Firebuds (2022) s01e17 Episode Script

Puppy Pursuit/The Ice Cream Truck Bandits

(bell ringing)
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
If you need a helping hand
or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds
are here for you ♪
Just listen
to our siren squeal ♪
On your block
or on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To help our friends
and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through,
our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear,
we're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day,
we'll crack the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get
into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston,
Violet, Axl ♪
-Yeah, that's our team ♪
-We're best Firebuds forever
-Here we come ♪
-And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll,
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
we're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
we're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around
the bend ♪
On us,
you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
BO: "Puppy Pursuit."
Hey, Popcorn,
don't mess up my pile!
We've got a lot to do
this afternoon.
We do?
What's the plan, Bo?
Well, Flash.
First we're helping Mom
rake the backyard.
BETH: Thanks.
And Bo, make sure to tie up
that bag of leaves
-when you're done.
-You got it, Mom.
Then, I promised Jayden I'd help
him test out his new invention.
That'll be fun.
And I told Violet and Axl
I'd help them
practice bandaging.
Hold up, that's a lot of people
to help in one afternoon.
Nah. We can handle it, Flash.
Easy peasy, anti-freezy.
-Yes, Popcorn,
we'll play with you too.
-Oh, and I gotta feed you
-It's testin' time!
-Right after we help Jayden.
But we didn't finish the
-Cool, what is it?
I call it the J-Hear.
It lets you hear sounds
from really far away.
Now, Piston's
gonna whisper something
and you should be able
to hear it.
(device beeping)
-I don't hear anything.
Let me double-check my coding.
VIOLET: Hey Bo, we're ready
to practice bandaging you.
The doctors are in.
Right. Uh, I'll be
right back, Jayden.
But we're not done.
I'll keep it on
and let you know if I hear
anything from far away.
Oh, no, Mister Bayani,
you cannot walk
around in your condition.
-But I feel fine.
-He looks fine.
You better lie down.
No, you were in an accident
and we need to bandage your arm.
-And leg.
-Oh, right,
-bandage practice.
I think I fixed it.
(device beeping)
Can you J-Hear anything?
-I'm sorry sir,
but visiting hours are over.
They said no visitors, Popcorn.
Get out of here.
Uh, it's okay.
Here ya go, boy.
(ducks quacking)
No, Popcorn, stop!
ALL: Wait I'm not done!
Your pup looks hungry.
Tienes hambre, perrito?
Thanks, Chef Fernando.
I was just about to feed him.
No problema.
My friend Mauricio
works at the Puppy Grub
so I always
have plenty of dog treats.
Uh, are you alright, Bo?
Oh, yeah.
I'm just raking the yard
and helping out Jayden.
And Violet and Axl.
And Popcorn.
But I've got it
all under control.
Y'know, when
the restaurant's busy
and I'm overwhelmed,
I try to finish one thing
before I start another
one task at a time.
Enough treats, Popcorn,
it's time for lunch.
Speaking of lunch,
I've got a delivery
for your parents.
Can you take it inside?
-Of course.
-Thanks, Bo. Hasta luego.
Sorry it's a little late,
but here's your lunch.
Popcorn? Popcorn!
Where are you?
Is Popcorn in the back yard?
Nope. What's wrong?
I don't see him anywhere.
But do you hear him?
No. Jayden
-I'll keep adjusting.
-I'm serious.
Popcorn's missing.
I think he ran off.
(all gasps)
When and where
did you last see him?
Right here a minute ago.
When Chef Fernando came by.
And what was Popcorn
doing during this visit?
Just eating
the chef's dog treats.
A-ha! Based on the facts,
we can deduce
that if Popcorn was hungry,
he probably followed
Chef Fernando
looking for another treat.
Good thinking, P.
But how do we find
Chef Fernando?
Just follow me.
If there's one thing I know,
it's Chef Fernando's
Food'n'Fuel delivery route.
-All right then.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
Hola, Mauricio,
here's your lunch.
Ah, muchas gracias, Fernando.
I gotta fuel up and
the only thing to eat
in there are doggy treats.
Lunch break here I come.
Chef Fernando!
Hola Firebuds, what's up?
Popcorn's missing and we thought
he might have gone after you.
For more treats.
Sorry kids,
I haven't seen him.
But I'll keep an eye out
on my route.
Okay, thanks, Chef Fernando.
JAYDEN: And there.
-POPCORN: (barking)
-Hold on.
-I hear barking.
-You do? I don't hear anything.
Because it's coming
from far away.
The J-Hear is finally working.
-POPCORN: (barking)
-It's coming from this way.
PISTON: The Puppy Grub factory.
-That makes sense.
-POPCORN: (barking)
He's inside. C'mon.
Popcorn, are you here, boy?
Let's turn on the lights.
WOMAN: Welcome to the Puppy
Grub automated factory,
where you can watch
our delicious treats
made one careful step
at a time.
Oh! Popcorn!
Flash, shut it off.
It's stuck!
We gotta save Popcorn.
(grunting) Whoa!
Hey, Popcorn.
Come here, puppy.
We can't fit in there!
You're right.
Bo, stop this bumpy thing!
Maybe there's a lever
that can stop
the conveyor belts.
But which one?
Uh-oh, he's headed
towards that chute.
(machine whirring)
I'll get him, P.
-(Popcorn barks)
Maybe this one.
I don't think that did anything.
Pull another one.
Grab my hand!
-That was unexpected.
Hang on, guys.
I'll save you!
AXL: But what about us?!
And what about Popcorn?
Flash, you get Popcorn
and I'll save the others.
On it.
(upbeat music playing)
The belt's too sticky.
I can't move.
Neither can I
-JAYDEN: Hey Bo!
-I gotta help Violet and Axl.
But you didn't finish
helping us!
-Not you too!
Bo, I'm starting to get tired.
I'll just try this lever.
That made it faster! Bo!
BO: I gotta help Flash.
One of these buttons
must let you out.
Ooh, I bet it's the green one.
I'm green!
Don't worry, Flash,
it's just food coloring.
Let's try this button
I'm pink!
I'm polka-dotted?!
Actually I kinda dig it.
Oh. Nothing's working.
-We still need help!
-JAYDEN: Us too!
-I don't wanna be a dog treat!
Hold on!
I can't save everyone
at the same time.
WOMAN: Welcome to the Puppy
Grub automated factory,
where you can watch
our delicious treats
made one careful step at a time
One step at a time
It's like Chef Fernando said,
when you get overwhelmed,
you gotta do one task at a time.
If dog treats all get made
step by careful step ♪
Then I should finish
one thing ♪
Before I start the next ♪
So first things first
it'll all be fine ♪
I'll save my friends
one task at a time ♪
Too many things at once ♪
Gets a kid confused
So tackle things in order ♪
That's how you'll help
your crew ♪
So first things first
it'll all be fine ♪
I'll save my friends
one task at a time ♪
FLASH: He's gonna get boxed up!
I have a plan,
but we gotta do it
one step at a time.
First Jayden works
with Piston ♪
To launch the J-hook up ♪
Then Violet hustles over
to grab the hungry pup ♪
Now Flash can raise
his ladder ♪
So they can climb inside ♪
He hands 'em off to Axl
who gives them both a ride ♪
So first things first
it'll all be fine ♪
I'll save my dog
one task at a time ♪
Yeah, first things first
it'll all be fine ♪
I'll save my dog
one task at a time ♪
Yeah, we saved you boy
one task at a time ♪
Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.
Let's get you home.
BO: Don't worry, Mom!
I'm gonna clean up
all the leaves right now.
Uh, why is Flash
covered in polka dots?
One task at a time, Mom,
one task at a time.
The Ice Cream Truck Bandits.
(upbeat music playing)
(upbeat music playing)
-Wait, my ice cream!
-My fuel pop!
them things came
outta nowhere
and flew off
with all my ice cream!
-Stealing ice cream?
-Who would do that?
Now that's cold-hearted.
Jayden, are you watching this?
if I adjust the J-Sprocket
Uh Jayden?
that frees up the J-Rotor
-Did you say something?
There are ice cream crimes
in progress.
That's right,
Ice Cream Trucks
all over the Motopolis area
are being robbed
by mysterious Fly-Drones.
Man, that's one slick invention.
(ice cream truck
rhythmic bell ringing)
I know that tune.
It's Iris.
We've got to warn her!
Calling all children,
this isn't a dream ♪
Come get a fuel pop
or scoop of ice cream ♪
-Hey, Iris!
-Well, if it isn't Jayden,
my number one customer.
I have your usual
Triple Scoop Surprise.
Iris, there's a bandit
robbing ice cream trucks,
stealing every cone
and fuel-sicle.
-You could be next.
-He's right.
Well, dip me in chocolate
and call me a sundae,
-that's terrible.
-Don't worry.
We can hide you in our treehouse
'til the bandits are caught.
Just how large
is your treehouse?
-(upbeat music playing)
-(engines revving)
Oh, this is quite a
Sweet strawberry shortcake.
Is that really necessary?
The bandit is using some sort of
fly-shaped drone, so yes.
But I could invent a high-tech
swatter to bat them away.
Iris, where are you going?
Oh, Cogglen Avenue!
I need to warn my brother,
Ivan, about the bandits.
You can't go out there.
The bandits will get
all your ice cream.
But what about his ice cream?
How about we go get your brother
and bring him back here?
That would be awfully
kind of you.
Jayden, can you guard Iris
while we're gone?
Hmm, I just need to attach it
to the J-roscope.
Um, I better stay back
and guard her, too.
You know how sidetracked Jayden
gets when he starts inventing.
Good plan, Piston.
Let's roll Firebuds!
I'll close the doors.
First, check this out.
I call it the J-Swat.
You built it already?
Anything to keep Iris safe
from the ice cream bandits.
The J-swat will automatically
whack those fly drones
right out of the air.
Ooh, impressive.
Now, we just need to test it
on something the same size
and shape as a fly drone.
What about that?
It's a fly-drone!
Ha! You just got J-Swatified.
Hello Firebuds!
Tis I! Wayne Riley.
The Rileys
are the Ice Cream Truck Bandits.
No surprise there.
Now that I know
where you're hiding
the last ice cream truck,
prepare for a Swarm
of Riley Fly-Drones!
Wayne, why are you telling them
your plan?
Because they'll never come up
with anything
to stop my Fly-Drones.
I'm the greatest inventor
there is.
Oh, I don't think so, Wayne.
-How dare you!
I'll show him
who the greatest inventor is.
Just gotta make a few
adjustments to the J-Swat.
Uh, Jayden?
If Wayne knows Iris is here,
shouldn't we hide her
someplace else?
No way.
We've got to keep her here
with the doors open
But our mission is to keep
her ice cream safe.
And that's exactly what we'll do
as soon as I've finished making
my J-Swat even swat-i-er.
Check it out.
I'd like to see Wayne's drones
get past my new J-Swat Supreme.
Wish granted!
Today's forecast,
cloudy with a chance
of drone-storms!
Oh, it is on.
(upbeat music playing)
You think you're some
big thief right? ♪
But Imma steal the spotlight
My robot's lookin airtight ♪
While yours don't
really shine bright ♪
Fair fight? Not quite ♪
My gizmos can go all night ♪
Oh, sorry did I dent-ya? ♪
Just watch me out-invent-ya!
If you need a gadget built ♪
Then I'm the one to call ♪
'Cause I will always be ♪
The best inventor
of them all ♪
Your drones,
they're gonna wilt ♪
Like flowers in the Fall ♪
'Cause I will always be ♪
The best inventor
of them all ♪
I see your drone
got J-jammed ♪
And that one's
getting J-crammed ♪
I bet you wish
you J-scrammed ♪
Wham, bamgrand slam ♪
Who's hittin' home runs?
I am ♪
Don't need no extra inning
to see that I'll be winning ♪
It's time that you departed
'cuz I'm just getting started ♪
Oh, fiddlesticks!
Looks like I'm the best
inventor after all.
If you think
you won and I'm all done ♪
Then guess again
'cause I've just begun ♪
And I'll never
stop 'til I'm on the top ♪
Yeah, I'm aiming high
to make you drop ♪
If you need a gadget built ♪
Then I'm the one to call ♪
'Cause I will always be ♪
The best inventor
of them all ♪
Your drones
they're gonna wilt ♪
Like flowers in the Fall ♪
'Cause I will always be ♪
The best inventor
of them all ♪
Yes, there's
no one left but me ♪
The best inventor
of them all ♪
You may have
won this round, Firebud.
But I'm going to invent
something so brilliant,
it will make your little
robot look like a baby toy.
Bring it.
(engine revving)
That was way too close.
I'm calling the Buds
to come help us.
No need. I just came up
with something
way better than anything
Wayne will ever make
the J-Wham!
Oh, good golly, ice-lollies.
That's me.
Sure is.
First, I'll rig your door
with a spring-loaded
Buds, it's Piston. We need
you back at the tree house.
I need to go outside
to radio the others.
Close the doors after I go out
and keep an eye
on Iris, okay, Jayden?
I gotcha, P!
Come in, Firebuds!
Can you hear me now?!
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
Ivan! You've gotta come with us!
(gasps) You're too late!
Those scoundrels took it all!
Even the licorice fuel pops
and no one likes those.
Can you hear me now?
Piston? What's up?
Oh, thank hoodness!
The Rileys are the bandits
and they know Iris is here.
You need to come back now.
Don't worry Ivan,
we'll get your ice cream back.
Good plan. Let's roll, Firebuds!
I'll show Wayne
who's the best inventor
(machine whirring)
Everything all right
back there dear?
WILEY: Hello?
Does anyone have any ice cream
for a sweet innocent child
with no bad intentions, like me?
Jayden, did you hear that?
A sweet innocent
child needs ice cream.
-What should I do?
-JAYDEN: Of course! That's it!
Oh, goody, an ice cream truck!
Do you have
a strawberry whirly-pop?
One whirly-pop, comin' right up!
Aw, thank you.
But the only thing
coming right up is you!
Oh, snowcone,
you're one of the bandits!
The name's Wiley Riley.
And her getaway blimp, Bubba.
Newest member of the Riley gang.
Uh what do we do?
We follow that blimp!
IRIS: Jayden, there's something
I need to tell you.
-I'm almost done.
-IRIS: You may want
to hurry up, dear.
Okay, the J-Wham
is up and running.
Now, what was it
you wanted to
(gasp) Where are we?
I'm afraid we've been
a wee bit stolen.
-While you were inventing, dear.
I didn't even notice.
Well, you were
a bit sidetracked.
WAYNE: If you had waited,
we could have used
my new Jumbo-Drones.
Why wait when you can
have it all now?
-You're not ice cream.
-Get him, Jumbo-Drones!
J-Wham, do your thing!
What was that?
Passengers, this is
your blimp speaking.
I'm out of control
and losing air fast.
You may wanna prepare
for a crash landing.
I know I am
There's only
one thing left to do.
(both screams)
Wait, you're leaving me?
But I thought
I was part of the gang.
Sorry, Bubba.
But if this little Firebud
is so smart, I'm sure
he'll invent a way
to save you all.
Rileys out!
Oh, dear. What'll we do, Jayden?
I don't know.
I'm sorry, Iris.
I was supposed to guard you
but I got so caught up
in proving
I was the best inventor,
I got sidetracked
and forgot the mission
was to keep you safe.
Oh, It's all right, sugar cone.
And look on the bright side.
There's still plenty of time
to save us.
I wouldn't say plenty.
BO: Jayden, it's Bo!
We're right below you.
We're gonna race ahead
to the Fire Tower.
If you can launch
your J-Hook down to us,
-we can tow you to safety.
-I'm on it!
But you'll only be over
the tower for a few seconds,
so you have to launch it
at just the right moment.
I'm gonna need you to hold me
steady, Iris!
Will do.
Huh? (grunting)
I thought you were supposed to
be the greatest inventor ever.
I just need to adjust
the Wayne Spring
Okay Jayden, time
to launch your J-Hook!
Or I could quickly retool
my J-Wham to catch the Rileys
and finally prove
who's the best inventor.
This is no time
to get sidetracked.
Fixed it!
Jayden hurry!
(triumphant music playing)
BUBBA: (sighs)
Thanks for the save, my Buds!
-You got it!
Firebuds forever!
I'm just glad you're okay.
I think you've all earned
a frozen treat.
What'll it be, Jayden?
Well, you and the ice cream
may be safe,
but I've got to stay focused
on the mission
until everyone is.
Let's patch you up, Bubba.
Aw I appreciate that,
little buddy.
Could I get a fuel-sicle?
I call it the J-Patch.
(theme music playing)
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