The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e16 Episode Script

I Will Come Back for You

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
Final Episode
- Stop! br - No, Your Majesty!
Let go! Let go of me!
Protect His Majesty!
Chief Royal Secretary!
Clear the way! Clear the way!
Your Excellency!
Close the palace doors!
Protect the queen!
Your Highness! Your Highness!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty.
Chief Royal Secretary.
How could you act so recklessly?
I deeply apologize for not keeping my promise.
Engrave this moment in your heart.
No matter what danger arrives,
I will never leave your side.
I will protect you.
I should be protecting you by your side.
Save your words, please.
When I die, hang my body on the palace doors.
Show them that you made the right decision to punish a criminal.
Comfort the anger of the people.
No, I cannot do that.
You are not a criminal to me. You are a loyal subject! How can I?
Is that so?
I am happy to hear those words.
Chief Royal Secretary!
Your Majesty.
Chief Royal Secretary! Chief Royal Secretary!
Move aside!
Open the doors this instant.
If it's not a royal order, we cannot do so.
Clear the way!
Do not stand aside!
Your Majesty.
Please allow for his coffin to be sent out
so that his last path can be spent with the people who care for him.
Your Majesty, it is too dangerous to open the palace doors now.
You could just be opening the way for the rebels.
If you just give royal permission,
I'll carry him on my back and leave.
You said that right now at the doors of the Royal Investigation Bureau,
Prince Jin Pyeong and Sin Chi Soo are facing the palace guards?
Yes, Your Majesty. What should we do?
I want to properly take care of
Chief Royal Secretary's last path.
Chief Royal Secretary's coffin will be sent out.
For a quarter of a day, cease your attacks so that the funeral rites can be carried out.
If you do not allow for the coffin to be sent out, Chief Royal Secretary's corpse will be hung on the palace doors
and it will be shown that I dealt with a criminal in a proper way.
If that happens, the people will find out that a rebellion had occurred without proper justification.
If an order is sent to kill Prince Jin Pyeong and Sin Chi Soo, who acted rudely towards me during the court session,
no one will oppose it.
What will you do?
Funeral rites?
For a traitorous criminal?
Your Highness, if I do not send a response within the hour,
it was said that my master, Prince Jin Pyeong's throat would be slit.
Please save my master.
There is no need to cause trouble by hanging a traitor's corpse on the doors.
Send the message that we'll follow his orders.
I know for sure now.
You are different from that man, Ha Seon.
I chose you but I could not completely trust you.
Trust is so important.
I have come to that realization through you.
Your Majesty.
I will not be afraid any longer.
I will protect my duty,
and I will trust in you and serve you completely.
Please forgive all of my faults from the past.
Casket of Constitutional Reformer, Chief Royal Secretary, Lee Gyoo.
If I asked you to come to the dangerous and secluded borders with me,
would you come with me?
I could have been completely with you, My Lord.
You said for us to go together,
but how could you leave like this?
I need to go avenge him.
- I will, too. br - Forget it.
It won't be avenging his death.
You'll just be killed in vain.
Your words are true.
Would Chief Royal Secretary have wanted you to sacrifice your lives?
Your Highness.
Prince Yeong Hwa.
Prince Jin Pyeong, how are you feeling?
isn't anything at all.
I'll be up as if nothing happened tomorrow morning.
Do not worry.
What a shame.
If you had not coveted the throne,
you would've enjoyed living out the rest of your life.
This is such a shame.
The 3,000 soldiers that you gathered,
I will use them well when I succeed in restoring things the way they were.
I will place Prince Yeong Hwa on the throne and plan for the future.
Do not worry about the aftermath. Alright?
You were so confident that you would be able to get the king to surrender after going to the court session.
If Chief Royal Secretary had not died,
I would have never condoned your mistakes at the palace.
If something happens to Prince Jin Pyeong, his soldiers will become dispirited.
Do you have something to deal with that?
I have already used my wealth to boost the soldiers' morale.
Do not worry about it.
Rather than that, do you still think
that you need to find justification to restore the throne?
What are you trying to say?
If you let this night pass as you try to find the justification,
your attempt at restoring the throne will fail.
You have not received an edict for being deposed yet.
You still come first before the king, Your Highness.
If you use that as your source of authority and order for the traitorous tyrant to be deposed,
I will immediately come forth and request a justification.
We're going to go into the palace.
Drag that clown
down from the throne tonight.
Your Majesty.
The commander from Hamgyeong Province, Kang In Bok, has sent a message.
Your Majesty, what is the matter?
The situation at the borders has worsened suddenly.
Later Jin could intrude at any moment.
They have arrived at Yangju of Gyeonggi-do Province.
But he is not sure if he can bring the soldiers to the capital in this situation.
He is asking whether I will order them to return to the borders and have them defend against Later Jin.
He is waiting for my order.
This is all because Sin Chi Soo intercepted your confidential letter.
Your safety comes first, Your Majesty.
You must order them to come to the capital right away.
Call Commander Kang. Protecting the throne is the right way.
But if the borders crumble,
the people will be trampled by the Later Jin soldiers and they will die.
It would be meaningless to just protect the throne.
How many rebels are there?
Including those in Gyeonggi Province and the soldiers in the unit there,
we have more than 3,000 people.
If we combine the palace guards, soldiers,
and the eunuchs, it will not be greater than 400 people.
Your Majesty, I apologize, but even if we gather all the strength of the palace with these numbers,
we will not make it more than two days.
The rebels must know about this, as well. They will probably attack soon.
Your Majesty, I will find a way to take you and the queen out of the palace.
Please prepare for it.
I cannot do so.
The people in this palace are my people as well.
How could I leave them here and leave?
Stab the tyrant to death!
There he is.
Protect the king!
Your Majesty!
I will kill you and have you charged for stealing the confidential letter for your personal gain,
putting the borders in danger, and for throwing the capital into confusion.
If you let me go alive,
I will bring the queen dowager's head.
The queen dowager's head?
Yes, Your Majesty. Her head.
Not only her head, but I will bring the heads of all the rebels.
Please forgive my sins.
There is no forgiveness.
The only thing that can pay for Chief Royal Secretary's death is death itself.
You lowly clown!
Your Majesty, I apologize.
We were late because we were suppressing the rebels blocking the way to the capital.
Do not worry. You came at the right time.
Your Majesty!
Commander Hwang Hae Do has arrived near the capital.
He will be arriving by tonight.
Commander Hwang Hae Do will be arriving soon?
I have thought of a way to suppress the rebels.
Your Majesty, you should order for the rebels to surrender and uphold your dignity.
Please wait a moment.
I have one last thing I must do.
How come it is as silent as a dead mouse?
Go out and check what's happening.
Yes, Your Highness.
Your Highness, I bring back news of victory.
The rebels have succeeded in entering the palace and capturing the king!
Where did Sin Chi Soo go? Why are you here?
He died in battle.
The king has been cornered and confined at the palace.
I received a letter. Please take a look.
If Queen Dowager would agree not to hold my men accountable for their crimes, I will confess mine and hand over the imperial seal. Come to the palace at 7 - 9 a.m.
If the queen dowager says that she will not ask for the crimes of my people,
I will confess to my crimes and hand over the royal seal.
Come to the palace at 7 - 9 a.m.
Call for Prince Yeong Hwa.
It is the first time seeing the throne with my very own eyes.
Your father worked so hard to have my descendants to sit on the throne.
Even though Prince Kyeong In died,
I have finally relieved him from his resentment.
Confess to your crimes.
You sided with Later Jin and showed contempt for the Ming Dynasty, our superior nation.
Do you acknowledge your crime of ruining the loyalty and duty of this country?
I have no crimes to confess.
What did you say?
Are you denying your crime of sending the confidential letter?
The confidential letter was a choice and method to protect my country.
If it means that I can protect my people, I will side with whomever without hesitation.
That is my duty as a king.
You bastard.
You set up a trap by saying
you would confess.
I have called you to take the final step in deposing you.
You have no power to depose me!
Are you outside? All, come in!
Prince Yeong Hwa.
Your Majesty.
Did you deceive me?
I did not deceive you. I merely followed the king's orders.
Since you have followed my orders well, I will not ask for your crimes.
Your grace is immeasurable.
I had planned to give you the throne. You are weak.
Eunuch Jo.
Imperial edict on the deposition of Queen Dowager Kim: The late king's heavenly match as his legal wife was Queen Dowager Kim and she became my stepmother. Since then, I have exhausted all effort
to be respectful toward her. Yet, she harmed my queen with witchcraft, ordered an assassination on the late Minister Yoo, as well as led a rebel force in a revolt. Therefore, I order Queen Dowager Kim to be deposed and given poison.
Through my power as king, I give an order as follows.
Because you were the spouse of the previous king who was confirmed by the Chinese Emperor and my mother,
up until now, I have fulfilled my filial duty to Queen Dowager Kim.
She performed witchcraft towards the queen.
She ordered the assassination on the queen's father and was the instigator of this rebellion.
Depose Queen Dowager Kim and have her be given poison!
He dares to act in such an unreasonable way towards me.
What are all of you doing?
Are you just going to stand there and watch?!
If Prince Kyeong In had been here, I would not have been degraded like this.
It was not enough for you to just kill your innocent brother and have the throne.
You dare to try and tear me down by killing me?
- Drag her out this instant. br - Alright!
Go ahead. Try to depose me and give me poison.
Even though I will vomit blood and die,
I am not defeated by you, ever!
If I die, you will never be able to reign peacefully.
The later generations will remember you as a traitorous king who killed his mother.
Even if I die, I am not truly dying.
If you live, you are not truly living!
I will take responsibility for my own crimes.
Your crimes, however,
you can carry them and leave.
I bloodied my hands for the first time.
But I do not regret it.
I could take on things even more severe if it would mean that I could protect my country and its people.
I will not be a beast who seeks bloodshed and uses the power of the throne to do so.
I will not hesitate when I am dealt with what I must do just because I am afraid.
Since you have discovered the cruel nature of the throne,
you will be able to take another step forward.
I will always be with you,
but in the end, you must take the path yourself.
If you get exhausted doing so and wish to rest momentarily,
please come to me.
I will always be in this position for you.
Your Majesty, the Dae Dong policy has been expanded to the three southern provinces.
You have done so much work this past year.
Then, I apologize, but could you approve of my break?
A break?
- How about you go to Jeju during your break? br - Pardon me?
Shouldn't the people of Jeju also enjoy the benefits of the Dae Dong policy?
Oh, yes.
I will arrange for that quickly.
Your grace is immeasurable
The Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine was published well. (T/N: Book written by Heo Jun, a royal physician)
I wish for the book to be published in Hangul as well,
so that the people can read it.
Your Majesty, it is too excessive for the people.
Even though you wish to benefit them, they will not even understand your grace.
Why does that matter?
When the people try to make sweet rice cakes using azaleas,
we could prevent them from getting stomachaches.
Have you tried consuming azaleas?
You could die from it.
You are correct, Prince Ki Seong.
I will have the farmer's handbook also written in Hangul to make sure that there are no starving people.
Your Majesty.
You don't look very well.
You barely slept last night.
You should sleep early tonight.
No, I have a mountain of reports to look through today.
I will look through these a bit longer. You should go and sleep for a bit.
Classic of Poetry: Ode of Shang Dynasty - Black Swallow; an ode in praise of Emperor Wu Ding of Shang Dynasty;
of his descent into the mortal world like a black swallow; and of him being sent by Heaven to govern the country.
Look at those honorable people who are spreading seeds and working the fields.
Our country would only be a truly good one if I stepped down from the throne and gave my seat to one of them,
and the country's affairs continued with no problems.
I think the same way, Your Majesty.
The king only gives royal permission for the court's discussions and takes responsibility for the results.
He cannot play around with his power.
He cannot be played around by his disloyal subjects either.
If only that were so, would the people not suffer and live happily.
Your Majesty.
Hope for the future has helped you have a peaceful reign.
The country is peaceful.
However, we worry that you do not have an heir.
I apologize for giving you concern.
Since you are still young,
you should allow in a new concubine to quickly bear a son.
The queen herself will not oppose this.
Your Majesty.
Do not worry about me and accept a new concubine.
You already know that I will not do so.
Why are you telling me this?
I am telling you this because I cannot give you a son.
You need a line of succession for your reign to be secure.
My queen, if that is the issue, do not worry.
I already have chosen someone in the line of succession.
Pardon me?
Who is that?
Prince Ki Seong.
I plan on giving him my throne while I am still alive.
With my bloodline, I do not plan on staying as the king.
I have watched the royal family members during this time.
So that I can find someone to leave this country to.
Prince Ki Seong will lead this country well.
How long have you had those thoughts?
After the rebellion,
I realized that I owe my life to many.
During that time, I was in pain.
Is that the only reason for why you will step down from the throne?
This throne is not completely mine.
I just borrowed it momentarily.
People should not want the throne for their personal gain.
Hence when it feels the heaviest,
I plan on standing up from this position in the lightest of ways and leave it.
I am the king, but I am also a citizen.
I plan to return to being a citizen. Is that alright?
You have already done so much, Your Majesty.
I will follow you.
My queen.
Then, Your Majesty, please remove me from my position first.
If you leave the throne,
I will become the queen dowager and I cannot leave the palace.
Therefore, I will leave first and wait for you.
Imperial edict on abdication of throne: Lord Ki Seong is richly blessed by Heaven with integrity, courage, and intelligence. He is an extremely fine man whom the nation can depend on
and is suitable to be my successor to unify the country. I hereby abdicate the throne to Lord Ki Seong.
You should go ahead.
I will follow you after the palace affairs are settled.
I will be waiting for you near the zelkova tree in the capital.
There is something I must give you.
Do you remember the promise you made to me then?
Yes, you made me promise you that I wouldn't harm myself again.
The reason why I am returning this is so that you can protect yourself.
Do not worry.
I will keep my promise.
My beloved, even if we are apart for a millennium, my faithful heart will remain[So Ak Bu / Minor Odes by Yi Jeyeon (Goryeo)]
Your Majesty.
Can I not follow you, as well?
No, you cannot.
Actually, I have recommended for you to be Chief Eunuch.
When I first came to the palace, you watched over me warmly.
Please assist the new king as you did with me.
Your Majesty.
However, even if you are promoted, you will always be Eunuch Jo to me.
Please take this.
What is this?
Summer Celestial Being
A while ago,
you wanted to make me laugh and drew me something.
Eunich Jo, thank you.
As a reply,
I drew something using your name.
I have never thought about my name in Chinese characters.
Ha (Summer) Seon (Celestial Being)
You have attached such an undeserved excessively good meaning.
You are already such a person, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, you are like summer.
You shone on all of the people fairly and equally, like the sun,
and you have made all things vibrant with life.
Having served a person like you as my master,
I have been blessed for life.
Your Majesty.
I will never forget you.
I will do the same.
Your Majesty.
Thank you for all this time, Eunuch Jo.
Officer Jang!
You scared me.
Were you planning on leaving me behind?
You've really fallen for me, haven't you?
Even if Eunuch Jo remains at the palace,
I will follow you, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
We've come to avenge the queen dowager!
Do not be like that. Just tell me.
What is your wish?
It isn't my wish,
but there is something I set my heart on.
What is that?
My wish is that after I serve you with all that I have,
that I shall die in a profound way.
Two years later
A long time ago, when tigers smoked,
a benevolent king was alive.
But, wow, this king's looks!
He was as handsome as I am.
He could dance and sing.
There was nothing he couldn't do!
But among those things, there was something he was best at.
It was his heart for his people.
He received taxes only from those with land.
He gave relief to the people without anything.
I have finally implemented the Dae Dong policy even in Jeju.
My seasickness was so severe.
You have done well.
I'll be off, then.
- "Cheon" for sky, "ji" for ground. br - "Cheon" for sky, "ji" for ground.
- Black hyeon, yellow Black hyeon, yellow hwang.
- Part ji, house joo. br - Part ji, house joo.
What is lowly and what is precious?
It is enough for just a world to be made where everyone can live together.
Your Highness, it seems that the clowns have come.
The clowns?
There are so many people who wish to see the king again.
And so the winter passes, the spring comes.
Manure must be scattered.
So that white sprouts may bloom.
The peacefulness these days are all due to the king, is it not?
That's true!
What is all of this screeching about?
Did someone speak of me?
Oh my, how can you give me such a precious item?
One coin and a handful of barley will be plenty.
Take it.
I was able to hear of someone precious to me for the first time in a long while.
I was happy.
I am truly grateful.
Derivation of the Great Learning by Zhen Dexiu, Philosopher/Politician, Southern Song Dynasty.
But where are you trying to go by yourself?
Do not worry.
I'm going to see the world, traveling through all eight provinces of this country.
I plan on enjoying the scenery.
Alright. You've been mourning for three years,
so it's okay to just travel around elsewhere.
He would've understood.
It's not like that.
Alright. We'll just say it isn't.
No matter where you go, keep in touch.
Yes, I will.
Where is His Majesty?
Your Highness, it seems the king has died.
Please kill us.
That cannot be.
I told him that I'd meet him here.
He'll come here for sure.
Is this, by any chance,
His Majesty's?
Your Majesty.
It was discovered on the corpse of Officer Jang, who was supposed to be protecting him.
However, we could not find His Majesty.
I apologize, Your Highness.
Your Highness.
No, there is no way.
If you didn't find His Majesty,
then he must be alive.
He'll return!
Your Highness, I slept in.
I'll prepare breakfast right away. Please wait a bit.
It's okay.
I feel like taking a walk.
You can take your time.
Then, please do not stray far.
You must only walk around once.
I am in love with you, my queen,
to the point where my heart may burst.
To the point where it would be alright if it did.
I love you.
Even if I live for a day, I want to live it with you.
I want to live by your side.
I want to hear your laughter
and live with you for a long time.
In the spring, let us go and see the flowers.
In the summer, we will experience the rain showers.
In the fall, we will go to the mountains to pick hazelnuts.
In the winter, let us make beautiful snowmen.
You promise me?
Of course.
To the goblin that protects our home,
please allow for spring to arrive quickly.
We will make sweet rice cakes with azaleas
and so that we can make grass puppets.
Child, who taught you how to make a wish that way?
Earlier, some person was passing by and taught us.
Where did that person go?
That way.
♫ The flower that blooms in the deepest of nights ♫
♫ Like a love that no one knows ♫
♫ On the road that feels further than it is ♫
♫ Only now do you shine ♫
♫ I'm going closer little by little ♫
♫ It gets further again ♫
♫ In the far days ahead, to you ♫
♫ I have something I need to tell you ♫
♫ All of your steps and hesitation ♫
♫ To me they were all dreams ♫
I have dreamed about this countless times.
When I got close enough to hold onto you, you would disappear.
They are such sorrowful and wicked dreams.
If this is a dream, as well, I will not approach you any further.
Please just stay where you are.
Just watch me from where you are.
This is not a dream.
I have walked within dreams
just to get to you.
I have had dreams that I hoped I would not wake from
in order to just see you.
How come you have arrived only now?
I apologize.
When I woke up, time had passed by like this.
I wanted to run to you like the wind,
but I walked so slowly.
You should have called for me.
I could have run to you.
I apologize for making you wait for so long.
Even if you wandered,
even if you take long roundabout paths,
I knew that you would come to me someday.
You will no longer have to long for me.
Nothing can keep us apart anymore.
Thank you to our Chief Segmenter: bjohnsonwong
Thank you to our segmenters:br Pilarvelasquez, marykarmelina, Kitty100, bjohnsonwong
Thank you to our segmenters:br hana860, shms, sosoeali, Dudie, & Lil1508.
Thank you to our Chinese Expert Translator: Jadecloud88
That January, the king suppressed the rebels and ruled wisely.
The country's people all praised the king's flourishing virtues.
He died suddenly after removing the queen from her position.
There were rumors that there was a clown who looked like the king, but it had not been proven.
The Crowned Clown
Thank you to Yoon Park who made a special appearance.
Thank you to Korean-English translators: sune1004, dramadramaok, Happyclouds, Leejigeum, Surrealspace
Thank you to Korean-English translators: Bunnyhunbuns, Gaaloellog, Imashl3y, Aerichoi, Rebornangil, Yuki1997, Yoobinnie
Thank you to Korean-English translators: brAnnieswn, Earthna, Bwcatnyc and
Thank you to our Translation Editor: Lavender4276
Thank you to our Generals Editors: Kristensgem and Asianebr Thank you to our Chief Editor: Joysprite
Thank you to our Channel Manager: Anna799
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