Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e17 Episode Script


[theme music playing]
[melancholy music playing]
[enraged breathing]
Wow, how shameful.
There's nothing more despicable
in this world than black magic.
Was this person worth going to
such lengths to revive?
[Kabru] It's no wonder
Shuro's this angry about it.
The dangers of bringing someone
back to life using such a method
far outweigh the benefits.
For her sake, it would've been better
if he had just let her
[Shuro] Enough!
I get what you're trying to say,
but please don't continue.
Forgive me.
Shuro, deep down,
I'm sure you already know.
If it was you in that situation instead,
you probably would have done
the same thing.
[Shuro] I know that!
It's just
-The way he acts really annoys me!
[Laios] We've been eating monsters!
I think the Red Dragon was my favorite.
Look, look! It has a monster in it!
We used black magic,
but you'll keep quiet about it,
right, Shuro?
[angry grunt]
Anyway, I have no idea what's going
through your head at any point.
And I doubt I ever will.
I can't help you.
-[Chilchuck] Laios! Senshi!
This is bad!
A herd of monsters
is attacking the cooking crew and
[soft groan]
[Chilchuck] What did you do?
I told him everything
that's happened up to now.
You what?
[Laios] I honestly thought
he would understand.
He's clearly the worst person to tell!
[Kabru] I know, right?
This is all my fault.
Should I have followed Laios
instead of Senshi?
Don't be hard on yourself.
He's been through a lot too, remember?
[Laios] I have a lot of respect for him.
I've lost count of how many times
he's saved me during our adventures.
He told me about his homeland back
when I only knew about this island
and the town I was from.
Ever since I've known him,
he's always been so wise and cool-headed.
But I managed to make him
pretty upset today.
So I'm guessing what I did
must've been terrible.
[Laios] I'd hate for our friendship
to end like this
after all we've been through.
-[laughing in distance]
[all laughing]
[effort grunt]
-[Harpies laughing]
What a waste of time.
Follow the rest of us!
Uh Hmm.
He told him everything.
So now, Shuro knows how we revived Falin.
What? That's why they're like that?
-Shuro's extremely pissed off.
-[worried grunt]
What should we do?
If this gets to the surface,
we're screwed.
-I know, Chilchuck, but even then
-[both gasp]
[indistinct grunt]
[Chilchuck] Looks like the ninjas
are handling things just fine.
So tell me, how many others know about it?
Four at the moment.
It's Shuro and two of his attendants,
and also that curly-haired guy.
[soft chuckle]
Isn't he from that party
that got wiped out by Treasure Bugs?
-[both gasp]
-[Marcille] What are they doing here?
[Chilchuck] Who knows?
If anything, they're probably looking
for the people
who stole their loot and food.
We have to tell them what really happened!
How their treasure
was actually Treasure Bugs
and their food got all soggy,
it wasn't good anymore!
Knowing about the black magic
is the bigger issue.
[Chilchuck] Shuro's upset,
but that'll be fine.
His anger comes more from us
putting Falin in danger.
But I don't know
how the others might feel.
By the way, back when you used
that black magic,
was there evidence left?
the magic circle should already be gone
because of the Cleaners,
but if my staff and Falin's body
were carefully inspected,
we might be in some trouble.
We've gotta burn your staff now, Marcille!
Wait, listen to me!
If we even get to the point
where we're inspected,
-then it's already too late!
-[body thuds]
[Marcille gasps]
[Mickbell yells]
There! Look!
[Harpies laughing]
Wait. The hell is that thing?
Well, it's
[Marcille] Not a Harpy?
[soft gasp]
[wind whistling]
[wings flap]
-What? No.
This can't be happening.
Is that
No way.
What even is that?
[intense music playing]
-[Harpies laughing]
-[ethereal music]
[Laios] It's the coolest thing
I've ever seen!
[Harpies laughing]
But don't you think you've got
a little too greedy?
You have wings, feathers, and scales now.
[Marcille] Falin!
Do you recognize who I am?
Marcille, stop it!
-Holm! Rin! Ready yourselves!
-[Marcille] Please, talk to me!
[both groan]
-Laios, Shuro! What do we do?
-[Marcille] Falin!
-Give us orders!
[Shuro] Inutade, don't hurt her!
Restrain her instead!
Eh. Huh?
You have to run, My Lord. [groans]
[ethereal music]
[Daya shouts]
Let's see. What was it that he said?
Capture her, but don't hurt her.
How am I supposed to do that?
[Tade screams]
[suspenseful music playing]
Can you do it, Holm?
[groans] Yeah.
[Holm] All right.
Come on out.
[effort grunting]
[grunts, gasps]
[breathes deeply, pained grunt]
[Daya choking]
-[bones snap]
-[dying gasp]
[Falin screams]
-That's an Undine.
Are you the one who's controlling it?
Please tell it to fall back!
She's just a little confused, I promise.
[angry grunt]
Give it a rest already.
Don't you care how many people
you're sacrificing
just to protect this one individual?
[Falin screams]
That's not even her anymore.
[Kabru] It's just a monster!
Ludeloes Arnbite.
-[loud blast]
No, Marillier
So it cast magic too?
[Kuro continues growling]
Ah! Kuro!
That's enough! We gotta hide now!
[ethereal music]
[ethereal music]
Move aside!
Andarses Orbis!
[loud thud]
[Laios] All monsters are dangerous.
Damn it, Kensuke!
You're just a monster after all
[Laios] I'm sorry, Falin.
If I could've taken your place,
then I definitely would have.
[ethereal music]
[ethereal music intensifies]
[weakly] Help me, brother.
[Laios whimpers]
-[horrified gasp]
[Kabru] Lungs, kidney!
[ominous music playing]
[strained grunt]
[pained grunt]
[Kabru] I'm dead.
[Falin screaming]
Can you stand?
[Laios] Sorry I hesitated.
But you're absolutely right.
My sister's soul is more than likely
being controlled
by the lord of the dungeon.
However, if we kill her,
then he's sure to show up here.
We need to hurry and leave this place.
[pained groan]
[pained groan]
[breathing heavily]
[Falin grunting]
Whoa, hey!
[angry screaming]
[Rin grunts]
You fiend!
Ludeloes Ejectulm Hemtum.
That spell is
[Marcille] Everyone, come to me now!
[loud screaming]
[screaming continues]
[all gasping]
[dying gasp]
[screaming intensifies]
[screaming stops]
[loud clattering]
[pants, exhales]
-[all gasp]
[loud rumbling]
[all whimper]
[Laios] Uh she might return here.
Let's take the wounded
back to the barrier.
And as for the dead
Uh I'm not sure.
I can use revival magic.
I can't get everyone, though.
[Laios] Do you want us to gather them?
[Holm] No. Please keep them
where they are.
We can't waste even a single drop
of their blood.
[Kabru groans]
The monster!
Everything's fine.
It retreated.
So next is
-Hold on.
I think you should go and resurrect her.
Why revive me next?
I got the impression
you're a pretty powerful spellcaster.
So I assumed you could cast healing
and revival spells.
Maybe you could help Holm with the rest
since he can't get them all.
And this was the least we could do
to thank you for everything.
[Maizuru] Now I'm in your debt.
You're likely looking
for a different spell.
But fine.
Let's finish this quickly.
Hey, uh, if it's a simple revival spell,
then I
-[Shuro] No.
You will not lay a finger on them.
Nor will I allow you to cast any more
of that black magic.
[Marcille] I I wouldn't use that.
[Shuro] Then explain Falin!
What else could cause her
to look like that?
It's because of the Dragon meat,
paired up with your black magic!
No way! Impossible!
That's not how the spell I used works.
But, well, if it was black magic,
then there must have been
some kind of spell
placed on the Red Dragon's soul.
And once Falin and the Dragon's souls
mixed together,
she became the creature
that just attacked us.
I'm taking Marcille
to the elves of the west.
[Shuro] I cannot bring myself
to kill that thing.
But I also cannot let it run wild.
So I want to at least be able
to free her soul from the dungeon.
So she can rest in peace.
No, please.
[Shuro] The elves should know of a way
to accomplish that.
-[troubled sigh]
-I want you to confess everything
to the elves of the west.
Please stop this, Shuro.
There has to be some other way
that we can
No, there isn't!
Are you even hearing yourself right now?
"Another way", you say?
Like what exactly?
More of that black magic?
What other monsters
would you try to use with it?
[Shuro] Well, tell me!
If that's not it, then what?
You have a plan, right?
Let's hear it!
-[soft grunt, inhales]
-[Shuro gasps]
Our plan is to defeat the mad mage!
[Laios] The Red Dragon
was clearly following
some kind of order it was given.
And the only person
who has the power to command
that kind of creature is the mad mage.
Therefore, we'll defeat him
and then rewrite that order!
I honestly don't know how to do
that kind of thing,
-but Marcille should be able to!
-[Laios] So I won't hand her over!
-[Kabru gasps]
[Shuro] Stop fooling around, Laios!
You started this with black magic
and you plan to use more to solve it?
For once in your life,
can you try to take things
[shocked gasp]
-Uh, sorr
-[Shuro grunts]
[Shuro groans]
[angry groan]
-[pained grunt]
[Shuro groans]
[Laios] It's true that I'm not
particularly skilled in anything,
and that you're stronger
than most dungeon delvers.
But I say this with absolute certainty.
[deep inhale]
We've been eating three meals a day
and getting sleep,
which means we're able
to take this more seriously
than anyone else can!
We're going to take care of all this
by defeating the mad mage.
Once we do, we'll save Falin!
Shuro, you head back to the surface.
Go eat some food, take a bath,
and get some rest!
-[Shuro whispering]
[whispering continues]
[Laios] Huh? What's that?
Shut your mouth!
[Laios groans]
[Shuro] Don't go believing that
you have this all figured out!
If that's what you think,
then I have a few thoughts of my own!
What thought
[Shuro grunts]
You know what? [sharp inhale]
For the longest time,
I haven't been able to stand
being anywhere near you.
And it's because you're incredibly
careless, thickheaded,
and awkward!
[Laios] Tell me more
about other countries!
Oh, you're gonna eat? I'll come too!
Hey, we're friends now, aren't we?
[Shuro] And you never had ill intent,
which made it more frustrating!
I should just kill you right here,
and hand Marcille over to
Why not say something sooner?
What's the point in telling me now?
If it was so hard to be around me,
you should've told me back then so I knew!
I tried to let you know in ways
that most people would have picked up on!
Maybe you should get better
at reading the room, Laios!
How, Shuro?
I'd finally made my very first friend
on the island,
did you expect me
not to be excited about it?
[Shuro] Don't look at me like that!
I hate it so much!
That sincere look in your eyes
while you shove your burdens
onto everyone else!
[Laios] How was I supposed to know that?
You don't ever talk.
Heck, you don't even eat!
What's the point in you even
having a mouth at all, Shuro?
[Shuro] Shut up, you fool!
[Laios] You haven't even put in
half the effort Marcille does each day!
I really don't think
now's the time for this.
-[Maizuru] What a childish squabble.
I thought I had taught him
better than this.
If you include me, there are seven dead.
One heavily injured,
and then, three missing.
The gnome and I could each revive half,
but there isn't enough blood left.
Senshi, can you gather all
the scattered ingredients?
[Senshi] Will do.
If needed, I can cast a simple revival
No, that will not be necessary.
[sad sigh]
But you can help by healing the wounded
and finding those who are missing.
Cast anything strange
and I will cut you down.
[delighted gasp]
[uplifting music playing]
-[Laios] You see, Shuro?
Guess who's stronger
'cause they've been eating
proper daily meals?
It's me!
Cu Curses.
[Shuro breathes lightly]
[Laios sighs]
[Maizuru] My Lord,
everyone has been revived.
Shall we make preparations to depart soon?
-[Shuro] No, prepare a returning spell.
We're going back.
Are you sure, My Lord?
We still haven't located Asebi.
[Shuro] She'll find her way back
if she wants to.
We're deeply sorry, My Lord,
we weren't strong enough.
I know you all did your very best.
Thank you.
[Shuro] I'm grateful you joined me.
[all gasp, cry]
I'm returning to my country.
I won't be coming back to this island.
[Shuro] Once on the surface,
I'll report to the Island Lord.
[Laios] I see.
[Shuro] I'd planned to return with Falin.
[Laios] Did she accept your proposal?
[Shuro] I don't know.
She asked for some time to think about it.
So I've been waiting.
[romantic music playing]
[Shuro] I've never met a woman
as fascinating as her.
I love her voice, the way she thinks
Her beautiful smile.
The unfortunate thing is,
I never told her exactly how I felt.
I wish I would have told her sooner.
What? He proposed out of nowhere?
How bizarre.
That's kinda just the world he lives in.
Don't you worry.
I'll make sure to tell her for you.
[Shuro] It's this side of you, Laios
that I envy.
[Laios] Hey, uh, you were
a huge help in all this.
No, not really.
My last attack was meaningless.
[Laios] No! I was able to learn
several things because of it.
You were?
[Laios] Each of the places you stabbed
would've been fatal for a human.
That wasn't the case for my sister.
Which means either those areas
don't have vital organs,
or there are multiple of them.
There are lots of monsters
like Basilisks, Cerberus, and Scyllas
that have multiple brains.
It's common for Chimera types.
-You cut her throat
-[Kabru] He looks so excited right now.
Guess he really does like monsters.
Is this knowledge his weapon?
He says he'll defeat the mad mage.
There are definitely people
who come into the dungeon
who are more skilled than him,
but they don't have the same motivation
and knowledge he does.
-I think she hesitated
-I honestly believe he can accomplish it.
what's gonna happen after he does?
Whoever manages to defeat the mad mage
is said to obtain the entire country.
But what if that means
that person becomes
the next lord of the dungeon?
What will this man do
when he's in possession of this country
built by black magic
and all of these monsters?
Will he seal away this dungeon
without a word?
Hey, are you hungry?
What even is this?
[Laios] It's tamagoyaki made
from some Harpy eggs.
[haughty laughter]
Senshi found a few a little while ago.
You said you were interested
in monster cuisine, right?
You should try one.
[villagers clamoring]
[villagers screaming]
[young Kabru] Oh, Mother!
[Kabru] I do not wanna eat that!
What do I do to get myself out of this?
Maybe I could just kill him.
[Kabru] No, I can't!
Thanks, Laios!
[Daya] Of course.
[Holm] He'll do literally anything
just to get on someone's good side.
[Laios] This guy's amazing.
[soft string music playing]
Preparations for the returning spell
are now complete.
Is anyone still injured?
Once we're on the surface,
revival spells won't work.
If I'm being honest,
I'm fairly confident you'll perish
even before reaching the mad mage.
But if you do manage to survive,
and you cannot return to the surface
because of the black magic
ring this bell.
It will resonate with its twin
from anywhere.
When it does, I'll send one of my people
to help you flee to the east.
Don't die.
Thank you.
[Kabru] Laios.
I'm glad that we met.
I got so much out of talking to you.
Same for me.
It's time to leave.
[Kabru] You do actually
remember my name, don't you?
[Laios] Hm? Of course, I do.
[Kabru] I'm glad.
I hope you still remember it next time.
Well then, see ya.
[Laios] Next time?
[Chilchuck] Let's go, Laios!
There's no turning back anymore.
[sighs] I knew it!
I had a feeling it was gonna
turn out like this and I was right.
Damn it!
[Senshi] Hey, now, let's settle down.
-Sorry, guys.
[Laios sighs]
[Laios] Things will work out somehow.
[closing theme music playing]
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