When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

When the Devil Calls Your Name
1977 the First
College Song Festival
Why are you trying to buy my soul?
We are not trying to buy your soul, but
you have a reason to sell your soul to us.
Think about it.
One by one.
Why do I need to be another me even if I have to sell my soul?
I can't retract it, and it's impossible to change it.
I can't die either.
If I let it be,
I'll become a devil-like human.
Final Episode
But it doesn't mean I'll become a devil.
It's just a devil-like human.
A devil-like human is still a human.
It was my will, making the contract with a devil.
It also was my will creating the current situation.
- We need to find a solution.
- We must find a solution.
- Each of us.
- By ourselves.
The 1st '77 College Music Contest
The only thing that can help me to escape from this situation
is my will.
This is as far as it'll go.
Notice to Seo Dong Cheon. Your ten-year contract has 2 days left.
Don't you think Soul Entertainment is CEO Ji, and CEO Ji is Soul Entertainment?
My posture is a bit disrespectful, right? I am sorry. I got a boil on my butt.
You should have it checked soon. It could cause a big problem if it festers.
How many days has it been since you fired me, Director Kim?
Pardon? Ah, that.
We were deceived by Lee Choong Ryeol, too.
We made an error, and we are very sorry.
Of course, you should be. Up to now, I've made so much money for you investors.
Thank you.
Thank you, Ms. CEO.
We'll get going CEO Ji.
Thank you.
It's only until things are settled.
I'll be the CEO only til everything is in order.
Don't just stand there and go to work.
Yes, CEO!
Go on.
Star composer Harib admitted to plagiarism and announced his retirement.
I found out I plagiarized later on, but I ignored it.
Knowing it was wrong, I couldn't reject the sweet temptation.
I used musical inspiration as an excuse and set my conscience aside.
What I did was an act of killing someone's soul.
And I know I can't be forgiven with any excuse.
For the people who lost dreams and futures because of me,
I truly, truly apologize.
I also apologize to my fellow artists who incurred damage because of me.
I now will take full legal responsibility for the damage caused by my wrongdoing.
What's wrong?
Seo Yeong.
♫ Somewhere in my dream of wanting to fly ♫
♫ How far far away ♫
Now all the copyrights will find their rightful owners.
Now I will give up everything I gained from it
and put my music down.
♫ I call you and call again ♫
♫ Don't turn around and look back. Come to me ♫
♫ Just with a gesture ♫
Must you go this far?
Some of them may not be plagiarized.
Right. I suppose some of them really might be from my own inspiration.
Still, that doesn't change the essence.
This is an excuse. I've made music for the past ten years, and
you've made Harib.
Harib is everything to Ji Seo Yeong.
Your life changed because of me.
For the people whose lives changed in the past ten years because of my choice,
I couldn't ruin it for them. That's why I hesitated.
But I think I must resolve this matter,
so your soul can find peace.
You jerk.
Seo Yeong.
I am sorry.
You've worked so hard all this time.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your past, your music, your soul.
I'll return them to you for sure.
It's so easy.
I've returned to other people, too.
You'll get a call from an attorney.
The money Harib earned from the copyrights so far as well as future earnings will be returned to you.
That's a given.
You know my bank account has changed, right? Please deposit it there.
Did he say he is at peace now?
I don't know either.
- Badulga.
- Dad.
Are you ready?
I can't guide you anymore.
From now on, you should go to that place by yourself.
- Thank you.
- Bye-bye.
Desert? That's a creative thought.
You are not incinerated yet?
As you can see.
You came for a visit?
What kind of attire is that in the desert?
Did I tell you before?
The old man who signed my first contract ran away to a mountain.
It was rough finding that man.
I thought you'd be like that. I wandered for two days in the Himalayas.
I almost froze to death. Damn it.
Are you trying to be funny? A devil can't find a man?
So this is your choice?
I feel really weird.
Thinking that my soul will disappear now.
I feel like I truly found my soul.
This is all thanks to you.
Thank you, devil bastard.
Are you running away before you keep the promise?
What about my fan meeting?
I'll tell you the truth now.
You can't sing no matter what. You don't know how humans feel.
You may mimic it, but it's like the noise of an empty can.
Music must carry your soul.
Waking up the souls.
Making the souls cry.
You swindled a devil?
Right. I mimicked what you do well.
I was conning you. A con.
That was more fun than I thought.
What were you thinking coming this far?
To right over there,
I am going to keep on walking. If I freely do devilish things there,
even if I do bad deeds there,
no one will curse me.
There is no one trying to escape because of me.
Hey. Go.
I'm busy.
What was in the hearts of people,
that was the hardest to understand.
The moment when a human as selfish as that becomes the most selfish.
When someone you love is in danger.
God, Devil, or whatever are the same.
Obviously that's the case for me, Harib.
No, I'm Seo Dong Cheon.
I'm saying you guys won't get your way.
I'm going to make my own decisions somehow and carry them out.
Is there anything else so persistently smart mouthing?
That's how I'm going to survive.
A thornbug.(An insect able to live in harsh environments).
I looked it up when Chief Kang mentioned it before.
Well, for you guys there's no difference between a thornbug and a human.
Think whatever you want.
Whatever you guys determine,
I won't live that way.
Okay. This is as far as we go.
Are you going to take back my soul?
I am retrieving your soul.
That is my last mission.
You are cruel to the end.
Is this the end?
Go far away and do something evil.
You can become the worst psychopath on the planet.
Now it's really the end.
Glad to have known you, Friend.
Whether it's extermination or incineration.
Evil bastard.
Is that all?
I asked is that all?
Ask. Ask if this is it.
Come, damn it!
No, no. I am wrong. I understand. I understand. It's my fault. I am sorry.
I said I'm sorry.
A huge wind blew.
Harib's story ends here.
CEO, there is a Mo Tae Kang fan meeting. He wants you to come too.
Seong Hui, didn't you give me the wrong address?
There's no one here.
♫ If I go to Busan
♫ can I see you again?
♫ With your beautiful hair blowing
♫ you will welcome me.
♫ In front of the Busan station
♫ there are also a lot of changes
♫ Where must I go
♫ now that you are not there either?
♫ Aimlessly in my head
♫ I'm looking at the moon rising
♫ Just the sea for a long time,
♫ just us for a long time
♫ Just as though time stopped
♫ I will take your hand
♫ and let's walk away as we did
This isn't real.
Good bye.
I still don't even know your name.
Even so, just
Good bye.
To you.
If the souls that lost their owners are wandering the world,
will the owners' desperation, the owners' will
bring back those souls?
Again, again, and again, you're harboring a vain hope.
Humans need hope to survive.
I will get you weak guys out of those restraints.
However, this is neither my apology nor because I pity you.
I'm just tired now.
My revenge is not finished, just
it is not aimed toward you.
I am ready.
Don't think, betraying angel.
You can not be acknowledged as you were in the past while your image still was shining,
standing bright and clear in heaven.
The glory then left when you left.
goodness already.
Now you are the same as your sin.
It resembles a dark and hideous place of execution.
Never mind. What punishment am I receiving? Is it extinction?
Hell. The seventh level.
That's not the worst.
Will you guys feel at peace when I disappear?
That out-dated heavenly law you guys refer to.
Do you believe it will never wear out?
How can you guarantee that Another fallen angel Rtoo is not going to show up?
My name is Ryoo as well,
Always be thankful.
Thankful? For what?
The reason you are avoiding your fated extinction. Your father sacrificed for you.
I know my sins.
However, I did not intend that everything I did was to oppose God.
He probably knows also.
Who? What sacrifice?
That's the identity of your grief.
God seems too believe that he won in this game.
You guys are not locking me up.
I just lost interest in the human world.
- That's the sole reason I'm disappearing.
- Stand up, Ryoo.
Remember the last battle? Many stood not only devils but quite a few angels too.
God couldn't get rid of all of us then.
- That was the start of the mistake.
- He doesn't make mistakes.
God already made a mistake and became antsy.
Also lost consistency.
There are many beings other than me who are ready to fight with God.
Do you think you can stop me?
I've never lost.
That's when we were young. Mountains were erected in the meantime and
the sea parted.
See, you are scared.
I think I understand human will a bit now.
But I still can't understand God's will.
If you are thinking about making me stay there forever,
tell Him to lock the iron gate tighter.
Hell needs remodeling, too.
Must I wear this?
- It's heavy, so let's just go—
- Let's put this on.
Are you kidding me?!
Which year did you become an angel? Give it to me.
Help me to carry it. I am going without a fuss after all.
Let's go.
God loves you.
No kidding.
1 year later
Case No. 2019-110088
I find you guilty of professional negligence resulting in death, professional negligence resulting in injury,
violation of the law regarding labeling and advertisement,
and violation of the Act on Aggravated Punishment for Specific Economic Crimes.
I will pronounce today's judgment.
Defendant Lee Choong Ryeol is sentenced to prison for
Defense Attorney
Defendant Lee Choong Ryeol, I sentence you to prison for 214 years.
Defendant Kim Joong Seok, I sentence you to prison for 209 years.
- Am I a nine-tailed fox? Am I a goblin?
- Defendant Hwang Seok Gyun, sentenced to prison
for 182 years.
You don't think I know? You are a devil bastard, too.
He's coming out.
Do you think a 214 year sentence is reasonable?
Did you fill out today's judgment in advance?
This is your first case since your leave of absence. Could you tell us about your first case?
My verdict today
will be dismissed of course.
Hence my act today has no effect legally.
If a victim exists, inevitability a perpetrator exists as well.
Just because you erase the memory doesn't mean the pain disappears, too.
Victims' memories are not something that can be deleted physically or psychologically.
I wanted to apologize
for forgetting.
I wanted to apologize for running away cowardly.
For a starter, for my past erroneous verdicts which
caused irreversible suffering to victims and their families,
I sincerely apologize.
I hope for a society brave enough to offer a sincere apology.
I earnestly hope for the kind of society which will never forget the victims' heartbreak.
Then are you acknowledging today that your past verdicts were wrong?
Are you saying you put on a show to apologize?
Do you drink on a regular basis? Do you smoke, too?
- Please make a comment.
- Please say something.
Letter of Resignation.
Judge Jeong. You embarrassed our courts.
What the hell is this?
If you leave after this, who do you expect to clean up after you?!
Whatever history is, it always starts with crap.
Good day.
Oh, Mr. Choi, please come in.
So, you're applying to become a judge?
Yes, I'll serve for the laws and justice.
- What's your first wish?
- A judge. I am going to become a judge.
Wish #1, a judge.
I'll do my best.
Ra In!
What brought you here?
You look good.
I came to say goodbye.
- Going somewhere?
- Next week,
- I am going to Hollywood.
- Are you taking a trip?
Oppa, don't you watch news?
A very famous director from Hollywood who saw
my last year's drama, "My Beautiful Youngest Child," was blown away by it.
A well-known director who?
M. Jack
Was it Brown? Was it Blue?
It was a color. Forget about it.
I heard he made an appearance on a Korean variety show. But that's not important.
That director said my acting is very unique and elegant.
I guess bad acting is viewed as an art now.
I'm in the middle of intensive training for ham-acting ups and downs.
So bad acting needs practice, too. But anyhow, it worked out well for you.
I worried about you a lot.
I am glad you seem to have found your niche.
Si Ho, you must get yourself straight.
The Harib who made you and CEO Ji who took care of you are not there anymore.
You are alone now, but it's not over.
The thing that you like and the thing that you can do well.
You just need to do that.
It's thanks to my soulmate.
- Jang Choon Gon.
- Yes!
I need to go. Congratulations, you'll do just fine.
You too, fighting.
I'll get going.
Jang Choon Gon Singing Class
Let's have fun as we clap.
Let's clap hard.
Everyone who came here today, you're all spring chickens, right?
Raise your right hands.
♫ It's age they say, it's age they say.
♫ How old are you?
♫ Today is the youngest day
Meh. I feel rotten.
If it is so bad, what's going to happen if you don't go to the fan meeting?
You're in a sour mood every day.
Is this a fan?
Is it a fan if she is cursing me behind my back?
How is the lawsuit going? I will never forgive them.
But even the lawyer said it's closer
to fans' loving worry than being malicious.
Is saying my music has changed expressing care?
- You really have to go now. It's late.
- Okay.
Like a pet fish, if I go and say hi, smile, and open and close my mouth singing a song, everything will be okay, right?
Unni! Unni!
Unni! Unni!
Unni! Unni!
Unni! Unni!
Unni! Unni!
Unni! Unni!
If all things are done just according to God's will
that would be too futile.
It is human will.
I am sure it is useful.
So pretty! So pretty!
So pretty! So pretty!
So pretty! So pretty!
Thank you.
Although it is really sudden to be saying this today,
after our last meeting today, I don't think I'll be able to see you again.
Don't go!
Don't go!
I don't think the so-called glamorous life of a singer is right for me.
That's not so! That's not so!
Although everyone has given me so much love as you are doing now,
just as I wanted to do as in the past.
I want to live a life where I can busk on the street.
In the future, I would like everyone to not be waiting for me
and I hope that my songs come to find and see you.
We will wait!
We will wait!
For the last time, the song I first composed.
I will sing "My song."
♫ The fragments of an idea
♫ are gathered at my feet
♫ Are my fingernails too long?
♫ I can't pick up even one
♫ I wonder if the yellow balloon in the sky
♫ Do you want to turn on the light and sit?
♫ On an unexpected trip
♫ will you meet a friend?
♫ Shall I tell you my name?
♫ Shall I tell you my age?
♫ She can't be young and ignorant. She's not immature.
♫ Shall I tell you how I feel?
♫ Shall I tell you my story?
♫ Whether sad, laughing, or in pain, I'm happy. That's the way I am
♫ Even when I can't understand
♫ I will say I understand very well
- I will always be on Kelly's side!
- I will always be on Kelly's side!
I will always be on Kelly's side!
♫ I tried to climb the stairs.
♫ I have counted off several
♫ On the eighteenth stair
♫ I stopped and stayed.
♫ As though I am stammering
♫ What will I find?
♫ The only thing I have
♫ will be the thing which I have
♫ I will sing this song for you,
♫ I will sing my song for you,
♫ the song memorized through tens, hundreds, and thousands of tears,
♫ I will let you hear my song.
♫ I will let you hear my heart.
♫ This song turns feelings on, listening to my song.
♫ Here, knock on my heart
♫ Here, your feelings will be turned on too.
♫ my song
♫ Shall I tell you my name?
♫ Shall I tell you my age?
♫ She can't be young and ignorant. She's not immature.
And let her continue singing.
The child must continue singing.
Can you do that?
♫ Whether sad, laughing, or in pain, I'm happy. That's the way I am.
♫ Here, knock on my heart.
♫ Here, your feelings will be turned on too.
♫ my song
Is the end now?
Agreement to Terminate Artist's Contract
Thank you, CEO.
For what? It's the end for me too.
CEO Ji Seo Yeong
By the way. have this.
I doubted whether I could really deliver this to you. Thank goodness.
This delivery has been waiting for its recipient for a year.
It's already been a year.
PD Ha was believing.
But waiting was my role.
She will return to the way she was.
I believe that.
When she returns, you must give her this.
Thank you for not waiting too long.
♫ I hear my heart pounding♫
Did you know?
Not everything. Just as much as I needed.
♫ The memory of you calling me ♫
♫ When I close my eyes it becomes clearer and clearer♫
Thank you.
♫When I call you ♫
♫ The tears flowing on my cheeks answer instead ♫
- What about your car?
- I'll take the bus.
I am unemployed now. I have to save even if it is just a cent.
Will you go somewhere now?
I think I will take a break for a while.
I want to travel and think about what I really want to do.
When you return, you must call me.
- Bye.
- Yes.
♫You are not a pain in my memory ♫
I've been working like this for ten years. This is the only one left.
See you again sometime.
Yes. Drive carefully.
♫ I'm heading toward you like my heart will explode♫
♫to the street where you left♫
♫ The stars come down as they did that night♫
♫and let me shine♫
♫ My melody to you that can't stop♫
Kelly. I believe you will read this someday
After I came to Korea to see my father, I met many good friends.
Always funny but now strangely funny Hyung Kang Ha,
Kind Noona Dong Hui,
the Soul Entertainment family which is the same as a family.
Even so, do you know that you were the best among them?
Kelly became my eave.
I hope you will never stop forgetting the fact that we always have such eaves.
Don't think your misfortune will last forever.
Don't try to bear cruel misfortune alone.
We all have friends who can laugh and cry with us.
Even if I am not beside you now, my heart will always be with you.
If you extend your hand toward me, I can come running anytime.
I believe that someday Kelly will return to the Kelly of the past.
I'm sure we will meet again someday.
Until then, don't forget me.
At the fan meeting, I saw someone who looked like Harib.
It wasn't, was it?
It's just someone who resembled him.
If he thought he was coming back, he wouldn't have given everything away and left.
He returned all copyrights and donated the rest of his assets to the Children's Heart Disease Foundation,
the Center for Prevention of Child Abuse and the Single Mothers Association.
Why are you cleaning up there at this time of night?
You saw it, didn't you? You saw it? You saw it?
I didn't see. But there wasn't anything to see.
I guess you didn't see.
You didn't see.
What should I do? I've been caught.
Be firm, Gyeong.
You should negotiate wages now.
I completely forgot. The postscript Blue Notes and albums are Kelly's
Will you accept them this time?
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other? ♫
♫ It was hidden from long ago the sound of my heartbeat ♫
♫ I hear it unusually loud tonight ♫
Why do you keep smiling?
♫ I hear it unusually loud tonight ♫
♫ I hear it unusually loud tonight ♫
♫ Perhaps we are ♫
What is this? Is this my daily bread?
Something which will earn my living while I don't have a soul?
No, as someone who has experienced it, I'm being considerate for you. Don't you get it?
Give it to me if you don't like it.
♫ I didn't live in a dream ♫
Gyeong. You are just a kid who wanted people to listen to your music.
Up to now you've made wonderful songs that amazed me.
In the future, you can write more beautiful music.
♫ You make me the colors of light ♫
♫ I can't cross the line which is clearly drawn ♫
Ahjussi, where are you now?
I miss you.
♫ Will it be easy if it's done once? Shall I say it brazenly? ♫
♫ I try to stop telling myself you can't ♫
♫ I'm trying to restrain my feelings ♫
♫ You know that is love ♫
♫ As yesterday, as yesterday ♫
♫ As the day which has completely passed ♫
♫ Short as it was when we met ♫
♫ for the first time ♫
♫ In order to find one person ♫
♫ My dream that couldn't be achieved ♫
♫ I was searching. You make me the colors of light ♫
The defendant suffered from habitual assault.
In consideration of the fact that she turned herself in and is very remorseful for her crime,
I sentence you to two years in prison and four years of probation.
You suffered a lot, didn't you, Mom?
You suffered so,
Thank you.
Thank you.
♫ A dark night
♫ I'll be the moon.
♫ When I cross the burning sun
♫ I will become the shade
- Is is difficult?
- No.
Not at all.
Don't mess with me again.
I'll gouge your eyes out.
You've changed from the action master to a melodrama king in the past year.
It's a hot topic that it is unbelievable that we are seeing the same person acting in melodramas.
Was there something which stimulated the change in your acting?
Instead of any transformation, I found my original self.
I'm the Mo Tae Mello. ( "Mo Tae" can mean "mother").
I'm joking. I owe it all to someone.
I didn't know until it was all over. I was so selfish.
There's no relationship without communicating each other.
If you don't try, love is like a flower which withers.
Did it end sadly?
No. No, it's still not over.
I'm trying to re-create the flower.
Don't you like it?
I would like to re-sign with Soul Entertainment.
Please discuss it with the new CEO.
I want to see you.
I came because I thought I should say good-bye. I shouldn't have.
Would you like to go on this trip together?
Must I answer?
If you're going to say no, don't.
Just so you know.
I will wait for you.
While you were gone, I realized something.
I learned a love is created just because I beg for it alone.
Love should stay there.
It's beautiful. Let's keep it that way.
I said I would wait for you.
Have you been doing well?
Even if I don't know your name. You.
May I ask for your autograph?
Be strong Pasta.
You seem to like the drama?
Stay healthy, Sir.
After causing an incident, I can't practice law.
Hey. I'm doing what I can do well.
Have you forgotten the time he was watching me cook
because he admired me?
Don't kid yourself. He just ate it because he was admiring a cute kid.
Anyway, Kid Sister, help me organize my restaurant.
My shop is busy too.
Let's each take care of our own shop.
Hye Won. Hello?
Thank you.
Yes. Go carefully.
Oh, Gyeong.
Jerk, he really didn't recognize me.
You're really better in melo. What action is there in your face?
Melo is perfect.
When you're hiding, does the rent go down?
Business must improve. Don't you understand the symbiotic economy?
Symbiosis? Are you planning on living with me?
What terrible noise is that?
But it's true. The old man who owns the building should have a conscience.
When the shop was vacant for five years, I leased it, swept it, mopped it, fixed it and put it to use.
Monthly rent cannot ever be reduced?
What monthly rent is there to raise as soon as a business starts?
Stop talking about the rent. I didn't come here to talk about that.
If you talk one more time about raising the rent, I'm going to close.
Business has been terrible so I am thinking about selling fish cake out front now.
That's not what I'm here for. If someone is talking, you should listen.
The owner of the building has changed.
What? So the new owner wants to raise the rent?
Jeez. I said that's really not it.
The owner is a real angel who says the rent is being reduced.
Watch out! Then if the business does well, does he have a secret intention to take over?
You must have lived a very tough life.
Talk when you meet face to face.
Meet him? Why should I?
As the new owner of the building, I should come see my renter.
She used to be a singer. She is loaded.
Talk nicely. I'm going.
You've come?
Have a nice chat.
It's been a long time, Ahjussi.
I bought it, this building,
after I made a little money.
What happened to you?
Me? I survived death.
Hurry, hurry.
Hurry, hurry.
Hurry, hurry.
Hurry, hurry.
Hurry, hurry.
- How did you know?
- Asian guy.
Dressed in a black suit.
He gave it to me.
Thank you to the entire Evil Minions Team.
Thank you to Team Manager Lupita311.
Is this how it ends?
The real ending is now.
Glad to have known you, Friend.
Thank you to segmenters: Pilarvelasquez, Dudie, kitty100, shms, hana860, nmelova, and cgwm808.
Thank you to Korean to English subtitlers: sune1004, cgwm808, eunjoongyou.
Thank you to Korean to English subtitlers, cont: sorrynotsorry, hannahyoon5, goturtle, and gaaloellog.
Special thanks to gecziamalia for the Korean captions.
Thank you to editors: cgwm808 (Chief), joysprite (English) and gripstar385 (Translation).
I also did not expect to return like this.
You gave away all your money. What did you use to buy this cafe?
My old house was redeveloped.
I earned a few dollars.
But the store is a bit Shall we try a new interior?
Let's re-open it after we touch it up.
Yes, partnership. I also have to think about making a living.
I can't use up all the money in my bank account and I end up being old, sitting alone,
unable to play the guitar in a shabby room.
Are you describing how I was?
I am 70%, you are 30%
because I invested more. No objection, right?
What's this?
What are you doing? Hurry up and sign.
There, now it's signed.
You have to listen to my wish.
Sing these songs.
I folded music.
What kind of mat is music? If you folded it, unfold it.
You even told me not to fold music.
These are all your songs, so sing.
If you want,
I'm going to collect all of these songs and release a special album.
- Ahjussi.
- No.
What's the matter?
Are you angry?
It would be a waste to leave them as they are. I need to talk to you.
Wait. Don't come in.
Just go for today. We'll talk tomorrow.
Let's talk tomorrow, huh?
Ahjussi. PD Ha?
PD Ha?
He really is a crazy, insane, con-artist, evil bastard.
Can't he do anything right?
Yes, the one who gave me my soul back. Okay, you're back on your feet. Thanks.
I complimented him. What is this? When it is Harib, it is Harib. When it is Seo Dong Cheon, it's Seo Dong Cheon.
It has to come to a conclusion.
So one day, it's PD, and the next day, it's Ahjussi Dong Cheon. Just like that?
That's how it was at the beginning but
there was no rule or principle to go by.
After living as Harib for three days, it was Seo Dong Cheon for only one day.
At first, I thought the devil was fooling around again,
and I thought God was playing a joke.
But the wierd thing is,
when I recalled the Harib time, I became Harib.
When I recalled the Seo Dong Cheon time, the next day I became Seo Dong Cheon.
I guess that desire still remains
because you are human.
Hello. I am the right atrium.
The left ventricle
That's him.
The title of the song is "The Street You Left Deserted."
We will play it for you.
♫ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted ♫
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile ♫
♫ You who were the desert's sweet water ♫
In the end, it was neither the devil's mistake
nor God's joke.
♫ The soft voice which made me laugh ♫
If I longed for Harib, I became Harib and
If I recalled Seo Dong Cheon, I became Seo Dong Cheon
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me. ♫
So this strange phenomenon was due to my will after all.
♫ Come back to me. ♫
The time left in the faint memories of long ago
when I was at the center of the world and
my days were beautiful.
♫ until another season come ♫
Life is so beautiful.
♫ As yesterday as yesterday ♫
♫ As the day which has completely passed ♫
Time flows by, and the lump in your chest becomes a memory,
I will care for the wound, and when the wound heals,
♫ To those times ♫
the memory will become reminiscence.
I decided to think it was the last present from the devil.
♫ My dream that couldn't be achieved ♫
In the end the devil whispered to me
to decide for myself.
I'm going to make a decision now.
this is my soul's last will.
♫ At your side ♫
This is my life.
It is my life as Seo Dong Cheon.
I will cherish the Seo Dong Cheon's memory. I will live as Seo Dong Cheon.
As a grade-one soul, most precious to someone.
♫ No one can achieve it. ♫
♫ Even if you run closer and closer toward the front ♫
♫ it seems like you can't even get halfway tnere ♫
♫ I'm already standing in tne gloomy darkness ♫
♫ Somewhre in my dream of wanting to fly ♫
♫ How far far away
♫ must I go to find it? ♫
♫ I call you and call again ♫
♫ Don't turn back and look ♫
♫ Come back to me with a gesture ♫
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