The Longest Promise (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 16=
This is it.
You actually
You actually chose this?
That's right.
Master, please name it.
is there anything wrong with it?
Your Supreme Majesty,
this is the artifact I've chosen.
you cannot wield this artifact.
You should put it back
and choose another one.
First, it cannot be used to attack.
Second, it cannot be used to defend.
Its strength
is that it can share damage
with another person.
the other party must be willing,
and your spiritual power
must be connected to the other party.
However, if you wish to do so,
you need to risk your life
and transfer
half of your spiritual power
to the other party.
Tell me.
Where would you find
such a person in the world?
So that's the case.
Master, you risked your life
to save me once.
You even transferred
your spiritual powers to me.
This artifact fits me perfectly.
I'm willing to take this artifact.
Master, please name it.
are you letting me name it?
If so, please pardon me.
I'll name it
Gong Shang.
What do you think about the name?
Since the person who uses this artifact
needs to live and die together
with the other party.
Isn't it just like
the shining Gong and Shang stars
that keep the dark night
and the earth company?
Its shining luster
is just like the description
of Gong and Shang stars
in the ancient manual.
They rely on each other
and guard each other
for all eternity.
Its wielder will surely be safe.
what do you think about the name?
(Gong Shang)
So, Master, you chose
the same artifact as me back then.
You even gave it the same name.
Seems like this artifact
is the fate that ties me to you, Master.
I will take this artifact.
You should think twice.
Master, are you embarrassed
because an uneducated individual
like me actually
came up with the same name as you?
That's not what I mean.
Don't tell me you've started
disliking this name
after such a long time?
That's not what I mean.
Since you don't dislike its name
or me,
could it be
Could it be that you don't want to admit
that your heart and my heart
are interconnected?
I will go on a retreat soon.
I don't know how long it'll last.
You should train by yourself.
Do not interrupt me again.
I understand.
As the water flows from the mountain,
Gong and Shang will be together
for an eternity.
From now on,
you will be my artifact.
From today onward,
Priest of Grand Preceptor
will go through a crucial moment
before gaining access to the real state.
I've already
set up nets above and snares below.
We just need to wait
for those wicked individuals
to fall into them.
If Ying could gain access
to the real state this time,
he would be ready
for his return to Jialan.
He just needs
to give us the nod by then.
In Kongsang,
Emperor Xingzun was the only person
to gain access to the real state
7,000 years ago.
I never expect
Priest of Grand Preceptor to be strong
enough to gain access to the real state
at such a young age.
He's truly impressive.
His attempt to gain access
to the real state
is a secret.
You mustn't tell anyone else.
The sage said
Shi Ying will go on a retreat and
try to gain access to the real state.
By then, he will be at his weakest.
I think
it's time for us to act.
That's great news.
If so, why haven't you
sent the elites of the Azure Clan
to Jiuyi Mountain?
Don't worry.
I already started stationing
my troops right after
receiving the news.
I will never let
High Priest of Grand Preceptor
get his way.
the Consort of the Crimson Clan
has come to visit you.
My mother is here?
I heard you.
Seems like my daughter
has completely forgotten about me.
That's not true.
Just now,
I've met up with
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
He was full of praise for you.
Now that you've finished your training,
you can find a chance
to leave the mountain now.
Yan'er, you're so capable now.
I'm sure you can find a great husband
in the future.
I won't listen to you!
I don't want to get married!
I will never get married!
Silly girl.
You don't want to get married?
Don't tell me you want
to spend the rest of your life
in Jiuyi Mountain
and learn magic techniques
from the Priest?
What's wrong with that?
I want to follow Master all my life
and protect him.
I'll be a powerful
female immortal official.
Your master is a recluse.
Even if you wish to follow him
for the rest of your life,
he won't accept it.
Your Highness.
Her Highness
has brought you
Yanfeng Restaurant's newest snacks.
Try them.
They're delicious.
Yan'er, eat up.
Slow down.
By the way,
this place is so far away.
How did you guys manage
to bring them here?
Won't they spoil on the way here?
Keeper Yuan suggested us
to bring them with us.
You were lucky too.
On our way here,
we found ice in time
for us to change them.
I heard
that powerful merfolk
can manipulate water
and turn water into ice.
I want to learn that technique too.
This way, I can teach you
that technique.
After that, you can bring
all the food
in Yanfeng Restaurant to me.
You must be craving them.
I want Master to try them.
What are these?
These are gifts
for Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Keeper Yuan prepared them
especially for him.
They look so beautiful.
The weather is getting colder lately.
Master could use this coat.
Let's hope
that your master will like it.
Don't worry.
If I like something,
Master will like it too.
(It sounds like Yan'er is pretty close)
(to her master.)
It's a shame
that Master has gone on a retreat.
It's already been a few days.
I was wondering why
the security here was so tight.
So, it's because of this.
Why don't I deliver this
to Master now?
It's been some days
since I saw Master anyway.
you're following me.
Do you wish
to see Master too?
It's a pity that outsiders
are not allowed
in the Emperor Valley.
I'm saying
that there might be dust on the coat
after we traveled all the way here.
Let me pat them off.
There isn't any dust.
I'll make a move now.
Why isn't there a single guard
outside of Master's retreat?
Even Chong Ming isn't around.
Who would've expected Master
to suffer such pain
at such a young age?
my mother came to Jiuyi Mountain
to visit me.
Initially, I was happy.
But she actually came here
to persuade me to find a husband.
I don't want to get married.
Master, I don't want to leave your side.
Once, my biggest wish
was to save Crown Prince.
But now,
I can no longer
realize that wish.
If so, my biggest wish
is to stay by your side, Master.
It's because
you're the only person who encouraged
a girl like me to learn magic techniques
besides Crown Prince.
Luckily, Master was meditating.
I think he didn't hear what I said
and didn't know what I did just now.
Master is so good-looking.
Even the immortal stance
cannot be used to describe him.
I killed someone!
Calm down.
You killed someone
to protect me.
But Master, I thought
you were meditating?
How could you leave that state?
It doesn't matter.
What's going on?
Your Supreme Majesty.
Why did you leave your meditation?
And, what are you doing here?
Your Supreme Majesty,
Zhu Yan is here to protect me.
Protect you?
You don't need her protection at all.
This is pointless.
I deliberately left you unguarded
and cast the Blood Curse
to lure them into the trap.
If they dare to approach you,
the Blood Curse will trigger.
By then, I will lead my men here
and capture all of them.
But you?
You barged in recklessly
and ruined my plan.
And you!
In order to save her,
you were willing to sacrifice
your chance to enter the real state.
was going to enter the real state?
Master, I'm sorry.
I was too reckless.
Your Supreme Majesty,
stop blaming Yan'er for this.
I will give this another attempt
after a few more days.
After a few more days?
It's easy for you to say.
who are those people
who tried to kill Master?
Get out.
This is none of your business.
If you dare to ruin our plan again,
I will never spare you.
(The relationship between them
is unusual.)
(I have to find out)
(who this Zhu Yan is.)
Your father and I
sent you to Jiuyi Mountain
so that you could
stay in a peaceful place.
I never expected Jiuyi Mountain
to be full of dangers as well.
You will leave the mountain
with me tomorrow.
No matter how important
these magic techniques are,
they're not as important as your life.
I mustn't let you be in danger anymore.
you should stop being paranoid.
Your daughter
is very capable.
This is just a scratch.
What scratch?
The divine servant said
your wound would only heal
after ten days.
How dare you still boast?
this soup can help replenish
one's spiritual power.
Princess, please drink it
while it's hot.
Keeper Yuan,
persuade Yan'er for me
and tell her to leave the mountain
together with us.
Madam, I know you love your daughter.
And, Princess was chosen
as the first disciple
because of her exceptional talents.
Jiuyi Mountain has found
a worthy student.
They won't let her leave like that.
It takes some time
before Princess can leave
the mountain too.
We require Crimson King to
issue a written order
and hand it personally
to High Priest of Grand Preceptor
before we can make any decisions.
When I go back,
we'll draft a written order.
Madam, please don't worry.
Princess has expended her energy.
Madam, I assume you're tired
after the long trip too.
Please rest early
after finishing the medicine.
God of Dragon,
you've finally revealed yourself.
You've served the Kongsang people
for many years as a slave.
Do you still remember
your true identity?
I, Zhi Yuan,
will never forget that.
So, Lord Left Envoy,
you still remember that
your surname is Zhi?
It's the top surname
after the Sea Emperor's.
But you forgot about your duty
to restore your nation
that was entrusted to you
by your ancestors.
You're here to protect
a Kongsang princess instead.
I will kill her right now
and sever your ties
with the Kongsang people!
God of Dragon, no!
The Kongsang people are descendants
of Lang Gan.
None of them are innocent.
I will offer this girl
as a sacrifice to our war flag!
Come out!
Yan'er! Come out!
Hurry and come out!
You shed a tear.
The Dragon Blood Jade
is the Merfolk Clan's sacred treasure.
It's the clue to locate the Sea Emperor.
It's guarded by the descendants
of Zhi for many generations.
As it was hidden within the eyes,
the guardian mustn't shed a single tear.
You shed no tears even when
your beloved passed away.
But now, you actually shed a tear
because of a Kongsang princess.
Could it be that you've already
fallen for her?
No way.
No way!
That's impossible!
The person I love is Yao Yi!
A merfolk can only fall in love
with a single person in life!
They can only love a single person.
Zhi Yuan, you should admit it.
You love Zhu Yan,
the Princess of the Crimson Clan.
That's impossible!
That's impossible!
The fate of the Sea Kingdom
actually changed because of you?
Zhi Yuan,
remember your mission.
Do not disappoint me.
I didn't let Yao Yi down!
Was everything
just a dream?
That's impossible!
I love Yao Yi.
But now I have
the Dragon Blood Jade.
(You shed no tears even when)
(your beloved passed away.)
(But now, you actually shed a tear)
(because of a Kongsang princess.)
(Could it be that you've already
fallen for her?)
(Not only did you give up
on your surname,)
(but you also betrayed
the nature of the Merfolk Clan.)
(Just admit it.)
(You love Zhu Yan,)
(the Princess of the Crimson Clan.)
A merfolk can only fall in love
with a single person in life.
I cannot let Yao Yi down.
As for the extra relationships,
it's time for me to end them.
Your Supreme Majesty,
all the elites of the Azure Clan
except for those under the Azure King
and Qing Gang
are all here.
The Azure Clan
has suffered a huge blow.
I think they've lost the power
to create trouble for now.
I spread
the news
and lured the Azure Clan here
to capture all of them.
It was supposed to end well.
However, Ying
left his meditation by force
and lost his chance to enter
the real state because of Zhu Yan.
Seems like this Zhu Yan
brings calamity to Ying.
I used up my lifetime's cultivation
to do a divination.
I realized that the real state
of Heaven and Earth
and the alignment of the nine planets
is in ten days.
If someone cultivates
primordial spirit by then,
they may receive the power
of the nine planets.
Priest of Grand Preceptor
has one more chance
to enter the real state.
You guys
must never let down your guard.
You guys need to tighten the security.
That Zhu Yan,
do not let her
cause trouble again.
Yes, High Priest.
I never expected us
to fail this time.
Don't panic.
It was just a bait this time.
Now, High Priest thinks
that most of the elites
of the Azure Clan are gone.
Even if he doesn't let down his guard,
he'll never expect us
to start another battle elsewhere.
He can enjoy himself for the time being.
If not,
we won't get the chance
to use our killer move.
As for the next step,
how can we lure
the desireless Priest
into our trap?
Bai Xuelu.
She's familiar with
Jiuyi Mountain's terrain.
And, she visits our palace
from time to time.
Why don't we give her a chance
to prove herself?
Does your hand still hurt?
If it weren't for the rule
that visitors can only
stay here for two days,
I would only return
when you're fully healed.
You can
just recuperate
in this courtyard at ease.
When I head back,
your father and I
will draft a written order
and bring you home
in less than half a month.
I won't go back.
I've finally found
my calling here.
How could I end it abruptly?
You can learn
magic techniques anywhere.
I'll hire the best teachers
for you when we return
to Extreme Wind City.
No one is better
than my master in this world.
This child is
Your Highness,
High Priest seeks an audience with you.
High Priest?
Think about what I've said.
Your Highness.
When do you plan to depart?
Your carriage is ready.
Keeper Yuan,
persuade Yan'er for me.
I'll bid farewell to High Priest.
We'll depart when I'm back.
Yes, Your Highness.
I assume you intend
to persuade me on Mother's behalf.
You're no longer a child.
I'm sure you can bear responsibility
for the path you've chosen.
It's pointless for me
to say anything extra.
Yuan, I knew you understood me the best.
- Princess, be careful.
- Sit down.
Don't worry. I'm fine.
By the way, Yuan,
I wish to head water realm
and practice the Fushui Spell again.
Can I do so?
It's best if you don't.
Since you've mastered
the Fushui Spell,
you shouldn't head water realm
while you're wounded.
But Yuan,
I'm not good at it yet.
I'm already fine.
You don't believe me?
Princess, be careful!
Be careful!
I know you're the best.
I'm begging you here.
I'm sure you'll say yes, am I right?
Yuan, you
What's the matter?
Princess, since you're already
a grown-up,
and that you're training
in Jiuyi Mountain,
it's best if we distinguish
between our status and gender.
I didn't do a good job before this.
Princess, please forgive me.
Did I do something wrong?
Why did you say that out of the blue?
Princess, do you want
Priest of Grand Preceptor
to think that the royalty
of the Crimson Clan
are uneducated barbarians?
Yuan, you're right.
I was too willful.
Princess, I have something
for you to try.
Please try to use it.
(The Dragon Blood Jade
is actually untouched.)
(Seems like the Dragon Blood Jade)
(is related to Princess by fate.)
(Maybe it can protect her.)
It's so beautiful.
Princess, you may wear it.
The mountain hasn't been safe lately.
Your mother is deeply concerned
about your safety.
This piece of jade
might be able to protect you.
I thought we already grew distant
from each other after what you said.
You're still nice to me.
I can
breathe a sigh of relief now.
this should be your heirloom, right?
This is such a precious gift.
I can't accept it.
Ordinary Kongsang people
will crush the jade
when they touch it.
However, you could touch it
without any problem.
That means you're fated to wield it.
Is that so?
You and I are fated to meet.
(If our clans do clash
against each other,)
(I hope this jade can protect you.)
(And I pray that you,)
(the descendant of Yao Yi,)
(will always stay safe.)
If that's the case,
I shall accept you.
Why did he leave without telling me?
Your Highness, you can take your time
preparing for
Princess Zhu Yan's departure.
If you're still worried about Princess,
you may make a life charm
with her time of birth
and ask your men
to deliver it to me.
I shall bless it together
with the Four Grand Marshals
so that mishaps won't
happen to Princess Zhu Yan.
If that's the case,
let me express my gratitude,
High Priest.
I shall leave,
instruct my men to make the life charm,
and deliver it to
the mountain immediately.
Greetings, Your Highness.
You guys may leave.
You may sit.
This is a huge issue.
I didn't want you to get involved.
I do know that you're an obedient girl.
That's why
I'll treat you as one of us.
Sit down.
Thank you, Your Highness.
I hope you can find a way
to lure the Priest
to Nvluo Creek, which is
at the south of Jiuyi Mountain.
Are you not willing to do so?
Or do you have
something else in mind?
Your Highness, you misunderstood me.
This is a difficult task.
I'm just trying to
figure out a solution.
If you can
complete this task for me,
you'll be truly
one of us by then.
Isn't that
Isn't that the divine bird, Chong Ming?
What are you doing here?
So, it was you.
why have you come out of your retreat?
It's been so long since
I played a flute.
I was rusty.
But it sounded fine to me.
can you form
all kinds of shapes
with the clouds you make?
If so,
I want to see a mountain made of clouds.
can you make a courtyard
on that mountain?
can you make our figures
and put them in the courtyard?
I haven't passed the test
of Chaos Logic and Vitality yet.
And, my spiritual power
isn't as abundant.
Just make do with it.
If so, Master, let me
send you back first.
It's fine.
It's common for cultivators
to encounter ordeals.
It's just that I'm on a different level.
Naturally, I have to endure it longer.
Most of the time,
I cultivate in my consciousness
most of the time.
I only woke up today.
About what happened
in the stone chamber,
I would like to thank you for it.
Master, you don't need to console me.
I think
I dragged you down instead.
You weren't able to enter the real state
because of me.
entering the real state or not
isn't that important to me.
You know that.
I wanted
to chase that lass away.
But you learned a lost skill
when she was here.
I'm caught in a dilemma.
What lost skill do you mean?
Please tell me.
You learned how to smile.
Ever since she came here,
the youth who always rejected
other people
learned how to smile.
You must believe in my abilities.
Missing out on that opportunity
is no big deal.
(Master came here to thank me)
(right after he woke up.)
(I'm sure it's because he's afraid)
(that I might feel guilty about it.)
(If I keep dwelling on it,)
(he won't be able to rest at ease.)
That's right.
Master, you're so skillful.
I'm sure you'll succeed.
do you wish to learn
the Cloud-manipulating Spell?
I do.
is this your gift for me?
Try it.
What do you think about
the portrait I drew with the cloud?
It looks like
a person.
Master, that's you.
Master, look over there.
It's thick, bushy,
and slightly tilting upward.
Don't they look like your brows?
All right.
It's getting late.
You haven't fully recovered yet.
You need to recuperate in your room.
I'll return to the stone chamber too.
All right then.
Master, I'll prepare a pot of fine liquor
to celebrate the occasion
after you succeed
in entering the real state.
In the future
I'm saying
a long time in the future.
Master, whenever you pass a test,
I'll prepare
a pot of fine liquor for you.
I don't drink.
But I can
be there for you as you enjoy it.
That's great.
Master, we still have plenty of things
to do together in the future.
It's a promise then.
It's a deal.
By the way,
Chong Ming will face
the heavenly calamity in a few days.
I hope you two
can take care of each other.
He might look fierce on the surface,
but he's just a child inside.
Master, don't worry.
Once you come out of your retreat,
Chong Ming and I will receive you
in your room in Jiuyi Mountain.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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