Crownies (2011) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

1 Quinn really is dying.
Three doctors confirm terminal lymphoma.
His prognosis, if he follows the recommended treatment, is one year at best.
I want you to get this listed for special mention.
Ask the judge for an urgent hearing of the case.
Good morning, Mr Sinclair.
Good morning, Mr Kent.
My producer was told specifically that you wouldn't answer questions relating to a recent case involving the Attorney-General, Mr Nicholas Quinn, but that's what you seem to have been doing.
I didn't really need an ambulance.
It was called by a concerned passer-by.
That ambulance dented my Prius.
This is my whiteboard.
It's one of the few constants in this department.
We were always pretty clear, weren't we, about Yeah, no, friends.
Just just friends.
No exclusivity clauses or Well, friends with certain benefits.
Yeah, same page.
We can't hide forever.
I just want to know if I said anything at the Christmas party.
Anything about the A-G, about Janet's memo? I'm not gonna reveal my source.
Time to get up.
What are you doing? Nothing.
It's time to go home.
Do we have to? Justice McLeod has a certain dress standard, and you don't have an iron.
That could change.
I need it now.
You're beautiful.
I love you.
Where did that come from? Alright.
I love being with you and I want you to stay.
You're serious.
Admit it.
You want me for a boyfriend.
And what do I get out of this deal? You get me.
Good morning, Australia.
But it's not, is it? In fact, it's a disgrace.
The Director of the DPP, David Sinclair, promised my listeners justice in the trial of Nicholas Quinn, that lying rapist of an attorney-general.
But no court in the State is going to find him guilty.
The truth is that some pet judge of the government's will find the Attorney-General not guilty.
Police are impotent and the DPP are a joke.
Sinclaifs promises are worth nothing.
The establishment takes care of its own, but I refuse to be silenced.
You got everything? You think we'll need it now? Gentlemen.
What a mess.
Quinn's a liar and a rapist.
He needs to crawl away in some dark hole and never show his face again.
And if you want to tell him that yourself, his address is 35 Brayford Terrace, Brighton.
Give him my regards.
You heard? My office.
Better keep our heads down.
It's not David I'm worried about.
Tracey say anything yet? Maybe she doesn't know.
She's got more informants than the Stasi.
It's not really her business.
I'm dating a cop.
She'll make it her business.
Maybe she doesn't care.
Ben's in a meeting.
She cares.
And just what am I meant to say to the Premier? You know how critical Kent is for the western electorates.
He's saying you promised him justice.
I understand, but if I may just What else did you expect when you went on that Neanderthal's show? While I share your concerns, it's my opinion Your office that leaked that file, David.
You lose the committal hearing and, just to keep the gallery entertained, you go on Kent's program and make an arse of yourself.
So I'm informing you of precisely where, in the scheme of things, you stand.
Thank you, Miriam.
I will take that on board.
What time are we listed? 10:30.
Then we proceed as planned.
I thought the case would be dismissed.
I'm coming with you, and this time I'm sitting in.
Is this wise'? Witnesses have been assembled.
This process has incurred significant public cost.
We will continue to prosecute the case until Justice Watts informs us otherwise.
That's not what I meant.
A few weeks ago you wouldn't even set foot in that courtroom.
Today is different.
Why? Because if I can prevent yet another cock-up by actually being present in the courtroom, then I intend to do so.
That's not exactly fair.
I'm coming with you.
End of story.
Mr Sinclair, is it true that this is a personal vendetta Has Adam Kent ruined the DPP's case? Is there any way Quinn expects Can Quinn sue for damages? Will you be pursuing Adam Kent? I believe you already know department policy regarding bikes in the office, Richard.
Yeah, I'm so sorry.
I forgot my bike lock.
It's not all you've misplaced.
What's this? The Horton case.
I hope you're prepared.
You're listed for tomorrow.
Tomorrow? But I I've never seen this.
It's on the whiteboard.
But I I don't know why you left it in my office.
It's I wouldn't waste any more time stammering, if I were you.
Well, this is a bloody pig's breakfast.
Your Honour is, of course, absolutely correct.
Well? Your Honour, despite the regrettable comments made on radio earlier this morning, the prosecution sees no impediment to this matter proceeding as planned.
Ms Fletcher? Your Honour, this matter was thrown out at committal.
It's absurd that it's even got to this Make your point, Ms Fletcher.
Adam Kent has a 20% market share of the breakfast radio audience.
He described my client as a 'rapist', quote unquote.
There's no way my client will get a fair trial.
By its nature, this case has attracted a certain amount of publicity.
Thanks to the DPP.
The comments of one breakfast radio announcer should be seen in the context of the accused's public standing.
We would argue that the public interest outweighs the exceedingly remote chance You're not talking to a jury now, Mr Kowalski.
Of Adam Kent influencing any potential jury members.
If it pleases the court? Yes, Mr Quinn? Your Honour is aware of certain personal issues I'm faced with.
The current fiasco isn't helping.
I ask Your Honour's permission to sit behind counsel.
Given the circumstances, my presence in this dock seems unnecessary.
I've considered your request, Mr Quinn, but I must point out you are sitting where you are right now because you are the accused.
Permission denied.
As Your Honour pleases.
I am aware of the accused's illness, and I take very seriously the argument that this case carries considerable public interest.
But Mr Quinn has not yet been tried.
Your Honour There's no chance of a fair trial.
We're adjourning for six months.
Hi, Richard Stirling, DPP.
I wanted to speak to Detective Constable O'Rourke.
Stress leave? Um, when's she due back? Three months? I've got a listing for tomorrow.
Uh, no, no, no, I didn't mean to suggest that Yes, I know that it's our responsibility, but usually the You have a nice day.
Thank you very much.
Well, of course I'll wear it tonight.
What time are you getting home? Oh, babe, I've gotta go.
Love you.
We've been adjourned for six months.
Justice Watts also made it a condition that the DPP remove any record of Kent's comments.
Newspapers'? Newspapers, TV, the Internet.
We can't take down all mention on the Internet.
it's not possible.
Well, that is the ruling.
I'll get a level one onto it.
Six months? I thought Quinn was really sick.
He is.
David? I know this isn't the best time to ask, but do you anticipate any more work for me through the department? You're right.
It's not the best time.
I'll need to notify my clerk if current arrangements are Fuck! I'm really sorry this has caused you trouble.
I'd like to help in any way I can.
Ms van Berlo said you raped her.
I can't understand why Vicky would say that.
You admit you had sex? Well, I'm not ashamed of it.
I don't know why she is.
How would you describe your relationship? She's very special.
I understand you're her boss.
Not directly.
She works in accounts.
But the company's mine.
She said you bought her drinks.
It was a party for the whole office.
I bought everyone drinks.
And then? We went to a hotel room and kept drinking.
And when did you book this hotel room? The day before.
I asked her if she was OK with it if things went further.
And what did she say? She said she was flattered.
We're listed for next week, Vicki.
You'll need to keep the following few days free.
I'm not really doing much anyway, so It could be a good idea to have your family with you through the trial, for support.
My counsellor said she'd come.
Did you have any questions? Is he gonna be there? Yes.
But there'll be security guards and court officials.
He won't be able to hurt you.
He said I was special.
I know talking about this in court is gonna be tough.
Just stick with what you told me, OK? Can you do that? Is there any other questions you wanted to ask? What's this? It's a subpoena from the defence.
They want to see your counselling file.
They want to talk to my counsellor? They're fishing.
I know it's horrible Why do they want to talk to my counsellor? They can't do that, can they? Only if the court lets them.
We'll object.
I don't want them to see it.
I don't want him to know.
He groomed her for weeks - compliments, small gifts.
Reeled her in slowly.
Then he got her drunk, took her to a hotel room.
She tried to back out, he hit her, pinned her down on the bed.
She said she could hardly breathe.
He kept telling her how beautiful she was.
She tried to commit suicide.
It all came out with the counsellor.
Why was she so worried about the file? She told her counsellor that she's ugly, and that he was really nice to her and that she probably deserved it.
If the defence gets hold of it, we're screwed.
How's it going? We're still not talking to you after that gag with the police tape.
No-one saw me.
You can't prove anything.
And that's what my rapist said.
Oh, whoa, hang on We're still not talking to you.
She keeps staring at me with those dead eyes.
Doesn't she always? Feel like lunch today? I've got a client in meltdown and a rapist on my computer.
I could do with some female company before I have to front up on this subpoena.
Paula wants to catch up.
She's probably gonna give me a hard time over Andy.
Oh, well, good luck.
You too.
No, Lynda, it's the District Court.
It's in the legal precinct, in the city.
You can get there by bus.
No, I'm sorry, I don't know the route number.
Do you have access to a computer? Uh, Kristy, it's the 307.
You're on stop22.
So we'll need you there by 10:00 sharp the morning after tomorrow.
Well, then, set an alarm.
I can't give you a wake-up call.
Get your Mum to do that for you.
Yep? Excuse me, Tony.
This just turned up.
25 words or less.
Well, um, it appears to be What? It's 23 files.
I can't just write it down on a Corn Flakes packet.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
What's the charge? Dangerous driving occasioning grievous bodily GBH.
Who did it? Eli Horton.
The victim is a Michael Dean.
What happened? Michael started dating Eli's ex-girlfriend.
Eli threatened him for six months, then ran him over with his car.
Michael is on life support in a non-responsive state.
Age? They're both 18.
How many witnesses? I don't do 35 witnesses.
Cut it back to 10.
We need to see the big picture.
And pull their statements back to the minimum.
When are we listed? Tomorrow.
Oh! And you tell me now? Who's their defence? Gilmer, Allan and Bond.
No, you moron.
Who have they briefed? Paula Corvini.
Get onto her.
Get it adjourned.
I've left a message.
Call her again.
And don't let her know you're scared.
I'm not scared.
Andy Campbell.
You heard.
Everyone's heard.
I'm jealous.
He's gorgeous.
You kept it a secret.
I was worried about what Tracey would say.
How is it any of her business? Because it's Tracey.
I'd be shouting it from the rooftops.
I might have to employ you to find me someone gorgeous one day.
What's happening? We're having a trial separation.
How are the kids? Demanding.
We're all upset.
How's Rhys? Oh, Rhys gets a hotel bed and room service, so who cares how he is? it's one of your lot.
Paula Corvini.
Yes, Richard? The Horton case'? You've left that a bit late, haven't you? Sorry.
No, we won't accept an adjournment.
You've had the brief for months.
No, we don't have any pre-trial issues.
All fine.
See you tomorrow.
Dessert? So she won't accept an adjournment? Well, at least she said there were no pre-trial issues.
Ah, we'll just front up to court tomorrow for a group hug, shall we? One big love-in, you and me and Paula bloody Corvini.
I didn't really see it like Of course there'll be issues.
She'll contest everything.
That's why I said to cut back.
Yeah, I'm working on it.
You've got, um, how many hours left? 21 hours, 36 minutes We have to be ready in court tomorrow.
You have to prepare the brief, I have to read it, then I have to pretend I've had it for a fucking week.
I know.
Then what are you doing standing here? Karl.
it's a pleasure.
No, it's not.
You subpoena my witness, but you won't return my calls.
So, uh, when are we getting that counselling file? You're joking, aren't you? There's no way I'm letting you have that.
And that's why I didn't return your calls.
We'll let the magistrate decide.
Counselling's for therapeutic purposes, not for the defence to go fishing in.
I'm sick of seeing the act used like this.
And I'm wasting my time, aren't I? No, you just proved I'm on the right track.
Just for that, I'll oppose every application you make.
You realise Morgan errs on the side of probative? You might as well let us have it now.
Thanks for the advice.
Anything else? Yeah.
Can I buy you a coffee after the hearing? I like it when you get angry.
Oh, it was worth a try.
Delivery for you.
What's this'? Came by courier.
Maybe it's one of those novelty cheques.
Just get rid of it! Oh! Tate, do you have the number for that snack bar near the court? A witness is asking for it.
Can you just hold this for me? What are you Tatum! What are you doing? Never know when I might need it.
Can we just stop, OK? What? This.
Why? Why do you think? Because I'm not gay and I can't keep pretending to Conrad that I am.
OK? It's not fair on him.
He's been so nice to me.
And the longer I keep lying Don't you dare! Ow! Don't you even think about it, ever, OK? What do you think he's gonna say if you tell him? “Thanks for being honest with me”? Stop hitting me.
Only if you swear not to say anything.
Look, Conrad is the sweetest, hottest guy that anyone could ever meet, but he is also very, very jealous.
But I'm lying to him.
And you're not the only one, are you? There's your number.
Richard Stirling.
Hannah Dean? We haven't heard anything from you.
Sorry, I just would have thought a phone call or I'm very sorry.
it's it's been busy.
But it's under control.
How's your brother? Um, Michael won't wake up.
That man threatened Michael for six months and then he ran him down.
I just I want everyone to know what he did.
Well, we're just going through the statements now, making sure that everything's admissible.
Uh, it's the rules of evidence.
Sometimes the defence objects to a witness or to a certain statement.
We've told the police all of this.
Why would there be a problem now? The defence haven't flagged any concerns.
I'm sure it'll be OK.
Michael doesn't have a life anymore.
The only thing that I can do for him is to tell people what happened.
That's what the rosemary's for.
It's to remind us.
We will fight all the way to make sure you can do that.
Hey, you got a moment? No.
What's the name of that High Court case on the consciousness of guilt? I've been trying to remember.
Queen v.
No, that's not it - the one where the guy ditched his car and runs away from the breath test.
It's been overturned.
It's Queen v.
Really? I can't find it.
Can you send me the link? No, I can't send you the link.
Wow, what's up your arse? I've just been screwed over by a magistrate who's handed my victim's counselling file over to the defence.
My client won't even front up to court now, and you want me to tie your shoelaces for you.
That's what's up my arse.
If I'd have known I'd inflame the sisterhood Get out.
Someone's getting it rough tonight.
Will you be home later? If you are, can you knock before you come in? Mm-hm.
See ya.
It's usually me without the social life.
Late night? Possibly.
Pace yourself, then.
Thanks for that.
HEY - How you going? Next question.
Can I get you something? Tonic water? Double vodka.
That kind of day, huh? Don't know if this helps or not.
I'm just glad you stopped screening my calls.
Two double vodkas on ice.
Come on, we're here.
Ooh! Ow! There's the gearstick.
Am I too heavy? No.
Hang on, I'll just You are beautiful.
You are.
I'm not.
You're so special.
So special.
Don't say that.
Don't fucking say that.
Erin? Erin, stop! I've never called in sick when I wasn't.
I have never fallen asleep at my desk.
I've never spilt water on my work keyboard.
What? I have never stolen anything from work.
Oh, really? You? What did you steal? Just a jar of coffee.
I'd run out at home.
Mmmm! Um I've never been drunk at work.
I've never been drunk in court.
I've never photocopied my own bum.
Who told you that? Nobody, but that's so wrong! I need my head read.
What's your problem? Oh, my problem is being hung-over tomorrow morning at work.
We're in here! Alright, um Hey! We're playing I've Never.
What? You're seriously not pulling out of the game? I didn't say that.
I'm heading out.
What, are you OK? I'll see you later.
Erin! Oh, fuck! on, God.
I didn't know where else to go.
Are you OK? What happened? Nothing, I just I'm sorry.
Hey, it's OK.
Hey, it's OK.
it's OK.
Come on, come on.
I'm just gonna sit you down, alright? Sit down.
I'm so sorry-it's OK.
I screwed up my case.
I yelled at you.
A lot of people yell at me.
And I think I hate men.
I'm such a train wreck.
You're not a train wreck.
What would you know? You're the golden girl at work.
You've even got Janet looking after you.
You're not a train wreck.
You're great.
Actually, sometimes I wish I was, uh, more like you.
I'm a fuck-up.
No, I'm the fuck-up.
See, you go after things.
You know you care.
That's why everyone loves you.
You shouldn't put yourself down.
Neither should you.
Hey there.
Cadel Evans has left the peloton far behind.
Behind him, the Col du Galibier, the Col de la Croix de Fer.
Ahead of him, the village of La Toussuire and a hero's welcome.
He's a legend.
Oh, he's a champion! And they're lining the streets, they're cheering him on.
He's nearly at the line.
And he's almost there! And yeah! Richard.
Hmm? Aren't you due in court? Um, yeah.
What the fuck have you been doing? I'm just getting ready.
Where's my brief? It's in here, I think.
Did you listen to anything I told you? I compiled the evidence.
Did you cull it? I l tried.
Have you even spoken to the family yet? Yes.
Are they gonna pull the plug? What? On the kid.
Will they pull the plug? Did you ask? Of course I didn't ask.
Why not? If the kid dies, we can bump it up to manslaughter.
Why don't you ask them, then? Go on, you call them up and ask them when they're gonna switch off their son's life support.
I have had no sleep last night.
I built an evidence summary that runs to 28 pages.
I've got 5 metres of files in my office and we're due in court in an hour.
I haven't had time! And why haven't you had time? I don't know.
I, um I must have lost the listing.
I'm sorry.
We're due in court.
You'd better get your shit together in a hurry.
How you travelling? OK.
Bit slow.
Take this.
I'll I'll get another.
Thanks for looking after me.
It's cool.
Can I get one more? So what's the story? What's the point of you becoming my boyfriend if you're gonna buy other girls coffee? I'm joking! God, loosen up.
Hey, Erin.
Hey, Julie.
Um, he hasn't told you? He proposed.
Oh, not like that, but he thought we should do the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing.
It's kind of sweet.
I should go.
Good to see you.
Wait for me.
Can I just get a cap to take away, thanks? What have you got in there? All our witnesses? There's just so much evidence.
What's this? Oh, that's the number for the snack bar.
I wondered where that got to.
Whds that? Um, sister of the victim.
Hannah Dean.
On her shirt.
What's that? Um, it's rosemary, for remembrance.
Well, she's gonna have to lose it.
My associate informs me that there are some administrative matters to resolve.
She said they had no issues.
That's right, Your Honour.
Is it possible we might resolve these in time for a morning start tomorrow? Well, that depends on my learned friend here.
Mr Gillies? We're prepared to consider reasonable requests.
Ms Corvini? We have a number of applications.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Your Honour.
I refer Your Honour to Hannah Dean's statement.
This is the sister? Yes, Your Honour.
It's in the deposition, page 83, paragraph 2.
She states that the victim's car was vandalised in the month previously and that my client was heard boasting about it It refers to uncharged acts.
I don't have a problem with that.
Next? I refer Your Honour to the same witness, page 92, where she refers to a number of What are you doing? So-called tweets allegedly sent by my client threatening the victim.
Yes? I submit that this statement also refers to prior uncharged acts and is highly prejudicial to my client.
Mr Gillies? Mens rea! Um, if the defence had informed us of this beforehand, we could've edited that statement already, Your Honour.
What'? Some disturbance on your side of the bar table, Mr Gillies? Nothing to be concerned about, Your Honour.
Then I agree.
Ms Corvini.
I'd direct Your Honour to Megan McKay's statement, page 108, paragraph 6 Are you just gonna let them throw everything out? Referring to I asked you to do it first! A threat by my client where he said, quote, “I'll kill that fucking little prick, he's dead," unquote.
This is important! Again, highly prejudicial to my client and in no way probative of mens rea.
Shut up! Mr Gillies? Uh, urn, apologies, Your Honour.
Obviously as the statement was made a week prior to the of fence, it's useless in terms of proving mens rea at the time of the assault.
Uh, I won't oppose that.
I will! Oh! Mr Stirling, I'm sorry.
Yet again I can't hear you.
LI'm wearing a tie.
My congratulations.
But the barrister on record is Mr Gillies, and unless you propose to have him struck out, I will rule that statement inadmissible.
Then I'll withdraw my instruction.
Um, uh, a brief adjournment, Your Honour? What the fuck was that? You're throwing out everything.
That was your job.
Then what are we left with? We're supposed to be left with witnesses who'll stand up in court - pricks with no priors who the jury will empathise with, not 35 wankers for the defence to shoot down.
Yeah, what about the family? That statement you shredded was the sister's.
You got a hard-on for her or something? She wants people to know what happened to her brother.
She wants the fuckwit who did that to her brother locked up.
And if I have to throw out half her witnesses and most of their statements to get it done, then so fucking be it.
And if you ever do that to me in court again, I'll rip you apart, understand? Into a million tiny, snivelling little pieces.
Apologies, Your Honour.
I understand.
I've already met Mr Stirling.
Any objection to the ruling under discussion? No, Your Honour.
Then we'll proceed.
My colleague Mr Gillies has asked me to inform you to inform you that wearing your sprig of rosemary in memory of Michael will probably be seen as prejudicial.
And there will also be certain things that you won't be able to say when you're called upon to give evidence.
Um You won't be able to say that the accused, Eli Horton, vandalised Michael's car a number of times before the of fence occurred I'm sorry? The accused isn't charged to this effect, and besides, he denies it.
No, he he boasted about it outside our front door.
You won't be able to mention the emails or tweets that Eli Horton allegedly sent to various members of your family He sent them! He sent them.
And you will not be able to refer to threats made by Mr Horton and heard by a number of witnesses in the week before the attack.
He said he was gonna kill him, and everyone heard that.
I know.
And now it's happened.
It's It's prejudicial.
Prejudicial? How? It's unfair to the accused.
Unfair? This is unfair.
My family is wrecked.
My dad just had a stroke and Michael's gone.
And and we've got nothing.
So now you're saying that we can't even speak in court? Ll understand that you are angry, Ms Dean.
Oh, God! Hey! What are you doing? Aren't you gonna say anything? No.
You nearly knocked me off my bike and you can't apologise? Wanker! What did you say? I called you a wanker.
Look, I have had the day from hell Oh, good for you.
And no stupid woman riding on the footpath has a right to call me names.
It's a shared footpath.
I work here.
Well, use your brain, you moron, and watch out for pedestrians.
Conrad and I are going out tonight.
Do you want to come? Richard? Yes, Tracey? My office.
Do you like Thai food? I believe my question was clear enough.
Um, yeah, I guess.
Well, I hate it.
Someone at the body corporate put my name down on a couple of raffle tickets and I won a dinner for two, and you know I don't approve of gambling.
A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.
There's also a bottle of wine left over from the Christmas party.
I thought there was no wine at the party If you think such things are an appropriate way to spend your time, then that's your business.
Um What? Right.
Anything else? No.
Sort things out with Tony.
Thank you.
Ah, the man himself.
How are you? Yeah, good.
You look awful.
Are you OK? Babe! Sweetie! Come here! Have you seen this guy? He looks absolutely shattered.
Yeah, he did an all-nighter.
Serious? You are in your head too much, man.
You work crazy hours, you eat shit and you're always too tired to have fun.
I'm worried about you.
I'm I'm fine.
I'm serious, Rich.
You know, you want to meet someone special, you've gotta look after yourself.
You're not just gonna run into them on the street.
Well, actually I did run into someone on the street, but I was a total jerk and I shouted at them.
So together with screwing up my case and humiliating myself in court yet again, I've had an excellent day.
That does it.
You are coming out with us.
Leave the, uh the bike.
No, actually I need some bike time.
But look at me, Rich.
Tatum and I, we love you, brother.
Might be time you turned your life around.
You hear me? Come on, babe, let's go.
I'm sorry, Jimmy- I've been so worried about you.
I know.
I left all these messages.
I know.
I mean, what the hell happened? I'm not trying to hassle you, just as long as you're OK.
Are you? I can't keep doing this.
It's OK.
I know you freaked out.
No, you and me.
It's not working.
It can work.
Jimmy! You just had too much to drink.
Obviously the sex part freaks you out.
It's not the sex.
I understand.
No, you don't understand.
I don't want to be with you.
Erin I slept with someone else last night.
That's how much I don't want to be with you.
I'm really sorry I've hurt you.
You're a great guy, but we're just wrong.
Did you show him the Quinn file after you fucked him? That's what you did with me.
At least I got a good story out of it.
To make up for being treated like such a prick.
Double vodka, please.
You? Hi.
I'm not talking to you.
You don't have to talk.
What, are we just gonna stand here in silence, then? Um, I just wanted to give you these, apologise profusely for shouting at you and then get out of your life.
Well? I was a wanker.
I'm sorry.
You said profusely.
I really am sorry.
I don't usually call people morons.
I'd had a bad day, and that's no excuse, but you don't deserve to be called a moron.
Profuse enough.
How'd you know I'd be here? Oh, you said you worked here.
Are you a cop? Worse.
Uh, I'm a lawyer.
Well, at least you ride a bike.
I really am sorry.
Thank you.
Do you have a name? Uh, Richard.
I'm Lisa.
That is one girlie bike you've got.
What? Fixed wheel, my friend.
Gears are for girls.
I don't want to bulk up my thighs.
You know, fixies will do that to you.
She's coming.
How is the Gilbert case Yes! Ha, ha.
It's hilarious.
Turn that off! What? Take that down! And you can help him.
I'm sorry, Tracey.
I had no idea.
Dating policemen is not a joke.
Too many of them go to work one morning and never come home.
Got this for you.
Where's yours? Already had one.
Where are your suitcases? I did some culling, as you suggested.
Another bloody spreadsheet.
I edited the statements and reworked the evidence matrix.
I thought it might help.
Waste of time.
She's still got the salad on her shirt.
I, um I'll speak to her again.
Well, you obviously stuffed it up.
I'll do it.
Hannah, how are you? Mr Gillies, are you ready? Ladies and gentlemen, I am the barrister for the Crown and I have the right to address you first.
This is an emotional case, but you are required to put your emotions to one side while considering the facts.
The story here is tragically simple, no matter what the defence will tell you.
Eli Horton felt slighted when his ex-girlfriend started seeing another man, and now a young man lies in a hospital bed with no hope of recovery.
It's my role as prosecutor to carry the burden of proof.
In order to prove that Eli Horton was guilty of this crime, I must convince you of three main facts.
First, that the harm was caused by impact with a vehicle.
Second, that the accused was driving a vehicle that was directly involved.
And third, the accused was driving this vehicle at a speed or in a manner dangerous to another person.

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