The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

(Episode 16)
Dad! Dad!
I'd rather die instead!
You can't do this to me!
You pathetic fool!
Just look at yourself!
How could you want to take over
Cheong Ah with that feeble mindset?
Never in a million years!
Cheong Ah belongs to Seo Young now.
I've had enough of this!
If I didn't live my life correctly,
that's all because of you!
You always compared me to Seo Young
and made us compete with each other.
You were always hard on me!
You never once truly loved me.
You never once loved me
as your daughter at all!
always craved to be loved.
That's why I had an affair.
Why you
How dare you talk back to me?
You're no longer my daughter!
No! Cheong Ah is mine!
- You can't take it from me!
- Let go!
- Let go!
- No!
- Let go! Let go!
- No!
Let go!
- Seo Jin.
- Dad.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Dad Dad.
Dad Dad.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin
(Delete CCTV Footage)
(Your data will not be recovered.)
(Letter of Appointment,
Name: Cheon Seo Young)
(Cheong Ah Arts Foundation,
Cheon Myung Soo)
(Letter of Appointment)
You can't do this to me.
You are the one
who abandoned me first.
Are you okay?
I just received a call
from Mr. Kang
that the director collapsed.
You were with me today
and after that,
you were in the lesson room.
You must pull yourself together.
Will you crumble like this?
I will never let that happen.
Go. I'll take care of the rest.
I wasn't here.
And I never saw my father.
Seo Jin! Are you okay?
It's Dad! Seo Jin! Open the door!
- Get something to break in.
- Open the door.
- Hang in there, Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
What happened here?
- What happened?
- Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
- Get her on my back.
- Get her out of here.
- Hurry up.
- Move quickly.
The CT scan shows
no external wounds, sir.
She had blood all over her.
I think she got the other girl's
blood on her in the fight.
We ran thorough tests,
so you can rest assured.
Still, come up with
a decent-looking diagnosis.
Yes, sir.
You can get up now.
Did you do it?
Yoon Hee bled a lot from her neck.
I'm sorry, Father.
But I couldn't stop myself.
Yoon Hee insulted you too and
- Father.
- Do you know why I slapped you?
Not because you hurt
a brat like her.
It's because you lost to her.
Why did you lose?
Your father is the director
of the Cheong Ah Foundation.
And yet, you lost to a girl
with no father
and made me go and beg the judges
to give you the Grand Prize.
Is that all my daughter can do?
I'm sorry, Father. It's my fault.
This can never happen again.
You must be the best.
Or you don't deserve to take over
Cheong Ah Foundation.
I will be the best.
You're the one who made me
like this, Dad.
So don't feel so wronged.
You at least
left me one thing.
Hello, Seo Young.
It's me.
No, it can't be!
No! Honey!
You can't leave me. Don't go!
No, doctor! He's not dead yet!
- No!
- Honey!
- Honey!
- No, doctor.
No, doctor.
Open your eyes. Honey!
Honey. Don't leave us.
- Seo Jin.
- Honey.
Seo Jin!
Seo Jin! Seo Jin, Seo Jin.
- Seo Jin! Dad
- What
It was an acute cardiac arrest.
I think he fell down the stairs.
Mr. Kang found him
and brought him to the hospital,
but he died before he got here.
- What should we do?
- How dare you
- humiliate me like that?
- Honey.
You got divorced
and even had an affair?
You ruined our family's reputation.
You have no right to be
the director of Cheong Ah.
From this moment on,
you'll no longer be
an executive of the board.
And quit your job
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
I'm also going to take back
the inheritance I passed onto you.
No. No.
Cheong Ah belongs to Seo Young now.
You're no longer my daughter!
No! No!
Calm down, Seo Jin.
It's a lie! It can't be!
Why would Dad die?
Seo Jin.
No! No!
- Seo Jin!
- Get a bed.
- Dad!
- Hurry!
Wake up, Seo Jin.
- Seo Jin.
- Seo Jin.
- Get up, Seo Jin.
- Seo Jin.
Be careful.
I'm fine.
Mom. You look too pale.
Like you'll faint again.
Mom's fine.
Are you really okay?
You've been through a lot.
You barely slept for three days.
I'd like to get some rest.
Ma'am, make some abalone porridge.
She hasn't eaten in days.
Yes, Dr. Ha.
I felt so sorry for her.
Ms. Cheon is so cold-hearted
and never flinches,
but she almost crumbled
at the funeral and I felt terrible.
How many times did she pass out?
I know. I was shocked to see her
get IV drips just to keep her place.
She looked half-dead.
Did he have to lose his footing
when he was alone?
He could've lived
if he was found sooner.
He always had a weak heart.
He cared so much about his health
and enjoyed such power and riches.
Who would've thought he'd die
overnight out in the pouring rain?
Who would believe that?
Now that the foundation's left
without a director,
who do you think will take over?
It's obviously Seo Jin.
It was announced before he died.
That means Ms. Cheon will be
the most powerful person
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
Poor Dr. Ha has
the most rotten luck.
His wife got promoted
right after she divorced him.
Did the two really sign
the divorce papers?
They split up for good?
Don't. We can't talk about it.
They're keeping it from Eun Byeol
in case she gets hurt.
What a joke. Is Eun Byeol
the kind of girl to get hurt?
Didn't you see her
crouch on the floor
solving problems
at her grandfather's funeral?
She's even worse than her own mom.
Why does she study so hard?
Once her mom becomes director,
all she has to do is sit
and twirl a pencil
and she'll top her year.
She's so sweet.
What do you mean it's your fault?
I exposed Seo Jin's affair
to the director
and the accident happened
that night.
Don't you think his heart attack was
because of the shock I gave him?
How did he react when he heard?
He humiliated me instead.
For being vulgar and rude.
That's strange.
If the rumors are true,
he valued honor and other's views
more than anything.
If he knew his daughter
had an affair and was divorced,
there's no way he'd have let it go.
Do you suspect Seo Jin, then?
Seo Jin gained the most
after her father's death.
She covered up her wrongdoings
and became the director.
It's too odd of a coincidence that
the school's surveillance system
crashed two days ago.
I'll look into it.
Find the night guard
who was on duty
on the night
Cheong Ah Foundation's director died.
It involves Cheon Seo Jin.
(Mr. Gu Ho Dong)
I'll find out as soon as
I get to work.
(Security Office)
Hello, there.
You're so hard at work.
Drink this and take a short break.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
I haven't seen Mr. Choi
in a few days.
Wasn't he on night duty
when the director died?
Is he in shock?
He quit.
What? Why?
He got a fat paycheck to become
a security manager somewhere.
Where is that?
I wouldn't know.
He must've won the lottery.
He even changed his phone number.
Is that so?
Good for him, then.
I lost track of time. I have to go.
- Thanks for this.
- Sure. Take care.
He even changed his phone number?
Are you sure you dealt
with everything?
I made sure Lawyer Park
won't utter a word.
Did you meet the guard
who was on duty that night?
Make sure he shuts up
and doesn't say anything.
I got him a new job already.
I'll make sure
there are no problems.
Thanks for your help.
I will pay you handsomely,
Secretary Do.
Why What are you doing here?
I was worried about you.
Do you feel better?
I'm fine, so get out.
From now on, don't come into
my room without a reason.
I won't.
You finished the porridge.
Were you hungry?
I have no choice but to eat
if I want to gain my energy back.
How did you get this?
Where did it happen?
I fell down.
It's nothing.
About that night.
Where were you?
On the night Father died.
I practiced for a performance
in my lesson room.
With Secretary Do.
What is it
that you want to know?
Nothing at all. Get some rest.
Did you meet the guard
who was on duty that night?
Make sure he shuts up
and doesn't say anything.
No, it can't be.
That's really unacceptable.
We have to talk.
The funeral's over.
Pack up and leave as promised.
What do you mean?
I explained Eun Byeol's condition.
She needs counseling.
Do you want to use her
as an excuse to stay?
Did you forget our divorce was only
a secret until I became director?
There's no reason
to keep it quiet now.
Eun Byeol is sick.
Our daughter is rotting inside
because of your expectations!
Our Eun Byeol
is not as weak as you.
I can care for
her mental stability too.
You took seven million dollars
as alimony.
Isn't it only polite to move out?
Did you two get divorced?
Eun Byeol, no. It's not like that.
I was going to wait until the exams
were over, but you found out.
Mom and Dad split up.
He's moving out and that's that.
No, you can't do that.
Must I become fatherless like Ro Na?
The others will gossip.
Let him stay even if it's for show.
Don't get divorced!
Mom. Can't you
forgive Dad just this once?
He's been so nice to us recently.
It's over already.
We won't live together, but
you can see him whenever you want.
I don't want that.
Dad, don't go.
Stay with me. Don't go anywhere.
Don't worry, Eun Byeol.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'll stay with you.
You're now the daughter of
Cheong Ah Foundation's director.
You're Cheon Seo Jin's daughter.
Bae Ro Na is nothing
compared to you.
To you, a dad was an accessory
you could do without.
All you need is me.
You have a mom
who can do anything for you!
I need a dad too!
I don't want to lose Dad
to a brat like her!
Do you think I don't know?
You're leaving me to go to Ro Na.
That's disgusting.
It's not like that, Eun Byeol!
Don't act like a child,
Ha Eun Byeol.
You can't change anything
by acting like this.
Go to your room and study!
You wasted minutes
for nothing already.
You can't do this to me, either.
I won't ever let Dad go.
If he leaves, I will too!
Eun Byeol. Eun Byeol!
Ha Eun Byeol
Hey. Must you go this far?
Didn't we agree to this?
Go and quietly pack your things.
Those darn cigarettes.
You still haven't quit?
Something comes up
each time I try to.
Did the funeral go well?
How is Seo Jin doing?
She's just fine. Too fine.
Did she tell you?
The night her father died,
I met with him.
You met my father-in-law? What for?
He found out about it all
before he died.
That his daughter was divorced
and that
she was having an affair
with Joo Dan Tae.
Thanks for coming to the funeral.
I'm so sorry about what happened.
He was at his peak.
- Did you get some rest?
- There's no time for that.
There's so much to do
for the foundation.
My inauguration will be
after the board meeting.
I have to get right to work
to learn how everything works.
The board will pass the bill.
It will. And my mom and sister
have no reason to object.
Now, I have everything
that I wanted.
Everything but you.
I miss your caresses
so much right now.
I'll be waiting at the villa
tomorrow evening.
Don't overwork yourself.
You look like
you're going to a party.
Going to work dressed like that
so soon after a funeral?
One would think
you were waiting
for your father to die.
Watch your tongue.
I just hope that
you don't do anything worse
as a mom raising a child.
I wasn't going to say this,
but the person who killed him
was you.
I'm holding back so as
not to cause trouble.
Lay low unless you want to get sued.
Are you blaming me?
Who's the one having the affair?
Who let your father fall?
Before getting into my business,
sort out Ro Na's withdrawal first.
It looks desperate
to just drag it on.
Your daughter has no future anyway.
Once she withdraws,
moving out of Hera Palace
will help her realize her place.
Don't be so sure.
Shouldn't we wait until the end
to find out who will end up
moving out?
Sure. Good luck with that.
(Congratulations on Becoming
the Next Director, Ms. Cheon.)
(Congratulations on Becoming
the Next Director, Ms. Cheon.)
I send my deepest condolences,
Ms. Cheon.
Ms. Cheon, we're here too.
Oh, dear.
Your pretty face looks so haggard.
I can't imagine how hard
it must've been for you.
This is a nameplate
made of pure gold.
It's my gift for you, Ms. Cheon.
What do you mean, "Ms. Cheon"?
It's "Director" Cheon now.
Congratulations on becoming
the next director.
I'm not the director yet.
The board needs to hold
an official vote
You're going to be appointed anyway.
My gosh.
You're truly a charismatic woman.
I'm sorry, but midterms
have started as of today,
and we're forbidding parents
from entering the school.
I'm afraid our teachers
have made a mistake.
Please leave immediately
in order to maintain
the transparency of our school.
- I see.
- Okay.
We're sorry.
- Sorry.
- We're sorry.
Congratulations, Director Cheon.
What's wrong with her?
(Congratulations on Becoming
the Next Director, Ms. Cheon.)
(Congratulations on Becoming
the Next Director, Ms. Cheon.)
(Congratulations on Becoming
the Next Director, Ms. Cheon.)
Thank you.
I was distraught for losing
such an important person in my life.
Thank you for providing
such warm consolations.
It truly means so much to me.
Education is the core
of Cheong Ah Foundation.
I'll try my very best so that
Cheong Ah Arts High School
will cultivate
more outstanding students.
She's nothing but an adulteress.
Did you see how brazen she was?
How could she be so shameless
as a human being?
She looked so proud like
she saved the country or something.
Tell me about it.
How could a teacher
have an affair with a parent?
How dare she kick us out?
If we report this
to the Office of Education,
it's only a matter of time
before she's fired.
Honey! Isn't a gold nameplate
a bit too much?
Do you know how expensive
gold is lately?
I bought it with the money from
the school's management committee.
Joo Dan Tae approved it.
This feels so insulting.
How could she tell us to leave
so outright like that?
What? "The transparency
of our school"? My goodness.
They say you're an idiot
if you can't buy a house within
three years of working at Cheong Ah.
Because of all the corruption.
Still, we should watch our mouths
in front of Ms. Cheon.
We need to go with the flow.
I'm trying so hard not to say
what's on my mind lately.
I'm literally about to lose my mind.
I'm just itching
to insult her openly.
Still, we have no choice.
We can't do anything when
our kid's futures are in her hands.
What will happen to Su Ryeon now?
Since Ms. Cheon has gotten
a divorce,
do you think she'll have to leave
the penthouse?
Cheon Seo Jin will take over
the penthouse?
Just thinking about it
gives me the creeps.
Cheon Seo Jin and Joo Dan Tae.
They're the most powerful couple.
How annoying.
(2020 1st Semester Midterm,
Korean Exam)
If I catch you cheating,
I'll take away your answer sheets
and you'll receive a score of zero.
I have a 20-20 vision.
Don't even think of trying
anything funny.
(Director Cheon Seo Jin)
What did you just say?
Why are you so surprised?
No one's as eligible as you
to be the next head of
the art department.
Thank you so much.
I will stay loyal to you
for the rest of my life.
I'll really do my best.
it's time to show me in action,
rather than words.
You know that
Seoul University of Music
considers extracurricular activities
regarding their admittance, right?
That being said,
I'd like you to be in charge of
Eun Byeol's student records.
I understand what you mean.
You need not worry, Ms. Cheon.
I mean, Director Cheon.
(Director Cheon Seo Jin)
I will devote my soul
to live up to your expectations.
From now on, whether it's
the reading award,
debate award,
or even an essay award,
I want you to make sure Ha Eun Byeol
receives everything
so she can write it
on her cover letter later on.
And provide your full support
for whichever club she joins.
So you want Eun Byeol to receive
all of the school awards.
What's going on here?
Am I an outcast or what?
You didn't know?
That's why you shouldn't have
acted up like that.
My goodness.
Don't you think this is too mean?
Yes. Who is this?
I'm Joo Dan Tae,
the head of operations.
Are you Seok Kyung's
homeroom teacher?
Yes. Hello, sir.
I'm Ma Doo Ki.
It's Chairman Joo.
Yes, sir.
Oh, of course. I'll be there.
It's an honor to meet you
like this, sir.
It was thoughtless of me
when you're taking care
of two of my kids.
I should've invited you
to a game of golf.
Why don't we go rounding one day?
But I stink at golf.
I'll practice hard starting today.
You seem busy,
so I'll cut to the chase.
It seems like Seok Kyung
is receiving
a lot of stress
from her exams lately.
As her dad, I can't think
of a way to help her,
and it really hurts my heart.
Oh dear, I understand.
You must've been so worried.
How can I help you in what way?
The test paper.
(CEO Joo Dan Tae)
What is it?
Help me.
It's something I can't take care of
on my own.
I don't care
if I'm kicked out of school. But
I don't want to lose to Eun Byeol.
The thing is,
I can never tolerate my child losing
to someone else.
Even if it's Ha Eun Byeol.
Well, so
You want me to give you
the test paper in advance?
But that's too risky
What is this?
Open it.
Once I start trusting someone,
I never abandon him.
As long as you guarantee
Seok Kyung's test scores
for the next three years,
I will take care of your future.
Until the day I die?
Please make sure Seok Kyung
has no problems
with her exam tomorrow.
Take care, Chairman Joo.
I love you!
That rotten jerk.
A joint investment?
Yes. Mr. Logan Lee
would like to suggest
a joint investment with our company.
He has decided that
the Myeongdong land is
more appropriate
for a hotel and casino
for foreigners,
rather than a shopping district.
A casino business?
Singapore has also built
a hotel and casino in the city
which has resulted in
an increase of tourists.
Who doesn't know that?
But it's hard to receive approval
for a casino business.
In the middle of Seoul at that?
I'm afraid Mr. Lee is not aware
of the situation in Korea.
This is my business.
If I didn't have the confidence
to do it in the first place,
I wouldn't have done it.
Now, this is a business outline
for hotels and casinos
that I'm pushing in New York
and in Seoul.
The estimated budget
is one billion
And since I'm staying in America
for most of the time,
and for better business operations
in Korea,
I'm offering you
to be a co-investor.
That's over a trillion won.
Listen. You have to understand.
This is a massive business idea.
I'm on the verge of contracting
with some of the biggest,
and I mean big, big corporations.
I only came here today because
Ms. Oh asked me to come.
It was a favor.
If you don't want to do it,
you don't have to.
Let's go.
Give me some time to review it.
No. No!
Business is about information.
Which is something that you
don't have.
Logan. Wait!
Are you going to give up like this?
Ohseong Group aggressively
wanted in on this deal,
and it was very hard for me
to set up this meeting.
"Ohseong Group"?
("Ohseong Group Plans to Build a
Hotel and Casino Using US Funds")
(Ohseong Group is cooperating
with Logan Lee to execute)
The project has really started.
They're writing articles about it
since this afternoon.
Ohseong Group's stocks
have skyrocketed too.
Call Logan right now
and set up a meeting tonight.
Do whatever it takes
to bring him to me. Got it?
I'll trust you.
He probably didn't leave yet.
I have 150 million dollars invested
in the Myeongdong land.
If I invest that and set foot in
the casino business,
I'll make at least
50 million dollars a year.
(Write E-mail)
(It's Shim Su Ryeon.
Please check your mail.)
- I knew it. This is the one.
- It's so nice.
I wonder what it's made of.
It's so soft.
You're here.
Oh, gosh. It's just that
Min Hyuk's mom
wanted to buy a new couch.
This product is made of
the finest material
and has the highest repurchase rate.
Let me see.
Gosh, it's so comfortable.
Where will you put it?
- In my husband's study.
- The study!
(Mr. Gu Ho Dong)
I'm sorry.
No need to be sorry.
Don't mind us and answer it.
Go on.
I'm sure he'll take the bait
because of the money
he has invested
in the Myeongdong land.
For a joint investment,
you'll have to establish
a new corporation.
Yes, I've already thought
of something.
He's a very suspicious man.
You must discuss it in advance with
the executives of Ohseong Group.
Me and Chairman Park go way back,
so I'm sure he'll help me.
Also, do you have information
on Joo Dan Tae's real estate
or his exact properties?
No. He keeps it strictly hidden
from me.
There's a secret space in his study
only he uses.
I think he keeps the papers
in there.
But you can't go in
without his fingerprint.
Don't worry. I have an idea.
Hey, wait.
I think Joo Dan Tae has taken
the bait.
The things is, can we talk
for a second?
Cheon Seo Jin.
You are a murderer.
You don't deserve to have
this trophy!
No, it's mine!
Stop tormenting me!
You're dead. You're already dead!
Cheong Ah Foundation is mine!
Director Cheon?
You didn't go home yet?
What is it?
It seems like Eun Byeol has
a very strong mentality.
After the former director
passed away,
I was worried it might affect
her exam scores.
But she aced all three exams
she took today.
As for Seok Kyung,
she ruined everything.
Really? She studied hard,
and I guess it paid off.
I understand.
It must be so hard for you.
I'll clean up in here.
Will you?
I have plans.
Don't worry at all and go home.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
(Teacher's Office Locker)
(Original Test Paper)
(1st period, Science,
2nd period, English)
Darn, I can't see a thing.
(Original Test Paper)
Did you say you're looking for
a men's jacket?
How about this?
The color is very exquisite.
It's nice. I'll take this too.
Wrap them up for me.
We'll have to postpone
tonight's dinner.
I have important plans.
Where are you?
You promised to meet me tonight.
Next time. I can't get out of this.
Forget about next time. Now!
I need you now.
You know what I'm going through,
don't you?
Come to the villa. I'll be waiting.
I'm sorry.
Your wife?
You guys seem to adore each other.
With this, you two have agreed
to the joint investment.
You can't change your mind now.
No turning back.
Again, I'm convinced by Ms. Oh.
It's an honor that I was able
to help.
To celebrate today's deal,
how about we bottoms up?
Why don't we give it a try?
How nice.
Including the MOU
we just agreed upon,
I wonder how Ms. Oh managed
to move your heart.
I would say
her bravery?
There are many smart people
out there, but brave? Not so much.
Her bravery?
Excuse me.
Unfortunately, something urgent
came up.
Is it okay to leave you two alone?
Of course. We have plenty of time.
Yes, please excuse me.
Oh, wait a second.
It's a present.
Oh, thank you. I appreciate it.
I'll talk to you soon.
It's ready now. I'll be on my way.
Here you go, sir.
I focus on performance.
So I make sure I reward those
who bring me good results.
So I'm thinking about
promoting you as the team manager
of the investment team.
Are you serious?
I will continue
to look forward to your performance.
Our past doesn't matter.
What matters is
that I need you right now.
I'll do my best.
You're not drunk yet, are you?
This is just the start for me.
I'm very good at
holding my liquor, you see.
I'm not even near drunk.
- Please excuse me for a moment.
- Sure.
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm okay. Gosh, this is bad.
I'm sorry.
There should be an emergency kit
in my car.
- Secretary Cho, where are you?
- Are you okay?
Yes, I'm My goodness!
I'm sorry, sir.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
Sir, are you okay?
No. Please don't die.
Stop it.
Sir! Sir, are you okay?
Get away from me!
Sir, what's the matter?
I told you to stop.
I told you I told you to stop.
The kids went to the study room,
and I sent Ms. Yang home early.
This way.
This is
This is the land owned by
my furniture company.
It looks like he wants to build
his own building there.
That must be why
he tried to kill Hye In.
What do you mean?
Right before my father passed away,
he left this land
for my daughter, Hye In.
There's a safe here.
How are we going to open this?
I think I know how.
Where are we going?
He has a villa nearby.
It's been over two hours already.
It's a six-digit number. We won't
be able to open it by tonight
even if we try
all the possible numbers.
This might be our last chance.
Shouldn't you take him
to the hospital?
There's nothing here.
He'll wake up soon.
I'll bring some things to treat him,
so please wait here.
There are clothes in the closet.
You can get changed.
Secretary Cho, is that you?
- What do you think you're doing?
- That's what I'd like to ask!
What are you doing here?
And why are you in my clothes?
I'm here for a good reason,
so don't get any funny ideas.
What good reason?
You must think you're important
because you work for him.
But Joo Dan Tae is my man.
How dare you covet him!
Take off my clothes right now!
You really are brazen.
You can't stand him cheating on you?
Look at you acting like
you're his actual wife.
Don't judge me
with your lowly standards.
Oh Yoon Hee.
Are you that insecure?
I can't believe you're so weak
just because of a guy.
I'm starting to get
really curious about
what kind of guy Joo Dan Tae is.
Shut your mouth.
Know your place.
How about you know your place first?
You're just a dirty adulteress.
Don't act up.
The chairman needs to get good rest,
so stop causing a scene
and get lost.
I'm telling you this
as the team manager
of the investment team
at J King Holdings.
Have you lost your mind?
You don't deserve that position!
What are you doing?
Take her outside.
She might wake the chairman.
Please come with me.
Let me go! Let go! Let go of me!
Yoon Hee!
Tell Dan Tae to come outside!
That crazy wench.
You're up.
Are you okay?
I'm sure you're not interested
in my private life.
But I've shown you too much.
Even my wife doesn't know
about my condition.
It looks like you're okay,
so I'll be off now.
Why didn't you tell Seo Jin
about what happened today?
It seemed like
you had a painful past.
I could tell from your face.
I'm not crude enough to tell others
about one's personal scars.
I didn't see anything today.
So don't worry
and just take care of
that lady outside. Bye.
I want to talk to Chairman Joo!
Let go! Let go of me!
Oh Yoon Hee, where do you think
you're going?
Come and give me an explanation!
Hey! Yoon Hee!
Let me go! Get off me!
Don't get too worked up.
It's not a big deal.
You don't think this is a big deal?
This villa is a private place
for just the two of us.
How could you let her come here?
Yoon Hee, that brat,
left wearing my clothes.
What were you doing in your bed?
It's not what you think.
We met up for work.
I told you to fire her!
You promised to kick her out,
so why is she still working for you?
It's regarding my company,
so just leave it to me!
Something happened,
so I had no choice.
Don't get angry. Let's talk inside.
Oh Yoon Hee!
She gets on my nerves.
How many times must I tell you that?
I came here because I wanted you
to comfort me.
Did you really have to ruin
my mood like this?
You'll have to give me
a proper explanation
about what happened today.
Drive Ms. Oh home.
I'll go separately.
(Joo Dan Tae Village)
You have unlocked the safe.
How did you know?
May 19, 2023. It's right there
on the bird's eye view.
There are tons of
real estate documents.
He also has
millions of dollars in cash.
What's this?
It's a photo of Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung
when they were babies.
Who's this woman?
She has an interesting tattoo
on her back shoulder.
Is she their mother?
From what I heard,
their mother died right after
giving birth due to septicemia.
What are you doing here?
I told you not to enter my study
without my permission.
What is this?
This ring.
This was the wedding ring I wore
with Hye In's father.
What is this doing here?
You finally found it?
I always got excited
every time I wondered
when you might find it.
No way.
Did you
kill him?
How could you do that?
How could you kill
an innocent man
and keep his finger
as a souvenir?
You're not even human!
The moment I saw the wedding ring
on his finger,
I totally lost my mind.
How dare he steal you from me?
The fact that you were pregnant
with his baby
made me want to tear his heart
into pieces.
You You're crazy.
How could I not go crazy
when my woman betrayed me?
How could you leave me
for an insignificant guy like him?
We never loved each other.
We only got engaged
because of our parents.
But I never once loved you.
How could you be so brazen
even after killing someone?
You're evil.
Evil? Evil
You betrayed me,
but I took care of your daughter
for 16 years.
You even used to praise me and say
even her biological father
wouldn't have cared for her
as much as I did.
So you have no right
to ask me for a divorce.
So what if I slept with Seo Jin?
I'm sorry,
but you betrayed me first!
I think
that will make up for this finger.
Let's just forget about everything.
We can start over again.
It's not too late
to start loving each other.
We both betrayed each other once,
so that makes us even.
I'm going to take your silence
as a yes.
Now I'll go take a shower.
Can I check your ID?
I'm a university student.
Just let me buy it.
We're obligated to check
people's IDs before we sell alcohol.
- It's the rules
- Waiting List? Is that you?
She really is Bae Ro Na.
Look at her makeup and hair.
Did you run away from home?
Gosh, we're busy studying
for the exams.
My gosh, you even drink alcohol now?
Mind your own business.
What's with her?
She must've lost it
after dropping out of school.
Why are you home so late?
Do you know what time it is?
What did you do to your hair?
Ro Na!
Why did I struggle so much
to make a living?
What's the use of
becoming a team manager
and living in a fancy house
when I've completely ruined
my daughter's life?
Can we meet for a second?
Meet me on the 47th floor
at Hera Palace.
Min Seol Ah. 47th floor.
Min Seol Ah, 47th floor.
(Beware of Falling)
Joo Dan Tae. It was Joo Dan Tae.
(Beware of Falling)
(Beware of Falling)
Ms. Oh?
It was you?
Are you the one who saved me?
Thank you.
As long as you die,
Ro Na can be accepted.
As long as you die
It wasn't a dream.
Min Seol Ah fell from Hera Palace.
I I killed her.
Yoon Hee.
Su Ryeon.
You came early.
Why did you ask me to see you here?
I have something to tell you.
To be honest,
I used you all this time.
Whatdo you mean?
The one who sent you to
Seol Ah's home in Bosuk Village
was me.
I'm also the one who called you
to Hera Palace.
I used you.
I needed you
for my revenge.
I am
Min Seol Ah's mom.
(The Penthouse)
I saw it clearly from
the balcony of the 47th floor.
I decide whether we meet
or break up.
Bae Ro Na has returned.
- I'm going out with Bae Ro Na.
- I haven't even started yet.
I look forward to working with you,
Director Cheon Seo Jin.
It's time to end this.
Don't trust anyone
except for yourself.
I must stay strong.
Since I'm a mom.
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