All That Glitters (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

Zhenyu, I'm taking
coffee to Auntie Bee Hoon.
Talk nicely to Musen when he comes in.
I'm off.
You're-so-Pretty, kopi gah dai, please.
I recall you mentioning
that you can't see and you're a girl.
you've been constantly watching your back.
You said there was once,
a man asked if you needed help.
You trusted him
and walked a distance with him.
He suddenly hugged you.
You struggled, bit his hand
and ran away.
You just ran on and on,
not caring where you were heading.
You said that from then on,
you stopped trusting people
outside your family.
You also said there's one
more person you can trust now,
and that's me.
You actually remember those words.
Of course I remember them.
I know I'm paranoid and unreasonable,
and I often make a mountain
out of a molehill.
I dislike myself
for behaving like that too,
but I just can't help it.
It's not your fault. I'm to blame.
I promise I won't upset you again.
Stop giving in to me
and stop putting up with me.
When we first met, you were
the supervisor of a moving company.
Everything about you
was simple and straightforward.
But your status is different now.
So is your income.
My feelings for you are still the same.
Feelings may change.
We're not compatible.
If you carry on with me,
I'll only hold you back.
I'm serious. Leave!
I'm serious too.
I'm not leaving. I don't want a breakup!
Go ahead.
Even if I get peeling skin
and blisters, I'm not leaving!
Why did you do that?
What happened?
She told me to leave
but I refused, so she scalded herself.
-What's wrong with my mom?
-She's passed out.
Stop looking! Call an ambulance!
Call an ambulance!
Liu Mu, are you not feeling well?
-Call an ambulance
-Wake up, Liu Mu.
Why are you hot to the touch?
Oh no, you're not sweating.
Grandma said if you're sweating,
you're okay.
If you're not, you're in big trouble.
You're in big trouble.
What should I do?
I'll get meds
for the fever and herbal tea.
-Sorry. Did I scare you?
-What do you want?
I heard someone shouting for an ambulance
as I was going into my room.
Something happened?
My friend is confused due to a high fever.
Sounds serious.
Want to take him to hospital?
It's okay, I'll just get him
some meds and herbal tea.
Any idea where I can get that stuff?
Just turn left and then right
when you reach the end of the block.
After that, cross the road,
turn left and go straight.
You'll come to an alley.
Cut across it and turn left
Hang on
So many turns. I'm confused.
Why don't I take you there?
-Great, thanks.
-Don't mention it. Come.
I'm Guang. What's your name?
I'm Jin
Just call me De.
Have I seen you somewhere before?
No, I've never seen you in my life.
Must be your double I saw then.
You're not local, are you?
Your accent tells me
you're from Singapore.
No, we're from JB.
No wonder. JB is very near Singapore.
Did you come here to
Are we there yet, Bro Guang?
It's up ahead. Walk faster.
Will you hurry up, boss?
He's hard of hearing.
You have to speak louder.
-What are you looking for, boss?
-Mo tan powder.
Persistent high fever and no sweat.
Likely it's mo tan.
Don't know what mo tan is, do you?
It's toxic heat.
Ordinary fever pills won't work.
You need an old sinseh to
prepare mo tan powder for you.
The fever will go away after a few doses.
One packet per dosage.
Take it three times a day.
I'll prepare six packets for you first.
We'll see how it is two days from now.
Will you hurry up, boss?
Hurry up, boss! My buddy is very sick!
I was right about you.
You're someone loyal to your friends.
It's the right thing to do.
In other words, you won't
leave your sick buddy behind.
Of course not. What are buddies for?
We have to share joy and sorrow.
if you know the police are coming,
what will you do?
Will you still care about your buddy,
Huang Jintiao?
Liu Mu Wake up, Liu Mu.
Do you recognize me?
Lee Kai Teck
Oh no, the fever has gone to your head.
You don't even know who I am.
No, you're right. I'm Lee Kai Teck now.
Good that you remember I'm Lee Kai Teck.
Take the meds.
The boss of the medical hall said
you've got rambutan.
Take this and you'll recover.
I'm letting go.
You know, you were
talking in your dream last night
I couldn't wake you.
It scared me out of my wits.
I want more sleep.
You want to sleep?
I'll help you.
You okay?
Is the man next door gone?
No idea.
So little?
You call this little?
The cash
plus the jewelry is worth a few grand.
It's quite a lot.
You committed robbery and murder.
All the money
in the deceased's safe was gone.
It should amount to a few hundred grand.
It's not like Jianzhi owned a bank.
He wasn't so rich.
This is all we had.
Believe it or not, that's up to you.
I just don't believe it.
The police will be
here once I press this button.
Want to try it?
No. Let's talk things over.
That's more like it.
I don't want to be ruthless.
It's money I'm after.
Go back and bring me
all the money and jewelry.
If we give everything to you,
what will we live on?
Feel like hitting me?
Go ahead.
If the matter is blown up,
you won't be able to escape.
Liu Mu.
Don't do anything stupid.
Once I send this message,
someone will call the police.
I don't want to put you in a spot.
So don't put me in a spot either.
Money is external.
Your lives
and freedom should come first. Agreed?
Here's all that you want.
-Any more?
-Give it to me.
You left me with no choice!
You left me
You left me with no choice
Let go!
I killed him
I killed him
It's all your fault!
Why did you get up?
You should've continued sleeping.
Everything would've been resolved
if we'd just given him the money.
That's enough!
Stop talking!
Calm down.
I killed him
He's still alive.
-Come over.
Come over!
Not dead.
His heart is still beating.
That means he's still alive.
He's still alive
What now, Liu Mu?
We'll go as far as we can
before he wakes up.
May I help you, sir?
It's the first time I'm getting a bouquet.
Sure. Is the person your girlfriend?
Not yet.
-You're still wooing her?
-What's her favorite color?
-I don't know.
Pick red then. It's safer.
Granny Thunder said red is auspicious.
Any idea what kind of flowers she likes?
Take roses then.
It symbolizes love and beauty.
It also means whole and complete.
Whole and complete is good.
I like watching shows with good endings.
Roses it is.
Don't overdo it the first time you're
giving her flowers,
or you'll scare her away.
Don't be too stingy either.
Right. Women don't
like men who are misers.
So how many stalks should I get?
I'd suggest 11 since
you're still in courtship.
It means you love her wholeheartedly.
You can also get 18 stalks,
meaning she's the one and only,
or 30 stalks,
signifying accepting my love.
I like all three.
I'll love her wholeheartedly.
She's my one and only,
but she'll have to accept my love first.
You'll have to figure out how to do that.
Xiaomei, this is the first time
I'm giving a bouquet to a woman.
The florist said 30
stalks of roses sig sig
Why am I stuttering?
Every man gives flowers
to the woman they love.
What am I so nervous for?
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'm giving you 30 stalks of roses.
It means that I love you wholeheartedly.
You're my
Here I come, Xiaomei
I'm here, Belle.
Here I come, Xiaomei.
What are you looking at?
Nothing. I just find you familiar.
-You want to court her too?
-Court who?
Just one stalk?
She's the lady boss
of a coffee shop after all!
You mean Xiaomei? Nah
A third-rate director.
You've filmed many shows?
Yeah, many.
-Did you get nominated?
-Won any awards?
-Have you given any awards?
-A lot.
-Hold this!
Third-rate director! This
will teach you to chase skirts!
You think you can get an award
just because you have a moustache.
You might as well shave your head bald!
Please don't hit me anymore.
Who does Xiaomei fancy?
Who does Xiaomei like?
You okay? It's the third floor.
It's good enough to visit me.
Why go to the expense?
You already spent a lot
of money transferring me
from a ward to a single room.
Doesn't matter how much I spent, Auntie.
Your health is most important.
You don't usually get warded.
Excuse me?
It's good
that you don't usually get warded.
If you're hospitalized
very often, that'd be terrible.
-What warped logic.
-Come on.
Auntie, treat this place
like a hotel and indulge yourself.
You're-so-Pretty told me
you often save good food for them
and eat the leftovers yourself.
But your cooking is so good.
You must be left with
only bones to gnaw on.
You're exaggerating.
Auntie, make sure
you take the supplements.
If I don't, Zhenyu will not let me off.
Glad you know that. Have some soup.
I'll help myself.
It smells strongly of ginseng.
Musen took it from his uncle's shop.
Excuse me, I bought it from them.
My aunt puts money above kinship.
Even 50 cents is a lot to her.
But you can be sure this is quality stuff.
It must've cost a bomb.
I told you I'm all right.
The ECG and the CT scans
all show that I'm all right.
Excuse me?
The doctor says your heartbeat
is irregular.
He says it's nothing serious.
Seeing that you're nice
to each other again
works better than any supplement for me.
Auntie, we've patched things up.
You're-so-Pretty is pretty and forgiving.
She's forgiven me.
Your words don't count.
We've made up, Mom.
Did you do that because
you were worried about my health?
Of course not.
You have to learn to control your temper.
Don't always be so headstrong.
Never hurt yourself again
I won't.
Do give in to Zhenyu if you can.
I can't get her to listen
to me either when she's bullheaded.
Spare a thought for her feelings.
Zhenyu, put yourself in Musen's shoes too.
Don't worry, Auntie.
You have my word
that I won't hurt her again
I won't fly into a rage again.
I want the soup. You two can go dating.
I need to go back and man the shop.
No, we're closed for two days.
I'm the lady boss. I call the shots.
Go, go dating.
Make sure you have the soup.
It's hot, mind you.
Come on, I'm not a kid.
Knock, knock. Are you in?
-It's you, Director Fu.
Little Belle.
I heard you were sick.
I was filming nearby,
so as soon as I was done,
I came over.
How sweet of you.
Have a speedy recovery.
A flower for me? Thanks.
Director Fu was so insincere.
He came empty-handed.
No, he got Mom a flower.
Sure, just one stalk.
It's good enough he's
visiting Mum given how busy he is.
It's the thought that counts.
You're right.
Let's go somewhere for afternoon tea.
Sure, ask Aya and Qiqi along.
I hit it off with them.
I know that.
If I hadn't stopped you last night,
you'd have carried on chatting.
Thank goodness I have
nothing to hide, and I never lie to you,
or my "true colors" would've been exposed.
We can do without them
playing gooseberries.
I don't want to doze
off again as you chat.
-Our conversation bores you?
-You bet.
-He's here?
He's sitting in a corner
with his head hanging,
and a bouquet in his hands.
He must be here to visit Mom.
No doubt about it.
But he seems to have changed his mind.
Let's go over.
Huang Jintiao.
Are you here to visit Xiaomei too?
We've visited her, and we're leaving.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to go up, but changed my mind.
Zhenyu, can you give
this bouquet to your mom?
It's a big bouquet of
red roses. At least S$100.
Do it yourself.
I know Director Fu is here.
She only has eyes for him.
So little confidence in yourself?
I told you
the battlefield is
where a warrior's fate is determined.
You're surrendering
even before you started fighting.
That makes you a deserter.
I sent you overseas
to learn boxing for nothing.
You're such a letdown.
You don't know anything.
You think I wanted to surrender?
It's impossible even for me to have
a dinosaur peng
made by Xiaomei now.
Ever since Director Fu came
into the picture,
Xiaomei has only had eyes for him.
Why don't you give her up then?
I want to do that
I keep telling myself, "Forget it."
"She doesn't like you. Don't be so
-No buts.
If you can't give her up,
go fight for her.
Take the flowers to her, Jintiao.
My mom's words may be harsh sometimes,
but she actually has a soft heart.
-Get it?
"Huh"? Want me to kick your butt?
Let him decide for himself.
It's up to him whether he wants to
take the bouquet to my mom.
Let's go.
Mull it over.
Come on.
Smells so good.
You bet. It's ginseng chicken soup.
Just what I need.
I've been doing night shoots.
I'll help myself.
Careful, it's hot.
I'll blow on it for you.
Belle, you have a visitor?
Here to visit Belle?
Come on in.
Come on.
What are you doing here?
I ran into you in the elevator, didn't I?
Xiaomei, I'm here to visit you.
Have a baby soon!
What was that for?
Sorry, it wasn't intentional.
You're hilarious!
Want me to beat you up again?
Stop it, Huang Jintiao.
You spouted nonsense in the first place.
When did I spout nonsense?
What did you just wish Xiaomei?
I said, "Have a baby soon."
Sorry, Xiaomei.
It was a slip of the tongue.
I meant to wish
you a speedy recovery, but
Thanks, I'm all right now.
The doctor says I can be
discharged tomorrow.
You may go.
Fool! You big fool!
Instead of "have a speedy recovery,"
you said "have a baby soon."
Huang Jintiao,
nobody is more stupid than you!
Why am I still holding the bouquet?
Really, Huang Jintiao!
I'll be going. Get well soon, Belle!
"Belle" So disgusting!
Come in.
Why are you back?
I forgot to give you the flowers.
Are you so rich?
Why buy flowers,
and such a big bouquet at that?
The lady at the shop
said 30 stalks signify
It's all rubbish.
Besides, I already have a stalk here.
It was from Director Fu.
I'll be discharged tomorrow.
It'll be cumbersome
carrying this around. Take it back.
But I got it specially for you.
You're a weird one.
We're not even close.
Why get me such a big bouquet?
That third-rate director isn't close to
you either, but he also gave you a flower.
Hey, it's not like he offended you.
Why put him down?
He only gave you one stalk,
I'm giving you 30 stalks.
Any idea how precious
this stalk of rose is?
It was a prop from the set.
He gave it to me.
It's been used,
and you still said it's precious.
Ah Ge gave this flower
to Ah Jie in the show.
Both Ah Ge
and Ah Jie held it in their hands.
They're my favorite stars.
I've been watching
their shows for 20 years.
Director Fu knows I'm a fan of theirs,
that's why he gave
this stalk of rose to me.
It was really sweet of him.
A stalk from him beats
1,000 stalks from you.
You think you make a lot of money?
You claim to be an assistant manager,
and you're so pleased with that title.
Truth is, you're just a driver.
You like blowing
your own trumpet, don't you?
You claimed you were going
for further studies
when you went to Thailand to learn boxing.
You even boasted that you'd
open your own Muay Thai gym.
The most hilarious part is,
you dress yourself up
like a triad boss every day.
Do you take yourself to be Chow Yun Fat?
I've been watching
this period drama lately.
There's this line
which suits you to a tee.
If you don't have what it takes,
don't go to Liangshan Marsh.
Know what that means?
Forget it.
You wouldn't understand
such a profound saying.
Fine, let me tell you.
It means if you don't have
a big head, don't wear a big hat.
Here's another saying for you.
He who is ugly does odd things.
I've never seen a weirdo like you.
You have such strange taste.
Other people go for sweet young things,
but you just cling on to me, an old hag.
Got it.
You must be thinking, you're young
and good-looking,
maybe just a little dense,
and since I'm a widow,
I must be a cougar who would
throw myself at any man that comes my way.
Sorry, let me tell you,
I'm not that kind of woman
I have my pride.
Most importantly,
the sight of your face puts me off!
For goodness' sake, stop looking me up.
You know what?
I've become
the laughing stock of the market.
When they see me, they ask me,
"Xiaomei, is that triad boss
not here to have your dinosaur peng?"
Can you not do this to me?
What are you doing?
I'm asking you, "What are you doing?"
Are you crying?
Look at me.
Huang Jintiao!
Step out of this door
and I won't ever see you again!
Put down the bouquet.
You're crying?
You're a big man.
I merely made a few comments
and you started crying.
Shame on you!
What's with you,
Huang Jintiao? Don't be like this.
Just what did I do wrong?
What did I do wrong?
It's not wrong for me to like you, is it?
You're the only one I've liked
in my whole life.
This is also the first time I've
given flowers to the woman I like.
What did I do wrong?
You have fallen for the wrong person.
Why can't I like you?
It's impossible between us.
Why is it impossible?
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm sick right now,
and I'm not wearing any make-up.
Don't I look old and frail?
You're neither old nor frail.
You only have a few lines on your face.
I also have them.
You want to compare yourself to me?
Look here. Look carefully.
Look carefully.
I'm greying at the roots.
If I don't dye my hair
for two months, I'll turn all grey.
It's pretty to have grey hair too.
I'm not the Bride with White Hair!
I'm not young anymore.
If we get together,
we'll both be ridiculed, get it?
I'm not afraid of being ridiculed.
I only fear that you might dislike me.
I know sometimes you just
can't help but dislike something.
Take my dislike for crab.
My grandma often said some people wanted
to eat crab but never got to do that.
I was lucky but I didn't appreciate it.
But I just don't like crab.
You may tell me it's super-
delicious, but I just don't like it.
I get it now, Xiaomei.
Your dislike for me is
like my dislike for crab.
Don't worry, Xiaomei,
I won't look you up again.
I won't let you be ridiculed.
I don't dislike you.
You don't have to do this, Xiaomei.
I don't have to do what?
Zhenyu said
your words may sound harsh,
but you're soft at heart.
You must've said those words
because I'm weeping buckets.
Do you know why I had
to be so mean and harsh?
Because you don't like me.
I wish you two all the best.
Director Fu is not like you,
associating everything with relationships.
He and I are just friends who hit it off.
You're really kind.
To comfort me,
you came up with such a lame excuse.
I'm content to hear what you've just said.
I'm unable to convince myself.
I really can't accept
going out with
someone young enough to be my kid brother.
If I were as old as you
I mean, the same age as you,
would you accept me?
Are you okay, Huang Jintiao?
You're crying one minute
and smiling the next.
You're scaring me. I have a weak heart.
I'm fine, Xiaomei. Have lots of rest.
Our new champion for this month
is Jianzhi and his team.
Having such achievements,
I'd like to thank everyone
for all your support,
and my teammates,
especially Albert,
who deserves most of the credit!
Last but not least,
I'd like to thank my mentor, Jiahui.
I wouldn't have done so well without her.
Look what I've brought you.
Pad Thai?
Have it while it's hot.
What happened to your face?
It's okay.
-Dig in.
-Did you fight in matches again?
Someone challenged me,
so I took part in a match.
It's illegal. What if
something had gone wrong?
It's not aggressive fighting.
Once victory is decided, we stop.
I have to be in the ring once in a while
to be on good form.
I know you aspire to
become a professional boxer.
But it pains me every time
to see you covered in bruises.
All boxers are aware of this.
To make our mark,
we must be prepared to be punched.
If I make my mark,
I'll be able to get more students
and open my own Muay Thai gym.
You'll be the CEO. How about that?
I'll be the CEO?
Turn Susakong Muay Thai Gym
into a brand name.
We'll introduce Muay Thai to the world.
Come, dig in.
Looks so appealing. Let me try it.
How does it taste?
It's nice and authentic.
Where did you get it?
Chef Susakong cooked it in person.
You cooked it?
You have some too, chef.
Things are not going smoothly at work?
I can tell that you're a little unhappy.
My team had always topped the sales chart.
But we were beaten by another team today.
You don't seem the sort
who's hung up on your losses.
I just hate to lose to him.
Have you ever come
across such a thing, Susakong?
There's this person
whom you had a good impression of.
Then a few things
happened, and you became
I wouldn't say hate,
but you just feel
uncomfortable in his presence
I've never had such an experience,
but I can relate to your feelings.
And this person had to
join your company of all places.
You see him day in and day out.
The sight of him reminds you of the past,
something which you wish to forget.
That's why I was hoping he'd fail.
I wanted him to leave soon,
so I wouldn't have to see him every day.
But he's doing so well
that he even surpassed me.
I really
The more you get hung up on it,
the more it won't go away.
Stop thinking about it,
and you won't see him,
even if he is right before you.
Get it?
Subtitle translation by: S Lin
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