Tunnel (2017) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Just like Corporal Park did to me,
I'll have to take away from him what he cherishes the most.
Professor Shin.
Park Kwang Ho's daughter.
But why do you think
Mok Jin Woo was so persistent in finding that fountain pen?
And why do you think he didn't kill me right away?
If he killed me,
no one would've ever found this pen.
Do you think this fountain pen
meant something special to him?
(The Last Episode)
On October 1, 1985.
Mom's dead.
But I'm not sad at all.
She only died because she's dirty.
(On October 1, 1885, My mom died.)
On November 3, 1985.
I saw a woman calling someone with a public phone.
She was wearing a skirt and stockings.
She passed by me
after she finished calling.
At that moment, I couldn't stop myself because she was dirty.
That is why I strangled her with her stockings.
I let her die without feeling pain.
And I drew a dot on her heel with the fountain pen.
The fountain pen that Mom gave me.
Just like the baptismal name Noel, I wanted them to be reborn.
The fountain pen.
His mom gave it to him.
That's why he wants it back.
He lost something precious, so he wanted it back.
Where are you, Yeon Ho? Are you all right?
I think Mok Jin Woo's next target
is me.
(Hwayang University)
Mok Jin Woo knew that I was your daughter.
He won't look for another victim of his type.
He will come after me again.
In fact
His target is Kwang Ho.
He's the one who took the fountain pen in the first place.
He wants Dad to experience the same thing.
Unlike the previous murders,
he's motivated by his emotions.
He wants to make Kwang Ho feel
the agony that he had felt.
That crazy scum.
Yeon Ho,
listen to me carefully.
He'll come after you.
Where do you think it will be?
Your house.
Her house?
Do you remember that day?
We heard the doorbell, but there was no one at the door.
Why? What's wrong?
Gosh, who would do such a thing at this hour?
I think that must have been Mok Jin Woo.
He will come to you while we are distracted by other things.
From this moment, never leave my side.
Do you understand?
No, that will look suspicious.
We need to act like everything is normal.
That way, we can catch him.
- No, Yeon Ho. You might - This time
you will protect me, won't you?
Whatever happens, I will protect you.
Hey, Sun Jae. Let's go on a stakeout.
we figured out what Mok Jin Woo will do next.
You scum!
No, you scum!
Professor Shin.
Come here, you scum. Come here.
Yeon Ho!
Sun Jae.
Cuff him yourself.
Yeon Ho, are you all right?
You are under arrest, Mok Jin Woo,
on a charge of murder.
You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.
He doesn't even deserve to know that.
You have the right to consult an attorney
and anything you say
may be used against you in a court of law.
Take him.
We arrested him at last.
Yes, we arrested him at last.
Well done, Sun Jae.
This news just came in.
The case of serial killing of women that occurred 30 years ago
is not a well-known case.
The suspect for this case has been arrested after 30 years.
The police is assuming that the murders thought to be have been
committed by Jung Ho Young, at Haein River and Yeonji-dong
- were committed by him as well. - A serial killer?
- Do you think he killed about 10? - This news is giving much shock.
- What? - That's what a serial killing is.
How do you think he killed them?
Why do you want to know that?
People lost their lives, you scum.
It's not something we should gossip about.
My friend had been killed.
This is news just came in.
The case of serial killing of women that occurred 30 years ago
When did that happen? I've never heard of it before.
It's been over 30 years.
There are more cases that have been forgotten like that.
Yes, sir.
I can't believe that the doctor who autopsied for us is the culprit.
We had him by our side all along.
I have caused difficulties for you during the investigation.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Well done. You shouldn't listen to the superiors.
If you find something strange, investigate it like a detective.
That's the only thing I learned from you.
- Not listening to others. - What?
Just like someone in the past.
I talked to the superintendent.
I'll support you well. Just do your best to wrap it up properly.
Do you understand?
All right. Good luck.
- eat up well. - Yes, sir.
we got the culprit.
We need to prove that he's guilty.
Although the statute of limitations on this case has expired,
we will get him to confess.
We won't be able to charge him for those cases,
but I want to hear Mok Jin Woo say it.
is the only thing we can do for the victims to rest in peace.
Tae Hee and Min Ha, you'll go to his house with me.
We have the search warrant.
We should search for anything that can prove his crimes.
Kwang Ho and Sun Jae, you should start interrogating him.
Will you be all right?
I need to hear it too.
I need to hear him say it.
Then let's investigate as much as we can for the next 10 days.
We need to finish this.
Yes. He'll never get away from us this time.
Let's begin!
Are you really okay?
I came back as soon as the seminar ended.
My goodness.
I shouldn't have brought you to Hwayang University.
Don't say that.
Thanks to you, I met someone I had to meet.
- Someone you had to meet? - Yes.
Someone I was destined to have met.
But you also met someone unnecessary.
I'm talking about that murderer who got caught.
Mok Jin Woo.
Just like you said, another serial killer was living so close by.
He was hiding among everyone else like a normal person.
Jung Ho Young was a psychopath.
But Mok Jin Woo is closer to a sociopath.
Unlike Jung Ho Young,
who had trouble socializing after he came out of a mental hospital,
Mok Jin Woo was a competent autopsy doctor
who received enough acknowledgement from society.
Those kinds of people are scarier
because they seem like good neighbors.
Do you think
he'll confess?
It'll either be one or the other.
He'll either confess quite easily
or just keep his mouth shut.
Look carefully. You killed these women.
That's not all.
Lee Jung Sook, Kim Kyung Soon, Hwang Choon Hee,
Seo Yi Soo, Kim Young Ja, and Jin Seon Mi.
Do you plan to keep your mouth shut?
Here's the evidence
you asked us to bring.
We found the DNAs of the victims from your fountain pen.
We also found your DNA.
Do you admit the allegation?
Hey, answer his question.
Don't just look at me. Give us an answer, you jerk.
The game's over, so just admit it.
(DNA Results)
Answer me.
You killed them.
Don't you even feel sorry for these people?
They lost their lives overnight because of you.
Look at the pictures. Look carefully.
Say something! Give us an answer!
As predicted, he decided not to talk.
Is there anything else written on Mok Jin Woo's diary?
I'm still reading it. I'll let you know if I find anything.
Okay. By the way, make sure your door is locked.
Call me if anything happens.
Okay. By the way, did you eat?
I should eat now. Thank you.
- My gosh. Hey, Chief. - Yes.
What is this?
Are these
So this is what Kwang Ho was talking about.
Let's identify these people first.
Does this make it a total of 25 victims?
Including the dead Park Kwang Ho, it's 26 victims.
My goodness.
we have more than enough evidence to indict him for murder. But
like you said, we can't just end it like this, Chief.
I know we need to solve every case, but he's not talking at all.
Mok Jin Woo committed his first murder
after his mom passed away.
After kidnapping Professor Shin, he took her to his old house
where he used to live with his mom.
He also targeted Professor Shin again
because he had lost the fountain pen that his mom gave.
I think we need to
trigger him with why this all started in the first place.
Like Yeon Ho said,
Mok Jin Woo loved and detested his mom at the same time.
I'm sure he'll react to that in any kind of way.
Bring Mok Jin Woo back.
You look a lot like your mom.
I know
that you actually wanted to kill your mom.
I'm sure you didn't hate her from the beginning.
You occasionally visited the house you used to live in
with your mom 30 years ago.
That means you also had happy memories there.
She always smiled at you like this.
But one day, she must've started smiling like this to someone else.
To the male customers
that she brought with her.
That's when you must've thought,
"Why does she do that for a living?"
When she sent you to your grandmother's house,
I bet you thought that she got annoyed with
having you around because of those customers.
Whenever your mom came to visit you at your grandmother's place,
all your neighbors would whisper that
your mom works at "Town".
I'm sure you got angry.
"My mom's not that kind of person."
"Why would they talk about her like that?"
But later on, I bet you slowly started to get angry at your mom.
On top of that, you heard from that guy who fought the Vietnamese War.
We have to get rid of all dirty people.
Your anger would have started to grow gradually.
And your mom suddenly stopped visiting you one day
because she was hospitalized due to alcoholism.
When you went to visit her,
she had already passed away.
That's when your anger exploded.
Because she died
so suddenly.
Did you die
because you were dirty too?
"Mom's dead."
"But I'm not sad at all."
"She only died because she's dirty."
That's why you only killed
women who wore skirts.
You didn't choke them continuously. You just did it in one go
because your hatred had already reached its climax.
They all seemed like your mom to you. That's why you killed them.
Answer him, you jerk.
Did you just smile?
Hey, Mok Jin Woo.
Do you call yourself human?
(March 25, 1986)
(December 1, 1985)
(Hwang Choon Hee, Murdered on December 1, 1985)
(Seo Yi Soo, Murdered on March 25, 1986)
(Kim Young Ja, Murdered on April 15, 1986)
(Jin Seon Mi, Murdered on September 9, 1986)
He wrote this diary to keep a record of his murders.
The skies have watched me kill many women.
But nothing has happened to me yet.
That's because I'm doing the right thing.
I committed murder with a mission.
I've gotten rid of people who have sinned.
What I did was something that had to be done.
Nobody can criticize me.
Nobody should criticize me.
He killed people with a mission?
He must've been sure that he was doing the right thing
while he was going around murdering women
who were similar to his mom.
His weakness wasn't his mom.
Mok Jin Woo's weakness
is Mok Jin Woo himself, not his mom.
He did start killing people because of his mom.
But he did that with a sense of duty to get rid of the evils of society.
He's fighting a war with himself.
What a lunatic.
He thinks
he's fighting for justice.
You need to break
that strong faith of his.
I'm sure he'll talk if you trigger him with that.
Crazy jerk.
Do you think you're special?
You're already an accomplished autopsy doctor.
You're also a nice professor to your students.
You don't lack money, and you're not completely crazy.
You must believe that
there's a good reason behind murdering people.
There's no particular reason for
a guy like you to murder anyone.
You probably thought you're different from Jung Ho Young.
You killed and left the women out in the open because you
didn't want to be compared to that underling.
But you see,
before I found out that you're the actual murderer,
I thought you were a very incredible person.
But I was mistaken.
I was wrong.
Just like Jung Ho Young, you're just a piece of trash.
You're just a cowardly murderer
who kills people weaker than you.
But why was I stupid enough
to think that you were different from the others?
You're just one of those murderers
who kill innocent people. You're no special.
Lee Jung Sook.
This is what she said over the pay phone.
Hey, Mom. I have to work overtime again.
I'll be home late, so you can go ahead and sleep first.
But she didn't work overtime that day.
She was on her way to meet a guy
when her mom was waiting for her at home.
Those kinds of women are obvious.
Kim Kyung Soon was busy showing off to her friends that
some of her boyfriend's pals had sent her a love letter.
She said she wanted to date them all.
The most interesting one was Hwang Choon Hee.
A guy younger than her told her that she'd look pretty in a skirt.
So she started wearing one right away.
She said she was into a guy who was working at a printing house.
Kim Young Ja.
This one always talked about Seoul.
She said she was going to earn a lot of money in Seoul.
how do you think she was planning to earn all that money?
She was only 18 years old at that time.
Then there's Jin Seon Mi.
She spent the night with a guy.
You lunatic.
You killed them because of those petty reasons?
How are they petty?
Every single woman I killed were all flirtatious.
Those kinds of women
cannot become a good mother, Corporal Park.
Seo Yi Soo.
Why did you kill my mom?
Do you want to know?
I didn't tell you on purpose.
Shut that mouth if you don't want to die.
Tell me why you killed her.
Sun Jae, it's all useless.
He'll give you another ridiculous reason.
Tell me, you scum!
She smiled at another guy on a bus.
Are you on your way from somewhere?
Yes, I was at the supermarket.
Did you buy anything nice?
Yes, I bought a necktie.
Do I need to explain more?
What did you say?
You killed her because she smiled?
My dad lived so miserably.
I lived so miserably.
You should go through the same pain.
You should die.
Die, you scum.
Hey, Sun Jae.
Die, you jerk!
Sun Jae, stop.
We got him now. We need to make him pay for what he did.
Sun Jae, calm down, will you?
Calm down.
Good job.
It's okay.
Good job.
That hurt.
This is why I didn't tell you.
It was for your own good, Lieutenant Kim.
Shut your mouth.
That's a load of nonsense.
You call that a reason?
That kind of thing never existed.
Regardless of their jobs, how late they were out at night,
and whatever they were wearing,
they still didn't deserve to get killed.
They especially didn't deserve to get killed by
a piece of trash like you.
Do you understand?
You should all be thanking me.
only did what I had to do!
I'm just upset that
I won't be able to kill anyone from now on.
This world is still full of
people who need to be punished.
Don't you think so, Detective Park?
You crazy lunatic.
You're the one who needs punishment, you piece of trash.
You need to pay for what you did for the rest of your life.
You knew, didn't you?
The fact that he killed my mom for such a preposterous reason.
When I was kidnapped by him,
I asked him.
I thought knowing the reason
would give me a bit of relief.
There was no reason to begin with.
I know. I was just subconsciously hoping that there might be one.
Only then, I'd be able to come to terms with it.
I wanted to run away.
You've been staying so strong all this time.
You should give yourself some credit, Lieutenant Kim.
(1st Victim: Lee Jung Sook, 2nd Victim: Kim Kyung Soon)
(3rd Victim: Hwang Choon Hee)
I guess it's all over now that the killer has been caught.
It's not over yet.
Why did we catch the killer?
We could neither save those people's lives
nor make them come back to life,
but we should at least tell them.
We need to tell them that the killer
has been caught and that we haven't forgotten about them.
I'm not like other killers.
I'm different.
I'm saying I had reasons
for killing those people.
Breaking news. The other day, there was news about a serial killer
being arrested after 30 years of hiding out.
According to Hwayang Police Station, he has admitted to everything.
His identity has been revealed as well.
Surprisingly, he's been working as a forensic pathologist.
This has left many people shocked.
Our reporter at Hwayang Police Station will tell us more about it.
Before we announce the result of our investigation,
we'd like to sincerely apologize to the victims
and their families
as members of the police force.
Where did everyone go?
Are you Ms. Lee Jung Sook's mother by any chance?
The man who killed your daughter
has been caught.
Gosh, thank you
I wish you came a little sooner.
The scum who killed Kyung Soon has been caught.
She's here.
You're Ms. Hwang Choon Hee's mother, right?
It took 30 long years.
I wish
I was a more capable police officer back then.
We caught the murderer who killed your daughter.
Thank you.
For not forgetting
about my sister.
Thank you so much.
Sun Jae.
I didn't know you were coming.
You know I've been trying to quit. I will quit.
What is it? Did something happen?
A long time ago, that detective
promised me that he'd make sure to catch the culprit.
And you caught him.
Thanks so much, Sun Jae.
That man
kept his promise, Dad.
Let's go. We should go see your mom.
These flowers
are from the detective who was
in charge of your case.
It took such a long time.
I'm sorry.
Please rest in peace now.
"A Woman in Her 20s Found Dead".
"A Female University Student Killed in a Random Attack".
We pass by articles titled as such on a daily basis.
We don't pay much attention to them as we see them every day,
but new victims of such crimes are being generated as we speak
by the kinds of murderers we've been studying for a semester.
Why do you think we've been studying about killers?
Because horrendous crimes are fun? Or to become criminals?
It's because it can help us prevent such crimes.
I'm sure all of you saw it in the news.
A serial killer who's been hiding out for 30 years has been caught.
That murderer will be separated from the society for good.
But will locking him up
be the end of it all?
Will there be no more murderers?
There are ex-convicts who return to the society
after committing a murder or two.
There are also those who are about to turn into monsters.
We must know who they are in order to prevent crimes
and save those who have fallen victims to such crimes.
In the end, the most important thing is
saving people's lives.
Being a detective isn't only about catching culprits.
Our job is to save lives.
Thanks for the great semester.
- Thank you. - Thank you, Professor.
Thank you for all of your help during this semester.
Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Kim.
Putting up with the students' complaints must have been tiring.
Gosh, not at all.
I learned a lot thanks to you.
Please continue to help me out.
The semester has already come to an end.
I feel like this semester flew by unusually fast.
Saying it flew by isn't enough to encapsulate all that has happened.
So many things happened to you.
You think so?
You look so pretty when you smile.
You look good.
You seem a little happier nowadays, Jae Yi.
Oh, Professor.
I'll come by and pick up all of my stuff at your place.
Hold on.
I thought you were moving back to England. Have you changed your mind?
I've decided to stay here.
(Hwayang University Hospital)
(Unidentified, Male)
Kwang Ho.
Thanks to you, we could catch the culprit.
Because you chased Mok Jin Woo,
we were able to track him down.
Thank you.
And sorry.
The kiddo who was supposed to join our team.
Rest in peace now.
May you rest in peace now, Kwang Ho.
I hope you're in a good place now.
(Unidentified, Male)
(Park Kwang Ho)
Kwang Ho.
I heard your grandmother's ashes are kept in a columbarium.
You'd probably want to be by her side.
Let's go.
(Kim Bok Soon, Park Kwang Ho)
(Insulin injections don't show up in autopsies.)
Gosh, he left all the evidence in his phone.
He was born to be a detective.
I know, right?
Everyone with the name, Kwang Ho, must be a natural-born detective.
Did you just realize that?
Oh, Sun Jae.
We need to talk.
About what?
You want to go back?
I think I've finished everything I was meant to do here.
I should go back now. Yeon Sook is waiting for me.
Does Professor Shin know?
No, I haven't been able to tell her.
Are you thinking of going back without telling her?
I should tell her. I know that I should,
but I feel really bad about leaving her here all alone.
Sun Jae, thanks for everything.
And I was happy to meet you again.
What's the matter?
I know you'll be thrilled when I'm gone.
Hey. If you're not around, how would I
I'm thrilled.
Don't be such a fool.
thanks for growing into such a wonderful man, Sun Jae.
Hey, I thought you were invincible. Are you actually crying right now?
Something got in my eye.
I know I've called you an idiot before,
but I should also start calling you a crybaby now.
I said I'm not crying.
You're obviously crying.
Hey, crybaby. Crybaby!
Who's a crybaby?
Hey, Yeon Ho. When did you get here?
Did you hear us?
I did hear you saying "crybaby".
Who's the crybaby?
It's not me, Professor Shin.
Yeon Ho, what brings you here by the way? Is something going on?
No, I was just in the area.
I see.
I was thinking we could go home together.
I see. We have a team dinner this evening though.
Oh, really?
I'll head home as soon as it's done.
I'll give you a ride.
Who are you to offer my daughter a ride home?
We have plenty of time until our team dinner,
and you don't even have a driver's license.
Yeon Ho, didn't you bring your car?
Well, taxis are everywhere. Just take a taxi.
Hold on a second.
Gosh, I should've taken 50 dollars from Sung Shik.
These days, taking taxis can be more dangerous.
Let's go.
I'll get going.
What? Where do you think you're going?
Yeon Ho!
Can I really leave when those two are being like that?
I brought my car.
I know.
You don't need to tell me those things.
I don't want it to become a habit.
I'd like that.
Hey, Serious Crimes Unit One!
Yes, sir.
I heard you're going out for a team dinner today.
Yes, sir.
Take this. It's from the superintendent.
And this is from me.
Thank you, sir.
One more thing. We're rewarding you guys with a three-day paid vacation.
Thanks for your hard work, guys.
Only 3 days? You should've made it 1 week.
My team members worked so hard.
Next time. I got your back.
All right.
Shall I come too?
- I'm off. - Yes, sir.
- Eat as much as you want. - Thank you, sir.
Chief, how much is in there?
Are we going to have pork belly?
Let's see. Will we have chicken, beef, or pork?
We can have beef today.
Hey, make a reservation.
The thing is
I already made a reservation.
Kiddo, it's been so long since we last had soju and beer.
I told you not to call me Kiddo.
You guys said yourself that I'd be 60
- Kiddo, Kiddo, Kiddo - Stop it. That's enough.
Do you want to get punched?
Sir, I guess this will be
our last team dinner together.
So you've decided to go back?
Is it really possible to go back to your past?
I should go home now that the killer has been caught.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Did you know that Kwang Ho has decided to go back?
I saw this coming.
I knew you'd leave like this again.
You can't do this to me.
Kiddo. I see you've had too much to drink.
Can't I get drunk?
I'm so sick and tired of being the kiddo. I'll be so relieved.
At this age,
it was so backbreaking to be your kiddo.
This is such good news.
I won't have to worry about having to keep
a 50-dollar bill in my wallet in case you ask for it.
Nor will I have to automatically respond to your beck and call.
It sure is good news. This is great.
- Thanks for everything, Sung Shik. - You're thanking me?
You fool. Are you crying?
Who's crying? Why would I cry?
It's not like I'm going to die. I'm just going back home.
But if you return to the past,
won't that change things here in the present?
We caught the culprit here. What happens now?
I don't know. I'll find out once I get back.
Even if we didn't catch the guy,
I'll make sure I do in the past.
Gosh. What's the big deal?
I'd just like to go back home. That's all.
Min Ha. Make us each a glass of mixed soju and beer.
We don't have such a thing back in 1986.
All right. That is why
I have brought here the master of mixing soju and beer.
Please share us your talent.
When it comes to mixing drinks, there's no one like me.
- The proportion is very important. - That's right.
Does this mean Kiddo will become the founder of mixed soju and beer?
I told you not to call me Kiddo.
- Then Kwang Ho. - Kwang Ho?
Mixed soju and beer isn't for a day like this. Let's just drink soju.
All right. Then let's drink soju.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
I'm leaving.
I really want to thank you for everything.
Thanks to you, I was able to catch the culprit.
I don't know whether we'll be able to meet again or not,
but I know I won't forget you.
Darn it. Sir.
Please don't go.
Sung Shik.
Our team's Kiddo.
Thanks for everything.
If you leave like this, they'll all be so sad.
If I stay any longer, it'll only make it harder for me to leave.
All right.
I'll give you a ride.
I'm really going this time.
Why aren't you saying anything?
Don't you have anything to say?
No, I don't.
Farewells should be kept short.
Are you a policeman?
Just because you catch suspects, does that make you a detective?
I won't let you get away this time.
Forgive me.
Now I know why you're so tenacious about
catching the culprit.
You're under arrest for the murder of Corporal Park.
You asked me who I am, didn't you?
If I told you I came from the past, would you believe me?
Did you just say Seo Yi Soo?
Never mind. It's nothing.
I just wanted to remember your face.
What is it?
If you're thinking about going to Yeon Ho's place again
I'll come back again later.
What's wrong with him? He's making me worried.
Yeon Ho. I'm in front of your house. Can you come out a minute?
- I have something to tell you. - I was waiting for you.
- Come on inside. - What?
You haven't eaten yet, have you?
Our team had dinner
Did you prepare all this yourself?
I've never cooked before.
Go ahead and eat before the food gets cold.
All right. Let's eat.
My goodness. This is delicious.
That's right. What is it that you wanted to say?
Well, you see
I guess
this will be our last meal together.
When are you going back?
Right after this meal.
kept your mother waiting for too long.
There's no way you can stay, is there?
Yeon Ho.
Go ahead and eat.
Yeon Ho. What did I tell you?
Make sure you eat three meals a day.
Don't stay out too late at night.
Keep your doors locked securely. You understand?
Also, by any chance, if something happens
If something happens?
Gosh. Well
Just call Sun Jae.
Remember, that's only if something happens.
I never approved of you dating him.
I understand.
Just because I'm not here, don't meet him too often. All right?
All right.
That's settled then.
Shall we take a picture together?
A picture?
Right here.
- You just have to look here. - All right.
On the count of three.
1, 2, 3.
Hold on. Give that to me.
I want to show this picture off to Sun Jae.
Send this picture to Sun Jae
along with a text message saying that I'm going to protect Yeon Ho.
(Picture and message have been sent.)
(Message from Park Kwang Ho.)
(I'm going to protect Yeon Ho.)
I'm going to protect Yeon Ho.
You two can go now.
I'll be going now.
Kwang Ho.
Can you really make it back?
Are you sure you can go back without Mok Jin Woo here?
We caught the culprit, didn't we?
I can go back. I'm going back no matter what.
There's no way you could go back
to a time when none of the cases ever occurred, is there?
Never mind.
Get back safely. Be careful.
Like you said, once you get back,
turn everything back to normal.
Get back safely
to Mom.
I will.
I will, Yeon Ho.
Thanks, Sun Jae.
Take good care of her.
I'm really going now.
There'll be a way back, right?
We caught the culprit and saved Yeon Ho.
I just have to get back to Yeon Sook now.
No matter how long it takes, just come back home safely.
Please help me get back.
Help me get back to Yeon Sook.
Stop chasing me.
You get over here.
I'll make sure to catch you today.
This is Park Kwang Ho you're dealing with.
I've even traveled time to catch culprits.
What kind of nonsense is that? You're talking nonsense.
What are you doing? Catch me.
Hey. Watch out.
Are you all right?
Sir. He's getting away.
What's more important is that someone almost got injured.
Is the baby all right?
What's the matter?
I think I'm going into labor.
What? Sung Shik. Help her up.
- All right. - Hurry.
(Hwayang Gynecology Clinic)
If you came here any later, you would've been in trouble.
He's really impatient.
My due date is still far away.
I owe it to you, Detective. Thank you.
I just did what I had to do.
The baby sure seems strong and healthy.
By the way, where's the father?
He's in Seoul on his business trip.
He'll be back tonight.
He'll be surprised.
Do you have a child, Detective?
Yes. I have a five-month-old daughter.
Make sure to take good care of yourself.
Sung Shik. Let's go. We should go catch that guy. Let's go.
All right.
Just a moment.
You saved us.
I'd like to at least know your name.
Yes. My name is
Kwang Ho. Park Kwang Ho.
Take care.
Park Kwang Ho?
My husband's last name is Park too.
Kwang Ho.
Do you like that name?
You could become an amazing detective
like him.
My little Kwang Ho.
I'm a mess. I'm sure Yeon Sook will start nagging again.
Sun Jae. Yeon Ho's pretty, isn't she?
- Yes. - Sun Jae must be visiting.
Yeon Sook and Yeon Ho. I'm home.
You're home.
Dad's home, Yeon Ho.
Yeon Ho. How've you been?
Dad's home.
- Yeon Ho's asleep. - Yes. She's asleep.
Sun Jae. When did you get here?
She's awake.
(We would like to thank the viewers for loving and supporting "Tunnel".)
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