The Glory (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Did you always know
that I was going to…
come to you for help?
So for how long?
When did you know
So-hee and I knew each other?
I'd known for a while
that her body was in the freezer.
I saw your student ID that day
when I wrote your prescription.
You were the same age as her.
I assumed you had been friends.
So when you bolted out of the ER,
I decided to follow you.
Press on this for about five minutes.
I'm sorry.
From the beginning,
I knew my role.
The hospital director's son.
So when I heard your story,
I knew I was the perfect person
to be your executioner.
I wanted so badly to be of use to you.
I knew I wanted to help you,
no matter what day or time.
Wherever you were.
I wanted to run to you
before you felt guilty for using me.
But you left before I could.
Thank you so much for helping me.
You're going to be a great doctor.
Am I not seeing you again?
Wait, why?
Back then,
why did you leave me?
You should've used me
if that's why you were there.
It would've been okay.
Even now I can't figure out
why you decided to give up and just leave.
Tell me, why'd you do that?
So-hee's mother told me
what happened to your father.
When she said he had been murdered,
I was afraid So-hee's body
would be removed from the freezer.
But then,
the intern who treated me at the hospital
happened to be the director's son.
I thought I found a way
to salvage my plan.
So I came to find you.
But then I realized something.
That I was selfish, thinking
I'm the only victim that mattered.
When you were a victim too.
That's a relief.
Here I was thinking you left
because I wasn't your type.
So then…
there is no reason for you not to use me.
If you leave me again,
then it's for love.
Not for revenge.
help me until…
the end.
I'll serve you
till the end.
You've gotten so quiet without your voice.
Guess it's hard to laugh at others'
misfortunes in your current state.
By the way, that scar will always itch,
always sting, and always burn.
Like mine did.
Do you know why I'm doing this to you?
After 18 years, you all forgot about me.
That's why I'm doing this.
So you'll remember.
I know there's someone you want
to be remembered by too, isn't there?
I've taken care of Yeon-jin. Sa-ra too.
I couldn't have done it without you.
And my schedule's opened up.
If you want to get revenge, I'll help you.
Don't you want to get back at Jae-jun?
Yeah, I was inside.
Take whatever's yours.
Jae-jun suffers from glaucoma.
Every day, he has to use Betaxolol drops.
You know how someone
could accidentally get
something like washer fluid
or hand sanitizer in their eyes.
What's important is, Jae-jun won't see
his redheaded models,
those racing flag girls,
even Yeon-jin,
with his eyes ever again.
What do you say, Hye-jeong?
Do you want this?
Gonna take long?
I need to shower before I go.
Oh shit, that's right. I forgot.
Can't talk, can you?
Why don't you clap?
Ten minutes. Twenty?
Wow, your sign language's gotten good.
I understand that.
You got 10 minutes.
The fuck's going on?
The hell you doing?
Seems the motel's been sold.
We deserve a severance package.
Haven't we cleaned up after you enough?
How much do you want?
What do I owe?
Severance pay? You sure?
You don't want insurance as well,
you son of a bitch?
What else? Need paternal leave?
God damn!
You motherfucker.
On days like today,
when it rains like this,
evidence can get lost
and it's easy to dig a hole.
Hey, stop!
The NFS described
the murder weapon
as a round object
with a large surface area.
I think this is it.
But it doesn't make sense.
The evidence was just sitting here.
The CCTVs are all busted.
Apparently, the owner
stripped the computer.
Nothing makes sense here.
How did you find out about this place?
From an anonymous tip.
Ye-sol, Uncle Jae-jun's here!
Ye-sol, it's Uncle…
It's your father. I'm your dad!
You thought I was your uncle, right?
I'm your real dad, Ye-sol.
I'll explain everything.
Your dad has…
Samsung electronics and stocks for you!
Excuse me. Ye-sol isn't here.
That there's Sae-mi.
I heard Ye-sol transferred
to a school overseas.
Do-yeong, you motherfucker.
Why didn't you say something earlier?
The number
you're trying is no longer…
Where's Ye-sol?
Where are you hiding her? Where is she?
I've always wondered, Jae-jun,
who the last face
you would ever see would belong to.
I guess we now know
it won't be your daughter's.
So then where the fuck are you now,
you goddamn whore?!
Where the hell is building B?
Fuck, what the hell? Ah, shit!
My eyes.
You know her, don't you?
That's Yeon-jin's mother.
Hong Yeong-ae. She's involved
in a vehicular manslaughter case.
We initially thought
it was just an accident,
but when we looked
at her cell phone records,
we found that the victim
had been blackmailing her.
The text read,
"I know your daughter's a murderer."
Okay. Why are you telling me this?
I thought you'd already know.
I believe you're the one who gave
Lee Seok-jae the information on Yeon-jin.
But I couldn't find the connection
between you two.
Not until I looked up
his wife's phone records.
Kang Hyeon-nam.
You know her, don't you?
The thing is, Detective,
I'm known for having
a wide circle of friends.
Even if I did speak
to the victim or his wife,
is that against the law?
I mean, she was the one driving.
You're right. It's not illegal.
So what's going to happen
to Yeon-jin's mom now?
Ms. Hong, I should be
at the station with your daughter now.
Are you some moron?
You're the reason I'm even in this mess!
Was it so hard to settle with her? Huh?
Why are you not home now? Excuse me!
How are you not there?
Hey! Are you home?
Hey! Get out here!
Hello, Ms. Hong.
Hong Yeong-ae was just arrested.
For murder.
Is that how it should end?
You planned all of this, didn't you?
That tip came from you.
I appreciate
that you've taken the time
to listen to me.
I had to, even if I'm 18 years late.
This concludes my investigation.
So, this is goodbye.
Since I've been so busy,
I won't have time
to focus on this case anymore.
Be sure to get a good lawyer.
I've always believed
you should spare no expense
when it comes to legal issues.
You can be so cruel, honey.
How could you come serve these in person?
Where are you going?
Don't worry. I won't follow.
The UK.
Ye-sol likes soccer, after all.
If I write,
will you give my letters to Ye-sol?
Take care of yourself.
The car's registered under your name.
The title's in the glove compartment.
Ms. Moon asked that I give it to you.
She wanted to thank you
for all you've done.
The car is for you
to go to all those places
you've always wanted to.
Where's Dong-eun? Did she go somewhere?
She wanted to leave this with someone
who would do something good with it.
And she'd be happy
with whatever decision you made,
whether you donate it or open a center.
But she wanted you to treat yourself
to some good food, too.
Ms. Moon told me… to thank you again,
and that she's
very grateful for everything.
Did Dong-eun go somewhere?
Where'd she go?
Hey, what's up?
Do you want to go
to the ocean with me?
That's like the oldest line in the book.
You can put on some music if you'd like.
Or sleep if you're tired.
Ah, and look at me every now and then.
Because you know the passenger seat
is the best place to admire my face.
I don't have any music on my phone.
Maybe you should sing.
What? About time!
Just you wait. Really.
Five, six, seven eight.
Is this singing like a bird?
Right now it's more like a falcon
than a bird. You know, like the band.
Don't you know any other songs?
Stop, enough, seriously!
-You try.
-Just one?
I got some more beer. Need anything else?
This is our final stop.
It ends here.
What took you so long to visit?
I was dying to see you.
Me too.
I really wanted to see you like this.
Locked up in here.
Completely and totally alone,
without a single friend remaining.
No one to love you.
really think I'll be here long?
Of course I do.
-Even if you get out, you'll be so old--
-You bitch!
3886, quiet down!
After all this is done,
whether I'm in the ground or not,
I want your world to always have me in it.
I want you to regret your life
so much you can feel it.
Deep in your bones.
I'm sorry…
that I didn't get away with it.
You know…
I should be asking you the same thing.
Why would I?
What do I have to regret?
You're back there, right?
Are you there?
Fucking help me. Help me.
Can't you go get…
go get my fucking phone? Huh?
Help me, you stupid bitch!
Get off!
Please let go.
Let go!
Come on, don't tease me now.
You don't like it?
Don't lie. I know you like it.
Let go!
Get off!
Let go of me, you son of a bitch!
It's me, Gyeong-ran.
I need your help, Dong-eun.
You told me that…
Yeon-jin needs to be the killer.
don't know what to do.
Please help me, Dong-eun.
How do I…
fix this?
This should go back to Siesta.
Try not to worry.
Yeon-jin still killed Myeong-o,
so this changes nothing.
Thank you
for helping me.
And I'm… sorry…
for what I did back then.
Forgive me.
I didn't come to help you.
Wherever you end up, whatever you do,
I never want you to forget this.
I'm no longer standing in that hallway.
You don't have to either.
Don't stay in that gym
for one second more.
What then? Spit it out!
What do I have to regret?
3886, your visit's over.
I regret everything that's happened.
Just look. Heaven's never been on my side.
All you get is prison?
I have no choice
but to hope this prison's your hell.
All I can do is pray that you live
a very long life in this hell,
never knowing the truth
about why you're here.
What is it? Tell me, what don't I know?
Just fucking tell me, Dong-eun!
You bitch, I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to fucking kill you, bitch!
Stop! Stop! You fucking bitch!
You fucking bitch!
I'm going to find you
and tear your head off!
Let me do the honor.
I'll be the one
to kill myself.
So let's just say
our goodbyes to each other now.
Dear Yeon-jin,
who I've always dreamed of killing,
This is my last letter to you.
And to everyone else,
I hope the end burned,
like it did for me.
I hope… it was painful.
Help me!
Please help me!
Please help me save my son!
I'm Yeo-jeong's mother.
If this was the ending
you were preparing for,
would you change your mind
if you knew that this would
end Yeo-jeong's life as well?
I met with So-hee's mother.
And she told me all about you.
She told me what had happened to you
and how you ended up here.
But this isn't how it should end,
not after everything.
When Yeo-jeong told me he was
determined to help you get revenge,
I gave him my permission.
I'm asking for your permission now.
Will you allow me to save your life today?
Because even if it means
I have to hang onto you as you jump,
I'm going to save you. I swear to God.
I'm asking you to help my son
escape this hell, so that…
he will choose to go on living.
I'm begging you to live.
Is Yeo-jeong's hell
Kang Yeong-cheon, then?
3724, referring to his prison number.
That's right.
That disgusting bastard.
Even now,
that day remains in my memory,
vivid as if it were yesterday.
The scent of his blood in my nostrils.
That slicing sound
as the knife pierced his throat.
The heat of his blood
as it dripped down my hands.
And even the look on his face
as the life left his eyes.
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Dad! Move, Move!
Dad, wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Dad, your son is calling you! Wake up!
The defendant has been indicted
for three counts of murder
in addition to the desecration
and disposal of a corpse.
Based on the evidence that has
been brought forth by the investigation,
the court has found the accused
to be guilty on all charges.
In addition,
the defendant murdered the doctor
who was providing him medical treatment
with a clear lack of remorse.
Not only did his actions
have serious consequences,
but the method itself was inhumane.
And as a result,
the court has now come to a verdict.
The defendant
has been sentenced to death,
in accordance to Article Three
of Criminal Act One.
You son of a bitch!
I'll kill you!
Why are you laughing, you asshole?
I have always loved
the look on someone's face
at the moment of their death.
The vessels in their eyes burst,
and slowly the blood colors
the whites of their eyes.
Just like a sunset.
I promise I'll write again soon.
Take care and enjoy your weekend, Dr. Joo.
-Inmate! Keep your mouth shut!
-Hey, Mom!
-3886, face the wall!
-Mom! Mom!
Please, Mom, please!
Mom! Mom!
Hey, cutie.
What's the weather like tomorrow?
For these past few days,
all the rain we've received
has made the temperature drop.
However, tomorrow
temperatures will warm up
and rise close to 30 degrees Celsius
around mid-day.
I recommend you wear some light clothes,
and make sure you stay hydrated
throughout the day.
Although we expect no clouds
and pollution will be low,
the ozone levels
and the UV radiation will be very high.
Try not to say out in the sun
between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 p.m.,
when the ozone level
will be at its highest.
Park Yeon-jin signing off.
Are you crying
about the weather?
I thought you wouldn't last
a month here. Looks like I was wrong.
You made it six.
It's already summer.
I looked deeper
into that bitch and that bastard.
You were absolutely right, Ms. Moon.
Thank you for looking out for me.
Well, I know nothing ever comes for free.
Now tell me why
you've been staying here so long.
I need some information.
There's a prisoner serving in Cheongsong.
Prisoners are sorted into five tiers,
ranging from S-1 to S-5.
Cheongsong is where S-4 prisoners go.
I don't know who it is, but I can guess
they're one nasty piece of work.
Yeah. Two of his victims
were innocent women.
Could he be transferred?
You would need to stir up trouble
at the prison to do that.
There's only one place
that's worse than Cheongsong.
Jisan Prison.
Is that what you're looking for?
Come find me if you need a loan.
For you, I won't take
any interest in advance.
You may need it.
I brought us some beer.
How have you been?
Uh, how have I been?
You're so…
How could you do this to me?
Do you…
have any idea…
I've really missed you.
Then why did you leave me again?
Maybe it was out of love,
and not for revenge.
I haven't…
been doing very well.
My revenge…
didn't go as I planned.
I think you just need some lessons.
Would you let me teach you how?
From now on, I will be your executioner.
I will be your missing 1%.
Just tell me,
who do you want me to kill first?
Since this is your first time,
you get the black stone.
I'll place the stone on the board.
I'm sorry
I didn't come say goodbye in person.
You can put up my room for rent.
Now I know why room 301
was cheaper than the others.
I remember.
I remember everything.
You sure took your time.
I knew from the moment I saw you.
Are you okay?
You don't have any shoes on.
Why are you only wearing
a sweater out here?
It must be so heavy.
You're kidding!
You're the reason why
I'm out here soaking wet!
Really? Seriously?
I'm the only one you're blaming?
I saw you get into the water
with the same intention as me.
Let me ask you a question.
The water's too cold, isn't it?
Oh, it's freezing.
die in the spring. Hmm?
The spring.
It'll be okay.
There was a time
when I used to think,
"What if someone had just helped me?"
"If someone, somewhere
had been there for me?"
Eighteen springs had gone by
with that question still in my mind.
But I finally realized something.
That there were good people in my life.
Good friends, good weather.
Even heaven intervened.
Is she the one
who had the best portfolio?
I heard she hasn't even declared a major.
Did you see that? Look at her arms?
And when you said
we should die in the spring,
what you really meant is,
that's when we should bloom.
I want to thank you.
Thank you so much for saving me.
While I know I didn't grow up to be good,
eventually a spring will come
when I will fully bloom.
I wish you a long, healthy life.
I wonder if she'll come see the flowers.
Hey, come on. You're working, aren't you?
Of course I am.
Revenge isn't exactly cheap.
I'll help you once I text this student.
I guess this'll be every night.
I'll only teach Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays, okay?
Besides, this student's father
works for the correctional system.
Well, exams are important.
By the way,
where do you think Jae-jun ran off to?
I don't know.
I can only assume
that I wasn't the only one
who wanted to see him taken down.
Who's there?
Where am I?
Who the fuck are you, you son of a bitch?
I'm sorry, please.
My eyes really hurt right now.
I think I need to go to a doctor.
Hye-jeong, I know it's you. Huh?
Did she send you to kill me?
I'm sorry, but can you just
say something to me? Please?
Who the hell are you? Huh?
Why are you doing this to me,
you motherfucker?
One burner and one car.
The number's on the back of the phone
and the unregistered car's
sitting in the back.
Good luck.
Hi, what can I get you?
-Can I get 600 grams of this…
…and 300 grams of this cabbage here?
Hey, Mom!
-What're you craving?
-I'll eat anything.
I'm looking for an assistant.
3724, transfer.
I would like to introduce the teacher
who has volunteered to lead debate class.
Nice to meet you.
It sounds rather formal
when you call it debate class.
Especially as this is
meant for those of you
who are scheduled to be released soon.
This is more like a book club,
where we can freely discuss
the material we've read.
And for those of you that are willing,
we could even try writing resumes and CVs.
My younger sister
just visited me.
Every time she's come before, she's cried,
but for the first time, she smiled.
So thank you, Doctor.
Thank you for taking care of my sister.
She'll need a few more laser treatments,
but she should be able
to hide it with makeup.
As for you, don't forget
to take your blood pressure pills.
Sure. There's no way
I'll let that son of a bitch outlive me.
Right. You're in here
for assaulting someone.
I remember now.
I regret I didn't kill that motherfucker
when I had the chance.
You saw her scar.
That was that asshole's work.
He did that 'cause…
she refused to sleep with him.
Try not to worry about your sister.
I like to think I'm pretty good at my job.
No, of course.
You don't have to tell me.
I've heard removing scars
can be a very expensive procedure.
When I get out of here,
I'll do whatever it takes to pay you back.
Whatever it is.
Doctor, I swear to God.
You have a cleaning job
in quarter one, right?
Would you be interested in paying
with something other than money?
You don't want money?
To me, this'll be worth a fortune.
Do you want to be
the one to punish me?
Then it's too bad
that I'm already being punished, isn't it?
It's not enough.
So in your opinion, what would be enough?
Killing you.
And making it painful.
But you're a doctor, yeah?
Isn't there some kind of line
you're not allowed to cross?
I was never good at school, but I know.
There's an oath every doctor has to obey.
You're wrong.
If I wanted to save animals,
I would've become a veterinarian.
And if I wanted to save the devil,
I would've become a preacher.
My job's to save people.
So that oath
doesn't apply to something
as inhuman as you.
If by some chance
the two of us happen to meet again,
you should be careful.
Anyone who walks by, any food you eat,
any pill prescribed to you,
I'd make sure it's safe.
Doctors can't do that.
I'm not worried.
I won't get caught,
because I am a doctor.
The clock is
ticking again, So-hee.
We're both finally 19.
I love you.
I love you.
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