Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Everything You Hoped for and More

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
[Last Episode]
How did I not recognize him?
Since I put us
on the Jinsung's family registry by doing all sorts of dirty things,
you should've kept us on it.
Never mind his hidden son. Even if his dead son came back,
you should've protected us somehow.
How come you never won the Chairman's heart?
Even a random stranger out of nowhere won his heart immediately.
I can finally die for you, then.
I'll go ahead and do that if you want.
Hey, hey. Why did that bastard suddenly return to Korea?
Didn't you hear the rumor?
Chairman Yoon's hidden son showed up.
I heard he's really smart and handsome.
He's a dethroned crown prince now.
Yes. If someone has to die, it better be him.
[Seoul 2 Na 4836]
Thinking about it,
all the favors you asked me were for my sake.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Yi Chan.
I just had to
I just had to be by your side today.
I should've protected you.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Yi Chan.
Was there an accident or something?
I hope it's not serious.
Hey, where are you going so late this time?
Are you going out to drink again?
Hey, Eun Gyeol!
How's Yi Chan? What happened to him?
Mr. Ha's guardian? Mr. Ha's guardian.
It's me. I'm his cousin.
We need to start emergency surgery. We need your signature. Follow me.
Oh, okay.
Hey, I'll go. Go wash yourself in the bathroom.
You're getting further away ♪
Huh? Could I
Could I have passed?
[Ha Yi Chan]
What? What? What?
- What? What?
- Did you get in?
Grandma. Grandma, I got in!
It got so close to me that it's blocking my view ♪
It's comforting me, who's inside my tired heart ♪
- Unbeatable
- Economics dept!
Unbeatable economics dept! Unbeatable economics dept! Unbeatable economics dept!
My song that I had desperately wanted to sing ♪
No one offered a hand to me ♪
See, Ha Eun Gyeol?
I kept my promise, okay?
The grand prize goes to
No. 18, the band Watermelon Sugar.
Even the times I hated you ♪
Bastards, what did I tell you?
Y. W. I. Y. D. G. U.
"You win if you don't give up," I said.
I call for you ♪
- Applause!
- So cool!
You look pretty.
Grandma, did you achieve your dream now?
Okay, okay. Look over here.
Grandma, look.
Gather around.
Five seconds. Five seconds. Five seconds. Hurry, hurry.
One, two, three.
My dream that I had desperately wished for ♪
Thank you for raising me, Grandma.
There aren't many cars because it's a Friday night. How did this happen?
The kid who was behind pushed the one who was running ahead
Gosh, what a son of a bitch.
How could he just hit someone and run away?
I'm sure. I saw it with my own eyes.
That was the only car that left the scene at the time.
The license plate number was Seoul 2 Na 4836.
I don't know the model, but it was a red sports car.
You have to catch him. It was a hit-and-run I mean, he attempted murder.
Calm down. Which way did he go?
He went toward the main road that way.
Yi Chan is the one who got into the accident?
He was
on his way to have me listen to this?
I assume so.
We tried so hard to stop it, but
But that tape ended up in your hands after all.
Please burn it with your own hands.
I think this cursed cycle would end that way somehow.
sorry I let you go without saying anything earlier.
Did you
come back to see me, by chance?
Mom, if you go back to that time,
what do you want to ask the most?
[Spring 2022]
Why did you abandon me? Something like that, probably.
Why couldn't you ask him?
I think I was afraid to face the truth.
He was probably afraid, too.
Because he would've had no answer for me.
If you're back to tell me something-
Why did you abandon me?
When I asked you about the actress Shin Ha Young, you said
it was love, not just a fling.
You said you found out that she died and that I was born after I was adopted.
You said you never abandoned me.
- Se Kyeong-
- I'll try
to believe that and understand that, but
if that was true, shouldn't you have tried to find your daughter later?
It's too irresponsible to say you didn't abandon me because you didn't know.
Because you looked happy.
You were growing up happily with well-off and excellent step-parents.
I didn't want to destroy your happiness.
Your daughter was never happy.
She was always anxious and often miserable living someone else's life.
She had to be better than Han Na, the step-parents' biological daughter.
She thought she'd be loved that way. She never lived her life as Choi Se Kyeong.
So I want you to answer
if someone who looks exactly like me asks the same question,
answer as many times as it takes.
Say, "I never abandoned you.
You're not Han Na and
you're my daughter, Choi Se Kyeong, who was born out of love."
If you don't say it, there's no way to know.
This is it.
You people are responsible for the rest.
I'll no longer get involved.
I'm afraid something else would change again.
I'm afraid I'd fail like I failed to protect Yi Chan.
I want to go back home now.
Who the heck are you?
There will be two full moons tomorrow night.
When there are two full moons,
the door that connects the past and present or the present and future opens.
What does that have to do with me?
Wrap up the journey and
come to the place where you first arrived.
I'll make sure it's bright inside La Vida Music, as I promised.
Oh, I'll serve you lavender tea to welcome you.
Who are you?
You think I could go back in this situation?
Tomorrow is your only chance to go back.
If you remain there,
your life in 2023 will disappear.
Would that still be okay?
You, who don't belong in this world,
might create another butterfly effect again and
it's impossible to predict the outcome.
Would that still be okay?
Why are you doing this to me?
What did I do wrong exactly?
What sin did I commit that you sent me on this awful journey?
No matter what decision you make,
I hope it's for your own sake.
- Well, then.
- Don't hang up.
Don't hang up, I said.
Don't hang up! I'm not done talking to you!
Hey, Eun Gyeol. Eun Gyeol.
Yi Chan's surgery just ended.
What happened? Did it go well?
It did. He will survive.
He'll be sent to a regular ward soon.
Yi Chan.
I'm sorry, Dad.
If I didn't come here,
this wouldn't have happened.
It's not that I didn't say anything because you couldn't hear.
I didn't
say those
mean things because I hated you.
You know how much I love you.
please open your eyes now.
I have something I have to tell you. Don't just sleep like this.
I might need to go back now.
[Yeonnam Hospital]
Yi Chan.
Yi Chan.
Hey, something's strange.
I can't hear sounds.
I don't hear my voice, either.
Gosh, Grandma.
You might fall. Slow down.
We can't keep it a secret forever. It's not something to get over in a few days.
Who am I?
I said he's fine mentally.
Who am I? Tell me right now.
You're Grandma.
Can you hear my voice?
I'll go home soon. You shouldn't have come.
I thought I was finally catching a break from your nagging.
Can you hear my voice?
I'm sorry, Grandma.
You said you love how healthy I am physically and mentally. What do I do?
I'll try to have a more lovable heart.
I'll work on the muscles around there more.
Aigoo, my baby. Aigoo, my baby.
I thought happy endings existed. How could such an unexpected thing happen?
No one in the world was as kind as my grandson.
What sin did he commit? How could this be? Aigoo
Why are you crying, Grandma? I didn't die.
I couldn't even feed and dress you properly while trying to feed others.
You've never been loved by your parents, and I nagged you all the time.
I couldn't even hug you warmly. Why
Aigoo, what do we do?
- Grandma.
- My goodness
Let's ask them to test you from head to toe.
I'll give you my ears if they say they can't fix you.
I'll cut out my heart for you if you need a heart.
I'll give you both of my eyes if you need them.
What am I supposed to do with you?
Aigoo, what do I do with my baby? My baby
I'll fix you. Don't worry.
I'll give you my heart and my eyes, too.
Eun Gyeol.
What's going on? Where are you going right now?
To find the bastard who did that to Yi Chan.
I'll find him if the police can't find him.
I'll find him and kill him.
The culprit was caught. Calm down.
He got caught this morning.
I just checked at the police station.
But I think
it'd be better if Yi Chan or his grandmother didn't know.
What are you talking about?
Why shouldn't they?
Is it someone we know by chance?
Cheong Ah's stepbrother, Yoon Joo Yeop.
Do you want to join me for my business trip overseas?
It'd be fun because there are many art museums there.
You like art, right?
Is that wrong?
[Sign Langauge of Love]
Let's look at art
and make time to do sightseeing
I'd love you to see it.
See what?
Cheong Ah's smile.
It's really pretty.
I'll come with you.
I said I didn't do it on purpose.
He suddenly ran toward the car, and I was so shocked that I accelerated
mistakenly instead of braking. How many times did I tell you?
How strange.
The skidmark on the road says otherwise.
Are you a psychic or something?
Do police officers communicate with the ground, too?
Be careful how you approach this.
If it's proven intentional, it's an attempted murder.
I said it wasn't intentional
Whatever. I won't say a word before my lawyer gets here.
It was intentional.
You saw me and drove toward me without hesitating at all.
That's enough. We're at the police station, Eun Gyeol.
Thank you for stopping him for me.
You tried to kill me.
You tried to kill me, but you hit Yi Chan, who tried to save me!
Gosh, seriously. Why blame me? Do you have evidence?
I'll kill you.
I'll follow you to the edge of hell and punish you if you get out with money.
I'll do everything you could imagine and fear.
I won't let you go and slowly dry you out to death.
Don't make this worse. Let's leave, okay?
I'll kill you.
I won't leave you alone until you die!
I'll kill you!
Gosh, seriously. When is the lawyer coming?
Let me use your phone.
I can do that much in a democratic society, right?
There will be two moons tonight.
You received a call from Master, too, right?
This is it. We can't get involved more.
We have to go back.
Not now.
We get trapped here forever if we don't go back tonight.
I can never go back until I turn everything
back to normal.
It already happened. How will you turn it back?
Travel to the past again?
Will you go further back if something changes again?
Come to your senses.
2023 is the year you're going back to.
How am I supposed to go back?
My dad's life was ruined because of me.
I couldn't change anything.
I should've just let things go as they were meant to.
I shouldn't have tried to change things.
Of course, you changed something.
You saved me.
And you saved Cheong Ah.
Yi Chan, I'm going on a trip with Dad.
I'm just tagging along to his business trip,
but I'm kind of excited because I've never done this before.
Thank you. This is all thanks to you.
It's such a happy thing to have someone on my side.
I feel supported. It gives me courage somehow.
Something is making me stronger.
I want to be someone like that to you, too.
To Yi Chan, who's always on my side.
From Cheong Ah, who's always on your side.
Look for a school abroad where Cheong Ah could study.
Got it.
There's a school for deaf people called Gallaudet University.
Find out their admission requirements, too.
A university, too?
Cheong Ah
won't come back once she leaves.
But don't let her know.
I understand what you're saying.
We'll pay for Ha Yi Chan's hospital bills and tuition, including university.
I'll arrange that.
I won't help Yoon Joo Yeop, no matter how much Jinsung's legal team requests.
Ms. Lim Ji Mi. We're from the National Tax Service's investigation team.
You're banned from leaving the country due to a tax investigation.
Your efforts must've caused a positive change.
So, let's stop here and go back to our world.
I can't
bring myself to leave.
Don't you care that your life in 2023 might disappear?
I can't run away alone, leaving my dad in despair.
Gosh, I finally get what Eun Ho said.
I couldn't understand because my sign language was bad then, but I get it now.
The reason why Eun Ho didn't tell you about your dad's accident.
When will you show it to your brother?
Once the load on his shoulders lightens up a bit.
His shoulders seem a bit heavy now.
Give up now.
It's not your burden to carry.
You forced yourself to carry it.
Do you think they were happy because of that?
No. They were actually worried and sad.
That you'd be more miserable because of them.
No one can live your life for you.
Let Yi Chan of 1995 take care of himself in 1995
and just have faith in him.
There are Yi Chan and Cheong Ah in 2023, too.
There's Eun Ho, too.
There are people waiting for you.
And I'll be there, too.
I'll go back.
Pack your things and meet me at my house at nine.
I'll be waiting.
Flip a coin or something.
[Winner, Choi Se Kyeong. 1st place. Grand Prize]
[To You, Who Shines]
Long time no see, Grandpa.
I thought I'd never see you again,
but here we are.
Wow. Bravo.
I thought you were just going through puberty.
But you were way more daring than I thought.
What are you?
Who are you?
Me? I'm On Eun Yoo, Choi Se Kyeong's daughter from the future.
I'm crazy. I've gone insane.
I'm out of my mind right now.
Oh, hold on.
Hold on.
I'll say a few more things since I came clean.
Use this courage and tell the step-parents yourself.
Say you're not Han Na's replacement.
And ask your biological father properly since you managed to find him.
Ask him why he abandoned you.
Then he'll answer as if he's been waiting.
And just like how you can't replace Han Ha,
I can't live your life for you, either, Mom.
So you should live your life, too.
It's okay.
Because you're plenty charming and cool the way you are.
Oh, you can run away now. I'm busy, too.
I'll tidy up in here. Don't worry so much.
You've been cleaning my room for me, too.
This is a dream. An illusion.
It must be my imagination.
I won't see you off.
Bye, Mom.
See you in 28 years.
Just ask me.
I can just tell from your face.
Your head is filled with heavy stuff right now.
I thought about flipping a coin before I came.
You're like a psychic.
A coin?
"If you have to make a hard decision,
try flipping a coin."
Someone told me that once.
I'll give you this instead of a coin.
Se Kyeong told me to burn it,
but I think you should listen to it.
It's a nice song. Make sure to listen to the end.
[To You, Who Shines]
Have I told you before?
My parents are deaf.
And I have a brother who's a year older.
He's deaf, too.
They apparently call a child with a deaf family like me
a Coda.
This is like a secret code for people who do music.
It's called a coda.
If you put a coda at the end of a musical phrase,
it means getting ready to wrap up the song with a beautiful end.
That's why I came by.
I think it's time to start preparing for a beautiful ending.
Are you going somewhere?
Thank you for everything.
I wanted to say my last goodbye properly in person this time.
What's with you? As if you'd never see me again.
Take care of your health.
Especially your heart.
And make-up with your daughter, too.
And later
much later,
if you find a kid who's crying alone in front of the shop,
give him milk instead of hot chocolate.
He prefers milk.
We met each other ♪
Hello, I'm Ha Yi Chan, the frontman of Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
- Dad?
- Why do you keep calling me "Dad"?
Pass. Welcome to Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
Among so many people, I was able to recognize you ♪
If only we could've been together dreaming the same dream ♪
Special thanks to Ha Eun Gyeol.
I was able to finish this song thanks to you.
But thinking about it, you didn't just finish the song with me.
I'll make your youth shine like you wanted so badly.
Whenever there's something I want,
something I'm missing, when I'm in despair,
or when I shined the most,
you've always been there with me.
You lied that you're my son, didn't you?
I'm your son from the future
and you're my dad.
But I felt like you were my father for some reason.
I've never experienced love from my father,
but I felt something similar thanks to you.
Hey, son. Thank you.
In return,
I'll be born as your father in my next life.
Hey, Yi Chan! Don't make me set the table twice. Come out and scarf this down, you bastard.
If we say goodbye now ♪
I can't go back anymore ♪
The fond memories that will be forgotten ♪
Are you going back?
How you look in the reflection on the window.
A sad face before you say goodbye.
I'm a bit of Sherlock Holmes.
I'm sorry.
Where are you going? Back home? Studying abroad?
Or to the future?
You said you're from the future.
I'm so sorry.
I'm curious.
What happens to me in the future?
Do I go to college?
How about the band? Do I keep at it?
Can I
hear then?
Do I not let Grandma suffer,
do my duty as a person
and live well?
You live well.
You shine more than anyone.
I told you before.
You're loved by your wife
and respected by your children.
You become a great father.
You do.
You turn your weakness into a unique charm.
You turn any suffering
into a heroic story.
- So-
- What are you saying?
I can't hear anything.
make sure to keep your promise.
Overcome this impressively
and make sure to become my father.
You heard.
It's not your fault.
It was just an accident.
It'd be awful for a while,
but I won't give up thinking my life was ruined.
So leave.
Don't look back and just go.
Go back and
when you no longer have the guilty look on your face,
come back to see me then.
I believe you'll come.
I thought about waiting longer,
but I have a long way to go. So I'll be ahead of you.
See you 28 years later. "Metaphor On."
Huh? What's going on? Huh?
No, no, no, no, no.
Excuse me! Is there anyone out there? There's a person here!
Somebody, please help me!
[Used Books: That Day]
[La Vida Music]
Give me my guitar back.
Gosh. Looks like you're thinking of changing your life instead of others now.
Drink this while I look for it.
I harvested the lavender myself.
It relaxes the mind and body, and it helps you sleep.
You know, life
can't give you everything you want,
but it sometimes hides small gifts here and there.
I hope you overcome the suffering from the cruel life
and receive the hidden gift eventually.
Not just you but everyone you wanted to protect.
Viva la vida.
Long live life.
Did it get damaged while in storage?
What are you exactly?
You won't answer even if I ask that.
Just think of it as a prank from God.
Life is filled with metaphors
and it's up to us to interpret them.
There's no such thing as an answer.
I'm not sure what you mean,
but thanks for the tea.
How can you be an artist and not understand metaphors?
Flip a coin if you want to find the answer to something.
It was nice to see you, kid.
What happened?
This is the Jinsung family's annex.
Is this a dream?
Or is it real life?
What did he put in the lavender tea exactly?
- I'm sorry. I'm not so sure.
- Geez Louise.
What year is it now?
It's 2023.
Am I finally back then?
But why am I at the Jinsung family's house
Of course, you changed something.
And you saved Cheong Ah.
Have faith in Yi Chan.
There are Yi Chan and Cheong Ah in 2023, too.
There's Eun Ho, too.
There are people waiting for you.
And I'll be there, too.
[On Eun Yoo]
The number you dialed does not exist.
Who are you?
Are you sure you're at the right house?
It was definitely this house.
Do you know where the previous owners moved to-
What do you mean? I built this house and moved in five years ago.
- There were no previous owners.
- If so
Eun Yoo's history changed.
There's no way she couldn't return from 1995, right?
[Spine9 Joon Hyung bro]
- Hyung.
- Where are you right now?
Do you know how many hours I waited at the shop?
Whatever. I'm on my way to pick you up. Wait at home.
What shop?
Excuse me.
It's you, right? Spine9's Ha Eun Gyeol.
Daebak! Geez.
Oppa, could you pluck a strand of hair for me?
My hair?
Well, two strands.
I just need two strands.
- Oppa! Oppa!
- Oppa!
What? Why are they following me?
Did I become something?
Gosh, thank you
How did you guys become so cool?
People might think you're artists represented by MJ.
You little. How dare you try to smooth things over?
Whatever. Did you get approval for touring during vacation?
Are we taking a group tour somewhere?
Group tour, my foot.
Our world tour, you dumbass.
World tour?
We'll be the supporting band for Yoon Dong Jin. I told you to get permission from your parents.
Did you go through a war somewhere?
It's because he feels guilty for being late.
Anyway, Soo Ji agreed to come to the location.
As soon as you get there, get your makeup done and get dressed-
Are we attending some event?
What kind of event-
Seriously, what's wrong with you?
So we're artists represented by MJ
and we endorse Jinsung Instrument.
They're doing a launching show for Goliath.
And we're supposed to perform there.
But I'm the grandson of the Jinsung family?
You're awake now, right?
Let's hurry and go to the waiting room now, then.
Let's go. Let's go.
What took you so long?
Hyung, I missed you!
Where's your suit?
I told you to wear it because we need to say hello to Dad's friends.
I never thought of you as a burden.
Is that so?
I thought of you as a burden often.
Like right now.
Where are Mom and Dad?
Thank you.
Have a pleasant time.
I'm already having a pleasant time, thanks to you.
Things are improving in Korea, too, right?
[Yoon Cheong Ah]
[Yoon Cheong Ah]
[Yoon Cheong Ah]
[Seowon Arts High School's director, Yoon Cheong Ah, doing volunteer work for Sign Language Day]
Good work, Cheong Ah.
You did so great.
I'm so proud of you.
Don't try to butter me up.
I completely disagree with your dad.
I'm letting you be in a band under the condition you go to college.
The moment your grades go down, the world tour will be
Get to your positions.
Smile. Smile.
- Look over here!
- Over here!
- Please look over here!
- Look over here.
You came. How have you been, Cheong Ah?
Who are they?
They're Dad's high school friends who were in the band together.
Was the traffic bad?
Thankfully, no.
Ma Ju will be late because of work.
You look so pretty today.
Just today?
Just today.
Yi Chan is the one who stopped talking to him.
Whenever he saw his friends, it broke his heart.
Because he missed those days.
It was difficult to see their sad faces looking at him.
[New contemporary line of customizable electric guitar. Goliath Series.]
When is Dad coming?
Let me introduce you to Goliath S, Jinsung Instruments' new product line.
And there's someone I'd like to welcome to stage.
Please welcome the man behind the Goliath, Chief Director Ha Yi Chan.
[Ha Yi Chan, Chief Director of Guitar Business]
My dream was to become a rockstar, conquer the world,
and steal a beautiful woman's heart.
However, I had to give up on that dream since I became deaf due to an accident.
At first, when I lost my hearing,
I was very afraid.
I was scared,
and I was in despair.
There was a time when I couldn't vocalize at all.
We met each other while wandering around at different times ♪
But I gave up on giving up.
Because for 18 years,
I was exposed to sound. So I remembered them.
[The moment you give up, the fight is over]
And I could imagine them, too.
And since I have lived another 18 years without sound,
I believed I could create the most precious and beautiful sound.
In the end, I stole a beautiful woman's heart and
My gosh.
I believe Goliath will achieve my dream of conquering the world.
That's all.
Seeing your faces, I think Goliath sounded good.
Yes, it did.
Aigoo, seriously.
I'll get off the stage feeling relieved, then.
Thank you. Thank you.
Gosh, he's such an entertainer.
Ma Ju.
Wow. You're addressing the president by my first name now?
You think I'm your friend?
I'm sorry.
Shouldn't you run to prepare for the performance?
I won't go easy on you for being my friend's son.
Got it. On my way, sir.
I was right, wasn't I?
I told you.
That I won't despair and think my life was ruined.
So, I told you to leave without looking back.
I said when you no longer have a guilty look on your face,
come back to see me then.
What do you think?
Are you ready to see me now?
All those times ♪
The bright future that everyone dreamed of is in front of me right now ♪
Son, wasn't I so cool today?
Another day passed without even a moment to breathe ♪
Even though my reflection in the mirror ♪
Thank you
for keeping your promise.
Looks more tired than usual today ♪
It's my turn to become cool now.
I hope you look forward to it.
Breathe out even more ♪
Another day will start tomorrow ♪
[To You, Who Shines]
[To You, Who Shines]
Tonight I'm not afraid ♪
No fear can stop me anymore ♪
All right, I'll tell you no matter what ♪
The sound of heartbeat is getting louder ♪
One. If I fall once ♪
Two. I'll get up twice ♪
Yes, don't stop, I can fly away! ♪
Knock it, knock it, when the door opens ♪
The story of only the two of us will unfold on the surface of the vast ocean ♪
Knock it, knock it, if you extend your arm ♪
So close that you could almost touch it ♪
Let's follow our dreams ♪
Knock it, knock it, when the door opens ♪
Don't you think we were a little better?
You're right. They aren't as good-looking as we were, either.
Of course not. Hey, hey, let's not kid ourselves, okay?
Let's not
Hey, by the way, doesn't Eun Gyeol look like someone?
I feel like I remember. It's driving me crazy.
He definitely resembles someone.
Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!
Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!
Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!
Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!
Encore! Encore!
Do you want an encore?
- Yes!
- Encore! Encore!
The next-
We get trapped here forever if we don't go back tonight.
Please show up. Please.
Long time no see, Ha Eun Gyeol.
We met each other while wandering around at different times ♪
Wow, has it been 28 years?
I thought you couldn't come back.
Right. I almost didn't make it back.
Why did you come and run away?
I didn't run away. I was luring you.
I wanted you all to myself.
It worked immediately because the bait was so impressive.
If only we could've been together dreaming the same dream ♪
I go all the way around a distance at the end of this road to sing about love ♪
These shining moments ♪
I can give them all to you ♪
So we don't lose our little dreams ♪
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
Excuse me! Is anyone out there?
Somebody, please help me!
Excuse me! Hello!
Are you getting in?
I made it.
You're back.
You told me to come.
I can drink this, right?
Gosh, I feel alive now.
Sounds like you gave up on committing a unique suicide.
It's not because of you. Don't be so proud.
Master. Give me my cello now.
Already? You're rushing it too much. Let's sit down and talk calmly-
I'm in a bit of a hurry.
I'm curious what happened to Mom
and I need to ask Dad about something, too.
I promised to meet someone again, too.
Won't you give it back? There's no time.
Thank you for sending me on a trip, Grandpa.
You paid me in dollar bills,
let me meet Mom at my age.
and let me make good friends. Thank you for all that.
I'll get along with Mom when I get back. Don't worry.
But I'm sure we'll continue to fight a lot.
I'll get going now, then.
I'll live a good life when I get back, too.
It was so nice to meet you.
Viva la vida. Long live life.
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
[Thank you to Ryu Su Young, Song Chang Eui, and Zin Tai Hyun for their special appearance.]
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
A moment I've been waiting for ♪
Erase the times that have already passed ♪
We're here on this shining stage together ♪
Don't look back, you won't have any regrets ♪
No need to hesitate ♪
This chance won't come again, so let's begin ♪
The days that shone so bright ♪
All our full dreams (shining, shining) ♪
Just like now ♪
Don't stop here like this, right now ♪
Run without looking back ♪
So you can dream again, higher, higher ♪
Fly higher ♪
I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
My heart is racing, I'm running out of breath ♪
[Thank you for watching Twinkling Watermelon]
[Twinkling Watermelon]
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