Taxi Driver (2021) s01e16 Episode Script

One Year Later

I killed your mother.
"I made soybean paste stew,
your favorite."
-I made soybean paste stew, your favorite.
-"Take your time. Be careful."
Take your time. Be careful.
My son… He'll be home soon.
You should leave before you run into them.
Mr. Kim, are you in there?
Open the door.
Mr. Kim.
Don't stay in there all alone.
You're hurting right now.
Mr. Jang.
I'm getting published.
I didn't know how they found out,
but a few publishers contacted me.
Why would you want to publish that?
Because at least one person will read it
and understand me.
So that was it.
What you wanted was people's attention.
Do you fear being forgotten?
Is that bad?
This book won't ever
come out into the world.
I'll stop it at all costs.
Listen up.
People who lose a family member
live their life
with a bomb inside of their hearts.
You never know when it might blow up,
and we try our best to look away.
What you're about to do is
light up that bomb in their heart.
They don't have to read it.
No matter what anyone says,
I will publish it.
Do you know why
I continued to meet with you?
To forgive you?
Only to find out more about you.
Wait and see
what I'll do to devastate you.
Have you been well?
I'm sorry for not coming more often.
I should've come more often.
But Mom.
Why did you do that?
I could've kept you safe.
Why did you keep me safe instead?
You didn't have to.
Mom, I will never forgive the scumbag
who did that to you.
I'm going to make him regret everything.
Watch me.
So Mom.
Trust me and don't worry about anything.
Just rest in peace.
Bye, Mom.
I'll visit again soon.
Mr. Jang.
Did you see your mother?
-Let's take a walk.
Isn't life ironic?
The real culprit shows up
the moment you gave up
on getting your revenge.
Will you get revenge again?
To be honest,
I don't know how.
I'm sure.
Taking his life at this point
is more like showing him mercy.
Then what?
Should I just do nothing?
I wanted to get revenge too,
just like you.
you know better than anyone
how that desire destroyed me.
Your revenge
doesn't end with ruining the life
of your enemy.
When you live your life
all on your own as yourself,
that's when your revenge is completed.
We already had Kim Cheol-jin
in our deluxe taxi.
And once we meet a client,
we never look away from their case.
On top of that,
our revenge doesn't include
hurting the client.
This isn't just for Kim Cheol-jin.
and I are part of this request too.
Mr. Jang.
I have a request too.
I can't forgive Oh Cheol-yeong.
I'm in too.
I can't be the only one left out.
I raise my hand too.
In the process of this revenge,
we are not going to break any laws.
None of us will get hurt either.
I may have been a bad boss,
but will you give me your final trust?
First, we need to stop him
from publishing his book.
How do we make him give up?
As you said, he has nothing to lose.
The only one that can stop his insanity
is his son.
Over the last few years,
I continuously met with him
and had many conversations.
I realize this every time,
but he loves his son greatly.
Can psychopaths have paternal instincts?
Actually, there are psychopaths
who have excessive affection,
or obsession with their children.
Oh Cheol-yeong is like that too.
He loves his son deeply,
yet he's afraid of him.
Does his son know who his father is?
I don't know. They separated long ago,
so I thought he wouldn't know.
But Go-eun found something amazing.
This is his son.
He's working as a prison guard
in Oh Cheol-yeong's prison.
I got the chills. That means he knew.
This can't be a coincidence.
Then maybe Oh Cheol-yeong knew too.
No. It didn't seem like he knew.
If his son went there knowing who he is,
then what was his intention?
Did he actually miss his father?
That's a possibility.
If his son is also a psychopath,
he would admire his father.
Goodness, young man.
You're such a good son.
My darned sons will never come by.
His mother has serious dementia,
and she's in a nursing home.
We can't let you off every time.
I'll make sure I pay by this week.
I'm sorry.
The nursing home fees and medication bills
are substantial.
I'm so sorry.
He took out a lot of private loans too.
You borrowed and spent our money.
You need to pay us back, then.
Enough is enough! Let me live, you jerks.
"Jerks?" Hey.
Grab him.
You jerk.
-Excuse me.
May I have some stir-fried sundae?
Get out of here
before I make sundae out of you.
But I really want to eat it today.
Come here.
I'll make sure
you never crave it again. You jerk.
Damn it.
Boss! How dare you…
You jerk!
My eyes. I can't see anything!
Damn, it stings!
This is on the house.
Gosh, you didn't have to.
I'm just grateful.
Let me pour you one too.
Isn't it hard to run a business?
My mom used to run a cart bar.
I helped her out since I was a kid,
so I'm used to it.
I'm an experienced part-timer,
so to speak.
My mother used to do something similar.
My father passed away early,
so she had to make a living.
It was like that for me too.
Life would've been easier
if our fathers had been around.
Then, was your father also…
That's what I thought,
but I somehow found out.
I think he's alive.
Don't look for your father.
My father is…
I'm hungry. I want food.
I'm not sure why he abandoned us,
but I'm sure he had a reason.
He was an inspiring man.
-This guy…
-And very competent.
doesn't know anything.
He was a warm-hearted guy.
I remember the ramyeon
he used to make every Sunday morning.
I don't know what he put in there,
but no matter what I do,
it doesn't taste the same.
Don't you resent him?
I'd be lying if I say I don't.
But still,
I miss him.
Should I find him for you?
I'll find him if you want me to.
Can I ask what you do for a living?
A taxi driver.
All right.
-I'll come again.
What's your plan?
It looks like he doesn't know
why his life is in a mess.
Han Dong-chan's life
is already tough enough.
We'll let Han Dong-chan decide.
-Hey, Do-gi.
-See you.
-I work here.
I see.
What brings you here?
I came to visit someone.
-Oh Cheol-yeong.
You know him?
-Do you know him too?
-Of course.
He's the most evil guy in here.
Not only is he conceited,
he also bullies the guards a lot.
So how do you know him?
I'm here on behalf of someone.
Right. You help people find someone.
There's someone who wants to find him?
How would you feel, Dong-chan?
What if it turns out that your father
isn't such a good person?
What if he's the opposite of good?
I'd be disappointed,
but still, he's my father.
Do you have some time later?
I have something to tell you.
Go ahead.
Do you feel better now?
I felt bad for you last time.
Look after yourself.
Your mother risked her life to save you.
Do you know what my job is?
I'm a taxi driver.
Weren't you a soldier?
I guess military life didn't suit you.
I take special clients in the taxi.
People who want to take revenge.
This time, it won't be for other people.
-I will get my revenge.
-Against me?
What's your plan?
Are you going to kill me?
Why would I kill you?
Your son's a different story.
Oh Hyeon-su.
I met him.
Stop lying.
How did you find him?
You must've made good ramyeon.
He said he loved the ramyeon you made
every weekend.
-What's your secret?
-You jerk.
He didn't do anything wrong.
Don't lay a hand on him.
It's not like you killed my mom
because she did anything wrong.
He misses you a lot.
That's why I plan on telling him.
-When should I tell him?
Right now?
Or maybe I'll put it off for a while,
then drop the bomb
when he gets married. What do you think?
I'm sorry for everything.
What do you want?
I'll do anything as you say.
Those people that you've killed
begged like this too. Didn't they?
How do you feel?
I'll take my time to tell you my terms.
But first, file for a transfer.
Why should I be transferred?
They won't accept my request anyway.
You said you'll do as I say.
Fine, I'll do it.
Then you won't hurt Hyeon-su, right?
By any chance,
can you give me a photo of him?
Did you wait long?
How did your visit go?
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before.
Civil servants can't have two jobs.
Don't worry. I won't tell anyone.
-Let's go for a walk.
What did you want to tell me?
Your mother is at a nursing home, right?
There is this hospital
affiliated with the foundation I work for,
and there's a space available.
They have nice facilities,
and the foundation pays for everything.
Are you interested?
But why would you do that for me?
Because you're lucky, Dong-chan.
It's the first time anybody has said that.
I couldn't find your father.
I'm sorry.
Don't say that.
Don't. I'm so grateful for this.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
How could this happen?
How could Oh Cheol-yeong's son
be a guard at that prison?
That's why I have a favor.
-Once he requests for a transfer…
-I understand.
I'll make it happen.
Thank you.
Are you ever going to tell Oh Cheol-yeong?
Even if he misses him,
he won't have a face to think of.
My gosh, I can't believe this.
I saw the basement prison
under your building.
And I heard about its use.
Prosecutor Kang! My gosh, Prosecutor Kang!
I heard it was Oh Cheol-yeong.
Kim Do-gi's mother was killed
by Oh Cheol-yeong!
My gosh, I can't believe this.
Do you admit to confining people
such as Park Ju-chan,
Cho Jong-geun, and Choi Jong-suk in there?
I just rented out that place.
It's up to my tenant
to use that place as he likes.
But we couldn't find a rental contract
that Jang Seong-cheol signed.
or any financial transactions.
If you check the CCTV footage,
you'll find all the evidence you need.
I didn't see anything.
I looked through all the footage,
but I never saw Mr. Jang there.
I guess it's one of two things again.
Someone destroyed the evidence,
or you're lying.
There are a lot of witnesses.
I'm sure those jerks already told you
who locked them up down there.
How can I trust what criminals say?
What if you're all in this together?
Prosecutor Kang.
If you conduct a biased investigation,
it won't do you any good.
Why do you think I'm being biased?
I'm sorry for causing so much trouble.
You'd better behave when you get there.
Don't cause trouble.
Yes, sir. I'll do that.
I'm sorry for putting you through so much.
Don't mention it.
What do you mean?
Ms. Han Mi-ae, who's supposed
to be transferred to our nursing home,
recently passed away.
It must take much longer
to get here from Seoul.
Don't even get me started.
It's all because of this jerk.
It doesn't matter.
I'm never coming back to see you.
The one who sent you here
is me.
That was
the last piece of mercy I showed you.
What are you saying?
I heard you hurt someone again
before coming here.
That idiot?
I simply taught him a lesson.
Did he tell on me over that?
You transferred me because of him.
Did you think I wouldn't know?
What the hell?
-You punk!
-Grab him!
-Did you get him?
-You asshole!
Are you okay?
Goddamn it.
What the…
Because of you,
that prison guard
needs four weeks to recover.
And he couldn't visit his mother
who was suffering from dementia.
When her son suddenly didn't show up,
Han Dong-chan's mother…
That's my Hyeon-su.
Her dream was to see her son
become a civil servant.
She always told him that was the only way
he could live a decent life.
Han Dong-chan passed the exam
despite his tough circumstances.
I'm starting to get bored.
How long is this story?
If she hadn't suffered from dementia,
she wouldn't have
let her son work at the prison
where his father was locked up.
Han Dong-chan.
He's your son, Hyeon-su.
Are you kidding me?
I heard you wanted one.
You're lying.
You made up everything. Right?
In the end,
your son lost the only family he had left
because of you.
Your wicked insanity
ended up hurting your son.
No, this can't be true.
Wait. No, stop!
Say this isn't true.
Tell me it's not true!
My gosh.
I can't believe
I lived to see the day
you treat me to some eel.
I'm done settling my debt.
-What debt?
-The eel you bought that day.
Oh, the search and seizure.
Come on. Why are you embarrassing me
by bringing that up?
You don't have to be embarrassed.
I got mad at you because I was guilty.
I'm sorry about that.
Prosecutor Kang said is right.
I used the deluxe taxi
to abduct criminals.
Why are you
confessing your crime over eel?
You're kidding, right?
Ask Prosecutor Kang for the details.
She's working on this case.
Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
Are you serious?
Hey, Seong-cheol.
Eat up.
-Aren't you going to eat, Jin-u?
-How can I eat right now?
You're going to regret this later.
This is the first and the last time
I'm buying you eel.
Will you come and visit me?
You make your juniors do the work,
and you never do anything.
How can you joke around?
I can't help myself.
Gosh, I feel oddly at peace.
I don't think I've ever felt so peaceful.
Your glass is empty.
I've finished everything I had to do.
What about you?
Did you investigate everything?
I did.
Did you bring a warrant?
Or is it more like an emergency arrest?
Kim Do-gi, you are…
not going to be arrested.
I don't have enough evidence.
Why do you think I'm being biased?
There's no evidence.
Why would you say
you colluded with Jang and Kim
and be charged for abuse,
abduction, and confinement?
It'd be simpler to just
be punished for hiding criminals.
You should consult your attorney
and figure out what's better for you.
There's no way you're doing this for me.
I get a feeling
that I'll get you for this big-time
sometime in the future.
I'd rather quit my job
than deal with that.
Baek Seong-mi won't mention
the secret jail.
But this could put you in danger.
Are you worried about me?
I can protect myself.
But you saw what I did.
I'm a criminal.
I never said you weren't.
There were some extenuating circumstances.
"Even if you lose 100 guilty criminals,
don't punish a single innocent person."
The victims of those 100 criminals.
You protected them.
Although it meant breaking the law.
If you don't arrest me,
you'll be breaching your duty.
I'll deal with it.
Because I think
you're worth it, Mr. Kim.
I know that the law isn't perfect.
Thank you for protecting those we'd missed
because of those loopholes.
Prosecutor Kang.
We'll probably never meet again like this.
But when and if we meet again,
let's stop fighting.
Oh, dear. You're at it again?
How many times have I told you?
Just stick it out, no matter what.
If a prosecutor like you quits,
it'll be the bad guys who will rejoice.
But I'm not qualified
to judge anyone by the law.
I guess you have no idea
what kind of person you are.
Can't you muster up a little more courage?
I can't find that courage within me.
Come in.
Why are you walking in so quietly?
What is all of this?
I've handed in my resignation.
Are you flustered
because you wanted to quit first,
but I beat you to it?
You punk. Are you actually here to resign?
Fine. Give it to me.
Are you going to bury
the Rainbow Taxi Case?
You knew about it?
Is this your way of taking responsibility?
I commissioned them too.
I'm not qualified to be a prosecutor.
Break the rules only as a prosecutor.
Don't be a coward and run.
I want you to catch
exactly 100 more big fish
like Baek Seong-mi. No more, no less.
This is an order.
-As for the Rainbow Taxi Case,
I'm the one who buried it, not you.
This is a request.
Why did you all come out?
-Thank you.
-Keep it up.
Thank you, sir.
-Thank you, sir.
-Work hard.
Thank you…
Prosecutor Do.
Aren't you starting next week?
I'm not here to work.
I came to take a walk.
I want to take a look around.
Who comes here to take a walk?
You all know her, right?
She's my successor,
Deputy District Attorney Do Jung-eun.
We trained together.
-Hello, ma'am.
-Hello, ma'am.
-Are you done saying bye?
-We want to see him leave.
Is he moving to a different country?
Why are you being so clingy
when he lives just two blocks a way?
-Get going. I'll see you around.
-Okay, take it easy.
Bring your reports
and meet me in my office.
In ten minutes.
Get going, guys.
-Bye, sir.
-Bye, sir.
Aren't you going?
-After you leave.
-She'll crush you if you keep this up.
-I'll get crushed then.
I was proud to be your supervisor.
Keep it up.
Do things your way. Always, okay?
I'll be off, then.
-Goodbye, sir.
Thanks for all your hard work.
So? Do you have plans?
I'm going back to my old job.
Me too.
Luckily, they hadn't filled the position.
Nice. You must've been good at your jobs.
And you, Go-eun?
I'm taking
the civil service exam next week.
-Don't people study for years for that?
Are you taking it to practice?
As a warmup?
Hold on. Shouldn't we
buy you some taffy to wish you good luck?
-Nobody gives people taffy anymore.
Who eats taffy these days?
You buy them chocolate.
A gift for good luck.
Good luck.
-This is it!
-My goodness.
What's your plan, Do-gi?
I want to travel
and go wherever my feet take me.
-I see.
-What about you?
Me? Well…
I'll always be here.
Thanks for everything.
I was able to start thanks to all of you.
And thanks to your help,
I was able to stop.
Some of you are going back
to where you came from.
Some are embarking on a new journey.
And some are leaving.
But I hope all of you
will find happiness
and peace wherever you are.
You said you've lost muscle.
Isn't it a waste to drink soda
after working out?
This is protein.
Don't lie. It says "sparkling" on the can.
They make it like this nowadays,
so it's easy to drink.
Gosh. No way.
I guess I won't see you work out
under the moonlight anymore.
Here's the thing…
No matter what people say,
I liked what we did.
I will never forget my time
at Rainbow Taxi.
You know you played such an important role
at Rainbow Taxi, right?
You did an excellent job.
Thank you.
When things were tough,
you were always there for me.
Thank you for that.
I'm so lucky to have met…
a colleague like you.
-Take good care of yourself.
-You too.
I'll miss you.
Don't skip meals.
About 20 years ago,
your DNA was found on the victim's body.
And you have admitted
to killing the victim multiple times.
So let me ask you once again.
Witness, are you the real culprit
behind the murder?
Witness, please be seated.
I am the real killer.
I'd like to
sincerely apologize to Mr. Kim Cheol-jin,
who was wrongfully convicted
and served 20 years in jail
because of me.
I'm really sorry.
I'd also like to apologize
to all the victims I killed
and to their families.
I will accept
my punishment and repent
until the day I die.
-As if that's enough!
Mr. Kim Cheol-jin.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
You've been through so much.
-Thank you.
-You should hurry back home now.
Good work.
Right, about Baek Seong-mi and the twins.
-When is the appeal hearing?
-It's next week.
I hope they don't get a reduced sentence.
The twins were sentenced to life,
but Baek Seong-mi got ten years.
She's really something.
She was the one
who got the criminals out on probation.
We certainly shouldn't underestimate her.
I suppose she hired a big law firm.
She should just donate the money to me.
-To you? Why?
I do a lot of good deeds. That's why.
I'm a lawyer who specializes in retrials.
Wasn't this your first retrial?
I'm going to keep doing this. Forever.
Okay. Congratulations.
That will be 12,000 won.
-I'll use this card.
-Sure, I'll put it through.
You own the building on Haesin-ro
in Paju, Gyeonggi, right?
I had a building there?
It's owned by a foreign paper company,
a subsidiary of Nakwon C&C.
Oh, right.
I took over my sister's business,
but I'm still figuring things out.
What about it?
Did you know
it was being used for prostitution?
The owner knows nothing
after renting it out.
How would I know that?
I own many buildings.
Goodness. I guess it runs in the family.
That's exactly what
Baek Seong-mi said a year ago,
in that same chair.
All right, fine.
I'll get it sorted out.
That's not a big deal.
I promise you I'll cooperate,
so just keep my sister in jail.
I guess you don't really get along?
We do.
I love my sister very much.
We just have different ways
of doing things.
Baek Seong-mi…
Damn it.
Whenever I lock someone up,
someone just like them pops up.
How stressful.
Cheer up, Prosecutor Kang.
All this stress will just make me age.
Come out, all of you.
I'll put you all behind bars.
But your skin looks a lot better now.
It looks so moist.
You can have this.
-Thank you.
-Prosecutor Kang Ha-na's office.
Just a moment.
The man who caught the thug
that got away yesterday.
They looked up the plate.
Apparently, it's a deluxe taxi.
-Did they check the CCTV footage?
-I'll check now.
What's the location?
Let's check the CCTV footage.
That was easy.
Hey, Mr. Kim Cheol-jin's retrial
went well.
I saw the news.
He asked me to thank you
on his behalf for finding his family.
You should get ready to return to work.
The Bluebird Foundation and Rainbow Taxi
are both very understaffed right now.
I don't want to go back to work yet.
You should also travel more
before you get any older.
-Should I come to where you are?
Why not?
I have a nice, spacious tent for myself,
and I don't want to be disturbed.
I'm hanging up now.
Is it done?
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
I will announce the verdict
We've got a cop on our tail.
Hey, it's a cop.
Hi! Salute!
Car 4754, pull over.
-Pull over.
-Car 4754, pull over.
-No way.
-Look, she's a cop!
Pull over!
These punks…
What's she doing?
Oh, no!
Good day.
You ran a stoplight.
And you're not wearing seatbelts.
Your ID, please.
Traffic signal violation, driver
and passenger failure to wear seatbelts.
I'll write you up for everything.
-For real?
-Yes, you'll be fined.
Defendant Gu Yeong-tae's appeal is denied.
He will serve life in prison
as originally sentenced.
Please check the maximum cornering speed.
Gu Seok-tae's appeal is also denied.
He will serve life in prison
as originally sentenced.
Sir. The countdown
will start in ten minutes.
-Are you ready?
Shall we?
Finally, Defendant Baek Seong-mi.
Baek Seong-mi.
Her original sentence of ten years
is revoked.
The court sentences her
to 20 years in prison.
You need to filter out the bad clients.
Damn it.
Hey, get them all!
Stop them!
-Stop them!
If you let them through, you're all dead!
Babe, what's going on?
-Don't worry.
Stop them!
-Who are you?
-A prosecutor who locks up jerks like you.
You're a prosecutor?
Then get a taste of this first!
Damn it!
-Arrest them.
-Yes, ma'am!
Hey, cuff them!
We have shocking news.
An entire family was found dead
in their home in Seoul last night.
The police are trying to track down Kang,
who is suspected to have stalked them.
It will clear up by the morning
due to another…
Another random crime has occurred.
The police have arrested
and are interrogating A
for stabbing and killing a stranger.
What are you looking at?
It's my treat.
I'm going to eat a lot.
Earlier today,
a couple in their 30s was arrested
for abusing and attempting to abandon
their five-year-old adopted child.
Please help me.
Are you okay?
Come on in.
You're here.
You made it.
What took you so long?
It's been a while.
All right. Is everyone here?
Then shall we begin?
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