Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Mystery of the Opal Cave/Clash

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
I'm so glad you Jedi kids came for a tour
of the gem mines here on Ootoo Prime.
Thank you for the tour, Ayva.
The gem mines are incredible.
I had no idea you had so many
different kinds of gems here.
[speaking Poobian]
[laughs] Like that one, Nubs?
That's a Kuggerag.
They're used in all sorts of machines.
We get them from a cave over there.
[Kai] Huh.
And what kind of gems
do you get from that cave?
That one leads to where
we get Ootooan Opals.
Many people consider them
the best gems in our mines.
They're definitely my favorite kind.
How come the cave is closed off?
Please don't go in there.
It's not safe anymore.
Not safe? What happened?
-[Nubs groans]
-There's an Ootoo legend.
An old story that says
there are scary things in that cave.
A wailing sound, a mysterious fog,
and a huge shadow monster
that lives in the walls!
It's all right, Nubs.
It's a legend. An old story.
That means it's not real, right?
Except that, recently, scary things from
the legend actually started happening.
There has to be an explanation.
The legend is old, but the scary things
only started happening recently.
So, everyone just stopped mining
the Opals because they're afraid?
Of a scary legend and the shadow monster?
Yes. Yes, we did.
Ayva, Jedi help people.
We can help you
and figure out what's going on.
Then you can go back
to mining your favorite gems.
-You'd help us?
Of course.
Except we don't know
these caves like you do.
We could get lost.
Will you come with us?
I I [sighs]
I don't know.
Nubs, Ayva, I know you're afraid,
but the Jedi are taught that no one
should let fear hold them back.
-Remember, Nubs?
Besides, I'm here to help
if you get frightened.
Me too.
[Ayva sighs]
I'm still scared, but I'll go with you.
All right!
I'm sure we'll see
there's nothing to be afraid of.
Let's go!
[whimpers, groans]
Just in case,
how about you and me stick together?
[speaking Poobian]
[Nubs whimpering]
We can take these carts down
to the caves where the Opals are.
So far not so scary.
Did Did you hear that?
The wailing sound I was talking about?
[speaks Poobian]
It's probably just the wind
making that sound.
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
[grunts, screams]
-[both gasp]
[speaking Poobian]
We're coming, Nubs!
Come on, Ayva.
I know you're scared, Ayva,
but Nubs needs us.
Okay. For Nubs.
[gasps, screams]
[Nubs screaming]
[Lys] Hang on, Nubs.
Just hold on tight.
-[railing screeching]
-[Nubs groans]
[Kai gasps]
[grunts, groans]
-We're gonna crash!
-[Lys grunts]
-[Lys] Slow down! Slow down, slow down!
[screeching continues]
[powering down]
-[both] Whew.
-Close call.
[laughs, speaking Poobian]
[panting] We're all safe,
and we made it down to the Opal caves.
Oh, Ootooan Opals.
It's been a while since I've seen them.
-[Kai] Whoa!
-[Nubs exclaims]
-That's amazing!
-[gasps, screams]
-That sound is back.
It's closer too.
I think it's just down that way.
[wailing continues]
The mysterious fog. It's all happening.
Just like the legend.
[whimpers, grunts]
-[wailing continues]
Maybe this means the shadow monster
from the legend is real.
Legend or not, we're here to find out.
Come on.
[speaking Poobian]
[Nubs, Ayva scream]
Shadow monster! I knew it was real.
-I'm getting out of here.
-[speaking Poobian]
I'm too scared, Nubs.
I I can't.
I'm going back.
-[wailing continues]
-[grunts, screams]
[speaking Poobian]
[growls, speaking Poobian]
[wailing slowly ends]
[static crackling]
[static continues]
A speaker?
[gasps] And this is what's making the fog.
Also, I think we found the monster.
[speaking Poobian]
See? The legend isn't real.
I knew there was an explanation.
Except, who put all this here?
[chattering in distance]
[speaking Poobian]
Yeah. Sounds like talking.
I thought we were
the only people down here.
So did I.
[all gasp]
[EB-3] And we're almost ready to take
these Opals back to our ship, Taborr.
Then we can come back and take even more
'cause everyone thinks the legend is real!
And all it took was a fogger, a speaker,
and some junk made
to look like a shadow monster.
A brilliant plan, if I do say so myself.
Thank you, EB-3.
It was my brilliant plan, wasn't it?
It was my pla
-[groans] Whatever.
So it's Taborr and his pirates?
We gotta stop 'em.
Wait, Kai.
Taborr could escape
in any one of those tunnels,
and we wouldn't know our way.
We need help.
Ayva and the Ootoo know
these caves better than anyone.
[Lys] But they're too scared
to come down here.
[coos, speaking Poobian]
That's a good idea, Nubs.
You could tell them
there's nothing to be afraid of.
Lys and I will stay here
and keep an eye on Taborr.
[speaking Poobian]
I know you were scared of the caves, Nubs,
but you didn't let fear hold you back.
[inhales, exhales deeply]
[speaking Poobian]
[softly] We know you're brave, Nubs.
Let's take these Opals to my ship,
and then come back
and get the last batch for the day.
He's gonna leave with the stolen Opals.
We've gotta try and slow Taborr down
until Nubs comes back with help.
Keep 'em away from the exits.
[Pord snorts]
Taborr, give those Opals back
and leave this planet for good.
Are you serious? Jedi?
EB-3, you told me they wouldn't be here.
-I may have made a slight miscalculation.
[shouts, grunts]
Pord, EB-3, let's take care of these Jedi.
[all shouting]
[both grunting]
[both grunt]
[snorts, squeals]
-[groans, gasps]
-[Pord squealing]
These Opals stay here.
[both grunting]
[Taborr screams]
-[Taborr screams]
[all gasp]
Taborr, you cracked the rocks
and now they're gonna [gasps] fall!
Hurry up, Nubs.
-[Ayva] started happening.
-[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
But what about the legend?
We've seen the fog a-and heard the sounds.
We're not going in there.
-No way. No way.
-Uh-uh! No!
-[miner 1] Mm-mmm.
-[all gasp]
-[miner 2] Be careful!
-[miner 3] I don't like the sound of that.
-[speaking Poobian]
Oh, no. There must have been a cave-in.
Kai and Lys need help.
But I'm too scared.
[speaking Poobian]
[sighs] You're right.
I've been letting my fear hold me back,
but not any longer.
I've been in the Opal caves today,
and it was scary.
But Nubs says it's just pirates,
not the legend of the shadow monster.
Kai and Lys need our help.
If I'm not gonna let fear get in the way
anymore, neither should any of us.
Who's with me?
-[miner 4] Hmm.
Those Opals belong to the Ootoo.
Please just leave
and let them have their caves back.
Those silly Ootoos are afraid
of these caves, and I'm not.
Fear doesn't control me [gasps]
-[Pord snorting]
-[stammering] What was that?
[grunts] Enough with the Jedi tricks.
Uh, that's not us.
-It's not us either. So
[wailing continues]
[Pord shrieks]
-It's the monster!
The legend was actually real!
N-Now that I think about it,
you Jedi can deal with
this creepy cave yourselves.
-[EB-3 screams]
-[Taborr] Let's get outta here!
[laughs] Okay, Lys,
however you're doing it,
you can stop making that sound now.
It isn't me.
Oh. [laughs]
Okay, then who who who's doing that?
[wailing stops]
[laughs] Us.
[exclaims, laughs]
[speaking Poobian]
You came back!
And you're not scared anymore.
[laughing] And neither is Nubs.
[speaking Poobian]
[miners chattering]
I love seeing everyone so happy
to be back in the Opal caves.
My people were afraid
because we thought the legend was real.
But you taught us
to not let fear hold us back.
We learned there was nothing
to be afraid of.
For that, we are very, very grateful.
-[miners cheering]
-You got this!
[miner] Whoo-hoo!
A gift from us to you.
-Thank you, Ayva!
So beautiful!
[miners cheering]
[Ayva] Whoa!
[all laughing]
[younglings] One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Excellent. Your lightsaber forms
are looking great, everyone.
Today we'll be sparring.
Everybody pair up.
I love practicing with another person.
Lys, Nubs,
either of you wanna be my partner?
-[speaking Poobian]
Kai, I know you usually train
with Lys or Nubs,
but today I'd like you
to train with Djovi.
They'll give you
a different kind of challenge.
Oh! Of course, Master Zia.
Thanks, Master.
I'm sure Kai Brightstar
will be an excellent opponent.
Just remember,
this isn't a competition, all right?
There are no winners.
The purpose of sparring is to practice
and help each other get better.
Everyone, take your places.
One, two, three, four.
Pretty good, Brightstar.
My turn.
-One, two, three, four.
[both grunt]
Ready to go again?
Yeah, let's go!
-One, two, three.
[Kai screams]
Hey, we haven't learned that form yet.
Master Zia wanted this
to be a challenge, right?
I like a good challenge.
Me too.
Show me what you got.
[both grunting]
Good job, Nubs.
[gasps] Wow!
-[Lys] Uh
[Djovi grunts, laughs]
[Kai grunts]
[Djovi grunts]
[both grunting]
-[Kai] Come on!
[both grunting]
[grunting continues]
-[both] Wow.
-That was amazing.
-Did you see that?
-[Lys] Whoa.
Kai, Djovi, that's enough for today.
-Let's head inside, everyone.
-[younglings laughing]
Thanks for the challenge, Brightstar.
I can't believe I lost.
Lightsabers are my thing.
[speaking Poobian]
Oops. [laughs]
Sorry, Nubs.
[speaking Poobian]
You didn't lose.
Because Master Zia said
it wasn't a competition, remember?
Besides, you were great with your saber.
Your forms were amazing.
Yeah, but Djovi's still better.
-I I thought I was the best.
-[door opens, closes]
Kai, may I talk to you, please?
[speaking Poobian]
Yeah, I think he's done.
Go for it, Nubs.
What's this about, Master?
I wanted to talk to both of you.
You two showed some
excellent lightsaber skills today.
[both] Thank you, Master.
And because of that,
I'd like to give you a special assignment.
In the Tenoo tree forest
there are glowing beacon stones
that light the rope bridge path.
I've been told that
somewhere along the path
there's a stone whose light has gone out.
I would like you two to find it,
so it can be fixed and glow again
before it gets too dark.
Are you up for the challenge?
Of course, Master.
Yes. Consider it done.
May the Force be with you.
[birds twittering]
So, beacon stones.
They sure are glowy.
The glowiest.
I guess we'll, uh, know which stone
we need when we see it.
It'll be the one that's not glowing.
[laughs] Right.
It's just
doesn't this mission
seem a bit simple to you?
I'm sure Master Zia has her reasons.
That's why I'm not gonna let her down.
I'll show her I'm the best Jedi
for the job.
The best?
You're still thinking about
our sparring match, huh?
Never seen anyone spar like that.
You were incredible!
You've gotta tell me how
you knocked my saber out of my hands.
And give you an advantage
in our next match?
I don't think so.
Well, you're not gonna beat me again.
I'll find that beacon stone
for Master Zia.
[scoffs] Oh, no, you won't.
I'm gonna find it first.
What makes you so sure?
How about we race for it?
You're on!
-Ready, set
-[gasps] Hey!
[both panting]
[Djovi laughs]
[both grunting, laughing]
[both grunting]
[both panting]
Not bad, Brightstar. [sighs]
[both laughing]
[Kai] Master Yoda, no question.
Nuh-uh. It's gotta be Master Kriss.
Master Yoda's over 650 years old.
He's definitely the Jedi
most skilled with the Force.
Okay, but Master Kriss uses the Force
to spin her lightsaber in midair.
You know a lot about Jedi Masters.
Almost as much as me.
I've studied them all.
I want to be the best Jedi Master
I can be.
Me too!
[both] Because Jedi help those in need.
Master Yoda gave me this.
It was his training lightsaber.
Really? Whoa.
[Kai] With everything I learn,
every mission I go on,
I have a chance to show him and Master Zia
that I'm gonna be a great Jedi one day.
Djovi? [gasps]
The beacon stone!
See you back at the Temple, Brightstar.
[grunts] Whoa.
[both grunt]
[Djovi gasps]
[both] The stone!
What are you doing, Brightstar?
Me? You're the one who dropped the stone!
Only because you made me drop it.
[groans] This mission is ruined.
I'll never impress Master Zia this way.
What do you mean?
You already showed her you're better
with a lightsaber than me.
Why do you need to impress her?
[Djovi sighs]
Because of you!
I was so excited
to be your sparring partner today
because you're good at everything.
The only way I can get better
is by training with you.
Master Zia always sees how great you are.
You're not the only one who feels like
they have to be the best, you know?
I feel that way all the time.
Djovi, when you beat me earlier,
it felt like I'd never be a great Jedi
just because I wasn't the best
at one thing.
But that's not what being
a great Jedi is about.
I got way too focused on winning
and lost control.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
I do tend to bring out
the competitive side of people,
even when it's not really a competition.
This mission [laughs]
I mean, our mission is to find the stone.
The only way we're gonna do that
is together.
Now that sounds like something
a great Jedi would say.
[both grunting]
Do you see the stone?
No. It's too dark.
[gasps] Wait.
Good idea, Brightstar.
[Kai] Ha ha.
The The stone!
Yes, we did it!
-[gasps] Brightstar, wait! It's
[gasps, grunts]
-[Djovi grunts]
[Kai] Whoa!
[panting] Nice save.
That's a long way down.
Thanks. There! The stone!
We've gotta get it before it falls.
Yeah, uh, little busy right now.
My lightsaber is slipping.
I can't hold this forever.
Any ideas?
Um, um
[Djovi grunts, panting]
[gasps] I've got it!
Just follow my lead.
[Force rumbling]
[Kai] Catch!
I got you. My turn.
[Force rumbling]
[Force rumbling]
[Kai grunting]
[Djovi grunts]
[Kai grunting]
[both panting, laughing]
Let's bring this back.
If it wasn't for Djovi,
I would have fallen into that pit.
And if it wasn't for Brightstar,
we would have lost the stone forever.
I'm proud of you, younglings.
All I wanted on this mission was
for you to work together and you did.
Just like this beacon stone,
each of us has light within us.
-[Kai] Whoa!
-[Zia] Our job as Jedi is
to help each other find that light,
so we can then share it with others.
And it looks like you both did that
for each other on this mission.
[both laughing] Yes, Master.
since we've got a glowing stone again,
someone needs to return it to its post.
How about another mission?
[both gasp]
Yes, Master.
What do you say, Brightstar?
I say, let's go have some fun.
[both laughing]
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