Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

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But the goal of my journey is this.
To meet my friend who embarked on
a journey ten years ago.
Did you find out where Gorilla went?
It's a trade city in the northern lands.
It's farther east from here.
In the opposite direction from Äußerst.
I embarked on this journey
in order to find Gorilla.
I know.
Either way, the sun is about to set,
so can't we hold off on deciding
until tomorrow?
I was able to rent a cabin.
They said we're free to use it.
Thank you.
I brought some firewood.
I bought groceries so we can make dinner.
My hands are so cold.
It's starting to get pretty cold nowadays.
You weren't joking. Wow
This is record-breaking.
Let me see
- You're right. It's so cold.
- Isn't it?
Stop that!
- Isn't it record-breaking?
- Yeah.
- So cold
- Jeez
It's snowing.
Will we have to wait out the winter again?
This time, it's not like
we have to pass a steep mountain range.
It'll be fine unless it turns into
a blizzard or something.
It did.
- It sure did.
- It did.
Cold spells in this region
last for at least a month.
You shouldn't travel too far.
You can use that cabin for the time being.
What do you want to do, Sein?
Do you want to depart?
Do you even need to ask?
I guess we're stuck
until the cold spell passes.
Well, there's a bar and a general store,
and the cabin is spacious.
It's much better compared to
the mountain cabin from last time.
And most importantly, this village has
a magic store run by
a suspicious old person.
Based on my experience,
you can find legendary spells
in places like that.
Being able to explore that store
is a big plus.
Legendary spells?
What kinds have you found in the past?
Spells to get rid of mold
and spells to remove tough oil stains.
That's true.
Those useful spells were life-changing.
They sound like
tips you learn from your grandma.
Either way, all we can do now is wait.
You'll die if you take winter
in the northern lands lightly.
After all, Master Stark almost died
in the Schwer Mountains.
I was raised in the northern lands.
I know that much.
Well, I guess we'll be together
for a little while longer.
The cold spell should end soon.
You adventurers can finally depart.
Yeah, that's right.
Hey, we barely spent time together.
- Sein.
- Huh?
- Do you have a moment?
- What's wrong, Frieren?
It's rare to see you at the bar.
Stark and Fern are acting strange.
I think they're fighting.
Be their mediator.
I don't mind doing that,
but why are you asking me?
Mediating is a priest's job.
It is?
This looks bad.
Hey, what happened?
It's Master Stark's fault.
Yes, it is all my fault.
This is going nowhere.
Come to the room next door, one at a time.
So, what happened?
When we first moved into this cabin,
Fern touched my cheek
with her cold hands, remember?
Today, I did the same thing to her
- And Fern just blew up.
- How childish.
Did you really think a girl would like
to have your hands all over her face?
- Do you want things to stay like this?
- I want to make peace.
Stark, unlike me,
you are a genuinely good guy.
So just say your honest feelings.
If you want to make peace,
let that person know.
Frieren's not going to
mediate between you two.
Yeah, I know. I'll apologize to Fern.
Stark regrets what he did.
He's just a kid. He didn't mean any harm.
I know.
I was just stubborn.
I want to apologize.
I'm the one who started it, anyway.
The fact that he touched me
wasn't the issue.
It's just that
he held my shoulder down
with such strong force.
It made me feel scared, just a little.
Do you hate Stark?
Why would you ask such a thing?
Does it come across that way?
Then let him know that you felt scared
and make peace with him.
- Be more gentle with me.
- I'm sorry.
Just get together already!
I don't know what you're talking about,
but I can tell you're doing your best.
Thank you. That was really helpful.
Frieren, you are the only one.
- You commend me as if I'm a kid.
- You are a kid.
It doesn't feel too bad, I guess.
Hey, I've been wanting to ask
I've been thinking ever since
you recruited me,
but why do you spend so much
time and energy on me?
Because I have an aversion to my own kind.
Seeing you refuse to go on an adventure
reminded me of myself before
I departed to defeat the Demon King.
And it annoyed me.
That doesn't explain
why you would care about me.
That's exactly why.
I think I just wanted to
give you an opportunity.
What does that mean?
It's what Himmel the Hero would've done,
that's all.
Take my hand, Frieren.
I will give you the opportunity
to embark on a journey.
Himmel and everyone
gave me the courage to step out
and taught me the joy
that comes from being with friends.
How was it, Sein? Wasn't it fun?
It was a lot of fun.
We'll become heroes that
nobody can forget, like Himmel the Hero.
I'm talking about
what you can do "now," Sein.
So I decided to believe in her words.
Gorilla always talked about you.
He said that the two of you
will become heroes whose names
will be engraved in history forever.
I'll follow after Gorilla, after all.
I don't want to have any more regrets.
I understand.
Well, take care.
See you.
See you.
You parted ways so easily.
Unlike you two, Sein is an adult.
He'll be fine.
It's so quiet when you're alone
Oh? That's rare She's still sleeping?
She's probably tired,
since we've been walking nonstop.
Good enough.
Hey, breakfast is ready.
It's time to wake up.
Hey, wake up, Frieren.
Give me half a day
You can't sleep that much.
More importantly, Fern looks unwell.
Stop that.
You have a fever.
Stay warm and sleep.
Let's see
- What? That's weird
- I brought water.
- Found it.
- What's that?
A notebook about
medicinal herbs that Sein left for us.
Sein did that?
If I diagnose the illness with magic,
I can find the right herbs to use.
But you need the Magic of the Goddess
to diagnose illnesses.
I thought only people with
Scriptures could use that.
I have Scriptures too.
It's being used as a placemat!
I may not be gifted like a priest,
but I can at least do a simple diagnosis.
- I don't know about complicated illnesses.
- Can we trust you?
Yeah, it's just a common cold.
Medicinal herbs that grow
in this area are
That reminds me
I collected medicinal herbs around here
with Himmel and everyone.
For now, let's move to where
we can stay warm.
You're right.
Oh my.
What a lifesaver.
Who would've thought that someone
lived in these mountains.
The last time I came, there was a village.
That was decades ago.
It was a prestigious village
that even the hero visited once.
Well anyway, get some rest here.
Thank you.
By the way, wasn't there
an icicle cherry blossom tree around here?
Yes, north of here.
It's a bit complicated to get to.
It's fine.
I've been here before.
All right then, I'll be working.
Wait here, Fern.
We'll go get ingredients
for your medicine.
You've been holding her hand
ever since we got here.
She looks like she's in pain.
When Fern catches a cold,
holding her hand comforts her.
She's been like this
ever since she was small.
What's wrong?
Mistress Frieren,
you're embarrassing me.
Please don't treat me like a child.
I see. You're right.
She'll be a full-fledged adult
in just two years, huh?
Just the other day,
she was a little girl about this tall.
I was much taller than her too.
Time flew by.
In my mind, Fern is still just a child.
That probably won't change from now on.
We'd better hurry up
and gather the ingredients.
The icicle cherry blossom tree
is around here.
That icicle cherry blossom
is the last ingredient, huh?
We actually need the mushroom
that grows on the tree's roots.
It's beautiful.
I wish Fern could've seen it too.
This is probably my favorite flower
that blooms in the winter.
The flowers are poisonous, so be careful.
why did you hold Fern's hand?
You normally don't treat her like a child.
I didn't mean to treat her like a child.
I only held her hand
because she looked like she was in pain.
That's the only method I know
to relieve pain.
I wonder what I was
supposed to do instead?
If that's the case,
just do what you feel is best.
At least, that's what my master did.
I believe people need emotional support.
And no one would complain
about getting support.
What is this about?
You were having a nightmare.
People feel vulnerable when they're sick.
My mother, who died when I was small,
used to hold my hand like this.
It's comforting.
That's because you were a child.
It's not only children
who need emotional support.
It doesn't feel so bad, right?
I guess so.
It's not too bad.
I'm so thoughtful and handsome, aren't I?
Shut up.
Your medicine is ready.
Fern was probably embarrassed
because I was there.
Nobody would want others to see
themselves getting spoiled.
Thank you, Stark.
I'll do what I feel is best.
In return, when you catch a cold,
I will hold your hand.
No way, that's embarrassing.
All right, let's get this mushroom.
Up we go.
I didn't expect it to be that big!
How scary!
Now, just add the other ingredients
and mix it very, very well.
She looks like a witch. So scary!
Open your mouth, Fern.
You're so good at this. What a great help.
You think so?
Don't worry, you'll get better soon.
Mistress Frieren, I'm not a child anymore
I know.
I know.
Take care now!
Thank you very much.
You seem much better.
It's thanks to Mistress Frieren,
Master Stark, and Master Sein.
And I really owe that person
who lent us their house.
All right.
Well then,
let's head to Äußerst, the city of magic.
- Can you show me that?
- Come at me.
- This year is full of potential.
- You wanna fight?
- I can't do it alone.
- You have them.
- The eyes of a killer.
- No idea.
"First-Class Mage Exam."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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