Ghost Force (2021) s01e17 Episode Script

Katastroph / Jellystrey

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Yes! I am the bomb!
And the three-pointer
king is
- Andy!
- Drake!
MIKE: 19 to 20 with 23 seconds
left on the clock!
You guys can still win!
Huh? Huh?
Andy, I'm open!
All hail the three-point king!
Ha, ha! Looks like
your reign's over, Your Majesty!
Face it, you're basic, Baker!
Ha, ha! Basic Baker!
Here's your ball,
three-points king!
What just happened?
I may not be a b-ball pro
like you, but I was wide open!
- Why didn't you pass to me?
- It's all good!
On the bright side,
a total fail is just a reminder
- to stay on top of your game!
- I missed a three-pointer?
Three-pointers are what I do!
Aaah! There's gotta be
some explanation!
Maybe the wind or the light!
I blame the sun!
Just wait
till next Saturday's game.
All that cheering will
help you get your mojo back!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
(Sound of panic)
(Screaming continues)
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but were those ghosts?
Aw! And they're the cutest,
itty-bitty ghosts
I ever did see!
See? That's it!
Maybe I missed that basket
'cause of my eyesight.
Anyone know a good eye doctor?
I think we've got
bigger problems here.
Huh? Oh, yeah, ghosts.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
We must stop 'em before
they go into booster mode
and become too cute to handle!
Now's your chance.
- Hit 'em with a three-pointer!
- A three-pointer? Oh yeah
Flexy blast!
- (Mocking laughter)
- Not even one of them?
What is going on with me today?
If they split up,
it'll be three times the work!
- Aaah!
- Miaow.
Fractal trap!
- (Gasps)
- Huh?
Flexy blast!
You gotta be kidding me!
And that is how it's done.
Fury, get a Boocap!
Too late! They have enough
Boo energy to boost!
- So, still think it's cute?
- Yep. Evil, but mostly cute.
I really don't get you!
Heads up, Fury!
Huh? Argh! Whoa!
For reals?
This head sucks up Boo energy!
A different power for each head?
That's boo-tastic!
Hope we'll be able
to tame it one day!
- Ugh!
- Boo!
Fury, use your FlexyBeam!
- Boo!
- Do cats play fetch?
- Did Fury just flee?
- Yeah, he's lost his mojo!
Who knew missing a shot could
lead to a personality crisis?
Told you he shoulda
passed the ball to me.
- Catastrophe!
- No kidding!
No, Cat-Astrophy
is the name of your ghost.
- How about a fourth for backup?
- No can do.
Your last mission left Glowboo
with a glitch or two.
That's why
I was late to the party.
Sorry, kids.
You're on your own on this one!
We'll take one head each.
Fury, aim at its paws
to immobilise it for starters!
Aim at its paws?
I'm not sure I can.
Come on, you can do this!
Just focus!
What's up with me?
Fractal Mace!
Get yourself together, Fury!
Spectral Arrow!
My Boo energy won't last long.
you need to find your mojo!
But keep missing! I can't
even score a single basket!
OK, losing the basketball game
is on you,
but that's no reason
to give up now!
- This is way bigger than that!
- Yeah, you're the fastest,
cleverest, point guard I know!
We need you, Fury.
We've gotta fight together
or we don't stand a chance.
You're right. Missing a basket
won't throw me off my game.
- That's my bro!
- Krush, fractal that up,
would ya?
We'll do this together
like you said, Myst.
All right, everyone ready?
(Battle cry)
Flexy Power!
Your turn for the assist!
Nice work, sis!
Uh-oh Aaah!
What's the matter?
Cat got your tongue?
19 to 20 with 23 seconds
left on the clock!
Andy, I'm open!
- We won!
- Oh, yeah!
So, why'd you finally
pass the ball?
Yeah, you could've sunk
that three-pointer.
True. But teamwork
makes it way more interesting.
Plus, you had a clearer shot.
And you can still call me
the three-point king now!
Woof! Woof!
OK, Asta,
the school fair is coming up,
so your doggy dance moves
have to be up to scratch.
Now wave your paws in the air
like you just don't care!
Hmm? (Whimpers)
OMG. Is that the first version
of the Ghost Gauntlet?
So cool! And the Bisio Ghost
you used to nab Zip Zap?
Oh, sweet! Oh! And this!
You were pretty handy
- with that slingshot!
- She's totally fan-girling out,
just like you gogging at
my dad's basketball trophies.
Or like you drooling over
a nerdy science experiment.
Whoa! I've never seen this
little baby before!
That's the Freonic
Ghost Blaster.
Ah! Brings back
so many sweet memories.
Memories of when
you were in the field?
Yes! I was alone,
dealing with a viscous phantom.
Good thing I had this doo-hickey
to cool that ghost's heels
- or I'd have been a goner.
- I so wanna be you one day!
I can't believe
all these gadgets
came from your imagination!
I'd love to invent something.
Good, 'cause I need help
completing my new prototype
in the garage.
If you're up for it.
Cool, meanwhile I'm gonna show
Glowboo a hobby
- that will blow his circuits!
- But I just had them fixed.
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Asta! Come here, boy!
- Aah! What?
- Boo!
How'd I miss that turn?
Oh, yeah, let's put
the pedal to the metal!
- Hey, Andy, wanna train?
- Not a good time.
- Wait till Ms Jones gets back.
- Come on,
I really wanna try out
the Freonic Ghost Blaster now.
I mean I want to train
to be as strong as Ms Jones.
Ms Jones was alone
when she used that thing.
So maybe you ought to train
in the same conditions. Alone!
- How about you, Glowboo?
- Negative.
Andy is teaching me video games
to increase my efficiency.
All right
How'd you get the boost?
These items are totally rigged!
Come on, come on, come on!
I'm gonna beat Mike's top score!
That is why you always wear
your seatbelt while driving.
- (Honking)
- Boo!
Aaah! Aaah!
- (Laughs) Boo!
- Aaah!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
(Laughter gets louder)
(Deep laugh)
Now that's
a Miss-Jones-level target!
Spectral arrow!
(Threatening laugh)
Ghost-Blaster time!
- (Threatening laugh)
- Huh?
Uh, that's
not supposed to happen.
Oh, no!
What have I done?
It's a video game, you don't
have to obey the speed limit!
is against my protocol.
Hey, guys! You gotta
check out our prototype!
Aaah! Oh! Jellystery! Oh, dear,
it's gone into Booster mode!
Hold up.
Why is Liv already there?
Come in, Liv!
What's your status?
Oh I'm ugh
Oh, it's too strong!
BOTH: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Ah! Uh-oh!
Myst! What were you thinking?
I I just wanted
to defeat him on my own.
I mean, you told me Ms Jones
Wait. I thought you meant
a training sesh,
not trying to un-boost
a rampaging ghost!
The Freonic Ghost Blaster
didn't break its shield at all.
- It kinda made it stronger.
- Liv!
You're telling me you took
my Freonic Ghost Blaster?
I thought that since Jellystery
is a viscous ghost, it would
Not all Viscous are the same!
And you are not trained
to handle that blaster!
You're right.
I'll just evacuate everyone
before I make things any worse.
Krush, behind you!
Ms Jones, got any bright ideas?
Jellystery's made of jelly,
So, there's a good chance
its armour is also made of
What? I smell an
electro-magnetic pulse coming!
(Gasps) My prototype!
- Ms Jones! Ms Jones!
- Come on, do something, Krush!
With Myst absent,
our cohesion level is down 14%.
Really? Ya think?
Correction. 8%.
MYST: Please hurry up!
Glowboo! (Gasps)
Nice of you to pop in!
So what do we do now?
Don't ask me. I'm not cut out
to be a superhero.
What? Nuh-uh, you are not
giving up just like that.
Face it, Fury,
this is all my fault.
OK, kinda true.
But think of it like basketball.
I don't think this is the right
time to talk about
You screw up a layup, hustle
back to land a three-pointer.
Swish! But stay on defence
and you'll never get anywhere.
Krush, you got any bright ideas
on how to stop this ghost?
Cool jelly down and it hardens,
but heat it up
and it disintegrates.
Or, I dunno, gets even stronger?
Whoa! Krush, chill.
That all makes sense,
so let's try it out.
If it bombs, we'll think again.
All right!
That's the Myst I know and love!
So, how're we gonna cook
this ghost's goose?
Fry-up, BBQ, or spicy tandoori?
The Freonic Ghost Blaster!
Sure it freezes stuff,
but could it heat things too?
I just need to reverse the
degrees of thermal agitation.
The blaster is in the street.
Find it and keep Jellystery
- away from the crowd.
- Oh! That I understand!
You're up.
All right!
We're on the move. See
if you can immobilise the ghost.
Looks like this grumpy ghost
needs a time-out!
Come on!
Flexy Power!
It's over!
- Good dog!
- Next time,
I promise to train with you
no matter what.
Cool. And I promise not to yawn
whenever you talk basketball.
As they say,
"Can't stand the heat,
get outta the kitchen!"
Liv? Mike? Andy? Come in!
Oh Comms are back online,
- but where are you?
- Right here, Ms Jones!
Oh, you succeeded!
I know what I did was wrong,
and I know I don't deserve to be
part of Ghost Force any more,
You're not getting away
that easily.
- Oh!
- Cool.
You think everything I built
worked the first time around?
It took me several glitchy
Freonic-Ghost-Blaster tests
before I got one right.
Same goes for this jalopy.
It's a prototype,
so it won't be perfect,
but it will evolve over time
and learn from mistakes,
just like all of you.
- So cool!
- (Gasps) Careful, Andy!
It's not quite ready.
GLOWBOO: Like I say,
always wear your seatbelt.
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