Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e16 Episode Script

Lady Be Good

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
Mrs. Tolan, I'm so glad
to see that you're
finally on the stand,
because now we can
get to hear what happened
the night of September
15 from your very own lips.
Well, Mr. McCabe, I was
going to meet my son for dinner.
I was taking the
shortcut to his house
when my car got a flat tire.
Well, I changed it the tire.
Then went to my son's house.
A few minutes after I got there,
the police called and
they told us that Donna,
my son's fiancée,
had been murdered.
And I'm sure you can
understand the rest of the evening
is kind of a blur.
Your Honor, I'd like
to have this entered
as People's Exhibit Number Five.
Elinor, what's
indicated in that booklet
is that your car was given
a 30,000-mile
checkup on the 12th.
That was three days before
the night in question, right?
Yes, that's right.
I also have
a sworn affidavit
from the mechanic
who performed that maintenance,
and he says that
he rotated the tires.
Is that right?
I always have the tires rotated.
It gets more mileage from them.
Now, did you know that when
your mechanic rotates tires,
that he always
uses an air wrench?
"Air wrench"?
Yes. With the
court's permission,
I would like to conduct
a little investigation
if I may, sir.
Mr. McCabe
It'll only take a moment,
sir, I assure you.
Mr. McCabe
I'm I'm sorry it's
taking so long, sir.
Perhaps I should sing
a couple of choruses
of "Melancholy Baby,"
but I'm afraid the jury
wouldn't care for it.
Thank you for sparing
us, Mr. McCabe.
Yes, Your Honor.
(loud pulsating)
(loud pulsating)
That is an air wrench, my dear.
Elinor, would you step down here
and please show us how
you changed your tire?
This is absurd.
Thank you.
Looks like you didn't have
breakfast this morning.
Try another one.
Any one.
Well, now that we
have established
that you couldn't have
changed your tire
why don't you tell us how
you killed your son's fiancée?
(gallery murmurs, gavel banging)
Mr. McCabe! (chuckles)
It has been a long time, sir.
Too long, Edward, too long.
How the hell are you? Fine.
Thank you, sir.
Fine. Good, good.
I'm sure Mr. and Mrs.
Parker will be delighted
to know you've finally
accepted one of their invitations.
Well, I hope so.
This way. Thank you.
WOMAN: So I visited
the artist's studio
to see more of his work.
I wanted this sculpture.
He wanted me.
But he was happy
to settle for my check.
(both chuckling)
You should've taken
him off the guest list.
Relax. Nothing changes.
In fact, it's perfect
that he's here.
Who's going to argue
with the district attorney?
J.L.: Ah!
Now the party's complete!
Hello, my darling. How are you?
You finally relented
and came to one
of our little dos.
Well, it's the first
time I've been free.
You both look
absolutely wonderful.
Thank you. So do you.
Well, it must be my new diet.
We need to get you a drink.
Absolutely. Yes.
Oh Absolutely not.
You wouldn't break
tradition, would you?
Oh tradition.
Oh, that's it. That's it!
I must confess.
30-year-old Glen Brody
remains my one major vice.
Yeah, like father,
like son. Huh.
You know, this is an experience
I shared many
times with your father,
right at this very bar.
And I sure miss
the old curmudgeon.
(laughs): And his newspaper.
(contented sigh)
To his memory.
And to 30-year-old Scotch.
Damon, sweetheart, may
I see you for a moment?
Ah, probably a
crisis with the help.
Yes, of course. Excuse me.
Oh, young lady. Yes?
Oh, my goodness.
They look terrific.
Caviar, huh?
Yeah, it looks like beluga.
I don't believe
it. It's very good.
MRS. PARKER: Stop it!
I hate it when you yell at me!
I'll talk to you any way I want!
Let go of me!
You're drunk again!
Nobody walks away from
me, you Please stop!
Damon! Pamela, no!
(door slams)
(car door opening)
Damon! (car door closing)
Damon! (car driving away)
Stop him! He
shouldn't be driving!
(tires squealing)
(tires screeching)
(seabirds chirping)
(heavy thud)
(waves crashing)
J.L.: What a tragedy.
I've known Damon
virtually all of his life.
I saw him grow up.
He considered you family.
If only I could've stopped
him from driving off yesterday.
Nobody could do anything
once he began to drink.
You saw how he was.
Pamela, I know this
may not be the time,
but did he get drunk
like that often?
Lately, yes.
I tried to get him
to go for treatment,
but he would never listen to me.
There was something curious.
Maybe you can help us with it.
The police found
Damon's passport in his coat
along with a lot of cash.
They did?
I don't know.
I don't have any idea
why that would be there.
I'm sorry.
I hope you'll excuse me.
It's just I'm not
quite up to this yet.
Of course.
You should get some rest.
Oh, you're so sweet
for having come.
Yeah, this is the bottle
you poured from yesterday.
Yes, sir, it is.
I don't understand it.
When we all had
a drink together,
Damon seemed
perfectly all right,
but a little while later,
he was roaring drunk.
Had he been drinking earlier?
To my knowledge, sir,
Mr. Parker had only one drink.
Well, he must be one of those
people with a low tolerance to alcohol.
A couple of drinks
and they're gone.
Hardly, sir.
Damon Parker had a hollow leg
A legendary hollow leg.
Well, maybe he had another
bottle somewhere else.
You know, a secret drinker?
I find that hard
to believe, sir.
STACY: I know what's
going to happen, Jake.
We're going to get
inside of the apartment,
and your office
is going to call.
No, honey, no.
It happens every single time.
Listen, if the phone rings,
I'm going to throw it
out the window, okay?
J.L.: Hey, Jake, where
did you hide the colander?
I want to rinse the pasta.
Excuse me. Hmm?
What I am now, an
all-night restaurant?
Is that what I am
now? I've been so busy,
I never got dinner,
and you didn't leave
any leftovers for me
like you usually do.
I'm sorry. J.L., I
have company now.
Well, I made enough for three.
No, we've already had dinner.
Then maybe you'd
like dessert or coffee.
No. I think what we'd
like is to be alone.
We are.
Hey, Stacy
I'd like to personally
thank you, J.L.,
for helping me through another
wonderful night. Thank you so much.
Whoa, my pleasure, of
course, but I'm not finished yet.
Oh, there's more?
Mm-hmm. Great.
The report came in
on Damon Parker's
blood alcohol level.
He had a lot of liquor in him,
but it was still unmetabolized.
His actual level was only .06.
Hardly drunk, the way he
seemed when he left the party.
J.L., accidents have
been caused by less.
Well, maybe, but why did he
have his passport with him?
Well, maybe he left it in
his jacket some time back.
He forgot about
it. I don't know.
He didn't forget
about his insurance.
How much was he carrying?
Four-and-a-half million,
and it was an accidental death.
Huh. Double indemnity.
That makes nine million
reasons to check it out, my boy.
All right, but I'm
going to check it out
in the morning, okay?
I'm going to go change.
Thanks, Jake. Yep.
Oh, Jake, there is
another problem. Yeah?
You see, I've known
the family for years,
and it's a little embarrassing
if Pamela finds out
that I'm investigating
her. You understand?
How am I supposed to do it?
HARRY: Penley Weeks.
Good. Come on in.
Say hello to Jake Styles.
Jake is one of the investigators
from the home office.
Hi. Nice to meet
you. How are you?
We kind of prevailed upon
him to postpone his vacation
for a while to come in and look
at the Damon Parker accident.
Weeks here wrote up the policy.
Really? Not a bad commission
on a four-and-a-half-million
dollar policy.
You mind if I borrow some money?
That was a little joke. Oh.
Come on, come on.
I'll introduce you to
Donovan. Nice meeting you.
J.L. wants me to thank
you for setting us up, Harry.
When McCabe asks a
favor, I can't turn him down.
I go back a lot of
years with Buster.
Yeah. Buster McCabe
was the toughest kid
on 17th Street, bar none.
You always wanted to stay
on the right side of Buster.
You still do.
Oh, this is it.
This is our
investigation division.
Donovan is our top investigator.
Jake Styles, E.J. Donovan.
Mr. Styles.
I just barely caught
Jake at the airport.
Five more minutes, I would've
been winging my way to Hawaii.
You caught me.
I know, I know.
But with you two on the
case, I know I'm in good hands.
Well, thanks.
Good luck. Okay.
Maybe we'll do lunch later.
Okay. Maybe.
So, we're supposed to
work on this case together?
Yeah, that's what they say.
Look, no one wants to be
out of here more than I do.
I pushed back my
reservations till tonight.
After that, I'm off to the land
of sunshine and pineapples.
What do you have so far?
Oh, not a whole lot.
Pretty standard drunk
driving accident. Yeah?
You should be out of
here in no time. Hmm.
What about the blood alcohol?
I haven't got it yet.
I called the medical
examiner from Mr. Dole's office.
Damon Parker had a large
amount of unmetabolized alcohol
in his stomach.
Yeah, well, that tracks.
Guests at the party say
he was pretty bombed.
Yeah, but the alcohol
hadn't entered his system yet.
His blood alcohol was only .06.
He wasn't drunk at all.
But still, that could've
caused the accident.
Yeah, I guess.
How long did Parker
have the policy?
Let's see.
Uh, close to five years now.
Hmm. That long on at
four-and-a-half million. Phew.
No, it was up
from $1 million
three months ago.
What's wrong?
Well, people at the home
office say I have a nose for fraud,
and right now
it's starting to itch.
Well, we're going to
have to do something
about that nose of yours.
And the car went
over right there.
See, it's all pretty routine.
You sure it went off right here.
No skid marks.
Jake, let me tell you
what I think happened.
Parker had a fight with his
wife and left the house in a rage,
went somewhere, bought
a bottle and started drinking.
Maybe he wasn't even drunk yet,
but he was downing
that liquor pretty fast.
Missed the turn in the road.
Of course couldn't stop the car.
Came flying through
here went off the cliff, right?
That's got to be it.
You know, I think you're even
going to make your flight after all.
Looks like it,
except for one thing.
What? (sighs)
The passport he was carrying.
Yeah. You didn't
know about that?
No, I didn't.
Yeah, the police
found it on his body.
Well, I don't see a problem.
I mean, maybe he was planning
a business trip somewhere
and just happened
to have it on him.
That simple, huh?
Why not?
I don't know.
Maybe I'm suspicious,
but it's that kind of stuff
makes my nose itch, you know.
You know, maybe you've
been on the job too long.
I think I should stay
in town a little longer
and check this thing out.
Oh, what a shame.
Look, this is silly.
It is redundant for both of us
to be investigating this case.
I will handle it, and you
can go have fun in the sun.
Yeah? Yes.
Oh, boy, that's
that's real tempting.
That's very tempting.
No, no, no. You know
what I'm going to do?
I'm going to call my friend
and see if I can
get his place, okay?
In the meantime, you
make an appointment
with the grieving widow, okay?
I'm just going to
I'm going go look at a
couple of things over here.
My God.
You're actually typing a letter.
It's to my mother.
Why? Are all the
phones out of order?
She's traveling on vacation,
like some of us
would like to be.
You want to go someplace?
How about taking Max out, huh?
The County pays me as your
secretary, not as a dog walker.
Gertrude, would you
please, please,
please take Max out?
I don't think I've ever heard
you use the "P" word before.
This is a day to be remembered.
I'll be glad to walk
the little darling.
How's my baby dog, huh?
Your daddy's back.
Yes, he is.
Derek was looking for
you a little while ago.
He's got something to show you.
Where the hell is he?
Yes, sir.
You called, Mr. McCabe?
Ah, Yes, I did, Derek.
Gertrude said you
had something for me.
Take a look at these.
What the hell is all this?
Remember you asked me to
go down to the police impound
and check out the records
of Damon Parker's car?
Derek, Derek, I never said
you had to bring back
pictures of everything.
I found something
and I thought you'd
want to see it for yourself.
You mean you actually
found something?
Yes, sir.
Take a look at the gear shift.
The car went off
the cliff in neutral.
So it wasn't
accidentally driven off.
Someone pushed it off.
That's what I figured.
Oh, that's good work, Derek.
If we go to trial, this may be
a pivotal piece of evidence.
Well, there's hope
for you yet, my boy.
Not a hell of a lot, but some.
Well, thank you, sir.
Well, get all the
junk off my desk!
I'll keep this one.
There's another
investigator on the case.
What do we do?
Pammie, Pammie, relax.
Hasn't everything gone
perfectly up to now, just
as I promised you it would?
But you said you'd be
handling the investigation,
that it'll be a piece of cake.
He's not going to
find out anything.
He's anxious to
go to his vacation,
so he's just as anxious
to settle this as we are.
He's going to be
here any minute.
This has gotten
very complicated.
It's not.
It's simple.
You wanted to be free of
Damon once the money ran out.
Well, you got your wish.
But now I'm involved in murder.
Think of the payoff.
You are about to
collect $9 million
minus half
for my commission.
We'll both get what we want:
a new very rich lease on life.
Are you sure there's no problem?
Now, have you
made any plans yet?
(knock at door)
Madam, Mr. Styles from the
insurance company to see you.
Show him in, Edward.
I promise I will keep
him away from you.
Um, Mrs. Parker,
my name is Jake Styles.
I'm from the Integra
Insurance Company.
I'm, um, very sorry to
hear about your recent loss.
Thank you.
You been here long?
Oh, just a few
minutes. Oh, I see.
Um, I've got very bad timing.
I know this is a bad time,
but I've got a
couple of questions
I would really like
to ask you. Uh, Jake,
to save you the time,
I've already covered them.
Mr. Parker
was an A type,
uh, lots of pressure,
good physical health,
although he'd
been drinking lately,
a few financial
setbacks, but nothing serious.
I think that about covers it.
Oh, that's great, but I just
have a couple of questions.
Again, I know it's a bad
time, but do you mind?
I would really appreciate it.
Oh, go ahead. Thank you.
Do you mind if I
have a seat? Please.
Thanks. (clears throat)
Mrs. Parker, was your husband
planning a business trip
before he had the accident?
Yes, that's right.
To Rio, I believe.
Yeah, I believe he'd been there
a few weeks ago.
It was stamped in his passport.
I'm sorry.
It is just very difficult.
Ah, yes, that's
where he was going Rio.
Do you have any idea
what business he had down there?
Oh, no.
Damon never discussed
business with me.
Then you don't
know about his financial
reverses, then, do you?
I'm afraid not.
Um no one said
anything to you?
Uh, your lawyer
or your accountant
or anybody at all?
About what?
Mrs. Parker,
I'm sorry. I-I hate to be
the one to break this to you,
but your husband was
about to go bankrupt.
Oh no, that's impossible.
When Damon's father died,
Damon inherited a-a fortune.
And he lost it all just recently
in the commodities market.
As a matter of fact,
I heard he was
a very big player.
Wha-what are you driving at?
Nothing. I'm just
I'm just trying to fill in
some blanks. That's all.
But I never knew we had
any serious money problems.
Mrs. Parker,
maybe you don't
if you collect on the insurance.
I'll find my way out.
Good day.
You really suspect
her of anything?
Well, we do have a motive.
They're broke.
I think what we have to
do now is find her partner.
Partner? Yeah.
If my theory is correct,
she couldn't have
done this alone.
She never left the house
the night of the party.
Probably involved in this
with some guy.
Jake Styles, I think
you're way over the
edge. Oh, you do?
Yes. I think you need
someone to take care of you.
You know, if you haven't
found a place to stay yet,
I have a sofa in my den.
But I, uh, I lined up
my buddy's apartment.
He's gonna be out of town.
Then chances are you
don't have a dinner date.
No. Not yet.
You do now.
(knocking on door)
PAMELA: Yes, come in.
Thank you, Edward.
I'm sorry I'm
disturbing you, Pamela.
Uh, perhaps maybe I should
come back in the morning.
No, no.
Now that you're here.
There are just a few matters.
You sure you're
feeling up to it?
Yes, I'm quite sure. Good. Good.
May-may I sit down?
Well, please.
Thank you.
I was hoping to avoid this
until I was positive,
but, uh
I strongly suspect now
that foul play is involved
in Damon's accident.
Oh, no. Do you
know anyone who
would want to kill Damon?
I haven't been entirely
truthful with you.
At the party,
the fight that we had
it was about another woman.
I had discovered that Damon
was involved with someone else.
Do you know who it was?
I haven't a clue,
but Damon told me
that her husband had found out,
and he threatened him.
You have no idea
who that could be?
I'm sorry.
I begged him to stop seeing her.
I was worried about him.
I wished you had
told me this sooner.
You can understand with you
as the beneficiary of a double
indemnity insurance policy,
the suspicion was naturally
that you That I had
something to do with it?
How could you think that?
No, I didn't, my dear.
I knew there had to be
some other explanation,
and now you've given me one.
I know these things
are trying for you,
but just one more thing.
I've been in contact
with the police in Rio.
Damon was there three weeks ago.
They say he was checking
on a place to live.
Why would Damon
want to live in Brazil?
E.J.: To avoid the man
who was out to get him.
Parker was obviously frightened
and thought it would be a
better idea to get out of town
rather than face
this jealous husband.
Don't you think going to Rio
is taking it just a little too far?
Who's to say?
I admit it's only a theory,
but I like mine better
than I like yours.
Okay. Huh.
Your friend has
quite a place here.
Yeah, he does, doesn't he?
What does he do for a living?
That's a funny thing about him.
I never found out
how he makes a living.
Sounds like a smart man.
Till he gets caught.
And you think everyone who lies
or cheats gets caught?
That's our job, isn't
it? To catch them?
We're not perfect.
And if one slips by,
who's to know or care?
Yeah, well,
I guess you've got a point.
So what happens to your
Hawaiian holiday now?
I don't know. I really don't.
You know, I've got this condo
reserved right on the beach,
and if I don't get there
soon, I'm gonna lose it.
I've never been to the Islands.
No? It must be great.
Oh, it is great. You'd love it.
You meeting
someone special there?
I like surprises.
I've got one for you.
If we wrap this
thing up tomorrow
I could go with you.
Before you say anything
Sleep on it.
See you tomorrow.
(door closes)
J.L.: Come on, Max.
You can meet the young
lady some other time.
Come on, heel.
Heel. That's a boy.
That's a good boy.
You ought to train
that dog sometime.
Train? Yeah.
I'll have you know
he's a natural.
It's just that he's
slightly hard of hearing,
and he misses some
of the commands.
That's all. Well,
what's up, Buster?
I suppose you heard
that from Stinky Dole.
Jake, I'm convinced
Damon and Pamela planned
to rip off the insurance company
by staging that
phony accident. Yeah.
He sends the car off the cliff
and the tide's supposed
to wash his body out to sea.
We checked.
There were higher tides
than usual that night.
So he flies to Rio, Pamela
collects the nine mil,
and he's down
there waiting for her.
Pretty convenient. Yeah,
but she has other plans.
Yeah, I think she's
got another partner, too.
E.J. Donovan.
Jake, are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.
I can't prove a
damn bit of it, though.
(sighs) Yeah,
that's the problem.
If they're in this together,
they're slick and
they're damn clever.
I know a couple of guys
who are slick and damn clever.
Jake and Buster.
I see her.
Thank you.
I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.
More questions? No.
No more questions.
I don't have one.
Well, that's a relief.
Actually, I, uh,
came here to be,
uh, totally honest with
you about something.
It's about the other
investigator, E.J. Donovan.
You see, part of
my job is to look
into the case of your
husband's accident.
And the other part?
Well, the other part is
to, uh, check out Donovan.
Why are you telling me this?
Well, I know I'm taking
a pretty big chance
coming here like this,
but I just feel it's
the right thing to do.
You see, we-we suspect Donovan
of working a very
clever insurance scam.
I-I don't understand
what that has to
Well, it goes, it goes
something like else. You see,
she persuades a woman
to urge her husband
into taking out a
very large policy.
A few months later, he dies.
It's an accident, of course.
Mr. Styles
Call me Jake.
Do you mind if I
call you Pamela?
No. Good, good.
Let me just explain it to you.
She, the wife,
collects, of course,
and everything seems
to be going along fine
until a little later, the
widow mysteriously dies
and, of course, we
discover the money's gone.
Oh, no, that can't be true.
I'm not saying
that we can prove it.
I'm just saying
that if it's true,
your life might be in jeopardy.
E.J.: Hello.
Mrs. Parker.
I didn't expect to
see you here, Jake.
I just thought I'd come by
and discuss a few
things with Pamela.
What's up?
Mrs. Parker, your attorney
has been in touch with us again
and he's given us an ultimatum
to settle this claim
within 72 hours.
I'm here to tell
you what I told him.
We will bend every effort
to resolve this
matter within that time.
Thank you.
Excuse me, I have
to get into the shower.
JAKE: Sure.
We'll find our way
out. Good. Thank you.
E.J.: What were you doing here?
Trying to convince myself
that that lady's telling the truth.
And did you?
I don't know.
I was expecting a call
from you this morning.
Yeah, I know, I, uh
couldn't sleep last night.
I was thinking about you,
thinking about what you said.
And what did you decide?
I can't think of anything better
than you and I in
Hawaii, but, uh
It's just really
hard for me to relax
until I'm done with a job,
and I just don't feel
that this one is done,
so maybe afterwards.
Sure, Jake.
(brakes screeching)
What the hell are you doing?
I want to know why
Styles was there.
You haven't convinced him.
You said you would,
but you haven't!
He's either the squarest
investigator I have ever met,
or he's the shrewdest.
I'm betting on shrewd.
Why? What did he tell you?
You know, somebody
could see us here.
What did he tell you?
They suspect you.
That means they
suspect both of us.
Well, you'd better
do something fast.
(door opens)
Hi. What are you
doing here so late?
Oh, I had to finish my report.
Oh, yeah? Is that it?
Yes, but it's not complete.
I was going to ask Mr. Dole
if I could turn it
in in the morning.
I don't see why not.
He left about an hour ago.
Oh, great.
I want to make
this very detailed.
Still working on the
jealous husband theory?
I'll let you guess.
(Jake chuckles,
elevator bell rings)
Oh, hold that, please.
Okay, I'll see you
tomorrow, all right?
Okay. Okay.
JAKE (over tape
player): February 1.
This is Jake Styles reporting
on the Damon Parker accident.
After a thorough but
still ongoing investigation,
it appears that our own
employee, E.J. Donovan,
has masterminded
an elaborate swindle.
Now, I have a detailed list
of facts which I'll go into later,
but at this time
the problem will be
to prove that she is
behind this scheme.
I'm presently concentrating
on winning over to our
side Mr. Parker's widow
by letting her see she
faces a very long prison term
if she doesn't disassociate
herself from Donovan
to work with us.
So far, I think I've succeeded
in convincing her (knocking)
that she has no other
alternative but to go along
with my suggestion.
MAN: Mr. Dole?
(insistent knocking)
Mr. Dole.
Mr. Dole?
It's open.
I-I thought I heard
Mr. Dole's voice.
No, he's gone home, which
is exactly what I'm going to do.
(doorbell rings)
I thought you and I could have
another little
heart-to-heart talk.
That is if it's not too late.
Well, it's, uh
kind of a bad time.
Sorry if I interrupted
Something important?
No, it's a wrong apartment.
I've been thinking about
what you said about Donovan.
That's why I wanted
to talk to you tonight.
You've got yourself
in a tough spot.
The way I see it,
you've got three choices.
Now behind
curtain number one,
I turn you over to the
police, you go to jail,
you spend a few years,
you're marked for life.
Now, curtain number two
Donovan isn't satisfied
with her share of the money,
she kills you for yours.
What's number three?
(knocking) HARRY: Come in.
Well, I know how
busy you must be.
Well, I'm grateful, thank you.
Good morning, good morning.
Good morning, Mr. Dole.
You wanted to see me? Yes.
Uh, I just got off the phone
with Mrs. Parker's attorneys.
Regardless of what
Jake Styles might tell you,
I recommend paying
this claim in full
and avoiding an
imminent lawsuit.
There must be some mistake.
Well, Styles was just here
when I first came
in early this morning.
He said that you
two had talked it over
and reached the same decision.
A check should be
issued right away.
He did?
As a matter of fact, I
I just had the check
delivered to Mrs. Parker.
I'm sorry for the
confusion, sir.
I'll take care of it right away.
(chuckling): I don't believe it.
You'll believe it when
we're on that plane.
Jake, what's the matter?
I think he's looking for me.
No, don't turn around, Styles.
Well, if it isn't Donovan.
You said you liked surprises.
Well, I thought Pamela and I
could give you a real good one.
Now, lean forward.
Take your gun out
with two fingers.
I got to admit it, Jake,
you are real good.
Get out.
They'll say you
came for another look,
got too close to the
edge, and slipped.
You're a real piece of
work, you know that?
This whole deal
Damon's murder,
the whole thing
It's, uh, your idea?
If I had a stage,
I'd take a bow.
JAKE: And you ought to.
Very cute.
Now, march.
No, I think
you're going to have to make me.
You want me to
shoot you right here?
That gun's going to make a
lot of noise, don't you think?
No one here to notice.
You sure you want
to take that chance?
Look who's coming.
(short siren blast)
You're all under arrest.
J.L.: Read them their rights.
Hey, listen, I'm just
an innocent bystander.
These chicks did it, not me.
I just came along for the ride.
PAMELA: Now, wait a minute.
I didn't murder anybody.
This wasn't my idea.
E.J.: Shut up, Pam.
She did it, it was her idea.
She murdered Damon, and
then she forced me into this.
E.J.: Forced you?
You practically
begged me to do it.
Liar! She offered
me half the money.
She's lying; I can even tell you
how she did it.
Pammy, it's over.
You're a cop, right?
That's right.
J.L.: Read them their rights
and get them out of here now!
OFFICER: Let's go.
I knew you'd follow us, but
what took you so long to move in?
Well, we couldn't rush
it. Two more minutes,
I'd have been doing a
swan dive off that cliff.
Jake, will you do me a favor
and not be so
bloody melodramatic?
I'm not. You want me to
go back with them, Buster?
Is that what you want?
I beg you to stop calling
me by that stupid nickname.
Now, get in the car.
Oh, it's filthy, Buster,
you ought to get it washed.
Just one more time, Jake.
Come on, get in.
Let's go, just one more time.
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