Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e16 Episode Script


[explosion booms]
- Whoa! Ah.
[exciting music]
[exciting music]
Sorry, Shrapnel.
Sorry, Shrapnel.
[tires screech]
- [screaming]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- Bumblebee, up here!
- Bumblebee, up here!
- Yes! I have it!
- Yes! I have it!
Autobot lackey!
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- Ah.
- [struggling efforts]
[soundwaves pulsing]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- Decepticons, bear witness
to the fall of Megatron!
To the fall of Megatron!
[struggling efforts]
- Ahh!
- Optimus! AllSpark incoming!
- Optimus! AllSpark incoming!
- Well done, Bumblebee.
- Well done, Bumblebee.
- [grunts]
- I was wide open!
- I was wide open!
- Lieutenant Malto
with a power kick
to you, Sergeant Latrine.
- Latrine? [grunts]
- Latrine? [grunts]
- And now, I, Megatron,
will end this war!
- You'll have to deal
with Starscream first!
- You'll have to deal
with Starscream first!
- Wait! You're Soundwave.
I'm Starscream.
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- Recovered!
Pretend you're the
Spacebridge, Megatron,
because here it comes!
Because here it comes!
[all panting]
[all panting]
[tense music]
[mysterious synth music]
- My apologies.
This place, that day
This place, that day
some scars you cannot see.
- Totally understand.
- Wow.
- Whew!
- I don't have
scars, but I get it.
- Water under the Spacebridge.
- It's us who should apologize.
- It's us who should apologize.
- We know how you
feel, Megatron.
We came here with Mom once.
We came here with Mom once.
She said she was with
you in that battle,
and some of it was pretty bad.
- We shouldn't have been
messing around like that.
- We shouldn't have been
messing around like that.
Not here.
- Okay, but since
LARPing the final battle
- Okay, but since
LARPing the final battle
is clearly frowned upon,
what'd you bring us here to do?
- Learn.
- Ooh, ooh! I know all about
- Ooh, ooh! I know all about
the Transformers War from Dad.
The Autobots bravely
saved the universe
from the Decepticons' clutches.
From the Decepticons' clutches.
- Heh.
The end is only a piece
of a much larger story.
The end is only a piece
of a much larger story.
- Uh, the ending
is the best part.
[imitating blasters]
Hello? World saved?
Hello? World saved?
[somber music]
[powering on]
[powering on]
- Who understands what this is?
- A photo op!
[shutter clicks]
- A photo op!
[shutter clicks]
- Not exactly, Hashtag.
They're Cybertronian
Remembrance Flowers.
- Mom says when every
Autobot and Decepticon fell,
- Mom says when every
Autobot and Decepticon fell,
these absorb the
pieces of their spark.
- Each of these is a
life lost in battle?
- Many fell that day.
- Many fell that day.
Autobot, Decepticon, and human.
Autobot, Decepticon, and human.
- Tragic.
- Megatron, no disrespect,
- Megatron, no disrespect,
but we didn't start
a war or hurt anyone.
What's this got to do with us?
- Our fight was
destroying our species.
- Our fight was
destroying our species.
I was finally convinced
to abandon my side
I was finally convinced
to abandon my side
and join the Autobots.
I regret waiting so long
to do the right thing.
- When was your metaphorical
change of heart, exactly?
- When was your metaphorical
change of heart, exactly?
- It's not when,
Nightshade, but who.
- It's not when,
Nightshade, but who.
It was your mother,
Lieutenant Dorothy Malto.
A human soldier
showed more compassion
A human soldier
showed more compassion
for my own people than I did.
Sparks are precious.
Dot reminded me of that.
Dot reminded me of that.
- Does this have
anything to do with us
- Does this have
anything to do with us
being the last hope
of an entire species?
Because [clang]
Because [clang]
- What do you know
of the AllSpark?
- Oh, Dad told us
about that too.
- Oh, Dad told us
about that too.
It's an artifact that
creates Cybertronians.
- And keeps our
home planet alive.
- And keeps our
home planet alive.
Whoever takes the AllSpark
can raise countless
new Transformers.
Can raise countless
new Transformers.
[explosions boom, gunfire]
- Legions of warriors.
- Legions of warriors.
I'm starting to see
why this doohickey
might be useful in battle.
Might be useful in battle.
[howling in distance]
[owl hooting]
[owl hooting]
- The Decepticons
had the AllSpark
in their possession.
But my attempts to peacefully
reason with them failed.
Though the Autobots
lauded my efforts,
Though the Autobots
lauded my efforts,
my own people branded me
my own people branded me
a traitor.
- A traitor?
- Mr. Megatron?
I don't get why the Decepticons
didn't wanna go home.
I don't get why the Decepticons
didn't wanna go home.
They had the AllSpark, right?
- Good question, Mo.
I'll add: How does
any of this explain
I'll add: How does
any of this explain
why Terrans are the last
hope of a species, hmm?
Bear witness to the
fall of Megatron!
Bear witness to the
fall of Megatron!
- It was our darkest hour.
Our planet was dying
without its life force.
If Cybertron was to be saved,
we had to get the
AllSpark back home.
We had to get the
AllSpark back home.
Optimus' orders were clear.
Optimus' orders were clear.
Sneak in behind enemy lines
and retrieve the AllSpark.
- Megatron.
- Megatron.
- Shockwave.
It does not need to be
like this, old friend.
You made it like this, Megatron.
You joined the other side.
You joined the other side.
- It stopped being about "sides"
the moment the AllSpark
left Cybertron!
The moment the AllSpark
left Cybertron!
Our home dies without it.
So many innocents
sacrificed for what?
- For our glory.
- No!
- We will conquer this planet
- We will conquer this planet
and resurrect our own
under Decepticon rule.
With this, the Autobots
will kneel before us!
With this, the Autobots
will kneel before us!
- We began this war
so none would kneel.
- We began this war
so none would kneel.
It all has to end.
- It will end.
Sooner than you think.
Sooner than you think.
- A Protoform army?
- Once the AllSpark
awakens them,
- Once the AllSpark
awakens them,
the Autobots will fall,
Cybertron will be ours,
Cybertron will be ours,
and the Earth will be no more!
- I'm sorry, old friend.
- Well done, Megatron.
Now let's end this war.
Now let's end this war.
- [grunts]
Sorry, Shrapnel.
Sorry, Shrapnel.
[tires screech]
- [screaming]
- Take cover!
- [grunts]
- Bumblebee, up here!
[explosion booms]
- Yes!
I have it!
I have it!
Autobot lackey!
[struggling efforts]
[struggling efforts]
[soundwaves pulsing]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- Ah!
Decepticons, bear witness
to the fall of Megatron!
To the fall of Megatron!
[struggling efforts]
[struggling efforts]
- Now, Megatron!
- Ahh!
- Ahh!
[wondrous music]
[wondrous music]
- No!
- My greatest fear
- My greatest fear
is that the AllSpark was
destroyed in the explosion.
- But that would mean
- But that would mean
- Your home planet
and every bot on it
- Gone.
- Terribly tragic.
- Terribly tragic.
- I can see why
our AllSpark game
might've been hard to watch.
- Even we didn't know
this part of the story.
- Even we didn't know
this part of the story.
- The source of AllSparks
and Cybertron itself
and Cybertron itself
may be extinct.
We chose war and brought
ourselves close to doom.
We chose war and brought
ourselves close to doom.
Our hope is that your
generation finds a better way.
Our hope is that your
generation finds a better way.
- [sighs]
- Thrash?
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[powering on]
[powering on]
[somber music]
[somber music]
- You're worried about me.
Don't be.
That war I get
why it started,
That war I get
why it started,
but once it became
Decepticons versus Autobots?
I mean yeah sure, Megs
finally cleaned up his mess,
I mean yeah sure, Megs
finally cleaned up his mess,
but he's the one who
let it get that far.
Now he wants to put
the weight of it
all on our shoulders, you know?
And I mean Why
aren't you talking?
- I'm here to listen.
- I'm here to listen.
- Well, what's he
trying to teach us?
All I've learned is
that he messed up,
All I've learned is
that he messed up,
and we're supposed
to fix things.
- Maybe he's trying to teach us
not to make the same mistakes.
- Maybe he's trying to teach us
not to make the same mistakes.
[powering on]
- [gasps]
[powering on]
- [gasps]
[explosion booms]
- Megatron.
- Megatron.
- Get behind me.
- [gasps]
- [growls]
- At last, we meet again.
The Spacebridge! No!
Who did this?
- Shockwave, the war is over.
- Shockwave, the war is over.
You've been offline for years.
- Lies!
- Lies!
- Ohh! Uh!
[struggling efforts]
[struggling efforts]
- Back off.
- Is that?
- Is that?
- The Immobilizer.
- Leave them out
of this, Shockwave.
- Leave them out
of this, Shockwave.
- Them? Just who
exactly is them?
- Them? Just who
exactly is them?
- [struggling efforts]
- [grunts]
- Ahh!
- Thrash!
- [grunts]
- Thrash!
- [grunts]
- Abominations.
Accidents of the Emberstone.
Accidents of the Emberstone.
- They are not accidents!
- The Decepticons lost the war.
- The Decepticons lost the war.
Put the Immobilizer down!
These Terrans are the
new path to the future.
- You think you
can just start over
- You think you
can just start over
with these lower class Cybrids?
With these lower class Cybrids?
- Class. You have
learned nothing.
- Except that you'll
eventually betray them,
- Except that you'll
eventually betray them,
just like you did me.
- [grunts]
- Ah!
- [groans]
[blaster whirrs]
[blaster whirrs]
Look out!
[all grunting]
- [gasps]
- Ah!
- [gasps]
- Ah!
[metal groaning]
- [grunts]
[fighting efforts]
[beeps] [whirring]
[beeps] [whirring]
- The war continues so long
as I stand to oppose you.
- The war continues so long
as I stand to oppose you.
- Ah!
- Let's go out with fireworks.
- Let's go out with fireworks.
- [grunts]
- I've overloaded
the power core below.
- I've overloaded
the power core below.
It won't be long now.
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- Shockwave is going to blow
the bridge's power cells.
- Shockwave is going to blow
the bridge's power cells.
We have to stop him.
[electricity zaps] Ah! Uh!
We have just enough Energon in
us for those things to hurt.
We have just enough Energon in
us for those things to hurt.
If we can't get to Shockwave,
how will we stop the detonation?
How will we stop the detonation?
[explosions booming]
I think I can take
the power core offline
I think I can take
the power core offline
if I just get close enough.
- Mo, stay and watch
over our family.
- Mo, stay and watch
over our family.
You two, follow
me! [transforming]
[tires screech]
- [screeching]
[explosion booms]
- [gasps]
- [grunting]
- [laughs]
- [screeches]
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Okay, okay, okay.
Clock's ticking.
You're up, Nightshade.
Time to use that
big brain of yours.
Time to use that
big brain of yours.
- [grunting]
[electricity zaps] Ah!
[electricity zaps] Ah!
[powering down]
[powering down]
Good. Wasn't 100%
sure that would work.
Good. Wasn't 100%
sure that would work.
- What?
- [grunting]
- [grunting]
- You brought this on
yourself, Megatron.
- You brought this on
yourself, Megatron.
- [grunting]
- [grunting]
- Humans.
Sentient bags of goo.
Sentient bags of goo.
Leave, or perish
with the traitor.
- Bullies never win, Shockwave.
- Bullies never win, Shockwave.
- Ahh!
[metal groaning]
- Ahh!
[metal groaning]
- Yeah! [laughs]
[powering down]
- Nightshade, we good yet?
- Nightshade, we good yet?
- Almost. Huh!
[electricity zapping]
[powering down]
There! Now we're good.
There! Now we're good.
- And [chuckles]
if I wore shorts,
I'd have to go change them.
- Oh, hey, Megatron!
- Power cord is connected.
Detonation averted.
Detonation averted.
- Should we do the honors?
- Huh.
- Oh.
- Huh.
- Oh.
- [sighs]
- Uh, where did I go just then?
[Mo laughs]
[Mo laughs]
- Well, this was not quite the
memorial visit I had planned.
- Well, this was not quite the
memorial visit I had planned.
- Us either.
- Us either.
- I suppose the moment has
passed for imparting my wisdom.
- Actually, Megatron, you
gave us a lot to think about.
- Actually, Megatron, you
gave us a lot to think about.
- And an excellent warning
of how good intentions
can turn bad.
Of how good intentions
can turn bad.
- We could use some advice
on how to be your
only hope, though.
- When the day comes for
you to emerge from hiding,
expect harsh words from
those who do not understand.
Expect harsh words from
those who do not understand.
Stand up for yourselves, yes.
But remember, do not let your
disagreements divide you.
But remember, do not let your
disagreements divide you.
The Decepticons and Autobots
could've accomplished
so much more
could've accomplished
so much more
if we had remembered that.
Do not do what we did.
Do not do what we did.
Do better.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
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