Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 16]
really overreacted.
I thought I was menstruating.
Turned out, it was just an oil stain.
Were you scared just now?
Of course.
I don't know who I'll become every time.
Sometimes I'm an old man,
sometimes a child,
sometimes a man,
and sometimes a woman.
Of course I'm scared.
I didn't expect
you to admit it to me.
I didn't expect
to ask for your help either.
It seems that since I met you,
you found me every time
I hid away in fear.
You also said that
no matter what I become,
you would recognize me.
But I believed you.
it's because you don't remember people by their looks.
But it's strange.
I was afraid that you would expose me.
Other times,
I hoped that you would expose me.
Why so?
I want people
to see me.
it's because I'm lonely.
I've told you the truth.
When will you tell me the truth?
This is your last chance.
We have to be frank with each other
so you can protect me
and vice versa.
You can protect me?
You're changing the subject again!
You lock
your heart away every time
you get the answer you want.
can you tell me
what happened to you
for you to
become like this?
it's a long and complicated story.
Anyway, I came to the capital
to find Young Sir
for the answer.
this Young Sir of yours
can shapeshift too?
Maybe he is the only kin
of my kind in this world.
If that's the case,
have you ever considered that
although you cannot
control your shapeshifting,
he might be able to?
What do you mean?
Think about it.
You've been in the capital for so long,
but you haven't found him.
Is there a possibility that
he is using shapeshifting
to avoid you?
Why would he do that?
He doesn't know I'm looking for him.
That's the key here.
You've been looking for him.
Why didn't he come to you?
How can you assume that?
Maybe he has been looking for me too.
Maybe he has been looking for me
for a long time to no avail.
Why are you saying all of this?
People change.
you haven't seen each other for so many years.
Maybe you've not been
in the same boat for a long while now.
You shouldn't
judge a person
based on a memory,
neither should you
hold such unrealistic expectations
of someone you've
not met in such a long time.
Go away!
Yan Nanxing.
I don't want to talk to you anymore.
I admit
I have face blindness.
Because of that,
I resort to defense and suspicion
to discern the hearts of men.
I can only
protect myself this way.
Just now, you said
you feel lonely.
I know
how it feels.
I want to protect you.
My defence and suspicion
are not targeting you,
but those
who may hurt you.
Do you understand?
I'm tired.
Go back.
I don't want to talk to you anymore.
I admit
I have face blindness.
Because of that,
I resort to defense and suspicion
to discern the hearts of men.
I can only
protect myself this way.
Just now, you said
you feel lonely.
I know
how it feels.
I want to protect you too.
[Blossom Beauty]
Jiang Xinbai and Yan Nanxing
are very close.
It's extremely likely that Yan Nanxing
is the Heman bride.
I need to find the evidence.
Who's there?
-You again?
-You again?
-Why are you here?
-Why are you here?
So you are
I see.
Are you here to perform?
What makes you think
I'm here to perform?
Isn't it obvious?
How so?
Because you are
dressed nicer than
all the guests here today.
most of the banquet guests
have left.
If you perform now,
you won't get much rewards.
Do you think I care about the reward?
Then, Miss Dancer, are you
I told you
I'm not a dancer.
Then what are you doing here?
I can help you.
I want to go to the washroom.
The toilet is on the first floor.
Let me go with you.
What did you say?
You want to go to the washroom with me?
that's not what I mean.
Miss, you misunderstood.
I'm just worried you can't find it.
Are you in a hurry?
I'm not.
Please leave.
Why should I leave?
Aren't you here for the banquet?
Shouldn't you leave after eating?
If we're somewhere else
and you want to kick me out,
I have no choice.
But if you
want to kick me out
from this place,
I don't think it's possible.
What do you want?
I'm just an assistant cook.
I have to help clean up later.
So I can't leave.
Why are you angry?
I didn't earn any money today.
Of course I'm angry.
Hold it for me.
Give me a moment.
This is for you.
-Isn't this my
A flower again?
I hope that
this blooming flower
will bring you great luck and fortune.
Did you get the tea leaves?
Here, take it.
I'm leaving.
By the way,
the toilet is on the first floor. Don't forget.
Don't be angry. Smile more.
Candied haws!
Mrs. Li, take care.
I'll inform you in advance
if we have any new goods.
Face blindness
How does it feel like?
[Blossom Beauty]
♫Pretty faces and illusions dazzle my eyes♫
♫How can I recognize your original self♫
♫I cannot betray my duties♫
♫The sky changes, but hearts are hard to betray♫
♫In the midst of chaos, everything becomes blurry♫
♫My heart is frosted, my eyes are fogged♫
♫Using time as my last bet♫
Yan Nanxing.
♫I allow you into my dreams, don't prove me wrong♫
Are you trying to experience my world?
♫Stars in the mirror♫
♫Give me emptiness♫
♫Three thousand drunken glances are not worth♫
♫A single look at you♫
♫Even if deeply understanding your heart♫
♫Is my delusion♫
♫I'll still wholeheartedly pursue it♫
♫Only you can scatter blossoms♫
♫Upon the book in my heart♫
♫Till this moment, everything I see♫
♫Was dull like barren wood♫
♫Only for you to stay in my heart♫
♫For a brief moment♫
♫The road is long and far♫
♫Even so, I rush forward on my horse and boat♫
Ms. Yan.
Ms. Yan.
Ms. Yan.
Ms. Yan.
What new contouring project
are you working on?
No, no, no.
I get it. It's a secret.
I'll go inside and become beautiful first.
It's so hard.
He cannot distinguish anyone
by sight.
How lonely would that be?
I want people
to see me.
it's because I'm lonely.
My lord,
you ordered us
to investigate the properties under Li Wufang's name.
We have made progress.
They wanted to make me
the major of Jiangzhou.
I shall pull the rug
from under their feet.
Yes, my lord.
The Inspection Office is against prostitution.
Check the rooms for any
illegal prostitution activities.
[Fanhou Street]
Everyone is
all here.
My lord.
Nine of them
are sons of scholars.
Where is Li Wufang?
He probably escaped after hearing the news.
But the employees of the gambling house
are all here.
Take all the ledgers away.
Examine them carefully
and see if there are any traces of Zornia trade.
You indulged young and strong men to gamble.
It is unforgivable.
The shop must be shut down for a month
and pay 500 taels of silver as a penalty.
I hereby order your boss to receive the
punishment at the Inspection Office in three days.
we will add to the punishment.
Mr. Jiang.
What’s wrong with
the Inspection Office today?
You shut down so many
of his establishments in one night.
Does the Jinwu Guards answer to His Majesty
or the Li family?
Jiang Xinbai,
you are making things difficult for me.
If you want to
obstruct the Inspection Office's investigation
and provoke us on purpose,
we can talk it out
in front of His Majesty.
Take Li Wufang away!
This gambling house
accidentally let in
some unauthorized people.
It's not that serious an offense, is it?
Whether he is guilty or not,
the Inspection Office will decide.
Take him away.
Commander Shang! Help me!
I know why you're
picking on me like this.
My grandfather once
impeached your father.
My father's Ministry of Personnel
was also involved in the impeachment.
You've been picking on me
to avenge your father,
Revenge targets need careful picking.
don't deserve to shoulder
the revenge for your family.
Don't waste your time.
I'm clean.
My lord,
Mr. Li is here to save him.
Letting him go would be favoritism.
But if we lock him up,
this game will be over.
I suffered a lot.
Shut up!
This kid is ignorant.
Thank you for teaching him
a lesson for me, Mr. Jiang.
Don't say that, Mr. Lu.
We needed
Young Master Li's help with some clases.
It did inconvenience him.
Now that everything is fine,
please take Mr. Li
to rest at home.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Grandpa, let me tell you.
I told him in there.
I I'm innocent.
Shut up. Stop talking.
He kept interrogating me
about things.
I want to eat roast chicken when I go back.
Why were you here
with Mr. Li?
The Suburb Mansion is quiet and peaceful.
It's annoying to live alone there for too long.
I was taking a stroll in the city
and ran into Mr. Lu.
He said
his grandson
was detained by you.
I followed him to have a look.
I see.
After so many years,
you still want to avenge your father?
I just want to fulfill
the duty of the Inspection Office
and have a clear conscience.
If you really want revenge,
you should
take revenge on me too.
Back then,
I forced
your parents to divorce each other.
Your father died in Yazhou.
I'm partly to be blamed.
I dare not.
You dare not?
Why not?
When your father
was sent to Yazhou,
you were only five years old.
You insisted on abandoning your grandfather
and your mother
to follow your father
and suffer in Yazhou.
No matter how I coaxed, pleaded,
or told you that you belonged with the Jiang family,
it was useless.
Do you know
what you said back then?
Just one sentence.
You were Xi Zhaoming's son.
Ever since you left,
your mother cried for a long time.
I can't do anything but
cry with her.
I also
reflected on myself.
Was it
all my fault in the end?
you did nothing wrong.
Didn't I know that
your father was wronged
for the Zornia case?
But our Jiang family
was royalty of a different surname.
His Majesty was wary of us.
How could I possibly defend him?
your priority was
the safety and honor of the Jiang family.
My father was a sinner,
you could only forsake
your love for your son-in-law.
I cannot.
I'm Xi Zhaoming's son.
Even now,
you still say the same thing.
You still
resent me!
[Prevent Wrongful Convictions and Don't Coddle Criminals]
I must ensure they
receive the punishment they deserve.
I'm going to completely
eradicate Zornia
from this world.
You incompetent
Grandpa, I was wrong.
And you!
Why did you fail to settle things
and let Jiang Xinbai get the evidence
to take him to the Inspection Office?
If I hadn’t settled the accounts
in advance,
today, I would have
been implicated by you!
[Imperial Academy]
[Respect and uphold justice]
You want to allow the students
to learn from
distinguished scholars
and commoners alike?
This is a legacy of traveling scholars from the pre-Qin era.
should be
more knowledgeable and broad-minded.
They should learn from sources far and wide.
This sounds a little
As Confucius said,
when three people travel together, one of them must have something to teach me.
Learn by following the good,
and correct oneself by observing the bad.
Yes, yes.
The late emperor set up the Imperial Academy
to promote higher learning and appoint enlightened teachers
to nurture the scholars of the world.
Dean Yan, you are finally back.
[Dean of Imperial Academy, Yan Biqing]
in my opinion,
the admission qualification of the Imperial Academy
was only limited to the officials.
After that, the opportunity was extended to the rich families.
Now, even poor individuals may be admitted.
Although His Majesty meant well,
should we not
manage the extent on our end?
What can the commoners
possibly teach us?
Since His Majesty allowed
the admission of poor students
and even the sons of servants into the Imperial Academy,
it means His Majesty is open-minded.
One must open the door to see the mountain.
How can we see the mountain if we keep the door shut?
But I think
You went to the State of Miluo
to study for years and gain new knowledge.
Then, is learning from the civilians
not a way to gain new knowledge as well?
Thank you for reminding me, Chancellor.
Didn't you
go on a study trip to different provinces?
It should have taken you at least 2 to 3 months.
Why are you back so soon?
Because I missed you dearly, Suoluo.
That's why I ended my trip ahead of time
and rushed back to see you.
This is the Imperial Academy.
Don't say such
unfitting words.
Just now,
I shouldn't have questioned
your authority in front of others.
Don't be angry.
I'm angry
because of your societal prejudice.
Since you have a societal prejudice,
do you have
gender prejudice as well?
Do you respect me
as the chancellor or not?
You misunderstood me, Suoluo.
I've always been proud of you,
you know that.
Let's not talk about
those irrelevant things.
I'm here
to ask you
when would be a good time
to inform the elders
about our agreement?
Now's not the time yet.
I'll listen to you.
Just remember and understand that
I can help you.
So you have to be on my side.
Boss, Ruoqian!
I'm going to deliver the goods!
Don’t get lost again!
I won't!
[Blossom Beauty]
I can finally go back and eat something delicious.
It’s her.
Commander Shang.
Why is it so hard to find
my way in the capital?
I get lost every time.
The capital has many streets and alleys,
not to mention two markets and hundreds of shops.
It’s normal to get lost.
By the way, Commander Shang,
have you figured out how
to use the three peach wood pieces?
Are you serious?
I'm serious.
Have you found your fiance?
I almost forgot about that.
Blossom Beauty's business is booming.
I'm too busy to do anything else.
I don't know
where to start looking.
You should get started soon.
It's not a good idea
to keep working at Blossom Beauty.
Why can't I just
keep working at Blossom Beauty?
Because you can't forget your purpose.
You came to the capital to look for someone,
not to work for someone else.
staying with Blossom Beauty
is not a long-term solution.
Why not?
Because you have to get married eventually.
Even so, I can still
work at Blossom Beauty after marriage.
What if your future husband
Then I won’t marry him.
I want to be with Boss forever.
Yan Nanxing is that important
to you?
Commander Shang.
Do you have a family?
I don't have one.
So, Boss is my family.
And I’m happy
with her.
Commander Shang.
I’m here.
Thank you.
If you get lost again,
find the Jinwu Guards.
They will send you back.
Okay, I got it.
I’m leaving.
Commander Shang.
Remember the peach wood pieces.
Tell me when you've made up your mind.
I've heard about the minor mishap
at the public banquet.
forget about that matter.
Otherwise, it might affect
the duke's relationship with his family.
I think we better not make a fuss about it.
If His Majesty hears about it,
our loss will be more than our gains.
That lady must be
That's why my son
didn't tell me about her.
Maybe your son
isn't good enough for her.
Greetings, Mother.
Ms. Yan, you're here too.
I won't beat around the bush.
Let me ask you.
Are you secretly married?
I've divorced her.
It's complicated.
I can only say that
we were not fated to grow old together.
Still, I look back on our encounter fondly.
you don't plan to
reconcile with her?
My life is unpredictable.
I don't know
if I'm suitable for her.
I mean
whether I'm suitable
for any woman
who wants to live a peaceful life.
So you left her
to protect her.
In that case,
just forget about it.
Your Grace.
This voice is not familiar.
But he calls me your grace
instead of Mr. Jiang.
Then he's not a colleague of the imperial court.
Who could it be?
Where have I met him before?
Do you not recognize me?
A junior, maybe?
He's dressed as a scholar.
Is he the student of a minister?
You are indeed so busy
that you don't remember me anymore.
Greetings, I am Yan Nanxing from Blossom Beauty.
It's my first time seeing you.
How should I address you?
I'm Yan Biqing.
So you are Ms. Yan.
As soon as I returned to the capital,
your respectable name
was heard everywhere.
Seeing you today,
you're indeed as charming as they say.
You're too kind.
Mr. Yan, I see you have returned to the capital.
Your Grace, you still remember me?
I thought
you had completely forgotten me.
Of course not.
Back in the State of Miluo,
you took great care of my sister
I heard that you are currently
working at the Imperial Academy.
The Imperial Academy just started the semester.
There are too many things to be done.
Today, under my father's order,
I'm here to pay respect to Her Highness.
How very polite of you.
I heard that you have some
disagreements with Her Grace.
Although I work at the Imperial Academy,
I wish to be friends with you.
I hope you won't
hold any grudges against me.
Next time,
I'll pay a visit to you.
I've reached my place.
If there's nothing else,
go back.
Yan Nanxing,
I have something to ask you.
Just now in front of Yan Biqing,
why didn't you take the chance to make things worse for me?
I'm not as bad as you think.
Although I can't cure you,
I don't want to see you suffer either.
You won't understand anyway.
Your life
is only filled with doubt and distrust.
Last time, you said
if I weren't honest with you,
I'd lose my chance to be protected.
Do I still have this chance?
You want me to protect you?
I hope
we can protect each other.
You just protected me.
it's my turn.
Tell me then.
How do you want to protect me?
As you said,
my lifestyle is to doubt people.
let me witness
your shapeshifting process.
This way, I'll know
how to protect you.
Seeing is believing.
But I mostly shapeshift
at night.
Sometimes, it happens in my sleep.
How will you witness it?
♫Sit with you at night and listen to the wind♫
♫When the wind flutters, the heart does too♫
♫Step by step, no words are spoken♫
♫Barged into sight♫
Then sleep with me.
♫When did your figure grow hazy?♫
♫And how clear is it?♫
Let me trust you for sure.
♫I don't intend to break your heart♫
♫Silently fall into my arms♫
♫The world is ever-changing♫
♫We still remember♫
♫To be the stars♫
♫That light up each other's worlds♫
♫Don’t fear the night as dark as ink♫
♫Just take up your pen and sketch♫
♫You and I, recognizing each other with our hearts♫
♫Waiting for you in the blooming splendor♫
♫To pick the colors of spring for me♫
♫Waiting for the starry sky♫
♫To offer your dreams to me♫
♫I invite you♫
♫To hold a place in my heart♫
♫Stay together forever♫
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