The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e16 Episode Script

I Heart Mickey

(romantic music playing)
Oh, Minnie, what gift could
I possibly give to show you how I feel?
(chuckling) Oh, sweet Mickey,
-you don't have to give me anything
-A rose?
Oh! (giggles)
-It's lovely! Thank you, Mickey
-No! Not good enough.
I thought it was pretty good.
A diamond ring?
-Mickey, that's too much!
-No it's trash!
-(bird squawks)
-Oh, my!
Minnie, I'm going to give you
the greatest gift I have.
-(heart beating)
Oh, Mickey! It's beautiful.
It's filled with all my love.
Do you promise to keep it safe forever?
-And ever and ever and ever and ever
-Of course, Mickey!
Oh. Huh. Cool. Here you go.
(bird squawks)
(Minnie squeals)
-Oh, no!
-Minnie! Did you catch it?
Uhh Mm-hm.
I got it. Sure did. (giggles nervously)
Hey, wait a minute. What is that?
-Oh, Mickey. I'm so sorry
-It's a barbershop quartet!
Uncle Jonathan's corn cob hat
Corn cob hat, corn cob hat
-Uncle Jonathan's corn cob hat
-Their mouths are the instruments!
-All the live long day
What's this? "I love you"?
Who wrote this?
-(mailbox panting)
-Aw, hey there, little fella
Oh, crumpets!
Uh Come on! Let's go shopping!
Gosh, I love sitting!
Standing's good, too.
Hey is this what I think it is?
Mickey, I can explain.
A massage chair!
I love massages!
Oh, boy, this is a really good one.
(Minnie shrieks)
Aha! (grunts)
Minnie? Minnie?
-Goofy, pull up!
-Whoa! I'm freaking out!
How do you turn this thing on?
(Goofy yells)
(Minnie shrieks)
Oh, gingersnaps!
Oh, Minnie, I can't believe it.
Oh, Mickey, I don't know what to say.
-I just
-It's another barbershop quartet!
-(harmonizing) Ooh
-And they're giving out massages!
Love that band. (screams)
(harmonizing) Aah
Come on, Mickey! Get us some cones!
You've got it, my love!
-Is there a sample limit?
Minnie? What the heck?
-(sighs) Are you okay?
-Minnie, what's going on?
I lost your heart! I promised
to take care of it forever
and then it got stuck in the mailbox
and it fell in love with you and
massage ice cream. And then it got
chopped into a million pieces
and spread all over the town! (sobs)
So, that's why that toaster tried
to marry me.
It did?
I'm sure you two will be very happy.
Thank you. Uh, no! Minnie, it's okay.
Even if my heart gets chopped to dust,
we're gonna go back up there
and get every last piece back!
Because my heart does not belong
to that stuff.
It belongs to you.
Forever and ever?
Forever and ever.
MICKEY: Yoo-hoo.
Come here, you stuff!
(Mickey yells)
-Got it!
-Good Whoa!
I'm-a-comin', Mickey!
(Mickey groans)
So much love.
(motor revs)
(Mickey chuckles)
(both shriek)
-I think that's all of 'em.
(menacing music plays)
(both scream)
Grapes! Get your delicious grapes!
Juice! We got a bunch of juice!
(chuckles) Howdy! Want a lift?
Oh, yes!
-Oh, no!
Come on, come on! Change!
Come on, come on!
Why won't you change? (squeals)
GOOFY: Okey-dokey. Bye (yells)
(menacing music continues)
Stay behind me, Mickey.
This is all my fault.
No! I'm the one it wants.
But if this thing really has my heart,
then it knows that it belongs with Minnie.
Look inside yourself. You know it's true.
That's right. You can Now, Minnie!
-Ha! Good one, Minnie.
-That's the last one.
Now, Minnie, do you promise
to take care of it forever and
(locks clicking)
Phew. And ever!
(theme music plays)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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