Thunderbirds (1965) s01e16 Episode Script

The Imposters

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Radio) 'Now, Captain, proceed with attack on installation "Y".
' All right, Captain, that will do.
Return to base.
'Yes, sir.
' - Now, are you convinced? - General, I am full of admiration.
It is the most vicious weapon I have ever seen! With such an aircraft, I could be master of the land and sea, if it were not for Red Arrow! What is Red Arrow? Surely no aircraft is superior to what you have just shown me? Yes, in speed alone the Red Arrow can outmanoeuvre us.
I want you to do something for me.
A little favour.
For which I shall repay you generously.
I am tired of competition.
All rivals must be removed from my path! - Do you follow me? - Perfectly, General.
Very well.
All prototypes of Red Arrow will be destroyed.
The first test is soon.
It must fail! Do you understand? Perfectly.
Leave it to me.
The Red Arrow is D00MED! (Klaxon blares) This is central control.
All personnel clear test area 20.
'Clear area 20.
'Maximum security procedure during test.
'Airport activity to be kept to a minimum.
'Emergency personnel proceed to security stations M, P and Q.
'The countdown for Red Arrow project is now operating.
' Begin the photographic alert procedure.
Yes, sir.
Colonel, I'm handing over control to you.
Thanks, Norman.
0K, clear the hangar and get me the pilot.
Yes, sir.
Hangar now clearing, sir.
Pilot's on channel two.
'Hello, Race.
This is Colonel Casey at base control.
' Pay close attention to what I am saying.
'This is no normal aeroplane you're taking up today.
'I want no exhibition flying.
' Carry out instructions to the letter and no more.
Is that clear? Yes, sir.
I don't think it will go very far today! - Well, here we go.
- Good luck, sir.
Thanks, Norman.
- Race, remember, to the letter! - I understand, sir.
Colonel, that's some aircraft you've got! Yes, sir, what a performance! This is Red Arrow 0ne to GB-7.
All systems go.
Altitude 6,000.
Air speed 4,000.
Fuel 7.
Air speed increasing! GB-7 to Red Arrow, hold your air speed below 4,000.
Hold your air speed below 4,000.
' Air speed control reaction negative! Red Arrow, you MUST cut your air speed! I I I can't hold her! I'm being pulled off course! Cabin pressure dropping Here she comes! Excellent! Excellent! It's working even better than I dared hope it would! He's blacked out.
Sound the alert! (Alarm rings) Red Arrow from GB-7.
Bale out! Repeat.
BALE 0UT! He's going to crash! Oh, what went wrong? What went WR0NG? "The crash occurred during a series of tests on the Red Arrow.
"Colonel Tim Casey said that tests would continue, despite the crash, "though he would no longer supervise them.
"0fficials at World Space Control believe, etc and so on.
" Wasn't Tim Casey with you in space? Yes.
Looks like he has quite a problem.
They should eliminate faults BEF0RE take off! Red Arrow is powered by twin rockets and that's a new field.
But it's not like Tim Casey to slip up.
It could be sabotage.
- Sabotage? - Why think that, Father? Gordon, the Red Arrow is a powerful weapon.
Some people would like to see it out of action.
(Loud burp) (Elderly foreign man) 0h, a most delicious feast, my friend.
Thank you, General.
I'm glad it suited your mood of celebration.
The fate of the Red Arrow was most gratifying.
You have indeed served me well.
And services merit rewards.
Ha-ha, I was forgetting.
Soon, Red Arrow Two goes out on test.
It too must fail! - It will! It will! - Good.
When the entire project is abandoned, this casket will be yours.
You must not fail me.
My aircraft must not be superseded! I will not fail you, General.
The gold will be mine! - Er Something's approaching.
- Seems to be travelling fast, too.
B-B-But it's still a fair distance away.
Maybe it's not for here.
Maybe it's headed for the l-Island of Moila.
Those early moon shots with Tim Casey sure were exciting.
Does he know about our set-up? Of course not.
You know our policy.
Besides he's in the armed forces.
I just thought that with you being buddies, you may have mentioned it.
(Bleeps) Something's up.
- Are we expecting anyone? - No.
Unless it's more of Tin Tin's admirers.
Brains, give me a reading.
There's a-an unidentified object a-a-approaching on high altitude flight path 408, Mr Tracy.
- 0K, keep tabs on it.
- '0K, Mr Tracy.
' - No, it's quite unusual, I must say.
- What are we going to do, Father? While our base is undiscovered, we should be safe.
- We should do one thing.
- What's that? - 0peration cover-up! - Right.
Well, he's not calling a-at the Island of Moila.
He's heading for our base! Here he comes! - He's diving! - We're being attacked! D0WN! What happened? They didn't attack! Well, I'll be! Look at that! It's Tim Casey.
Couldn't be anyone else.
Boys, looks like we got a visitor.
Good! (Bleeps) - Sky Control.
- 'Relief maintenance speaking.
'I've checked the cross-stanchion.
' It should be fine in tomorrow's storm.
We feel a lot happier.
Thanks for checking it out.
Don't mention it.
I'm glad to help.
Goodnight, then.
And now all I have to do is wait for the next test of Red Arrow! What's the matter, Tim? Still worried about tomorrow's test? I keep remembering the last one.
Every component was checked and double checked.
Red Arrow should never have crashed! Maybe Brains can shed some light on it.
What's the verdict, Brains? Well, l-I've been o-over all the blueprints of Red Arrow.
I can find nothing to fault.
I knew Red Arrow was sound! She should never have crashed! It looks like it WAS sabotage, Tim.
Well, er, m-my theory is that the a-aircraft was sabotaged by some sort of homing device which the pilot was unaware of.
Yeah, that could slip past security.
Well, l-I've rigged up a small detector to tell the pilot if it was being diverted during the next test.
Here's the circuit diagram.
Yeah, good.
Thanks for your help, Brains.
I'll send Goddard back to base.
This detector may do the trick.
OK, Goddard, off you go.
Thanks for the ride.
Good luck with the test.
- 'Sorry I won't be there.
' - So am I, sir.
Don't forget to watch the diversion detector.
Right, sir.
Let's hope we've got those saboteurs licked.
Just as well we got that stanchion fixed.
We're like a palm tree in a monsoon.
The scanner on channel 58 is dropping.
That means the storm has reached Iceland already.
Seems we're in for a swinging time! - Hangar's open, sir.
- Thanks.
If I had my way, Colonel Casey would be here.
I hope the mystery is solved soon.
Off you go, Goddard, and good luck.
Red Arrow Two to GB-7.
All systems are go.
- The storm's definitely coming.
- Look at this! Could that be caused by the storm? I doubt it, but what C0ULD be causing it? It must be an aircraft.
It can't be! There's no flight path near.
I'm veering off course, sir.
This plane is flying itself! Listen, Red Arrow Two.
This is the same trouble as before.
You are over open country.
'Dip the nose and eject.
' Is that clear? Eject! GB-7 from Red Arrow.
Diving now and ejecting.
I've checked the relays.
It could be static.
'This is GB-7.
'We have an urgent message for UK International Tele-relay.
' - Jim, that's us! - Go ahead, GB-7.
There is an unmanned aircraft nearby.
Unmanned?! 'We advise you to evacuate Sky Control.
0ver and out.
' They're crazy! It's probably a million to one chance we'd get hit! No, we must be in real danger! Get that elevator up here! The elevator's on its way, Stan.
Attention, Sky Control, the plane is on a collision course with you! C0LLISl0N course! Come on! Come on, will ya? It's incredible! I can't believe it.
Whatever is drawing Red Arrow off course has fantastic power! The pilot has landed safely, sir.
- Get him up here right away.
- Yes, sir.
Jim, it's coming straight for us! WHERE'S that elevator? It's too late! Here she comes! Hang on! - Are you 0K, Jim? - Yeah, I think so.
Looks like we got hit pretty badly.
This place will go over any minute! We're trapped.
You're certain, Goddard? Positive.
The detector registered interference.
Thank you.
I hope they'll accept it as evidence.
Red Arrow has hit the relay station.
We've lost radio contact with them.
What can we do? We can't get them out of there with that storm raging! How much longer can we go on like this? What are you doing, Stan? If I fix this radio, we may reach International Rescue.
If anyone can help, they can! What can they do in a storm like this? (Tin Tin) I don't know where you get your energy(!) (Alan) We've just had an exhausting game of chequers! And we're walking the Colonel round the island later.
- Where is he now? - At the pool.
(Bleeps) Gee, some place you've got here! But one thing baffles me.
What's that, Tim? I just can't figure what you do with yourselves all the time! Your boys should have something to occupy them! I guess you're right, Tim.
- Excuse me a minute, Tim, will you? - Sure thing, Jeff.
- Having a visitor here is tricky! - Can't we trust him? That's not the point, Tin Tin.
We have to remain a secret organisation.
- What's up, Scott? - An emergency.
It's bad news for Colonel Casey.
The Red Arrow has been sabotaged again! It crashed into a relay tower trapping two men.
A storm is making a normal rescue impossible.
I'm sorry about the Red Arrow.
I won't enjoy telling Tim that.
But first, let's save these men.
- Alan, get Virgil up here.
- Yes, Father.
Tin Tin, get Tim Casey out of the way.
He mustn't see this.
OK, Mr Tracy.
Get moving! Delay could mean death! Tin Tin will signal when everything's all clear.
Now, do you mind telling me what this is all about, Tin Tin? We've just heard that there's a water mamba in the area.
A water mamba?! It's very rare.
You may never get another chance to see one.
- But I'm an airman, not a frogman! - There it is! Quick! Wait! Mr Tracy, I'm taking the Colonel to the underwater cave.
'Call me when the boys come back.
' Good work.
OK, Scott, clear to go! Thunderbird 2 to Thunderbird 1.
I've been in contact with danger zone.
They've cleared the area for us.
'Local conditions are very bad.
' Boy, it must be tough up there! Jim! Are you 0K? JIM! (Thunder) Have arrived at danger zone.
I can't set up a control centre.
I'll use Thunderbird 1.
- 0K.
Be with you in 4.
5 minutes.
- 'Right.
Starting remote camera.
' Look at that main stanchion.
It's nearly gone.
Scott, let's see what shape they're in.
Be with you in two minutes.
This site is pretty dangerous.
When you come in, use the west side, away from the impact area.
It's no good, Jim.
We'll just have to wait for International Rescue.
The steelwork won't last long.
Jim, look! - What the heck's that? - I don't know.
But someone's there! Thunderbird 2 to Thunderbird 1.
Approaching danger zone.
Nice landing.
Quickly, it won't last much longer.
Scott, in position.
Can you angle us onto the platform? I'll get the camera up there.
Make it as quick as possible.
- This steelwork won't last long.
- They'd better hurry up, or we'll be down there in bits! But how can they get up here? - 0K, Virgil? - Yeah, angle the mortar.
Angle 78.
Wind velocity, force eight.
Force eight check.
OK, Scott, pull in the camera.
It's gone! I wonder if it's too rough to attempt a rescue.
They can't just leave us! They must try something! Right, fellas, it's International Rescue all systems go! Good luck! Rescue go! - What's going on? - What is it? What's inside? Get this on before it's too late! What's keeping them? Come on, come on! OK, Jim, you first.
Here I go! Look out! Those poor guys! We were just seconds too late! This is the first time we've failed.
No, fellas, look! L00K! We DID it! WE DID IT! They're safe! Hey, what's that over there? Maybe the crash will show something.
How's the o-o-operation going, by the way? I don't like to pester the boys with needless radio calls, so I (Bleeps) - Go ahead, Virgil.
- 'We've saved the two men.
' - Are they 0K? - 'Yes.
'We've found something that may account for the crash.
' - What? - 'It's on the other channel.
- 'You may have some ideas.
' - What do you think, Brains? Yeah, l-I think we have the solution, Mr Tracy.
This will a-account for Red Arrow g-going off course.
Virgil, tell the police the saboteur is probably still in the area.
- There's no time to lose.
- 'Yes, sir! ' At last, at LAST the Red Arrow is destroyed! In a few short hours, the gold will be mine! (Siren) Police! Hah, they will never catch up with me! Proceeding along Highway FR in pursuit of van, registration 0MC 119.
Will intercept at Ridgeways.
' An ambush! They cannot stop me now! This is 671 calling General Bron.
International Rescue must have found something and sent the police! 'You fool! Don't you know you can't get away from International Rescue! ' Already I have shaken off the police! We tried to warn him that the bridge was down, but he drove through.
We'd better see what's become of him.
(Gurgling voice) 'You fool! What was that bang? 'You have let International Rescue ruin my plans 'and you cannot even drive a car! You must fend for yourself now! ' Er yes, Tin Tin, it sure is beautiful.
You say the water mambas live down here? Well, I think so.
Although I haven't seen one for a long time.
Maybe they've moved on.
You know how they are.
Tin Tin, you've shown me over 20 underwater caves and we haven't seen a mamba yet.
'I think if there'd been any around we'd have seen one by now! ' You must see a water mamba before you go back.
I wouldn't break my heart if I didn't see one! Colonel All right, perhaps we ought to be getting back.
Right, everything must be exactly as it was.
- Here's the Colonel.
- Just wait till he hears our news! Let me tell it, Alan.
Hello, Tim.
We've been looking for you everywhere! Tin Tin and I went for a swim.
We should have said where we were going.
We just heard that the Red Arrow sabotage case has been solved.
Great! Who do I have to thank for that? International Rescue, Colonel.
They found a homing device placed by saboteurs.
Now THAT'S what I call real enterprising.
I bet you fellas wish you belonged to something like that.
It would give us something to occupy ourselves with.
Nothing happens here.
Tim, they also want you back at the research base at once.
Well, well, Tin Tin! Things were sure happening while we were out swimming! They certainly were, Colonel.
They CERTAINLY were.

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