The Assassins (2024) s01e16 Episode Script

A New Siege

So, God may accomplish a
matter that has been done
So, God may accomplish a
matter that has been done
He who kills, shall be killed
Sabbah did not kill his
son for justice or truth
Sabbah killed his son
to prove to his followers
That he is a man
of truth and justice
To correct the course of the castle
And to affirm their faith in
the holder of the key to Paradise
Hassan's struggles will increase and
grow among those who are closest to him
And on the other side
The chosen one this time is
among those closest to my heart
The chosen one this time is
among those closest to my heart
Barzak Amide
Barzak was sent on a mission
That could be his end
Hassan Al-Sabbah's spirit will be with
you from the moment you leave the castle
Until you return to us, God willing
And it may be the beginning
of his closeness to Sabbah
At the expense of the old friend
Zaid ben Sayhoon
His mission
Is to kill Mansour, the young man
The strong one
Who was trained in
the fortress of Almot
And knows their ways
Episode 16
"New Siege"
Get out!
Just as you left
everything related to me
Fear me, Hassan.
I am your enemy until Judgement day
Expect from me all evil
Could you possibly kill me?
Just like you killed Hussein
if you got mad at me?
You're my beloved son
And Hussein was also my beloved son
I didn't order the killing of
Hussein because he upset me
As a father, I was sad
My heart broke in half
And I cried
I issued the order
as the ruler
And the ruler must
rule with justice
And he must revenge for
the person Hussein killed
Do you understand?
I understand
Do you love me?
But what if I made a violation
that deserves punishment
Who would judge, the ruler?
Would my father forgive me?
If the violation involved people
and harmed people
The guardian would rule
You forgot heaven and
threw yourself into hell!
The one who carries the
spirit of Hassan Al-Sabbah
You should have killed me
insidiously as we were taught
I want to see your eyes
as they depart for Hell
Let me go
Why so quickly?
I couldn't believe I would
find company in my prison.
Would you leave your friend,
Omar, when he needs you?
I don't know you!
I had two friends
and they got killed.
And you killed both of them!
You killed Nizam Al-Mulk
and Hassan Al-Sabbah
I am Hassan Al-Sabbah
You're his corpse!
A corpse inflated
by vanity and self-love.
I can't even look at
you to say goodbye.
You've always
had a tender heart.
You're battling the world from
within, unable to face it.
A poet.
The meanings play with you
like alcohol plays with your head.
You enjoy being a drunken
toy in the hand of fate, Omar.
A drunken to in the hands of fate is
better than thinking I am the fate, Hassan!
Please, let me go.
Or am I your
prisoner in the castle?
No, you are my friend.
But for you to leave, there
is another arrangement.
I don't want your haste to
be the cause of your death.
And to have Omar Khayyam
killed near the Alamut castle!
Because Hassan Al-Sabbah
couldn't protect him.
Arrange for me to
leave as soon as possible.
What advice do you have for
Hassan Al-Sabbah before parting?
Don't look at your
elongated shadow on the wall.
Look at your limited lifetime.
And at your body, vulnerable
to disease and death.
Maybe a breath of anger.
Maybe a breath of anger.
Won't be followed by
a breath of regret.
Farewell, Omar.
Hold it right there!
You must be the esoteric
who killed this young man.
You're not just going to die.
- You will be mutated too!
- Where are you taking me?
To the judge, the
court, and then death.
What will you gain?
You hand me to the judge,
I'll die, and you'll stay poor.
If you have a brain.
Or a heart that
loves your children.
- Let me go!
- Silence!
A sack of gold at the city gate.
A good deed from me for you
and your children to live in wealth.
A good deed from me for you
and your children to live in wealth.
You're lying, you own nothing.
At the gate, my partner is waiting.
Take the gold, go home.
You never saw me,
I never saw you.
If you don't get the gold, your weapon
is ready, and my neck is not too far.
Kill me or hand me to the judge.
Here's the gate.
Where's your partner?
- Under my clothes.
- What?
I'm starting to believe
that you're a good man.
And you'll believe me even more
when I bring out the other bag.
So, we were able
to erase their trace.
By the will of God.
The castles are all that's left.
And first, the castle of
the devil Hassan Al-Sabbah.
But our Sultan Malik-Shah's
siege failed, unfortunately.
It failed as we couldn't estimate our enemy
correctly, and we were not at our best.
I will multiply the
numbers many times.
And supply them with
money, weapons, and food.
Enough for Five years.
Even if the siege
lasts a thousand years.
I won't accept anything less than
each part of Hassan Al-Sabbah's
body torn apart and hanged
over the landmarks of Isfahan.
And I want his head for myself.
I’ll hang it over the palace gate.
It's clear that the Sultan's armies
are preparing for a great war.
They're heading to
the Alamut Castle.
They're heading to
the Alamut Castle.
Because of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
May God grant victory
to our Sultan's armies.
Rest, if you and the horse wish.
May God grant victory
to our Sultan's armies.
Do you know who is the
closest one to my heart?
Only God knows, our master.
Zaid ben Sayhoon
That's a great honor, master.
And a great rank.
And a great rank.
And you know what Joseph's brothers
have done to him out of jealousy.
So be careful!
From whom?
Barzak Amide.
He has his eye on you, and
his jealousy of you is great.
Hide the matter and beware of him.
And keep all of the
secrets I told you.
Training of the new recruits
needs to be stepped up a bit.
Get moving.
You've returned!
Our hero is back.
This is a miracle.
A miracle by all measures.
I must meet the master immediately.
The Sultan's army is on
its way to besiege the castle.
The immense Seljuq’s army is coming
back to lay siege to the Castle of Alamut.
But what can all the
armies of the world do
Against a castle with
Barzak Ameed in it?
May God honor our lord.
Your safe return was a vision
I had before sending you.
You have the rank of a
thousand martyrs, Barzak!
Blessed high rank,
our brother Barzak.
Barzak has a kind heart ,Zaid.
Like you.
May God increase his love and
good expectation, our master.
From now on, I want
the whole castle active.
All of its fires should be
blazing as if in celebration.
And those inside should be
a very limited number of believers.
And about the siege of
the castle, my master?
We will be the jinn that humans
see, but humans cannot see us
Know all the Contents of the
storage areas of the castle
I want the fastest knights to go to the
surrounding castles to call for support
And go to the
subjects, alert and prepare them
I want a new
batch of young believers
And ensure the safe exit of Omar Khayyam
and his friend to the farthest point
I want the three of you to go
to all the villages near the castle
I don’t want surprises
Inform them of our number
Our intention and our gears
To scare them
Tell them that we
won’t accept betrayal
Or neutrality
Or neutrality
Either they are with us with
their lives, hearts and all they own
Or we start with them before
we besiege the castle of Alamut
And wipe them and their children
and their houses off the earth
I want the talk with
them to be tough
With firmness and severity
I want fear to live in their hearts
And if their loyalty is to Alamut
Are we going to do this?
Don’t forget to get pledges and
treaties from their leaders there
And bring me the eldest
son of each tribal leader here
So that his presence
Is their pledge and
commitment to us
Is their pledge and
commitment to us
By doing so, we will
be stirring their anger
So what?
I don’t want traitors!
I want obedience
Or corpses
As you order, commander
Perform ablutions
and offer your prayers.
There is a significant
lesson from our master
Or whoever acts on his behalf
But the words are
our master's words
What does he look like?
Have you
attended the etiquette lesson
by Ibn Sa'fan?
Yes, I attended it
What is the first sentence?
A believer never asks
I'm sorry
Our master, Hassan Al-Sabbah
Is as radiant as the moon
And as fierce as a volcano
A word from him
can take you to heaven
And likewise a word from
him can throw you into hell
May God protect us
Do you
Do you think they might let us
go just like that from the castle?
What they will do to
Khayyam and Sahban?
They could kill us.
If they want to do so.
Is anyone here
wondering why and how?
Don't be afraid.
Lestin, ever since I knew
you, all I've seen is fear.
We've lived in palaces.
And entered the most
dangerous place on earth.
Instead of thanking me!
I will thank you, but
once we get out of here.
I will thank you, but
once we get out of here.
And we separate ways.
Why is that!
I'll leave alone.
Let them tell Sabbah you’re
a traitor and they kill you.
No, no, no, I'm your
servant and massure.
Our master in his solace.
Saw the greatest preacher Barzak Amide as
he returned to the castle on a bird's wing.
Saw the greatest preacher Barzak Amide as
he returned to the castle on a bird's wing.
He asked in private, in his dream.
Is Barzak Amide a martyr?
The mysterious secret inside him answered,
Barzak Amide is a thousand martyrs.
And indeed, Barzak Amide
asked our master for permission.
And went and killed the
apostate infidel Mansour.
- Was Mansour killed?
- And Barzak Amide returned safely.
- Lower your voice.
- He got the title of a thousand martyrs.
He went on a mission and failed.
And with our master
Hassan Al-Sabbah’s words.
Barzak Amide the thousand
martyrs will speak to you.
And tell you the
message of our master.
And tell you the
message of our master.
Our master gave me the
title of a thousand martyrs.
And he told me to inform you!
The Seljuks, the infidels.
They will besiege
us in a short time.
Whoever of you kills one of them.
Will assume a high rank.
And ten virgins of paradise.
- Ten virgins of paradise!
- And his name will be written in light.
- By his hand, on the gate of paradise.
- Isn't that few?
This number is too small!
- We'll be there forever!
- They’re in the thousands.
- And you’re only in the hundreds.
- The number is too small.
Bear with patience.
- Here.
- Patience.
- I was told there’s a paradise here.
- But victory requires patience.
- Paradise?
- Our master in his solitude.
- Paradise?
- Our master in his solitude.
Will determine the
believers' groups.
Who will fight here,
And who will fight
outside the castle.
And who will guard the gates.
So obey and listen.
And be glad for victory and heaven.
I saw you whispering during the sermon
and I forgave you twice and it did no good!
The blame is on the
preacher who raised you.
Sorry my lord.
Follow me.
Each one of you will
speak her native language.
So that it's completely different from
the language of the chosen young man
I want the young Arab man
To hear Persian love words
And the young Persian man
To hear Arabic love words
To hear Arabic love words
And you to understand
And him not to understand
The mystery
Is love's fire
And love is a melody
Not a language
I want him to feel love
And not understand the language
That's the important thing
The sensation
So his heart attaches more to you
And believes he's in a dream
Not in reality
Each one will
have her distinctive scent
Each one will
have her distinctive scent
A special fragrance
Will remain on the body and
clothes of the chosen young man
After he wakes up from the dream
But assume the chosen young man
Got close to one of those
dancing, not the one talking to him
Then she must die!
No matter how close
No matter how hard he tries
The one dancing
Just dances and nothing else
And the one talking to him
Is the only one he should talk to
Do you know where I'm taking you?
To our master Hassan Al-Sabbah
Our lord saved your life
when you were a little child
And it's time to pay
back the favor, my son
I want you to devote
your soul to him
To love him more than me
More than yourself
Just like your brother Saad
From here you can safely
continue your journey
Isfahan, Baghdad, Levant
Wherever you like
You have the horses
with food and drink
Drink, you mean water?
Our master ordered
a bottle of wine for you
- Ok.
- Peace be with you
When we were leaving, there were
sounds of preparation and hustle
Is something going to happen or
is it just a regular procedure here?
Arrive safely
How embarrassing!
I'm on a path and you're
on another as we agreed.
What is this?
Here in the wilderness?
In the desert?
Farewell has rules, Omar!
Farewell has rules, Omar!
No, if there is a farewell
then it's here and forever
Ok, I'm sorry, Omar
Be polite!
I recite poetry as I please
And I enter the city I like and
I leave from it at a time I want
And if you ever want to say at
any time that this poem is yours
Or you are Omar
Khayyam, don't deny it
Well, the thing is
Okay, okay
Let's see!
Where to then?
I'm talking to the horse
Obedience and hearing
to the Seljuk army
But our children!
They are the proof of sincerity
That is rejected
Who said you can talk in my presence?
I am the older one and
I am the chief of tribes
And no voice is louder than mine
A difficult and humiliating request
Our children going to
the Sultan's army,
That's an honor
Sultan Berkyaruq is ours, his army is
our army and his commands are executed
Sultan Berkyaruq is ours, his army is
our army and his commands are executed
Give us the time
For mothers to say
goodbye to their children
Take your time, chief
You will go with the knights
In the service of the Sultan's army
Your hearts are
with Hassan Al-Sabbah
And your appearance
is with the Seljuk army
And your appearance
is with the Seljuk army
And when the battle begins
The heart appears
And nothing else exists
Those are the best young men,
and our finest sons serving our Sultan
Those are the best young men,
and our finest sons serving our Sultan
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq
The siege of Berkyaruq is much
stronger than his father's siege
After all that you have seen
And you still have weak faith, Zaid?
Not their numbers, their
weapon, or their sultan
Their sultan might die now
Their sultan might die now
Or fire may rain down on them from the sky,
or a storm may uproot them from the ground
Miracles need believers,
not hypocrites, Zaid
God Forbid, our master
I meant we could start sending
messages to the surrounding Castles
There's no time for long messages
The homing pigeon
carries only brief messages
Not even a homing pigeon
We need to find another way
Summarizing and riddles
Are very important in messages
Summarizing is understood
But how riddles?
Writing the words
in more than one way
And understanding the intended
meaning of the message
Meaning you could write that the walls are
demolished and allow the sunlight to pass
And the message is passed on
From one shepherd to the next
Until it falls into the hands of our
followers who send us reinforcements
I want very clear and
understandable messages
And false ones
That can be in the hands of others
That can be in the hands of others
Easily caught by the Seljuk state
About fake reinforcements
from a fake place
We people of stealth
and concealment!
Our external appearance is
misleading but our inner mission is true
Bearing the cloak
of patience in tragedy
Bearing the cloak
of patience in tragedy
Reaping the beauty
of patience in the end
A message came from our master
I've overcome every harsh
condition, so I'll overcome this
And poverty has defeated me,
and it has become my ruler
If I show it, it forgives,
if I hide it, it kills
If I show it, it forgives,
if I hide it, it kills
- So his face has become unlovely
- This means our master needs information
About the grain silos in the camp
We found these messages with him
I have to inform
Commander Dawood
Coming to collect money in a
bar, do you think we are fools?
The money is not for me,
it's for you, for your conditions
And what's wrong with the bar?
A place where you enjoy your
time and rest your minds
And where you can ease
your mood to forget the injustice
And we all want
to forget the injustice
And what's the idea then?
The idea is called "The Empty Cup"
What's that?
It means paying for a
single drink and not to drink it
And who will drink it?
No one will drink
it since it's empty
And with the price of each empty
cup, We collect money and take actions
And with the price of each empty
cup, We collect money and take actions
A house for the poor and
clothes for the destitute
And those who are wishing to
become soldiers, will become soldiers
And he then they have
the right of wages and loot
An empty cup doesn't harm
But it can benefit
Empty in Zaid ben Sayhoon's
box the price of your empty cup
And in a few days, you
will witness the gains
Here is the price of
the first empty cup
Pay to Zaid ben Sayhoon,
the price of your empty cup
You will be able to do what
Nobody has been able to do
Here you will learn sacrifice
Here is a holy place
You'll be able to sell
your soul here for the truth
Peace be upon you
Peace be upon you
Your son?
The one you saved
And gave him life years ago
I brought him to serve the dawah
And serve you
He would give his
soul for you, my master
That's a great soul!
And who is more
precious than children!
Tell me about Saad
Do you see him?
He's comfortable and happy
Among the martyrs and the righteous
God is great
God is great
The guests shall be comfortable
Thank you, our master
Is his son in heaven?
What about Hussein?
Don't forget to use the
herbs I told you about.
Who taught you
this recipe, Soliman?
Who taught you
this recipe, Soliman?
A friend of mine
Because dears has types
And each type has its own hunter
Meaning, for example, I see the
dear coming from afar, swaying
And left
And left
And left
Tayfour won't stop lying ever!
He has never seen
a dear in his life!
I really miss Ibrahim!
As for inspiration
It is something that
science does not deny
And it has principles and rules
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