ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e16 Episode Script

Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Nice try, ThunderCats.
But you cannot defeat Mumm-Ra,
the Ever-Living!
This Blasnab orb gives me
untold power.
How about this Lion-O?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Got him!
[screams] No! [grunts]
Later, Bumm-Ra!
[all laugh]
Fools! I'll defeat you all!
[narrator reading]
The staff of Secrumb
makes me invincible!
[all scream]
- Pretty cool stick, Mumm-Ra.
- [Mumm-Ra] What?
But I think mine's better.
[all laugh]
No matter.
I have plans within plans.
[laughs, groans]
[narrator reading]
The crown of the Abyss King
can never be defeated.
Abyss this Mumm-Ra!
[screams] No!
Whoa! [coughs]
[narrator reading]
Sheesh! This old mummy
needs a break.
- [music plays]
- [sighs in relief]
- [all laugh]
- Hey! That was a normal tape-player.
Oh, well, something in here
must be making him big.
- Oh, yes. Smash it up.
- All right.
Huh? Stop that!
You are not getting
the vase of perpetual Whoa!
Aw! Mummy toots. [groans]
[all laugh]
Hey, guys, who am I?
Oh, no! I broke my pretty vase
and now I'm a skeleton again.
[all laugh]
- [grumbles]
- Look at me.
I'm Mumm-Ra and I'm terrible
at taking over the world.
Hey, I'm Mumm-Ra.
My body's made of old toilet paper.
Ooh, I'm Mumm-Ra,
and I look like an ugly baby.
I'm Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living.
- [all laugh]
- Amazing.
Okay, everyone, who am I?
Curse you, ThunderCats.
- Uh The Berbils?
- What? No! I'm Mumm-Ra.
That was obviously Mumm-Ra.
Don't worry, Tygra, not
everyone's cut out to be funny.
Except for you guys.
You are all cut out to be funny.
- Oh, that's the best one. Classic Mumm-Ra.
- [all laugh]
How dare those mangy
ThunderCats insult Mumm-Ra!
Those impressions
sound nothing like me. Mmm.
What's this?
[Ancient Spirit] You have awakened
the Ancient Spirits of Evil!
Why have you left us unplugged for so long?
Wait. You guys have
just been unplugged?
I thought you abandoned me.
No. You unplugged us,
like, a million years ago.
And it looks like you're doing
really great without us.
I mean, how many times have the
ThunderCats defeated you this week?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Now I don't have to rely on some
dumb artifact to give me powers.
You guys can do it for me.
And make me into Mumm-Ra,
the Ever-Living! [echoes]
Um please?
You have forgotten
the incantation.
Oh, right. Um
Uh, uh
We don't have time for this.
Just read the runes.
I was about to remember myself.
Ancient Spirits of Evil,
transform this decayed form
to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!
I have my strength at last!
Not just your strength. Our
magic grants you many powers.
- Behold!
- [gasps]
Dream-mastering. Soul-capturing.
Wow. I can do
all kinds of great stuff.
All right, ThunderCats. You
like doing impressions of me?
Well, get ready for an
impression you'll never forget.
[evil laugh]
- [thunder rumbles]
- [all laugh]
Remember when you guys were like,
"I'm Mumm-Ra. Blah, blah, blah, blah."
That was so funny.
[all laugh]
Oh, guys, remember
when I said, "I'm Mumm-Ra!
This is what
my voice sounds like."
Well, [sighs] I think
it's time for bed.
Already? [laughs sheepishly]
Okay, then.
[yawns] I'm so sleepy.
My head's all fuzzy.
Get some rest.
[yawns] I'll see you in the
[thunder rumbles]
Greetings, Panthro.
Who Who are you?
What're you doing in my garage?
I thought
you liked impressions.
How about this one?
I'm Panthro.
I'm a horrible inventor.
And horrible inventors
make horrific inventions!
[evil laughter]
Greetings, I'm Cheetara.
I think I'm so fast.
But we'll see about that.
Tag, you're it.
- See you later.
- Whoa!
- Can't keep up?
- Oh, no, you don't.
Come on, you're close.
Almost got me. Up high!
[yells] Huh? [screams]
[groans] Burrito time.
I know there's another burrito
in here somewhere.
You mean this burrito?
What Hey! That's mine.
Oh, I'm sorry. Here, why
don't you have it back?
Hey, wait
Oh, no, no, no
[muffled speaking]
I'm gonna
beat your high score.
No, you're not.
Yeah, I am.
Oh, look, I'm WilyKat.
I'm such a lousy player.
I couldn't hit the triangular
side of a pyramid.
That's not true.
And I'm WilyKit.
I'm a little baby
who probably wears diapers.
I'm not a baby.
Game over, ThunderBrats.
[both screaming]
- [both screaming]
- Get us out of here.
Hi. I'm Tygra. I like chores.
Uh, is that supposed to be me?
I don't sound like that.
Sure, you do. That's exactly
what you sound like.
- Get in the sack.
- [groans]
[all groaning]
[groans] I dreamt I got
swallowed by a burrito.
It was terrible.
But also amazing.
Wait. Where are we?
See, ThunderDopes?
That's how you do impressions.
With evil magic.
That's great, Mumm-Ra.
Just hand over the evil artifact
you're using so I can smash it.
You pitiable buffoon.
I don't need artifacts anymore.
The Ancient Spirits
of Evil are awake.
And they give me
whatever I want.
Now, I am going
to take a little stroll
and think of some
fun new ways to torment you.
Stay put. [evil laugh]
Oh, man! I can't believe
Mumm-Ra finally won.
He used our own hilarity against us.
What a jerk!
And now we're gonna
get tormented. [groans]
This is not cool.
No, Mumm-Ra didn't win.
Mumm-Ra cheated.
Because he used evil spirits?
Because impressions are supposed
to be for fun, not for evil.
Impressions are a neat trick you
do to make your friends laugh.
Unless you're Tygra,
and you're terrible at them.
I went to a thespian academy.
Plus, our impressions were great.
Except for Tygra's.
You're right, Lion-O.
We're great
and Mumm-Ra stinks.
Hey, guys. Who am I?
I'm Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Losing.
[all laugh]
Mumm-Ra, you're back.
Did you defeat the ThunderCats?
Oh, they think I'm Mumm-Ra.
Ooh, I have an idea.
[clears throat]
Hey, Ancient Spirits of Evil,
can I have my powers back?
Come on, Mumm-Ra.
Did you already forget the incantation?
It's "Ancient Spirits of Evil,
transform this decayed form
to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living."
How hard is that to remember?
Oh, yeah, sorry.
I got uh
I got mummy brain.
Ancient Spirits of Evil,
transform this decayed form
to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living.
Oh! Awesome!
Oh, wow! Let us try.
[all] Ancient Spirits of Evil,
transform this decayed form
to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living.
Ancient Spirits
of Evil, transform
Wait a second. Who is that?
Did someone
let a Berbil in here?
Are you kidding me? Why does everyone
think I sound like a Berbil?
I thought I heard a Berbil.
Get out, you dumb robot bear.
Ooh, oh, uh-oh.
Oh, my mummy-wipes.
ThunderCats HO!
Look at me, I'm Mumm-Ra.
I'm getting my big dumb
self pounded into a wall.
- [groans]
- No. I'm Mumm-Ra.
- I get dizzy real easy.
- [screams]
- [groans]
- I'm Mumm-Ra.
I think eating burritos
are gross.
But I sure love eating dirt.
- Mmm. [laughs]
- [gags]
Now I remember
why I unplugged you.
You guys are total dum-dums.
[WilyKit] Look, I'm Mumm-Ra.
I take showers
with cauldron goo. [grunts]
Hey, I need that goo.
I'm Mumm-Ra.
And I'm about to get wrecked.
Are you 100% certain you're
not trying to do a Berbil?
- [grunts]
- Oh! [groans]
All right, I give up.
You win this one,
- [all] Oh, yeah!
- What an embarrassing day.
Oh, wait. That's Mumm-Ra.
We can tell because
he lost to the ThunderCats.
[Mumm-Ra groans]
Good job, Thundies.
Now let's stop doing Mumm-Ra
impressions and go home.
Ooh, ooh. I got one more.
[clears throat]
I'm Mumm-Ra.
I forgot how
my own statues work.
[all laugh]
Good one, Tygra.
Come on, everyone.
- [all laugh]
- Hey, hey, guys. I can't fly!
[sighs] Oh, man!
Guess I'll just [exhales]
walk home.
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