sound)
It's freezing, right?
But the volcano
just erupted more lava.
There's too much to freeze.
Say what?
-What do we do now?
-I don't know.
They keep making up
more pretend problems.
What are we supposed to do?
Make up more
pretend solutions, I guess.
Great gaskets!
I just discovered
that I am actually
a fairy wizard car-nicorn.
So now I will conjure
a bubble gum bridge
over the lava!
Oh, yeah!
I think I'm getting the hang
of this pretending thing.
(upbeat music playing)
At last!
We've arrived
at the Dragon Castle.
But we started
at the treehouse.
No, we started
in the Mossy Mountains
and now we are at
the Dragon Castle.
To free the Dragon
trapped inside,
we must bring the Dragon Stone
to the top of the tallest tower.
Let's get this over with.
What're you doing,
Using my magic J-Hook
to lift us up to the roof
so we can finish
this pretend mission
and be done with this game.
But my dad said
vehicles are too heavy
to go on the roof.
(upbeat music playing)
There, mission complete,
dragon free, the end.
It's not supposed to be
that easy.
Look, I don't know
how I'm supposed to play a game
where you make up everything
and the rules keep changing
and you never know
what's gonna happen next
(cracking sound)
-The roof broke.
How are they going
to get down now?
Oh, Jazzy, I'm sorry
I got us stuck up here.
It's just I'm really bad
at playing pretend.
You can say that again.
I wanted it today
to be the best
brother-sister play date ever.
Sorry, I let you down.
You didn't let me down.
I didn't?
I know you're good
at lot of things.
But nobody's good at everything.
So what if you're not good
at pretending?
I'm just happy
to spend time with you.
Super Jayden.
BO: Don't worry!
I can inflate the J-Catch
and you can jump to safety!
That's his J-Merang.
J-Shark Repellant.
J-Duckie. For bath time.
Found it.
Why isn't it working?
It must be jammed!
We have to find another way
off the roof.
Well, now that we freed
the dragon,
maybe she'll save us
from the tower.
What are you talking about?
She's right there.
Don't you see her?
Oh, I think I see her face.
With the pointy ears.
That's her.
You know, if Piper
I mean, Princess Piper,
reaches and grabs
onto the Dragon's, uh, claw
we can slide off her wing
onto the ramp.
Queen Jazzy
approves of this plan.
Hop on, Super-Jayden.
Get ready to leap off the wing!
-We made it!
That was incredible.
Yeah, but we couldn't've done it
without the dragon's help.
What's that, Miss Dragon?
You want to reward us
for saving you with very real,
not-pretend snacks?
We can't argue
with the Dragon of Jazzyland.
Thanks for a fun play date.
You're the best,
(theme music playing)
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