Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

In the Name of Love and Justice

I created CTA4885.
The amount you took
has rendered you helpless
and unable to wield your strength.
Things won't go your way.
It's time to stop!
It's over, Ryu Si-o.
Hands up!
I'll get you the antidote.
But first,
my Mongolian mom boarded her plane
carrying a bomb.
P'way Air 803.
Cancel your departure
and evacuate the passengers.
There's a bomb threat.
Please be advised.
Due to a bomb threat,
P'way Air 803 will be out of service.
Please leave your belongings behind
-and exit the plane.
-A bomb?
Please leave your belongings
and exit the plane.
We checked the passenger list.
Do you know what the bomb is disguised as?
It will be among the luggage
and should look like a gift.
That's the bomb.
Seat 10B. Passenger's name is Zolzaya.
Check for a gift box of hers.
It's most likely liquor.
Once found, proceed to detonation.
It's me.
Get me an antidote right away.
I don't have any.
Where's Madam Kim?
I'm at her place.
If I don't find any in her fridge,
they're not here.
Why would they be in the fridge?
The antidote must be refrigerated.
It can't be kept at room temperature.
It has to be kept cold?
Ryu Si-o also takes the drug,
it's at Doogo.
Hang in there.
Please hang in there.
Hang in there.
She's unconscious.
Push 30 ml of vasopressin.
Beginning CPR.
One, two, three
What is this about?
What the hell?
Stop him!
Step aside!
I called the police
regarding a theft at the warehouse.
Please investigate
I'm at Iwon Studio Apartments.
This is where Madam Kim lives.
You backstabbing bitch!
Excuse me.
We're the DIU
of the Seoul Metropolitan Police.
Are you Kim Jeong-suk?
You two are under arrest for the violation
of the Narcotics Control Act.
You have the right to an attorney
and may request the court
to review the legality of your arrest.
Ms. Gil's oxygen saturation is dropping.
Charge 70 joules on the defibrillator.
One, two, shock.
Give me 150 joules.
One, two, shock.
Charge 200 joules.
One, two, shock.
Are you all right?
Where's Nam-soon?
She's still
Thank you.
What the hell? Who made this mess?
-Get searching.
-Yes, sir.
We're not the only party
hunting for Ryu Si-o.
Have you checked the CCTV footage?
He gave the gift to the Mongolian woman,
disguised himself in the restroom,
and snuck out.
I know where you are.
You're where Pavel first brought you.
-What the hell?
-Damn it.
Did it get disconnected?
We have the location
of Gyeonggi Province's CTA4885 dealer.
I'm coming with you.
Keep an eye on Dr. Choi.
Good luck out there.
I'm saying this because no one's around.
don't smirk at me like that.
-That's a warning.
-I know where Ryu Si-o is.
-You're lying.
-I'm not.
-Where is he?
-Who knows?
-You said you did.
-I do.
Are you kidding me?
Hey, you!
You think I'm a pushover
because I keep it nice and civil?
They say nutcases handle nutcases,
and crazies handle crazies.
So what will it be?
Get talking,
or you'll die right here.
I'll toss your body in the garlic sack
and throw you in the Han River.
No one will ever find you.
No one will bother, got it?
Spill, you bastard.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything.
I'll let you do whatever you want.
Just please come back to me.
Mom, you can marry him.
Take my private jet on your honeymoon
to a seven-star hotel.
I'll even buy you
a vacation home in Monaco.
I even booked
a stem cell treatment for your birthday.
Really? You've booked a treatment for me?
Yes, I have.
You woke me up with all that wailing.
I heard everything.
The vacation home in Monaco.
Don't you dare go back on your word.
Also, book another session
of that stem cell treatment.
For who?
My Jun-hee.
We'll receive it while holding hands.
Mom, thank you.
Yes, Geum-ju. I'll be right there.
Joong-gan has regained consciousness.
Would you like to come with me?
Go ahead without me.
Be good to her.
Give her everything
that I failed to provide.
By the way,
don't do anything that deserves a beating.
Did you sleep well?
The antidote.
Right. You already drank it.
I told Chamma I'd let you get some sleep.
Thanks for saving my life.
And my mom's too.
Gan I-sik,
you saved us.
I thought you were going to die.
Do you have any idea how scared I was?
I told you I wouldn't die.
It's all right.
Hold on.
Hee-sik, we have Ryu Si-o's location.
He's at a boxing gym near Mount Gobong.
I texted you the address.
Gan I-sik, off we go!
Get in.
My mom bought it for me. Hop in.
-Let me drive.
I'm driving. It's my car.
Have you practiced?
There's nothing like learning by doing.
Okay, here we go.
It's been a while.
This is a Hungarian song.
I heard it every time
I was punished in this cell.
Pavel would have
a division there too, right?
Gypsies live there.
I heard that gypsies
are naturally gifted musicians
who are described as
being born playing the fiddle.
They dance and sing
all day long.
Let's make a run for it someday
to Hungary.
You were alive.
Pavel discards
those who learn to form emotional ties.
We should never have become
special to one another.
That day,
the day we swore to run away together,
I was sent to Hungary.
The place wasn't just home to gypsies.
Pavel was there too.
Since then,
instead of killing me,
they continued to train me.
And I was finally given
my first assignment,
which is you.
I must
kill you
in order to live.
I thought you'd be different.
You will be shackled to Pavel
your entire life,
only to be
abandoned by them in the end.
Like I was.
We'd already been abandoned by the world
by the time Pavel had found us.
I was abandoned three times.
by my birth parents.
Once by the woman
I had trusted.
And once more
by the only friend I've missed.
I wish
to go out
as only
having been betrayed twice.
Ryu Si-o, surrender!
Tsar Bomba.
Ryu Si-o, no!
with dignity."
Inspector Kang,
Yoon Sang-cheol has been arrested.
By the way, there used to be an orphanage
right on this spot.
It shut down a few years ago,
and Ryu Si-o bought the land at a bargain.
Will you excuse me? Hello?
You got him?
They have Kyle's location.
-Where is he?
-Saegyeong Hospital.
The hospital contacted us
after seeing the wanted notice.
He's been an inpatient there
under a fake name.
I see.
You did well, Inspector Kang.
Ms. Gold,
you achieved an incredible feat.
It was merely the tip of the iceberg.
The crimes will continue.
Obtaining the antidote
is the more pressing matter.
I must beat it out of that lab rat.
In the Hwang Geum-ju way.
Where is Commissioner General
Lee Jeong-sik?
We know you had him.
Ryu Si-o's secretary Yoon Sang-cheol
told us everything.
He said you held him captive.
Do you also take the drugs?
I'd have to be insane to take them.
It's better to just die.
You distributed drugs,
abducted innocent people,
and even assaulted them.
Be grateful
you're being arrested in Korea.
If we were in Russia,
I would've already killed you.
Got it.
There you go.
Is that so?
They successfully rescued
Commissioner General Lee.
we managed to apprehend
all CTA4885 distributors.
The issue now is supplying antidotes.
This may seem like just a drug case,
but the antidote is key.
-The antidote?
-Before Pavel gets to it,
we must find it first.
What about at Doogo?
The box I found was the last of it.
We're not on the right track.
Let's go to Dogang Stationery.
Why would we go there all of a sudden?
You know, that stationery shop.
The place where they kept Dr. Choi hidden.
I think I saw something there.
Like what?
I saw some sort of vapor
coming from the stationery shop.
Then should we start there?
Shouldn't we have a plan of some sort?
He's wearing a fancy coat today.
Let's use that to our advantage.
What's that supposed to mean?
I knew at first sight.
The man who deals junk food
and assorted tools of learning
would preside over
all that's good and evil.
Only you
can see me as I am.
Look at me.
Witness me in all my glory!
Damn it.
Gan I-sik,
are you getting this?
Chamma, send this video
to the special counsel.
Got it.
And we'll arrest the man.
Ask for vehicles
to transport the antidote.
Yes, sir.
We appreciate your cooperation.
-Don't mention it.
-Shall we?
You must be sad that Ryu Si-o died.
Don't you think you're too talented
to rot as a lab rat
for a criminal like him?
Don't speak ill of him.
He was perfection.
He gladly volunteered
for all the clinical trials.
We were one and the same!
Don't use convoluted speech
to talk him up.
You were only fond of him because
he let an ex-con become a researcher
and paid hefty bonuses for your work.
That wasn't it.
I hear you're allergic to corn.
You've been suffering from PTSD
ever since bullies
stuffed rotten corn down your throat
when you were 14.
Would you rather be tormented
with corn rice in prison for life
peacefully hand over
the formula for the antidote?
No, this can't be.
I bet you thought
I still suffered from PTSD.
I've already been cured.
Truth be told,
was hoping to get you the Nobel Prize.
It's something I can guarantee,
especially with that talent of yours.
there's nothing I can do
if you don't want it.
Go ahead and rot in jail.
Corn rice yesterday, corn rice tomorrow,
canned corn, and
What's so grand
about a Nobel Prize anyway?
The prize money is only 1.3 billion won.
As if the prize money is important.
What else matters more than money?
What's the use of wasting my breath?
I'm not highly educated,
so I wanted to sweet corn
I mean, I wanted to sponsor
a Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry.
Since you aren't interested,
I'll have to look elsewhere.
I have places to be, so
What is it?
It's human nature
to want prizes and awards.
Come to think of it,
the only prize I've ever won
is a prized meal.
Hey, Nam-gil.
Ms. Hwang, it's bad!
What now?
The office is empty,
and the sign is gone.
He left ten million won in his drawer
and vanished into thin air.
I knew this would happen.
Let me ask this one thing.
How the hell did you
first get to know him?
I met him at church.
I was attending early-morning service.
At church?
Bread goes to church?
We were volunteering
for a bible study group
when he offered me a job one day.
I bet the people there were loaded.
It wasn't like that.
Something that stood out
was the fact that he adored Saint Paulus.
He said we must be
as passionate as Paulus was.
Paulus, who once persecuted Jesus,
became one of his most devoted apostles.
He also left this note behind.
It's hot.
Be careful of the steam.
Gosh, your hands must hurt.
"Be like the merciful Paul."
That's right. In English, Paulus is Paul.
Nam-gil, bring the car around.
Yes, ma'am.
Load them up, boys.
We need these on the boat by today.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
where are you headed?
Don't mind her and get to work.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
When did you become
some sort of a sorceress?
Unfortunately, I have yet
to obtain the ability to teleport.
I'll keep this short.
Where are you hiding him?
-He smuggled himself out of the country.
-Out of the country?
Yes, he requested a boat
that would smuggle him to Italy.
But I never thought
he'd take off like this.
Just how much money was he managing?
I can't give you an exact number.
He was also in business with Mr. Chen.
Mr. Chen?
One-armed Mr. Chen, the loan shark?
From what I hear, Mr. Chen's disappeared.
It's fascinating
that you two can sense my energy
when I use my strength.
It runs in our family among the women.
Geum-ju had it rough
pulling it together in the middle.
I know it was hard for you too, Mom.
You were even kidnapped.
By the way,
what will you be doing next?
I know for certain
what I want to do with my life.
-Me too.
-Me too.
What is it for you, Mom?
Thank you, Jun-hee.
Don't thank me.
Someone born with a gift like you
should do something meaningful with it.
Do you know when I first fell for you?
It was when you helped me
solve the voice phishing scam.
Why would you find that attractive?
It only makes me want to be tougher.
Be as tough as you want.
I can handle it.
Let's head inside.
These are the fraud cases
from the last three months.
You don't need to take any exams.
Once you answer a few questions,
-you'll get your license.
-The elderly hand over
their personal information
in the hopes of getting a job,
which is then used
for fake bank accounts or illegal loans.
You'd better pay up
for the lectures you took.
We've been witnessing
a rise in extortion cases
where scammers trick the elderly
into supposed scam protection classes
only to force them to pay the fees.
These dirtbags must be taught a lesson.
The police are too busy
to handle these cases,
and most of the elderly don't know
how to go about these situations.
These damn rats deserve a whole lot worse
than rotting away in the sewers.
You're mesmerizing.
They won't get away with this.
The legal team
will be busier than they have ever been.
First, let's discuss
the Korea Communications Commission.
We're filing a case against them
for the fine they issued.
Rather than informing the public
of the dangers of CTA4885,
they charged Geumju TV with a fine
under the pretext of defamation.
I'm the one
who had her reputation tarnished.
Prepare a defamation countersuit
against them.
Ask for a compensation amount
of 100 billion won.
go after the directors
and shareholders of Doogo.
Even though they knew about CTA4885,
they either kept silent
or aided the operation.
There's solid proof
that Ryu Si-o tried to kill me,
but no one has released
any kind of statement.
It is undoubtedly gross negligence.
Ms. Hwang,
you're talking about foreign companies
and foreign individuals.
That's even better.
I'll have them stand trial
in an international court.
No matter how long it takes
or how much it costs,
I will take down the criminal organization
that hurts people with its dark influence
with my own hands.
Hwang Geum-ju, the founder of Geumju TV,
who solved what is now being called
the biggest drug case
in the nation's history,
never shut down her broadcast
despite having her life threatened
or being pressured by authorities.
The true heroes of society live among us.
The Drug Investigation Unit
of Ganghan Police Precinct,
please step forward.
Attention, salute.
At ease.
This unit solved the CTA4885 drug case
and arrested all 349 distributors
of the drug ring.
We commend their contribution
to the eradication of drugs.
Also, all members will be rewarded
with a special promotion.
Next, the commissioner general
will announce the special recruit.
Gang Nam-soon, please come forward.
By taking the initiative
in the war against drugs,
you actively aided
the police's investigation
and showed a great performance
beyond that of a normal citizen.
Your love and devotion to the people
is what the police agency
looks for in a police officer.
Thus, by the authority
of the commissioner general,
the agency recruits you as one of its own.
Seoul Metropolitan Police
Commissioner General Lee Jeong-sik.
-Nam-soon, you look incredible!
Goodness, my granddaughter.
I finally get to meet you.
Let's eat.
We're having a family dinner,
but we're not really sure
if we're family, strangers,
or a bit of both.
This is to celebrate my father
being discharged from the hospital
as well as Nam-soon
joining the police force
as a special recruit.
it's to announce my new beginning.
Mother, was it necessary
to bring that up at this very moment?
Could we please not argue tonight
and enjoy a peaceful dinner for once?
I highly doubt it.
We have a weird tendency
to let arguments bring us closer.
It's become a habit.
Well, if things are already in shambles,
I'll add one more thing.
-Can we eat first, Mom?
Allow me to say something first.
I can't lie to you saying I wish you well.
But I'll let you go.
I do so out of the love I have for you.
Dad, come on.
Good for you, Dad.
I'll look for a place for you to live.
I'd like to live in a house
rather than an apartment unit.
One with a garden.
Ask for a pool too, why don't you?
I wouldn't mind that either.
Anyway, this frees me up
to marry someone else, right?
can you find me someone
who's on the feeble side
and has a lot of emotional baggage?
-You're asking me when I'm also single?
Since we're talking about remarrying,
I'd like Geum-ju and Bong-go
to get back together.
I agree. Yes!
Our family's conversations
tend to bounce around without warning.
No one can live alone in this world.
Nam-soon has returned to us,
so get back together.
I'm afraid I can't agree to that.
shouldn't have to live as someone's wife.
Rather than being
just Nam-soon and Nam-in's mother,
she should get to
navigate this world as Hwang Geum-ju.
Why would you frame her
as just being your wife?
I meant that you should be
a supportive husband to her.
Be a docile husband and keep her company.
I can say this much as his roommate.
He's quite good at that.
I can't deny that, but
Let me handle my personal life.
We'll talk about this later.
Maybe we should.
That reminds me,
I thought we'd meet
Hee-sik's family next week
to discuss their wedding.
Have you talked it over with them?
But I will.
Did he even propose to you?
Our family has a tendency
to just do whatever they want
without considering others.
Shouldn't we work on that?
The approach of this fine weather
has put a spring in our step.
How about you enjoy a weekend outing
-with friends and family
-That news anchor for Geumju TV.
I'd love to take her out on a date.
Can you put in a good word?
Do you like her?
She's totally my type.
You won't believe this.
Do you know who the owner
of Dogang Stationery is?
-Who is he?
-Ryu Si-o's biological father.
I ran his DNA to test for drugs,
and it was already registered from
when he put his child up for adoption.
That child turned out to be Ryu Si-o.
His DNA came up as a match
with the sample from Ryu Si-o's autopsy.
"Probability of paternity, 99.98%."
So he tracked down
his biological father and
This young man came to see me one day.
He was quite good-looking too.
opened a stationery store for me.
I had never met anyone
who was that generous before.
I'm still curious
as to why he was so good to me.
I wonder why he tracked down his father.
Beats me.
Also, why was he generous
to the man who abandoned him?
Ryu Si-o
must've been lonely.
He must've needed someone
he could lean on.
He once said that having
just one person believe in him
was all he needed in life.
If he hadn't been taken by Pavel,
if he had grown up in a normal family,
he would've grown up as a smart person.
Who your parents are
is vital to your upbringing.
That's why I'm the luckiest girl on earth.
That being said,
I know for sure
I can be a really great dad.
If I had a daughter
who had incredible strength,
I know I could teach her
to use that strength for something good.
Are you
asking me to marry you?
Marry me.
Ppappa, I just received
a marriage proposal!
Hold on. I wasn't done.
The ring.
The ring!
I heard you grew up in Mongolia.
Is that where you graduated high school?
Yes, school number two.
I grew up in the countryside,
so there were only two schools in total.
And college
Of course you didn't go.
I don't have a college degree either.
This is my hotel though,
so please order as much as you please.
Once the kids marry,
please come by for breakfast at any time.
Are you saying
you're the owner of this hotel?
But it's embarrassing
not to have a college degree
and to only be able to invite you
to this shabby six-star hotel.
After the marriage,
I wish to give Hee-sik
a building in his name.
I have five on Dosan-daero,
four on Apgujeong Rodeo Street
Wait, was it five?
That's enough. Take the call.
Please pardon me.
Yes, Nam-gil.
That building?
I told you to donate it
to the Ahyeon Foundation.
The 75 million won it brings in monthly
should be enough to sponsor the children.
I don't need buildings in my name.
What date do you have in mind?
We should speed things up.
Our family has a tradition of its own.
So the sooner, the better.
A tradition?
You see, it's imperative
that they have daughters.
The bloodline must be carried on.
As if one would be enough.
If my daughter-in-law is up for it,
they could even have ten.
-Put in some effort.
Then they can live in Gangnam
as newlyweds.
Since his surname is Kang, Gangnam it is.
It's perfect.
I'm fond of his surname as well.
What do you mean by that?
Would you have gotten them a place
in Anguk-dong if his surname was An?
That's right.
It corresponds
to our family's sense of duty.
We have to protect the neighborhood.
If his surname was Woo, Ui-dong.
If it was Gu, Gusan-dong.
If it was Yeon, Yeonhui-dong
Of course.
One family member married someone
with the surname Nam recently
and went to live in Namgajwa-dong.
If his surname was Park, then where
Then they'd have to go to Bakdaljae
to uphold tradition.
But we can compromise with Banghak-dong.
We as a family can be quite flexible.
Flexibility is nice.
My son is flexible too.
-I see.
-You can do the splits, can't you?
-Ms. Gil.
Let me show you how flexible I am.
Dad, don't.
Ms. Gil, here you go.
Don't lose hope.
I'm not homeless.
Ms. No.
Come on.
Why are you doing this to me?
Did you have to go this far
when what we had was brief?
I even gave you the middle part
of my triangle gimbap.
Do you know how much I cared?
I beat up others
at the clothing donation bin
just to get you designer clothes.
Do you know why I even did that?
How do you think you became
the most stylish vagrant?
It isn't a crime to fall out of love.
Should the consequences be this harsh?
You said you never loved anyone.
It's what you said
in a magazine interview.
You said you've never truly been in love.
Meanwhile, I loved you for real.
You can't take back what you gave
You did the same with your heart.
You penniless jerk.
Get some rest.
It's your first shift tomorrow.
Don't you have anything for me?
Like what?
Come on. You know what.
It's what I gave you
when you took me home the last time.
-Then what is it?
Is Nozh still in Korea?
We don't have any updates
regarding Nozh's whereabouts.
we obtained some intriguing intel.
It's about why Nozh was in Korea.
Intel has it that Nozh
is one of Pavel's most brutal killers.
With Sabaki being physically weak,
the organization needed a new boss.
That's why Nozh gained support
as the successor.
They wanted to uphold the Mafia tradition.
The brutal and cruel Nozh
wasn't well-versed in finance,
so they sent him to Korea.
To study finance.
To study finance?
Sabaki wanted him to learn
about finance and the economy.
His first lesson seemed to have been
money laundering,
but he often sent encrypted messages
saying he wanted to quit.
I doubt he found it fun.
To him, wielding knives
must be easier than managing money.
Ryu Si-o's death opened up a crack
in Pavel's Asian division.
That means we'll soon
be able to unmask Nozh.
Information usually leaks through cracks.
You never know what the future holds.
Who knew the Mongolian ger constructor
would end up working out of our precinct?
I'll do my best.
I'm ready to take on anything!
Please take it easy.
That'd be more helpful.
Begin your shift.
-Let's do this.
-All right.
-Go, us!
A joint response request came in from
the Special Drug Investigation Division.
Location verified. Let's roll!
Hurry. Get ready.
Go, Gang Nam-soon!
Delivery's here.
-Who ordered a criminal?
-Good job.
-Hey, Na-young.
How've you been?
Tripe hot pot sounds nice.
The secret phone Ryu Si-o was using.
We never found it at the scene, right?
-It's still being used
by someone with the code name Binbin.
A Tsar Bomba has been issued
and the target is "Gold."
-The operation is a go.
-Nam-soon, wait.
And now,
let us collect your donations.
-Excuse me.
I'm afraid I don't have any cash
You had the audacity to come to my lecture
without any money?
Boys, close the door.
Don't let anyone leave
-until they pay up!
Has this old hag lost her mind?
Do you have a death wish?
I am Gil Joong-gan.
My name may mean "in the middle,"
but there's nothing moderate about me.
From this moment on,
anyone who tries to scam the elderly
will answer to me.
Mother, you must watch your back.
Nozh has you as his next target.
We have identified Nozh.
Here's his photo.
Be like the merciful Paul.
The members of Pavel
refer to the drugs as Paul.
Was it you all along, Bread?
Then you were in Busan that day
to intercept the sea hares.
Just you wait.
kill you myself.
Remember what I said
about excessive force?
You told me not to punch anyone.
All I did was nudge them with this.
Besides, this was self-defense.
He tried to shoot me with that.
Why you
You bastard.
How dare you point a gun at a cop?
You damn druggie.
-Shoot me, why don't you?
-Reel him in.
-He's gone nuts.
-Shoot me, damn it!
-Hee-sik, stop.
-Shoot me, damn it.
We're at 687-gil.
The suspects have been arrested.
-You'll get in trouble.
-Damn it.
What the hell is going on?
-What are you doing?
Damn it.
There's this cool line
from a K-drama I once watched.
Do you know what it is?
"The world should never be a place
where the bad guys are the winners."
I'll make sure it isn't.
Because I am the strong girl,
Gang Nam-soon.
Bring it!
Anyway, where did Geum-ju go?
-To Jangchung-dong.
-For pig trotters?
No, to meet Yun-hui.
You know who she is.
Her son is Chung-dong.
What brings you by?
I sent you money to expand the restaurant,
but you still haven't done it.
I needed it to cover his settlements.
Where's Chung-dong?
I told him to stay to make deliveries,
but he must've taken off.
What is this about?
need him.
I'd like
to give him a mission.
Geum-ju, please take him with you.
Make a worthy man out of him.
Call him here.
Jang Chung-dong.
An anomaly in his Y chromosome
made him a man with exceptional strength.
I think Geum-ju wants him to work for her.
No way.
He's no joke, being a mutant and all.
Subtitle translation by: Hye-lim Park
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