The Devil Judge (2021) s01e16 Episode Script

The Devil Judge?

Why did the police arrest Yo-han?
What is going on?
Why can't you tell me? What's this about?
Did Yo-han really do that
to the cathedral?
Was it Yo-han who killed my parents?
No, Elijah. That's not it.
It's all my fault.
I was an idiot to be deceived
by those bastards
and called the police to say
Yo-han killed Su-hyeon.
I'll set it right somehow.
I promise
I'll bring Yo-han back.
Even if it costs my life.
Why did you?
Why did you?
I'm sorry, Elijah.
Why did you?
Please stay with Elijah.
What about you, Master Ga-on?
Geez, you rushed in here
in the middle of the night for this?
So in other words,
you're saying that Judge Kang
has nothing to do
with Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon's death,
and that everything had been ordered
by Jung Seon-a, the Chairwoman of the SRF.
All right, I understood you very well.
Though all of this is very interesting,
as you know, we can't act on it
without enough evidence.
I had falsely accused Kang Yo-han.
Oh, sure.
-So it's a false accusation?
I reported him with malicious intent.
After seeing him hush the trial scandal
by manipulating the public opinion,
I thought I needed to do
whatever I can to stop him.
So I forged evidence with my own hands
and falsely reported him.
Arrest me.
Judge Kim.
Don't get worked up.
Why not go home for tonight,
get a good night's sleep,
and think this over?
Why drag it on when it's as good as over?
I see you are already ordered from above.
If you keep this up, I'll report you
for dereliction of duty, Detective.
And take this to the media.
Feel free to do whatever you want.
Oh, right. By the way, you do realize
we are under a state of
emergency, don't you?
Reckless reporting without
permission from the government
is considered obstruction of
emergency operations.
So good luck trying.
I doubt any media company
will be insane enough to do that.
Kang Yo-han!
It's Kang Yo-han!
I missed you! Welcome, you bastard!
You will never get out of here.
Why? Because I'll kill you!
That's right, I'll kill you!
This place will be your grave!
Breaking news.
Judge Kang Yo-han
of the Department of Live Court Show was
arrested last night
for abetment of murder,
and is currently detained
at the Central Detention Center.
It has been revealed that
the victim of his conspiracy is
Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon
at the Police Agency…
No way.
Judge Kang Yo-han,
who was arrested without a warrant,
enjoyed strong support from the public
as the presiding judge
of the Department of Live Court Show.
his suspicions of contract killing
is expected to draw
strong criticisms from the public.
It was you, Chief Justice,
who nominated Kang Yo-han
as the presiding judge
of the Live Court Show.
A criminal who rigged trials
and abetted murder.
But Justice Min,
how was I supposed to know?
Besides, it wasn't my idea
to nominate Kang Yo-han--
Now you'll evade responsibilities, too?
Look, Justice Min.
I suggest you make a decision
that won't put the judicature
to further shame.
You're here.
I thought you'd retired
from the Supreme Court.
Someone has to try and save the situation,
and I am not someone
to dodge the responsibilities.
Just how shameless are you?
Did you
really kill Su-hyeon?
To entrap Kang Yo-han?
How can you call yourself human?
I didn't know Su-hyeon would die.
I didn't know Chairwoman Jung Seon-a
would go to such lengths.
One, two, three.
A justice of the Supreme Court?
I know you're not someone
who's obsessed with titles.
But the times call for
someone like you, Professor.
We're seeing someone like
President Heo in politics
and Judge Kang Yo-han
presiding over the court, aren't we?
Yes, they're all the same.
Frauds who mislead the public.
This Live Court Show
that they're planning is a dangerous idea.
What they're doing is demeaning
trials to a mere street show.
Whilst I'm serving Master Seo Jeong-hak,
I also agree we need to stop
this movement, no matter what.
Suppose we can do
something discreetly about it.
I at the Foundation
and you, at the Supreme Court.
You're extremely brave.
But we need someone to step forward.
Once you are appointed justice,
the first thing you must do
is to find a watchdog for Kang Yo-han.
Sorry, I mean "Justice Min."
Are you telling me to be Judas?
We'll need that someone, won't we?
That someone who'll remain firm
in this crazy storm.
I'm begging you.
There is no easy justice
in the mortal world.
I'd only wanted to stop Kang Yo-han,
who was ruining this world.
Kang Yo-han's supporters are attacking me
and leaking personal information
about my family.
I can't put up with it anymore.
I'll do whatever I can
to bring him down.
Did you kill Su-hyeon?
That wasn't in our discussion!
Su-hyeon was like a daughter to me.
you'll pull out, after all this time?
I thought you'd said
you wanted to stop Kang Yo-han,
using whatever means.
You cannot turn back what's happened.
Besides, you're just a step away.
Don't you want to be remembered in history
as the great Chief Justice
who ended this madness?
Justice Min.
Someone needed to stop Kang Yo-han
even if it meant becoming a monster.
You can condemn me if you want
because history will judge me.
You disgusting hypocrite!
Call security.
How could you?
How could you kill Su-hyeon?
How could you kill Su-hyeon?
Tell me. Min Jeong-ho, tell me!
-Tell me!
-Justice Min.
Tell me.
Let go! Min Jeong-ho, tell me!
Tell me!
How could you?
Min Jeong-ho!
Judge Kim, what was that on the news?
It's not true, right?
It wasn't Judge Kang, right?
No. It's a trap set up by the Foundation.
I knew it.
What should I do? I'll help.
We'll need to save Judge Kang, won't we?
Well, look at this.
So they say you'll meet your enemy
at a dead end.
Do you know what trouble you got me into?
Did you manage to convince the warden?
Yes, he's completely intimidated
so he will do as you say.
Is it true the orders
came from Minister Cha?
Yes, the orders were
from Minister Cha Gyeong-hui.
Is it true you were bribed or blackmailed?
I'm sorry.
I could not withstand her blackmail.
Thanks to you, I was demoted
and ended up here.
Isn't it a stroke of good luck
in the midst of misfortune
to be put in charge of a victim
of a major case?
Enough of your arrogance.
Hey you,
do you think you're still a judge?
Now you're nothing but a rat in my grasp.
Did you hear me?
You sure are something, Chairwoman Jung.
When did you drag Min Jeong-ho
over to our side?
-You're the best!
-The best!
-Gosh, Chairwoman Jung.
Chairwoman Jung,
you sure are an amazing storyteller.
I mean, remember how even
Jesus was backstabbed
by his most beloved disciple?
He really got done.
I bet that's what Kang Yo-han is
going through in prison right now.
Abetting the murder of a police officer…
Kang Yo-han is now out of the game.
But is there really a need
to take Kang Yo-han to court?
What do you mean?
Well, now that
he's come down from the stage,
wouldn't it make everyone happy
if he were to make a quick, quiet exit?
That's just my thinking, anyway.
Don't you think
you have too much on your mind?
They say it's a sign
you're nearing your grave.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I should have known to
just trust that you'll do a good job.
I'm sorry. Let me go to the bathroom.
Hold it right there!
Why did you say that
when she has it all under control?
Chairwoman Jung
is not an amateur, you know.
Mr. Heo Joong-se
sure is quick to adapt, isn't he?
He's become a whole
different person with his new role.
he's adapted almost too quickly.
Not only that,
those money-grubbing weasels
were playing along with him.
I may have underestimated Heo Joong-se.
Look into it. I'm sure there's something.
That man, Heo Joong-se…
I remember him being obsessed
with increasing the number of migrants.
Check the Dream Base village
to see whether
there are any missing numbers
and whether he's been
sneaking them out elsewhere.
Thank you for delaying my husband's plan.
Oh, you mean the weekend farm?
Yes. You've done a great job
convincing your husbands too.
It was so close.
Don't mention it.
We're always for where the money is.
Since we're on the topic,
how about we pay a visit?
Sounds good.
I wonder whether
our crops are growing well.
All right, I'll make arrangements.
I understand you fell into a trap,
but how could you accuse him
of being a murderer?
I know I'm shameless to ask this,
but please help me this once.
I need to save Judge Kang,
and it's impossible without your help.
I'm not sure whether
we can trust you anymore.
But there's no time.
Do you suppose they'll just let him be
until his trial commences?
Who knows what they'll do next?
Our only way is to expose something big
that'll tie their hands down.
With all the attention on them,
they will lay low for the time being.
Hold on.
-By "something big," you mean…
-The truth inside the Dream Base village.
I'm sure it's horrific in there.
So that's what we need to expose.
But that's impossible.
That place is being guarded by soldiers.
I'll be going in there alone.
Where is the most heavily guarded area?
That's probably
where they want to hide the most.
That would be the Dream Base hospital.
But to be honest with you,
there may be a way in, but no way out.
Will you still do it?
Just let me in.
All right. Let's say you get lucky
and manage to record something,
but there's just no way to divulge it.
The media is extremely wary
of the government right now
and all media platforms including
social media have been blocked.
This country…
is not a free state anymore.
I have something in mind
about that.
What's on your mind?
Can you get me something first?
There's something I want to tell you.
A few days ago, I met someone
who used to work at the cathedral.
The truth is, the fire started from
the power distribution board
due to old electrical wiring.
It was a simple accident,
and nobody's fault.
Yet Yo-han
led you to suspect him on purpose.
Didn't you say you'd come after me
if you were to ever walk again?
Take one step at a time. Slowly.
He purposely cancelled the MoU
for you to see
and said things to provoke you.
I couldn't care less about those I killed.
If I really killed them, that is.
he saw you had too much of
a hard time after losing your parents.
You wouldn't eat or sleep,
and would wither away, day by day.
Yo-han had wanted you to live
with the strength to hate him.
But Elijah, even if you misunderstood him,
it's not your fault.
Because that's what Yo-han
had wanted for himself.
You're not at fault, Elijah.
Just be good to him
once you see him again.
Because Yo-han will come back.
It won't take long, I promise.
So eat, even just a little.
How would he feel to see you unwell
once he's returned?
You've been sentenced to death
and you can be executed at any minute
-if that's what you wish.
-Please help…
Is that all you can say?
Help! Help!
Oh, my head…
Ms. Han So-yoon. What happened?
It's me, Kim Ga-on.
Judge Kim, how did you get in here?
Don't worry.
Mr. President is here!
Mr. President is here!
I'll be back soon. Hold on.
I'd like to commend the efforts
of our medical staff.
A clinical trial for the newest vaccine
commissioned by the EU is underway.
The total number of participants is 3,620,
and the number of deaths from
side-effects so far is 182.
Total 182? That's not bad.
Share the data with them
and let me know if there are
any countries behind on payments.
Oh, and we also received
additional requests
from many countries
including Russia and Japan.
We'll have to expand our farm then.
With many countries in the race
for a vaccine,
there's an explosive demand
for clinical trials, Mr. President.
If Seoul isn't enough,
we'll have to branch out to
Busan, Daegu and Gwangju.
Since there's not a drop of oil
produced from this land,
it's human resources
that we have to rely on.
I've been telling you time and time again
that it's the people that matter
the most, have I not?
All these people here are all money.
Those clinical trials?
Do you know how much they are
bringing in per head? It's no joke!
And if they should die,
we harvest everything we can from them!
Oh, and their hair, blood,
and other by-products…
We take everything and export them too.
There's nothing that goes to waste!
I didn't know you were such
a genius businessman, Mr. President.
-You kept it from us!
-And you tried to hog this golden goose?
Honestly, I'm disappointed!
I was going to share this with you
in due time.
But do we have to let Seon-a in this too?
I'm not saying we should overthrow her.
It won't hurt to have
one less mouth to feed.
It's not like
she's particularly useful anymore.
Both Gyeong-hui and Seon-a.
Honestly, I just hate women
who are strong-minded!
She's too smart for nothing,
that former maid.
Right? Why not take
this chance to get rid of her too?
And let's send someone
to the detention center
to take care of Kang Yo-han for good
before he's up to something again.
Yes, Mr. President!
Oh, come on.
You like that, do you?
-Wait for me!
-We should get going too.
So-yoon, let's get out of here.
What are you doing?
I received orders to check her vitals.
Let's go.
Don't be so nervous, Judge Kim.
I've actually been waiting
for someone to come here.
And it's not just me either.
All the staff are
practically held captive,
and our cellphones confiscated.
There are still people in here
who are right-minded.
I mean, how could this be?
How could the country do
such a thing to its people?
It's a dead body.
All organs have been harvested
and it's ready for the incinerator.
We'll help you.
We'll help you two to get out of here,
so please tell the world.
About what's going on in here.
Yes, I promise.
Are you all right, So-yoon?
Yes, Judge Kim. Are you all right?
Yes. I managed to save
Ms. Han So-yoon too. I was lucky.
Did you get what I asked you?
Is that really the only way?
Maybe we should look for
a reporter who's brave enough to--
That would be a risk.
We have no time for that.
All right.
You're a pretty little thing.
How old are you?
What have I done?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry…
I'm sorry…
Judge Kim.
So? Did you find a way?
I have a favor to ask you, Judge Oh.
Just tell me and I'll do it.
Tomorrow is
Chief Justice Min's inauguration, right?
Is that all you need me to do?
Yes, that's all I ask.
All right.
But what are you planning
to do at the inauguration?
Breaking news.
Judge Kang Yo-han, who was arrested
for abetting murder, has died.
It is said that Judge Kang,
who was being detained
at the Central Detention Center,
was attacked by an assailant.
Judge Kang Yo-han was the first…
It's all right.
I'm okay.
He's someone I finished
with my own hands, anyway.
It's for the better.
I guess this really is the end then.
We have the "The End" up on the screen,
the end credits rolling,
and finally, the lights come on.
It's time to rise up and applaud.
Gosh, looks like that
Kang Yo-han came to grow on me.
I think I'll be thinking of him
from time to time, Mr. President.
Should we hold a memorial rite
for him every year?
With candles and incense
burning on the cake.
We'll make meat cakes, and japchae too…
Is something wrong?
Or something troubling you?
No way.
I was just thinking about
all the trouble he'd put me through.
We'd get so fed up, didn't we?
Yes, it was awfully tiring.
So it's time we send him off.
So I was thinking…
How about we arrange a little something?
What is it this time?
An event to celebrate
and remember Kang Yo-han.
Isn't Chief Justice Min's
inauguration ceremony tomorrow?
Yes, and?
The stage is all yours now, Mr. President.
So how about a toast to celebrate
with the key members of the Foundation?
Right in that asshole's courtroom
who dared to challenge you,
Mr. President.
Geez, President Min.
Are you nearing your grave?
This is unlike you.
Actually, not a bad idea.
Oh, and don't forget Jung Seon-a.
Call her and make sure she comes.
You know, I just can't get
a good night's sleep because of her.
I mean, I understand you two.
But she just…
I mean, how could she?
We'll send her off at where her lover
used to play his court games.
So I'm suggesting we have a drink,
just the three of us.
The stage is all yours now,
Chairwoman Jung.
Isn't it time we have a female president?
All right. I'll see you
at the Supreme Court then.
All right.
Yes, Seon-a?
Get me a pistol.
One that'll fit right into my purse.
But why?
It looks like I'll be the next president.
So it's time I protect myself.
Good work until now.
The age of madness is past us.
Now it is time to restore
justice that has fallen.
And I vow to become the Chief Justice
who rebuilds our fallen judiciary
starting with its foundation stone.
Thank you.
Chief Justice, may we ask
why you chose to opt
for a press conference
and not an official ceremony?
We are still in a state
of emergency, are we not?
I think this is no time to
focus on my personal honor.
I hope you will understand.
Thank you.
What are your next steps?
Chief Justice.
-Hey, Judge Oh.
Thank you.
During the press conference just now,
Chairwoman Jung Seon-a asked me
to relay to you
that she'd like to meet
with you in private.
-She said she'll be waiting for you
at your old office since it's empty.
All right.
Yes, Judge Kim. I just told him.
Thank you, Judge Oh.
-Now please leave the building.
-What? Leave the building?
-I'll explain later.
But for now, please do as I ask.
All right.
Wow, this place has amazing interiors.
Wow, what killer views.
It's like you're all at my feet.
Is that why that Kang Yo-han
was such an arrogant asshole?
Gosh! Chairwoman Jung,
seeing you up there is amazing.
You just shine.
You just ooze this aura!
I agree.
Why don't we hold
all of our important events here?
Our ladies know something
about stage setting,
being from elite families.
-Of course, we're the experts.
-Oh, I know nothing.
-You can't even climb up here?
Ga-on, why are you doing this?
Come with me, Professor.
There were no media companies
conscientious enough to report the truth.
But it'll be different if it's something
sensational that's worth money.
Like the story of the new Chief Justice
who died with his old mentee
in a terrorist attack
on his inauguration day.
Once the bomb goes off,
all major media companies
will receive an email from me.
About the truth behind
the Dream Base project.
They won't be able to ignore it this time.
Consider this
your atonement for Su-hyeon's death.
If you still have conscience left.
Am I too late?
It was a long trip from hell.
Judge Kang.
You're alive.
Thank goodness.
What happened?
Now you're nothing but a rat in my grasp.
Did you hear me?
So, Warden.
How was the weather in the Bahamas?
What are you on about?
The 12 billion you grubbed
over these past 30 years
through all kinds of
crimes and corruption.
I know you stashed it away in
your secret account in the Bahamas
while on your trip last summer.
How did you…
I said, sit down.
You think it's a coincidence
you ended up here without being fired?
You're my insurance
in case things turned sour.
Go ahead and check
because that money is not there anymore.
Judge Kang, please help.
That money is my everything.
What do you want?
What should I do for you?
Your specialty.
-Switching prisoners.
But you're such a celebrity that
there's no way not to get busted.
Who says it needs to be a secret forever?
Just 24 hours.
I need just 24 hours, no more and no less.
Then I'll give your money back to you.
Do you mean it?
That was a cheeky thing
that you did, Warden.
No, sir. It wasn't me.
It was that guy from the Blue House.
Although he wasn't part of the plan,
good timing.
Now you have a body to switch me with.
You mean you had a plan?
-To escape, all on your own?
-No way.
I'm sorry, Judge Kim.
Mr. Go?
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you beforehand.
I wasn't sure
whether I could trust you 100 percent.
So you got out with the help of that jerk
who sneaked out Do Young-choon?
Then did you give him his money back too?
I did.
But with love.
Kang Yo-han, that bastard!
What will you do now?
He'll need to pay for his sin.
A life for a life.
But please let me deal with Min Jeong-ho.
Let's go.
-That's too high!
-He's such a tease.
He's a funny one.
What is it?
What is this?
Is there an event today?
Did someone prepare this?AA
Something's not right.
Not me.
Hello, everyone.
Here's to Kang Yo-han, who's up in heaven.
Isn't this nice?
I'm filled with emotions to see
everyone here in one place.
I've missed you too, Mr. Kang.
Thanks for your heart, President Park.
Oh what?
So he was alive.
Is this a live show?
But he's dead!
Just what prank are you trying to pull?
Prank? I'm disappointed
to hear you say that
when this is a sacred trial.
Trial? What's he talking about?
You blocked the newspapers,
the media and the Internet too,
but I'm sure there's something you missed.
Hold on.
The Dike app!
Now let's begin the live show.
My fellow Koreans,
your final court is now in session.
Let me introduce today's participants.
Park Du-man, President of People Media
Pi Hyang-mi, CFO
of Human Media Broadcasting Network.
-No way.
Kim Sang-sook, Director of Minbo Group.
Min Yong-sik, President of Minbo Group.
Do Youn-jeong,
First Lady of the Republic of Korea.
Heo Joong-se,
President of the Republic of Korea.
What? Me too?
They are the people
who control this country.
-Why is there no signal?
-Honey, is it working?
There's no signal.
This is an act of terror
against the head of state!
A crime!
Yes, that's right. It's a crime.
I'm a criminal.
But what about you?
Aren't you a criminal too?
Mr. President?
Fellow Koreans, this is the truth
behind the Dream Base project.
You'd been scheming this
behind me, weren't you?
You knew?
You psycho wench…
Isn't it astounding?
Using the virus
that doesn't even exist as an excuse
to drag people away and sell them
off for human experiments.
Only one creative psycho
could have come up with that.
-This is all manipulated.
-I truly admire you, Mr. President.
You're all being deceived. Hold on.
My fellow Koreans
whom I deeply love and respect,
all these videos are manipulated!
This is an anti-government movement
to try and overthrow
the current government…
I've been telling you time and time again
that it's the people that matter
the most, have I not?
All these people here are all money.
Those clinical trials?
Do you know how much they are
bringing in per head? It's no joke!
And if they should die,
we harvest everything we can from them!
Oh, and their hair, blood,
and other by-products…
We take everything and export them too.
Waste? There's nothing that goes to waste!
The cameras sure love you.
I can see why you were an actor.
And these are the people
who died at the hands of Jung Seon-a,
Chairwoman of
the Social Responsibility Foundation.
Driven by her ambition,
she attacked me
and killed the innocent.
And Min Jeong-ho, who was
appointed Chief Justice today
is a hypocrite who acted as cat's paw
for Jung Seon-a, out of his own good.
He betrayed Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon
who was like a daughter to him,
and joined hands with Jung Seon-a
who killed her.
Isn't it amazing?
Now go…
and live forever in hell.
Your name will go down in history
just as you wished.
My fellow Koreans,
are they guilty?
But that's not fair! We're innocent.
I guess we'll need
a fair punishment for them.
What is that?
Is that here?
-What is that?
-What is that, Honey?
The moment you try and escape from here,
this bomb will go off.
-He says it's a bomb!
-Go check.
It's really here!
Fellow Koreans, now you be the judge.
I remember our President had
polled 10 million votes.
The moment the number of votes
counted on Dike app reaches that number,
you'll see a most grandiose firework show.
To celebrate the victory of democracy.
I'll be leaving now.
Where to, Judge Kang?
To the stage.
The left door, facing the law school.
The left door, facing the law school.
Kang Yo-han, that bastard!
It won't open?
It won't.
Oh, my…
-Kang Yo-han!
-Oh, my.
Take one more step,
and I'll blow this place away.
My fellow Koreans,
the footages of
the Dream Base Hospital you just saw
were filmed by Judge Kim Ga-on,
who risked his life to do so.
Once all of this is over,
Judge Kim will testify the truth.
As for the villains here,
they will be going to hell with me.
Judge Kang. You ought to spare me.
Didn't I do as you ordered?
I brought them all here, didn't I?
-It's been a long time, President Min.
How did you call me?
There's no time, so listen up.
I need you to do something for me.
On the day of Min Jeong-ho's inauguration,
have everyone at the Foundation
gather in the courtroom.
What crazy nonsense…
Otherwise you'll die.
I have the evidence that you laid
your hands on the SRF's funds
-to save Minbo Group from bankruptcy.
-Don't lie to me.
If you can't believe me,
open the drawers under your desk.
I put a copy in there.
So you dared to rob from them.
Help me.
-If they find out, I'm dead!
-If you want to live, do as I say.
Right now!
You trashy bastard…
You crazy bastard!
Let go of me!
How dare you!
You psycho clown.
You need to spare me.
You need to spare me!
All right, I'll at least give you
a chance since you traded with me.
-The door's open.
-The door's open!
Wouldn't you say
this is a deja vu?
Just like that time
at the cathedral ten years ago?
Now run for your life.
I'll take one, first-come, first-served.
I'll take one, first-come, first-served.
-Hey, you bastard!
-Wait… Just be quiet!
Wait, Kang Yo-han.
How about we strike a deal?
Quiet, all of you! Attention!
Kang Yo-han.
All you need to do is save me, all right?
I'm the Chief of State!
It'll be a win-win deal for us!
These guys are businessmen and women!
But I'm different from them.
What will this country do without me?
I'm the Republic of Korea!
I'm an artist and a leader.
So please spare me this once.
And this country too! Please!
I… I'm the king, aren't I?
Please! I'm the king!
I'm the king, aren't I?
Damn it, he's awfully loud.
Shoot… Shoot him!
-Shoot him!
-Please shoot!
Shoot him!
You can do it, shoot him.
Shoot him!
So it comes down to us in the end, is it?
Come with me, Seon-a.
Goodbye, Young Master.
Shit, just fuck this all.
It's all right, Seon-a.
It's okay.
Did you know?
I really did love you, Young Master.
Please spare us, Judge Kang.
Please spare us!
Please spare us. Please…
We're sorry.
Judge Kang.
Don't move.
Why did you come here?
You can't.
Are you going to leave Elijah
to join them?
With those trashy bastards?
I can't help it.
Once the show is over,
actors need to disappear from the stage.
I'm coming with you then.
You will be a hero.
As for the devil,
one is enough.
Judge Kang.
Judge Kang.
Judge Kang!
-Judge Kang! Kang Yo-han!
-It's dangerous!
-Judge Kang.
-We're sorry.
Don't do it!
Kang Yo-han!
Judge Kim, are you all right?
The ambulance is here.
Let's go. Do you think you can stand up?
How about this one?
Are you all right?
You thought I'd really topple it, did you?
What is concentrated is easy to topple.
Once the show is over,
the magician must disappear.
I'm done cleaning up,
and I believe there's now work
for you to do.
Master Yo-han dropped by.
What happened? And where is Elijah?
You see…
Young Master!
Young Master, you were alive!
-Were you worried about me?
-Of course, do you need to ask?
-You're fired as of today.
Leave this house and live your life.
There won't be anyone here anymore.
What do you mean, exactly?
Young Master?
-Elijah is in her room, is she?
Young Master.
Are you out of prison now?
Are you okay?
Yes, you don't need to
worry anymore. I'm fine.
We'll be going somewhere safe now.
Somewhere safe?
Should I show you where?
It's a rehabilitation clinic
in Switzerland.
I've been making donations
to find a way for you to walk again.
Should we go here?
Just the two of us?
So he's alive.
Thank goodness.
But it looks like
I'll be busier from now on.
Young Master set up a health foods
e-commerce business for me,
telling me it's my severance pay.
He told me to sell lots of
healthy and not so tasty foods.
Is he dissing me or what?
Are you really going back
to your hometown?
Yes, it'll be unfair to let just
Seoul have a taste of my charisma.
-That's true.
-I volunteered for the Youth Court.
I thought maybe I could lecture
and help troublemakers.
-I thought I'd be pretty good at it.
-I'm sure you'll be.
As always.
Thank you for all your work.
Same to you too.
Call me if you're ever in the area.
We, the new ruling party,
vow to never repeat the mistakes
made by the Heo Joong-se government.
So to restore the rule of law,
I've invited all of you here today.
First and foremost,
let's give a big hand to
Judge Kim Ga-on, our national hero!
Judge Kim,
what can we possibly do to prevent
the disgraceful case of Kang Yo-han?
Was that a disgraceful case?
Kang Yo-han is not a hero,
but neither is he a criminal.
Do you really think
our people raved about him
because they are foolish
and are easily swayed?
Is it because you're still young?
You sure are hot-blooded.
In other words, you're suggesting
we need to address the root cause,
but of course
we can't reach in short term.
First we need to announce a measure
that has an impact
to appease the angry citizens.
I agree, Assemblyman.
The Prosecution proposes
the rights of judicial appointment
to the Ministry of Justice
to reinforce the nomination process
and to filter out possible terrorists
like Kang Yo-han--
That's nonsense!
It'll be violating
our judicial independence.
Assemblyman, rather than that,
I propose newly launching
the Department of Live Court Show
with Judge Kim Ga-on who's popular
as the new presiding--
If you have time for this…
Shouldn't we rather focus on
what we need to do?
I apologize.
Please excuse my arrogance,
but I must say this in front of
all my mentors. Please forgive me.
We are all here
to do our duties bestowed upon us
by our people, who is the sovereign.
We must ensure no one is wronged,
and that no one sheds tears of blood.
We must also ensure those who make others
cry tears of blood is rightfully punished.
Is that not our duty?
That is why I'm in my judge's robe.
If we fail to neglect our duties,
someone out there will suffer.
And their suffering
is what breeds monsters.
There is a reason
why people are enraged.
Those are great words.
We need our young talents
to be firm and resolute.
I respect your views.
Now that we've heard from Judge Kim,
how about we now start discussing
the practical matters, Chairman?
Yes, let's do that.
You just mentioned the nomination process…
It's still the same.
Nothing has changed after all.
What should I do now
for a world that doesn't need Yo-han?
Do a good job.
Otherwise I'll be back.
Judge Kang.
Kang Yo-han!
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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