The World at War s01e16 Episode Script

Inside the Reich: Germany (1940 - 1944)

Berlin, in the Summer of 1940 it gave to one welcome victory beyond the imaginable one.
The soldiers of the Third Reich they had come back toward house, after only one year of war.
They had conquered France e central Europe e northern also they had fallen.
The multitude was delirious of dither and relief.
They had been turned toward its Führer in one frenesi of gratitude.
They had not liked war and feared the defeat.
Now that they believed that war finishes, was rejoiced.
The World in War In the Interior of 3º Reich Germany 1940-1944 The men had returned safe and sound e only some had perished.
It was leaving to go to the purchases, when it said somebody me: "It does not hear the racket" He was then that vi that it has left of the army it had returned e was there to our foot.
I bought cherries and I ran for there.
We were all so happy.
We had heard as much thing on the World War I, with those battles horrendas e all those deceased.
I felt a pride patriotic, for terms finished the war so fast.
In the German cities that not they had been in war, the people badly had modified its way of life.
Clearly that it had rationing e until some lacks, but to compensate, the regimen it promised to amusement and luxury.
Whereas the English nailed the immorality of what he was trifler, the Nazitas tried to show that the luxury still blossomed.
Its propaganda was done of promises.
Until the combatants they had started to believe this.
But some had another perception.
It was in August that we receive order to stop or to diminish the production.
It had a species of euphoria in air.
They found that the war finishes.
I did not believe.
It knew the English e found that they did not go to give up e that the United States they would go to join it the war.
Therefore, we had that to make all the efforts it stops preparing stops in them a blockade of long duration.
Hitler does not plan one combat of long duration, nor it prepares the total mobilization of all the productive capacity.
The German industry had been prepared for a Blitzkrieg.
They continued allowing the production of good as in the peace time.
The workers, overwhelmd, but not entirely converted, they saw gone and the comings of Nazistas princes without enthusiasm.
In the desire to be loved, Nazistas had given everything what they could.
In 1940, the Minister of the Propaganda, Dr.
Goebbels, was Noel Papa.
It gave gifts to the children, to the mothers.
The women with many children they had been invited to attend to the estreia of "Love of Mother", a hymn of the dedicated regimen to the maternity and the community.
In the chest, they used the "Cross of Mother" Nazista.
The cradle was the tank of war of the domestic front.
The government waited one natality explosion.
You drink happy, future happy mothers e over all, glad music livened up the nation.
The great smile that the face of a people ornava something tateante and still nervous, it are widened still more.
They had that to learn to like of the glad work of team of the politics of masses of Hitler.
Since the beginning, the Nazistas they had been taken possetion of the radio.
Its transmissions in foreign languages, wonderful in terms technician, but grotescamente without logic, they arrived anxiously to the minds it are of the country.
But he was forbidden to hear foreign radios.
Many, as the comedians of the propaganda, Trann and Heller, they weighed the chance of to glimpse the exterior world against a punishment by confinement.
You are imprisoned! Exactly if nobody to discover? The question is not this.
The decent Germans do not make it.
But necessary to know what it is if passing.
You find that the transmissions foreigners are true? - Yes.
- You are not silly.
You do not know as function? They only want to demoralize us.
But already I have age to know to distinguish the truth from the lie.
for hearing foreign transmissions, it was sentenced to fulfill one punishment by confinement of 2 years and way.
When we heard foreign radio, what we made the time all, we put the low radio very e we very seated in them close to the device.
I remember a moment where my son, that still it was in the school, it said me that he had a history very funny to count to me.
She seems that the mother of one of the friends of it, also it heard the radio with the ear glue to the device, as us.
It was then that I perceived that I could pô it na arrest it could make me the same, because the children they had talked on this.
Beyond them you discipline conventionals, the nazistas schools were obliged to have plus one it disciplines.
The children learned, for half of images and measurements, the dimensions of the healthful Aryan race.
It had official films that they prepared the population it price to pay for the pureness of the race.
The mental sick people, who were considered "imperfect", they went for experimental gas chambers.
The Germans do not imagine the suffering why we pass.
That it is to take care of of the weak ones of spirit, inferiors to the animals.
However, they still they generate sick children.
He is obvious, that when hindering its procreation, we are having an attitude human being.
Against the norm, the Germans they had perceived what it was transferred e had protested.
The Galen Bishop, of Munster, it attacked the euthanasia of its pulpit.
During a period of time, the program stopped.
The controlled press it prevented such apprehensions.
Some periodicals only published the lies and the hatred of the party, others left to escape some criticism in the space between lineses, but none satisfied the people that he was highly instructed.
It was terribly frustrating not to be able to state our opinion openly.
Personally I was very happy, when at the beginning of 1940 I was called to sign up me in the army e I could leave stops backwards the oppression the one that was subject daily.
A soldier does not read periodicals, it does not hear the radio e we are not permanently citizens to the pressure of the propaganda that in the age directed constantly.
The European war, was changedded in world-wide war in June of 41.
The Nazistas leaders had determined private that they would go to invade Russia.
For many, the attack to the Soviet Union it brought fear and disorientation.
It is clearly that already it had heard to speak in some preparativeses, but it was everything silenced.
Until the o last moment, I believed that the war would not go to become fullfilled itself.
For a long war, Germany needed to take the fields of oil in the south of Russia.
In 1940, Russia delivers one million of tons of oil under the Not-Aggression Pact, that now already it did not exist.
We had never had an agreement so great advertizing with them e they made the deliveries without delays, e, of the economic point of view, it seemed to be everything in sequence.
I arrived to effect negotiations, for intermediary of my men, for the construction of a plant of synthetic fiber in Russia e the treated one was signed in 15 of June of 1941.
First the 10 landmark million in gold they would go to be sent in 1 of July of 1941.
The Germans had directed themselves for the east, on the Russian armies that they were disintegrated.
Plus a Blitzkrieg and victory seemed guaranteed.
It increased the hope in the native land.
Goering inspected what it was now the German colony of the Ukraine, which would go to be a region dedicated to agriculture.
The Nazistas expert in the Slavic people, they waited that this simple people, with simple customs, they liked this plan.
Six months later, in the snow dense before Moscow, the German troops had been obliged to stop.
The troops did not have cold clothes e the government asked for to the population that it donated to clothes of cold and skins.
For more assayed enthusiasm that one revealed, it was impossible to hide that this he was first revés of the Germans.
The Ammunition Minister and leader of the effort of war, Fritz Todt, it was to inspect the constructions made in the Russian Front.
It must have been folloied for the architect of Hitler, the producer of the Assemblies of Nuremberga, Albert Speer.
It was in the quarter-general when I heard to say that the airplane of the Todt had been knocked down.
It had deceased.
Half hour later, Hitler called me e for my great surprise it said me that I would go to be with all the folders of Todt.
Todt had a funeral of national-socialist hero.
In this height, almost 250 a thousand Germans had perished in the war, but Todt was the first comrade of Hitler to falecer in battle.
Hitler was shaken.
For the first time the war it reaches it personally.
Speer already had testified the disconnected and chaotic form as the industry functioned of Nazista war.
The transport, the ammunition, everything it would have that to have only one it commands.
One of its first targets was the man power supply.
Germany Nazista never mobilizes all its force of work.
I tried to insert the women in production of war machinery, but I received the opposition from Sauckel, that it was the responsible one for all the man power.
This arrived at the ears of Goering that also it was opposed vehemently.
In the end, the decision was at the hands of Hitler that she opposed herself, since the women they had of being preserved.
They had to be with the family, to have children, e beyond ruining its health, they would go to be demoralized for having to work in the plants.
However, the ucranianas women they were mattered as used.
They were foreign conscripts for the enslaved work.
Under the domain of Speer, a great irony was materialize: Germany was what the Nazistas they swore that never it would be.
They had promised the return to the field e the end of the great capitalism.
Instead of this, the armament necessity it fed vast industrial monopolies e fulled the city with man power national and foreign.
In two years and way, Speer almost quadruplicated the armament production.
it was under its control.
It moved away the burocracias and it worked with its proper connoisseurs.
It had ideas.
Its energy pledged all to materialize its ideas e obtained pô them in practical with great success.
It not wise person as the things they had been made before, because it was not integrated in this team, therefore not wise person what she was possible and what she was not.
For times, it arrived to obtain to reach the impossible one.
The people who did not live in ours totalitarian system is astonished when they discover as it was difficult to transmit orders.
But it was difficult, on account of Germany to be divided in 32 districts.
The districts were commanded for a Gauleiter.
It was a figure with a fort to be able politician e that enjoyed of being able without restrictions inside of its district.
It only had to answer before the proper Hitler.
Therefore, when my orders they did not please to the Gauleiters, normally they did not fulfill them.
The production of tanks it shows as nor Speer obtained to make what it wanted.
It did not obtain to pierce the hierarchies in constant competition that it was the government form that Hitler had chosen.
It had many types of tanks e much few tanks in the generality, many bores of weapons e different sizes of the ammunition.
Hitler was found superior to this type of problems e what for some they had to be quarrels of weeks, it decided in as.
It is clearly that it had great alterations, the people move e Hitler moved very of 1942 for 1943.
In 1943, it was each convinced time more that it did not need advice e took all the decisions alone without hearing nobody.
Hitler passed each time more time in the Lair of the Wolf, its I remove distant, in eastern forests of the Prússia.
Those encircled that it were bajuladores, the council members most competent had moved away themselves.
The officer of the SS to the orders of Hitler he was Richard Schulze-Kossens.
Almost all the ministers were in Berlin e some of them had officers with who they kept contact in the quarter-general.
But Ribbentrop, Himmler e, for times, Goering they had its proper ones quartéis-generals close from there.
Speer passed much time in the quarter-general, because the ministry of it was very important for the war.
But Borman was always in the quarter-general, it was the only contact direct for Hitler.
Borman was the man most powerful.
I believe that until he was more powerful of what Hitler, because when the division of the power was given, all the men had to pass for it to arrive the Hitler.
I only had direct access the Hitler.
It did not have great cooperation, it only existed in the inferior levels, between technocrats with little power.
It did not have a Cabinet, the ministers badly met e did not argue the important subjects.
It seemed me that each ministry it worked for itself.
For times they received orders of Hitler, but it was very rare.
The official visits, as Mannerheim, the Finnish leader, they perceived that Hitler lived in an illusion world.
Still it believed the guarantees that it gave Goering to it, the head of the Luftwaffe.
Months later, Goering it said that its aviation it could supply provisions to the Russian Front, although the entire army to have been barred in Stalingrado.
Christmas of 1942.
The men in Stalingrado they made a limpid transmission.
The courageous words had been forged in a studio in Berlin.
For the last time, the cathedral was risen unbroken during the fair of Christmas in Berlin.
But Stalingrado still was blocked e the nation started to feel what it was you give to occur.
"The battle of Stalingrado finished".
For the first time, the radio gave the real notice e with some dignity.
but some thousands they had come back to see Germany.
I did not pass much time in the quarter-general, but the environment that if lived he was very heavy.
They were all depressed e the proper Hitler was very serious.
It looked at for the soup without saying a word.
Very it was gotten depressed.
The world perceived and the Germans had perceived of that this age the point of the turn.
This age a tragedy that it could not be hidden.
Stalingrado was not the only defeat, one week before the fall, the Germans had known that the Allies would demand the unconditional surrender.
It would not have mercy stops with the Germans.
They were Nazistas or not, the disillusion that it was felt, approached the people.
The escape routes had been stamped, this would be a total war fought until the o end.
The general attitude was of that it did not have nothing to make, it does not matter what we go to make, it is better to aguentar until the o end.
I remember that the word that all they said was "Aus harren".
It does not have alternative, we have to fight until the o end e Goebbels used this to the maximum in its propaganda.
They want a total war? Two weeks after Stalingrado, Goebbels congregated one enthusiastic Nazista public for last frenesi of masses.
They are determined in following the Führer e in fighting for the victory no matter what? It are its supreme moment.
The invocation of the total war e of the hidden national power.
Total war! War Lightning! That our shout of war is: "People, raises you".
"Storm, arrebenta" "People, raises you, storm, arrebenta".
They had been the words of 1812 it raises during it popular against Napoleão.
Now they were empty words.
In 1943, it was better to hear music of what the notice.
It was the total war and withdrawal in all the fronts.
The total war even meant that the women had to work.
Everything this brought a mood bitter taste.
It had a slogan that it said: "They enjoy the war well, because the peace will be terrible".
It had a new type of equality between the youngsters that the mines and plants were enlisted for.
Hitleriana Youth is mobilized for the production e eventually for the war.
Under the wall, the barriers between the people they had been pulled down, as it had happened during the Blitz of London.
The people wanted to be together, they wanted to sing and to forget, because in the following day they could be deceased.
During the day, the bombers Americans attacked the Reich.
During the night, they were the English.
In the shelters, the people they waited for dawn e asked if its cities still would be there.
When we hear the first bombs we are shocked.
We saw the sky to illuminate itself with the fire.
It was an immense and direful vision.
We are very rebelled when we saw that they had destroyed many residential zones.
They remained so few men e who still had forces it fought fires.
One for one, the cities had been incineradas for fires.
Hamburg is white of raides during 10 days consecutive that they had provoked 40 a thousand mortal victims.
Goebbels registered:"The people of Ocidente is losing the courage.
It is difficult to support a Hell of those".
I find that the bombings not they had had the effect that one expected.
They had joined the people.
If we are all underneath of the same bombs, it does not matter that our neighbor either Nazista or whatsoever.
To prevent the confrontation with the destruction of the war, the rare visits of Hitler Berlin was made of night.
Although this, had ordered bands for the anniversary of the Führer.
They said:"They can have destroyed our walls, but not them our hearts".
Hitler went losing each time more the notion of the reality.
It never had the determination of to see with its proper eyes what the war really was.
We did not receive information from the exterior, therefore I felt that I was living in a monastery, in a concentration camp.
One of the generals said that if it felt in a concentration camp.
We are imprisoned, all we say the same phrases, we think the same, we hear the same.
All we leave that our thoughts e our emotions they were commanded by Hitler.
We were all representing in a part e alone it is that it knew the plot.
It compelled to say us to it ours speaks e plus nobody wise person as it went to finish.
Nor the Hitler, nor the Goering, nor the Himmler was seen in public, only the Goebbels.
Whenever it had a serious bombing, Goebbels was there, in the markets, making its speeches.
It appeared saying:"Aus harren".
Personally, I respected it, because that gave hope.
We were as that in it settles.
Tense and exausta, the nation still it obtained to lose itself in music.
The orchestras supplied something true and huge.
In the museums, it only had the emptiness of the painting and Nazista sculpture.
True Aryan models with a suffered air, whose traces had been carefully drawn to represent the victorious race Scandinavian.
The race was the empire of the SS and Himler e at this moment proper SS were an empire.
Himler, the former-creator of hens, it led the death fields e the concentration camps.
The SS had its proper ones schools, plants and courts.
They managed wide extensions of the busy East.
They were the instrument of the domain German on the Europe.
Until it was an army.
The generals had little control on the hundreds of thousand of elite troops in the divisions of the Waffen and the SS.
For the academies of the SS, they attracted volunteers with Aryan feições of the busy countries, since one did not want that SS were only German, but yes European.
All had been voluntariado stop the active service in Waffen SS, because they found that the fight against the bolchevismo it was the task most important in the Europe.
The European education was an innovation.
We believed that ilusórios contrasts only existed between nations that they partilhavam the same origin.
But it did not have place for who the same origin did not partilhava.
The Jews were deported for ghettos in the East e later the gas chambers of the SS.
The official word age "reaccommodation".
The majority of the Germans preferred to believe that it was only this.
Hitler said many times that it hated Jews e gave many examples, this already since the first times.
It must have taken it the serious one, because already it had proven that it was not playing with other things that foresaw.
A night, had to be surrounds midnight, they had touched the bell.
April the door and was a Jewish couple.
It was as soon as I started to help the pursued Jews.
Suddenly I saw myself involved with an invisible circle of people, that Jews hid.
As soon as a hiding place was discovered, they moved quickly of shelter.
The trips always were made of night.
It was as soon as I finished for belonging to a group that hid Jews when they were in these transistions.
I never arrived to discover who is that it had sent in them.
Certainly that they were decent people.
The problems had started with the feeding of the Jewish people.
Nor they had rationing passwords of food, nor money, therefore we appealed the friends that they changed its ration of cigarettes for a potato or bread.
One day, a friend whom it collected passwords of food for the Jews, if it found with me.
with another woman, of parrot hair spotted.
Still I obtain to see it, there seated twisting the alliance e to say me that it would not be for much time, that it would go to help me with the domestic chore, that its husband never would leave e that it could live in the bilge.
However, the husband of Christabel Bielenberg was.
He was involved in a blow to dismiss Hitler.
It asked for advice to its friend neighboring e, Carl Langbehn, another conspirator.
Langbehn said to it with compassion but with firmness that the risk for it, its family and for the conspiracy it was too much great.
I was astonished with the reply that my neighbor gave to me.
It said that I could not to lodge those people under any circumstance.
If it lodged Jews, I it mine husband and perhaps my children we could go for one concentration camp.
I remember that I was walking for the road e in the blackout, I heard a voice, I wise person that I was somebody there, it said that me:"Frau Doktor, Frau Bielnberg, haben sie einen shluss gefasst?" That is:"Already it decided" I did not obtain to say to them that not, it said to them that only it could to lodge them during two days.
I left them to be in my bilge.
They had been during two days, e in as the day.
by the way, in that night they must have IDO even so, because of morning it had missing person, the bilge was empty, the bed that I loaned, minutely it was arranged e they had left.
Later it knew that they had been apanhados buying a ticket in the railroad station and that they had been carried to Auschwitz.
I say that this is history that it aches more me to count, because after having IDO even so I perceived that Hitler had me transformed into an assassin.
One day, in 1944, the Gauleiter Hanke came to my cabinet e said me that it had visited a concentration camp in the High Silésia e informed to me not to go to a field of concentration in that zone, because horrible things happened.
This in set with others tracks that went receiving, it must have been enough to find with Hitler or with Himmler for asking to them what it was being happened e to take my proper measures.
But I did not make it e, at this moment, I find that the fact of not having it done it was the biggest error of my life.
We find that the people had to know what she was happening.
A beautiful example of this was one episode why I passed one day when it was in the line to buy vegetables or something thus.
It said my neighbors that they were to my return that they had started to kill the Jews in the concentration camps e that had not taken them for there to live as they made here, as they had said in them.
They were assassinated and even they made soap with them.
It said to them that it had the certainty of this.
They had said:If not to stop of to count these histories of terror, also it goes to stop in one concentration camp.
None of us will be able to help it.
This is lie.
It did not have to believe in these histories.
It hears this in the foreign transmissions e they say this to create enemies against Germany.
Wise person of this browse-quality one said to them that.
They can believe that it is thus.
When I came to house, I counted this to my husband e it was not nothing contents, well for the opposite.
It said:My beloved, moan to say it, but this was a idiotice.
It understands that a dictatorship it is as a serpent, if to step on it the tail, as you made, it bites you, it does not have salvation.
You have of it to jam the head.
But only the commanders of the army they could jam the head.
Others had stepped on the tail with they had died it to courage.
In Munique, the Scholl brothers who they had protested with pamphlets e had been assassinated.
In communist Berlin, spies, led for Haro Schulzeboyssen e Harnacks had been jammed.
Communists, socialist, Christian, anonymous men and women they defied the dictator in small groups.
a punishment by confinement, or worse, for resistance politics.
The conspiracy against the head of the serpent it was a federacy of conspiracies.
It had conservatives, as Goerdeler, aristocrats as Moltke, men of the clergy as Bonhoeffer e diplomats as Trott.
Seeing the defeat, members of the regimen they had joined it.
All they had delayed very to understand that one has attacked efficient it demanded the assassínio of Hitler.
Thus, in 1944 a man appeared of action: Conde Colonel Klaus von Stauffenberg.
What it marked the difference was arrived Berlin de Stauffenberg.
It had lost the left eye, three fingers left-hand e all the right hand.
At the beginning, it outside only the strategist of the coup d etat, but as it had of frequentar the quarter-general of Hitler e to attend the conferences, could to arrive very close to Hitler e to make an attempt, what the July of 1944 happened.
Suddenly it was given a very alarming explosion.
We heard voices to ask for a doctor e we saw some generals with the full uniforms of blood.
Later one of the officers it said us that it had been a bomb, but that the Führer had not been reached.
We direct it bunker of Hitler e we speak with it.
I find that already it had passed one hour after the explosion.
It was with a strange air, because it had the hair in air as one it brushes e the pants had become torn in small straps.
It said me:He sees? The Destination saved me for my mission.
I have to make what she is necessary.
In the Ministry of the War in Berlin, the general conspirators they believed the death of Hitler.
When I arrived at the quarter-general, the Stauffenberg was in the telephone e Hafner said me that they had detonated a bomb.
Later Hitler said that it had died and us we believe, because later Stauffenberg it appeared and we speak quickly because it was very busy it stops in giving details to them.
It said:"The Hitler died, releases everything and we go to deal with the remaining portion".
The conspirators had sent the Major Otto Remer to occupy the city.
He was a fanatic soldier, programmed to obey to any superior order.
First it obeyed the conspirators, later Goebbels it apanhou.
Goebbels was very happy seeing for me.
It asked to me what I wise person of everything that, what it was happening e that orders had given me.
It said to it:"To find I come you so that it clarifies the situation".
It said me that they were trying to deceive me, Hitler was alive, it finishes to speak with it.
I was so frightened that I asked for to it I to speak with the Führer.
E thus happened.
Of the other side of the line, Hitler said: Herr Remer, as it can evidence, I am alive.
I am Adolf Hitler, knows my voice.
Now already it believes that I am alive?" Now Remer had been reprogramado.
It came back toward the Ministry of War e arrested all the ones that found.
The conspiracy fell, the hesitante army came back to its oath.
Many of the conspirators, after the arrest and of the torture, they had had to face one left-hand side forged judgment directed for judge Rokand Freisler, the judge most important of Germany Nazista.
Its families had been imprisoned e its children had been envoy for orphanages.
The conspirators most fortunate, between them Stauffenberg, they had been fusilladed in the patio of the ministry.
Some had tried to explain its reasons in court.
The Conde von Schwerin had served in the Poland.
I moved of ideals, was difficult for me.
It had worked for Germany, in the Poland e I was uneasy with ours politics.
Uneasy with our national-socialism? I thought about the many murders.
Murders! Its villain! The convict had been hanged slowly in meat hooks.
They had filmed the agony why they had passed to show the Hitler, but the conspiracy became Hitler a scared man.
The repression after day 20 of July it broke the power of the aristocracy e of the prussiana tradition forever, but it did not have a chaste one of commands to take its place.
Now, Hitler suspected of all the generals.
But Goebbels, Borman and Himmler they could be come close to it.
It was weakening slowly.
The doctors were always entering and leaving e it was being completely apático.
One was not interested for nothing, what it caused a complicated situation as much in the West as in the East.
It had days where it seemed that Hitler nor existed.
It did not have doubt of that the health of it was being grown worse, but it would not arrive at the point to say that it already not wise person what she was making.
Of some form it was.
I stow prisoner during 20 years e I know as well as this is.
It behaved as he was himself a prisoner.
Through the devastação, the Germans they had found forms to survive.
For the streets in ruins, the laborers they went for the destroyed plants, where some machines still functioned.
The life was collected for the bilges.
The people learned that they fell eight followed bombs e that after this was safe.
They had learned to live one day of each time.
That was terrible to support everything.
We were so tired, we always walked hasty.
All the railroad lines they were destroyed e did not have fuel for the pickup.
We had of living with rations since the beginning, but the worse things had been being each time.
Proper Germany it was arriving at its limit.
Seven million workers forced it was not the sufficient.
Oil, metal, food, everything was finishing.
Since clothes the airplanes, all age mended to come back to use.
The men also.
The deficient ones of the war had been reused in the plants.
The soldiers with mental injuries they had come back to learn to speak.
It says, please, one more time the letter.
Now the enemy came close itself of the borders of the Reich.
The Volksturm, the national guard of aged, lesser and the inapt ones they had been signed up.
Men of National Guarda of Berlin, they raise the right hand e swears with me.
Interest for God this sacred vote, to the leader of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler, total loyalty and obedience.
They heard with serious expressions the oratória of Goebbels on the fight until the o end.
It has millions of definitive men not to attack our flag e surrendering as cowards.
They had marched penosamente for same Doors of Brandenburgo for where they had seen to return the soldiers of Paris have 4 years.
They went to the meeting of the Russians, keeping its thoughts for itself.

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