Thundercats (1985) s01e16 Episode Script

016 - The Fireballs of Plun-Darr

- Willa.
- Tygra.
- What the devil was that for? - I'm sorry.
I've been chasing shadows all day since the bombardment.
Our world has changed since you and the mutants arrived.
We are your friends.
Yes, but we warrior women are caught in the middle of your battles with the mutants and we are being destroyed.
The fires.
What is going on? It began before dawn, while we slept.
Since dawn, the bombardment has been going on.
Trees that have lived a million years, destroyed in hours.
We had nothing to do with it.
We Look out! Down! I'm going to mow you like a blade of grass.
Help! Help! It didn't crash.
Probably has a remote guidance system.
And the bombardment.
It's stopped.
That mutant Monkian must have been a spotter for the gunners.
Let's find the source of these firebomb attacks.
Together, we may be able to stop them and save your trees.
All right.
But where do we look? Straight into the very soul of evil.
Castle Plun-darr.
Not fair.
Come on, Lion-O.
The game's not over, I'm winning.
Sorry, I can't concentrate.
Something's wrong.
I sense it.
- Where's Tygra? - On a scouting mission.
New developments with the mutant war machines are disturbing.
We know they put together two vehicles from their wrecked ship.
- Are there more? - We're not sure.
If there are, it could very well upset the balance of power.
He shouldn't have gone alone.
What a terrible place! It doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
Willa, look! It's a great ball of liquid fire.
Launched by some type of powerful machine.
Were they aiming at us? No, I don't think so.
Testing, maybe or it may be a programmed defense system.
We have to get in there and find out.
We'll never be able to approach that place.
The minute we're on the road, they'll see us.
We'll take a different route.
How's your sense of balance? Come on, Willa, You'll enjoy this.
Hang on, Willa.
Only a few more yards.
We still have to get past that moat to enter the castle.
I have to.
From here, I go on alone.
But why? I'm as strong and able as you are.
Of course you are.
But I'm going to need someone to back me up in case I don't make it.
And I have a trick that comes in handy.
Where are you? Invisible, Willa.
That way, I'll be able to slip into the moat.
There must be an underwater intake pipe that leads into the castle.
You wait here.
Did you see that? For just a second, there was a blue flash.
Maybe it was a spark from that last fireball.
No, it was down near the moat.
The water in the moat is infused with phosphor R.
If something's in there, we'll know it.
You were right.
Someone's swimming in the moat.
A Thundercat.
Let's toss a charge in and blow him to a pulp.
I'm going to use the Nose Diver.
I'll chew him up with the roto-grinder, yes? Yes.
I can feel the pull of an intake pipe.
It must be close.
What in Jaga's name is that? I'm going visible.
I've lost my whip.
Dead end.
Trapped! Well, open the can and let's see what kind of fish we've caught.
It looks suspiciously like a Thundercat fish.
Take him up to the Four Winds.
I've always wanted a chance to take apart one of the Thundercats.
Now I've got it.
It's been over an hour and not a sign.
What's that? It's his bolo whip.
Has he been? Shall I follow? This is a very special device, Thundercat.
It consists of four separate spring-loaded catapults.
I'll demonstrate.
Put the sandbags on.
Ready? Watch.
Now you see why the ancients called this machine Four Winds.
Secure him.
To show you we're not all that crude, think about this.
When the first rays of the sun strike this solar mirror it will trigger the catapults.
It looks like it's going to be a bright, sunny day.
Well, you're certainly up early.
I didn't sleep, Snarf.
I'm worried about Tygra.
Tygra's capable of taking care of himself, don't you think? Snarf, a friend is someone who worries about you, who cares.
I'd feel terrible if I didn't obey my instincts and something bad happened to Tygra.
Better to be overconcerned than not to care, huh? We should have heard from him.
He's long overdue.
Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight.
Lion-O, here.
That's Tygra's whip.
- I know.
I found it floating in the moat.
- Where is he? He swam underwater to find an entrance into the castle.
He was invisible.
I heard him enter the water.
Then Then, a few minutes later, I heard terrible sounds as though something was being chewed up.
I've got to get inside.
This is a bad time to try.
We're going to be highly visible.
The sun is going to be bright and hot.
That's going to be some climb.
I'll just use my Claw Shield.
It's gone.
Never mind.
We're going to have help.
Come on.
Wake up.
Time for some work.
What is that? A giant treetop spider.
This one's name is Bushy.
But what good will he? She? It do for us? You'll see.
When Bushy gets to the top, it'll pull us up.
- But surely this won't hold us? - Of course.
This web is as strong as your claw line.
The mutants' control center.
Panthro would give a lot to see this.
What was the matter with that jabbering guard? He said he saw a giant spider.
He saw it in his dreams, the fool.
Is the fireball launcher locked in and aimed? Yes.
Ready to fire.
Then at sundown, we begin the fire bombardment of the Cats' Lair, yes? They sent that Tygra to spy on us but he failed miserably.
At the first shaft of sun he'll be flung to the four winds.
The sun will be up in Look! Turn out the guards.
They're headed for the roof.
Come on.
Get off at the next floor.
That door leads to the firebomb launcher.
Come on.
Charge! By Jaga! Look at that.
They've built this thing from the propulsion unit of their wrecked space vehicle.
That tank is the fuel.
How do we destroy it? Very easy.
We They've broken into the launcher and secured the door.
Melt it down.
Melt it down! We need a very simple device to destroy this firebomb launcher.
But someone has to stay and light it off.
How will he get out before it goes up? A good question.
The door.
I believe we need a little help from our friends.
You're right, Tygra.
Thunder, thunder, thunder! Thundercats, ho! Cheetara ready, ho! - Wilykit.
- And Kat.
- Ho! - Ho! Ready, ho! Reactor engaged.
Traction locked.
All go.
They'll be in here in a minute.
Back to back.
We'll stand them off.
There's the tank.
- Thundercats, ho! - Thundercats, ho! Elevation, 64-niner.
Range, 22-fiver.
Let's see.
That would mean converting the six doubling eights and reducing - And the six into - Fire! Come on, Willa.
Slide for your life.
Your turn, Lion-O.
This was my mission.
I'll stop him, Slithe.
I'll melt him down.
Don't shoot that flame in the fuel room, you fool.
It will! Slithe said he would start a fire that would burn like a beacon.
He got his wish.
I thank you, one and all.
I wouldn't have liked being tossed to the four winds by those catapults.
I'm sorry your Treetop Kingdom took the first attack, Willa.
But without you, we never would have climbed the walls of Castle Plun-darr.
Yes, I'd like to know.
How did you get up those vertical castle walls? With Bushy.
What's this? A hairy baseball? I hate spiders.
Now you've hurt Bushy's feelings.
He likes you.

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