True Beauty (2020) s01e16 Episode Script
Episode 16
You didn't have to walk me home.
Well, it was a proper date after all.
I wouldn't walk a friend home.
You live too close to the bus stop.
What are you talking about?
My house is far from the bus stop.
No, it's not. It was a very short walk.
We're here.
Get home safe.
going to use my wish.
-I'm sorry.
we have some dates left.
Good night.
Do you still have feelings for Ju-kyung?
Did you tell her how you feel?
I'm dating her.
I know that's not true.
What do you know?
I told you I met Ju-kyung yesterday.
Exactly. Why did it have to be yesterday?
-The first snow fell.
-What are you saying?
So it's not true, right?
Guess I made you nervous.
-I'm not nervous.
-Whatever, you punk.
So he hugged her?
But we broke up.
I didn't miss you.
Hey, you're up.
Who gave you these flowers?
You got a new boyfriend?
No, it's not like that.
I brought these out from your room.
I didn't want them to wither.
I forgot about them.
Flowers are so pretty
when they are in a vase,
but pitiable when they wilt
without anyone to look at them.
Are you super busy?
I'm in your company building.
Can I see you after practice?
I'll be waiting in the lobby.
You should've left when I didn't reply,
and not waited for hours.
Yes, actually what?
Did you have dinner?
Do you want to get dinner with me?
Are you here to take me out?
I'm quite busy today.
I have something to say.
Save that for some other time.
I'm too busy today to go out on a date,
so this will make it even.
Did you know?
Soo-ho is going back to the States
on a red-eye tonight.
-What with his dad waking up,
he said he only came in briefly
to take care of some things.
You should hurry
if you want to say goodbye.
Hey, don't just stand there.
Hurry along.
You don't want to miss him.
Go on.
The door is closing.
What's this?
It's unlike you to study so hard.
Blow it out.
I'm not going to sing for you.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
You said you wouldn't sing.
Hey, Ju-kyung.
What number will you pick
if you don't know the answer?
Number three?
Then I should guess all numbers
other than three.
Don't get nervous and do well.
Thank you.
Here. Good luck to you too.
I'm taking it.
One, two, three!
-You look so awkward.
-Guys, it looks too gloomy.
-Act natural.
-Look cute.
-Bye, Saebom High.
-One, two, three!
-Farewell, Saebom High!
Hey, Ju-kyung!
How could you exclude me?
-Go to your class.
-Don't you know when not to butt in?
Okay, Seo-jun. I got you.
I'll take pictures of you two.
-Come stand here.
-Go on.
-Get ready.
-You should've come sooner.
-Try to look friendly.
-Look friendlier.
-One, two, three!
-Come on.
-Do it right this time.
-You closed your eyes.
-Hey, do it right.
Okay, one, two, three!
Soo-ho is going back to the States
on a red-eye tonight.
Darn it.
Hey, Lee Soo-ho!
Did you leave already?
You bastard!
Why did you come back
if you were going to just take off?
Why did you even follow me around?
Don't leave.
Don't leave!
I'm not going to let you go,
so please don't go.
I'm not
going anywhere.
Don't you ever leave.
Stop crying, okay?
Don't go.
I'm not going.
I tried to pretend I was fine,
but I was so nervous
I thought I'd go insane.
Over what?
I was worried
you might refuse to see me.
You're lying.
I mean it.
But you were going to leave.
What are you talking about?
I heard you were going back
to the States tonight.
Why would I?
What's that suitcase for then?
I was unpacking earlier.
What? Seo-jun said you were going back…
Seo-jun said that?
So you ran over here
thinking I was leaving?
-No, it's not like that.
-To make me stay?
I said it's not like that.
-Why are you running away?
-I'm not running…
Aren't you here to see me?
I better go home.
I have a very important event at home.
It's not that way.
I'll take you home.
Do you hate me?
Are you not going to look at me?
You were going to come back.
You came back.
Why did you do that then?
I thought waiting…
would be too hard on you.
Waiting was nothing…
compared to what you made me go through.
It was the same for me.
It was excruciating.
That's why…
I'd been looking for ways to come back.
Even if my dad hadn't woken up,
I would have come back for you.
What if I had forgotten about you?
I'd chase after you then.
What if I still didn't want you back?
I would've cried and begged,
or won you over with my charms.
Please look at me.
I gave you such a hard time.
I'm sorry.
There's no need for that.
I understand how you felt.
I get it.
But seeing your face
reminds me of how sad I was.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
I'm sure you were hurting too.
How hard it must have been for you
so far away from home.
With no other family members,
you must have struggled alone
at the hospital.
How painful it must have been for you.
I was worried and I wanted
to be there for you right away.
No 18-year-olds have that kind of money.
We were too young.
Don't cry.
Come here.
I was surprised to find out
they were dating,
so I'm amazed to hear
they're getting married.
Who'd hold up against Hee-kyung
if not someone like Mr. Han?
-Why are you staring at me like that?
Just because.
You've changed a lot.
You even drive now.
I've kept mine too.
You didn't throw it away.
It's the same.
What is?
We haven't changed at all
from the past.
When in the past?
When you were a crybaby?
You keep calling me that
when I just cried once.
But you are a crybaby.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
If I hadn't found the writing,
I wouldn't have known.
I was saving it for a special day,
but I never got to tell you.
You should have just told me.
Back when we were kids,
I had a crush on you.
I used to wait for you at the comics shop.
I guess the feeling was mutual,
seeing how you remember me
after all this time.
It wasn't.
I just remember you as a crybaby
from the comics shop.
That's too bad.
It was one-sided then.
How have you been feeling? Are you better?
What are you talking about?
Was I ever not feeling well?
You even went to the ER.
How's your constipation?
Right. That's better now.
You need to exercise regularly
and eat a lot of fiber.
You should also take probiotics,
drink lots of water,
and set up a regular lifestyle--
Hey, do you really have to bring that up
at this moment?
It's embarrassing.
I've been having some trouble
from the recent stress,
but my bowel movements
are usually more than fine.
Stop the car.
I'll walk home for the exercise.
You can stop right there.
Pull over.
-Are you heading home?
Yes, I am.
-Aren't you feeling tired?
-Not at all.
I shouldn't call you while you're driving.
You could call me from home.
No, it's all right.
I want to hear your voice.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Why do you ask?
So I can come see you.
It feels like a dream
to be able to see you tomorrow again.
I feel the same way.
When we get to the refrain,
-the drums need to make an impact.
-Like an explosive sound?
And the guitar here.
-Don't keep playing a D.
-Should I jump ahead?
-Move on right away?
-That's it. Move on.
Why did you have to come out right then?
You stole my moment.
-What do you mean?
It was my last chance.
To do what I couldn't do two years ago.
To tell her how I feel and get rejected.
I'm finally doing it now.
What brings you here?
I'm not busy today, so I'll hear you out.
I don't know how to say this…
What do you mean?
It's written all over your face.
You've always been an open book.
I have nothing to say
except thank you and sorry.
There's nothing to be sorry about.
I already knew…
that you were never over Soo-ho.
So you don't have to feel sorry.
I knew there was no place
for me in your heart.
I was just reaching for it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for confusing you
by telling you how I feel.
It would be cool if I felt that way,
but that's nonsense.
I should at least get to try, right?
Your brother Ju-young once told me
that it's easier to let go
after getting rejected.
Don't you worry.
I'm so busy preparing for my debut
that I won't be able to
think about you for long.
I'll get over you in no time.
I'm going to leave
if you keep looking at me like that.
-I'm getting up.
-Okay, I get it. Let's eat.
-It's on me.
Let's go.
Are you using tricks from the first round?
-Please let go.
-I'll bet all my aroma candles
on your hand having filthy intentions.
What will you bet?
What are you two doing?
What are you doing all dressed up?
I'm practicing giving Hee-kyung
away for tomorrow.
What are you talking about?
They'll be walking in together.
-Everyone, come eat!
But why?
I hear it's popular these days.
Soo-ho, you're here again?
Did you sleep in again?
You've been coming
to our place for a month now.
If you're going to keep that up,
why don't you just marry her?
Why don't you just shut your trap?
It'd be nice to get them married off soon.
I can't give her up that easily.
What time should I pick you up later?
It's okay, you're tired. Don't pick me up.
-It's no trouble for me.
- Soo-ho is really awesome.
I'm so jealous.
You're unemployed but affluent.
Why don't you focus on
getting into college?
I studied until early in the morning.
I'm more desperate than anyone else.
Is Go-un going to wait for you
until you get in?
Don't you dare jinx a CSAT retaker.
What? Are you talking back?
He keeps acting like
a brother-in-law to him.
-Just eat your meal.
A makeup concept proposal
for the new boy band?
Che-ni, the filming's being delayed.
-Please wait here.
Hold on. Hello?
Ju-kyung, are you dating Seo-jun?
No, I'm not.
Thought so.
He wouldn't if he had working eyes.
Seo-jun does have working eyes,
so he wouldn't go out with just anybody.
Face mist.
I didn't ask for a wet sauna.
That's enough.
By the way,
why do you keep bringing her along?
It's crowded enough as it is,
and she's not doing anything.
She's an intern,
so I'm training her on the job.
That's my point.
Why are you training her
while working for me?
Even the professionals
don't fully meet my standards.
How would a newbie not get on my nerves?
-She has a serious attitude problem.
You're our angel, Che-ni.
Could you try to be understanding?
Then, can you get me
some gimbap since I'm hungry?
Cheese gimbap.
It was dumplings in high school,
and now it's gimbap.
Hey, hurry up!
Here you are.
What's this?
Don't you know I hate cucumber?
You should have asked
to take the cucumber out.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know you didn't like it.
Should I go get a new one?
No need. I'm starving,
so just take the cucumber out.
What are you doing?
Take the cucumber out.
You take it out.
Hey, I'm Che-ni.
Should I be taking the cucumber
out of my gimbap?
I said you take it out!
Do you not have hands?
I didn't study cosmetology
to take cucumber out of gimbap!
What's with the power trip?
Hey, are you crazy?
Do you want to get fired?
I'd rather quit than get fired by you.
You insolent brat with no personality!
What? What did you just say?
Che-ni, what's going on?
This girl just…
Here she goes again.
Hey, what the heck?
What did you do to her?
That's enough, please!
You need to stop too, Che-ni.
-Why do you keep putting on a show?
-Have you lost it?
Hey, what did you just say to her?
Are you some thug who pushes girls?
Kang Su-jin.
Are you all right? Did he hurt you?
How have you been?
I've been okay.
How have you been?
After I dropped out,
my mom and I went abroad
to stay with my aunt.
My parents got divorced.
So you must be in school now, right?
I'm doing overseas volunteer work.
I got back from Haiti not too long ago.
I see.
So that was why.
No one heard from you,
so I wondered what happened to you.
Because I didn't tell anyone.
I wanted to apologize
when I came back to Korea.
So I asked around about
where you work and came here.
I'm sorry.
It's too late, but I apologize.
I'm really sorry.
I'm not saying this expecting forgiveness.
I was so twisted then.
I thought you had everything
that I didn't,
so it felt like I had lost again.
I thought by taking
and ruining things for you
would mean my victory.
I always had to beat someone else and win.
That's how I was taught.
But when I got away from my dad,
I realized how badly I hurt you…
and what I had lost.
I regretted it so much.
So I wanted to apologize to you,
but I didn't feel like
I should do it over the phone.
I thought you might avoid my calls too.
You should have just called.
I would have gladly picked it up.
I guess I should have.
I'm fine.
I'm really okay now.
The memories from then
don't pain me as much anymore.
I'm not even upset with you.
But still…
I'm relieved
that I got to meet you and apologize.
I'm even more relieved
to hear that you're free now.
Your hands are all healed.
They're pretty.
Your kick was still amazing.
I lost my temper and kicked him.
I hope I didn't get you into trouble.
The worst that can happen is they fire me.
It's okay.
-That song?
-Of course. I suggested it.
I told you I've been a fan of Leo's songs.
You and Se-yeon wrote the song together.
I thought it'd be meaningful
if Seo-jun sang it.
We're not doing Se-yeon justice
by leaving it as a plagiarized song.
I'm sure you were upset too.
What has you so deep in thought?
It's just hard to believe.
I haven't even studied music properly.
All I know is what I learned from Se-yeon.
Seo-jun told me everything.
He said one can easily see your passion
from all those instruments at home.
We're not going to put it
on the album if it sounds bad,
so don't get ahead of yourself.
I want to hear
Leo's version of "Starlight."
Don't overthink it and send it along.
All right, that's enough business talk.
Can I open my wedding gift now?
Goodness, why is it so heavy?
Gosh, this is so thoughtful of you.
Congratulations on your wedding.
We have a lot of things
that needed fixing at home.
I want to hear
Leo's version of "Starlight."
Who is he? What's his name?
Su-jin already kicked him for me.
That's nice of her.
-Were I there, I would've nearly killed--
-You're not nearly killing anyone.
Luckily, I didn't get fired.
I'm being punished, but still.
I need to finish this quickly,
so I'll call you later.
What are you doing?
I'm washing the brushes and sponges.
-All by yourself?
What do you think you're doing?
These are latex puffs.
They shrink when washed in hot water!
I'm sorry.
Sort out the natural brushes
from the synthetic ones first.
They're washed differently,
so don't get confused.
Lim Su-jeong, was it?
I'm Lim Ju-kyung.
Are you the one
who told Che-ni off earlier?
I'm really sorry about that too, ma'am.
You did well on that.
She looked down on my staff too much.
I told her to go elsewhere.
The poster on the announcement board
for the makeup concept proposal
for Move Entertainment's new boy band…
Can I submit one too?
-Lim Kyung-ja, can't you read?
The eligibility section clearly states,
"all employees."
Thank you! I'll try my best!
But my name is Lim Ju-kyung.
Gosh, he's really handsome. Who is he?
-Is that his girlfriend?
-Probably just a friend.
Were you waiting long?
Babe, what took you so long?
I was waiting for you.
Babe, did you eat yet?
Here, open up.
Let's just do this. She's his girlfriend.
Did you just get jealous?
As if.
Don't go around smiling like that. Got it?
I think those middle schoolers
made you jealous just now.
Didn't they, "babe"?
That's enough, Soo-ho.
Why did you stop calling me "babe," babe?
No, thank you.
Should I try it?
Try what?
Calling me babe?
I'm not sure how to approach it
since I've rarely done makeup on guys.
-This is quite ticklish.
-Hold still. I really need to try this.
Imagining it and actually seeing it
in front of me is different.
Come on, you're my model.
-Come on, Soo-ho.
-I get it.
-Hold still.
Hey, the vibe is great. One, two.
Good. Look over here, one, two, three!
It's great, the models are great,
a great vibe.
Smile. Seo-jun, look here and smile.
That's perfect!
One, two, three, two, three.
Look over here, that's great.
Guys! You're so handsome!
I bet girls will go nuts over you!
Why are you two so overly excited?
Because you're doing great.
Let's turn the industry upside down!
Your frown actually looks cool.
Nice, Seo-jun.
Here goes nothing.
Here, ma'am.
You felt okay about it?
Weren't you angry at all?
Not at all.
It was so great to see her again.
You're just too nice.
But I do want to see her too, though.
I've wondered how she's doing.
This one's cute. Try it.
-Should I?
This one's also super cute. Try this one!
How much did your sister give you
for a new bag?
What's your budget?
-She gave me her card!
-Hey, then get both. Just buy everything.
No, I also need to buy my outfit
for her wedding day.
-I'll take this one.
Which one would work better
for Hee-kyung's wedding?
This one or that one?
I like this one.
No, this one.
No, this one.
-I like this one.
-Then why did you ask me to pick?
By the way, you went on a trip
with Soo-ho recently.
I did. So?
-Nothing happened?
-What do you mean?
Well, you know.
This and that. And you know…
"This and that"?
I almost lost my phone and--
No, not that kind of stuff.
More like…
You know what I'm saying.
Come on.
We just took an early morning train
for a day trip.
What? You two are too uptight.
-You're not in high school anymore and--
-Stop it.
Don't be embarrassed.
Why aren't you seeing Soo-ho
on your day off?
He's meeting Tae-hoon today.
What, Tae-hoon?
Why didn't you say that? Let's join them.
Let's just let them
hang out by themselves.
Hey, I actually miss…
I need to get something from him,
so call Soo-ho.
He's not answering.
What? Try calling him again.
He's still not answering.
I guess they're busy talking.
Something is fishy.
Tae-hoon's been enjoying himself
too much before the military.
We are going somewhere hot today!
"Somewhere hot"?
What is it?
-What the heck? This is a singles bar!
A singles bar?
Yoo Tae-hoon, you're dead meat.
Did he answer?
He's not picking up.
Why are you calling?
Hey, where are you now?
What are you doing?
I'm having a hot-ass time with Soo-ho.
-"A hot-ass time"?
-What? "Hot-ass"?
-Hey, if you don't--
-I'm busy. Hang up.
Hello? Hey, Yoo Tae-hoon!
-What did he say?
-This dirtbag!
Did someone call me?
-Out of my way!
Yoo Tae-hoon, you went
to a singles bar with Soo-ho, right?
What are you saying?
Your post said
you were going "somewhere hot"!
-What did you do in your "hot-ass time"?
-But where's Soo-ho?
Let go! We went over there.
A sauna?
It's Ju-kyung.
You two were "somewhere hot"
and had a "hot-ass time."
-Yes, it was hot.
It was very hot.
Hey, Su… What's up with him?
He's listless like seaweed!
I made him drink a bit in the sauna.
What do we do with him?
Soo-ho, wake up.
-Why are you calling her "Du-kyung"?
-Why are you calling her "Du-kyung"?
You're really drunk.
I'll take you home.
-I'm going, guys. Let's go.
-Come here, get up.
Okay, get home safe.
Get home safe!
The ground is coming towards me.
No, not there.
-Here, let's go.
-Let's go.
I'll be off, then.
Wait, Tu-ah… no.
I'm sorry.
But why did you come here?
What do you mean?
Well, we're not together.
So my going somewhere hot
or having a hot-ass time
is hardly your business, right?
I never said it was my business.
You know you dumped me 17 times already?
I'm never going to take you back
regardless of what you say.
-Why follow me if you won't take me back?
-It's late.
It's dangerous.
I can't let you go home alone.
Seriously, whatever.
I love…
I love you.
Come here.
Thank you.
Come here.
Don't you ever drink like this again.
Where am I?
Where? You're at your place.
-My head's spinning.
Be careful. Here, careful.
I came across it,
but I'm specially giving it to you.
You're now my friend
I've shared my secret with,
so I should care for you.
You've put it here.
Look at him all drunk,
smiling with his eyes. It won't do.
-Didn't I tell you not to smile so much?
By the way, who are you?
Who are you
to barge into my place like this?
-I'm Lim Ju-kyung.
-Lim Ju-kyung?
My girlfriend's name is also Lim Ju-kyung.
You're pretty too.
Is that right?
Then do you want to break up
with your girlfriend and date me?
I can't do that!
I'm Lim Ju-kyung's man!
That's too bad.
Then I'll be leaving now.
Get some rest.
Come here.
I like you so much, what do I do?
Hey, that's really cringey. Stop.
I like you so much, what do I do?
You're a totally different person
when you're drunk.
You know what?
The song Se-yeon and I wrote together…
is going to be sung by Seo-jun.
Would Se-yeon…
like that?
Of course. I'm sure of it.
Of course.
If I were him, I'd be over the moon.
I do…
hope so.
Wake up.
It's late.
Wake up.
I tried to wake you up.
You just didn't wake up.
I love you.
-Are you all right?
I was going to go once you were asleep,
but I fell asleep.
I was about to wake you up.
Mom called me.
I didn't tell her I'd be late.
Why didn't you go home?
I told your mom
you were sleeping at my place.
Have fun, my friend.
Aren't you going to call her?
I think Su-ah covered for me.
She did?
I'll take you home. Where are my car keys?
Where did I put them?
But you drank tonight.
I can call a designated driver.
I'll just call a taxi.
I can't seem to get one.
Is it because it's early in the morning?
I'll try to get one outside.
Can you just stay?
Do you have to go?
It's already late.
Don't go.
Are you cooking something?
That's impressive.
What, this?
I'm just stir-frying things.
I can't even cook instant noodles right.
I guess I'll be the cook then.
It looks good. Here.
I'm hungry.
Take your time.
It's really good.
-Did you use some kind of secret sauce?
-Have some salad too.
I told you.
You need to have a lot of fiber
for your constipation.
Hold on.
In my eyes…
you are Lim Ju-kyung.
You kept this all this time?
Do you know how to tie hair?
I'll give it a try.
Does it look weird?
Why did you keep it?
I'm glad I kept it.
Do you want to go see a movie
after I get off work?
I can't today. I have important business.
"Important business"?
As I close my eyes
The sight of you grows clearer
I long even more for your bright light
You used to spend long nights here
It's where I'll briefly rest
And stay by your side
When the song borne out of my weary tears
Reaches the sky
Approach me slowly…
-Great job, everyone.
-Well done.
Hey, you were awesome.
You might get sued at this rate.
For breaking the hearts of fangirls.
Cringe much?
So Leo, what did you think?
You'll break those poor fangirls' hearts.
-Are you kidding me?
Hey, beautiful guys. Go ahead and fight.
-I love all the blood, sweat, and tears.
-Hold on.
You're not throwing up again, are you?
Finish up the session.
I need to go get ready
for my wedding tomorrow.
I'll be off then.
You're getting yourself a fine husband.
I need to give my grapefruit a good life.
-I'm hungry.
-Do you want to eat something?
Is that enough?
Hey, I can't sing well when I'm full.
By the way,
your voice isn't what it used to be.
Hey, when I was singing earlier,
I saw you secretly crying!
Who, me?
I won't get to see you as often
when you get busy after your debut.
I'll be super busy.
Get in line while you can.
Hey, I'll be busy too.
I'm going to start studying.
-Studying what?
-Studying music.
I learned how to compose
by watching others do it.
I want to learn it properly,
starting from the basics.
Hey, are you taking the CSAT then?
Poor Ju-kyung.
She has to support a CSAT taker then.
Even if I were to take it now,
I could get into most schools.
You jerk, stop bragging.
Do you want some cola?
Carbonation is bad for your vocal cords.
Drink water instead.
Okay, I get it. I'll drink water.
There was a reason
you didn't sound as good.
Are you my wife? Stop nagging.
You're debuting soon,
so have some self-discipline.
Hey, who is it?
Who do you keep texting?
Someone from my school.
Someone from school?
A guy or a girl?
-A guy.
-A guy?
You're smiling?
Shouldn't you wait for me
to get into college next year?
Who told you to take the CSAT again?
It's not like I chose to.
Okay, I'll stomach you flirting with guys.
Enjoy your college life, but not too much.
Hey, Ju-young.
I know how much you like me,
and I know there's no one quite like you.
So don't you flirt with other girls
at your academy.
I'll make you pay.
Gosh, Ju-kyung.
I see your time in college and internship
was a good bang for your buck.
Watch your language. You're the bride.
Hold still, won't you?
Hee-kyung looks so beautiful.
What's wrong with me? Seriously…
I shouldn't keep crying,
but I can't help myself.
-The bride and the groom are switched.
-He's so cute.
What is that, Dad?
He cried all night long,
so his eyes were puffy.
They are much better now.
Why do you keep crying?
She's marrying a guy
who's just like her dad.
-All done.
Gosh, is this really me? What?
You did great, thanks.
-You're here.
-Hee-kyung, you look so pretty.
-Where's Seo-jun?
-It's just me and Go-un.
Seo-jun's really busy
preparing for his debut.
You look beautiful.
-Hyun-kyu Almighty.
-Yes, Savior Tae-hoon?
What's this?
Why didn't you bring your girlfriend?
My girlfriend is busy.
You were lying, right?
You lied about having a girlfriend
to get out of the military pact.
Even your couple's ring looks ridiculous.
-Are you wearing your dad's?
-My dad's?
It's an 18k white gold ring
custom-made in Dongdaemun.
-What do you know?
You look so handsome in your suit.
What? Why are you
calling him "Hoon" again?
You only call him "Hoon"
when you're dating.
Are you two back together?
When did I call him "Hoon"?
You need to get your ears checked.
That's fishy,
you don't easily call him "Hoon."
What do you mean, "fishy"?
-Hey, long time no see!
-Hey, what's up?
Su-ah, your hand got larger.
Hey, what are you doing?
Why are you grabbing my girlfriend's hand?
No, it's not like that…
What? Your girlfriend?
Hey, you two were always arguing,
When did you get so close?
You told me you two would never date.
This is insane.
I told you to be careful
not to get caught!
Do I embarrass you, babe?
-Stop it.
-What the heck?
Hey, guys.
-Please give us your blessing.
-No, stop.
-Hold on.
-Stop it!
Hey, don't!
What do you think you're doing?
-What's wrong with him?
-Hoon, let's just go.
-I can't stand the sight of you.
You're here.
How did her makeup turn out?
Why do I feel nervous and weird
when Hee-kyung's the one getting married?
Any news about the proposal?
You said you find out today.
Yes, they made the announcement.
-So, how did it go?
Good or bad?
-You got it?
-I didn't.
You didn't?
It'd be weird for me to get picked
when I'm the newest employee.
That's too bad. You worked so hard on it.
But it still feels good.
My internship ends soon
with the semester coming up.
I would've felt sorry for it to end
only having done chores.
I learned a lot
preparing the presentation.
I'm so proud of you.
But I think I picked the wrong model.
People were more interested
in you than my proposal,
asking where I booked you.
It's your fault I didn't win.
-Was it because of me?
How do I make up for it?
Why do you two look
so pretty and handsome?
-People might think it's your wedding.
-They so would.
What? Kang Su-jin?
Gosh, you haven't changed a bit.
Long time no see, Kangsu.
I haven't heard that nickname in years.
I'm glad you came.
Su-ah was asking about you too.
-How have you been?
-I heard about your dad.
-Glad to hear he's better now.
-Yes, thank you.
Hey, I've missed you.
You should have called.
I'm sorry.
That's so cute.
Hee-kyung, our wedding bands arrived.
And not a minute too soon.
-See if it fits.
-It's too snug.
-I can't get it off.
It's because you drank last night!
What kind of bride drinks before--
It's not coming off. You try.
-Let me see.
What? It's really not coming off.
-I could just walk in wearing the ring.
-You can't do that.
The exchange of rings
is important at a wedding.
He's right. Let me see. I'll get it off.
You will?
I'm good at these things…
You're going to pull my finger off!
Easy, honey. Go easy.
I will take it off for you!
It came off.
There it is.
Ms. Lim, please come with me
to the bridal room.
I got it.
What's going on?
-What is it?
Darn it…
Congratulations, Hee-kyung--
What? Isn't this the bridal room?
Why is the groom here?
Goodness, what's going on?
Do grooms have waiting rooms these days?
You look so handsome, Mr. Han!
-Thank you.
Let's take a photo.
Gather next to the groom.
-Sure. Come over here.
Here, take a seat.
Okay, I'm going to take it now.
One, two, three.
Ms. Lee.
-Are you okay?
Gosh, Ms. Lee!
-Please prepare for your entrance.
-All right.
-What do we do?
-Ms. Lee.
I'm the groom!
It's not working!
When did her face get so big?
What do we do? Should we call for help?
-Police? Fire department?
The bride needs to enter right now.
What do we do?
Finally, the stars of the show!
The bride and the groom will now enter.
All guests,
please face the back of the room.
Now, please give a big round of applause
and a dolphin-like loud cheer
at your highest vocal register
to the man and the woman of the hour!
Bride and groom, you may enter.
This might be the most
beautiful wedding I've ever seen.
A round of applause!
The bride's necklace is very beautiful.
Now that we have finished
this sacred wedding processional,
the honorable wedding officiant
will share a word of blessing.
I am so grateful
and honored beyond measure
to be officiating the wedding
of Mr. Han Jun-woo and Ms. Lim Hee-kyung.
When I first met the groom,
Mr. Han Jun-woo,
I saw a halo around him as he entered
the gate of Saebom High School.
I knew then and there
that he had the quality and the potential
to open up a new chapter in the history
of Saebom High School.
Now, the bride will demonstrate
her love for the groom
by giving three cheers!
Han Jun-woo is my man!
-Han Jun-woo is mine!
-That was thunderous! Applause, please!
-No, we won't.
A round of applause!
You're so awesome!
I'll go wash the sponges.
Hey, you're here too.
Hey, you look handsome today.
Just today?
I'm handsome all the time.
Are you done, Seo-jun?
-Should we get to it?
I guess you're paying attention today.
What color would you recommend?
Sorry? Me?
Who else could I be asking?
Considering the color of his hair
and his outfit…
how about going with something matte?
Then why don't you try it?
-Seriously, who else is there?
You two are friends, right?
Good luck finishing it up for him.
Your concept proposal.
It wasn't half bad,
coming from a new member.
Lim Ju-kyung.
What's going on?
Hey, you heard her complimenting me
and calling my name, right?
I'm not dreaming, am I?
Are you that happy?
You don't know how
this fangirl is feeling right now!
Hurry up and finish it.
Why are your hands shaking?
Actually, this is my first time
holding a brush on the job.
-You did it fine the last time.
-It's not the same thing.
Even if you try, you can't ruin it.
My lips are too gorgeous.
Hold still.
All done.
Thank you.
It's not like I did much.
Break a leg. I'll be watching.
Don't get nervous.
Good luck to you too.
Go get them!
Hey, your palm is so sweaty.
You're nervous, aren't you?
I'm not nervous. I'm fearless.
Does it look like I get nervous?
Let's go!
-Let's go.
-Put your hands here.
We practiced hard.
Let's give it our all out there.
-Sure thing!
-One, two, three.
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
I'm back.
-Did it go well?
-Yes. I did Seo-jun's lips myself.
What about me?
They're starting.
The sky is tinged with violet
The bleak wind blows
Turning the night colder
Familiar memories etched into my heart
Once again
The night fills up with you
Only thankful memories remain
Of you and I, excited and smiling
Worried you might become a star
And vanish again
I will keep these feelings
In the space left by you
As I close my eyes
The sight of you grows clearer
I long even more
For your bright light
You used to spend long nights here
It's where I'll briefly rest
And stay by your side
When the song borne out of my weary tears
Reaches the sky
Approach me slowly
Like a neverending dream
As a star
By my side
It's like wandering in the darkness
For a long time
And encountering a ray of light
All the weary days and sorrow
Melt away like the snow
A single thread of hope held off
-Countless tears
-Countless tears
I jumped in for a vague dream
Dedicating my whole heart to it
It all begins today
It's like I'm born again
The world unfolds before my eyes
I will begin my race again
-The future I only dreamed of
-You're so handsome!
Is turning into reality, piece by piece
All those dreams that I had longed for
Are almost within my grasp
I haven't finished reading it.
Are you done?
Not yet.
Isn't that too slow?
You said you're a fast reader.
I'm taking my time,
enjoying each and every page.
Are you just looking at the pictures
and moving on?
-That's a discourtesy to the genre.
-Unlike you, I am a fast reader.
Enough with the bragging.
Gosh, this is really good, though.
This is Killer of Darkness
reimagined as a zombie apocalypse.
It's a brilliant and modern take.
You think so?
I thought it was unnecessary.
With the zombies,
the classic charm of invoking an odd fear
toward an unknown metaphysical being
has all disappeared.
There are many classics
where the originals are better.
Like the one published
by Ed Seller in 1921,
-Night of Nightmares!
-Night of Nightmares!
-Of course, you know it.
-How could I not?
With a modern drawing style--
I get it. Let's finish this first.
I want to see what happens.
Okay, turn the page.
I'm done reading. Go on, turn it.
Come on.
What are you doing?
No, it's not what you're thinking.
I'm sorry.
Please continue.
I'm heading out to grab a bite.
Actually, I'm getting a full-course meal.
Shall we continue?
Come on. Stop it.
I found it.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
You didn't have to walk me home.
Well, it was a proper date after all.
I wouldn't walk a friend home.
You live too close to the bus stop.
What are you talking about?
My house is far from the bus stop.
No, it's not. It was a very short walk.
We're here.
Get home safe.
going to use my wish.
-I'm sorry.
we have some dates left.
Good night.
Do you still have feelings for Ju-kyung?
Did you tell her how you feel?
I'm dating her.
I know that's not true.
What do you know?
I told you I met Ju-kyung yesterday.
Exactly. Why did it have to be yesterday?
-The first snow fell.
-What are you saying?
So it's not true, right?
Guess I made you nervous.
-I'm not nervous.
-Whatever, you punk.
So he hugged her?
But we broke up.
I didn't miss you.
Hey, you're up.
Who gave you these flowers?
You got a new boyfriend?
No, it's not like that.
I brought these out from your room.
I didn't want them to wither.
I forgot about them.
Flowers are so pretty
when they are in a vase,
but pitiable when they wilt
without anyone to look at them.
Are you super busy?
I'm in your company building.
Can I see you after practice?
I'll be waiting in the lobby.
You should've left when I didn't reply,
and not waited for hours.
Yes, actually what?
Did you have dinner?
Do you want to get dinner with me?
Are you here to take me out?
I'm quite busy today.
I have something to say.
Save that for some other time.
I'm too busy today to go out on a date,
so this will make it even.
Did you know?
Soo-ho is going back to the States
on a red-eye tonight.
-What with his dad waking up,
he said he only came in briefly
to take care of some things.
You should hurry
if you want to say goodbye.
Hey, don't just stand there.
Hurry along.
You don't want to miss him.
Go on.
The door is closing.
What's this?
It's unlike you to study so hard.
Blow it out.
I'm not going to sing for you.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
You said you wouldn't sing.
Hey, Ju-kyung.
What number will you pick
if you don't know the answer?
Number three?
Then I should guess all numbers
other than three.
Don't get nervous and do well.
Thank you.
Here. Good luck to you too.
I'm taking it.
One, two, three!
-You look so awkward.
-Guys, it looks too gloomy.
-Act natural.
-Look cute.
-Bye, Saebom High.
-One, two, three!
-Farewell, Saebom High!
Hey, Ju-kyung!
How could you exclude me?
-Go to your class.
-Don't you know when not to butt in?
Okay, Seo-jun. I got you.
I'll take pictures of you two.
-Come stand here.
-Go on.
-Get ready.
-You should've come sooner.
-Try to look friendly.
-Look friendlier.
-One, two, three!
-Come on.
-Do it right this time.
-You closed your eyes.
-Hey, do it right.
Okay, one, two, three!
Soo-ho is going back to the States
on a red-eye tonight.
Darn it.
Hey, Lee Soo-ho!
Did you leave already?
You bastard!
Why did you come back
if you were going to just take off?
Why did you even follow me around?
Don't leave.
Don't leave!
I'm not going to let you go,
so please don't go.
I'm not
going anywhere.
Don't you ever leave.
Stop crying, okay?
Don't go.
I'm not going.
I tried to pretend I was fine,
but I was so nervous
I thought I'd go insane.
Over what?
I was worried
you might refuse to see me.
You're lying.
I mean it.
But you were going to leave.
What are you talking about?
I heard you were going back
to the States tonight.
Why would I?
What's that suitcase for then?
I was unpacking earlier.
What? Seo-jun said you were going back…
Seo-jun said that?
So you ran over here
thinking I was leaving?
-No, it's not like that.
-To make me stay?
I said it's not like that.
-Why are you running away?
-I'm not running…
Aren't you here to see me?
I better go home.
I have a very important event at home.
It's not that way.
I'll take you home.
Do you hate me?
Are you not going to look at me?
You were going to come back.
You came back.
Why did you do that then?
I thought waiting…
would be too hard on you.
Waiting was nothing…
compared to what you made me go through.
It was the same for me.
It was excruciating.
That's why…
I'd been looking for ways to come back.
Even if my dad hadn't woken up,
I would have come back for you.
What if I had forgotten about you?
I'd chase after you then.
What if I still didn't want you back?
I would've cried and begged,
or won you over with my charms.
Please look at me.
I gave you such a hard time.
I'm sorry.
There's no need for that.
I understand how you felt.
I get it.
But seeing your face
reminds me of how sad I was.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
I'm sure you were hurting too.
How hard it must have been for you
so far away from home.
With no other family members,
you must have struggled alone
at the hospital.
How painful it must have been for you.
I was worried and I wanted
to be there for you right away.
No 18-year-olds have that kind of money.
We were too young.
Don't cry.
Come here.
I was surprised to find out
they were dating,
so I'm amazed to hear
they're getting married.
Who'd hold up against Hee-kyung
if not someone like Mr. Han?
-Why are you staring at me like that?
Just because.
You've changed a lot.
You even drive now.
I've kept mine too.
You didn't throw it away.
It's the same.
What is?
We haven't changed at all
from the past.
When in the past?
When you were a crybaby?
You keep calling me that
when I just cried once.
But you are a crybaby.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
If I hadn't found the writing,
I wouldn't have known.
I was saving it for a special day,
but I never got to tell you.
You should have just told me.
Back when we were kids,
I had a crush on you.
I used to wait for you at the comics shop.
I guess the feeling was mutual,
seeing how you remember me
after all this time.
It wasn't.
I just remember you as a crybaby
from the comics shop.
That's too bad.
It was one-sided then.
How have you been feeling? Are you better?
What are you talking about?
Was I ever not feeling well?
You even went to the ER.
How's your constipation?
Right. That's better now.
You need to exercise regularly
and eat a lot of fiber.
You should also take probiotics,
drink lots of water,
and set up a regular lifestyle--
Hey, do you really have to bring that up
at this moment?
It's embarrassing.
I've been having some trouble
from the recent stress,
but my bowel movements
are usually more than fine.
Stop the car.
I'll walk home for the exercise.
You can stop right there.
Pull over.
-Are you heading home?
Yes, I am.
-Aren't you feeling tired?
-Not at all.
I shouldn't call you while you're driving.
You could call me from home.
No, it's all right.
I want to hear your voice.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Why do you ask?
So I can come see you.
It feels like a dream
to be able to see you tomorrow again.
I feel the same way.
When we get to the refrain,
-the drums need to make an impact.
-Like an explosive sound?
And the guitar here.
-Don't keep playing a D.
-Should I jump ahead?
-Move on right away?
-That's it. Move on.
Why did you have to come out right then?
You stole my moment.
-What do you mean?
It was my last chance.
To do what I couldn't do two years ago.
To tell her how I feel and get rejected.
I'm finally doing it now.
What brings you here?
I'm not busy today, so I'll hear you out.
I don't know how to say this…
What do you mean?
It's written all over your face.
You've always been an open book.
I have nothing to say
except thank you and sorry.
There's nothing to be sorry about.
I already knew…
that you were never over Soo-ho.
So you don't have to feel sorry.
I knew there was no place
for me in your heart.
I was just reaching for it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for confusing you
by telling you how I feel.
It would be cool if I felt that way,
but that's nonsense.
I should at least get to try, right?
Your brother Ju-young once told me
that it's easier to let go
after getting rejected.
Don't you worry.
I'm so busy preparing for my debut
that I won't be able to
think about you for long.
I'll get over you in no time.
I'm going to leave
if you keep looking at me like that.
-I'm getting up.
-Okay, I get it. Let's eat.
-It's on me.
Let's go.
Are you using tricks from the first round?
-Please let go.
-I'll bet all my aroma candles
on your hand having filthy intentions.
What will you bet?
What are you two doing?
What are you doing all dressed up?
I'm practicing giving Hee-kyung
away for tomorrow.
What are you talking about?
They'll be walking in together.
-Everyone, come eat!
But why?
I hear it's popular these days.
Soo-ho, you're here again?
Did you sleep in again?
You've been coming
to our place for a month now.
If you're going to keep that up,
why don't you just marry her?
Why don't you just shut your trap?
It'd be nice to get them married off soon.
I can't give her up that easily.
What time should I pick you up later?
It's okay, you're tired. Don't pick me up.
-It's no trouble for me.
- Soo-ho is really awesome.
I'm so jealous.
You're unemployed but affluent.
Why don't you focus on
getting into college?
I studied until early in the morning.
I'm more desperate than anyone else.
Is Go-un going to wait for you
until you get in?
Don't you dare jinx a CSAT retaker.
What? Are you talking back?
He keeps acting like
a brother-in-law to him.
-Just eat your meal.
A makeup concept proposal
for the new boy band?
Che-ni, the filming's being delayed.
-Please wait here.
Hold on. Hello?
Ju-kyung, are you dating Seo-jun?
No, I'm not.
Thought so.
He wouldn't if he had working eyes.
Seo-jun does have working eyes,
so he wouldn't go out with just anybody.
Face mist.
I didn't ask for a wet sauna.
That's enough.
By the way,
why do you keep bringing her along?
It's crowded enough as it is,
and she's not doing anything.
She's an intern,
so I'm training her on the job.
That's my point.
Why are you training her
while working for me?
Even the professionals
don't fully meet my standards.
How would a newbie not get on my nerves?
-She has a serious attitude problem.
You're our angel, Che-ni.
Could you try to be understanding?
Then, can you get me
some gimbap since I'm hungry?
Cheese gimbap.
It was dumplings in high school,
and now it's gimbap.
Hey, hurry up!
Here you are.
What's this?
Don't you know I hate cucumber?
You should have asked
to take the cucumber out.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know you didn't like it.
Should I go get a new one?
No need. I'm starving,
so just take the cucumber out.
What are you doing?
Take the cucumber out.
You take it out.
Hey, I'm Che-ni.
Should I be taking the cucumber
out of my gimbap?
I said you take it out!
Do you not have hands?
I didn't study cosmetology
to take cucumber out of gimbap!
What's with the power trip?
Hey, are you crazy?
Do you want to get fired?
I'd rather quit than get fired by you.
You insolent brat with no personality!
What? What did you just say?
Che-ni, what's going on?
This girl just…
Here she goes again.
Hey, what the heck?
What did you do to her?
That's enough, please!
You need to stop too, Che-ni.
-Why do you keep putting on a show?
-Have you lost it?
Hey, what did you just say to her?
Are you some thug who pushes girls?
Kang Su-jin.
Are you all right? Did he hurt you?
How have you been?
I've been okay.
How have you been?
After I dropped out,
my mom and I went abroad
to stay with my aunt.
My parents got divorced.
So you must be in school now, right?
I'm doing overseas volunteer work.
I got back from Haiti not too long ago.
I see.
So that was why.
No one heard from you,
so I wondered what happened to you.
Because I didn't tell anyone.
I wanted to apologize
when I came back to Korea.
So I asked around about
where you work and came here.
I'm sorry.
It's too late, but I apologize.
I'm really sorry.
I'm not saying this expecting forgiveness.
I was so twisted then.
I thought you had everything
that I didn't,
so it felt like I had lost again.
I thought by taking
and ruining things for you
would mean my victory.
I always had to beat someone else and win.
That's how I was taught.
But when I got away from my dad,
I realized how badly I hurt you…
and what I had lost.
I regretted it so much.
So I wanted to apologize to you,
but I didn't feel like
I should do it over the phone.
I thought you might avoid my calls too.
You should have just called.
I would have gladly picked it up.
I guess I should have.
I'm fine.
I'm really okay now.
The memories from then
don't pain me as much anymore.
I'm not even upset with you.
But still…
I'm relieved
that I got to meet you and apologize.
I'm even more relieved
to hear that you're free now.
Your hands are all healed.
They're pretty.
Your kick was still amazing.
I lost my temper and kicked him.
I hope I didn't get you into trouble.
The worst that can happen is they fire me.
It's okay.
-That song?
-Of course. I suggested it.
I told you I've been a fan of Leo's songs.
You and Se-yeon wrote the song together.
I thought it'd be meaningful
if Seo-jun sang it.
We're not doing Se-yeon justice
by leaving it as a plagiarized song.
I'm sure you were upset too.
What has you so deep in thought?
It's just hard to believe.
I haven't even studied music properly.
All I know is what I learned from Se-yeon.
Seo-jun told me everything.
He said one can easily see your passion
from all those instruments at home.
We're not going to put it
on the album if it sounds bad,
so don't get ahead of yourself.
I want to hear
Leo's version of "Starlight."
Don't overthink it and send it along.
All right, that's enough business talk.
Can I open my wedding gift now?
Goodness, why is it so heavy?
Gosh, this is so thoughtful of you.
Congratulations on your wedding.
We have a lot of things
that needed fixing at home.
I want to hear
Leo's version of "Starlight."
Who is he? What's his name?
Su-jin already kicked him for me.
That's nice of her.
-Were I there, I would've nearly killed--
-You're not nearly killing anyone.
Luckily, I didn't get fired.
I'm being punished, but still.
I need to finish this quickly,
so I'll call you later.
What are you doing?
I'm washing the brushes and sponges.
-All by yourself?
What do you think you're doing?
These are latex puffs.
They shrink when washed in hot water!
I'm sorry.
Sort out the natural brushes
from the synthetic ones first.
They're washed differently,
so don't get confused.
Lim Su-jeong, was it?
I'm Lim Ju-kyung.
Are you the one
who told Che-ni off earlier?
I'm really sorry about that too, ma'am.
You did well on that.
She looked down on my staff too much.
I told her to go elsewhere.
The poster on the announcement board
for the makeup concept proposal
for Move Entertainment's new boy band…
Can I submit one too?
-Lim Kyung-ja, can't you read?
The eligibility section clearly states,
"all employees."
Thank you! I'll try my best!
But my name is Lim Ju-kyung.
Gosh, he's really handsome. Who is he?
-Is that his girlfriend?
-Probably just a friend.
Were you waiting long?
Babe, what took you so long?
I was waiting for you.
Babe, did you eat yet?
Here, open up.
Let's just do this. She's his girlfriend.
Did you just get jealous?
As if.
Don't go around smiling like that. Got it?
I think those middle schoolers
made you jealous just now.
Didn't they, "babe"?
That's enough, Soo-ho.
Why did you stop calling me "babe," babe?
No, thank you.
Should I try it?
Try what?
Calling me babe?
I'm not sure how to approach it
since I've rarely done makeup on guys.
-This is quite ticklish.
-Hold still. I really need to try this.
Imagining it and actually seeing it
in front of me is different.
Come on, you're my model.
-Come on, Soo-ho.
-I get it.
-Hold still.
Hey, the vibe is great. One, two.
Good. Look over here, one, two, three!
It's great, the models are great,
a great vibe.
Smile. Seo-jun, look here and smile.
That's perfect!
One, two, three, two, three.
Look over here, that's great.
Guys! You're so handsome!
I bet girls will go nuts over you!
Why are you two so overly excited?
Because you're doing great.
Let's turn the industry upside down!
Your frown actually looks cool.
Nice, Seo-jun.
Here goes nothing.
Here, ma'am.
You felt okay about it?
Weren't you angry at all?
Not at all.
It was so great to see her again.
You're just too nice.
But I do want to see her too, though.
I've wondered how she's doing.
This one's cute. Try it.
-Should I?
This one's also super cute. Try this one!
How much did your sister give you
for a new bag?
What's your budget?
-She gave me her card!
-Hey, then get both. Just buy everything.
No, I also need to buy my outfit
for her wedding day.
-I'll take this one.
Which one would work better
for Hee-kyung's wedding?
This one or that one?
I like this one.
No, this one.
No, this one.
-I like this one.
-Then why did you ask me to pick?
By the way, you went on a trip
with Soo-ho recently.
I did. So?
-Nothing happened?
-What do you mean?
Well, you know.
This and that. And you know…
"This and that"?
I almost lost my phone and--
No, not that kind of stuff.
More like…
You know what I'm saying.
Come on.
We just took an early morning train
for a day trip.
What? You two are too uptight.
-You're not in high school anymore and--
-Stop it.
Don't be embarrassed.
Why aren't you seeing Soo-ho
on your day off?
He's meeting Tae-hoon today.
What, Tae-hoon?
Why didn't you say that? Let's join them.
Let's just let them
hang out by themselves.
Hey, I actually miss…
I need to get something from him,
so call Soo-ho.
He's not answering.
What? Try calling him again.
He's still not answering.
I guess they're busy talking.
Something is fishy.
Tae-hoon's been enjoying himself
too much before the military.
We are going somewhere hot today!
"Somewhere hot"?
What is it?
-What the heck? This is a singles bar!
A singles bar?
Yoo Tae-hoon, you're dead meat.
Did he answer?
He's not picking up.
Why are you calling?
Hey, where are you now?
What are you doing?
I'm having a hot-ass time with Soo-ho.
-"A hot-ass time"?
-What? "Hot-ass"?
-Hey, if you don't--
-I'm busy. Hang up.
Hello? Hey, Yoo Tae-hoon!
-What did he say?
-This dirtbag!
Did someone call me?
-Out of my way!
Yoo Tae-hoon, you went
to a singles bar with Soo-ho, right?
What are you saying?
Your post said
you were going "somewhere hot"!
-What did you do in your "hot-ass time"?
-But where's Soo-ho?
Let go! We went over there.
A sauna?
It's Ju-kyung.
You two were "somewhere hot"
and had a "hot-ass time."
-Yes, it was hot.
It was very hot.
Hey, Su… What's up with him?
He's listless like seaweed!
I made him drink a bit in the sauna.
What do we do with him?
Soo-ho, wake up.
-Why are you calling her "Du-kyung"?
-Why are you calling her "Du-kyung"?
You're really drunk.
I'll take you home.
-I'm going, guys. Let's go.
-Come here, get up.
Okay, get home safe.
Get home safe!
The ground is coming towards me.
No, not there.
-Here, let's go.
-Let's go.
I'll be off, then.
Wait, Tu-ah… no.
I'm sorry.
But why did you come here?
What do you mean?
Well, we're not together.
So my going somewhere hot
or having a hot-ass time
is hardly your business, right?
I never said it was my business.
You know you dumped me 17 times already?
I'm never going to take you back
regardless of what you say.
-Why follow me if you won't take me back?
-It's late.
It's dangerous.
I can't let you go home alone.
Seriously, whatever.
I love…
I love you.
Come here.
Thank you.
Come here.
Don't you ever drink like this again.
Where am I?
Where? You're at your place.
-My head's spinning.
Be careful. Here, careful.
I came across it,
but I'm specially giving it to you.
You're now my friend
I've shared my secret with,
so I should care for you.
You've put it here.
Look at him all drunk,
smiling with his eyes. It won't do.
-Didn't I tell you not to smile so much?
By the way, who are you?
Who are you
to barge into my place like this?
-I'm Lim Ju-kyung.
-Lim Ju-kyung?
My girlfriend's name is also Lim Ju-kyung.
You're pretty too.
Is that right?
Then do you want to break up
with your girlfriend and date me?
I can't do that!
I'm Lim Ju-kyung's man!
That's too bad.
Then I'll be leaving now.
Get some rest.
Come here.
I like you so much, what do I do?
Hey, that's really cringey. Stop.
I like you so much, what do I do?
You're a totally different person
when you're drunk.
You know what?
The song Se-yeon and I wrote together…
is going to be sung by Seo-jun.
Would Se-yeon…
like that?
Of course. I'm sure of it.
Of course.
If I were him, I'd be over the moon.
I do…
hope so.
Wake up.
It's late.
Wake up.
I tried to wake you up.
You just didn't wake up.
I love you.
-Are you all right?
I was going to go once you were asleep,
but I fell asleep.
I was about to wake you up.
Mom called me.
I didn't tell her I'd be late.
Why didn't you go home?
I told your mom
you were sleeping at my place.
Have fun, my friend.
Aren't you going to call her?
I think Su-ah covered for me.
She did?
I'll take you home. Where are my car keys?
Where did I put them?
But you drank tonight.
I can call a designated driver.
I'll just call a taxi.
I can't seem to get one.
Is it because it's early in the morning?
I'll try to get one outside.
Can you just stay?
Do you have to go?
It's already late.
Don't go.
Are you cooking something?
That's impressive.
What, this?
I'm just stir-frying things.
I can't even cook instant noodles right.
I guess I'll be the cook then.
It looks good. Here.
I'm hungry.
Take your time.
It's really good.
-Did you use some kind of secret sauce?
-Have some salad too.
I told you.
You need to have a lot of fiber
for your constipation.
Hold on.
In my eyes…
you are Lim Ju-kyung.
You kept this all this time?
Do you know how to tie hair?
I'll give it a try.
Does it look weird?
Why did you keep it?
I'm glad I kept it.
Do you want to go see a movie
after I get off work?
I can't today. I have important business.
"Important business"?
As I close my eyes
The sight of you grows clearer
I long even more for your bright light
You used to spend long nights here
It's where I'll briefly rest
And stay by your side
When the song borne out of my weary tears
Reaches the sky
Approach me slowly…
-Great job, everyone.
-Well done.
Hey, you were awesome.
You might get sued at this rate.
For breaking the hearts of fangirls.
Cringe much?
So Leo, what did you think?
You'll break those poor fangirls' hearts.
-Are you kidding me?
Hey, beautiful guys. Go ahead and fight.
-I love all the blood, sweat, and tears.
-Hold on.
You're not throwing up again, are you?
Finish up the session.
I need to go get ready
for my wedding tomorrow.
I'll be off then.
You're getting yourself a fine husband.
I need to give my grapefruit a good life.
-I'm hungry.
-Do you want to eat something?
Is that enough?
Hey, I can't sing well when I'm full.
By the way,
your voice isn't what it used to be.
Hey, when I was singing earlier,
I saw you secretly crying!
Who, me?
I won't get to see you as often
when you get busy after your debut.
I'll be super busy.
Get in line while you can.
Hey, I'll be busy too.
I'm going to start studying.
-Studying what?
-Studying music.
I learned how to compose
by watching others do it.
I want to learn it properly,
starting from the basics.
Hey, are you taking the CSAT then?
Poor Ju-kyung.
She has to support a CSAT taker then.
Even if I were to take it now,
I could get into most schools.
You jerk, stop bragging.
Do you want some cola?
Carbonation is bad for your vocal cords.
Drink water instead.
Okay, I get it. I'll drink water.
There was a reason
you didn't sound as good.
Are you my wife? Stop nagging.
You're debuting soon,
so have some self-discipline.
Hey, who is it?
Who do you keep texting?
Someone from my school.
Someone from school?
A guy or a girl?
-A guy.
-A guy?
You're smiling?
Shouldn't you wait for me
to get into college next year?
Who told you to take the CSAT again?
It's not like I chose to.
Okay, I'll stomach you flirting with guys.
Enjoy your college life, but not too much.
Hey, Ju-young.
I know how much you like me,
and I know there's no one quite like you.
So don't you flirt with other girls
at your academy.
I'll make you pay.
Gosh, Ju-kyung.
I see your time in college and internship
was a good bang for your buck.
Watch your language. You're the bride.
Hold still, won't you?
Hee-kyung looks so beautiful.
What's wrong with me? Seriously…
I shouldn't keep crying,
but I can't help myself.
-The bride and the groom are switched.
-He's so cute.
What is that, Dad?
He cried all night long,
so his eyes were puffy.
They are much better now.
Why do you keep crying?
She's marrying a guy
who's just like her dad.
-All done.
Gosh, is this really me? What?
You did great, thanks.
-You're here.
-Hee-kyung, you look so pretty.
-Where's Seo-jun?
-It's just me and Go-un.
Seo-jun's really busy
preparing for his debut.
You look beautiful.
-Hyun-kyu Almighty.
-Yes, Savior Tae-hoon?
What's this?
Why didn't you bring your girlfriend?
My girlfriend is busy.
You were lying, right?
You lied about having a girlfriend
to get out of the military pact.
Even your couple's ring looks ridiculous.
-Are you wearing your dad's?
-My dad's?
It's an 18k white gold ring
custom-made in Dongdaemun.
-What do you know?
You look so handsome in your suit.
What? Why are you
calling him "Hoon" again?
You only call him "Hoon"
when you're dating.
Are you two back together?
When did I call him "Hoon"?
You need to get your ears checked.
That's fishy,
you don't easily call him "Hoon."
What do you mean, "fishy"?
-Hey, long time no see!
-Hey, what's up?
Su-ah, your hand got larger.
Hey, what are you doing?
Why are you grabbing my girlfriend's hand?
No, it's not like that…
What? Your girlfriend?
Hey, you two were always arguing,
When did you get so close?
You told me you two would never date.
This is insane.
I told you to be careful
not to get caught!
Do I embarrass you, babe?
-Stop it.
-What the heck?
Hey, guys.
-Please give us your blessing.
-No, stop.
-Hold on.
-Stop it!
Hey, don't!
What do you think you're doing?
-What's wrong with him?
-Hoon, let's just go.
-I can't stand the sight of you.
You're here.
How did her makeup turn out?
Why do I feel nervous and weird
when Hee-kyung's the one getting married?
Any news about the proposal?
You said you find out today.
Yes, they made the announcement.
-So, how did it go?
Good or bad?
-You got it?
-I didn't.
You didn't?
It'd be weird for me to get picked
when I'm the newest employee.
That's too bad. You worked so hard on it.
But it still feels good.
My internship ends soon
with the semester coming up.
I would've felt sorry for it to end
only having done chores.
I learned a lot
preparing the presentation.
I'm so proud of you.
But I think I picked the wrong model.
People were more interested
in you than my proposal,
asking where I booked you.
It's your fault I didn't win.
-Was it because of me?
How do I make up for it?
Why do you two look
so pretty and handsome?
-People might think it's your wedding.
-They so would.
What? Kang Su-jin?
Gosh, you haven't changed a bit.
Long time no see, Kangsu.
I haven't heard that nickname in years.
I'm glad you came.
Su-ah was asking about you too.
-How have you been?
-I heard about your dad.
-Glad to hear he's better now.
-Yes, thank you.
Hey, I've missed you.
You should have called.
I'm sorry.
That's so cute.
Hee-kyung, our wedding bands arrived.
And not a minute too soon.
-See if it fits.
-It's too snug.
-I can't get it off.
It's because you drank last night!
What kind of bride drinks before--
It's not coming off. You try.
-Let me see.
What? It's really not coming off.
-I could just walk in wearing the ring.
-You can't do that.
The exchange of rings
is important at a wedding.
He's right. Let me see. I'll get it off.
You will?
I'm good at these things…
You're going to pull my finger off!
Easy, honey. Go easy.
I will take it off for you!
It came off.
There it is.
Ms. Lim, please come with me
to the bridal room.
I got it.
What's going on?
-What is it?
Darn it…
Congratulations, Hee-kyung--
What? Isn't this the bridal room?
Why is the groom here?
Goodness, what's going on?
Do grooms have waiting rooms these days?
You look so handsome, Mr. Han!
-Thank you.
Let's take a photo.
Gather next to the groom.
-Sure. Come over here.
Here, take a seat.
Okay, I'm going to take it now.
One, two, three.
Ms. Lee.
-Are you okay?
Gosh, Ms. Lee!
-Please prepare for your entrance.
-All right.
-What do we do?
-Ms. Lee.
I'm the groom!
It's not working!
When did her face get so big?
What do we do? Should we call for help?
-Police? Fire department?
The bride needs to enter right now.
What do we do?
Finally, the stars of the show!
The bride and the groom will now enter.
All guests,
please face the back of the room.
Now, please give a big round of applause
and a dolphin-like loud cheer
at your highest vocal register
to the man and the woman of the hour!
Bride and groom, you may enter.
This might be the most
beautiful wedding I've ever seen.
A round of applause!
The bride's necklace is very beautiful.
Now that we have finished
this sacred wedding processional,
the honorable wedding officiant
will share a word of blessing.
I am so grateful
and honored beyond measure
to be officiating the wedding
of Mr. Han Jun-woo and Ms. Lim Hee-kyung.
When I first met the groom,
Mr. Han Jun-woo,
I saw a halo around him as he entered
the gate of Saebom High School.
I knew then and there
that he had the quality and the potential
to open up a new chapter in the history
of Saebom High School.
Now, the bride will demonstrate
her love for the groom
by giving three cheers!
Han Jun-woo is my man!
-Han Jun-woo is mine!
-That was thunderous! Applause, please!
-No, we won't.
A round of applause!
You're so awesome!
I'll go wash the sponges.
Hey, you're here too.
Hey, you look handsome today.
Just today?
I'm handsome all the time.
Are you done, Seo-jun?
-Should we get to it?
I guess you're paying attention today.
What color would you recommend?
Sorry? Me?
Who else could I be asking?
Considering the color of his hair
and his outfit…
how about going with something matte?
Then why don't you try it?
-Seriously, who else is there?
You two are friends, right?
Good luck finishing it up for him.
Your concept proposal.
It wasn't half bad,
coming from a new member.
Lim Ju-kyung.
What's going on?
Hey, you heard her complimenting me
and calling my name, right?
I'm not dreaming, am I?
Are you that happy?
You don't know how
this fangirl is feeling right now!
Hurry up and finish it.
Why are your hands shaking?
Actually, this is my first time
holding a brush on the job.
-You did it fine the last time.
-It's not the same thing.
Even if you try, you can't ruin it.
My lips are too gorgeous.
Hold still.
All done.
Thank you.
It's not like I did much.
Break a leg. I'll be watching.
Don't get nervous.
Good luck to you too.
Go get them!
Hey, your palm is so sweaty.
You're nervous, aren't you?
I'm not nervous. I'm fearless.
Does it look like I get nervous?
Let's go!
-Let's go.
-Put your hands here.
We practiced hard.
Let's give it our all out there.
-Sure thing!
-One, two, three.
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
I'm back.
-Did it go well?
-Yes. I did Seo-jun's lips myself.
What about me?
They're starting.
The sky is tinged with violet
The bleak wind blows
Turning the night colder
Familiar memories etched into my heart
Once again
The night fills up with you
Only thankful memories remain
Of you and I, excited and smiling
Worried you might become a star
And vanish again
I will keep these feelings
In the space left by you
As I close my eyes
The sight of you grows clearer
I long even more
For your bright light
You used to spend long nights here
It's where I'll briefly rest
And stay by your side
When the song borne out of my weary tears
Reaches the sky
Approach me slowly
Like a neverending dream
As a star
By my side
It's like wandering in the darkness
For a long time
And encountering a ray of light
All the weary days and sorrow
Melt away like the snow
A single thread of hope held off
-Countless tears
-Countless tears
I jumped in for a vague dream
Dedicating my whole heart to it
It all begins today
It's like I'm born again
The world unfolds before my eyes
I will begin my race again
-The future I only dreamed of
-You're so handsome!
Is turning into reality, piece by piece
All those dreams that I had longed for
Are almost within my grasp
I haven't finished reading it.
Are you done?
Not yet.
Isn't that too slow?
You said you're a fast reader.
I'm taking my time,
enjoying each and every page.
Are you just looking at the pictures
and moving on?
-That's a discourtesy to the genre.
-Unlike you, I am a fast reader.
Enough with the bragging.
Gosh, this is really good, though.
This is Killer of Darkness
reimagined as a zombie apocalypse.
It's a brilliant and modern take.
You think so?
I thought it was unnecessary.
With the zombies,
the classic charm of invoking an odd fear
toward an unknown metaphysical being
has all disappeared.
There are many classics
where the originals are better.
Like the one published
by Ed Seller in 1921,
-Night of Nightmares!
-Night of Nightmares!
-Of course, you know it.
-How could I not?
With a modern drawing style--
I get it. Let's finish this first.
I want to see what happens.
Okay, turn the page.
I'm done reading. Go on, turn it.
Come on.
What are you doing?
No, it's not what you're thinking.
I'm sorry.
Please continue.
I'm heading out to grab a bite.
Actually, I'm getting a full-course meal.
Shall we continue?
Come on. Stop it.
I found it.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn