Enheraf (2022) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

We're getting close, aren't we?
No. The other woman's nose
is as small as a buckthorn.
-Make it smaller.
-As small as a buckthorn?
I think this looks good.
No. Her eyebrows
are a little more curved.
All right.
You couldn't spot her in any
of the surveillance footage?
I couldn't. There are no cameras
in that neighborhood anyway.
-Are you positive it's her?
-Yes, I'm positive.
I contacted Hadeer's family and they
said she's been missing for years.
I went to your office,
they told me you were here.
-Did something happen?
-I came to talk to you about Habiba.
What did she do?
That's her, sir!
Who do you mean?
This is Zekra, Hadeer's relative.
Yes. That's her.
She came to the house
with another woman called Asala.
Are you talking about me?
I can tell you're busy.
I'll wait for you in the office.
-Excuse me.
-You're excused.
Pardon me, sir. I swear to God
I don't know what this is about.
I swear to God
she looks almost the same,
you know, with her body shape,
style and everything about her,
except for the hair.
A lot of people look alike, indeed.
A lot of people look alike.
I don't know.
What's wrong, honey?
You're spaced out and you haven't
said a word since we left the station.
I'm not spaced out, dear.
But you, on the other hand,
are you okay?
You don't look fine.
This case is obviously taking
its toll on you and troubling you.
It's driving me crazy, Hor.
They are awfully strange murders,
and the only thing connecting them
is a woman.
Whenever I think I got her,
she instantly disappears into thin air.
Sometimes I feel
like I'm getting so close to her,
other times I feel
like I'm chasing a mirage.
Feelings obstruct reasoning,
and make it hard to think.
They keep you running around in circles,
and you get stuck there.
When you try to make sense of things,
they don't make sense.
When you try to find the connection,
you fail as well.
You get confused.
You think you're close to your target
that you failed to reach.
The same way that woman
mistook you for Zekra.
Zekra's image dominated her thinking,
making her mistake me for her.
You're right about that.
When you see Habiba,
I want you to make amends with her.
She got really upset for you didn't
attend her birthday party, Sherif.
That's what I was planning to do.
I'll get her a gift she's always wanted.
Please do.
That would make her really happy.
I'll do that.
-I'll go get changed upstairs.
-Go ahead.
Listen, Mom, let's not talk about this.
I'm irked enough as it is!
You want me to work as a babysitter!
I know what's best for you, dear.
I know full well what's best for me.
Don't bother with it.
It's better than toiling away like that.
What are you talking about?
I work at a prestigious clinic
with the best doctor ever!
Listen, I'm your mother
and I know what's best for you.
There's good money
to be made from the job I got you.
The people you're going to work for
are traveling to the Gulf
so you'll be paid handsomely.
You'll be able to save money
and move up in the world
instead of working as an orderly!
-An orderly?
What? First of all, I'm an assistant
to Dr. Hor and I manage her clinic.
I do not collect urine samples
from patients for analysis!
If only you worked with a gynecologist
instead of working with crazy people!
I'm worried you'd catch their madness!
Catch what?
They're not sick with the measles!
Plus, they're not crazy,
they're psychiatric patients.
All right. Listen, think about it.
The woman is waiting for an answer.
She has a lot of money.
You know? If I had the energy,
I would do the work. But I don't.
You'll be get paid really well.
Listen, Mom, don't bother with it.
You're more deserving of this money.
You know how much they're paying?
I don't want to know.
Dr. Hor is paying me well enough.
You should be grateful for her
for getting you out of jail.
I'm grateful for that,
but let me tell you something
I don't like Ms. Hor in the slightest.
She's a shrewd, cunning doctor
who isn't kind-hearted.
-Shrewd and cunning?
I have to end this conversation.
You think this is a TV interview
you can end?
Listen to me.
Trust what I have to say
about that woman.
I don't remember
where and when I saw her.
We're back to this nonsense again!
I'm telling you,
she looks awfully familiar.
I've known her for a really long time,
but I don't remember
where or when I met her.
Dr. Hor has a familiar face
that makes you think you saw her before.
-You don't say!
-Enough of that.
Anything on the bank account number
that wired money to the hacker?
It's a fake account, of course.
What do you think
she has against Fawzeya?
And why was there a bag of money
and a weapon next to the corpse?
Surely there was a transaction.
No, it looks like a transaction
but this was a set-up.
You know why?
Because the bag of money
was left untouched.
If you're there for the money,
you'll take it!
Yes, but a woman like Fawzeya
who intends to make a transaction
must secure herself with a weapon.
Yes, but don't forget
-her body showed no signs
-of torture or battering.
-It only had signs of electrocution.
Yes, darling?
Why are you spaced out?
It's nothing.
I'm worried about a patient,
but nothing would keep me from you.
Yes, Abeer. Where are you?
At the restaurant
with the woman I told you about.
I'll drop Habiba off
and catch up with you.
This explains why Zekra
got there an hour earlier.
She knew Fawzeya
was physically stronger,
so she set up the trap
in order to electrocute her.
The car that picked Fawzeya up
will help us get to Zekra.
Yes, sir?
Yes, sir. Right away.
I'll be right there, sir.
Take care.
Take care, sir.
See you.
The police chief wants me in his office.
Let's hope for the best.
I'll come along,
I need to get my work done.
Relax! Here's Dr. Hor.
I think you can tell she has connections
and she can help you with your problem.
Say goodbye to worry and sadness.
Doctor, this is Shahd
whom I told you about.
Look, Shahd.
Don't treat me as a shrink.
Consider us friends. We're hanging out.
We'll bare our souls.
By the way, she insisted
that we have lunch together.
If you were wronged,
I'll make things right for you.
you know what I think of you.
I consider you my good student.
Your record and your work
stand witness to that.
Thank you, sir.
But I'm talking to you today
in a purely personal capacity.
Go ahead. I'm all ears, sir.
I told earlier that the perpetrator
of these crimes is one person.
Yes, sir.
We're investigating on that basis, sir.
I know you're smart,
which will help me
express this concisely.
our job has no personal
considerations whatsoever.
The oath we made when we graduated
is a grave responsibility
which we have to answer to ourselves.
Not only ourselves,
but we have to answer to God.
We cannot stray from that,
otherwise it'll be a betrayal.
Did I do something
that prompted you to say this?
If you did something, we wouldn't be
having this conversation now.
Right, sir.
I brought you here today
to ask you
to check out this piece of paper.
Criminals, no matter how smart or close
to the circle investigating them,
must slip.
They must slip.
They would never outsmart our security
sense no matter how hard they try.
You understand
what I'm trying to tell you.
Of course, sir.
If you hadn't brought this up with me,
I would've done that.
We're your students, sir.
Something like that
wouldn't go unnoticed.
Hor is my wife,
but that doesn't mean
I don't suspect her,
especially after what happened
yesterday at the precinct.
That's what I was trying to get at.
I'll tell you.
It all started
at Attorney Yaser's law firm.
Now, Shahd, let's talk about the
promissory notes you gave Um Waleed.
If we present them to the police,
you'll get locked up.
Locked up?
Did it come to this,
Um Waleed?
What's that for?
Please try to make her
sympathize with me.
Tell her we're old friends.
This isn't right.
Your old friend Um Waleed
says you hardly paid her 2,000 EGP
back within six months.
What can I do?
All right. I have an idea.
You can pay back the 20,000 EGP
within a month,
or we'll report you to the police.
Don't. I will do my best.
By my daughter's life I'll do my best.
But I'll have you know that you cannot
go back on your word.
Thank you.
Why did you borrow the money?
For Max's motorbike.
-My brother Max.
He wanted a motorbike
to use for delivery.
Why did you borrow money for him?
Why didn't he sign the promissory
notes to his name?
She said his name is Max.
So obviously he's a hustler and he
doesn't give people their money back.
So of course, no one lends him
money or believes what he says.
Max, the filthiness of his name
is a telltale sign.
He asked me to borrow the money
knowing that no one would turn me down.
And then what?
Hey, Max!
-I need to talk to you.
I curse the day I was born!
Hope it's all good, Shahd.
What is it?
No good can come from this!
The woman wants her money back
and the lawyer gave me
a month to pay it back.
God help us!
What can I do, Shahd?
Set myself on fire?
Or beg in the streets?
-I told you I'll take care of it.
-How, Brother?
Sell the motorbike
and pay back the money.
You want me to sell it after using it
for work and making money off of it?
Have mercy!
What money are you talking about?
Don't you feel for me?
Hey, you must sell it.
-You're complaining?
Did you sell it?
Max sold me out!
He took the motorbike and ran off.
Doctor, I said the filthiness
of the name Max is a telltale sign.
Excuse me, doctor, but
All of a sudden, the lawyer called me
asking me to come to his office.
So I went there.
Ms. Shahd, let me
introduce you to Dr. Ameer,
he's a good friend of mine.
We went to school together.
He decided to pay off all of your debts.
God bless you.
I can tell you're good and generous.
But you have to do something in return.
Or you can think of it as a favor.
What is it?
My friend Dr. Ameer
and his wife Ms. Malak
have a little problem
when it comes to childbearing.
You can't be serious.
I mean, excuse me but
you want to marry me?
No, it's not exactly like that.
I'll just cut to the chase.
We want you to be our surrogate.
I don't get it.
It's a simple arrangement
that takes place all over the world.
Sometimes, a mother's womb
cannot carry a child.
So what's done in that case?
The man's sperm and the woman's eggs
are used to inseminate a different womb.
So, to whom would that baby belong?
Them, of course.
But through a surrogate.
And you will be that surrogate.
I didn't get it.
I couldn't understand
what they wanted from me.
Did you say yes?
I did.
I said yes. I couldn't let my daughter
lose me as her mother when I'm live.
I didn't want to get locked up
and leave her to suffer.
Goddamn poverty that makes
people resort to scoundrels.
Keep going.
I'm all ears.
I'll be honest, doctor,
I must give credit where credit is due.
Dr. Ameer gave me everything I need
during my pregnancy.
He would get me and my daughter
whatever we needed.
In the name of God.
Come on in, Shahd.
Come on in.
Get inside, don't be scared.
Come on in. Let me get your bag.
You shouldn't lift anything.
How wonderful!
How amazing!
Look, ma'am,
you'll be staying here
for the next nine months.
Don't worry about anything.
I'll get you whatever you need.
Just don't leave the house.
The doctor warned against this.
One more thing.
I paid off all of your debts,
so don't worry about that.
God bless you.
Go on now.
Make yourself at home.
How wonderful!
He didn't do that for your sake.
He did that for his baby,
the one you're carrying.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
How are you doing, Shahd?
-How's everything?
-All is well.
I got you some of the stuff
you could use for this week.
The doctor is coming right up
to check on you.
Thank you, really. I don't know how
to thank you for these nice things.
That's nothing.
We just want you
to have a safe delivery.
I'll get these into the kitchen.
-No need.
Stay put.
That's why
since day one of the pregnancy
he made the doctor tell me
that this is a difficult pregnancy
and I shouldn't move much,
and I must get vitamins and supplements.
He kept giving me instructions.
He wouldn't let me leave the house.
If only I hadn't done that.
If only I hadn't done that.
On the day I went out
Why are you calling me after selling
me out all these months ago, Max?
Or you're calling me
to ask for money again?
Help, Shahd.
I'm in deep trouble.
What's this about?
What's this about?
I crashed into someone's car and he
wouldn't let me go unless I pay for it.
-I swear to you it's the truth.
I'm in too deep and you're the only
one who can get me out of this.
I know I left you high and dry
but I'll get locked up!
We can't let that happen!
I'm coming, dear!
I'm not running late,
I'm almost there, you moron!
Hang up already. Man!
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