The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s01e16 Episode Script

The Loch Ness Mess

Today, Scooby Doo
meets the Globetrotters.
l'm glad we spent
the day in Boston.
l've always wanted to see
some of those historical places.
lt was great seeing Paul Revere's house,
the Old North Church. . . .
We should have spent more time
at the Bunker Hill.
-The Bunker Hill?
The Bunker Hill Pizza Parlor.
Yeah. Pizza parlor.
l only had four.
Food, food, food. Shaggy,
is that all you ever think about?
l think about eating a lot.
Think about giving me directions
to your great-uncle's place.
-l'd like to get there before dark.
-Good old Uncle Nat.
l haven't seen him for years.
ln that case, are you sure
this is the right way?
Let's see.
Yep, this is the right way.
Straight ahead, just like you're going.
How are those hamburgers coming,
They're coming, Gip.
They're coming.
l hope you've got those charcoals
on high, because l'm starved.
How do you want them?
Well, medium or rare?
-l'd like mine now.
-Coming at you, Geese.
Something smells good.
Like l said, this is
definitely the right way.
You do mean to your great-uncle's place?
l mean to that food.
Hey, you guys.
Look who's here.
The Globetrotters.
What would they be doing here?
Let's find out.
Boy, it sure is great
seeing you guys again.
And how! And especially here,
in the middle of nowhere.
l'm sure glad we decided
to stop here to have a picnic.
-You bet.
-So are we.
And double thanks for the grub.
Where you guys headed?
For some peace and quiet,
we hope.
We just finished some games
around Boston. We're bushed.
-Not to mention tired.
-Like, hey. l've got a great idea.
We're on--
We're on our way to visit my Uncle
Nathaniel. Why don't you come with us?
Thanks, but we couldn't barge in
on him like that.
No, no. Like, his place has got,
like, 75 rooms, man.
And if it's peace and quiet,
this is the place.
Nothing exciting has happened
around here. . .
. . .since the redcoats left
200 years ago.
Wow, is this ever neat. Riding
in the famous Globetrotters bus.
l just wish Granny was driving
like she usually does.
l'm not used to handling
this monster.
How come you let Shaggy
take over the Mystery Machine?
He's the only one who knows the way
to his Uncle Nat's place.
And even he's not too sure as it is.
l just hope he doesn't get us lost,
that's all.
How much further is it, Shaggy?
Well, l'm not exactly sure.
lt's been a while since l was here.
Road map?
Yeah. Scoob's got a good idea.
Let's have a look at the--
You keep your eyes on the road.
l'll look at the map.
-What kind of a map is this?
-Like, it's a road map, what else?
But what are all these marks
all over it?
Oh, those. Those are all the hot dog
and hamburger stands around here.
A fella's gotta know where
his next meal is coming from, you know.
You two are the limit.
The absolute limit.
-Shaggy, are we lost?
-Of course not.
l just wanted to take you
to Uncle Nat's by the scenic route.
Oh, boy.
Scenic route?
And at night, yet.
-What's that?
-Oh, my gosh!
A ghost!
lf that's the kind of scenery you had in
mind, Shag, we'll pass on seeing the rest.
What's going on?
-Who's that?
-Who's that? You mean what's that?
-Maybe it's a hitchhiker.
-On his way to a Halloween party.
Go away!
-Who are you?
-Go away!
l said, who are you?
Ghosts of the past
roam these parts.
Strangers are not welcome. Go!
ls that really a ghost?
Does that answer your question,
That's good enough for me.
l'm getting out of here.
-Go, man, go!
-And the faster the better.
Shaggy, wait. Hold up.
l want to talk to you.
Shaggy, stop!
Shaggy, Freddy wants us to stop.
Will you please do what he asks?
Well, l suppose we have lost
that ghostly fella by now.
-Not again!
Go back! Go back!
Shaggy, look out!
-Did you say something, Velma?
-Never mind.
Hey, that was a neat shortcut, Shag.
We're back on the road.
Shaggy's running like a scared rabbit.
We'll never catch him.
The only way he's gonna stop
is by running out of gas.
He may not have to. Look there.
''Danger. Bridge out. ''
l wonder if Shaggy saw that?
Of course not. He's too scared.
We'd better catch him, Gip.
Before it's too late.
Shag! Hey, look ahead.
lt's an old-fashioned covered bridge.
How quaint.
lt's also closed.
Stop, Shaggy!
l can't!
We made it.
How did you manage that, Shaggy?
The bridge was out.
Well, when things get tough,
old Shag always manages to get through.
Now, why do you suppose that bridge
was closed? lt looks solid to me.
That is funny. Come on.
l'm no authority on bridges,
but this one looks almost brand-new.
-l can't even see one broken board.
-Of course not.
Put it in myself
five, six months ago.
Now get that dag nab
light out of my eyes, sonny.
Well, l'll be.
-Uncle Nathaniel!
-How'd you know who l am?
That's easy. You're the spitting
image of Shaggy.
Hi, Uncle Nat.
Why, Shaggy!
And Scooby too.
What a surprise.
Uncle Nat, meet my friends.
This is Velma and Daphne. . .
. . .and Freddy
and the famous Globetrotters.
Gang, this is Uncle Nat.
-Nice to meet you, sir.
Well, hi.
The pleasure's all mine, folks.
Shaggy, what are you doing
in this neck of the woods?
Looking for you, Uncle Nat,
but l sort of got mixed up.
l don't remember
that old bridge at all.
Of course you don't.
l built it myself
to add a bit of local color.
Folks used to come from miles around
to take pictures of it.
What do you mean used to come?
Well, mighty peculiar things
have been happening of late.
Come on up to the house for a snack
and l'll tell you all about it.
And that's it.
l never put up that sign.
Oh, boy, a mystery!
-Mystery? Oh, no.
-What's the matter, Scoob? Nervous?
Well, just remember the old saying:
You can always whistle your fears away.
-Now that sounds like a good idea.
Hey, Uncle Nat. Catch.
l guess l ain't too good at--
At basketball?
Hey, just a minute.
The Globetrotters?
You mean you're the Globetrotters?
-The one and only, Uncle Nat.
Well, l'll be.
Say, how'd you fellas do that?
lf you knew that, then you
could form your own team.
Oh, no.
Come on. A nice walk around
the house will calm your nerves.
l hope so.
Gosh, it's been a long time
since l visited Uncle Nat.
You know, l can't remember my way
around the house.
-l wonder what's in here.
-Nothing, l hope.
Hey! This place could pass
for a studio morgue.
l mean the kind of morgue
where you keep old pictures and things.
Hey, look, there's a portrait
of my great-grandfather Nathaniel.
And there's my great-great-grandfather.
His name was Benjamin.
And there's my
great-great-grandmother Matilda.
Notice the family characteristic?
lt's the nose.
Noses run in our family.
Noses run?
-l didn't mean it that way, Scooby.
The eyes! The eyes!
Yeah, the eyes are a predominant
characteristic too.
-And they move.
-That's just your imagination.
Hey, look!
An old family album.
Maybe l'm in here somewhere.
Look, there l am!
Okay, knock it off.
There may be a picture
of you in here.
And here it is.
Guess who that is
on the bearskin rug?
That's me.
Where'd you go?
That's just a dressmaker's
dummy, dummy.
Come on, l'll show you.
Madame would have the dress
made on the dummy. . .
. . .and then when
the dress was fini.
Madame would look simply gorgeous.
Et voila!
The eyes! The eyes!
Come on, we're not gonna
go through that again, are we?
Come here, come here.
Yeah? l don't see anything
about the eyes.
But those ears!
l think your nerves
are getting on my nerves.
We need a good night's rest.
Come on, Scooby.
Scooby-Doo, l'm with you.
l can't sleep. Let's grab
a tide-me-over snack till breakfast.
This hits the spot.
l wonder what kind of soup this is?
That ain't soup, nephew.
lt's soap.
-Yep, made it myself.
-You did?
-Yep. lt's an old pioneer recipe.
Mix in sheep tallow, hog fat,
sprinkle a pinch of ash and--
Well, you two look a little peaked.
Better go to bed.
Danger, danger.
The British are coming.
Danger, danger.
-What's that?
-What is it?
We are doomed.
The British are coming.
Leave at once.
Man, this whole country
is full of weirdoes.
Maybe we should pack up
and go somewhere else.
Like Mexico.
Now, wait a minute.
This could be one big joke.
Yeah, just what l was thinking. For
instance, where's Uncle Nat right now?
-Beats me.
-l don't know.
Whatever it is, that noise
is coming from in there.
Howdy, Fred. We were--
We were--
Tell them what we were
doing, Shaggy.
You'd think l'd be used to it by now. . .
. . .but there's something
very unsettling about ghosts.
You mean that imitation
Paul Revere shows up often?
Yeah, him or one just like him.
l ain't had a good night's sleep
in weeks.
l sure would go bananas
if l lived here.
Me too.
There's one good thing.
They only show up once a night.
Once is enough.
No use being greedy about this.
Just to make certain
nothing else happens. . .
. . .Shaggy and l will take turns
standing guard.
How come everybody's
in bed but us?
Yeah, us?
Look, your uncle's bushed, right?
The Globetrotters are our guests and--
-l know, that leaves us.
Now let's draw straws
to see who stands the first watch.
Odd length loses.
Now you, Scooby.
Long. See you later, Scoob.
-l hope.
-Don't worry, old pal.
At the first sign of danger,
you yank on this string. . .
. . .and l'll be right with you.
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
Danger, danger.
Scooby, that's only shadows
from the tree outside.
lt is?
Oh, boy. Now that l'm wide awake
again, l'll stand watch.
Why don't you go down
and fix us a soothing snack.
All right.
He's here. He's here!
lt's about time, Scooby.
Looks delicious.
Now, what were you--?
Yow! And double yow!
Everybody up and everybody out!
What's up?
What's all the fuss about?
We got trouble. Trouble
with a capital G-H-O-S-T.
The sandwiches.
Shaggy, come back here.
-Where are we?
-l think we're in a closet.
Yeah. And so is he.
l wonder where everybody went.
Maybe looking for us,
like we're looking for them.
Well, no one's been here recently.
Look at all the dust.
lt's too bad we didn't wander
into the kitchen instead of this library.
This book's stuck.
-What happened?
-A good question.
-l wish l had a good answer.
-Or even a bad answer.
l think we've found
that bad answer.
Man, that dude
can follow us anywhere.
You mean he can try.
Come on.
l wonder if we lost him.
l don't hear anything.
-Oh, boy. Here we go again.
Maybe this will stop him.
Stop him?
lt didn't even slow him down.
Maybe not,
but it sure speeds me up.
Great choice, Shag.
We're at a dead end.
Maybe we lost him.
l think he's found us.
-What will we do?
-Over here.
Hey! Looks like
an old laundry chute.
Wait! No telling
what's waiting at the bottom.
That's right, but l'm not
waiting for what's up here.
-What did you say?
Hey, wait for me!
ls the coast clear?
l sure hope so.
Let's take a look.
You guy--
-Wait. Hold it.
Kind of fooled you, didn't they?
-l knew it was them all the time.
Don't know about you two, but all this
chasing around has got me hungry.
What say we find the kitchen
and rustle up some grub?
You two are men
after my own heart.
Well, howdy, nephew. l figured the smell
of cooking would bring you out of hiding.
Where have you been?
We looked all over for you.
We were looking for you,
but all we found was the ghost.
-You mean he found us.
-You'd better believe it.
-You don't believe they're really ghosts?
-Well. . . .
The one we saw last night
sure passed the test.
And how.
lt's almost daylight, boys.
How's about some breakfast?
-How many can you handle, Shaggy?
-This will be just fine, Uncle Nat.
You did mention something
about seconds, didn't you?
Oh, yeah, of course.
So, what are our plans for today?
Like, what time is lunch?
Uncle Nat's been telling us
about a cove not far from here.
Good fishing, water-skiing,
scuba diving.
Sounds terrific to me.
Sounds super-great to me.
l haven't been scuba diving in ages.
And we just happen to have
some tanks in the bus right now.
-Let's head for that water.
-l can hardly wait.
-Me too. Let's go.
-Everybody out!
You guys get the gear together.
Scooby and l will fix a lunch.
l hate to mention this, but you might
keep your eyes peeled down at the cove.
-What do you mean, Uncle Nat?
-l don't rightly know, Freddy.
But some folks hereabouts claim to have
seen something peculiar down there.
-Like what?
-Well. . . .
Like a sea serpent.
Sea serpent?!
Oh, no! First it was
the ghost of Paul Revere.
Now we have our very own
Loch Ness monster.
Ghosts? Monster?
l'm gonna lose my appetite.
Thanks for the tip, Uncle Nat.
We'll keep our eyes peeled.
You know something? l don't think
l want to see a sea serpent.
Relax, Curly.
lf you see a sea serpent. . .
. . .l'll see that you don't see
what you thought you saw. See?
Yeah. l think l see.
Well, it's not exactly Miami Beach,
but we're here.
Let's see about getting some boats.
-Hey, stranger.
-We'd like to rent some boats.
-We're closed.
Man, you've got a sign right
up there that says, ''Boats For Rent'' . . .
. . .and you tell us you're closed.
How come?
Don't believe nothing you hear,
and only half of what you read.
Hey, that's good.
Don't believe you're nothing. . .
-. . .only half.
-Will you knock it off?
What kind of business
are you running anyway?
-lsn't our money any good?
-Yeah, we wanna go scuba dubing.
-We're gonna complain.
-Yeah. To the sheriff or constable.
Or the city council.
We'll have them revoke your license.
Just a minute. No use getting
all heated up like this, is there, Winslow?
No. l don't suppose there'd be any harm
in letting out a couple of boats.
Groovy. That's more like it.
Let's get going, gang.
-Man, this is real cool.
This is really living.
ls this ever fun.
Real groovy. Wonder if the boys are
having as much fun scuba dubing.
Those signs say, ''Off Limits. ''
So let's keep clear of that area.
-Aye, aye, skipper.
-Come on, you water bugs, over the side.
Come on, Shaggy, you too.
That's cold.
Come on, Scoob, the water's fine.
ldiots! l told you
not to rent any boats.
But, Morgan--
No buts. l don't want nobody
snooping around. lt's too risky.
But they was gonna
call in the sheriff.
Their scuba gear can foul things up
a lot more than that landlubber sheriff.
Come on, let's get them out of here.
Oh, my gosh. Look!
What's the matter?
Get us out of here, fast!
But what happened?
This is no time for talking.
This is time for moving. Like, now!
So you saw that sea serpent, Shaggy?
-Right, Uncle Nat. lt was unbelievable.
-Sure was.
-lt was as big as a house.
Like, it's as big as a mountain.
With teeth like some kind of dragon. . .
. . .breathing fire and everything.
You mind cutting out the pantomime?
lt makes me kind of nervous.
Why, you poor kids.
Must have scared you half to death.
Sure did.
You don't suppose Shaggy could be
exaggerating just a teensy little bit?
lt's been known to happen,
but this time Shaggy has witnesses.
That's right. And it was
a pretty scary thing.
More than that.
lt was super-scary.
lf Meadowlark and Curly say
they saw something in that cove. . .
. . .that's enough for me.
Just how much do you know about
this creature? Have you ever seen it?
Nope. About all l know is that up
till now, it's only been seen at night.
-Why, just like those ghosts.
Matter of fact, between those ghosts
on land and that creature in the cove. . .
. . .most folks have moved out
of these parts.
Gosh, Uncle Nat,
you're sure brave to stick it out.
Nope. Just stubborn.
lt's kind of hard to leave a place
your great-great-great-granddaddy built.
That's the Yankee spirit.
Well, l don't know.
With all that's happening. . .
. . .those offers from Winslow and Selby
sure tempt the spirit.
You mean those guys at the dock?
The ones what didn't wanna
rent the boats?
The same.
-We should go down to the cove tonight.
-Tonight? Why?
lt just occurred to me that there
just might be some connection. . .
. . .between those ghosts
and our Loch Ness monster.
What's this monster
you guys keep talking about?
The famous Loch Ness monster
in Scotland.
lt's supposed to be a sea serpent
that people claim to see every so often.
Yet nobody has ever
taken a photograph of it.
And l, for one, just plain
don't believe in sea serpents.
l'm with you. We'll go to the cove
tonight and see what happens.
Who volunteers to go?
Come on, fellas.
All right. All those staying. . .
. . .don't raise your hand.
There you are, Freddy boy. . .
. . .your volunteer army.
And Curly will be their leader.
How about you, Meadowlark?
You've gotta have a teacher here too.
Yeah, l forgot.
How about you two, Shaggy?
l thought we'd give Uncle Nat
a hand with the chores.
Okay. lf you'd rather stay here alone
with that friendly ghost with the lantern.
Let's hope we have good luck
and get a look at that whatsit.
You call that good luck?
l call it a catastrophe.
Who goes and who stays?
We can't all fit in one boat.
Scoob and l will be glad
to make room for somebody else.
-Just a minute. We need you.
You know how bad
my eyesight is at night.
Me too.
See? Blind as a bat sometimes.
l know, but you've got
a terrific sense of smell.
Good try, but l think anybody
who saw that thing this afternoon. . .
. . .should be along to identify it.
That means Meadowlark
and l are elected?
Right. And l'll steer.
Well, that sort of settles that.
Looks like we miss out on the fun, Daph.
lf that's her idea of fun. . .
. . .l'll be happy to stay right here
and order a double portion of misery.
Right on. Sea monsters and me
just don't get along too well.
Have a good trip. Maybe
you can run into Moby Dick too.
You're our official lookout, Scoob,
so keep a sharp eye out.
See you guys later.
Take your time.
We'll enjoy our misery like all get-out.
This may be a long night.
So let's do something, then.
Hey, that's wild.
-Give me a circle, girls.
-What's this for?
lt will serve as a makeshift basket.
This is what l call
my around-the-world shot.
That's wonderful.
Do your ''Now you see it, now you don't''
bit, Pab.
-What's that?
-You'll see.
-Take it, Daphne.
-Take what?
l'll get it.
How did that happen?
Which one of you has been practicing
a new trick and not telling anyone?
-What's the matter?
-This is your last warning.
-Leave at once.
-l don't believe it.
Seeing is believing for me,
buddy. Bye.
On second thought. . .
-. . .it was a bad idea.
lf those creepies should look
in here, we're finished.
There's no place to hide.
Well, somebody better
think of something quick. . .
. . .because here they come.
There's no escape for ye.
Man, this turns into work real soon.
Let's rest.
Good idea. Let's take five.
How come we didn't bring
a powerboat?
So as not to make noise,
that's why.
-Sure this is where we were today?
-l'm sure we're close to it, at least.
But we sure haven't seen
any signs of sea serpents yet.
And let's keep it that way.
Right, Scoob?
-What's up, Scoob?
-That's it. That's it.
-Scooby's seen something.
-l'm scared to look.
What is it? What's he see?
He sees a reflection of himself.
That's okay, pal. l, for one,
am glad you didn't see the real thing.
l wonder how the rest
of the gang are doing.
Must be kind of dull for them,
just sitting around waiting for us.
Have we lost them yet?
Don't you wish?
They're right behind us.
Well, what do we do now? Take a boat
and go out on the cove with the others?
No, but that gives me an idea.
Come on.
What do you think?
We've been here an hour. . .
. . .and we've only seen
Scooby's reflection.
-Shall we give up?
-Maybe it's a wild-goose chase.
l'm all for it. Never was too fond
of wild goose anyway.
Me too.
What's that?
Oh, my gosh. Look! Look at that.
That doesn't look like
any wild goose l ever saw.
-Let's get out of here!
-On the double.
No, make it on the triple!
Faster, faster!
He's gaining on us.
-l think we've had it.
-Not yet, we haven't. Faster!
He's trying to swamp us.
-There goes Scooby.
-Help! Help!
-The thing's got Scooby.
-Or he's got it, maybe.
What's the matter with that thing?
Hang on, Scoob!
l'm beginning to suspect that our sea
serpent is nothing but a lot of hot air.
Help! Help! Help!
Well, l'll be.
A seasick sea serpent.
Well, well. So our ghosts
are really Winslow and Selby.
And they don't look
too ghostly right now.
But that still leaves one ghost
unaccounted for.
-The one with the lantern.
lt's him! And he's getting away!
Oh, no, he's not.
Always keep one of these handy.
-Right on.
-Who is he?
-Name's Morgan.
Been around here for a spell.
Don't rightly know what he does.
He invented that fake sea serpent,
for one thing.
And he made us go around in these
ghost outfits scaring people away.
A remote control. l'll bet this is
how he manipulated that serpent.
And it was working fine until
you gang of snoopers came around.
But why? Why go to all this trouble
to scare people away?
Because Morgan found an old sunken
treasure ship out there in the cove.
He didn't want nobody else. . .
-. . .to get the gold in it.
-Shut up!
lt was probably the payroll for
the British soldiers when they were here.
Gold? Sunken treasure?
Why, l've known about that
for 30 years.
lt's a fake, a dummy.
Like your sea serpent.
What do you mean fake?
l saw the gold.
Years ago a movie company
made a motion picture here. . .
. . .because of the extra-clear water.
lt was called Sunken Treasure.
That ship is just part
of an old movie set?
That's right. As phony
as the gold Morgan saw.
They just left it there
when the movie was finished.
l guess now you're double-glad you
refused to be scared off, Uncle Nat.
Shucks. lt'd take a lot more than some
phony ghosts to scare the likes of us.
Right, Uncle Nat?
Oh, no! Not again.
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