Pact of Silence (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Un nuevo amor

- [somber music playing]
- [sobbing]
[both sigh]
[Sofía] All these years,
I thought you were dead.
I promise you,
my intention was to come back for you.
Carmen was only going to keep you
for a few months.
My plan was to get my life in order
so I could take care of you on my own.
[softly] I was so scared.
I was a child myself.
I was in school, but I tried to find a job
because my family couldn't help.
Carmen told me
that she had no idea who you were.
- That you left me there to die.
- [Sofía] That's a lie.
Carmen worked at the school
and knew us all very well.
That's why we asked her
to take care of you.
But she had no reason to lie.
Why would she decide
to tell you that I was dead?
[Sofía] She was very lonely. No family.
The only thing I can think of is
she just wanted to keep you.
And when they told you I was dead?
- Did you care?
- [Sofía] Of course I did.
We went to the cemetery
and saw a makeshift grave
with the name we'd given you
but with Carmen's last name.
Lucía Pérez.
I'm trying to understand
what you're saying. [sighs]
We exhumed it yesterday, and it was empty.
These are the photos.
Carmen staged the whole thing
so we would never come looking for you.
[sounds distort]
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
Have you heard from Sofía?
Did she call you?
[Martina] No, no, no. But it's too soon.
She's probably still with Brenda.
All I want is for this whole thing
to be over and done with.
[Martina] I know. I want the same thing.
Brenda tried screwing with our lives,
but don't you feel guilty
about what she may have been going through
all these years?
[Fer] Of course I feel guilty.
Not just now but for the last 25 years.
Since they told us Lucía was dead.
[tense music playing]
[Fer] I still can't believe
Brenda's that little girl.
[Martina] Fer, this is not a joke.
We can't keep denying the evidence.
Brenda is the little girl we abandoned.
[Fer] I know. I just don't want my family
to find out the truth.
[tense music building]
I'm not here because of your threats.
I'm here because we found
that empty grave.
And now I know you're telling the truth.
Does Enrique know about me?
What about Enrique?
He can't know about this.
I know he's not a good person,
but he deserves
to know that he's my father.
Enrique doesn't know you exist.
He was already in jail at that time.
And I thought you were dead.
I never told him about you.
But you were in a relationship
for all these years. You
You never thought to say anything?
No. It was better that way.
Enrique is a selfish man.
He's totally obsessed with me.
- [somber music playing]
- [takes a deep breath]
He's destructive.
He tried to destroy
my reputation as a writer.
- I could lose everything.
- Wait.
What if I help you by giving you
more money as an advance?
It's not about the money.
It's my career.
My publisher is about to sue me
because you didn't authorize
your biography.
No one will ever trust me again.
[music swells, fades]
[Ricardo] I never thought
you would sink so low.
This isn't like you, son.
Brenda hates me. [sniffles]
- She found out I tried to kill her.
- [Ricardo] I assume you denied it.
[Adriano] No. I tried
to make her understand that
You're out of your mind!
[Ricardo] Brenda knows enough
to put you in jail.
It's your fault I lost her.
You made me follow her.
You pushed me to try and kill her.
Like I was a fucking assassin.
You didn't care that I was your son.
Listen. I did this
for your own good, you asshole.
From now on, you do as I tell you. Okay?
Don't you understand?
We have to stay ahead of Brenda.
You are wasting your breath.
What's happening? What's wrong, Adriano?
[Ricardo] He's upset about Brenda.
She accused him
of being a murderer. [sighs]
[Adriano] I never should've listened
to you.
You ruined my life.
- [Ricardo] Easy, son.
- You can't control me.
- Let him go!
- [Ricardo] Take him.
- Take him!
- Come on. Are you okay? [panting]
[softly] Yeah, yeah.
[breathing shakily]
What the hell was he thinking?
[Ricardo] I don't know.
He's upset about Brenda.
He thinks it's our fault she left him.
He's completely obsessed with her.
For Christ's sake.
She already accused me once
of trying to murder her!
And now she's accusing Adriano?
What does she think we are?
A whole family of killers?
This is her way
of breeding dissent between us.
She must think we're fools.
Are we gonna let her break us apart
and send our son to jail?
No. But if she's not lying
and is Lucía, I totally understand
why she would hate me,
would want to attack me.
But why attack Adriano?
Why? He's the good one!
[shudders] Jesus.
[tense music building]
- [music fades]
- [birds singing]
When I met Cami,
I felt a very special connection.
Now that I know she's my sister,
I'd like to see more of her.
It's just not ideal timing.
Manuel has her right now,
and he's fighting me for custody.
I didn't know that, but maybe
if we told him that I'm your daughter?
No, no. No one can know about that yet.
Especially not Manuel.
He would testify
in court that I'm a terrible mother.
That I abandoned my baby
when I was a teenager.
He would use that
to take Camila away from me.
I understand, but he's gonna find out
sooner or later. Like everyone else.
Yes. Of course he will.
I'm just asking
for you to give me a little more time.
[suspenseful music playing]
[cell phone chimes]
[engine starts]
Are you ready for a custody battle?
It's gonna cost a lot.
I managed to save a little.
Enough to hire a good lawyer.
And the rest of your debts?
Like the new house? All the new furniture?
Brenda, I'd rather take care of this
on my own.
You've already done
more than enough to help me out.
[doctor] I strongly suggest that Tomás
continue his physical therapy program.
I assure you that if you stay consistent,
you will regain full mobility in no time.
Yes. No need to worry about that, Doctor.
We've already made appointments
with the physiotherapist
to begin treatments.
[doctor] Then all that's left for us
to do is sign Tomás's release papers.
Of course.
[doctor] This way.
[footsteps fade]
[Tomás] Sam, can you help me
with my shoes?
- Right there, under the bed.
- [Sam] Mm-hmm.
[woman on PA]
Paging Dr. York to ward three.
- Dr. York, ward three. Thank you.
- Are you okay?
Why so sad?
I overheard Mom talking to Martina.
[tense music playing]
She was saying something strange
about Brenda.
Have you ever heard anything
about a little girl being abandoned?
Does Mom think that Brenda's that girl?
So, it's true, then?
Is Brenda the girl who was abandoned?
[Tomás] Adriano and I thought
that Brenda was tryin' to blackmail Mom
and her friends.
She was tricking them
into thinking that she was that baby.
So we tried
to make her go away by scaring her.
Scaring her, how?
[Tomás] It doesn't matter.
It's not important.
But the weird thing is,
when Brenda found out
that I was the one
behind all the attempts at scaring her,
that it was me who wouldn't let it go,
she had the chance
to really make me pay for it,
but she didn't do it.
She still hasn't.
Do you think
Brenda is the girl who was abandoned?
[Tomás] I don't know, Sam.
I think back
to how great she was at your party.
How she helped me with my debts.
I think that Brenda cares.
Even if Mom thinks
that she just did it to screw her over.
No, she did it because she thinks
that we're her siblings.
Mm, no. We don't know anything.
We don't know if any of us are related.
And no way
do we say anything to her either.
Promise me.
Mom hasn't been drinking.
She's practically off the pills too.
She's doing well.
And if you say anything to her,
it could trigger her
into her old behaviors again.
We have to support her.
- Be there for her.
- Yeah.
- [Tomás] For the family.
- [tense music ends]
I can't thank you enough
for coming in today, Brenda.
[Brenda] Of course, Javier.
It was all one big misunderstanding,
and I apologize for not coming in earlier.
Between work and my travel commitments,
it was very complicated.
But of course, I authorize my biography.
The only thing
that I would bother you to ask
is if I could review
some chapters with Sofía.
I know the process has already begun,
but this will only make it better.
That means we'd have to put
the publication on hold.
[Brenda] Yes. I know.
So, what I propose is talking about
the possibilities of maybe a second book.
And of course, I will always give you
my full support on social media.
And I'll also attend any event you want.
[Javier] It's a deal.
But what I need from you now is for you
to sign your biography agreement.
Of course.
From now on, you will be
completely responsible, not Sofía.
- Okay. Yes. Not a problem. [chuckles]
- [tense music playing]
Thank you for signing the agreement
with the publisher.
Of course.
- I'm glad I could help.
- [phone chimes]
But now that it's over,
maybe we could talk over a drink?
Sorry. One second.
I'm sorry. It was the lawyer
who's helping me get custody of Camila.
- [Brenda] Everything okay?
- Yes. I'm meeting with him now.
Brenda, we do have to talk.
I know. But I need to prioritize
Camila right now.
Otherwise, Manuel is going to take her.
Well, if you want,
I can give you a lift to the lawyer's,
and we can talk more in the car, maybe?
[Sofía] No. I'm feeling
very anxious right now.
Maybe when there's less pressure. Okay?
I'll call you later,
and we can make a plan. Sound good?
I'll be around.
- Don't forget to call.
- [Sofía] I won't.
[Brenda] My first instinct was to hug her.
It was as if, all of a sudden,
all of my anger disappeared. [sighs]
[music fades]
Maybe you realized
you weren't looking for your mom
to get back at her or to get revenge.
You just want a family.
Yeah, but [sighs]
it's like she doesn't care anymore.
And all of a sudden, it's more important
to sign a contract with her publisher?
I understand getting custody
of her daughter is important,
but why would she be
so totally against me going with her?
You're also her daughter, right?
Do you believe
that blood is thicker than water?
- Yeah.
- [tense music playing]
I felt that with my brother.
When I was just
a little boy, he really scared me,
but I loved him anyway.
I don't think
Sofía feels that way, though.
And it's strange because of the four
of them, she was the nicest to me.
But today, she was so absolutely frigid
and and distant that
[sighs] I don't know.
I don't know. I have
[sighs] I have so many doubts.
So, do you think that maybe Sofía
only told you she was your mother
to avoid a lawsuit with the book?
[tense music building]
To avoid a scandal.
[César] Hmph.
After so many lies
and how close the four of them are
how do I know
they didn't just agree to send Sofía?
There's one way to find out.
[lawyer] A man
with a history of child abuse,
with whom you had
an extramarital affair for years,
shows up at your home while you are away.
No, but my child wasn't left alone.
My friend's daughter
who's like family was looking after her.
[lawyer] Hmm. So, one minor
taking care of another.
This is a very serious matter,
Mrs. Estrada.
[Sofía] Yes. I know that.
That's why I need your help.
So I won't get my daughter taken away.
[sighs] Irene told me
that you're one of the best lawyers
and have handled many of these cases.
There has to be a solution.
My advice to you?
Avoid going to court.
Try negotiating
with your daughter's father.
[tense music swells]
- [music fades]
- [birds singing]
[sighs] Gustavo, I know
that you don't believe this.
But you're important.
I just want you to know I care.
[exhales] So do I, Alex.
But I care about myself more.
I'm tired of competing with Brenda,
always afraid something
will happen to you when you're with her.
I agreed to meet
with you because I wanted to say in person
that this can't continue.
[quietly] What?
[hesitates] Are we breaking up right now?
I'm teaching you to value me.
When you know what I'm worth
[Alex sighs]
you can come find me.
Take care, Alex.
[somber music playing]
- [somber music fades slowly]
- [siren wailing in distance]
What do you want?
I came to, um return the money
I took out of your account.
I managed to sell some things,
and when I can, I'll give you the rest.
I also have this.
Apologize to Fernanda for me, please.
[necklace clatters]
Do you think
all I care about is the money?
Or Fernanda's fucking necklace?
- What kind of man are you?
- I didn't mean to hurt you, Martina.
No. You knew
exactly what you were doing to me.
And it didn't matter.
- No. That's not true. Believe me
- No!
Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
[crying] You know damn well
how much this meant to me!
- You ruined everything!
- No. I didn't ruin your life.
But I know I've hurt you.
You have no idea what this feels like.
You don't get to take that from me.
[somber piano music playing]
Please leave.
[somber piano music continues]
- [crickets chirping]
- [door creaks]
Aren't you the girl who came a while ago,
pretending to be a journalist?
This time, I'm not here to pretend.
I'm Brenda. Can I come in?
[unsettling music playing]
[door squeaks closed]
You and Sofía had a relationship
back when you
[Enrique] I'm so sick and tired
of being judged for it!
I didn't abuse Sofía. She wanted it.
But instead of asking,
you made an assumption.
No one ever thinks
it was she who chased me day after day.
Did you ever think of that? Did you?
What do you want?
And please tell the truth.
Because it's very hard
to fool me more than once.
- But you're so pretty.
- [gasps] Don't touch me.
- I'm your daughter.
- [music stops]
What did you say?
Sofía never told you,
but she had me when she was 16.
Sofía told you that I'm your father?
- [chuckles]
- [dramatic music playing]
[laughs loudly] I guess it's a miracle.
- [continues laughing]
- What do you mean?
[Enrique] Before I met Sofía,
I got meningitis. I'm sterile.
Well, maybe she had a boyfriend, or
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Nice try, but no.
I was the first man she was ever with
until she hooked up
with that imbecile, Manuel.
You shouldn't believe Sofía.
She's a compulsive liar.
What I don't understand is
why Sofía said that you were her daughter.
[dramatic music building]
Did she ask for money?
- Why are you really here?
- [Brenda] Get off of me!
[Enrique] Don't be shy.
- Come on. Don't play hard to get.
- [door opens]
[dramatic music swells, fades]
- You all right?
- [Brenda] Let's go.
Now that Tomás is out of intensive care,
we need to let them come back home
so they can be a family.
So, I was thinking I would start looking
for an apartment for you and for me.
- We could be roomies, eh?
- [giggles]
- [Manuel] What do you think?
- [cell phone ringing]
Manuel, don't hang up. Please.
I need to speak with Camila.
[Manuel] She's about to have dinner.
What is it?
Listen, this must be hard enough
on her already.
Pass her the phone, please.
It's Mommy.
Daddy and I are gonna be roomies.
Are you gonna come and visit?
[sniffles, crying softly]
- I hope so, sweetheart.
- [somber string music playing]
You know Mommy
wishes she was with you, right?
I can't wait to see you.
And I love you. I love you. I love you.
[Camila] Me too. Bye!
[somber string music continues]
[Sofía crying softly]
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
[Brenda] I wonder if she's calling
to pretend to care about me.
Today is one of those days
where I feel like I'm worth nothing.
Don't say that, Brenda.
It's how I felt
when I lived on the street.
And Itzel felt it as well.
We were always kicked out, treated badly.
If your parents don't give a shit
about you, then who will?
[sighs, softly] Yeah.
I don't care for you either.
I love you.
["Stretch My Bones"
by David O'Dowda playing]
My hands held tight ♪
I'm holding on ♪
My feet touch ♪
Beneath the ground ♪
On furniture ♪
I'm holding on ♪
My hands held tight ♪
I'm holding on ♪
- [song ends]
- [Irene] Adriano?
Adriano, it's time to get up.
[Adriano inhales sharply]
[groggily] Come on. It's 5:00 a.m.
Are you so hungover that you forgot
that today is Election Day?
[Adriano sighs]
[tense music playing]
You go ahead, and I'll
- [grunts] I have to think about things.
- [Irene] What things, my love?
Listen. No.
Today is a very important day for me.
For your future.
For your father, obviously.
- We have to stick together as a family.
- [grunts]
Ah, yeah.
Lay off with the family, will you?
In this family,
all we care about is lying.
You promised you wouldn't judge.
[Adriano] Yes, but that was
before Brenda broke up with me.
When are you gonna tell her
who her mother is?
Know what you should be thinking about?
Who your mother is.
Because without a doubt, you are my son.
[softly] And I love you.
And I will defend you
until my last breath.
[emphatically] And that's
what you should be thinking about.
So, get up, take a shower,
and meet me downstairs with your father.
[cereal rustles]
What are you doing awake so early?
I didn't sleep very well.
[milk pours]
Honey, I know the last few months
have been very difficult for the family.
[gentle music playing]
With everything that happened
between us and then to Tomás,
my attention has been elsewhere.
And I would hate
for you to feel neglected.
I don't wanna fight with you anymore.
It's not worth it.
But most of all, I just want you
to know that I love you.
You're my daughter,
and all I want is for you to be happy.
So, I'm not gonna bother you anymore
about who you hang out with,
your hair, how you dress.
It's about time
I start learning who you are.
[gentle music fades out]
[spoon tapping]
[takes a deep breath]
If you really want us to start over
then tell me why you abandoned that girl.
[tense music playing]
[phone ringing in distance]
[man] I reviewed the autopsy report
that was performed on your friend
Itzel Chaparro, and it's all in order.
You sure? So she didn't die
from a massive head trauma?
The cause of death was an overdose,
but the head trauma didn't help.
A blow of that severity
must've rendered her unconscious.
That means someone probably shot her up
with the drug afterwards, right?
- In all probability.
- [music swells]
- [Sam] So who was pregnant?
- [music fades]
- Was it you?
- No.
[takes a deep breath]
But I did make a mistake.
Hiding that pregnancy
was the wrong thing to do.
[sighs] Mom, I want to trust you,
but you have to tell me the truth.
- [tense music playing]
- Who was pregnant?
[Sam] And Brenda was her baby?
It was a long time ago.
All I know is that right now,
my biggest priority
is your brother and you.
Brenda's an adult.
But if you had anything to do with it,
then you have to fix it, Mom.
[tense music ends]
- Fernanda, your phone is ringing.
- [phone ringing and vibrating]
- Hello?
- [Martina] Rodrigo?
- Yes.
- No, no. Sorry.
- I was trying to reach Fernanda.
- [laughs] No, don't worry.
The thing is, I can't find Fernanda,
and I saw it was you, so I answered.
Um I called to tell her that Omar
returned the necklace
that he stole from her.
[Rodrigo] When was this? You saw him?
Tell me, Martina. Did he hurt you?
[César] I'm finally ready
to make some changes.
Like what?
Like, um getting rid of the old shit and
making room for what's new.
Looking into the future.
Starting over. [chuckles]
With you.
Look, I think it's very honorable
that you wanna make changes in your life,
but if it's because of me
and what happened last night,
don't bother.
- [chuckles] What?
- [gentle music playing]
Don't you think we deserve happiness?
It's our turn, Brenda.
Not the right time.
Don't get scared now. Eh?
- [laughs]
- I'm not proposing anytime soon.
Not yet.
- [laughs]
- I wish everything could stay like this.
Just me and you.
No distractions.
I feel really good with you.
But today, it's not about me and you.
It's about Irene's election
and how I'm gonna ruin that.
- [music grows tense]
- [cell phone rings]
[call connects]
Alex, do you have any info?
[Alex] I got the results from the coroner.
Meet me at my apartment?
[doorbell rings]
- Hello.
- [Martina] Please come in.
[Rodrigo] Hmm.
I thought Fernanda
would come for the necklace.
Um [sighs] To be honest,
I didn't tell her you called.
- You can't let that guy rattle you.
- No. Of course not.
He just surprised me,
and I wasn't expecting him
to apologize, quite frankly.
You and I both know
that asshole doesn't deserve you.
[gentle music playing]
No. Wait. Rodrigo,
what are you doing? Please no.
- Listen. Listen to me.
- No.
Martina, please come here and listen.
Fernanda and I
have already talked things through.
There's nothing there.
That gives us a perfect opportunity.
[gentle music building]
- No. Wait. Please. Just wait.
- [sighs]
We can't do this.
It doesn't matter if you're separated.
Fernanda is my best friend.
You know what?
[takes a deep breath] It seems like
[sighs]I've always made sure
to do things that are expected of me.
I've accepted my role as your friend.
As Fernanda's husband.
But I never really accepted
why you and I broke up.
I have never stopped having feelings
for you.
[Adriano] Brenda hasn't left that house
since yesterday? Why wasn't I informed?
We tried to tell you, sir, but
but you didn't answer your phone.
[Adriano] She leaves that location,
you tell me.
You understand? I'm on my way.
[Ricardo] Adriano, it's not a good idea.
You have to be with Irene.
You're not only her son
but the only person
she truly trusts right now.
Not now, Dad.
[tense music playing]
From what you just heard, it's obvious
that Brenda's with another man.
A César Silva.
I'm sorry for you, son. But listen to me.
As a man, when something you care about
gets stolen from you
- I won't be manipulated.
- I'm speaking to you man-to-man.
Son, this power,
it gives you the tools
to manipulate the world around you.
You can take things,
or you can let them take you.
It's your choice.
[tense music swells, fades]
[cell phone chimes]
[doorbell rings]
Sofía, can you please explain
why you're telling people
we have a daughter?
- [tense music playing]
- She talked to you?
[Enrique] If you're gonna take money
from that girl,
you should at least let me know.
Although, I don't know if I'm
in the mood to be a player
in another one of your games.
Did you tell her you were sterile?
[Enrique scoffs]
You know what I'm realizing?
[quietly] Without me, you are nothing.
And you are slowly falling
into a mound of shit.
Good luck.
I leave you to your own devices.
Are you sure Brenda isn't here?
It's very important I talk to her.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
She's not. Try calling her.
I've already called her a thousand times.
She won't answer.
[music fades]
Now we know that Itzel didn't die
from the head wound.
She died from the drugs Adriano gave her.
And we know Adriano
and his family will buy off the police.
So why even bother filing a complaint?
Maybe not the police, but the press
will be all over Irene's campaign.
I'll give them all the evidence
I have against Adriano.
We already have it.
But I honestly don't think
it's going to help at all.
The more we get involved,
the deeper we get lost in it.
I don't think that they'll try and stop us
in front of all the press and journalists.
[Brenda] Alex. When the scandal breaks,
Adriano will try to get rid of Tomás.
I need you to find him
and warn his father.
Rodrigo will protect him.
[Ricardo] I need you
to put on your best face.
The polling station
will be crawling with journalists.
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
[Irene] Today is a very important day
in the history of Mexico City.
A vote for democracy.
I think it's time Mexico City
takes its place among world leaders
and sets its own precedent for the future.
Thank you.
[camera shutters clicking]
[music continues]
[staffers cheering] Irene! Irene!
- Vote Irene!
- You will win!
Everyone! Everyone! The easy part is over.
Now the real work begins.
Now we have to wait.
- I know the polls favor us, but
- By a very wide margin.
- [Irene laughs]
- [staffers cheer]
But we have to wait. Just wait.
Until the official numbers come in,
we're in the same boat as everyone else.
But we all know
what the outcome is going to be.
[Irene laughs]
[staffers chanting] Irene! Irene!
Irene! Irene!
[Ricardo] I want to take this opportunity
to thank all of you
for your hard work
and dedication during this campaign.
[tense music playing]
[cell phone chimes]
[Irene sighs]
[Ricardo] Once we achieve our goal,
we'll continue to
[music swells]
[music fades]
[engine revving]
Brenda, I think we're being followed.
What do we do?
Just hold on.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [tires squeal]
[tires squeal]
[Brenda panting]
[Brenda] Still there.
- [tires squeal]
- [horn blares]
[horn honks]
- [sighs]
- [Brenda] Okay. We lost them.
[tires squeal]
- [Brenda gasps]
- [brakes screech]
[Brenda] Go back.
[tires squeal]
[gasps] What do we do?
[man] Out of the truck!
We have to get out.
[tense music playing]
We're not armed.
[Brenda, shakily] Easy.
No one needs to get hurt.
We can negotiate.
[man] One false move, and I'll shoot you.
- Brenda.
- [gun fires]
- [Brenda screams] César!
- [César moans]
- [groaning]
- [Brenda breathing shakily]
[Ricardo] Stay calm, Irene. Please.
Everyone's eyes are on you.
If Brenda decides to come,
Adriano and I will take care of her.
- No scandals.
- But I don't want you to threaten her.
Only talking.
I want everyone to stay calm.
It's the only way.
You know what she means to me.
I'd never hurt her.
[cell phone ringing]
[call connects]
- [man] We found them, sir.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[Brenda] Enough! Please stop!
Stop hurting him!
[crying] You're going to kill him! Please!
- Leave him alone!
- [César spits]
[Brenda] It's me you want!
- [César moans]
- [Brenda] Stop!
- César!
- [music fades]
[Brenda breathing shakily]
[footsteps approaching]
[Adriano] Get outta here.
[Brenda panting]
[tense music playing]
[Brenda gasps]
[music fades]
[Brenda] If you kill César, I will release
all the evidence I have against you.
What evidence?
Does Alex have a copy?
Do you have a statement from Tomás?
It'll all end up where he's going.
They have nothing to do with it.
I have everything ready
to pass on to the press.
If you want to avoid a scandal,
let him go right now.
- You should be begging me for mercy.
- [tense music playing]
- All you can think about is this asshole?
- [Brenda] No! Adriano!
- Adriano! Don't do it!
- [gun cocks]
[Brenda] Don't do it, Adriano.
Adriano, if you ever loved me
if you still love me,
please don't do this.
[Ricardo] Go ahead and shoot him.
[tense music swells]
Don't let this woman manipulate you, son.
[gasps] No, no, no, no, no.
Just do it!
[tense music building]
[music fades]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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