Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Hello Wembley

My name is, uh,
Chet Peterson,
and I'm, uh,
here with, uh, Toyota.
Uh, and we've, uh
we're in the Toyota suite.
And we've allowed,
uh, the Wrexham folks
to enjoy our suite.
You'll notice we've got some
great hamburgers over there,
uh, potato salad.
We really put out
a great spread today.
And, um, I just
met Ryan Reynolds
that was a thrill
and, uh, Sir David Beckham.
Pretty sure he's a sir.
At least that's
what I called him.
Uh, so yeah,
I'm just here to make sure
everyone has a good time.
BUDDY HOLLY: [singing] Every
day, it's a-getting closer,
going faster
than a roller coaster.
Love like yours will
surely come my way.
A-hey, a-hey-hey.
Every day,
it's a-getting faster.
Everyone said,
"Go ahead and ask her."
Love like yours will
surely come my way.
A-hey, a-hey-hey.
Love like yours will
surely come my way.
[soft dramatic music]
Wembley Stadium
the home of football.
It's been the scene of some
of the greatest games
that have formed the game.
And he's done it!
Southampton have won it.
[crowd cheering]
Oh, brilliantly taken.
Absolutely brilliantly taken.
SHAUN: Wembley Stadium
every kid's dream
who plays football, to be able
to play on the turf.
It holds magical memories
for those that have done it
and is that dream for many,
many others.
And tomorrow,
the players of Wrexham AFC
will get that opportunity.
[upbeat music]
I'm off to Wembley again.
- Again.
- Oh, Jackie.
Whoever would have
thought it?
Town's buzzing, you know?
I can't wait to go down myself.
It's gonna be good.
ROB: I finally get to see
a game with my family.
We are used to watching
the games at
anywhere between 4:00 a.m.
and 7:00 a.m. on a shitty feed.
And you don't really get
the full experience
of watching Wrexham play.
That's a great fall, Dibso.
RYAN: Phil has brought
this club a long way.
We beat the best to be here,
you know.
Like, this isthis is
how it's supposed to be.
In English football,
every player's dream is
to play at Wembley.
Every supporter wants to see
their team play at Wembley.
JORDAN DAVIES: To have the
chance to represent Wrexham,
my hometown club,
at Wembley is just
something I was very
excited for, you know.
And it's an honor, really.
FAN: Enjoy the day.
- Cheers. Thank you.
FAN: Thank you very much.
- Here you go.
Thank you. Thank you.
It is lovely today
to see the players
and the interaction
with the fans.
[indistinct chatter]
[Hermenst Thaggar's
"Part of Something"]
It's not often
you get the opportunity.
So yeah,
very excited for tomorrow.
[singing] Somebody, somewhere.
[kids chanting]
We've got Mullin, ooh!
Super Paul Mullin.
Just don't think
you understand.
He plays in red and white.
He's fucking dynamite.
We've got Super Paul Mullin.
KID 1: No.
KID 2: No.
HERMENST: [singing] We fit
together, then we come apart.
The pieces scatter
far and wide.
I think we're gonna win.
Cheers, mate. Thank you.
I always think we're gonna
win though, don't I, so.
[singing] We come together.
We are part of something bigger
than ourself.
[horn honks]
[hip-hop beat playing]
[atmospheric music]
NEWSCASTER: Well, the big day
is officially here.
The FA Trophy Final
between Wrexham and Bromley
will kick off in a few hours.
Thousands of fans are expected
to journey to London,
not to mention
our club owners,
as well as other
celebrity guests
that are rumored to attend.
PLAYER: Wembley!
- Wembley!
[singing] We're
the famous Wrex, the best,
and yeah,
we're going to Wembley.
NEWSCASTER: It's a good time
to be a Wrexham fan.
Not only is the team
still the favorite
to win promotion
via the playoffs,
but today,
we have the opportunity
to lift the FA Trophy
for the second time
in our history.
[all chanting]
We've got Super Paul Mullin!
BOTH: We've got Mullin!
I don't think I really
understood the weight of it
until we stepped
into that stadium.
We're at Wembley.
Like, this is insane.
I mean, people spend
their whole careers
hoping to enter this stadium
at some point with their club.
God, I fucking
wanna win, though.
[intense choral music]
Here it is.
Wembley Stadium is
hallowed ground.
It was overwhelming
in all the best ways.
[choral music continues]
You know, you could feel
the sort of dreams coming true,
stepping out onto that pitch,
the fact that we get
to at least be there,
uh, and that I got
to look into each one
of our players' eyes
and coaching staff's eyes
and see what it meant to them
before we stepped out
on that pitch.
And that was powerful as hell.
[smooth jazzy music]
Ilook, I have
to focus on the buffet.
I-I don't even know if I'll be
able to see any of the match.
Hey, Ryan, you know Kit?
Have you guys ever met?
Hey, how are you, Kit?
I'm a huge fan.
How are you, man?
Nice to meet you.
In fact, I thought
it was a football game,
as in American football.
But it turns out it's
it's soccer.
RYAN: Hey, how are you doing,
my friend?
DAVID: And you?
RYAN: You all right?
I think it'll be a
a low-scoring affair
11 to 2?
He usually wears
some sort of, like,
fucker of a jersey
or something.
He usually shows up
in something funny.
I was shocked.
My one prediction
there'll be 20 red cards today.
Just remember the key points
we spoke about the other day
getting control of the game
with the ball.
Physicality, intensity,
and reaction.
It's great to be here.
Occasion's fantastic.
[high-pitched beeping]
[intense music]
[crowd roaring]
Before battle commences,
time for the national anthems.
["Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" playing]
Don't you know the words?
ROB: Yeah, it's, like,
[all singing in Welsh]
[orchestra playing
"Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau"]
JORDAN: Singing
the Welsh national anthem
with 25,000 Wrexham fans
at Wembley,
that'll stick with me
for the rest of my life.
Wrexham! Wrexham!
[crowd roaring]
[whistle blows]
Bromley against Wrexham
in the FA Trophy Final
Dragons and Ravens.
Sounds like an episode
of "Game of Thrones."
[indistinct shout]
[Richard Macklin's
"High Rize"]
That's Ben Tozer.
He's our long ball.
Guy can throw the ball,
like, to the moon.
It's just crazy to see.
Big opportunity,
but straight
at goalkeeper Balcombe.
And that was the chance
of the game so far.
Mulls! Mulls!
So what are you, like, seeing?
Like, what do you see
right now?
Who did David play for?
ROB: Oh, really?
KIT: Yeah.
I think Parkinson will have
to earn his money at halftime.
He's got to get a tune out
of these Wrexham players
that are looking rather
flat at the moment.
Wrexham can surely
only improve.
It is goalless at the break
here at Wembley.
Yeah, listen in, boys. Listen.
You'veyou've done well, boys.
You've done really
fucking well.
You know, a lot of good stuff.
When we got control
of the game,
it's been good.
It's been good.
We got our passes in.
We've got the overloads.
Like me and Steve were
just sayin',
just that final pass
when we get there,
that little bit of care on it
and taking that extra pass
when we get in there,
is what we need
to add to the performance.
Just regroup as a team,
and we fucking go again.
Bromley have caused
plenty of problems
for Wrexham so far.
Get ready, boys. Hey, come on.
We might need a lift
of energy, Reecie.
remains scoreless for now.
[suspenseful music]
Here comes the latest
launch from Tozer.
A good one.
It leads to a corner.
[indistinct] back
on defensive duty.
Here's Mullin.
Oh, into the side netting
on this occasion.
I hate this fucking game.
It's 1-0!
Fucking hell, Lainton!
Bromley take the lead.
Bromley are beating Wrexham
in the final of the FA Trophy.
25 minutes left in the 90.
You know, I still have
never seen them win.
In person.
Oh, God.
Oh, no. [laughs]
It's you. [laughs]
Wrexham have to respond.
They'll need something magical
now to turn things around.
They've done it in the past.
They'll have to do it again.
[suspenseful music]
I still believe.
Yeah, we got, like,
probably ten minutes left.
We got fucking
Ted Lasso here.
They can give
- He's not helping.
No, he's not helping.
The whistle has gone
for a Bromley free kick here.
- Offside?
- Yeah.
I'm never gonna
understand that rule.
SPORTSCASTER 1: They still
have a little bit of time
to save themselves.
They're giving absolutely
everything, that's for sure.
Here's Palmer.
Whiteley winning the throw.
ROB: What?
And Wrexham demonstrating
their frustration.
Nothing's going their way,
is it?
That's football, lads.
You know who
the bad luck charms are?
Will, Beckham
Yeah. Totally,
just blame it on them.
- Kit
- Yeah.
- No more celebrities.
- No.
A problem here. A head injury.
The referee has quite
correctly stopped play.
Seems to be okay, Luke Young.
I think it was a collision
with his own teammate
that did the damage.
SPORTSCASTER 2: And they are
throwing everything now,
pulled a midfielder off,
your captain,
replaced by Jake Hyde,
just another forward
to be thrown on to try
and find themselves a goal.
They're bringing
on Jake Hyde.
So that's three strikers
we have.
SPORTSCASTER 1: They have got
to regain their composure
for another Ben Tozer
long throw here.
Let's go, Ben. Come on!
There we go!
SPORTSCASTER 1: Got to keep
the focus, Bromley.
Another dangerous
delivery from Tozer.
RYAN: Yeaoh!
And what a magnificent
save by Balcombe
right at the end.
Did you explode
in your pants?
as close as they've come,
Wrexham still believe here.
All of a sudden, Wrexham have
started to create chances,
started to turn the screw.
PHIL: Jordy!
Keep it moving here! Come on!
Bromley have to survive
for another two
and a half minutes.
[suspenseful music]
Four men in the Wrexham
forward line.
Three more in support.
Can Bromley hold out here
under heavy pressure?
Balcombe with the save!
But it's in the back
of the net!
But the offside flag is up.
It will not count
from Jake Hyde.
They're celebrating
up in the royal box.
They haven't
seen the flag yet.
Somebody needs
to have a quick word.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
If you're a Wrexham fan, Dan,
you'd be so frustrated.
I'll tell you what.
It's a close call.
[whistle blows]
It's all over.
And Bromley have done it.
It's worthy of a Hollywood
script, all right.
But it's Bromley
that are the stars.
More disappointment
for Wrexham,
who have got
to lift themselves
ahead of a postseason
in the playoffs.
[atmospheric music]
This game doesn't matter.
It sort of felt
like it mattered.
- Wellit really did.
- It mattered to me.
It really, really did.
Wembley is
an incredible place.
So yeah, to get there was
was great,
and we took an amazing
following down there.
But on that day, we didn't
take the big moments.
And we had to turn our focus
quickly to the Grimsby game
because, obviously, we knew
that was coming very quickly.
Thank you for coming.
JASON: I wasI was on my feet.
We all believed it. Then you
then you [indistinct].
What do you say?
ROB: Thank you for coming.
RYAN: Get out of here.
DAVID: [indistinct]
RYAN: Do you typically go down?
Or do you just
- You all right?
- Yeah.
RYAN: I know, I know.
PHIL: It hurts.
RYAN: Yeah.
- We'll all move on tonight.
ROB: Yeah, yeah.
PHIL: [indistinct]
That offside killedI was
I know.
All right.
We'll say goodbye to the boys.
- Thank you. Appreciate you.
- Yeah.
Thank you forfor everything.
Appreciate it.
ROB: Gentlemen,
I'll see you on Saturday.
The one that matters.
RYAN: How you doing?
ROB: Great game, Dibs.
- All right.
For me and my family,
watching this up there was
fucking crazy.
Maybe next year, though.
Hey, I don't know, you know.
I don't know. Yeah.
It's pretty special, though.
This one doesn't mean shit.
It doesn't mean shit. Right?
Shake that shit off.
Shake that shit off.
It's one fucking game.
In football,
it can just be one mistake
that is the difference
between winning and losing.
And so I think the way
that people think
of it is differently.
We didn't necessarily lose.
We just had a bad result.
I like that.
So anyway, at Wembley,
we had awe had a bad result.
Everything else was
fucking great.
Just gonna hop in the shower
with the guys.
No? Okay, no.
I'm not gonna do that.
Are some of the guys in here?
Played your heart out.
Two more games.
I-I think I carry, like,
a profound sense of
of wanting to really deliver
for this community
and for Wrexham.
And I think I really felt that.
That was tough.
I'm not gonna say
anything profound
'cause I'm a dumb-dumb,
but I want to say thanks for
you played
your fucking heart out.
That was amazing.
That was amazing.
It does matter, actually.
That was incredible.
That was really incredible, Christian.
You ready for a drink?
I'll have one of those
as well, please.
I hope the players
are really feeling bad.
And I know they are.
I've seen some of 'em.
You can see their faces.
- Yeah.
And I just hope,
over the next two games,
they never,
ever want to feel that again.
- Yeah.
- And, you know,
we live to fight another day,
so there we go.
FAN 1:
My T-shirt says it all.
I'm Wrexham till I die.
But unfortunately, today,
Wrexham just haven't turned up.
I was so deflated.
You know,
there's no other word for it.
JustI shed a couple of tears.
It was like, get a grip, girl.
But, you know,
it was a big day.
just wasn't to be.
FAN 2: Uh, yeah, they're gonna
be naturally disappointed.
But you've got
to take stock and think.
We're definitely, as a club,
heading in the right direction.
Um, and sometimes,
it's a marathon, isn't it?
It's not a sprint.
[atmospheric music]
RYAN: When you see
elementary school students
singing songs
about going to Wembley
and seeing how much
is riding on this
I mean, people traveling
all the way down to London
to see this match, and
I'm bummed for the community.
And I take that
super seriously.
So thatthat's the thing
that hurts the most.
But, you know,
I can handle the loss
just objectively, no problem.
It'sit's the community that
I sort of feel the weight of.
[singing] Got me rock bottom.
When you call me, babe,
I feel it.
Lose all control, babe.
I ain't never seen
nothing quite like you.
Way your body talk.
The way you let it rule me.
Baby, let it soothe me.
Teach me.
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