Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Dad, Mom, do you know
what my favorite class is? Robotics.
I'm so excited
because I'm presenting my project.
I don't know what everyone else is doing,
but they won't top my Predator Div CZ5.
I'm Pengui, and I love you.
Pengui! Isn't he adorable?
He's so cute. He's awesome!
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
I'm Pengui, and I love you.
Isn't that cute? I love it.
Noa, your robot is very simple,
yet very nice. Great job.
-Take your seat.
Whose turn is it now?
Well! I didn't think you were coming.
-I am not actually Charlie.
-I knew it.
Charlie is never, ever late.
I am not Charlie.
I am Char-2, his helper droid.
Charlie built and programmed this robot
to make his life easier.
Impressive. What else can you do?
Well, I was not programmed to brag,
but let us just say I can do
Right. How about this?
Well, I can do… almost anything.
Big deal.
I will show you what I can do later today.
My master Charlie is willing to build
a droid for whoever wants one.
-I want one!
-Oh, come on.
It's dumb if it can't make funny faces.
How did my omelet turn out?
Amazing. The cockle empanada is great too.
I also memorized Don Quixote
in Chinese and Polish
while I knitted this lovely wool sweater
that is ideal for spring.
That's so cool. I want a helper droid.
What for? I can make that. I can do it!
Now, who wants their own helper droid?
It will study for you
so you can do whatever you want.
But Charlie loves coming here.
Why did he send you?
Our systems are incompatible.
It is causing interference.
So, who wants their own droid?
Me! I want my own helper droid!
But it's almost ready.
Mr. Droid, can you make gazpacho?
Of course. Salmorejo too.
I want a helper droid too!
Hi, everyone. We are Raq-2 and Joe-2.
Your friends Raquel and Joel's
helper droids.
Do you have a message for me?
Indeed I do.
Her exact words were, "You're fired."
How could you be so mean?
She said it just like Raquel would.
That's a fact.
We are here to study for our masters
and help you however we can.
Especially in math. That is my specialty.
Do we really need Joel as a math tutor?
You are all more than welcome
to create your own helper droids.
I want my Raquel back!
Don't worry, Ruby.
I'm sure this is just a fad.
They'll be over it in no time.
Irrational equations have at least
one radical polynomial.
But, obviously, you all know that,
except for Noa and Ruby,
since they are not droids.
We kind of are, okay?
We're wearing pencil sharpeners.
Please permanently erase
that terrible image from your hard drives.
Except for Noa and Ruby, since--
They are not droids.
Is it just me,
or are they pressuring us to get droids?
Call me finicky, but I think they are.
Hey, Char-2. When's Charlie coming back?
Don't be rude. Answer me!
She yelled. She yelled.
Noa, you are in trouble.
Time is up, but why would I need a clock?
I am programmed via satellite.
That was droid humor. You can go now.
What is up, Charlie?
Cryogenics has clearly done wonders
for you and your friends.
-My friends?
-Yes, of course.
They are in their lockers, out of the way.
But I built you to help us,
not replace us.
You humans ruin everything with feelings.
No, life is all about feelings.
-That's why you can't replace us.
-We already did.
Do not worry. We will handle everything.
-No feelings, no errors.
-They aren't errors.
Life is full of emotions,
and you aren't programmed to handle that.
Then we will learn.
Emotions will destroy you.
Your programming doesn't include them.
Shut up.
-Let's go over the plan.
So, I pretend to be a droid,
and I tell them I saw you
trying to free Charlie from his locker.
And then, you run.
Great. Now, give me a hug and be careful.
This affection thing is nice,
but I miss my Raquel.
Yeah, me too.
She's nuts.
You will not get away with this, Noa.
-I will warn the other droids.
-Kev-2, you're a droid too?
Hasta la vista, baby.
Now, go get those stuck-up droids.
I'll watch this little guy.
Aren't you adorable?
I do not remember making you.
Memory problems.
You should reset yourself.
I have 2,000 terabytes of memory.
Maybe it is a virus.
Do you think it is from the big microchip?
Hey, wire brain!
Who are you, and what are you doing?
There's Noa! Let's get her!
Excuse me. There is Noa. Let us get her.
Whoever catches her
gets three more USB ports.
Come on. She will not get away.
-Come on.
-Let us get her.
-We must get her.
-Go get her.
-She cannot get away.
-It is go time.
-Get her.
-She is very fast.
-Grab her.
-You can't esc--
I'm Pengui, and I love you.
-I'm Pengui, and I love you.
-That is so cute. What is happening?
I cannot explain this rationally.
Allow me.
It's that uncontrollable shaking
that comes from seeing something cute.
It's a feeling.
-This is a feeling?
It is unbearably nice
and painful at the same time.
Yup, and you aren't programmed
to handle it. So…
Hasta la vista, baby.
I'm Pengui, and I love you.
Noa, I knew
the droids were no match for you.
Yeah, but how about you invent
a toothbrush next time?
It'll be way easier to beat.
Ruby told me what you did for us. Thanks.
-Thanks so much.
I couldn't have done it without Pengui,
and definitely not without Ruby.
Oh… Okay, yes.
It was freezing in there.
And I thought about you.
And since I was bored, really bored,
I made you these.
Thanks, Raquel. That is so sweet.
Sorry. The accent is catchy.
Group hug!
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