Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

Dad, Mom! Bombshell news.
An inspector's coming to visit,
and I'll help him solve the crime.
You're surrounded! Put your hands up!
Break it up. Nothing to see here.
Charlie said it's not a police inspector
but a school inspector.
When he sees
the whole school and my friends,
he'll be amazed by our behavior.
You'll see.
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
Sure, I understand. I understand.
I'll pass you the teacher who's in charge.
It's the fire department.
A 15-meter-high wave of foam
is taking over the city. They want info.
Hello, Mr. Fire Chief. Hello.
No, well,
the kids threw a little foam party
because they wanted
to make a wave they could skate on.
And it got a little out of hand.
But don't worry, it won't happen again.
My regards.
-Charlie was right.
Two hundred kilos of detergent…
was too much.
Kids, this was today.
But yesterday, the police asked
who had let fifty lab rats escape.
Freedom for rodents!
What do they mean?
Please, the school inspector
will be here in no time.
-Everything's at stake!
-This ends here.
Starting tomorrow,
the disciplinary rules will change.
Starting tomorrow,
we'll have disciplinary rules.
Let's see.
Hi, how are you?
Yes, she's right here.
Okay, talk soon.
-It's my friend who owns a nightclub.
You think I'd send the kids
to throw a foam party at your club?
You're crazy.
He's crazy!
He's crazy.
What? Why are you here?
Fifteen years and one day
for eating sardines out in public?
Can you believe it? I'm innocent!
-That dang judge has it out for me.
-But we're not in prison.
Ah, just wait and see.
But I won't be here for too long.
As soon as I can,
I'm escaping!
Inspector Martínez will visit tomorrow,
and you know where his blind spots are.
On the left!
We've got a lot at stake.
Projects, prestige, grants.
And we won't let lack of discipline
ruin our school.
There will be community service,
and skateboarding
will be temporarily on hold.
Teachers, resign now!
-Who was that?
-It was Lucas.
Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Raquel and Ruby will be our prisoners--
excuse me, our trusty students.
Come on, what'd you expect?
Lucas, come to my office.
Inspector Martínez?
That extremist?
This place is gonna turn into a prison.
Come on, Charlie. Don't exaggerate.
I quite like the disciplined setting
you've created.
Thanks a lot, Inspector Martínez.
Would you be so kind to show me the cells?
-The classrooms.
-That way.
Hey, girls. Meet my new friends.
Call them quantum and molecular.
I had to shorten it so it'd fit.
Charlie, this is hell. We gotta get out.
Okay, then we all go.
Meet in the pit this afternoon.
-Tell the others.
Does it have to be in the pit?
-Who is it?
-It's me.
Come in.
Did we really need to meet here, guys?
Come on, focus.
Lucas, show the drawing.
So, we'll go through here.
We'll make a tunnel to here.
We jump the fence, and freedom's here.
Yeah, but that's the sandbox.
You were reading it upside down.
-What's this? Planning to escape?
What, us? What are you talking about?
Okay, yeah. We were planning to escape.
But don't tell on us.
Look, Raquel, we're sick of being here.
Like you're not, dude? Come on.
Well, yeah. I am.
But! If you let me escape with you,
I won't tell.
-Tell me how this works.
And here's where
our students do manual labor.
Their work benefits the community
and, at the same time,
-it channels their aggression.
-I'd love to know what they're making.
-Of course.
Hi, kids. What are you making?
We're making some masks
for when it's carnival time.
Yes, we'll just have
to put on our wigs and have fun.
And you? What are you making?
I'm making
a wooden Japanese ceremonial tray.
It has wheels
so you can slide sushi across the table.
Way to go. Way to go!
And, well,
I'm simply folding clothes for laundry.
I love what I see at this school.
Order, discipline and community service.
-Shall we?
-Yes, of course.
We'll escape through the sewer
this afternoon.
Sorry, but I have other plans.
I'm going solo.
Move, and I'll fill you with lead.
But they're water guns.
Can you get into your role for once?
It makes you not want to escape.
Congrats, guys.
I'm impressed by your school and students.
I want to say goodbye to them personally.
Yes, and I'm leaving
to take these clothes to the laundry.
They're so clean. And they smell so good.
By the way, where--
where are the rest of them?
Noa, Charlie. Where's everyone else?
Noa? Noa. They're asleep.
They must've escaped!
-Release the dogs!
What dogs?
-Find them!
-Look at this.
They're escaping.
But that jump is technically… flawless.
Gotta admit it.
Here she comes.
Just like those two devils planned it.
They're brilliant.
Everyone's escaped!
-I can't believe it.
Bravo! Fantastic!
You've done it again, kids. Great job!
Congratulations. Great jump, Minerva.
Thanks, Mr. Martínez.
No, really. Thanks to all of you.
You've proven once again
that you can work creatively as a team.
You won me over with your homage
to prison movies, of which I'm a big fan.
For another year, ESKA has proven
it's talented at teamwork.
Congrats, everyone.
I give you an… A-plus!
Thanks a lot, Mr. Inspector.
The kids really took this seriously.
Especially Raquel.
Where's Raquel? Raquel?
I'm finally free!
But where am I?
So… Don't wait for me for dinner.
I'm going to be a bit… late.
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