Ghost Doctor (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Life and Death

[Jung Ji-hoon]
[Kim Bum]
[Son Na-eun]
[Ghost Doctor]
Professor Cha?
Why do you look so shocked?
It's not the first time and not unexpected.
Why would you ask me to do the sugery?
How could you even trust me?
I always trust you.
I trust you the most
because of your skills
and your sincerity as a doctor.
Although you lost one of them.
Which one do you think is more important?
You can get better skills through practice,
but can you recover
your sincerity as a doctor?
You should know better on that point.
But why
why would you let me do the operation?
You want me to stop you
and save you, don't you?
Besides, sometimes
patients might die on the
operating table during operation.
Don't you agree?
Don't screw it again like last time.
Make sure to get it done
once and for all this time.
I forgot about you.
You are the one who put President Jang
in misery.
I forgot about you for a while.
So, it's my turn now, isn't it?
Are you going to put me
on the operating table
and end my life with a scalpel?
It'll all come to a clean end
[Cha Yeong Min]
when you get rid of the original owner.
You bastard.
Please make me stop.
Please help me.
No. I can't do it.
Was that how Yu Dong Sik's accident
Doctors' hands are always
covered with blood.
The blood
symbolizes the patients' lives
that they hand over to the doctors
due to their trust-based relationship.
To save and prolong people's lives,
we touch flesh and bones every day,
through which we can feel their lives,
their precious and special lives.
So when the operation is over,
we can wash the blood off our hands.
But there's a type of blood in
this world that can't be cleaned.
So you won't be qualified anymore
to wear the white coat again.
You've changed.
You once said that doctors were
highly-skilled technicians.
Tae Hyeon.
An Tae Hyeon.
Why don't you trust me?
Why don't you trust me and wait for me?
Go into my operating room.
I'll give you this one last chance
to get your hands covered with blood.
No matter what the blood symbolizes,
since you started it, you should finish it.
What does that mean?
An Tae Hyeon will operate on Yeong Min?
[Final Episode]
That's insane.
Dr. Go, do you know what
kind of person he is?
I know.
He's the one who harmed President Jang.
If you know, then why?
Because of him, Yeong Min
became like this.
But it's also thanks to him
that Yeong Min survived.
The day when Professor Cha
did cardiac tamponade surgery,
he was pushed out from
my body during the operation.
I could do nothing but watch helplessly.
He almost died because of me.
An Tae Hyeon showed up
in time and saved him.
It was different back then.
Now we all know what he's done.
Will he still save Cha Yeong Min's life?
Why do you trust him?
I don't.
The one I trust is Professor Cha,
not him.
Even if the miracle you said
happened 99% because of God's will,
you've still seen the willpower
and the determination of a person in it.
I'm sure he'll come back.
Back to who he used to be.
Because there are too many things
that he needs to protect and get back.
Professor Cha.
There you are.
It's my name.
[Cardiothoracic Surgery Department
O Ju Myeong]
This white coat was brand new
20 years ago.
Now it's all worn out.
You still keep it.
Of course.
Although people were all born naked,
they should leave the world decently.
Not everyone is lucky
enough to leave the world
wearing something that
has their own names on.
What was I like when you first saw me?
Why do you ask this suddenly?
Fear that you'd forget
everything after you wake up
and turn into that arrogant man again?
Besides yours,
I entered many people's bodies,
but only one of them
caught my attention especially.
I still remember how he struggled
to get over his fear of ghosts.
But on the other hand, it makes me wonder
why you always focus on your skills
instead of truly caring about
your patients as a doctor.
What's the point of talking this much?
You won't remember anything
when you wake up anyway.
Yeong Min,
please don't forget.
After you wake up,
you've got to be a doctor who
truly cares about the patients.
Got it?
Also, keep up a good work
in doing surgeries.
Hope we won't see each other again.
There's one more thing.
Since we won't see each other
again, I'll be straight to you.
I'm not Socrates,
but Hippocrates.
It's such a big honor that you
are here to see me off.
This is the furthest I can go.
You know what I mean.
Of course.
Your boundary is here.
And mine is over there.
Chief Ban can finally be relieved.
The day he operated on me,
he left in such a hurry
because his daughter had an accident.
When he learned that I was in danger,
he felt so sorry and cried.
And he convinced the hospital
to let me stay here.
As a result, he was isolated
and looked down upon by the others.
Is that so?
I told him not to see me off. This guy.
I'm leaving.
Remember to give me your
autograph in the future.
I don't know if I still have a
chance to see the movies he stars in.
Oh, I'll miss my ride.
I haven't gone out for two years.
I'll enjoy the views on the way.
Then I'm leaving, Professor Cha.
Promise me to stay alive.
Live a good life.
I'm leaving.
I'm leaving.
Take good care.
Sorry. I'm the only one who survived.
[119 Rescue Squad]
[Cardiothoracic Surgery Department
Cha Yeong Min]
You come and go like a ghost.
Don't be like that anymore.
Let's meet each other as
two men in the future.
A professor and a rookie.
Buy me food every day
and take shifts for me.
You must be very nice to me.
Make sure you'll erase your memory.
I'll keep mine.
Hope you won't be as quick-tempered
as you were after you wake up.
Don't worry. I'll only keep you busy
and make you full of confidence.
Let's go. Our last operation together.
Let's finish it beautifully.
Finish it perfectly.
To the degree that no one can ever forget.
Go Seung Tak, let's go.
Choi Hoon Gil, 27-year-old male patient.
[VP shunt: A narrow plastic tube
that drains excess cerebrospinal fluid]
[from the ventricles (brain)
into the peritoneal cavity (abdomen).]
Let's get the VP shunt started.
The surgical sites are Kocher's Point
and abdominal cavity.
[Kocher's Point: located
in the frontal bone]
Estimated duration is one to two hours.
Estimated loss of blood is 50 to 100.
Is that correct?
- Yes, correct.
- Yes, correct.
Let's begin.
Scalpel, please.
[Operating Room]
This is not an operation I can do.
Even the professors
can't do it, how can I
Who said you were the chief surgeon?
I'll be the chief surgeon.
You'll be my assistant.
We did the same operation
last year, didn't we?
What if something unexpected happens,
like if your hands shake or
we get separated like before?
I'll try my best. If I can't do it,
An Tae Hyeon will replace me.
He can deal with that.
Will he do that?
The An Tae Hyeon I know will do it.
What are they doing?
Cha Yeong Min.
Yeah? Then there's no other way.
You've got to protect this hand.
Not only should a doctor
care about patients' lives,
they also consider what's the best for
their lives and make the right judgement.
To protect the things that
are precious to the patient.
I'm now both the patient and the doctor.
As a doctor, I'll make the best judgement
for this patient.
Cha Yeong Min,
38-year-old male patient.
To treat the right
innominate artery stenosis,
through median sternotomy
innominate artery replacement will be done.
Innominate artery replacement?
Not bypass?
The patient is currently infected
and has systemic inflammatory response.
His organs are friable.
Operate with caution.
[Friable: Fragile]
An Tae Hyeon.
Yes, Professor.
Let's begin the surgery.
Let me.
[Operating Room]
I found it.
It's here.
Now focus.
It's the most dangerous part.
So we can't make any mistake here.
Here, when connecting
the innominate artery,
the native and the graft blood vessel
will be sutured together.
We have to go deeper if we accidentally
tear the native blood vessel.
Then the surgery will
get harder and riskier.
And if the suture fails
Then we're screwed.
Now start suturing native and graft.
Proline 5-0.
Calm down. Calm down.
It's okay now.
Damn it, I can't see it at all.
Keep calm. Keep calm.
I see it. Now we can do the suture.
Be quick.
The upper I must find
the upper bleeding point.
Come on, come on.
I found it.
Proline 5-0, again.
Hang on. Just hang on a little longer.
Cha Yeong Min, come on, please.
What's wrong with him?
Quickly. Cut.
The operation is over. Great job everyone.
[Operating Room]
What's wrong with Dr. Go?
What's happening?
Seung Tak.
You do it.
Do it with your own hands.
Are you crazy?
How can I
You just need to close it up.
You can do that.
But still
That's what you've been practicing.
Keep the stitches even
It's time to apply it into
practice. I believe in you.
Unreliable hands.
I trust you with my body.
And I'm right here to help.
Are you also going to stand by this time?
Will you leave me to that guy?
Please prepare the guide wire.
[Operating Room]
[Operating Room]
[EunSang University Medical Center]
When inserting the wire, clamp the needle
at the upper part, before the halfway mark.
That's right.
Perpendicular to the sternum.
That will be easy to penetrate.
The spacing and depth must be accurate.
If it's not accurate enough,
I'll have a hernia, you know?
Unreliable hands.
You're such a novice.
If I get a keloid, you'll be responsible.
[Keloid: A raised growth of scar tissue
at the site of an injury]
Don't use surgical staples.
Use skin adhesives.
Make it clean and beautiful.
I want beautiful sutures.
Am I doing it well?
Yeah, you're doing well.
Why didn't you tell me in advance
so that I could have been prepared?
You brat,
you should be honored
that I'm your first surgical patient.
Why should I always feel honored?
Seung Tak
thank you
for everything from the very
first day up until this moment.
It's over.
It's okay.
Is it okay?
Yeah, it's okay now.
The heartbeat and pulse are stable.
No drop in blood pressure.
The operation went well.
Go Seung Tak succeeded!
Go Seung Tak did it!
Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Dr. Gim.
Vice President Han
He's not here, right? I'm not kidding.
The ghost has disappeared, right?
Hey, Go Seung Tak!
Is the surgery done? How was it?
Did it go well?
Intern O.
Cha Professor Cha.
The operation is over. It went
well. The ghost has disappeared.
The ghost has disappeared for good.
Those guys has finally won
against the heaven.
You did great!
Professor Cha let me not tell you before
he made it happen. So I never said it.
He recommended you to be a
clinical professor twice.
But both times, Vice President Han
blocked it, so you didn't get it.
Professor Cha barged in his
office and questioned him,
“Did you discriminate Dr. An because
he graduated from a local university?”
But every time the Vice President would
say your performance was not good.
Professor Cha got angry and that's why
he was very strict with you.
He wanted you to improve first anyway.
He's cold on the surface, but warm inside.
Like a brown sugar cake.
What's wrong with you? Are you nuts?
How could you stab others in the back?
What did I do?
Who did I stab in the back?
I said I would get blood
on my hands, and I did.
I said I would end the game,
and the game is over now.
A doctor operated on a patient.
Anything wrong about it?
I'll never let this pass.
Don't worry.
A successful operation doesn't
necessarily mean he'll wake up.
Even if he wakes up, he won't remember it.
It will be fine as long as
I keep my mouth shut.
You must be the only one in this world
who operated on himself.
Well done, Yeong Min.
You really did your best.
Please wake up this time.
Well, he will. Don't worry.
I know that you performed the surgery well.
But it's hard to say this time.
Even if the surgery went well
I'm 100% sure. Trust my eyes.
Don't you know that I have good eyesight?
Eyes? Why not your hands?
It will take him a couple of
days to regain consciousness.
After all, he has slept for too long.
He has been too tired lately.
He needs a good rest.
- So handsome.
- Yeah, right.
How can a person be so good-looking?
Is he an idol? Or an actor?
He must be an actor.
An ordinary person can't be so cute.
His eyes are like grapes.
Welcome back to the real world.
Do you know who I am?
Oh, I'm rejected again.
I'm always rejected.
You had an accident three years ago
and took a CT in another hospital.
This doctor found that CT.
Because of that, we found the cause
of you disease and operated on you.
How did you know
I seldom say this to
other men except myself.
You are just as handsome and hot as me.
You can be an actor.
You've lied in bed for too long
so you must feel feeble and dizzy.
Now you are in rehabilitation
and observation.
Don't force yourself too
hard at the beginning.
You'll feel much better in a few months.
Yes, thank you.
Um, was that a rejection?
I've been used to it anyway.
So is Yeong Min.
Here comes another one.
Another person who rejected me.
Doctor, I've gone through
the discharge formalities.
Thank you for taking care
of me in this period.
Congratulations on your discharge.
Remember the subsequent visit next month.
I hope to see you healthy by then.
Okay, doctor.
I'm going on a trip next week.
I hope that through this travel,
I can figure out what I want
and what I'm willing to do.
Are you going with your fiancé?
Oh, you can't do that.
No, I'll go myself, alone.
Maybe I'll reconsider marriage this time.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
But you'd better not get married.
Well, have a nice trip.
Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
I won't, doctor.
Well, by the way,
the unconscious patient who
just had an operation
Over there.
Ward 708.
I'm glad he finally woke up.
But he looks so familiar.
Have I seen him somewhere before?
Damn it. Don't touch me.
I don't want a girl.
Get a male doctor here!
Ouch, it hurts! Damn it!
How dare you? Who are you yelling at?
She might be an intern in your eyes.
But she's my baby daughter.
Mom, stop.
What's going on?
Let me go.
Doctors are all the same, aren't they?
What do you mean by
male doctor or female doctor?
Mom, that patient acted like
that because he's drunk.
- After he gets sober--
- Well then
deal with him after he gets sober.
Eat this first.
In order to face that kind of patients,
you must have strength.
Drink this and you'll be strong.
Grow up quickly and let that kind
of person beg you for treatment.
You must become a doctor like that, okay?
Go home to sleep from now on.
Even if it's just a nap,
so you can feel comfortable.
It's said that sleep is restorative.
Don't doctors in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Department need physical strength?
Mom, I knew that you would understand me.
Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much.
Eat this.
I cooked it the whole morning for you.
I'll eat it all.
Down to the last morsel.
- Ma'am!
- Ma'am.
Wow, this is what I like.
Eat the pickled cucumber.
Don't you like it a lot
I like this one.
No chance for today.
When will we have lunch together?
Why is there not even a group photo?
Oh, ghosts can't be caught by the camera.
I should have asked him to write a pledge.
Well, what's this?
Um, is it okay now?
Cha Yeong Min, look at me.
You think I'm Go Seung Tak, right?
I'm Cha Yeong Min.
What's wrong with him to film such a video?
This message is left
when Cha Yeong Min possesses Go Seung Tak.
It must be hard to believe. But it's true.
You might take it as Go Seung Tak's joke.
Okay, I understand.
Because you hate Go Seung Tak.
What's going on? I feel so shy.
Last fall, in the Morocco Market
in Gangnam,
you bought a burgundy suit
in six-month installments.
But you were dissatisfied with it
after the first wearing.
So you went back to return it
and made a fool of yourself.
Because they found coffee on your butt.
Yes, that's right.
It's an embarrassing story
only known to yourself.
Do you trust me now?
Yes, that's right.
I'm now you, Cha Yeong Min.
remember what I'm going to say.
You've been unconscious for a long time.
As for why you became like that,
ask Go Seung Tak.
He may tell the story incoherently
and make it sound complex.
But if you listen carefully,
you will understand.
I'll get to the point now.
During that period, you existed
as a coma ghost.
A ghost who doesn't know
whether he'll survive.
You might be horrified and
scared after hearing that.
But it fine.
Being a ghost has many benefits.
You can hear a lot of things.
You can understand a lot of things.
you're not gonna remember
anything when you wake up.
I'm gonna tell you
the hardest and most precious memories
in the past three months of your life,
what kind of person you loved,
what kind of promises you made,
and what is the thing
that caught you and brought you back.
The existence and the meaning
that you must remember,
I'll tell you one by one from now on.
And finally
Just remember that, Cha Yeong Min.
Yeong Min.
Yeong Min, you're awake.
Do you recognize who I am?
Yeong Min, you're awake.
Yeong Min, you're back.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, Yeong Min.
Is Professor Cha awake?
Are you awake? Yes, you are.
I can hold his hand.
Look at that. I can hold his hand.
His hands are still beautiful.
That's right. These hands
have been in bed for months.
I did all the work.
Hey! Unreliable hands.
Get your hands off me.
And get out of my sight.
Did I get rejected again?
It's me. How could you do this to me?
Professor Cha!
- Professor!
- When did he wake up?
Oh, this is so great!
Are you really awake?
I really missed you.
Professor, you're awake!
Professor, I see that you're awake.
Do you feel any discomfort?
Lee Seon Ho.
How long have I been sleeping?
A little over three months.
Three months? That long?
I heard it was An Tae Hyeon
who did the surgery.
But where is he?
He was in charge of
consulting service that day.
So he left after the surgery.
Consulting service?
What does that mean?
Did he resign from this hospital?
Well, that's a long story.
By the way,
how is Patient Jang Gwang Deok?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Yeong Min, the flowers in
your ward are withered.
I went to get some new ones.
Aren't they nice?
You know lying down for too long
makes your leg muscles much weaker.
Take it easy. Just be patient.
You'll probably be able to
walk normally in two days.
Jang Se Jin,
shouldn't you be in Seattle right now?
I'm sorry about your father.
In the end, I couldn't save his life.
I know you tried your best.
It's not your fault, Yeong Min.
I hear you're working as an
exchange doctor in this hospital.
Is this because of me?
Why don't you just leave me
as you did before?
I won't go.
I want to be with you.
I have an appointment with you.
Do you still think I'm the
same silly guy 12 years ago?
Yeong Min
Are you not going to leave this time
because I have become an excellent doctor?
you think I'll accept you
as long as you get back?
Go back,
to America or anywhere.
Go back to where you came from.
I'll tell him if he doesn't remember.
What's so hard about that?
What are you doing here?
I'm going to disinfect
and dress your wound.
I know how to do that right now.
Hey! Unreliable hands.
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
What are you doing here?
Where else would a doctor be
other than the hospital?
And you'll find out soon enough
that my hands are not unreliable anymore.
You'll be surprised.
How much better could you be?
I don't trust you. Go get Gim Jae Won here.
I didn't want to take this out.
What is that?
Whatever. Get so embarassed that you'll die. I don't care.
I asked you, what the hell is this, Go Seung Tak?
Okay, I get it.
I heard that he asked about
President Jang and Dr. An Tae Hyeon.
He seems to have no memory of the accident.
No memory?
It's so nice to see you again,
Professor Cha.
Congratulations on regaining consciousness.
You didn't have to visit me specially.
You are the best doctor in our hospital.
I must come to see you.
Do you know how happy I was
when I heard that you woke up?
You have heard about
President Jang, haven't you?
I'm sorry about that, too.
I know you might be upset.
But don't beat yourself up about it.
You must have something urgent
at the time of the accident.
You were also the victim of an accident
on your way back.
I've already made peace with the family.
You just put the past behind you.
Just focus on getting better.
Although it's not good to say that,
at least you have waken up like this,
I can't be more grateful.
Ouch, my chest.
If you're so grateful, why did you
show up empty-handed?
You should have brought some champagne.
Han Seung Won.
I told you to wait quietly
until I came to you.
You must be very anxious,
judging from the fact that
you're here in person.
Are you here to see what I remember?
If something goes wrong,
you will put the blame on the
surgeon next time, won't you?
How can these memories?
That's my privacy.
You don't need to know that.
So what are you gonna do?
Do you expect people to believe the words
of a man who just woke up from a coma?
Of course,
they won't.
I guess people always believe
what a person involved says.
Didn't I tell you?
The truth will never be covered up,
as long as one of us has
a trace of sincerity.
One more thing.
You should be thankful that I woke up.
After all, it lessens your crime.
When you get jailed,
there'll be plenty of time.
What are you supposed to do?
Think about it.
Reflect on how heavy and awe-inspiring
the life you play with is.
Get out. I'm sleepy.
He's been getting scared a lot lately.
It's becoming a habit.
What is this, Go Seung Tak?
I'm asking you what this is.
Do you see that?
The top is not aligned.
I told you to make it look good.
Because I'm not married yet.
I said you'd be responsible
if I get a keloid.
why are you still here?
Didn't I tell you that
you must enter the Operating Room
at least once a day,
observing or being an assistant?
You brat, you only know
how to slack on the job.
Didn't you say it yourself
that your hands needed more
practice and surgeries?
I sacrificed my body to
give you an opportunity.
You should be pushing harder.
Stop that. Don't touch me.
You've never been like this before.
I can't believe I can
hold you and touch you.
My wound, my wound, don't touch me.
So why did you do that to me?
How could you play a trick on me?
The rules of the living can't be broken.
Of course, I have to follow it.
These two guys
have changed everything.
How will they fool the
divinities in the future?
They're right though.
Rules are made to be broken.
The more desperate side will win.
The subscriber you
dialed cannot be reached.
Your call will be
transferred to voice mail.
Why isn't this guy answering
his phone? Darn it.
The police station?
There was a man named An Tae Hyeon
who turned himself in for a
case about Jang Gwang Deok.
In the course of the investigation,
we have got a statement saying
that you abetted him to murder.
What nonsense are you saying now--
Anyway, there are statements and evidence,
so you have to be investigated.
Please show up voluntarily.
If not, we'll have to get a warrant.
What evidence?
Give me Professor Cha's position.
When I gave President Jang the injection,
I crossed the bridge
and pulled the trigger.
I already had blood on my hands once.
What difference does
it make to do it twice?
I guess that's why I kept that
position unoccupied until today.
Professor, I'm at the police station.
I originally wanted to
see you first before I came.
But when I got to the hospital,
I felt I felt ashamed to see you.
So I came straight here.
I can't wash the blood off my hands,
but after I take my punishment,
I'll visit you.
Please get well soon.
Thank you for believing me
and thank you for saving my life.
I'm gonna keep my promise
of demanding nothing.
I've already applied
to donate my part when I get it.
And you will never get your part.
Because I'm gonna use
every way and every means
to make sure the murderer
who killed my dad pay
in the name of his daughter.
What? Murd
Hey! Are you saying I killed dad?
I didn't even touch a finger of his.
Frankly speaking, he would've had only
1 year left even if I hadn't done anything.
Rather than let him suffer, what's wrong
with sending him away early?
you're the one who took
dad's oxygen mask off.
Not to mention one year,
even if it is one day,
it's murder.
Because one day
is enough for me to call him dad,
instead of declaring his death.
That's why even if dad forgives you
I will never forgive you.
We're the police.
Jang Min Ho,
you're under arrest on suspicion of
abetting someone to murder Jang Gwang Deok.
The position will be filled
by the right person.
When the date for you to go
to the police station is fixed,
just tell me.
On the way there
I will be with you.
- You have the right to remain silent
- What?
What are you talking about? What murder?
You seem to have made a
confession about it just now.
A few more accusations will be added.
When you were Vice President
of Tianming Group,
you embezzled public funds,
neglected your duty,
you also had someone
assault Go Seung Tak,
among other things.
I'm sorry. Go on.
What is that?
Do you have any proof?
Do you have any proof?!
Anything you say from now on
can and will be used against
you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
Let me go.
Let me go!
Are you here to add more?
You weren't always like this.
You used to be petty
and get back at people.
You got back at the kids who bullied me
and the grown-ups who talked behind my back
about my dad's death.
At that time, I was very fond of you.
I meant it when I said I didn't
want things to go bad with you.
Before Professor Cha woke up,
I really hoped you could
repent and reflect on yourself.
it's too late, right?
I'll wait for you.
No matter how long it takes,
I will wait for you to be the
hyung you were before.
I will be waiting.
Wow, my professor's back is so broad.
What are you doing?
I just want to touch you all the time.
So I can feel that it's real.
We're so short on "skinship" these days.
Like this. I like it so much.
Go away! Go over there!
You're not gonna?
Be very careful.
You know I have a stake
in your body, right?
You don't even care about my body.
Why are you touching me?
Oh, you look disappointed.
Because I'm not her?
When did I?
So, why did you reject her?
Until when are you gonna reject her?
Didn't I tell you?
I'll start from scratch.
With my body.
I don't want a sad romance right now.
I want a sweet romantic comedy.
Romantic comedies start out as enemies
and end up as lovey-doveys.
There will be misunderstandings
and hard-to-get.
Even after a quarrel,
they pull together in a moment of crisis.
That's what I did with you.
Ah, so we're doing a romantic comedy.
But why can't I see Dr. Jang?
Is she very busy?
Dr. Jang left for America a few days ago.
She resigned from her
exchange professorship.
Don't you know? I thought
you guys had a deal.
I thought you told her to go.
I told her to go, and she really went?
What did you do?
Why didn't you talk her out of it?
Of course, I did. I told her to wait.
But she said it couldn't go on like this.
She looked really hurt.
What exactly did you say to her?
Forget it. Give me her address.
Her American address.
Oh, right. I didn't ask about that.
Hey, you unreliable hands!
You were rejected.
Romantic comedies need people around.
Even if you are discharged,
you can't push yourself too
hard for a while, you know?
Long periods of flying are
specifically prohibited.
Hey! SNS, email, or whatever
Hey! Go Seung Tak!
Seung Tak!
Hey! Ouch!
Ah, my chest.
Come on, tell me!
Oh. Really!
Seung Tak!
I have stayed too long.
Now it's time for a shift.
You guys can guard it from now on.
Man Du!
Cha Man Du!
Oh, I was so worried about you.
So you were here already.
Are you all right?
You look healthy.
Have you put on weight?
That kid in my home?
Yes. After my mom kicked
us out of the salon,
your grandpa was in charge.
Then he must've been doing
well in a rich man's home.
As expected, that father and son
have strong survival abilities.
Father-Son? Father?
Who is his father?
He's a master of romantic comedies.
Oh, I'm hungry. Buy me dinner.
Why do you always let me treat you?
You have more money than me.
Dr. O Su Jeong.
I heard you applied to our department.
These are my books.
You can read them sometime.
Thank you, sunbae-nim.
Feel free to ask me if
you don't understand.
Let me know if you need anything.
Then, by any chance, do you have
Kirklin's Cardiac Surgery, the 4th Edition?
It's in the residents' office.
Should I give it to you now?
Follow me.
Wow, he never cared about anyone in
his life and now he's giving her books?
Ah, that bastard--
I meant sunbae.
I didn't expect him to be like that.
I can't have this.
Pretty doctor!
Our pretty doctor, are you busy?
I have something for you.
No, I'm available.
What is it?
Why am I getting this?
Chocolate cake.
I should have brought it a long time ago.
Is it too late?
Our pretty doctor,
I'm so sorry
and I'm very thankful.
Thank you for being a
wonderful person to be proud of.
My pretty doctor
do what you want
and always
live happily.
I'll cheer you on
from afar.
Remember to eat the cake.
I'm gonna go.
[Cardiothoracic Surgery Department
O Ju Myeong]
I've worn this for a long time.
That little kid grew up well.
I'm thankful.
It's time to go now.
[Emergency Room Personnel Guidelines]
Oh, this is nice.
You said that no matter when,
no matter how long,
you will be there for me.
How many times have you held my hand
and hugged me?
Why did you give me the ring?
[Real Estate (Condo) Full Tax Contract]
Yeong Min has paid all the
taxes on this apartment.
You have a lot of money.
So you don't even know how to spend money.
With my money,
we should be able to buy
an apartment someday.
The appliances still work.
Let's buy some furniture,
redecorate the interior.
We'll buy wallpaper, curtains, quilts,
one by one, together.
Se Jin.
Answer me when you wake up,
in your body
with your voice.
No matter when, no matter how long,
I will not go away and wait for you.
I think I should go find her.
Or just hang in there?
Maybe she is waiting for me.
If it goes on like this,
I could be in her pawn forever.
Even so, isn't it fair that the person who
misses the other be the one to go?
Right? What do you think? Tell me.
Who is it? I'm not expecting anyone.
Cha Yeong Min, you didn't
change your password.
Jang Se Jin, you
It's cold outside.
How are you doing?
Is your body all right?
You're already discharged, right?
You Why are you here?
Didn't you go to America?
I did and now I'm back.
I've cleaned everything up over there.
Didn't Dr. Go tell you?
Go Seung Tak That punk
My luggage will arrive in a few days.
I have to process some paperwork
to get to work in the hospital,
which might take a while.
Luggage? What do you mean?
Didn't I tell you? We'll live together.
Well, your furniture looks pretty good.
I bought all the new furniture.
But why.. why are you here?
Should I go to a hotel, then?
What? Hotel?
Well, the hotel is nice?
Seriously. I came straight
from the airport.
I haven't even eaten yet.
What? What time is it?
Why haven't you eaten yet?
Seriously You really are something
Oh, right. I'm out of rice.
I miss you every day.
Do you know how busy I was
in order to get back soon?
Don't worry about it.
Even if you don't accept me,
I can do romance.
I will make it passionate romance.
Well, if it's really inconvenient,
I'll just go to the hotel today.
My answer.
With my body,
my voice,
and my everything.
You're back to work so soon.
Of course.
The hospital couldn't function without me.
It looks like you're
stronger than I thought.
Don't you know the basics
for cardiothoracic surgery?
Ah, I'm so excited.
The life of a beloved resident.
Starting today. Day one!
Go Seung Tak, do 100 squats a day.
Take a video and send it to me.
Start with a simple morning coffee.
Go Seung Tak, you're gonna join
all the surgery I do from now on.
You'll take care of the patients.
I'd like Korean beef steak
for dinner. Medium rare.
Go Seung Tak, you will also be
responsible for the transcribing
and sorting of all reported cases
of academic meetings in the future.
You're gonna have to pay me back.
Just follow me,
full of energy.
You'll regret that.
you must remember, Cha Yeong Min.
1, 2, 3.
Professor Cha Yeong Min.
It's a stab wound patient.
[Stab injury]
He was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The knife penetrated the second
and the third rib on the left chest.
First, let's stop the bleeding
with a Foley balloon.
Get the patient to the operating
room immediately, Go Seung Tak.
just like your life,
everyone's life in this world matters.
- Suction.
- Suction.
The hands that can keep
people's lives in this world
a little longer.
My hands are now golden.
Don't you think?
Hey, did you do that? I did it all.
Aren't you be too confident?
I am so hungry.
Do you want to eat?
And that
is your job as someone who's caught
[Operating Room]
on the line between life and death.
[Ghost Doctor]
[Thank you for your continued
support of Ghost Doctor!]
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