Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

Are you really not going to say anything?
Spare us both the trouble
and just tell us the truth.
Auntie Im and Cha Seung-won
aren't that different.
They both used you.
It's my job to protect.
That day I was rescued,
it sealed my fate.
It's not like those two were
cult leaders who brainwashed you…
Who is that?
I think there's a car following us.
Come on, damn it.
You don't have to feel bad.
If you had found me then,
I would've lived a worthless life,
just like my father.
Let's go.
Quietly follow that car.
-Still nothing?
I can't wait any longer. Let's go.
Gu escaped on the way
to the Prosecutors' Office.
The detectives got hurt too,
so they'll need back-up,
but Lieutenant Han's phone is off.
I don't know what happened,
but neither are responding,
so I'm on my way to check.
I'll call you later.
-Ms. Han!
What happened?
Mr. Nam.
Where's Mr. Nam?
Weren't you with him?
Where's Han-jun? What is going on?
Auntie Im locked us in the temple,
then I smelled gas all of a sudden.
I can't remember what happened after that.
Auntie Im must have kidnapped Han-jun.
We have to hurry. Gu Tae-su escaped.
Mr. Jang, Gu Tae-su escaped?
What happened?
Jeez, some guys appeared out of nowhere
and took Gu Tae-su.
Mr. Nam's disappeared too.
I think Auntie Im took him.
We'll try to find Gu Tae-su somehow.
You look for Mr. Shaman.
The CCTV outside.
-We should check that first.
-Okay, let's go. Be careful.
-Can you walk?
Hey, who's that next to Auntie Im?
I don't think that's Han-jun.
Do you think he kidnapped Mr. Nam
with Auntie Im?
Ms. Nam, you put that GPS tracker
on your brother, right?
I've checked,
but there's no signal for some reason.
That's Cha Seung-won's car.
Cha Seung-won? Wait.
We put that GPS tracker
on Cha Seung-won's car.
-Can you access its location?
-Just a minute.
He's on the move.
But why is he…
I think he's heading to Minamdang.
Let's hurry and catch up to him.
Yes, okay.
What on earth is he doing?
You brought this all on yourself.
Thanks to you, it's been fun.
But I can't lose this game.
Mr. Cha.
What happened?
We received a tip that Auntie Im was
at Minamdang.
I think Han-jun's in there too.
Wait, but who called it in?
-Gu Tae-su.
-Gu Tae-su called it in?
What did he say?
We'll know when we go in.
Let's head inside.
Let's go.
Mr. Nam.
I hereby arrest you without a warrant
for the murder of Im Hui-suk.
Let me go.
Please, just get out of the way.
Damn it.
Let go.
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to an attorney.
You may refuse to say anything
that can be used against you.
I didn't kill her.
Gopuri caught me in his trap.
Or you got caught trying to
fool us, Mr. Nam.
"Nam Han-jun is trying to kill Auntie Im
and plant the evidence on someone else."
That's what Gu Tae-su called in.
You believe that crap?
He said he didn't do it.
He said he didn't.
We'll know once we test the weapon.
The killer left it in my hand.
He tampered with the crime scene.
To frame me.
Preserve the crime scene,
and ask the forensic team to come in.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Mr. Cha. Something is wrong here.
Mr. Nam can be a bit reckless,
but you know better than I do
that he wouldn't kill anyone.
I do.
But a prosecutor must investigate
based on the evidence,
not his personal feelings.
You know that, Lieutenant Han.
-Mr. Cha.
-If Mr. Nam didn't do it,
he'll be free to go soon, so don't worry.
Go home and rest.
And considering
your relationship with the suspect,
you should stop
investigating the case, Ms. Han.
I can't do that.
This isn't right. Why is it doing that?
They're my siblings, let me talk to them.
Han-jun. The power suddenly went out,
and the CCTVs didn't record anything.
What do we do?
I'm sure they didn't kill a person
on my turf without taking precautions.
This man left Cheonggakjeong
with Auntie Im.
Could I take a look at that video too?
The man who left Cheonggakjeong
with Auntie Im.
It's highly likely he's the culprit.
Okay, I'll check it out.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Han-jun, don't worry.
I'll catch the killer, I promise.
I'll never let you suffer again
for a crime you didn't commit.
Why do you think I quit the NIS?
Don't worry.
Case numbers 2018N966,
2019H1564, and 2019H1818.
Find out how they're related.
-Oh, okay.
Case numbers 2018…
Let's go.
Han-jun, don't worry.
Don't let them scare you.
Right, we forgot to tell him about
how Cha Seung-won's car came here.
Oh, right…
I'll tell him.
I'll call you right away
if anything happens. You two wait here.
Chairman Cha covered up the case,
so it never got out,
but Gopuri showed psychopathic tendencies
even when he was a child.
He's been punishing his victims using his
own methods ever since he became an adult.
He justified his murders by calling them
acts of judgment and righteousness.
Instead of looking for
what the victims have in common,
if I were to focus on his signature
characteristics and profile them…
Gopuri, that son of a bitch.
Did you think of something?
If I knew who was behind all this,
do you think I'd be here?
Mr. Nam, you were alone
at the crime scene,
and they found your prints on the weapon.
They're going to send you
to the Prosecutors' Office tomorrow.
The situation is very bad right now.
Of course.
I have a motive too.
They have more than enough
to pin this on me.
But what I care about
isn't evidence or circumstances,
it's whether or not you trust me.
Would you trust me,
no matter what I said?
I said I didn't agree with how
you'd do anything to solve the case.
I didn't say I didn't trust you.
I was worried you might get hurt,
that's why I did it.
I'm sorry.
I'll never lie to you or hide anything
from you ever again.
I promise.
You trust me too, right?
I'm going to prove your innocence
no matter what,
so just hold on
a little longer until then.
I was going to try to act cool
so you wouldn't worry,
but you're so reassuring.
You're making me want
to feign ignorance and wait.
Prosecutor Cha's here to take
Mr. Shaman himself.
What do you want me to do?
Just send him on his way?
I'll go see him.
No, not Prosecutor Cha. Mr. Shaman.
You might not see him for a while.
Are you sure you don't want
to see him now?
I'll see him again soon enough. It's okay.
Damn it. Come on.
Just use whatever toilet there is,
why do you have to be so picky?
That one didn't have a bidet, damn it.
It's happening. It's coming out.
Oh, no.
Where do you want to go?
The Chief's office.
The restroom next to it has a bidet.
-Come on.
-Let's hurry.
Goddamn it. This is so gross.
You're driving me crazy.
I can smell it. Hurry.
Hurry up.
Hold it in.
What is it?
Come on, you have to uncuff me.
Are you going to wipe my butt?
-There's no toilet paper.
-Toilet paper.
-Toilet paper.
-Toilet paper.
Hurry up.
It's been a while since they said
they were coming. They're late.
Was he that sick?
-Yes. He said his stomach hurt.
They said they'd take him
to the toilet before coming.
Find out where he is, now.
-Yes, let's go.
Could you check upstairs?
They're not answering their phones.
Nam Han-jun, the suspect that just left
the holding cell, has disappeared.
Check the CCTVs to track his movements
and send more people to aid in the search.
Let's go.
I can't believe
you call yourselves detectives.
What are you doing? Unbelievable.
-They're here.
-Seriously, you're driving me crazy.
What happened?
Mr. Kong ambushed us.
This is so gross.
That hurts. Be gentle.
This time, you…
Get in.
Why did you have to let him
go to the bathroom?
Come on, he said he couldn't hold it,
so how could we not?
Yes, Mr. Shaman has rights too.
Rights, my foot.
Seriously, you two should be ashamed
of yourselves.
Stop it.
I asked all investigative agencies
to work with us,
so we'll catch him soon.
Can you think of where he might be hiding?
I think it's Mr. Nam.
Connect your phone to the location tracer
and put it on speaker.
Did I put you in a difficult situation?
I'm sorry.
Mr. Nam.
I asked you to wait. I told you I'd prove
your innocence any way I can.
So how could you run away like this?
It's not that I don't trust you.
Listen carefully, Jae-hui.
I think Gopuri has a spy in our midst.
That's why I ran.
"A spy in our midst"?
What are you talking about?
Think about it.
When we went to see Jung Hye-yoon,
moved Gu Tae-su,
and went to Auntie Im's temple,
how else could Gu Tae-su
have been a step ahead of us?
He knew beforehand that we were going.
That's just your theory,
we don't know that for sure.
That's why I'm going to find
concrete evidence before I go back.
I can't tell you now,
but I think I can figure out
Gopuri's identity soon.
But how?
You probably know this,
but you can't track my location,
so you might as well give up.
Trust me and wait just a little longer.
I'll come back after I catch Gopuri.
Mr. Nam.
Mr. Nam.
It's apparently coming from Estonia,
Sri Lanka, Djibouti, and Madagascar.
Hey, move. What are you talking about?
He's messing with us.
Put the first words together
and it says "give up" in Korean.
A traitor from the inside?
You don't think
Mr. Shaman's lying to us, do you?
He has a point.
There were three leaks.
It's unlikely to be a coincidence.
Wait, Han.
Are you saying there's a spy among us?
The day Gu Tae-su escaped,
didn't Mr. Jang have the key to the cuffs?
Right, I think Gu Tae-su whispered
something to him before he ran.
Jeez, you morons.
Hey, what's that look in your eyes?
So you suspect me?
It's not suspicion,
it's just what the situation indicates.
You said you knew Gu Tae-su
from when he was young.
What did you just say?
You little punk, I should just--
-Come here.
Come on, just let me go.
Fine. That's right. I killed Auntie Im
and pinned it all on Mr. Shaman, happy?
I was right. He's the spy.
"Right"? You punk.
-Do you want to get beaten to a pulp?
-Stop fighting.
-Calm down.
-How can I calm down?
The ink's not even dry on his police ID,
and he's trying to ruin my life
by tarnishing my entire career.
-My neck. That hurts.
-I'm still young. How old are you, gramps?
-How old am I…
-Stop it!
-Please stop…
Jeez, you punk.
Don't you know when to shut up?
Come on, it's all just a misunderstanding.
Now that I think about it, there have been
so many strange things about you
since you were a kid.
I wonder why
this never occurred to me then.
What are you trying to say?
Get to the point.
I saw everything.
You're the one who killed Auntie Im,
aren't you?
Three people went in together.
Yet one dies,
while the other two slip away covered
in blood?
Anyone would be suspicious.
Your face was caught on video,
nice and clear,
so don't try to deny it.
But you don't have me on video
killing Auntie Im.
You're going to keep acting like this?
Auntie Im, Dr. Jung, Hyeon-u,
you killed them all.
I had no idea it was you.
I thought I killed Hyeon-u,
so I obeyed when they sent me abroad.
It makes my skin crawl to think about
what you've put me through.
You want me to tell the world
that you're a psychopathic murderer?
You think I won't do it?
Do you really think that
threat's going to work on me?
You want to become the chairman of
Choekang Company, yet this is how
you do business?
In times like this,
you shouldn't threaten me.
You should offer me a deal.
A deal?
What you want is my shares
to Choekang, isn't it?
Yes. Give me all your shares.
-Then I'll delete this--
-I'm not going to give you
all my shares for that one video.
I have a condition.
Tell me.
There's someone who's been bothering me.
Hand them over to me by tomorrow,
then Choekang's chairman position
will be all yours.
I called because I was worried.
How are the detectives?
It's a complete mess.
Mr. Jang didn't even come to work today.
That's bad.
I'm trying to track Mr. Nam's movements
and get the info on the car we caught
on the CCTV camera.
I'll call you as soon as I find anything.
I'm on my way to talk
to Director Cha right now.
He's suddenly being cooperative,
which is strange,
but I'll tighten the screws on him
and see if he knows anything.
Okay. Call me when you're done.
Isn't that Lieutenant Han?
That car looks like
it's following her, doesn't it?
Yes, it's pretty suspicious.
Hey, open the door.
Who are you and why are you following me?
Isn't that kidnapping?
-Follow them. You can't let them escape.
I've got her and I'm on my way
to the rendezvous point.
I don't know why he needs her,
but keep her alive for now.
Yes, sir.
We're being followed.
Lose them at the next intersection.
Yes, sir.
-Damn it.
-What do we do now?
What do you think? We call for help.
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Nam, what's going on?
Everyone's looking for you.
I need your help.
It's Jae-hui, she's been kidnapped.
What? Kidnapped?
What are you talking about?
Jae-hui went to see Cha Seung-won,
and I think she's been kidnapped.
We need to find her right now,
but I lost the car.
You were keeping an eye on Seung-won too?
I don't have time to explain.
You can track Jae-hui's location, right?
I'll trace her phone's location
and call you back right away.
Okay, thank you.
I won't forget this.
That was amazing, I mean it.
-I thought I was watching a movie.
-You deserve an Oscar.
Cha Do-won, that psychopathic pervert.
How dare you take me for a fool?
You're going to get back exactly…
No, it's going to be much worse for you.
That's right.
But what do you mean, pretend
you don't know anything?
Did you think of something?
But could you ask Su-cheol
and Hye-jun to come here?
Oh, and gather the Major Crimes
Investigation Division Seven detectives.
I found out who Gopuri is.
Jeez, he killed a lot of people. Damn it.
Choi Seok-yun, Cho Ju-min,
Kim Go-ni?
Have we confirmed all their identities?
The file that Auntie Im had contained
information on the other victims.
But there might be more.
Even with Gu Tae-su's help,
I can't believe the same guy did all this.
It doesn't make any sense.
That's why I was confused.
The signature MO
made me think that Gopuri
committed all these murders.
It turns out that
Gopuri wasn't just one person,
it was three people.
Because of the MO, these cases all look
like they're in the same category,
but they have different motives.
Desire, execution, hindrance.
They can be divided
into these three categories.
The first,
Jeon Gyeong-cheol, Kang Eun-hye.
Auntie Im had them killed
because of her own greed.
The second.
Jae-jeong was murdered
because he was in the way.
I think I found the link
that connects the victim, Choi Yeong-seop,
and the killer together.
He found conclusive evidence
about the killer's identity,
so the killer killed him
and took that file.
Choi Yeong-seop, Lim Min-jun,
Jung Hye-yoon,
and Auntie Im were all killed because
the killer was afraid he'd be found out.
As for the last category of victims.
It was execution.
Right. Look.
These people all cleverly eluded the law.
None were indicted and they all escaped.
The even more astounding fact is that
they're all currently dead or missing.
He believed himself to be justice itself
and executed them.
Gu Tae-su was following his orders.
I get that the man behind Auntie Im
and Gu Tae-su is the real killer.
So who on earth is he?
Someone everyone here all knows.
He worked in the regional office
that let the murdered criminals go
and led us to think
Cha Seung-won was the killer.
The real killer,
who used Gu Tae-su to play the judge
and killed Jae-jeong
when he got in his way.
Prosecutor Cha Do-won.
He's the killer.
Mr. Shaman.
Isn't that taking the joke too far?
I'm sure it's not him.
You all know how hard he worked
to catch the killer.
That's what I'm saying.
It'd be easier to believe
that Gu Tae-su killed Auntie Im
after he escaped and pinned it all on you.
The day of the murder,
Cha Seung-won followed Prosecutor Cha.
And this is the footage from the black box
on Cha Seung-won's car.
Of course, it was obtained illegally,
so it won't be admissible as evidence.
This is freaking shocking.
I'm having a meltdown. I have goosebumps.
You've got to be kidding me, damn it.
So he's been hanging around us
saying he wants to help while doing that?
He totally stabbed us
in the freaking back.
He must have thought
we were a complete joke.
You're Prosecutor Han's sister, right?
I'm Cha Do-won, the prosecutor in charge.
When Choi Yeong-seop wakes up,
I'll be able to learn
why my brother died, right?
I'm sure you will.
I was sure it was Choi Yeong-seop too.
I guess Mr. Nam Han-jun was
the only one who saw through everything.
He must be laughing at me
somewhere even now.
Let's catch the killer together,
the two of us.
Can you not go?
I like you a lot, Jae-hui.
This wasn't how I wanted to tell you…
Jae-jeong must have found out
who Gopuri was.
So that's why he killed Prosecutor Han.
Don't hold it in. Just cry or get angry.
Or it'll make you sick.
I'll do all of that
after we catch Prosecutor Cha.
Well, then we'll just catch him.
We found the phantom Gopuri.
Prosecutor Cha is right in front of us.
Of course we can catch him.
And I'm sure our Mr. Shaman has a plan.
That's right.
Hurry up and say that you do.
Of course, I do.
We'll use Cha Seung-won as bait.
Cha Seung-won has a strong desire
to be recognized.
He's fixated on inheriting Choekang
because of his desire
to be recognized by his father and
the lack of affection he's had.
He just needs Prosecutor Cha's shares
to become the Chairman.
There's no way he'll let it go.
If Prosecutor Cha really is the killer,
he's not going to stand aside either.
That's what we're counting on.
Based on his pattern so far,
he's definitely going to try to kill
Cha Seung-won.
We'll set the trap and wait,
and the moment Prosecutor Cha shows
his true colors…
We'll arrest him.
He's not going to be easy to trap.
That's why
I'm going to mess with his head too.
I'm going to escape the station,
which will make Division Seven collapse.
-Detective Kim.
You're okay?
You almost killed me, seriously.
That hurt so much.
Mr. Kong, you too. Why are you all so…
You don't know how to make it realistic.
-Let's go.
-Yes, okay.
-Good luck.
Good luck.
Your nose. It's bleeding.
Listen carefully, Jae-hui.
I think Gopuri has a spy in our midst.
That's why I ran.
If you aren't guilty,
-why do you keep interrupting me?
-Let go of me.
Are you guilty? Yes, I can see that!
-Aren't you?
-Do I feel guilty?
-You do? Don't you?
-Stop it!
-Come on.
-What, you punk?
You want those to be your last words?
Is that your will?
I'm going to live a long life.
-My neck! That hurts.
-I'm still young. How old are you, gramps?
-You punk, how old are you?
-How old are you, gramps?
How old are you? You punk.
I'm still young. How old are you, gramps?
Stop it!
Please stop.
My heart is beating like crazy.
-You did well.
-I did do well.
Someone bothering you?
You mean that shaman from Minamdang?
No, Lieutenant Han Jae-hui.
Call me when you have her
and the black box ready.
Okay. 5 p.m. tomorrow.
Come to the closed-down amusement park
in the Jakdu-dong development site.
That scum's trying to lure me in
using Jae-hui as bait.
He's going to get rid of me
and Cha Seung-won at the same time.
I can play the bait. That's nothing.
No, it's too dangerous.
Yes, you can't.
Who knows
what those crazy idiots will do? No.
I need to be kidnapped so they'll think
their plan is working
and they let their guard down.
Still, I can't let you go on your own.
Who knows what they'll do to you?
I'm not going alone.
If anything goes wrong,
my team's going to rescue me,
so what's there to worry about? Right?
-Of course.
-Of course.
You don't need to worry
about Lieutenant Han here,
it's the guys who'll kidnap Han the Ghost
that you should be worrying about.
Yes, exactly. I'm Han the Ghost.
So trust me just this once, okay?
But you have to promise
you won't get hurt.
I promise. Here.
-Oh, my. Were you worried?
-Promise me you won't get hurt.
-Do you want to die?
-Du-jin, promise me too.
-You little…
-Du-jin, no cursing.
-I'm going to kill you.
-I'm sorry.
Cha Do-won will be
keeping an eye on us from here.
But we should cut off all routes,
just in case.
Block that exit too.
-Damn it.
-How much more is there?
-We're done.
-My god.
We block this place off.
And over there…
Okay. It's going to go well, right?
It will. Don't you trust me?
-You just do your part.
So we'll each be placed…
Jang Du-jin. Kim Sang-hyeop.
-Han Jae-hui.
And then our next rendezvous point
is here at the merry-go-round.
Gwang-tae and Kong Su-cheol.
-Anyway, let's do this. Let's begin.
I see they're both over 180cm.
Is anyone here over 180cm?
-All right.
If you mess up this time, you're dead.
Ready. Action!
Hey, that's not it.
I'll go get some water.
Hey, come on. Gosh, what is this?
What was that? You startled me.
You are fast.
-Did you see that?
-Okay. Cut!
That was perfect.
Now, shall we go and get me kidnapped?
Okay, let's put our hands together
and say "let's go."
We'll raise our hands. On three.
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
I'm going this slow,
and they still can't catch me?
Hey. Who are you
and why are you following me?
Hey, wait.
What is that? That's not kidnapping.
Come on, she's basically
kidnapped herself.
-Let's go.
What about the detectives?
Are they following her?
They're following her at a steady pace,
thanks to the distraction we created.
Everything's going according to plan.
Now, it's our turn.
Yes. Let's give them
a good taste of their own medicine.
I've got the woman you told me about.
Get ready to transfer the shares
and get out here.
What a dick.
Once I have the shares,
I'm going after you too.
-Where are we?
-I'm sorry, sir.
I think we came to the wrong…
No. This is it.
You came to the right place.
-Who are you people?
-Who are you?
I've confirmed that Gu Tae-su
has kidnapped Detective Han.
Okay. I'll signal you when he gets here,
then get Lieutenant Han out.
I've found where Lieutenant Han is.
Where is she?
She's at a closed-down amusement park,
Jakdu Land.
Okay, I'm on my way.
Can you call for backup?
Cha Seung-won and Secretary Nam will make
their entrance in five minutes. Get ready.
What? Is Detective Na even ready?
I don't know where he is.
-He's not responding.
-Why is he not responding?
What are you doing? Go check.
Damn it.
Damn it.
Detective Na…
You have to wake up.
Mom? Mom.
"Relaxation solution"?
Did he drink the whole thing?
Damn it. This is bad.
We're in trouble. Detective Na drank
a whole bottle of some relaxant
and passed out.
We're only just getting started.
Why are things already messing up?
So do we just go ahead
without Secretary Nam?
He'll definitely find it weird
if Cha Seung-won comes on his own.
I'll step into the role.
Are you serious?
Do you remember what we rehearsed?
I had a bad feeling
about Gwang-tae for some reason.
I'll have to step in.
You can handle it here on your own, right?
Well, I think I can get Lieutenant Han out
But you're really going to do this?
Are you sure? You didn't even rehearse.
There are no rehearsals in real life.
You know me.
I'm not a very patient man.
I just go for it.
Watch my back.
Director Cha got here first.
Nam Han-jun's here too.
Once one of them dies,
whoever that might be,
we'll finish things off.
Yes, it's me.
I've just transferred 30% of the shares.
That's for the black box footage.
And the rest?
Nam Han-jun will arrive soon.
Kill him.
Then I'll give you the rest of the shares.
That ought to make this deal fair.
Because I have your dirty secret,
you want to have one on me too?
The real nuisance is
Nam Han-jun.
He'll submit once he finds out
you have Lieutenant Han,
so he'll be easy to kill.
Call me when it's over.
Where's Lieutenant Han?
Instead of a shaman,
he should have been an actor.
He is something, he really is.
Gwang-tae, you can do it.
-Gwang-tae, Sang-hyeop, Du-jin, go.
-What's that? Detective Na?
Damn it. Detective Na, that moron.
Why does he have to show up now?
-Damn it. Hurry.
Du-jin, Jae-hui, Sang-hyeop,
Gwang-tae, you can do it.
Come here.
What is it? What's going on?
I can go to Su-cheol now, right?
Is Jae-hui okay?
Yes. I'm on my way to rescue her.
Damn it. Nothing's going right.
What the hell? Who are you?
Don't come near me. Stay back.
Stay back.
Lieutenant Han.
Detective Kim.
Han Jae-hui. Where did you hide her?
Well, it looks like we have
an uninvited guest.
Hey, you idiot.
Prosecutor Cha can't hear you like that.
You need to speak louder.
Well, it looks like we have
an uninvited guest!
You practiced the whole day yesterday
and can't even memorize that one line.
You idiot. I'm going to kill you later.
Tell me where you hid Han Jae-hui.
My people are guarding her,
so no need to worry.
Gopuri, you bastard.
Take care of him.
I'm really going to kill you later.
You've got a knife out already as if
to tell the world that you're a villain.
-Come on.
-Nam Han-jun, you bastard. Just die.
-That had to hurt.
-Why did it sound like…
Oh, god.
You're bleeding.
Detective Jang, calm down.
You know I didn't do it on purpose, right?
Damn it. Why is the fake one here?
That had to hurt.
Wait, so that's real blood?
Prosecutor Cha…
Come on, Prosecutor Cha's watching.
Calm down.
Why are your eyes…
Good, it looks totally real now.
I think he's really in character.
What do we do?
He's scaring me.
Hey, wait.
I'll protect you.
-He's acting kind of strange.
Jeez, whatever.
Nam, are you okay?
I'm okay.
Is he dead?
Let's hurry up before Cha catches on.
Come on.
You okay?
Didn't you file the edges? That stings.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
I'm going to grab you now.
One, two, three.
Why aren't you lying down? Die already.
Mr. Nam,
you have such a hard grip on life.
Prosecutor Cha.
I knew you were the killer.
Why are you only catching on now?
I'm so disappointed in you.
Just tell me already.
Do you people know who I am?
My god, he's so mouthy.
Just pour the cement already.
Why does he want to tell us so badly
who he is? Hey, just pour it.
Yes, okay.
What do you think you're doing?
Wait, hold on. I'll tell you everything.
Director Cha did come up with
the Jakdu-dong scheme with Auntie Im.
-I have the proof too.
-Shut up.
-You shut up.
-Keep talking.
-He's known Auntie Im for long.
-Shut up, you asshole.
Be quiet, don't talk down to me,
I'm older than you.
-Are you crazy?
You crazy asshole.
I can curse you out too.
-Come here, you bastard.
-Come at me.
-I'll tell you.
-You little…
I'll get you out, so tell the truth.
-I've worked here for 15 years…
-Shut up.
He told me to talk. You stay quiet then.
I have to tell him.
Then just die there. You asshole.
My goodness.
You can't leave me here.
You told me you'd let me live
if I told you.
Can we just leave them like that?
It's okay, that's not cement. It's mud.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
"The shaman who was killed
by a serial killer while trying
to rescue a kidnapped detective."
I let Cha Do-won get away.
He's going all sorts of places
when there's an APB out on him.
I think he's chasing after the people
on that list to kill them
So this is like a "Death-Note."
This means he has no intention
of stopping his murder spree.
We'd have a chance at catching him.
My target has always been you,
Mr. Nam Han-jun.
Why don't you just admit it already?
You're just a lowlife murderer.
You're not some righteous grand judge
that you think you are.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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