The Flash s01e16 Episode Script

Deadly Nightshade

Sing it, comrades.
Brothers and sisters, the revolution will be televised.
Since the weekend kidnapping of heiress Felicia Kane by the so-called Libertarian People's Army Shut up! I wanna hear this.
- to no avail.
The manhunt funded in part by her newspaper magnate grandfather.
So, what do you think of that, bourgeois tramp? Instead of blowing all that dough on a manhunt your family should be ready to pay for you back now.
In one piece.
- Central City Police.
- Lt.
Garfield, please.
It's a call for you, Lt.
This is the call we've been waiting for.
Let's nail this.
- You ready? - Just keep him talking.
We need time to run the trace.
- This is Garfield.
- Hello again.
So here's the deal.
Three million dollars.
Small bills.
And freedom for our comrades held as political prisoners.
"Political prisoners.
" Three of these guys held up a laundromat.
Let me speak to Felicia.
Let's cut to the chase, Warren.
If this deb's not worth the cash to mumsie and popsie now let's see how they feel about her after we ship her back to you in pieces.
No pieces.
Slow down, Steve.
Slow down.
Fear me, death merchants.
What the hell are you? Justice.
What the hell is going on there? - Mendez, where's my trace? - Got it.
Got it.
It's on the 400 block of Ramoca and Burrough.
I want squad cars there now, damn it.
Let's go.
Come on, come on! Relax, Ms.
There will be someone here to help you.
Get! Get away! Who could have done this? I'm Dr.
Rebecca Frost.
I have an appointment.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
After you.
- No.
After you.
Well, I'm in here.
Small world.
So am I.
Yes, I know we can't have this kind of bloodshed in our city.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm on it.
Allen, Dr.
Rebecca Frost, Felicia Kane's psychiatrist? Barry Allen.
- Lieutenant.
- Do you have those test results for me? No positive I.
Ballistics says the shells are untraceable.
Our killer knows where to buy his toys.
Excuse me.
If you don't mind, I have a busy schedule.
The hospital says Ms.
Kane is no longer in shock.
Why can't we talk to her? My patient's been through a major trauma.
First the kidnapping, then the murder of her abductors.
The only coherent thing she said so far is "the Flash.
" Repeatedly.
Well, I'm sure the Flash is no killer.
The Flash is a masked vigilante.
Probably an unstable personality.
I don't buy it.
The Flash has never shown any homicidal tendencies.
He's saved a few lives, including my own.
What do you know about the Flash? Nothing.
That's what makes him dangerous.
He's helped this city.
It's no big shock the police envy the Flash.
He's free of the bureaucratic restraints that hold you in check.
With all due respect, Dr.
Frost as soon as Ms.
Kane is lucid, you let me know.
She's our only witness.
You'll hear from me.
It's nice to see the police are so compassionate.
Joe Kline, voice of the city.
My guests today psychiatrist Rebecca Frost and radical lawyer Chesley Keefe who represents what's left of the Libertarian People's Army.
Our topic, the aftermath of the Felicia Kane kidnapping.
Frost, is it really possible that the Flash is responsible for the massacre of the LPA? I believe he's lost his capacity to tell right from wrong.
Come on.
The Flash is clearly a tool of Felicia's father unhappy that his daughter had joined my clients' cause.
My patient was kidnapped and brutally assaulted by your so-called People's Army.
She joined the People's Army of her own free will guilt-ridden that her family had raped the working classes.
You're overlooking the possibility the Flash saved her life.
Whatever his extraordinary speed the Flash is playing out a macho adolescent fantasy.
Oh, boy.
With all its problems, does Central City really need a self-appointed guardian angel? A masked man who should be under observation, not on the streets.
- Overeducated twit! - Yeah, what is this? Just when I thought I was starting to get respect suddenly I'm a killer, a psychotic time bomb? Why, because she said so? I know the difference between right and wrong.
Barry, it's only TV.
Bad TV.
She's no more than a rich girl's overpaid therapist rattling her saber for the clientele.
"Macho, adolescent fantasy.
" Psychobabble buzzwords.
Barry, you shouldn't let it bother you.
I know, I know.
I shouldn't.
But you never knew me before the accident.
I always finished second.
Second to Dad, second to Jay.
I was always in their shadow.
That has nothing to do with your being the Flash.
Well, now, wait.
Maybe it has everything to do with it.
Now no one can keep up with me.
I used to haunt the lab.
It was the only place I was in control.
Now it feels cramped confined.
I have this overwhelming need for space, for speed.
The accident changed me.
Maybe more than I know.
But I do not lie awake at night wondering if I'm gonna lose control.
I don't lose sleep over that either, Barry.
But I have to admit I can never fully understand what it is like to do the things you do.
But there is someone who does know.
Maybe you should talk to Dr.
The Nightshade? Whatever did you hope to accomplish with that that performance on Joe Kline's show? I thought I might be a voice of reason, Dr.
This vigilante thing is a real problem.
I'm simply asking you to be careful.
As a member of my staff your media profile reflects on the hospital, for better or worse.
- How's Ms.
Kane? - She's coming along.
Yes? I was in town, I figured I'd drop off the foundation check personally.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting? - No, Curt.
How was Munich? - The usual.
Closed a few trade deals, picked up a few pointers.
Curtis Bohannan, Dr.
Rebecca Frost.
As in the Bohannan psychiatric wing, or the Bohannan scandal? Both, I'm afraid.
Despite his blue blood, Dad was quite the mobster in the '50s.
Made a lot of money hurting a lot of people.
The psychiatric wing is one way I've tried to make amends for Dad's indiscretions.
Well, on behalf of the department, thank you.
I saw you on the Kline show.
I think you're wrong.
The Flash didn't slaughter the LPA.
I'm with you there, Curt.
The Flash is no killer.
Are you saying the Flash isn't a borderline case? I'm saying there are more ways to look at the world than your own.
I don't understand how two civilized adults can condone the acts of vigilantism committed by the Flash.
Oh, God I completely forgot about my 3:00.
Frost are you free for dinner sometime? - Oh, thank you, no.
I'm much too busy right now.
Well, you can't fault me for trying.
Later, Des.
Is this Dr.
Powell? - Yeah, it's Powell.
- Dr.
Powell, it's the Flash.
Funny you should call just now.
I need to talk to you.
Where can we meet? - Same place.
- What time? - You name the time, I'll be there.
- Eight p.
- We have a lot to talk about.
- All right.
So, folks, it seems a distinct and disappointing possibility that the Flash has crossed the line from masked adventurer to executioner.
- And given the good he's done the city - No.
- the Flash has crossed the line from masked adventurer to executioner.
It wasn't the Flash.
I rid this city of those parasites.
I'm the man who cleansed the streets of the Libertarian People's Army.
- I want to speak with Mr.
- You and every other lunatic in town.
You wanna leave a number or the name of the dog? No, you buffoon.
If you value your job, you won't let Kline know it was you that wouldn't put me through.
I'll get to you, Kline.
And then you'll listen.
Must you do that? I need to talk.
Yeah, you sounded concerned Barry.
You don't seem surprised.
Not really.
I always suspected you were the Flash.
I'm flattered that you trust me this much.
You saved my life.
And you're the only other person I know who wears the mask.
Oh, no.
I came out of retirement for that Ghost business.
Thought I was 25 again.
No Nightshade is ancient history.
- Nostalgia didn't bring you here.
- Dr.
Powell is Rebecca Frost right? Am I wrong to put myself outside the law? Rebecca is well intentioned but sometimes she can be a real pain in the butt.
This is for you.
I stopped at the market.
I know how you get and I don't keep a well-stocked fridge anymore.
I mean, how sane can I be you know, running around playing guardian angel? As long as you're questioning your sanity, you still have it.
The problem with wearing the mask is, it's easy to lose your identity.
You think you're invincible, that you can get away with anything.
- Including murder.
- But you used tranquilizer darts.
I never set myself up as judge, jury and executioner.
Corny as it sounds, I still believe in the system.
Same here.
Unlike whoever took down the LPA.
Well, I have to find the killer.
Are you with me? No.
I'm too old for this.
But I have been on the case since Rebecca was on the Kline show.
Felicia's dad is rich enough to have hired his own people to look for his daughter.
Real professionals.
Then again, the LPA killing might have nothing to do with the Kanes.
I'll check the dives, talk to my street contacts see if anyone's been out recruiting hit men.
Boy, let me tell you, Johnny this is my kind of place.
If anybody ever told me that Double-decker Johnny had gone straight, I'd laugh right in their face.
Swear to God, boss.
I am a solid citizen.
This whole joint is a hundred percent legit.
You realize everyone had you figured for running this joint.
That was Boss Bohannan's territory.
I just worked for him.
Ran his numbers racket, stuff like that.
Until Nightshade busted us up.
Guys like him and the Flash are always ruining it for guys like us.
To you.
- Double-decker Johnny? - Yeah.
That's me.
Your crimes have finally caught up with you.
Hey, I did my 20 years.
You got some beef, let's talk it over.
The highway to hell is paved with talk.
Actions speak louder than words.
Johnny! They shot Johnny.
Get an ambulance.
Help, somebody! They killed Johnny.
For God's sake, please, quick! Central's criminal community spent another night in mourning - after the slaying of onetime mobster - Dr.
What's with your generation? Don't any of you ever knock? Sorry.
I was in the building.
Forensics in the Double-decker killing.
The slugs match the LPA massacre.
If only I had been there a moment sooner.
It stinks sometimes, knowing that you can't save everyone.
You do what you can.
I received a tape from a man claiming responsibility for the onslaught on the underworld.
Let's roll this Channel 6 exclusive.
The execution of the Libertarian People's Army is the first salvo in my war on crime in Central City.
And all those half-citizens who would aid and abet criminal activity fear the wrath of the deadly Nightshade.
Nightshade? Ms.
Kane? Have a seat, please.
Now, how are we this morning? I'm fine.
- Much better.
Thank you.
- Good.
Have you spoken with the police yet? She wasn't ready.
I think in a few days It wasn't the Flash.
It wasn't.
It was something else.
It was horrible.
All in black, with glowing red eyes.
And the guns.
And the blood.
Everybody's dead.
- It's okay.
- Everybody's dead.
It's okay.
Why don't we go back to your room, okay? Let's go.
Come on.
First the Flash, now this Nightshade.
These masked men are turning this city into a war zone.
- Sorry.
- No, it's me, really.
Work has made me crazy lately.
"Love's Smoldering Flames"? Nice cover.
So, what brings you back? Just can't get enough of us law-and-order types? Chief Cooper asked me to come in as psychiatric advisor on this deadly Nightshade case.
I specialize in sociopathic disorders.
Thank you.
So I guess that Nightshade video proves that you're wrong about the Flash.
Are you the public defender too? Look, the Flash may be innocent, but that doesn't mean he's not disturbed.
I've always thought of him as a concerned citizen.
- Excuse me, I have an appointment.
- And I've got a job to do.
What? - What? - You two make an interesting couple.
- What are you doing? - Some mobster's using the name of Nightshade to justify a bloodbath.
I've gotta clear my name.
I know how you feel, but I can handle it.
This is my fight now.
This deadly Nightshade taints my past.
The police have an APB out for the Nightshade.
They don't know it's an imposter.
They're after you.
You coming? Thursday the 14th.
Begin recording now.
I have taken measures to prepare for battle with the Flash should such a time come.
Central City has become an abyss of darkness and fear under the heel of a criminal horde.
The first Nightshade delivered justice to gangland.
I will pay for my father's sins.
I will hunt down the jackals hiding in the ivory towers of the constitution.
The hucksters who let the guilty run free.
Next time just tell me where we're headed.
The hell with that.
Then you'd end up beating me here.
When I go to this much trouble, I wanna get my money's worth.
How do you suppose the Double-decker Johnny killing figures into all this? I'm not sure.
I nailed him in that west side real estate scam back in the '50s when I took down Derek Bohannan and his gang.
I used to have a stoolie that hung out here by the name of Fosnight.
I'll go around back.
To Johnny! Yeah, poor Johnny.
He straightens out and gets this.
- It ain't the old days.
- No kidding.
That Nightshade's nuts, walking in here and doing John like that.
You got that right, Pearl.
We're all afraid to work.
Until this Nightshade's history again, I ain't even gonna jaywalk.
I want answers! And I need them now.
You look like my second husband.
Only naked.
I said I want answers.
You're the least of our worries.
Nightshade's popped half a dozen small-timers last week.
I hope you're here to protect us from him.
- This killer's an imposter.
- That's right.
No need for protection from me, Pearl.
Not from the original.
We're all too old to be adversaries anymore.
Let it be.
Long time since I brought you down.
Short conning for Gorilla out of Hell Town.
Took one of your tranq bullets.
I slept for three days.
At least I woke up.
This guy who's claiming to be you he's another story.
But why kill Double-decker? I heard he went straight.
Like an arrow.
This Nightshade imposter's got snakes in his head.
I'll leave you here.
I know a way to get a profile on just the kind of man we're looking for.
He ought to slow down.
He's gonna give himself a coronary.
So, what are you drinking? Listen, do you need a straw with that thing? Here you are, Mr.
Why here and not the station? Strictly professional.
Don't be nervous.
I just get a little tired of dinner in a bag.
Now there's one thing we can certainly agree on.
Too many dinners at the desk the past few weeks.
Oh, I am starving.
Now, I've tallied the data up and I think there's some interesting - Hold it.
- Excuse me? You just sat down.
You're digging in your files already.
Are you always like this? No, of course not.
It's just that - What? - I'm very protective of my patients.
To be honest with you, the kidnapping was very hard for me to deal with.
I understand.
If our brief moment of personal revelation is concluded l've got a pretty solid take on both the Nightshade and the Flash.
- The Flash has no part in this.
- Do you want what I've got or not? Now, they're both classic overachievers looking for affection they didn't get from their parents.
The costume is a blatant cry for attention.
Oh, come on.
This misplaced civic virtue is often triggered by the loss of a parent or sibling.
In this case, most likely a violent crime.
Conceivably, it's guilt over his own behavior that The Flash.
Thank you.
I should have guessed.
Now, I mean, it's all supposition, but I think I was right.
He is in your pocket.
- What are you talking about? - Don't be coy.
What do you think, giving me all that hassle, Dr.
Frost? You say the Flash isn't working for Felicia Kane's family.
You're sitting right here Barry? Nasty little Oh, God.
He's dead.
Thank God no one else got hurt.
A judicial system that allows legal pimps like Chesley Keefe to flourish has created a criminal class too dense to prosecute and too powerful to contain.
But no more.
No one is safe.
Not the punks, not the wise guys.
Nor the lawyers protecting these scum.
Pray for the guilty.
Pray for a life, pal.
Nobody loved Chesley Keefe, but the system says we're all entitled to legal representation scums and saints alike.
But this Nightshade is a wanton killer.
A fascist terrorist with the means to carry out his own bloody agenda.
He's no better than those he seeks to eliminate.
That's the way it looks from here.
I'm Joe Kline: Voice of the city.
You'll pay for that, Kline.
It came from a German weapons manufacturer.
No help from them.
Their clients pay for privacy.
You do your homework, pal.
Our friend certainly knows where to buy his weapons.
Hey, guys, come on.
I came here of my own free will.
How about losing the blindfold? - I'll be good.
- Not part of the deal.
- Not a chance.
- Do a guy a favor and what do you get? Treated like a street punk.
What did you bust Double-decker Johnny for? Real estate scam.
Bohannan's father was behind it.
Johnny gets 20 for the swindle and Bohannan walks.
Why? He had a hotshot lawyer.
Fosnight, who represented Bohannan? Oh, jeez, that goes way back Chesley Keefe.
He was a real pistol back then.
This all goes back to the Bohannan business.
The son of one of Bohannan's victims? No, this has to be someone with resources.
Someone hurt by the whole crime.
Curt Bohannan has spent his entire life and fortune atoning for the actions of his father.
You're saying the richest man in Central City is playing executioner? Bohannan just came back from Germany same place these spikes are found.
The deadly Nightshade is a costly enterprise.
Then let's pay a social call.
- Drop you somewhere, Fosnight? - Yeah.
I'll ride with Nightshade.
You're a little fast for me.
Come on.
If you'd wait for me once in a while After you.
You should stay in better shape.
Did you really search every room in this mansion already? Twice.
And I found the secret passage in here.
Kind of puts your garage to shame, doesn't it? Do you have a headquarters? On my salary, an apartment.
What is this? Some kind of super marionette? What did you find? Scrapbook of my exploits.
"Nightshade puts aviator in a tailspin.
" "Police blast Nightshade vigilante tactics.
" God, I haven't thought about these in years.
Here it is.
- This guy's crazy about me.
- Or just crazy.
The original Nightshade takes down Bohannan, Sr.
Now junior wants to become you.
What puzzles me is why Curt Bohannan waited until now to start this deadly Nightshade business.
Maybe your reappearance as the Nightshade triggered it.
This tape is dated today.
Joe Kline's public opposition to my crusade shows he's clearly a puppet of the criminal narcotic axis.
Like his audience, I was duped into trusting him.
For the sake of the city, Kline must be eliminated today.
Kline's show is live at 10.
Kline, this city will remain a solid knot of paranoia as long as the deadly Nightshade roams the streets.
That's a very interesting theory.
But what do you think it is that drives a man so far over the line? What's that? What drives me, Kline? A chance to cleanse the earth of criminal filth.
Keep those cameras here.
Here's your chance, Kline.
Confess your misdeeds.
How about confessing yourself, Nightshade? If we could just talk.
I don't think it's a good idea to antagonize him now.
Your day will come soon enough.
You'll see that I'm right.
Get down! I'm the only man who can save this city from itself.
I am the Nightshade.
Get me coverage of all of this.
Frost said that you were a killer.
Would you like to respond? Get that mike out of my face.
Then how about sharing the real you with our audience? Ask his agent.
He got me in the leg.
See, I told you.
You should have waited for me.
I didn't kill him.
He's just gonna be asleep for a while.
"May 17th, 1955.
We're receiving pressure from the mayor's office to stop this masked man the newspapers call Nightshade.
I have chosen not to do so.
His work has put a number of criminals in jail and I count him on our side in spirit, if not in uniform.
I have my suspicions as to the Nightshade's identity.
I will not expose him.
I leave it to the discretion of those who follow me as police captain.
Julius Schwartz.
" Good Lord.
Your capacity for healing is unbelievable.
Believe it.
But believe me, it still hurts like living hell.
Not bad having another doctor on call.
I wasn't so lucky.
I had to do most of my own doctoring which was a real drag, considering how many scrapes I got myself into.
Bohannan is probably in hiding.
All right.
I'll find him.
You stay put.
Which is exactly what you should be doing.
Even with your four-star metabolism, you took a real beating out there.
Half speed.
All right? I'll add 30 seconds to my travel time.
Youth is wasted on the young.
I haven't seen you in weeks.
Where have you been hiding? I'm sorry, Des.
I can hardly believe this.
But What? What is it? We have evidence that you're Nightshade.
I'm arresting you for murder.
You and Garfield go way back.
Why didn't you tell him it's Bohannan? And explain to him how we arrived at our information? How the Nightshade and the Flash broke into Bohannan's house? How those two ruthless vigilantes set themselves above the law? Take a good look, Barry.
Real bars.
Real trouble.
Maybe we ought to let the cops handle it from here.
You really believe that? I don't give a damn what anyone thinks.
You're my friend and I am gonna get you out.
And that means I have to bring Bohannan in.
Right now.
- What? - He didn't do it! Dr.
Powell can I be straight? Are you the deadly Nightshade? I don't know, doctor.
What do you think? The hospital.
My God, Powell's garage.
Bohannan's figured it out.
I can't believe it, right here in my police station.
- What happened? - Some other Nightshade he throws tear gas into the station.
He tears through us like a tank and he busts Dr.
Powell out of jail.
Look at this.
How the hell did he do it? And how are we gonna stop him? He knocked a dozen cops senseless.
And he busted Dr.
Powell out of jail.
Come on, get it up.
Get it up.
You're not well.
The Nightshade! My hero, my inspiration.
After all those years, you put your mask back on to deal with the Ghost.
I began to track you down.
When I heard this evening they arrested the Nightshade at Central Hospital my suspicions about your secret life were confirmed.
I broke you out of jail as an ally.
And you refuse to join me.
You're way over the deep end, Curt.
- Killing people is - Not people! - Scum of the earth.
- Now, how did this happen? We're friends.
Come on, let me help you.
I don't think so.
This is all the help I need.
What the hell is that? An exoskeleton to accelerate my response to the Flash.
To give me a fighting chance.
It should have been all three of us.
You, me, the Flash.
Yeah, just a bunch of crime fighters out murdering the bad guys.
Exterminating vermin.
Striking fear in the criminal heart.
Curt, why don't you forget all about this crime-fighting junk donate some of your millions to a poverty program.
I worshipped you.
I wanted to be like you, to be you.
Not like Your father.
- It's over, Bohannan.
- Like hell it is.
There's only room for one champion of justice in Central City.
If that's the way you want it.
Only way to stop him is a short circuit.
- How's the leg? - Fine.
How's he doing? He'll live.
Done more damage to himself than you could ever do.
- No need to give everything away.
- Yeah.
Thanks, Red.
Say, you wouldn't happen to have another one of those sandwiches on you, would you? No.
Come in.
Barry, my lad! Nice to see you.
I can't even open a newspaper or turn on the TV without seeing you.
"Fifties' hero unmasked.
" I got me a book deal, couple of movie offers.
Better leave Garfield out of the story.
He can't believe you were able to hide your identity from him all these years.
He'll get over it.
But you didn't get in your Sunday best just to come see me, did you? Actually, I'm meeting someone for dinner.
Anybody I know? Professionally and personally.
I'll take that as a compliment, you sexist pig.
- Ready to go, Barry? - She asked me.
What was I supposed to do, wait for him to ask me? He was always disappearing.
You better be careful of her.
She's a dangerous woman.
I'd take it real slow.
Especially with that limp.
- I think I can handle it.
- I'll be the judge of that.
Oh, yeah? So, Dr.
Powell, what about you? You got plans for the weekend? Yeah.
I thought I'd have one hell of a garage sale.
You had to be there.

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