My Everlasting Bride (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

[My Everlasting Bride]
[So close, yet so far.]
[Episode 16]
Do not move.
You know, I was going to recruit you.
It's too bad that
you're helplessly blinded by your feelings
for a servant girl.
You're risking Ms. Yan's life here.
A life for a life.
Is it really worth it?
Mr. Zhao.
Of course, it isn't.
Ruyu is the ideal person
I can use to pull your father's strings.
You know too much.
The society was founded
to take out your Nie family.
Knowing your temperament and story,
I had to dig deep.
The Hongzhou Society, huh?
Ms. Yan trusts you,
but I don't.
Nie Zhen,
what's that supposed to mean?
Mr. Nie,
you may seem like a pleasure seeker,
but actually, you keep your finger
on the pulse of the city.
You want to run a background check on me?
Go ahead if you can.
You're quite something.
You'd be a match for me.
But then,
I'm Nie Zhen.
It means
you're not going to pull the trigger.
No, I'm not.
I'm out in the open,
whereas you're lurking in the dark.
I just want to get out of here.
What did you just say?
Nie Zhen
broke out of his home.
I learned from a reliable source.
He's going to come for you.
Whatever happens, I can't see him.
I used the worst way
to convince Young Miss
that I'd have nothing
to do with the Nies ever again.
That kept Nie Zhen from getting killed.
And now he's on the run.
I'd be going back
on my word if we met again.
There's no telling
what Young Miss
would do.
But we can't just do nothing.
She can't see you.
(You'll get her in trouble.)
(I want to see you so bad.)
(I'm so sorry.)
(Guess it was a bad idea
to drag you into this whole mess.)
♪In every word between us♪
(Nie Zhen)
(I wish I could see you.)
(And hold you in my arms.)
(But until I come up
with a foolproof plan,)
(my priority is to keep
you out of harm's way.)
(While it hurts like hell,)
(watching you as you leave is
my only option.)
♪My love♪
♪Deep affection♪
♪Rooted in the depths of the heart♪
♪Nowhere to hide♪
♪Fear not when love runs over♪
♪Loved too much turns the heart a demon♪
Since three years ago,
you've been on the right track.
But you're starting
to get a little reckless
because of him.
but still sensible.
Are you?
You put yourself second.
Without him,
I wouldn't exist.
♪If the past can be relived♪
Second Young Master,
I'm not the type
to lose myself in a relationship.
But this time, it's different.
Young Miss is no longer
the same person she was back then.
There must be more to it.
I have to keep Nie Zhen alive.
It's the only way
to save my skin.
And yours
and Young Miss's.
♪A chaotic mess♪
♪A restless soul♪
♪Live a life♪
♪To relive again♪
You just got back.
Allow me to fill you in.
Grand Marshal Nie hasn't made
a public appearance for almost a month.
What do you think will happen to Hongzhou
should things continue as they are?
Do you really expect him to win?
I do.
Because he is Nie Zhen,
he's never lost.
From this point forward,
you'll be in charge
of my family's finances.
I'm still trying to figure out a way.
Second Young Master,
we can't touch that money.
It'd limit our room for maneuvering.
with your knowledge
and with enough funds,
it will speed things up a lot.
To tell you the truth,
I knew what choice you were going to make.
I had already sent my father
out of the city this very night.
You can roll up your sleeves
and do whatever needs to be done.
I'm the one
who calls the shots around here.
So take my word for it.
♪The Milky Way's stars passed too hastily♪
Can't run a business
without capital.
♪A gust of wind through the brambles♪
♪Unwilling to resign
the rest of my life to fate♪
♪Wading through endless seas of blood♪
♪Vainly hoping in the crevices of time♪
♪Never ceasing, learning to be composed♪
♪Loneliness cherishes
the afterglow of the setting sun♪
♪In rumors, where did she come and go?♪
♪As always, ice and snow melt♪
♪How did I fall into a silent void?♪
♪Eyes empty yet unrepentant♪
♪Concealing boundless solitary courage♪
♪Devoting half a lifetime♪
♪Indulging in♪
♪Life and death together♪
♪Loneliness wastes
the afterglow of the setting sun♪
♪In tales, with whom
did she once embrace?♪
♪Vulgar folks chat and laugh merrily♪
♪How did I disappoint sincere affection?♪
♪A thought insincere amidst the dust♪
♪She won't avoid
her destined ordeal in this life♪
♪Not destined to encounter♪
♪Yet firmly believing♪
♪Life and death together♪
♪Waiting, oh, for rebirth through Nirvana♪
♪The Milky Way's stars passed too hastily♪
♪Still clinging to those eyes♪
♪A gust of wind through the brambles♪
♪Unwilling to resign
the rest of my life to fate♪
♪Wading through endless seas of blood♪
♪Vainly hoping in the crevices of time♪
♪Never ceasing, learning to be composed♪
♪Loneliness cherishes
the afterglow of the setting sun♪
♪In rumors, where did she come and go?♪
♪As always, ice and snow melt♪
♪How did I fall into a silent void?♪
♪Eyes empty yet unrepentant♪
♪Concealing boundless solitary courage♪
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