Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Tomorrow's Answers

An arrest warrant
has been issued for Mr. Lee
for self-inflicted injury and blackmail,
and insurance fraud.
He's in there right now.
He had a biopsy.
It's late-stage lung cancer.
They need to run
a few more tests tomorrow.
But if you must take him away today,
then go ahead.
Damn it. We're in a pickle.
Officer Kim. Go talk to his doctor.
-Ask if we can take him in right now.
-Yes, sir.
Ms. Chae Yu-jin's guardian?
-Please come in.
Let's see. It's called Braxton Hicks.
The womb is expanding.
It's a common symptom
during early pregnancy.
the baby's healthy.
Hold on.
I'll let you hear your baby's heartbeat.
There comes a time when a simple problem
unexpectedly becomes
the most difficult one.
When you are caught
between a rock and a hard place,
and you can neither go forward
nor go back.
The police have left.
He needs to take a few more tests,
so the doctor denied his discharge.
Did you get to talk with your father?
Si-woo, are you crying?
Stop it. Don't comfort me.
We only agreed to pretend
like we were dating at work.
You don't need to care about me now,
Director Jin.
Even when we don't know what to do
or can't tell right from wrong,
we must make decisions.
We must decide what is right
and what the answers to life are.
How's work going?
What's your secret, sir?
What? What secret?
You have the top accuracy rate
in forecasting in this entire country.
And no one has broken your record.
How did you become
the living legend of the KMA?
So try harder, Director Jin.
That record is so old,
yet no one has beaten it. Jeez.
Exactly. So please let me in on
how you always got the right answers.
What could it be? Are you curious?
Yes. I'm dying of curiosity.
Please tell me, sir.
All right, then.
Find out who has
the lowest accuracy rate
in the entire KMA.
Then you'll know the secret.
You're late.
Yes. The forecast suddenly changed,
so I had to take care of some things.
I'm sorry.
You must be tired. Get some rest.
Should we just get divorced?
I thought about it
long and hard on my way home.
It was unbelievable
that Bo-mi's birthday wish
was just for us to go out for dinner.
But I felt so pathetic
for not even being able to give her that.
I think I'm a lost cause.
Tell me.
-What do your parents do?
There you go again.
They've been teaching all their lives.
My father was
a high school physics teacher,
and he retired two years ago.
And my mother is
an elementary school vice-principal.
I see. They're both educators.
Then what about you?
Which university did you go to?
I studied physics at Hanguk University.
You went to the same school as Ha-kyung.
Yes. I'm seven years her senior.
Then who owns this place--
It's mine.
I did take out a loan,
but it's registered under my name.
You have a decent job and a house.
Then you're all ready.
You just need to get married.
-Mom. Stop getting ahead of yourself.
Can you please stop? You're scaring him.
No, she's not.
I'm sorry. Don't feel pressured.
It's a bad habit of hers.
She always brings up marriage
out of nowhere.
That's why Ha-kyung moved out.
Aren't you guys dating
with marriage in mind?
I thought we were.
Are we dating with marriage in mind?
Then why did you sleep with me?
That's a natural thing to do
when two people like each other.
But we did more than just sleep together.
I'm sure that you and I
had a strong bond. Right?
While making love to each other,
we felt each other's passionate love.
Hold on. Hey.
How about you talk
about such things in private?
You see…
It was my first time.
You, Jin Tae-kyung, were my
first love and sexual encounter.
So what?
Do I need to take responsibility?
Goodness, I'm leaving.
Don't tell me you were toying with me.
Don't be ridiculous!
I'm not that type!
Then how could you sleep with me
without marriage in mind?
Because I liked you.
That's why we began dating
and ended up sleeping together!
I thought your feelings were genuine.
They are.
-But you don't want to get married.
-That's true too!
How does that…
The cold wind is lowering
the temperature even further.
Currently, Seoul is at 3°C,
but the sensible temperature
is still in the sub-zero levels.
But it will rise above zero
by tomorrow morning,
and the weather will be cozy again.
-I finally remembered.
Remembered what?
The moment I first fell in love with you.
Excuse me.
What does "temperature-dense area" mean?
During your briefing, you said
the heat was flowing to the west coast,
a temperature-dense area.
It's an area where
the isothermal lines are concentrated.
Oh, I see.
Then can you also explain how
the vertical structure of temperature
is connected to liquid water equivalent?
I couldn't find it on the Internet.
The former has details
such as the vertical distribution
of temperature and humidity…
You decided to marry me
because I seemed ignorant?
It was because of the way
you looked at me.
We can predict
whether water drops will form or not.
We can also predict
if small water droplets
or snow could increase in size…
The way you looked at me…
made me feel like
I could do anything with you by my side.
You made me feel like
I was a pretty decent guy.
Because that's how I perceived you.
"This man knows everything."
"He's an expert in his line of work."
"Yet he doesn't look down on me
for being ignorant."
"How respectable."
That's how I felt.
Would it be possible for you
to trust me with that mindset now?
This isn't about trust.
It's about being realistic.
I heard raising a baby is no joke.
I know.
I've been searching online every day.
-And it requires a lot of money.
-I'm aware of that too.
But that doesn't only pertain to us.
Everyone else faces the same difficulties.
But that doesn't stop them
from having babies.
I'm confident that we can do it too.
To be honest,
my heart almost burst when I heard
our baby's heartbeat yesterday.
It was the first time
our baby talked to us.
"I'm here."
"I'm alive."
And I replied in my heart.
"I hear you, my baby."
"I'm your dad."
I'll try to do better
for you and our baby.
Thank you.
I love you.
Me too, Yu-jin.
I love you too.
I'm a dad. I'm the man of the house.
Come to your senses. Brace yourself.
-Will you be okay?
-What do you mean?
Since pension credit is when you use
your pension money in advance,
not many people apply for it.
I'm a dad. I'm the man of the house.
Come to your senses. Brace yourself.
My wife is pregnant.
We need to move
and get ready for the new baby.
But I already took out
my maximum limit for our wedding.
Oh, I see.
That's right.
You can print out the application form
by going to the website
written on that page.
Feel free to ask me questions
or for help if you need anything.
You can do it.
Okay. I can do it. Thank you.
Is Forecaster Lee getting married?
Why do you ask?
He inquired about
taking out a housing loan.
-Don't you think it's for marriage?
-No way.
Is he going to marry
Director Jin after all?
I guess so. It's a bit sudden, right?
Do you think she got pregnant?
Hey, that makes sense.
I can't believe it!
What? She's pregnant?
People in the
General Affairs Team said so.
Come on. That can't be.
One iced Americano…
-Never mind. One citron tea, please.
-Director Jin.
No coffee today?
I wanted to try the special menu today.
Right. That makes sense.
Citron tea has a lot of vitamins
and you probably need them.
-Here's your citron tea.
-Thank you.
-I'll get going then.
She's already watching
what she's consuming.
You shouldn't have caffeine
when you're pregnant.
Come on. You don't know for sure,
so don't spread this rumor.
Did you hear?
These newbies will be receiving
the in-service training.
They'll be sitting in
for the morning meeting.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Nice to meet you.
They're so young. It's nice to meet you.
-Let's not disturb them. That way.
I was also like them once.
What? Do you miss those days?
I was so excited
and thought I'd do something important.
Are you disappointed now?
I can't deny it.
I always make mistakes
no matter how hard I try.
If it's that hard for you,
find a new position
while you have the opportunity.
What do you mean?
I heard about it.
The Policy Division wants you, right?
Assistant Director Oh…
Of course, I'd love you to stay.
But I, of all people, know very well
how arduous this position is.
We always spend all-nighters
and still get criticized
even when we do our best.
So how could I ask you to stay?
Think simply.
Follow your heart.
Mr. Lee, let me change your IV fluids.
We predict that it will grow stronger
as it crosses the sea
and affect the southern part
of Korea the most.
Over the weekend, the rain will likely
start in the South Chungcheong Province
and spread to other parts
with a rainfall of 5mm or less.
Please monitor the surface temperature
and relative humidity of these areas.
We'll end the meeting here.
Good work.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Director Jin.
For what?
-You have good news, right?
-Good news?
You can't fool me.
-I heard you're getting married soon.
Gosh, are we finally
attending your wedding?
Are we, Director Jin?
He'll eat a lot at your wedding.
Hold on. Are you talking about me?
My father isn't there?
No. He wasn't in his bed,
so we looked everywhere else.
But I don't think he's at the hospital.
Did he not call you?
I understand.
I'll look for him and call you back.
The person you are
trying to reach is unavailable…
What? People in General Affairs said that?
Yes. Forecaster Lee inquired
about taking out a housing loan.
What does that have to do
with my getting married?
A guy is taking out a housing loan,
and it happens to be Lee Si-woo
who's dating Director Jin.
You can easily put two and two together.
But why would he take out a housing loan?
Where is Forecaster Lee?
He left while calling someone.
By the way,
are you really doing it?
Doing what?
Getting married.
That's a false rumor.
Does that mean
you're not pregnant?
What are you talking about?
We're suddenly hearing rumors of marriage.
A shotgun wedding at that.
And I saw you drink citron tea
instead of coffee, so…
Assistant Director Oh.
I'm not pregnant.
And his taking out a housing loan
has nothing to do with my getting married.
So I hope you don't get the wrong idea.
I'll be honest.
He and I
broke up.
We had already broken up
during the last typhoon.
We didn't want people to talk about us,
so we agreed
to pretend like we were still dating.
I don't think I can do it anymore.
We broke up already.
I'm sorry for deceiving you all.
Did you hear that?
Okay. Let's stop doing this.
They've parted ways too.
You don't need to see this.
Mom, are you seriously getting a divorce?
That's what he wants.
You said you'd give him two months.
Are you not going to?
He wants a divorce.
What about you?
Do you want it?
Then what about me?
Why aren't you asking me anything?
-What do you mean?
-I'm a part of this family too.
Shouldn't I have a say in your divorce?
You told me to do it.
You said I could get a divorce
if I wanted to.
That was before I knew
what kind of person he was.
I've changed my mind now.
I want to continue living with him.
So please.
Can you change your mind too?
Do you hate him that much?
Are you disgusted by him?
Shouldn't you go to the academy?
You're running late.
This is our matter.
We will decide for ourselves.
Eat up and go.
Bo-mi, you should still eat.
You'll be hungry.
I'm so sick of this.
Director Jin, I heard some good news.
No, I'm not getting married.
We broke up.
Director Jin.
I'm not getting married. We broke up.
She said she's not.
Office romance will be the death of me.
-I want to eat alone.
-I have something to brag about.
Hey, can you please read the room?
What is this?
It's my baby's heartbeat.
It was my first time meeting the baby.
Is it normally this loud?
Right? It's loud, right?
Why did you have to do that?
Do what?
You didn't have
to discredit him in front of everyone.
I didn't discredit him.
We had broken up during the typhoon.
Are you sure?
What do you mean?
Maybe he agreed
to pretend like you two were still dating
because he couldn't break up with you.
It's lame,
but maybe he was that desperate.
-That's enough.
-Forecaster Lee…
still likes you a lot.
-Let's eat.
-I know you do too.
You still can't get him out of your head.
Let today just be about you.
Don't butt into my love life.
I may have been a terrible boyfriend,
but I don't want to be
an awful friend as well.
I'm only saying this
as a friend who deeply cares about you.
Don't let Si-woo go.
Not for him
but for yourself.
I learned
that you shouldn't let go
of someone you love that easily.
Did he come by?
I don't think he was here today.
Okay. Thank you.
Okay. Goodbye.
Today's just not my day.
Who's next?
Excuse me.
-He took the afternoon off?
It seemed like an urgent family matter.
He asked me to tell you this and left.
He also asked
the forecaster of Chief Team One
to come out early.
He was in a rush.
Do you not know what this is about?
We think Mr. Lee
left the hospital this morning.
What? He left without telling anyone?
We called his son earlier.
Did he not tell you?
Okay, I understand.
The person you are
trying to reach is unavailable.
You will be connected to voicemail.
Please leave a message after the tone.
How could napa cabbage be this expensive?
Everything's so expensive.
I can't buy much with--
Oh, no. That's my bus.
Isn't that…
Where are you?
Answer me!
You're going to make
my ears bleed, you punk.
Where are you?
That's none of your business.
Then why did you call?
Because I had something to tell you.
I just can't stop thinking about
how great of a catch that director is.
So stop playing hard to get
and get back together with her.
Got that?
You idiot.
Do you think you'll ever
meet someone like her again?
You may not have a great father,
but you indeed had a great woman.
Where are you?
The doctor said
he needed to run a few more tests.
Once the results come out,
we'll know if you can receive surgery.
-Get chemo and treatment--
-Don't bother.
I've always been a terrible father.
You should change your ways
for me before you die.
If you have an ounce of conscience,
you should try to leave
some good memories for me.
You see…
I'm going to do everything I can for you
and not cry when you pass away.
So please.
Stay with me…
until the day you die.
Please try to be
a good father until then.
You punk.
Do you want me to die?
Damn it.
I know I may be shameless,
but I still can't do that to you.
I do have a conscience.
Don't underestimate me.
Forget it. Stop talking nonsense
and get back with that director.
That's my dying wish.
That idiot.
It's late-stage lung cancer.
They need to run
a few more tests tomorrow.
But if you must take him away today,
then go ahead.
I'm sorry.
The person you are
trying to reach is unavailable.
Please leave a message after the tone.
What's going on?
You wanted to talk.
Have you been drinking already?
What's wrong?
I was rejected.
What do you mean? By whom?
By the publisher.
They don't like my manuscript.
They refused to publish it.
What? Why?
Why? What was their reason?
What was it?
They said the same thing you said.
What I said?
What did they say to you?
They said it lacked a hooking point.
They said readers wouldn't choose a book
that had no hooking point.
That's why I'm thinking…
about giving up.
On what?
-On being a children's book author.
-That's absurd.
They're not the only publisher in Korea.
Actually, they are.
I was rejected by all the others.
That publisher was the only one
that wanted to publish my book.
And I was rejected by them as well.
I can't believe them.
Come on.
That's no reason to give up.
I'm sorry, Seok-ho.
This is the best I can do.
I was always
a boring daughter.
And that's why my marriage got called off.
No. I won't be like that.
-Okay? I will never--
-No, you will.
I never reap good results.
That's how I am.
Even this relationship won't end well.
What are you saying, Tae-kyung?
I want to break up.
Here. Have a seat.
Look at your home sweet home.
What brings you here?
I brought some underwear, socks,
and a few clothes for you to change into.
Do you know how awful you are?
You're just an idiot.
What do you mean?
You wanted three months.
You were the one
who asked me for some time.
Then after just a month,
you hand me the divorce papers
and move out?
Then why did you even bother
to try to become a dad
and the man of the house?
That's because I couldn't help
but think that I was a lost cause.
I didn't think it was right
to keep tormenting you.
That's why.
You have no loyalty.
Come on. When it came to you,
I was always faithful.
But you have no loyalty to our family.
-That's because--
I intentionally went a bit far with this.
I thought mentioning a divorce
would make you come to your senses.
But how could you
really say yes and leave?
Are you even a man?
What about me who remained
faithful to you all these years?
And what about Bo-mi who just began
to understand and open up to you?
Why did you sound so confident
in front of her
if you were going to give up so easily?
What about her?
Forget about us.
What about Bo-mi?
You're a coward. Do you know that?
Hyang-rae, I--
Who cares if you can read the weather well
when you can't do the same
for your family?
I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry, Hyang-rae.
I don't want to hear it.
I'm sick of hearing you apologize.
Then what else can I say?
What do you want me to do?
All I can say is that I'm sorry.
"Thank you."
"Thank you for waiting for me."
"Thank you for being patient with me."
You may have never been there
for your daughter's birthday,
but you could have thanked her
for being so excited
about eating at a popular restaurant
you reserved for her.
Why are you such an idiot?
How are you this dense?
I'm sorry.
I really am.
Thank you, Hyang-rae.
I truly mean that.
Thank you.
Here's the rainfall data.
There's a possibility
of a 5mm rainfall
tomorrow morning as we predicted.
We'll add that to our weekend forecast.
The surface temperature
this morning dropped to 3°C.
I don't think it'll rain.
At this rate,
there's a 50-percent chance
that the temperature will drop to 1°C
by tonight--
Then there's an 80-percent chance
that it'll snow instead.
What he said makes sense.
What if we re-analyzed the precipitation
to determine the amount of snow
through liquid water equivalent?
How long would that take?
An hour will be enough.
-Please do that right now.
-Yes, ma'am.
She's amazing.
She's incredible.
Is that so?
Ki-jun, what is it this time?
Instead of rain this weekend,
we could have sleet or snow.
Stay alert.
This feels ominous.
Oh, dear.
There's a 50-percent chance
of either snow or rain?
-Yes, sir.
I see. Jeez.
A similar incident occurred before
and caused a commotion, right?
Yes, sir. In December of 2001,
we predicted heavy snow in the evening
based on similar circumstances.
But the unexpectedly high temperature
made it rain instead.
We were criticized
for excessive forecasting
and received a national inspection.
Listen up.
If it snows,
it'll be the first snow of the season.
Okay? You know everyone
as well as the media
are sensitive to that, right?
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Excuse me.
The first snow already came.
I saw it on my way to work two days ago.
It was snowing in our neighborhood.
Ours too.
Jeez. Someone explain it to him.
-Ms. Kim?
Can you explain
what we consider "first snow"?
Yes, ma'am.
There is a criteria for first snow.
It's determined by the values
given by the observatories
throughout Korea.
For example, a worker stationed
at the Seoul Observatory in Songwol-dong
must witness the snow themselves
for it to be considered the first snow.
Do you understand?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
Isn't the Chief Team the best?
I wish I could work here.
I heard only the elites come here.
Do you get it now?
The newbie training ends here.
Okay? Let's get back to it.
Director Jin,
what are your final thoughts?
It's definitely going to snow.
If we assume that
the relative humidity is 80 percent
and the temperature is 3°C,
there's only
a 20-percent chance that it will snow.
But if it drops by one or two degrees,
the percentage can soar up to 77 percent.
And given the current situation,
there's a 50-percent chance
that the surface temperature
will drop to 1°C in the next two days.
Right, but it was sub-zero
for the past three days
then rose up to 6°C today.
I'm sure you all know this.
But the air completely changed
after midnight.
There's less than a 50-percent chance
that the temperature will drop to 1°C.
Can't you see
that the atmosphere is unstable?
The surface temperature
will plummet even more tonight.
Here's the result
of the liquid water equivalent analysis.
All right.
Director Jin.
What will you do?
Tell me, sir.
Tell you what?
Who has the lowest accuracy rate
in the entire KMA?
Are you serious?
Were you still looking for that person?
I'm really curious
about how you acquired
the top accuracy rate in forecasting.
But no matter how hard I searched,
there was no forecasting record.
Of course, there wouldn't be.
Are you that curious?
Yes. I'm dying of curiosity.
Please tell me.
-It's me.
That can't be.
You have the top accuracy rate.
That's true too.
I realized
that you learn more
when you get things wrong
rather than when you get them right.
After making countless mistakes
and learning from them,
I could finally see the answers.
That's how my accuracy rate rose.
Do you understand?
All right. So the secret
to having the top accuracy rate
isn't about how you get the right answers.
It's about how often you make mistakes.
Then weren't you disappointed
in yourself every time you were wrong?
Of course. But no one cared about that.
Then how did you overcome it?
I didn't. I just endured it.
I respected my decisions.
Because I knew I did my utmost best
during my moments of decision.
Director Jin.
What's your decision?
My decision is as follows.
It will snow after midnight.
It will start snowing
in the metropolitan and western areas.
There will be three to five centimeters
of snow in the central region.
We went through so much
just to get those few lines out.
I believe it was meaningful.
Right. When will the Policy Division
announce new transfers?
I'm not sure.
It's none of my business anymore.
What do you mean?
Weren't you going to transfer there?
I did want to at first,
but it sounded like such a waste.
I just couldn't let the time and effort
I put into this team go to waste.
So you've decided to stay?
Did you see how those newbies
looked up to me?
They said we were the core of KMA.
I'm going to remain on our team
until a newbie joins us.
Goodness, I love you so much.
I'm so proud of you.
Goodness. Should I compliment you
or call you a fool?
Say it was a brave decision.
Let's go. I'll buy you dinner.
Can we have barbeque?
-I'll buy you two servings. Let's go.
It's green.
No matter how much pork I have,
I always crave beef.
-Are you serious?
-That's just me.
Doors closing.
It's not snowing yet.
It was your first time
as a director, right?
Issuing a heavy snow advisory.
Oh, that. Yes.
Predicting snow is the hardest.
Why are you laughing?
Last time, you said predicting
localized heavy rain was the hardest.
Did I? Whatever.
Predicting anything that falls is hard.
I agree.
Good work. Hang in there.
Here you go.
I'm sorry.
I was suddenly craving some grapefruit.
-Aren't you cold?
-No, I'm okay.
-Try it.
How is it?
I can finally breathe. It's so good.
See? I heard you need to eat well
to have mild morning sickness.
Did you sign up to a moms' community?
Of course.
I can easily stay up past midnight
chatting with other moms.
They share a lot of useful information.
This is bad.
What if you turn into one of them?
So what?
-Are you craving anything else?
Okay. I'll start the car then.
Do you think it'll really snow tonight?
The sky is so clear.
You're right.
Heavy snow isn't good
but a wrong forecast is terrible too.
I hope when I wake up tomorrow morning,
everything will be covered in snow.
Doors opening.
-Doors closing.
-What are you doing here? It's cold out.
-Come on.
-Well, my daughter changed the passcode
and didn't let me in.
All I could do was stay out here and wait.
-Gosh, my legs.
-You're unbelievable.
Go in.
How are you feeling now?
Even my bones are frozen.
Are you happy?
You shouldn't come here whenever you wish.
And stop bringing side dishes.
I don't eat at home anyway.
It's about Si-woo.
What about him?
Did you meet him again?
Is his father seriously ill?
Did he tell you that?
So that's why he broke up with you.
He didn't want to burden you.
Poor him.
He's still so young.
It must be tough for him.
It's true that
his father is like baggage to him.
Watch your language.
He's much older than you.
But it's true.
Do you know how much he pesters Si-woo?
He's such a headache
and always asks him for money.
Is that why you turned Si-woo down?
You couldn't look past it?
I never said that.
It's all good then.
You even set
your passcode to his birthday.
It's not his birthday.
I already saw it.
Zero, three, one, four.
It's not my birthday, Tae-kyung's, yours,
or your late father's.
Then it's obvious. It's his birthday.
What about his time of birth?
It's not his birthday.
Jeez. Fine.
I won't look at your compatibility.
Gosh, I'm too offended
to look at it anymore.
It's not his birthday.
It's the day we first met.
March 14.
That's the day
Si-woo and I met for the first time.
You even set that date as your passcode.
Why are you breaking up?
You see…
There was nothing I could do…
even though I didn't want to break up.
He wanted to.
Should I have swallowed my pride
and clung to him?
On top of that,
I'm his senior at work.
To be honest,
it's really hard for me too, Mom.
Do you know what
the stupidest thing in the world is?
Breaking up out of love.
Come on.
That's such a despicable
and hypocritical thing to do.
Why break up if you're in love?
How could you break up?
Does that make any sense?
In that sense,
you don't love her
as much as you think you do.
That's not true.
I heard you wanted to break up first.
I only said that
because I didn't want to burden her.
See? You did say it first.
But I had no idea
she'd immediately agree to it.
To be honest, I'm also sad
and hurt.
Then you should've grabbed onto her then.
Why didn't you?
Because she could have really meant it.
Maybe I was too much for her,
so she could have thought,
"Good riddance."
Oh, dear.
Life is short, you fools.
What do you mean?
Stop trying to only
predict tomorrow's weather.
Observe today's as well.
Look at the sky every now and then,
enjoy the breeze on a rooftop,
and gaze at the person you love.
Why bother looking for tomorrow's answers
when you can't even live in the present?
No wonder you're always wrong.
Life is short, you fools.
It's like a cloud that's
easily swept away by the wind.
Do you understand, my daughter?
-I'm going home.
Don't see me out. It's cold.
"You shine brightly when you tell me
that rain needs to meet another rain
for them to get drenched."
-Something like this.
-Come on.
I'm never going to date
a colleague ever again.
Come on. You never know.
I do.
I will never date
another colleague ever again.
Despite everything,
I chose the thorny path once again.
Why did I?
I keep falling for you.
Forecaster Lee, you--
Because it's you,
Jin Ha-kyung.
Because it's you,
Lee Si-woo.
I just like you.
Because I like being with you.
We forecasted snow,
but you know
that can always change, right?
It could always change to rain,
so check the adiabatic chart
and the vertical structure.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
See? I told you it would snow.
Why did you come here?
To see the first snow.
People aren't interested
in the first rain,
but they sure love the first snow.
Don't you agree?
You're right.
I will always cherish this snow.
Just like the rain on the day
we met for the first time.
Do you remember
the day we first met?
Si as in time and Woo as in rain.
Rain that falls at the right time.
I'm Lee Si-woo.
-March 14.
-March 14.
You see…
There's a Spanish proverb
that goes like this.
"One too many sunny days
will result in a desert."
To be honest,
I was first attracted
to your bright and healthy attitude.
Because I was exhausted and depressed.
But as time passed,
I learned about your pain
and the things you wanted to hide.
Through them,
I got to know you better.
And I fell deeper in love with you.
So I hope
you don't hate or resent
the storm that you're in.
All storms are bound to recede.
Everyone has their own storm.
But if someone is by your side
when you're going through one,
wouldn't you feel safer?
I wish that someone could be you.
I don't
flirt around.
I didn't ask you to flirt with me.
Then do you want to go out with me?
If we like each other, we can go out.
If not, we won't.
So what are we?
I love you.
I think I really love you.
I love you more.
I love you so much more.
I'm going to love you
even more in the future.
The snow is so pretty.
You can rake the snow tomorrow morning.
Well, it's nothing important.
The first snow…
is falling outside.
It's really pretty outside.
And it made me think of you.
I love you, Tae-kyung.
I really…
I really can't break up.
my first love!
I love you, Tae-kyung.
The snow…
I don't want to! I'm not breaking up!
Look at that.
Look at that.
It's going to snow
more heavily than we predicted.
Maybe we should re-calculate
the amount of snowfall.
Should I check
the relative humidity progress?
Yes. That's a good idea.
Can you call
and check on the Seoul Observatory?
-Yes, sir.
Chan! Gyeol! Hurry up.
It's time to go to school.
They already left. Honey.
Drink this before you go.
-They already left?
-Thanks. See you later.
-You know what?
You don't have to pass the exam,
so don't feel too pressured.
What do you mean?
I love you just the way you are.
-Do you need my help?
-Just get the spoons and chopsticks.
Bo-mi, let's eat.
I'm not eating. I'm off to school.
What's wrong? Did I do something?
She read a news article
about this guy having a girlfriend.
"This guy"? Who is he?
You don't need to know.
He's her favorite idol star.
-Sit down.
An idol star?
This is nice too.
And this is nice too.
Don't laugh. I'm not in the mood.
Are you okay?
I am.
You must determine its form
once you predict precipitation.
If it's snow or sleet,
you need to determine
when it'll start piling up.
If you expect piled-up snow,
determine its amount by calculating
the liquid water equivalent.
This is basic knowledge
for those who work here.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
"Climate Outlook for This Summer".
Who wrote this?
Didn't I tell you
I wanted an enticing title?
Writing such things
isn't good for the baby.
-Are you taking maternity leave?
-Of course, I will.
When will that be?
I'm not sure.
The baby hasn't given me any hints.
I'll be taking maternity leave
the day I give birth.
You're truly incredible.
I should be.
I'm a mother now.
What is this?
Isn't this my book?
I found out individuals
could publish books too. So…
I published it.
It may lack a commercial hook,
but it still has literary value.
What's this?
Oh, this?
I'm going to publish
all your future books.
I have such an amazing boyfriend.
Until the day my status changes
from "boyfriend" to "husband",
I'll do my best.
I'll see you later in the evening.
-See you later.
Son, will you be late today?
It depends on the weather.
Even if things are looking up,
don't you dare come home early.
Stay out until late.
Go on a date with the director.
Take your medication on time.
And stop playing cards
with your neighbors.
All right. Go.
You have chemo in two days.
Jeez, you and your nagging.
I can't take it. Just leave already.
I'll be off, Father.
Okay. Let's begin since we're all here.
We'll begin the meeting of March 14, 2023.
Satellite Center?
This is the Satellite Center.
We're detecting yellow dust
over the West Sea…
there are no right answers in life.
There is only the process of turning
our decisions into the right answers.
That is why
we aren't afraid to make mistakes.
Because it'll bring us
one step closer to tomorrow's answers.
I'll give you tomorrow's weather forecast.
Thank you.
Can you tell that I'm nervous?
Yes. Totally.
What should I do?
It's not too late. Should we go back?
No, we can't. They're in there already.
What should we do?
What's this for?
It's pretty.
Let's go.
Well… Hello.
I'm Director Jin Ha-Kyung's mother,
Bae Soo-ja.
Hello. It's nice to meet you.
I'm Forecaster Lee Si-woo's father,
Lee Myung-han.
So are you done with chemo?
Yes, I am.
But I'll have to monitor myself
for the next five years.
I see.
He clearly looks like an immature man.
She looks so cold-hearted.
Should we just leave?
Yes. Let's do that.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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