Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Chôju tomodachi

Hey, Sein!
That mage is willing to take
a photo of us.
A photo?
What are you talking about?
Come on, let's go!
This is going to be
the beginning of our legend!
Is this warrior you mentioned
really strong?
He's a dwarf who's been protecting
this village for almost 400 years.
How long do dwarves usually live for?
About 300 years.
People call him Old Man Voll.
He's my long-lived friend.
I wanted to have a chat with him
before he dies.
What's sad is that it's not a joke.
But it's true that
there aren't many people
who can talk about the past
with Mistress Frieren.
It's nice to make stops like this
on our journey once in a while.
Maybe I'll stay for about ten years?
No more than one week.
That's the village, huh?
Old Man Voll.
Long time no see.
Look. Isn't he so cool,
looking like a seasoned old warrior?
He's still considered a warrior?
Who are you again?
He's just a frail old man.
I'm Frieren.
That's right
You're still pretending to be senile?
Many people die during battle
because they let their guard down.
It is the most effective tactic
against both demons and mankind.
You can't get up, can you?
No matter how experienced a warrior is,
if they lower their defense,
they can easily suffer fatal injuries.
If I had unsheathed my blade,
you would've lost your legs.
I see you still use cowardly tactics.
I welcome you. Make yourself at home.
Wait, Frieren.
I can't walk.
Stark, have him train you
while you're there.
What a terrifying old man.
Please use these logs for firewood.
Hey, we want to stay for ten years,
so can you find us a job?
Mistress Frieren,
we are staying no more than one week.
All right, fine.
We're such a small village
There was no one to accept my request,
so I'm really grateful.
We have nothing to do anyway.
My goodness,
I can't believe Old Man Voll had a friend.
I've never seen him
talk so enthusiastically.
He's so senile that we can't even
hold a conversation.
He's been protecting this village from
monsters and demons for ages,
but we don't even know why.
He's like a guardian deity.
He's always been alone, huh?
One week just flew by.
How is Stark?
Humans learn so fast.
He's improved quite a bit.
Oh yeah?
It's been fun, Old Man Voll.
I'm really grateful to you, you know.
You gave me
the opportunity to get to know
Himmel and everyone.
Old Man Voll,
why are you protecting this village?
It's all in the past.
It doesn't matter anymore.
People don't risk their lives for things
that "don't matter."
I am only
protecting the village
that my wife loved.
She was a human.
All I am doing is fulfilling a promise
that I made long ago.
But I don't intend to
talk about it in detail.
There's no way
I can accurately describe
her face, voice, or gaze anyway.
These memories are for me alone.
It must sound silly
that I have been keeping a promise
I made with someone who is already dead.
It may.
But I'm sure that person
is happy to know that you are keeping
your promise.
Himmel, you are a good hero.
I'm sure you will defeat the Demon King.
My wife was also
yearning to live in an era of peace
where there is no Demon King.
The great hero named Himmel
will live inside my memory,
and I will carry it into the future.
That's very nice of you,
but you don't have to go that far.
I have Frieren and Eisen in my party.
I won't live as long as an elf.
Well then, it'll be Frieren's job.
She will carry memories of us
into the future.
Isn't that right?
Sure, I don't mind.
I see.
You're blessed with good friends.
Well then, I will have to
show Frieren my collection
of handsome poses later.
Can I rethink keeping you in my memory?
His collection of handsome poses
was really unnecessary, though.
It's a waste of my memory.
Do you remember the face of that hero?
Of course, I do.
And his voice?
Don't underestimate me.
I remember it all.
Himmel is the reason why I started
wanting to know about humans.
Just like your reason
for protecting this village,
it's important to me.
I see The reason, huh?
I cannot remember anymore.
Neither her face, her voice, nor her gaze.
Even still,
I am protecting this village for something
that is important to me.
Old Man Voll, you're such a jokester.
By the way,
where are you all headed to
on this journey?
We're headed for Aureole,
"The land where souls rest."
Where is that?
In Ende, where the Demon King's castle is.
I see.
So you're going to defeat
the Demon King, huh?
I can't wait for an era of peace.
Old Man Voll
the Demon King is already
What's wrong?
Old Man Voll, I will carry
your memories to the future as well.
That doesn't sound so bad.
I'm glad I was able to see you
during the last days of my life.
You said the same thing 80 years ago.
Bye, Old Man Voll. Take care.
My wife appeared in my dream.
I see.
Maybe it's thanks to
the fact that
we reminisced about the past.
See you.
- You had a question?
- I'm looking for someone.
You remember the goal
of my journey, right?
Wasn't it to travel
with a sexy, older lady?
That is important too.
But the goal of my journey is this.
To meet my friend who embarked on
a journey ten years ago.
- Oh, that's right.
- Huh?
A photo, huh? That's pretty rare.
We had one taken
by a mage who came
to our village long time ago.
Do you have any leads?
We've been taking the main roads
that go through the northern lands,
so I've already met some eyewitnesses.
It should be fine to keep going north.
It was ten years ago, right?
How are there still eyewitnesses?
He has a unique name, after all.
It leaves an impression.
What's his name?
Gorilla Warrior.
And his real name?
- Real name?
- Were you really best friends?
Everyone in the village used to always
call him Gorilla Warrior.
More like, he forced everyone
to call him that.
How did that come to be?
By the way, I was called Goatee Priest.
Nobody asked.
Were you called that even before
you grew a goatee?
Are we really going to
expand on this topic?
In any case,
as long as you remember
"Gorilla Warrior" that's fine.
He will always introduce himself that way.
- What a weird guy.
- Yeah.
He's a weird guy.
Once we pass this giant canyon
and walk for about a week,
we'll finally reach Äußerst,
the city of magic.
This was a really long trip
Why are you looking at me?
I didn't do anything wrong this time.
Before that, can we stop by this village?
The road branches off
into multiple directions here.
That's fine. We need to rest as well.
did someone named Gorilla
come by here ten years ago?
What a crazy thing to ask
Oh, you mean Gorilla Warrior!
He actually knows?
It left such a strong impression,
I remember it well.
He defeated a monster
that appeared near the village.
Do you know which way he went after that?
Let me think
Master Gorilla
was friends with the stubborn old woman
who lives up on the hill,
so try asking her.
Stubborn old woman?
That's another unique nickname.
I am stubborn by nature.
So I can't give you information so easily.
She admits that she's stubborn?
What can we do?
I will have you fulfill
a few requests for me.
First, deliver this letter to Nagel,
the blacksmith
who lives in the next town over.
I'm like an errand boy.
This reminds me of my journey with Himmel.
You did these kinds of things too?
We would help others by
running errands almost every day.
Those kinds of errands
tend to turn into more troublesome
searches and monster exterminations.
Don't say that or it might happen.
Anyway, let's do our best
so she opens up her heart to us.
This old woman
isn't opening her heart at all.
She lives up to her name,
"stubborn old woman."
If Himmel or Heiter were here,
she would've opened up in half a day.
After all,
nobody in this party has people skills.
It's the last one.
Polish the statue of heroes in the canyon.
Follow me. I will show you the way.
What's this "statue of heroes"?
It's a stone statue of heroes
who are said to have
saved the world long ago.
That's all I know about it.
They're forgotten heroes
whose names we don't even know.
The villagers have been
maintaining it for generations.
Forgotten heroes, huh?
By the way,
you are Goatee Priest, aren't you?
How do you know?
We're here.
A priest and a warrior?
It looks pretty old.
It kind of looks like
Master Sein and Master Gorilla.
More like, that warrior looks so familiar.
- It's Kraft.
- Oh?
- You're right!
- It looks exactly like him.
Well then, let's get started.
- Sein?
- I see.
So his name is Kraft, huh?
- What about this one?
- I don't know.
I see
What's this statue?
Don't they look exactly like us?
According to the village chief, they
are heroes from a long, long time ago.
But nobody even remembers their names.
We won't become like them.
I'd hate to be forgotten.
We'll become heroes
that nobody can forget,
like Himmel the Hero.
No matter how great of a hero you are,
you will be forgotten one day.
Even Himmel the Hero,
who defeated the Demon King,
is no exception.
That makes sense.
Of course, it's not possible.
Will I turn out like this
if I work out too?
Gorilla Warrior!
That will be my name from today!
If I want to become an unforgettable hero,
my name should leave an impression.
That is true.
Then you would be Goatee Priest.
That's great!
I'm sure you will look good in a goatee.
Finally, it's done
That was a lot of work.
If only it was a bronze statue,
we could've used magic.
I asked Gorilla to do the same thing,
but he couldn't do it this well.
Fighting is his only strong suit.
But his name did indeed,
leave a strong impression.
Gorilla always talked about you.
He said that the two of you
will become heroes whose names
will be engraved in history forever.
Did you find out where Gorilla went?
It's a trade city in the northern lands.
It's farther east from here.
In the opposite direction from Äußerst.
What should I do
Come into
- theroom next door, one at a time.
- You should rest.
- Mediating is a priest's job.
- The medicine is ready.
It's embarrassing.
I'm so thoughtful and handsome, aren't I?
"Take Care."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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