365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e17 Episode Script

Hyeong Ju Is Acting Suspiciously

(Episode 17)
You won't have those detectives in front of your room anymore.
I told you already. Everything is a misunderstanding.
Do say hello
to Detective Ji for me.
What about that guy?
He told me everything.
That you were falsely blamed for the last incident.
That you were deceived by that woman.
Ji Hyeong Ju said something like that?
And he apologized too.
He said he was also partially responsible.
What is this?
Hey, Mr. Detective.
Bae Jung Tae?
What is this photo?
Let's talk more about it in person.
I can only imagine
how curious you must be about that photo.
I sent it as a token of my appreciation for your help,
so come before I change my mind.
I'll be waiting for you.
What's this?
He's early.
He sure came early.
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
- You must be tired. - Goodness.
It sure is like having a pick-me-up to catch the culprit.
If it wasn't Bae Jung Tae, it means we're back to ground zero.
We don't even have a suspect now. Where do we begin investigating?
Let's stop thinking about this and go catch a movie.
- Shall we? - Should we?
Are there any movies without dead bodies and detectives?
Dead bodies One second.
Yes, all right.
Why? Who was that?
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
(Police line, do not cross)
Hey, Hyeong Ju.
What happened? I heard you reported this.
Yes, I came by because we were going to meet up,
then I found him like that.
Let's go inside.
Is something going on? Why won't you pick up your phone?
Mr. Choi Kyung Man's case was first reported to
one of the police stations in Makang Police's jurisdiction, right?
Hyeong Ju.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae
Hey, why did you come to see him?
Kim Se Rin's case hasn't been resolved.
I was wondering if he knew anything.
And you came at this time? To his house?
We were about to summon him for kidnapping and confinement
or as a testifier.
He's way too unpredictable.
I don't know what he was up to, but he suddenly called me.
That's why
I decided to come.
I see.
- Sun Ho! - Yes?
You should go.
Did you find the culprit?
Not yet.
But why did you ask me about Mr. Choi Kyung Man?
Starting with Mr. Choi Kyung Man, Seo Yeon Soo,
Mr. Cha Jeung Seok, Ms. So Hye In,
the delivery man, Se Rin,
and now, Mr. Bae Jung Tae.
Their cases are all within Makang Police's jurisdiction.
This cannot be a coincidence.
All of their deaths
What if they're connected?
What if it's a serial killer?
Mr. Choi Kyung Man, the delivery man,
and everyone else are ordinary people.
Unlike Se Rin's death,
their deaths weren't known to the public.
"How did Ms. Lee Shin know when and where they'd die?"
"Why was she interested in us of all people?"
I checked all the cases,
and they all took place
in the district of Seoul Makang Police Station.
Do you remember what Ms. Lee said at the café?
I was curious
whether fate
was destined or changeable.
That's why I carried out this experiment.
Don't be too scared.
I still have hope that you can change your fates.
If their deaths were accidental,
it's impossible to change their fates.
But if there's a serial killer, then it's different.
If we catch the killer,
we can change our fates.
So what if
we were all murdered
by someone?
What if that's why she chose us?
Hyeong Ju?
Was what I said too ridiculous?
No, I'm just a bit flustered.
I'll dig deeper.
I'm sure I'll find a lead
through Bae Jung Tae's case.
I've scheduled your appointment.
Come to the hospital by 12pm the day after tomorrow.
The professor helped out more than I did.
You should say thanks.
Okay. I'll see you then.
The cause of death was excessive bleeding.
He was stabbed through his left lung.
Judging by the stab wound, I believe it was a knife
that was 3cm thick and 10cm long.
After stabbing him, the killer twisted the blade.
Darn it.
There were neither signs of forced entry
or physical altercation. Do you think he knew the killer?
He was murdered merely 12 hours after our men stopped watching him.
I believe the killer had been watching him.
Are there any key suspects?
He borrowed money and was a gambler. I'm sure we can come up with a list.
Can you think of anyone in particular?
You knew him the best among all of us.
I'm not sure.
All right. Look into his rap sheet
and see if you can narrow down the suspect.
Since it happened at his house, check his belongings
and PF list once again.
Ask around about him
and check the CCTV footages around his house.
You have until our meeting this evening.
There's There's a serial killer?
Are you saying the one who murdered Mr. Bae Jung Tae
killed Se Rin as well?
This is just my speculation.
What did Detective Ji say?
He said he's going to investigate
Bae Jung Tae's case.
(Attachment: 1 Audio File)
I'm going to meet up with Detective Ji Hyeong Ju.
I'll go to the hospital as soon as I'm done.
Wait. Isn't this Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
He's early.
He sure came early.
We couldn't find the killer's prints on Bae Jung Tae's body.
He must be pretty meticulous,
but why is the crime scene such a mess?
Is the forensic report not done yet?
No, they're still working on Ms. Kim Se Rin's case.
The forensics team is having a headache.
I think it's going to take some time.
(A footprint, believed to be the same one, found in the kitchen)
Sir, here are your new handcuffs.
Did you lose them?
I think I dropped them at the crime scene.
Did you check your drawers?
We pay tax to purchase those.
Get a forensic analysis of this.
- Why? - We didn't find this
at Kim Se Rin's crime scene.
- Make this an exigency. - Yes, sir.
What What does this mean?
Why would Detective Ji harm him?
I'm I'm sure something's wrong.
- I can't believe this. - But he clearly said, "Detective."
If this was what really happened,
then who recorded this?
Was it the late Bae Jung Tae? Or was it the killer?
And how did the killer know our numbers?
If Hyeong Ju is indeed the killer, wouldn't that be too strange?
How about we report this to the police?
They can look into this.
The phone is turned off. Please leave a message after the tone.
Is the forensic report for Bae Jung Tae's case
not done yet?
Could you send it to me first?
Also, I'm sending in another footprint.
Please analyse this as well.
Thank you.
This is quite interesting.
It seems like
someone wire tapped the crime scene.
We don't know who it is just yet.
I wonder what kind of face
Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon made.
- Hello? - This is Digital Security.
We've analysed your voice recording.
There's a lot of static, but the file wasn't fabricated.
It's comprised of just one recording.
I'll email you the details.
What is your email address?
I'll call you back later.
Ga Hyeon!
What brings you here?
I have to show you something.
What is it?
I can't show it to you here. I'll show you inside.
Bae Jung Tae.
Did you kill him?
What are you talking about?
Why would I kill him?
(New voice recording)
That's Bae Jung Tae's voice,
and it wasn't edited.
I had it forensically analysed too.
Did you really kill him?
- Hyeong Ju! - Why did you play that for me?
Do you think I won't kill you here?
Go inside.
Ga Hyeon.
What's wrong? Is something going on?
I have to be somewhere.
I'll call you later.
(Closed temporarily due to personal reasons.)
Yes, Mr. Hwang.
I'll be at the café by six o'clock.
(Date: November 30, 2019, Signature: Lee Shin)
What? Detective Ji did?
Yes, okay.
Why? What is it?
They're done with the forensic examination of the scene.
But Ji Hyeong Ju took the analysis of the footprints.
- When? - This morning.
Oh, man.
Are you sure we were going to meet at six?
Why isn't she coming?
The phone you have reached is turned off.
- Goodness, her phone is off. - Please leave your message
Do you think Ji Hyeong Ju did something about her already?
- What are you doing? - We should check
with Detective Ji.
What if he notices that we know about him?
But we can't just sit on our hands.
What if something really happens to Ga Hyeon?
Whatever. You can do this alone if you want to do it.
My goodness.
- He won't pick up. - What is this guy doing?
I received a report on Bae Jung Tae's case.
But it's kind of weird.
You killed him, didn't you?
Bae Jung Tae.
What do you mean?
I found this footprint at Bae Jung Tae's house.
I clearly saw you jumping over that wall.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
I already heard that the footprints match.
Yes, I bought these.
But I put out number 21 in auction again.
The Starchio limited-edition number 21
you bought in auction.
Tell me. You killed him, didn't you?
You killed everyone, didn't you?
You must be trying to blame it all on me.
I have to meet Detective Ji now.
I'll be at the hospital as soon as we're done talking.
He sure came early.
(New recording)
I already saw everything.
I told the police already.
Even if I had to die, I'm not going down alone.
Hey, Ko Jae Young. You need to pull yourself together.
The one you saw isn't me.
You saw the real culprit!
Stop talking nonsense.
You already killed Shin Ga Hyeon, didn't you?
Am I next?
Oh, maybe Mr. Hwang?
What are you talking about?
What about Ga Hyeon?
Captain, we have to report this to our internal inspectors first.
Hey, Jin Sa Kyung.
It's not that I'm suspicious of Detective Ji.
They're supposed to decide the truth of this matter.
There could be a reason why he didn't share the analysis result.
But this voice recording?
This is out of our hands.
How can you be suspicious of your teammate?
I'm disappointed, Detective Jin.
Hey, Detective Nam, our job is to be suspicious of our family too.
Even so, shouldn't we ask Detective Ji first?
How can you want to report this first?
Hey, Nam Soon Woo!
Hey, where are you?
- Things aren't good - Sun Ho, I need your help.
- What's wrong? - Ga Hyeon is in danger.
That jerk will kill her too.
That jerk? What are you saying?
The one who killed Bae Jung Tae.
He already made a move.
I'm sure he did this.
He's going to kill Ga Hyeon too!
You need to speak in a language I can understand.
Why would he kill Ga Hyeon?
Where's Ga Hyeon?
Why are you looking for her here?
Zian Clinic was the last place her phone signal went off.
I haven't even seen her.
Stop lying.
Who's the culprit? Where is Ga Hyeon?
You need to catch the culprit yourself.
But you seem to be the key suspect
for Mr. Bae Jung Tae's case.
Please leave.
I know why you've been resetting.
(Samo Business Center)
(Samo Business Center)
Bae Jung Tae was right.
Your weakness.
Where is Ga Hyeon?
This footage is all we can provide.
Ga Hyeon!
Hyeong Ju.
Where are you? Why did you turn off your phone?
I came to the office because of work.
"The office"?
I sent you the Samson episode. Please read and share your thoughts.
Samson? Samson is Ms. Son.
Then please do take care of this.
Ga Ga Hyeon.
There won't be a problem anymore.
Do you know what the CEO said?
That ever since
I became your manager,
things have been unlucky.
The fan signing event, the movie copyright contract,
and the promotion event.
He said I didn't do anything right.
Is that my fault?
You said you didn't want to do anything!
So why do I have to be fired?
I'm sorry, Seung Min.
I didn't have any time
to focus on anything else.
I'll talk to the CEO.
I'll help you get reinstated.
So please,
can you let my hands
That again!
Those eyes again.
Why? You don't even want to talk to me?
Should I leave already? Again?
Bae Jung Tae was right.
Your weakness.
Do you know
how much I liked you?
I showed off to everyone that
I became the manager for "Hidden Killer".
I tried my best to get on your good side.
So why do you ignore me? Why?
It really
It really wasn't like that, Seung Min.
There were
some things that I couldn't share.
Things were
really hard for me too!
Ms. Shin, why do you keep ignoring me?
Hyeong Ju!
Hey, stop.
Ga Hyeon, are you okay?
Are you hurt?
I'm fine.
You're under emergency arrest for kidnapping and confinement.
- Wait, Detective, no. - You may consult an attorney.
- I was electrocuted - You may plead the Fifth.
I was attacked by her.
What if I didn't know who Ms. Son was?
Samson? Samson is Ms. Son.
- What? - Then please do take care of this.
Ga Ga Hyeon.
Ji Han was about to reveal who Samson is.
That's how far I got.
So who is Samson?
That brings me to my point. Before we go in,
can you tell me about the identity?
Ms. Son is her manager.
Why did she suddenly bring that up?
Mr. Koo Seung Min was fired?
Yes, he received bribes from event companies
by using her fan signing event and promotion event.
Those companies disclosed it to us when the events got cancelled.
Can you find out Mr. Koo Seung Min's number?
His phone hasn't moved to another area for an hour.
He's at Makang Bridge, the way that heads to Sancheon.
Ko Jae Young was the one who sent me that voice recording?
Does that mean he was at the scene of his murder?
We'll have to find out.
"We should trust each other."
You said that to me,
yet you suspected I was the culprit?
Come on.
Think about how I had to get this forensically analysed.
They said this wasn't forged,
- so I got suspicious - I should thank Koo Seung Min.
- He helped me get vindicated. - It's not like that.
It's thanks to my theory.
The real culprit is a serial killer.
But you were with me
when Mr. Cha Jeung Seok and Ms. So Hye In
- were presumed to have died. - So
That's why you aren't the culprit.
To be honest,
I wanted to do that to trust you.
There aren't many people
whom we can trust.
Oh, it's only because there aren't many of us left.
I guess I'm grateful that you still trust me.
- I'm sorry. I'm - Wait.
I think your theory is right.
A serial killer.
There was a weird photo at the scene of Bae Jung Tae's murder.
(Episode 18 will be aired shortly.)
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