Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e17 Episode Script

The Invitation

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Ugh, the stump
is completely flooded!
[ Groans ]
How bad is it down there?
We have a map down!
I repeat,
we have a map down!
I can't even tell
which map this used to be.
[ Sighs ]
How did this happen?
I have no idea.
I knew it was gonna
rain last night.
I could've sworn
I put the lid
back on the stump
like I always do.
Maybe it just
slipped your mind.
Nah, that's impossible.
I'm too perfect.
It's my only
character flaw.
Someone else
is definitely behind this.
And when I find out
who that is, I'm gonna
I-I'm gonna
[ Grunts ]
Now, did that really
accomplish anything?
but it still felt good.
Honestly, you guys.
Sometimes I feel like
I am the only sophisticated
one around here.
I wouldn't be so sure
about that!
Prepare to be delighted
Because you're
cordially invited
To the most
splendid celebration
All: Tea time at 4:00!
We chose you because
you're special.
-So clever.
-And consequential.
And we think that
you might enjoy ♪
Our banquet of desserts!
Sweets and treats
and con-ver-sa-tion ♪
They can all be yours!
If you accept our invitation.
From ElizaJane
And George.
Wow! A real, live performance
from The Tea Timers!
You guys
were incredible!
Oh, thank you!
My parents gave me
dance classes.
I'm very rich.
But enough about me.
Are you three interested
in joining our little soiree?
We'll be serving
an enormous tiramisu cake
that I baked myself, of course.
Ha! Yeah!
We will totally be there!
Ooh! Excellent!
Then we'll see you tomorrow!
Just remember,
bring your finest formal wear
An exquisite
most importantly
Your manners.
Man, they don't just
give these out to anybody.
I wonder why we got one.
Uh, probably by mistake.
I get invited to a lot
of things that way
and then promptly
asked to leave.
Hey, sorry we're late![ Both breathing heavily ]
I was ready on time,
but Mortimer just had to
go all out.
Ah, there
you three are!
Welcome to
The Tea Timers' Club.
-Ooh, wow!
Look at this place!
[ Gasps ]
And look at that tiramisu!
Miss Eliza, The Stump Kids
have arrived.
You made it!
I believe you know
Miss Mackenzie of
The Horse Girls.
Yes, it must be
an honor to eat
with a celebrity horse
like myself.
[ Laughs, neighs ]
And Miss Handlebarb,
the renowned leader
of The Ten Speeds!
It's great to be here,
Miss Eliza-brah.
It's not often I get to
get thisdressed up.
Wow, this party sure
is full of VIPs.
We're still waiting on
one more party, unfortunately.
Ugh, forget them!
Can we just eat already?
I need to get started on
my daily oat regimen.
Oh, yes, I suppose
we could start
sharing our appetizers now.
I brought some Yo-Go!
It gives me
the power to go, yo!
Gotta have my Yo-Go!
Oh, yes, of course.
Whom among us
doesn't like to Yo-Go?
Craig, did you bring
something to share?
I brought cheese
and apple slices,
but don't worry --
they're not touching.
Ugh, wait, no.
These two touched.
I brought a bunch
of loose chips!
They're all touching!
I brought
chicken paprikash.
It's Hungarian.
It's the only thing
I know how to make.
Huh, well, that looks
rather heavy
for an appetizer.
That's her nice way of saying
it smells like gym socks.
the Junior Forest Scouts.
Troop leader Jason.
Secretary of rules
and regulations Tony.
Boris. Treasurer.
Alright, we're outta here.
[ Whispers ] Craig, no!
Don't forget why we're here!
[ Twinkle! ]
Hasn't anybody
ever told you
to keep your elbows
off the table?
What?[ Giggles ]
Oh, Jason,
such good manners.
Why, thank you.
This good manners
merit badge
didn't earn itself,
And neither did this one.
Or this one.
Or this one.
Or this one
Miss Handlebarb,
I assume your bicycle
got you here no problem?
'Choo bet.
It only took me five minutes
to get here
from the bike ramp.
Oh, my!
Well, it's too bad
you don't have a bike, too,
It sounds so much easier
than galloping!
[ Grunts ] Being a horse
is way easier and way faster!
You road junkies
have to stick to
your silly, little paths.
But us horse girls can
jump over just about anything.
We have
infinite shortcuts.
[ Scoffs ] Yeah,
maybe horsescan do all that,
but not a bunch of wannabe kids
pretending to be horses.
"Hay" is for horses.
[ Gasps ]
[ Snorts as a horse ]
My, my. I don't remember
scheduling a rodeo
for tonight's
entertainment. [ Chuckles ]
Girls, girls!
This is not the way
to behave at a tea party!
I'm afraid you won't be
joining us for cake tonight.
Both: What? No!
Such a shame.
Tonight's cake was going to be
especially delicious.
Oh, my, what an ordeal.
Jane, please, I need tea.
Kelsey, have I told you
how much I love your sword?
I thought about
getting myself one,
but I just don't have the time
to go out and get a permit.
What permit?
Oh? You don't have
a permit for your sword?
Tony, is that allowed?
Well, there's no such law
to my knowledge,
but a walking
safety hazard like Kelsey
definitely shouldn't
have a weapon.
Excuse me?!
If it were up to me,
I'd take that thing away
until a proper training
and sword-licensing system
were put into place.
[ Monotone ] Oh, no, please,
don't stand on the table.
[ Slurps ]
That better not
have been a threat, Tony.
Oh, you'll know when
I'm threatening you,
and I'll be confiscating
that sword from you
when I do it.
And I will
confiscate your life!
Now, now, you two.
If this is how you're
going to behave,
then I'll have George
escort you out, as well.
I'd love to see
him try, Eliza!
Avenge me!
Avenge me!
[ Whispering ]
JP, I think I figured out
why they invited us
to this tea party.[ Clinking ]
Thank you, George,
that's enough.
Now! What kind of tea party
would this be
without a game of croquet?
JP, you can
play with Boris,
and, Craig,
you can play with Jason.
Guh. How in the world
did I get stuck with you?
Just try to
stay out of my way.
You almost ripped
my sewing badge.
It's not on there
very well.
Listen, I know why
The Tea Timers invited us here.
Uh, yeah. For cake.
Look, they invite kids
they know don't get along
so they can pit them
against each other
and watch them fight.
For fun.
Sorry for gettin'
pushy with your tushy!
You said the word
that I said!
And isn't it weird that
no one has gotten cake yet?
We're kids!
You lead with cake!
That is true.
Look, we've had
our disagreements.
But right now
we have to work together
if either one of us wants to
get a slice of that cake.
[ Twinkle! ]
Hmmyou got a deal.
Both: We won!
I will break you.
-Oh, yeah!
-Party cake!
My! That was quite a show,
wasn't it?
Yes, we worked up
quite an appetite,
didn't we, friend?
Oh, yeah.
I look forward to
sharing this tiramisu
with you, best buddy!
Right. Well, anyway, I'm so glad
you're both getting along.
I'm surprised you don't
hang out more often.
Oh! But maybe you do?
I swear I saw Jason
leaving Craig's stump.
Uhh, w-w-what?
You were at the stump?
Yes! The day
of the rainstorm!
I wondered what
you were doing there
if not to chum it up
with your pals?
Yeah, what
were you doing?
Of course, if you say you
weren't there, I'd believe you.
You scouts, so honest.
Itit was
an accident!
Jasonit was you?
We were just trying to
get a peek inside.
How were we supposed to know
it was gonna rain?
[ Gasps ]
Et tu, Boris?
Ohh[ Giggling ]
But why?
What would you possibly
need to get a peek for?
It was just a routine
safety inspection!
Remember when
the Ninja Kids stink-bombed
the whole creek
last summer?
No! You don't!
'Cause guess who found
their stockpile
and reported them to
the authorities?
You're welcome!
Oh, Craig, to have all your
most precious items ruined.
If only you could ruin
something of Jason's,
like his sash of badges!
Jane! George!
I'm sorry, okay?
These badges are all I got.
Just like your maps.
It's only fair.
Now remember, Craig,
dismembering Jason's badges
would be quite rude.
I guess
you'll have to choose --
cake or revenge?
[ Grunting ]
Grah! Aah!
[ Panting ]It'shollow?
The cake is a fake!
Just like you!
You invite kids here
to fight each other
for your own sick amusement!
You never had any cake!
No cake for me?
[ Grunts ]
Food fight!
Oh, no! Yo-Go! Ack!
Food fight!
Hey, Craig
I just gotta ask
why didn't you
cut off my badges?
I ruined your stuff.
It wouldn't have
accomplished anything.
Cutting off your badges
wouldn't have
brought my maps back.
Hey, Jason!
Eat gym socks, punk!
Wha--? Augh!
My badges!
I'm -- I'm sorry.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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