Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16
What are you talking about?
Lower you sword!
What are you doing by going
after the Book of Secrets?
Every matter about the state is
my duty. Should I explain it to you?
Did you kill the fisherman
for the state, too?
Of course, I killed him for the state.
He was a Batini.
What should have I done?
Should I have let him steal the book?
There is no sign of the
fisherman about Batinis.
And he doesn't look like a Batini.
You've been fighting with Batinis so long.
Can't you think that he never
carry a sign about Batinis,
when he disguises himself as a fisherman?
Release me now.
You can go nowhere
without convincing me Sabbah.
You are involved in the
things you are not assigned.
Before vou were not a special warrior.
I had been working for this state.
Who do you think you
are to suspect from me?
We'll see if you worked for the state.
This is the real Book of Secrets.
Yet, it is written by the old writing
We need to take it to the scholars
in the palace and let them decipher it.
Now, my sword is not on your neck.
Yet the sword of the Sultan will
be put on your neck in the palace.
I then, we'll see how
you'll save your neck.
First, let's arrive at the palace.
Then, we'll see who will
save his neck from whom.
Elcin Hatun says she followed Firdevs.
And you say Elcin
I Hatun did everything.
Obviously the knot is Firdevs
Hatun in this matter.
When it is untied,
everything will be revealed.
Bring Firdevs here right away!
As you command, my Sultan
Go to Marcus right away and let
him pay back for what we gave him.
Let him go after Sencer and finish him now.
The circle of Selcuklu is getting narrower.
We can't go towards the river anymore.
Sencer is certainly going
to pass from here.
The moment we see him, we attack.
I can't wait to break that eagle's wings
and break off his head.
Meliksah escaped from us.
But Sencer won't be able to get away.
He won't get away.
It says our soldiers have
found the tracks of the
crusader's scouts around
Zayende River, Hace Hadrath.
They demand the
precautions to be increased.
So, the crusaders
have come even here.
Sencer also went around Zayende River.
Most probably, they
are going to ambush him.
Melik Tapar was outside of the palace.
Let him know immediately! Let him find
the crusaders by going to Zayende River!
Make sure they arrive, before
they attack Sencer! Come on!
How can it be?
Why did she hang herself?
Did anyone enter the room?
Did you see?
We saw no one.
We've gotten out of the soldier’s circle.
We will arrive at the palace soon.
Where are you Marcus?
Where are you?
I was impatiently waiting for you.
Finally we see each other.
Oh! So, you are also here.
Good. Good.
You saved Meliksah but you
won't be able to save yourself.
Who are you, demons of hell?
Meliksah also spoke like that.
I smashed his arm.
And now I'll smash your head.
For every drop of blood shed from
our Sultan, I'll take one head from you.
Warriors! Protect the book well!
The book is so important
for the Seljuk state!
Protect the book well!
He said the book was important.
I'm going after the book.
Aydogdu, Ayaz.
Take Sabbah to the palace.
When I entered the room.
I found out that she has committed
suicide by hanging herself.
No one entered her room.
I found this letter it's written recently.
"I did everything by myself, out
of my loyalty for Terken Hatun."
"I poisoned Seferiye Hatun for
her to become the Head Hatun."
"And I fed the paralyzing
poison to Hace through Esma
so that he couldn’t find out
about Seferiye Hatun's poisoning".
"I killed Esma and the Witch in order
not to leave any witnesses behind."
My Sultan, I have brought another document
written by Firdevs so you can confirm it.
Both are written by the same person.
It's obvious that
the one that has written
the letter is Firdevs Hatun.
Now for my judgment
Elcin Hatun
although she acted
with good intentions
she tried to start an investigation,
so she is guilty by her methods.
Due to the enmity between
her and Terken Hatun
there won't be any
peace left in the palace now.
Because of that, it is my command
Elcin Hatun will return to
Anatolia as soon as possible.
this is not a punishment.
It's a duty.
There are some tribes in Anatolia
still trying treacherous things.
We heard that Crusader army is
working with Byzantine Empire
and works against us together.
Before they arrive
we need to bring order
to the tribes in Anatolia.
And you are the one that
can do this best, Elcin Hatun.
We have deep trust in you.
And your brother is
being taken good care of.
Do not worry about him.
I feel worthy for your trust in me.
I will not disappoint you, or our state.
And about you
Not realizing the
crimes of Firdevs Hatun
does not show that you are innocent.
As a Head Hatun,
you showed incompetence.
You couldn't realize
the dirty games
of the person closest to you.
I don't know how
And the investigations regarding
this matter are not over yet.
I'm not going to close a case as
important as this just with a letter.
While there are complicated
matters such as these
your duties as Head
Hatun cannot continue.
That's why, it is my command
You are discharged from
your duties as Head Hatun.
I'm not in the position to
question your decisions, my Sultan.
But you know about
Seferiye Hatun's sickness.
And Gawhar is inexperienced.
In this case, who will
be the Head Hatun?
Don't worry.
I have taken my precaution beforehand.
Someone whose shadow
so big will arrive that
she will fill in that
position perfectly.
Who are you?
I'm Tapar son of Meliksah!
I have come to take the revenge
of my father, you bastards.
Guys, I think we made a mistake
leaving Sencer with those dogs.
The infidels might call for support.
If the Crusaders take the book.
Sencer will get the worst of Sultan.
Don't worry. Sencer brother is
trained enough to take on the infidels.
If he told us to go to the palace,
he probably knows something.
Eynar, hold on to the book!
I'll follow the book, Melik Hadhrat!
I told you I would send you
away from this palace.
The day has finally come.
You won't be able to return.
I'm going away to do
beneficial work for my state.
I will fight against the infidel
attacks like a true Seljuk Hatun.
Meanwhile, you will try to
destroy the very state
..we try to protect
with your games.
But remember this: the new Head Hatun
will have her eyes on you at all times.
Our Sultan said she is an influential
person Let's see how you handle her.
I Leave with happiness today, Elcin Hatun.
But you will hear about
what will happen in the future.
You'll see.
The escaping man might be
bait for Sencer. You go that way.
You go that way.
Let’s find him quick.
- Where is Eynar?
- He didn't come, sir
The Seljuks must be after him.
Spread out in the woods.
He might be in need of support.
I want to see both the
book and Eynar here.
As you order.
Come on. Come on
News came from our scouts who
were compassing the roads sir.
Kilicarslan's sister
Elcin set out to Anatolia.
Kilicarslan's sister is going
towards Anatolia, huh?
So she intends to form the
Turks against the Crusader army.
But we can't let such thing happen, right?
Gather your men, go to the forest and
set ambush. Do whatever is necessary.
When Mehksah sees Elcin is dead
he will understand that he can't
win against the Crusader army.
These are Sencer's men.
Did they catch him while chasing
the book and learn that he's Seyuduna?
You're wounded, Head Messenger
Hadrath. We need to check it immediately.
I need to get my wound treated, brave men.
You can't go anywhere.
Sencer told us to take you to Hace.
You'll ask for permission from Hace.
And he will get
your wound treated.
Who do you think you are?
I'm the Head Messenger of the state!
You can't treat me as a traitor.
Why are you keeping the Head Messenger?
We're taking him to Hace.
The duty is ours from
here on. We'll take him.
It's our job to take
him Now, get out of our way.
Being a private soldiers doesn't
give you any priority in the palace.
I said this duty is ours.
What’s happening here?
Go back to your duties. Come on.
Hace Hadrath.
We caught the Head Messenger
with the Book of Secrets of the Batinis.
I can explain, Hace Hadrath.
Why didn't Sencer come here?
Does he have the book?
The crusaders ambushed us
on the way. They took the book.
Our brother Sencer is after them now.
As I have guessed.
Fortunately Tapar is
after the crusaders too.
InshAllah they will come back safely
And for you Sabbah
You will explain why you went
after that book and how you found it
before our Sultan
after Sencer gets back.
Who do you think you are ambushing?
We know, Elcin.
We will destroy the Suljuk Dynasty
and you will be our first victim.
Apparently our war has begun
before we even reached Anatolia.
You Crusader dogs!
Stay behind Elcin Hatun.
You are so beautiful.
You'll be mine first.
Don't touch my lady!
Tryin'g to rape a Seljuk Hatun
means calling for your death.
Kill them!
You attack her like a vulture
assuming she is a sparrow.
Yet, female eagles are still
eagles in these lands.
Bring one of my caps for Hatun!
You saved us Thank you.
For you to have Seljuk soldiers with you,
you must be someone important.
Who are you?
I'm the daughter of Kutalmis,
who is the son of Suleyman Shah.
With our Sultan's order,
I'm going to Anatolia.
So, you are Elcin Hatun
When you reach your lands make sure
you read a Fatiha for my Hatun mother.
And plant a cypress beside her grave.
She was used to love them.
You knew my mother?
I know all the Selcuk Hatuns.
And they also know me well.
Here, my miss.
And who are you?
The blood of Sultan
Meliksah will be avenged.
You wounded his arm but
I'll take your head now.
I didn't only wound Meliksah's arm.
I made glasses out of Muslim's skulls.
I'll break off your wings
now, the eagle of Seljuk.
Of course, if you can save
yourself from my claws.
Soon, there will be
thousands of warriors like me.
The army of crusaders will shed
all of your blood. All of your blood.
So, you are this much bloodthirsty.
Don't worry.
A crescent is enough to
choke all of the crusaders.
Here will be a grave for all of you.
I've saved the book.
And I take the revenge of
our Sultan from that heathen.
Thank Allah, you crossed them.
Thankyou, Melik Hadrath
You were the one, who was really bold.
You showed you were a real son.
Sencer who is my brother in the fight.
Soldiers Keep searching for their head.
We are taking the book back.
lf there hadn't been the letter of Firdevs,
Meliksah would have already taken my head.
The death of Firdevs saved my life.
We always need such
loyal people, Taculmulk.
I am the one, who is
really loyal, Terken Hatun.
If it had been up to Firdevs, she
would have told everything we did.
That's why I forced her to
write that letter and killed her.
When the guard, who was our
man, told me you were in danger
..I directly went to Firdevs.
I forced her to write, as if
they were her own words.
I did all of these with my free will.
Just because of my loyalty for Terken
Hatun. I took orders from no one.
And then, I did what was necessary.
And you, Taculmulk?
If you knew one day I’ll tell
everything we did to Sultan Meliksah
would you also kill me?
How can I do such a thing, Terken Hatun?
I would die for you.
When we were thinking that
we got rid of Elcin Hatun
now we will have a new Head Hatun.
As our Sultan said, she
is someone powerful.
What if this person is Berkyaruk's
mother Zubeyde Hatun?
Don't say things like that Taculmulk.
Zubeyde Hatun is like an army on her own.
If she comes to this palace
My Sultan.
Zubeyde Hatun.
The mother of my son Berkyaruk.
The star of my dynasty.
Your light shines upon
us, welcome to our palace.
Thank you, my Sultan.
The roads between us were long.
But you made us come together.
We have been separated for
long and you made us united.
From now on, I’m under your command, in
our palace, the head of our state, and
the home of our dynasty.
We have seen some
vultures on the road.
They were attacking Elcin hatun.
We have removed the
heads of those vultures.
I sent Elcin Hatun with my soldiers.
She will reach Anatolia safely.
You have already shown
safety under your wings.
My Sultan.
I have brought you the best
wishes from our son Berkyaruk.
He is always praying for your health,
for your dynasty and for our state.
Peace be upon him too.
May he live long.
He is as precious as one of my two eyes.
From now on.
The new Head Hatun of the state is
Zubeyde Hatun.
Give the seal to her.
This seal is
the reputation of the state
your trust
and my honour.
It's might is only under your rule.
With your rule and with my wisdom..
...we are going to restore
the order in the palace again.
We have been baptized
in the same water with you.
Our blood has been
blessed by the same oath.
We were going to die together.
But the sword of an enemy has separated us.
He took a piece of me.
I swear
I will make Sencer pay for this.
I swear that I'm going to rip Senear's
heart out with my own hands, brother.
With my own hands!
I will slaughter his tribe, his loved ones!
All of them, I will slaughter all of them!
Drink from our sherbet.
It will be good for your exhaustion.
Thank you.
Our lion Berkyaruk is following your steps.
He rules his lands with justice.
Everybody is happy with him.
He never presents
himself as Melik Berkyaruk.
He always calls himself
Berkyaruk, Son of Meliksah.
He always carries the
pride of being your son.
He sent you a present.
You taught him this craft.
He said he would give his
most precious work to his father.
This bow is you,
meaning our father.
And the arrow is his sons.
the sons that came out of the father will
rule the world in the name of the father.
My valiant son.
He shows his intelligence
in everything he does.
I haven't seen him in a while.
I'd like to to see my Berkyaruk
as soon as possible, InshAllah.
I've been hearing about
you too. We sent you there
so that you could be
with your son, get some rest.
But you kept your hands busy there.
You have been working with the
women there. You even armed them.
Well, if you're the son of Sultan Alparslan,
I'm the daughter of his brother Yakuti.
No rest for us before death.
You know that.
I heard you've recently
fought with the infidels.
Why would I get rest
when you aren't?
You've been competing
with me since we were kids.
Your efforts always helped me.
I've called you into the
palace for that reason now.
Meliksah, every word from
your mouth is an order for me.
Thank you.
These are times that we have to be after
the enemy with our swords at ai. times.
For this reason, I'd like to leave
the palace with ease of mind.
Manage the palace,
bring some order in it
so I can go to war with ease of mind,
knowing there is a strong Hatun behind me.
You've become weary.
Your side that fights the enemy
is still alive, still passionate
but deprived of love
that will caress your heart
...when you return to the palace.
But I'm here now, Meliksah.
I'm here to give you the
light that has left your eyes
I and rekindle the fire that
was put out in your heart.
Managing the palace is
enough for now, Zubeyde.
They will question me when Sencer returns.
This questioning might be the
end of our days in the palace. Sadik.
- Is there no way out, sir?
- There is one.
Sencer's death.
We will get the book from
Marcus one way or another.
Let's hope Marcus kills him.
Sencer and the book
cannot come to the palace.
Sencer is here.
With the book.
Marcus couldn't
handle him either.
They will question me till death
and make me decipher the book now.
What will we do, sir?
I might not make it from the questioning.
If the Sultan figures out who
I am and orders my death
you need to get our
book out of this palace.
Burn the palace down if it's necessary.
Our cause must live on
even if I meet the Great Imam.
That's my last wish.
Attention! Our Head Hatun Zubeyde Hatun!
Since Seferiye Hatun got sick
some things have happened that
doesn't suit to a hatun of the palace.
From now on everyone
win get their act together.
It would be good for you if you
listen to me and follow my rules.
Which craft do you do?
I haven't done anything in a long time.
As you know, I'm pregnant.
I'm concerned with this.
Is this how you act as a hatun
of the dynasty, Terken Hatun?
It’s uncommon for a palace
hatun to sit and do nothing.
Everyone should have a
craft and a charity work.
Don't you know this?
You should have checked these.
Do you take sword training?
No: Zubeyde Hatun.
What a shame.
What a shame.
You are a Seljuk Hatun that
doesn't know how to use a sword.
Apart from being the Head
Hatun, you are her mother.
Don't you think about her?
When Sultan Tugrul,
the founder of our state..
..was besieged in the capital,
his hatun Altuncan Hatun
took her sword and went to
the square with her horse to help.
This position is entrusted to us by her.
Every Seljuk Hatun
will take their swords and
fight when it's necessary.
Apart from that, they
will do a craft and charity.
I don't want Hatuns to
sit and wait in the palace.
You should know that I will
check everyone constantly.
Congratulations, Head Hatun.
Head Hatun.
My Sultan.
So you got hurt while
protecting the book
I would even die for
the state, my Sultan.
Tell me.
Are you working for Batinis?
Not at all my Sultan!
Instead of being
accused like this,
it is more honorable to
die with your sword for me.
How could you so easily find the book
which all the Seljuk
were searching everywhere.
I learned where the book was thrown.
I calculated the flow of the
water and went to search for it.
And I took the book from the Batini
disguised as a fisherman anyway.
I said this there.
The soldiers didn't let anyone
pass from the circle around the river.
And no one could get in expect the
ones, who was looking for the book.
How could you get in, Sabbah?
There were no soldiers in the area I went.
Obviously, the Batini I killed,
whom disguised as a fisherman
..also went there by exploiting
the carelessness of the soldiers.
A head messenger,
who have never been
interested in the matter
of Batini until today
Why did he become much
more eager than everyone,
when the book of
Secrets was of concern?
My main duty is our external matters.
And Batinis is our internal matter.
That's why I haven't brought
any information about this matter.
As a state person of charge,
he tried to help his state after all.
If we punish Sabbah
for the act today
tomorrow no one will
risk himself for the state.
What Sab bah did is obvious.
Neither his answers, nor your defense
is enough to clear
the suspicions inside me.
My Sultan.
 he tried to help by the pain he
feels, for he fell from your grace
as a person of state, who
devoted himself to the state for years.
My Sultan, if I had been a traitor, I
wouldn't have returned to the palace.
When the crusaders had
attacked, I would have run away.
Yet, I chose to be a martyr
for my state and fought!
Is this true'?
It’s true, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
Raising a state person is not easy.
What I feel with my heart and mind that
state person shouldn't
be killed this easily.
Get up.
There is only one way to
clear my suspicion about you.
Revealing that book of secrets.
If you have a connection with Batinis
it will come to the light,
when that book is revealed.
Until the writings are revealed,
you won't get out of the palace.
As you command, my Sultan. As you command.
By your leave, my Sultan.
Be our guest in our dinner table.
there are somethings I
want to ask about you.
Zubeyde Hatun has
started tormenting everyone.
She scolded me in front of everyone too.
She told me to work on
crafts and charity works.
What is wrong with that
If that makes you this angry?
She said something right.
If you continue being this carefree
you can only dream of being an Emir,
and being a Sultan when the time comes!
Watch your tongue!
You cannot say anything you
want just because you are my Hatun!
I can! And I will!
That woman will pave way
here to make her son the Sultan.
And what will you do?
That's none of your business!
The only think you need to think about
right now is the health of our child!
Don't get involved in
these kinds of matters again!
That's enough Tapar!
You are the Melik and
I'm the hatun of Melik!
But we are the ones that are
the most worthless in the dynasty!
What else do I have to do for you?
What have you managed to do so far?
That woman came and
became the Head Hatun.
If your words had a value
instead of Terken Hatun,
I would be the Head Hatun!
You couldn't even do that!
Don't be ungrateful!
How can you be this
ambitious, this impertinent?
Whoever our Sultan sees fit for a
position, that person will take the duty!
We are in no position to question!
You have become like this since
you never questioned anything!
You are no different than that
tribesman Sencer near our Sultan!
Look at me Gawhar!
Don't cross the line!
Don't make me do things I don't want!
Don't poison yourself,
or me, with your ambition!
Poison, huh?
So I'm the one that poisons you?
Do whatever you want
right now, or leave this room.
Don't insult me and
continue to look at my face!
What happened, sir?
For now, I have managed to get
out of the death interrogation alive.
But I cannot leave the palace
until the book is deciphered.
Who makes me suspicious
the most is that old wolf!
While everyone was
attacking me, he protected me.
And he just punished us recently.
Why would he do that?
Hace Hadrath.
You must be thinking now.
Hace, who punished us before
why did he protect me now?
I determine the worth of a man
with the services he
has done for the state.
Not doing anything when
you faced death, is the same as
disregarding all the services
you have done for the state.
Even if it wasn't your duty,
you tried to do something
for your loyalty for the state.
And what’s left for us to do is
to respond loyalty with fidelity.
May Allah bless you Hace Hadrath.
Our state is going through a hard time.
That's why, I wanted to help
our state carry this burden.
I'm glad that you have understood
my intention and appreciated me.
Do beneficial things for
the state all the time
so that I can protect you
even up against the Sultan.
And you will always be loyal to me.
Be at ease, Hace Hadrath.
We will work together and
serve this state much longer
When will this matter with book
will be solved, Hace Hadrath?
All I want is that dog called Seyuduna and
all the Batini infidels to be found out.
Now with that book, we have taken
those demons in our palm, Sabbah.
It's only a matter of
time for us to crush them.
Don't worry.
- Why did he defend you?
- I know what he is about.
He cannot trust anybody
after getting poisoned.
He wants to fortify his side.
That's why he is trying to befriend me.
I saved my head from Meliksah for now.
But if they decipher the book, they will
both find me and end our organization.
We are at a tough place.
We have to get a move on, Sadik.
We were supposed to erect the Holy
Lance in Jerusalem together, brother.
But that Turk That Turk
named Sencer stopped us.
But you'll see
soon, the Seljuk lands will be
scorched with the fire of my revenge.
We captured two of the
men that were following us.
I’ll bless your grave with the blood of
these two guys for now. But rest assured
 I will come to you with
a much greater blood soon.
I'll spill Sencer's blood on your
grave. That's how I will bless this grave.
Trust me.
Give word to Batinis I want them to
find Sencer, wherever he is hiding.
I want him here before the
blood of these two dries out.
Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!
Revengel Revengel Revenge!
Your father was martyred
in the Siege of Berzem.
Hace told me.
How old were you at the time?
I'm not sure but I was young enough
to not remember anything, my Sultan.
When did Hace make
you his personal warrior?
How did he find you?
Hace would take care
of children of the martyrs.
That's why my mother gave
me to him when I was six.
I went to the monastery of Hamedani.
I wanted to see your
mother, ask her questions.
But she was clearly upset
about what happened.
She didn't want
to come before me.
Mother Basula has a greabheart
and a huge compassion, my Sultan.
Your mother
is named Basulu?
That's right my Sultan.
Fatma Basulu.
Mother of Tapar's was also named Basulu.
We lost her during the Siege of Berzem.
Your father was also martyred
during the Siege of Berzem.
The day of Siege of Berzem
must have been a crossroads
of fate for many people, my Sultan.
That's right.
Some live that fate close to us
and some live it away from us.
And some
get closer to each other the more
they are apart from one another, my Sultan.
Apple of my eye
as you get away from me
you'll get closer to me.
I said these words too
at the turning point of my destiny.
I hope the person I told these
words still keeps them in his heart.
You loved her
I mean Basulu Hatun..
..too much, obviously.
It was her love
that always
warmed our heart.
It was her patient
merciful and loyal stance
that illuminated our home.
May she rest in peace.
I cany whatever memory
I have of her in my heart
with endless love and loyalty.
You were a criminal in
our eyes because you didn't
follow the order even
though your aim was right.
Now, you are a guest at our table
because you followed the rules.
The state treats you
the same way you treat the state.
It repays you.
The main reason I invited
you to my table is that
I want you to
understand this very well.
I made these coat years
ago with my own hands.
It was for someone who was precious for me.
You said that the place
which is cold because of
being fatherless is warmed
by the mother's hearth.
I promised you.
As your Sultan that you
put your father's place
I wish this coat will be a sign showing
that we'll always keep you warm.
It’s so beautiful my Sultan.
You said that you made it for
someone who was very precious for you.
Do you mind if I ask who it was?
It was someone who
didn't have a father, like you.
Now, the Crusaders are your
enemy too. Be cautious all the time.
As long as you have this coat on
...may you feel our eyes and hands
and our fatherhood with you.
May your life be blessed
and your state perpetual.
Where are you going, Terken Hatun?
I'm going to the privy
chamber to see our Sultan.
I will see our Sultan now.
But our Sultan always
waits for me in these hours.
From now on, you can see
our Sutan when I allow you.
Now you'll wait.
There were some special writings
in the Batini books we had before.
However, since they put other
signs under these writings
it does not mean the same.
Is there anything that you understand?
In order to understand the writings
we need to decipher
the signs under them.
If Batinis learns that the book is taken
they will act accordingly.
We need to decipher
these as soon as possible.
How much time does it take?
It can take some time, Hace Hadrath.
Yet, we'll decipher
their codes soon or later.
The guards are changing
their shifts frequently.
Obviously, the old wolf is
much more careful this time.
Isfizari and Ghazali never leave the room.
It's impossible for us to
enter, if the room is left.
We'll take our precautions
for every possibility.
Send words to Faysal right away.
While we are taking care of the
book, he'll take a step for Selemzar.
What is it, sir?
He'll marry Emir Ilteber's daughter, Turna.
This will be both a step for our cause
and the punishment we give for Sencer.
However, Sencer took our
book and Rustem from us
we will also take his beloved.
What are you doing
around the Hace's office?
I've come to check if
the guards do their duty.
I don't know if they do their duty but
you're involved in the
things that is not your duty.
You troubled me enough.
Don't go any further, or-
You were the one who troubled us!
You are gettingin our
way too much Sabbah.
Know that I step on
whoever gets in my way.
 You went crazy, when the Sultan
didn't believe your slanders, didn't you?
There is a bad intention for the
loss of the state in every act of yours.
You'll never be worth of this state.
Will you be worthy of this state?
If I see you get on my
or the state's way again
your death will be by my hand, Sabbah.
Before you could do anything
to me, I'll destroy your state.
And I'll make sure the
funeral of the Sultan,
whom you trust so much, will
get out of this palace.
This balm will heal it quickly.
Just be patient.
All those war wounds didn't
kill you. This won't kill you, too.
It's obvious that your hand
has already touched everywhere.
You've touched the water
we drink, to the food we eat.
Even the atmosphere of the
palace has started to change.
If I have a ability with my hand, it is
thanks to the power given by your hand.
My mother's situation is bad.
I wonder if we should let
her get out of the palace.
A change is good as a rest.
Maybe her situation gets better.
I'll do my best for her.
Yet, if you want to send her
it would be appropriate somewhere
close for nature to let her freshen up.
Come on, sleep now.
And I'll go to my room.
I don't want to make
Terken Hatun wait any longer.
There is different thoughts
in my mind today.
I can't spend time
with Terken Hatun now.
Tell her to rest in her
personal room tonight.
However you want.
Zubeyde. You've taken all
my tiredness with your affinity
I'll sleep this easily for the
first time after a long time.
Thank you.
May Allah bestow a good sleep for you.
For you, too.
Who was the one, who couldn't
protect our book of secrets?
Who is the reason for the
captivity of Seyuduna in the palace?
I am.
I made a mistake towards the great
Seyuduna, who made no mistake.
I sacrifice my life for him!
In the captivity of the devils
only the blood shed by the
dagger can give me power.
May the shed blood | reach the Great Imam.
May it strengthen my dagger
with his spirituality!
The great night of blood has arrived!
The blood that will drip from
this dagger will save Seyuduna!
He has set out for the path
to escape from the devils!
Daggers will pave this path for him.
And he will open the door to his escape!
You cannot get in there.
The devil who is sleeping in darkness,
will be pathetic in front of him.
The breath of death will move ike
a shadow to the heart of the devil.
And he will stab him with the
dagger that will destroy that heart.
In the great night of blood
may this blood be spilled for you
be a sacrifice for
your escape, father!
My soul is purified with the
blood that is spilled, Great Imam!
You showed me the vision of the
dagger that will stab the devil Meliksah
..and inspired me!
If they reveal our secrets
then this palace will
turn into a blood pool!
You have come after being
successful in all your duties.
All the hardships, betrayals
and ambushes have hurt us.
And made us stay apart
You are right, my Turna.
What did your father say to our marriage?
Well, he said "Sencer
is always in trouble
and it’s unknown when
something bad will happen to him."
He said right.
I have many enemies that
want to take revenge from me.
And I have many that are
preparing an ambush for me.
It's normal for him to
be worried as a father.
My father can worry about his daughter.
I have no such worries.
I want to be together with you
against your enemies as well.
Unless my enemies hurt you
I know how to defeat them all
I know howto defeat them all.
Let’s not talk about ttjese now.
You told me you were
going to take me somewhere.
I'm so curious, when will we go?
1 will take you
- Be patient.
- I cannot be patient any longer.
Let's go.
My Turna, wait.
Come on
How can she go with
Sencer without telling me first?
Like she doesn't know my anger for him!
How can he go with that bandit,
like she is doing it to spite me!
What could we say to her, Emir Hadrath?
You are just a bunch of useless servants!
Emir Hadrath!
Merchant Faysal has arrived,
he wants to speak to you.
Whenever Faysal comes, he brings bad news.
Let's see what bad
news he brings this time.
Let him in.
And get out of my sight!
It looks like you are furious again.
What happened?
Being a ruler leaves you
without peace, and health!
It's city matters
You tell me, what makes you come here?
Is it about Melik Tapar?
Yes, Melik Tapar.
But not himself personally.
It's the fact that he will speak
about the mines and Daru'l Hicre.
What does that mean?
Melik Tapar will tell Sultan that you
have given me the mines and Daru'l Hicre.
And when Meliksah learns
about it, it may be bad for us.
I told you, but you didn't listen to me.
You should have been
afraid of Sultan's wrath then.
What do you want me to tell him now?
Do you want me to lie to the Sultan?
I have come to offer you a
solution that will save us both
What is that?
The state can only forgive
what we did only in one case.
If you and I have a blood tie between us
I like your thinking, but I don't
intend to get married at this point.
I'm not interested in the
woman you are offering.
I'm not offering, I’m taking from you.
You're taking?
-Are you
-I'd like to marry your daughter Turna.
What are you talking about?
You took the mines and Darulhucre
and now you want my daughter?
Whatever I took, I took
it out of your own good.
I want your daughter Turna
for your own good now.
I am a reputable trader. I can ask for help
from the caliphate in Baghdad if need be.
But you have nobody to protect you To
save yourself from the wrath of the state..
you have to approve the marriage.
Think it through. If you
say yes, you will get lucky.
If you reject
you will bring your
doom with your own hands.
Mother, this trip is
necessary for your health.
We will be waiting for you.
We want to see you more healthy.
don't get sick.
I may be away but I can still feel it.
My heart will ache.
We expect you to be back soon
with great health Hatun Ana InshAllah.
Safe travels, Hatun Ana.
There is a feast in Kinik Tribe.
As per the tradition of our
tribe, we need to send a gift.
You will take our gift to
the Kinik Tribe, Tapar.
So we are spreading further.
I haven't breathed in nature for so
long I should also visit the Kinik Tribe.
- Take mother with you, Tapar
- As you wish, my Sultan.
Thank Allah you've returned to your home.
I have dispelled the troubles, mother.
I am at your side again.
I wanted Turna Hatun to see where I live.
It was fitting she would
come during the feast.
Great idea.
- Welcome, dear.
- Thank you, Basulu Ana.
The men that returned to the tribe
told me The Sultan pardoned you.
He even admired you.
You are a source of pride, son.
I should help.
What a magnificent pelt.
Someone important must have made it.
It's a gift from my father.
He had it made for someone
important back in the day.
For someone who also lost his father.
What is it, mother?
Your father
Before he went to Belzem
..brought this and asked for blessings.
If we had a son, he wanted me
to wrap him in a wolf pelt.
That's it, son.
And you are that son.
You live your fate.
Maybe father couldn't wrap
me in this pelt back in the day
but he did it now.
Basulu Ana!
We have brought a gift
from our Sultan to the feast.
Seferiye Hatun wanted to
stop by on her way to resting.
You're alive.
What’s that supposed to mean. Hatun Ana?
your mother isn't dead.
Don't you recognize her?
When I see you at the palace, I
resembled you to Alparslan for a reason.
You are Meliksah's son too.
So you gave birth to him after
you were banished from the palace.
Meliksah and you hid
this from everyone.
Hatun Mother has been sick for a while.
She is confused.
She confuses everyone.
Apparently she thought that you were
mother because your name is Basulu.
Forgive her
I pay my respects.
I would like to
offer you a cup of ayran
in my tent, Seferiye Hatun.
We can have a deep
conversation in the meantime.
I'll show you the feast
area, Melik Hadrath.
This way.
My son
..that you separated from me
years ago brought you to me.
Fate wants us to confront
each other, Seferiye Hatun.
Tapar didn’t believe me.
But I knew that you are her
No one would believe you from now on.
You should know that I have
never held any grudge against you.
But I haven't forgotten what
you made me go through.
I was separated from one of my sons.
For years, I was burned with
the fire of longing for my son.
My other son and I have
been hiding for years.
And Meliksah doesn't
know that I'm alive
or who his son is.
Was it worth it?
Was it worth all this pain
you made us go through?
I had to.
I didn't have another choice.
You were accused of spying.
If you weren't banished,
Meliksah would get hurt.
Do you think Meliksah
didn't get hurt anyway?
One of his sons grew up without
a mother in front of his eyes.
Didn't his heart bleed
when he looked at him?
Wasn't his heart torn apart while
his other son grew up away from him?
I felt my son's pain
in front of my eyes for years.
Only Allah and I know the remorse I feel.
But I had to.
I was the Head Hatun of the state.
The state wouldn't be
destroyed if I stayed there.
And it hasn't changed with my absence.
You are a mother too.
Was being a Head Hatun
higher than being a mother
that you gave me this pain?
Look at yourself.
They poisoned you.
Apparently the games of the
palace have finally found you too.
Now nobody would believe
you if you told the truth.
You ruined all of us, Seferiye Hatun.
Maybe I won't come back
from where I'm going to rest.
You are my biggest regret.
know I don't have the right to ask for this
but still I want to ask for your blessing.
I said these just because the desire for
reckoning that has been burning my heart for years.
A believer doesn't hold a grudge.
I give you my blessing
This brave man, Sencer
Does Meliksah know that he is his own son?
He knows that he has a son.
But he doesn't know that he is Sencer.
As you said
no matter what I say,
they wouldn't believe me.
From now on
I'll pretend I don't
know about you and Sencer.
What happened?
Could you make
someone infiltrate the tribe?
I sent someone
He will definitely infiltrate there.
He will.
How will it happen?
When a spy infiltrates among them
Turks certainly will find him.
Don't worry.
We have such agents that
they can infiltrate everywhere by becoming
colorless and tasteless like water.
And we strike at their weakest point
at their compassion.
No one can understand or will understand
the one we sent to the tribe was our spy.
Good. We can’t hunt Sencer in the tribe.
Let the spy send news to us,
whenever he leaves the tribe tonight.
Morning or night, it doesn’t matter.
Soon, the end of Sencer will come. Soon
Sencer brother
Congrats for your marriage, nephew.
Thanks. It is thanks to
When I had no money, you?
let me form my family.
You helped me to get the
permission to marry Alcicek.
What else you can do, brother?
I've decide something with Alcicek.
If we have a child, we name him Sencer.
Eyvallah, brother.
May you be blessed together InshAllah.
Ameen. Ameen, brother.
InshAllah, you also come
together with the one you wish.
Are you tired, grandma?
I'm so tired, son.
Come, let's have a sit.
You sit, grandma.
We can bring you food or whatever you want.
May Allah bless you, son.
If you weren’t here,
I'd be ruined around here.
Bring food for grandma.
However warriors go to war, as
if they go to their wedding
they get excited with sword and
shield in their marriages, too!
Come on!
Let the warriors of our tribe
get their swords and shields!
Come on!
Come on, Melik Hadrath.
Come on brave ones!
Look at the brave ones!
Oh MashAllah to our lions!
O MashAllah!
Come on brave ones!
Come on!
Come on brave ones!
May Allah bless you.
Live long, brave ones!
My son.
Bless your heart, brave ones.
Eyvallah father Korkut.
Soldier, go to where
we spoke of immediately!
And you will come with me, come on.
Where is that soldier going?
Did they decipher the book,
and he is going to capture me?
When the person we j spoke of arrives
we will decipher the book.
The knowledge of the person that
will arrive, focuses on private writings.
He will decipher the book for sure
I will send him news immediately.
If he hits the road at night
he will be here in the morning.
If he is just as you said, then the truth
will be revealed as soon as he sees the book.
Don't leave guarding the door.
They couldn't decipher the book yet.
But whoever they are waiting for
when he arrives, they
will decipher it for sure.
We need to act before he arrives.
No matter the cost..
I won't leave that book there.
May Allah protect you, Basulu mother.
I loved your feast, your tribe
and everything here, thank you.
Thank you too, daughter, safe travels.
We will take the feast group until
where Alp Dogan is positioned.
He is the son of our tribe,
if we don't see him off,
he will look like an
orphan. It's against the rule.
And when you drop Turna
off, come back quickly.
We should spend some time together
Okay mother
We were looking for you.
Come on, we prepared your tent.
You can rest.
I'm fine like this, son.
I would like to walk
around the tribe a little.
People will return to
their jobs now in the tribe.
Rest now, and you can walk
around the tribe later, come on.
Come on, granny.
What happened?
Is there any news from the tribe?
The woman we sent to the tribe
couldn't see where Sencer went.
She couldn't?
Your spy couldn't see?
Is that it?
Then why are you here?
I thought we could count on your spies.
I thought they were going to work smoothly.
He lost Sencer but I will offer
you who he loves the most.
I will offer you his mother.
- His mother?
- Her name is Basulu.
They left with the tribe caravan. The
Bey of the tribe is also among the caravan.
- They are heading east.
- Good. Good.
I will make Sencer go through
a pain he will never forget.
He deserved it. That’s
exactly what I wanted.
Warriors, get ready for bloodbath.
Soon, we will kill Sencer’s mother
and everybody in that caravan!
Come on! Get ready for revenge!
 - And? Where is the poor woman?
- I don't know, my Bey.
She left the tribe in a hurry.
Nobody saw her.
There is something fishy going
on Togan. She is clearly a spy.
She left everything in a hurry.
She is sending a word to someone.
- Who?
- Either Batinis or the Crusaders.
There are two places at
risk outside of the tribe:
The feast caravan and Sencer's group.
I'll catch up with the caravan,
you get the word to Sencer.
Send an alp and notify Melik Tapar.
Let's get to them before anything happens.
We will finally get together.
Sencer will ask my father's approval son.
Should I talk to father again?
Get out.
You went to Sencer’s tribe again
Look, dear, you're grown now
You are old enough to marry.
You have a reputation with Sencer.
Everybody thinks you are engaged.
Seeing one another like
this is not appropriate.
It is time to put an end to this.
You are the daughter
of the Emir of Salemzar
and he is just a peasant
whose roots are unknown.
What I'm saying is,
Sencer is not worthy of you.
Don't say that. Sencer is a great person.
If you could get to know him
The person that will marry
you should be worthy of us.
Trader Faysal came today.
He wanted your hand in marriage.
Trader Faysal?
What did you say?
Please tell me you said no.
I said yes.
The preparations will get underway.
You will marry Faysal soon.
How could you do this to me, father?
You knew I wouldn't be willing.
How can you do this?
This was necessary for our future.
Do you know what we are dealing with?
This marriage will make it all go away.
I won't marry someone other than Sencer.
We love each other.
- Enough, Tuma.
- No, father.
You are using me for your trade.
You gave your own daughter to a trader!
I will crush both of your loving hearts.
Forget about Sencer
You will marry Faysal as
soon as possible, that's final
What is it, Togan?
Why did you leave the tribe?
There was a poor woman
in the tribe. She was a spy.
She slipped out of the tribe.
-Is the tribe defended?
-Yes, but the feast caravan is on the way.
Arslantas is going there in case
of an ambush. I came to notify you.
If the caravan is out of the
tribe, they won't touch the tribe.
They will target the caravan.
Let's move fast, men. Come on!
I came to notify you.
Who are you? What do you want?
We want revenge.
A revenge Sencer will
never be able to forget.
My son would never
let you get away with it.
So, you are Sencer's mother!
We'll see if he will let us get
away with it after we kill you.
I will engrave my name
in your minds with blood.
My name is Marcus. Attack!
Oh, Allah!
Alp Dogan!
Alp Dogan!
You infidels!
Korkut Ata!
Don't worry, woman.
Don't be sad that you'll die,
soon I will send your son there too.
Even if you put an army at that door,
I will still take the book from there.
You left the book in sight because
you thought that no one can get in here.
But Sabbah has come from
the back door to take this book.
I defeated you once again Nizamulmulk.
Don't be so sure, Sabbah.
Now you showed your true colours.
You're wounded, Arslantas.
Who ambushed you?
The Crusaders.
I got the news and predicted there would be
an ambush to the caravan. So, I came here.
- Who did this?
- The Crusaders.
My mother.
Where is my mother, Arslantas?
Basulu Mother!
-Basulu Mother.
Hold on, mother
Hold on, mother.
Hold on.
We’re here Basulu Mother.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes, mother.
Mother Mother
You called us your sons and hugged us.
You will hug us again, Basulu Mother.
Open your eyes, mother!
Don't leave me alone, mother!
Don't leave me, mother!
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