Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

The Administration

[both grunt]
Still in one piece.
That's a good thing.
Where did suits with the Core
[beeping in distance]
[suspenseful music]
[mysterious music]
Okay, you've traveled
way more than I have.
Where are we?
No idea. Better ask someone.
Hope this isn't the line
for the bathroom.
[Lloyd] Excuse me.
What is this place?
Yeah, I know the Administration
can be confusing.
You're in Block AA,
sub block 99T 53
stroke 34 dash 7 minus
the square root of 453.
Wait. "The Administration"?
What's the Administration?
It's only just the center of all
the bureaucracy in the world.
You know, permits, licenses,
permits to get licenses,
licenses to apply for permits.
We're obviously new here
and could use some help.
Would you mind
showing us around?
No way. Uh-uh.
Can't leave the line.
I've been here for way too long.
How long is "way too long"?
Just my entire adult life!
I took over from my dad,
who took over from his dad
before him.
Now I'm only a few thousand days
away from my turn!
When my grandfather
first got in this line,
he knew this moment
would someday come!
Wow, you must be in line
for something really important then.
I mean, knowledge
about the purpose of this line
was lost, like, a generation ago.
But whatever it's for,
it's gotta be important,
because we've devoted
our entire lives to it.
Are you kidding me?
Never seen you two before.
You have authorization to be here?
Present your permission forms.
We, uh, might not have
No forms, no permission.
And no permission is
[weapons powering up]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight! ♪
Be a ninja for what's right! ♪
[electricity crackles]
[Heatwave groans]
Why isn't Heatwave healing faster?
Are you sure the crystal goo
is still working, Kai?
Things like this take time.
No, they don't!
Heatwave has to get better,
and we have to get that Dragon
Core back to the other Ninja
and this is taking forever!
[grunts angrily]
Impatience makes everything
worse, Wyldfyre.
It clouds your judgment,
and you make bad decisions.
Trust me.
I know from experience.
But we can't just do nothing.
[somber music playing]
You wanted to learn some
of Master Wu's techniques?
Try this. Moving through forms.
It'll help you focus,
to be in the moment.
[dramatic music]
Standing in one place,
moving super slow?
I told you, I can't do nothing.
[Heatwave whines]
This isn't nothing. You'll see.
[Heatwave groans]
I can't do this!
I can't stop worrying about Heatwave.
He's never been hurt like this before.
When you're worried is exactly
when this is most helpful.
You are not your emotions.
Focus on your form,
let the emotions pass through you.
You pass through you!
You're patient, I'm not, remember?
Okay, no one has ever
called me "patient".
I'm the hot head, in more ways than one.
But when I lost my sister to the sea
Long story.
Master Wu had me practice my forms.
I was never as good as the others,
but Ninja never quit.
So I kept going until it worked
enough to calm me down.
And if it can work for me,
it can work for anyone.
Even you,
because you kind of
remind me of someone.
Who? Master Wu?
No! Me! You remind me of me!
So if you're ready,
let's try again.
[Wyldfyre sighs]
[uplifting music]
[weapons powering up]
So then the spirit guy told us
to go to the Weirdo Garden,
and the snail guy there let us have
the Dragon Energy Core,
-You're stalling.
Stalling is forbidden.
Unless you have
a notarized stalling permit.
Your permission forms. Now!
What is that?
They look like permission forms?
Uh, so you are authorized to be here.
-We are?
-According to these
[Agent Underwood]
Wait a minute.
Yep, definitely looks like you two.
[Agent Allen]
Your papers are in order.
Now we're gonna have to go file
"suspected some people
but it turned out fine" paperwork.
It'll take ages.
That was weird.
Who sent us those permission forms?
Beats me. But we need to find
where those other two agents
took the Dragon Core, fast.
[pensive music]
[Agent Underwood]
Hold it! Regulation 474 Alpha 1!
Permission forms
are supposed to have photos,
not drawings.
Those two tricked us!
They weren't authorized!
They gave us
fake forms!
We have to fill out
"tricked by fake forms" forms first.
No time. Just fill out
a "defaulting of paperwork
to a later date" form.
Excuse me? Has anyone seen
a glowing object about this big?
Don't everybody answer all at once.
We are not authorized
to discuss objects,
items, gadgets,
or any other such whatsits.
-Not without
-Permission forms?
[admin worker]
Stamped and notarized.
[suspenseful music]
Another message?
-Like "quack quack?"
No, like duck!
[Agent Allen] We need to find
those form fakers!
Who keeps sending these things?
Someone who knows
what they're doing, I hope.
"Turn right and go straight."
[tense music]
-"Quick, hide!"
What are you two doing?
We're gathering pencils. For sharpening.
Got any?
Indeed, we do!
[admin worker] Wow, there hasn't
been a good sharpening in years!
The directions say,
"right, right, left, right,
then another right
to Mail Cubical 45-67A."
-Got that?
-Sorry, didn't hear you.
Trying to find
a pencil sharpener.
Lemme know if you see one.
All agents, be on the lookout
for two suspects carrying
fraudulent permission forms.
[Agent Allen]
Repeat. Fraudulent forms.
[alarm blaring]
Everyone's on high alert.
No way the "unpermitted" can escape now!
[Arin and Lloyd gasp]
[suspenseful music]
Hm. It'll be impossible for them
to evade our constant vigilance!
Aw, man. That doesn't even look like me.
[suspenseful music]
Mail Cubicle 45-67A. This is it.
[music intensifies]
Excellent. You have arrived.
[both] Zane?
[door closes]
Thank you for taking the risk
of infiltrating
the Administration to rescue me.
Uh, Zane,
and not that we don't love you,
but we didn't even know
you were missing.
When we left to get
our Dragon Energy Core,
you were still at the Monastery.
Yeah, how'd you end up here?
I was continuing my work,
attempting to activate
the Teleportation Gate
of unknown origin
beneath the Monastery.
But I was getting nowhere.
However, my efforts did not go unnoticed.
[suspenseful music]
We've been alerted to too many failed
portal activation attempts
at this location,
violation of Code
six niner slash seventeen.
You'll be coming with us.
In retrospect, I should not
have gone with them.
Their manager detained me
here, in a Mail Room,
to work sorting parcels
while my violation is being processed.
I've never heard of this place,
but they act
like they have authority
over everything in the world.
It may be helpful for you to know
the Administration is a region
within the former Realm of Madness.
Okay, yeah, that does explain a lot.
So their forms and permits
don't actually affect anything?
The only thing they are effective at
is gross incompetence,
but they take their imagined importance
with a deadly level of seriousness.
They speak of a leader
called "the Administrator,"
but as far as I can tell,
no one has actually seen this person.
I must ask,
if you did not know I was here,
who did you think was sending
the messages
in the tube capsules?
I dunno. It was a mystery.
[Zane] It is unwise
to blindly follow mysterious messages.
So you drew that terrible picture of me?
It is actually
a very good likeness of you.
I do have a photographic memory.
Why are you carrying pencils?
They need to be sharpened?
[tube capsule whirring]
We followed two agents here
who took the Dragon Core we were after.
We have no idea what they've done with it.
I may be able to locate it.
[suspenseful music]
[keyboard clacking]
Oh, no.
The Core has been declared
an extremely dangerous Class B artifact
and is slated for immediate destruction.
-[both gasp]
-It is impossible
to reach the demolition level
in time to retrieve it,
unless we use the tubes.
Are they safe for people?
-[Zane] No.
-[Agent Allen] Freeze!
Under regulation 78-34B,
I hereby detain you for
I'm sorry, I couldn't find a sharpener!
[Agent Underwood
and Agent Allen yelp]
[Arin gasps]
They're headed
to the Department of Demolitions.
[Agent Underwood]
They could wreak havoc there.
I can't shut the tube down,
but I can split them up
and reroute some of them elsewhere.
-[screams, groans]
Arin? Zane?
[tense music]
The Dragon Core!
[tense music]
[machine whirring]
[suspenseful music]
There. We've ported them off
to wake up in the lands
formerly known as the Cursed Realm,
which is where they're originally from.
[reassignment agent] Probably.
Excuse me. What is this place?
Department of Reassignment.
We deal with Interstitial Space Bubbles.
"Space Bubbles?"
A form of stasis.
During the Merge,
some people were shuffled
into pockets of the nothing-space
between what used to be the realms.
And you find these people?
Not on purpose.
But when teleporting,
Administration Agents
sometimes bump into pockets
of these nothing-space Merge refugees.
It becomes our department's job
to send them back
where they originally came from.
How do you know where they came from?
Well. Best guesses. It's all fine.
Probably. We keep records.
[reassignment agent]
Off to Cloud Kingdom,
which is probably,
almost definitely, their home.
Okay, finishes up that bubble.
Wait. My Mom and dad,
they went missing in the Merge.
Did you find them
and assign them somewhere?
Young man, we've found
so many random people that
Hey, who are you, anyway?
Do you have authorization to be in here?
Oh, sure. I keep my
authorization over there,
and I'll go get it now.
[quirky music]
He's not coming back, is he?
Manager! We've got a situation!
[suspenseful music]
What is it, Sub-Agent Prentis?
Sir! A strange kid was in here,
asking questions.
[reassignment agent]
He just ran off.
Did he need realm reassignment?
Uh, no.
Then, does this sound
like our department's problem?
No, Agent Walker.
Then bothering me was
Was a waste of your time?
Correct! Now, excuse me,
I've got a videoga
uh, some paperwork to file.
[tense music]
[music intensifies]
That was close.
-[alarm blaring]
[agent over PA
] Highly dangerous Class B artifact
stolen on the Demolition Level!
We have him!
Move in and get that artifact!
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
Okay, I'll admit.
This isn't not working.
You're better?
Of course you are, I can tell.
Oh, you're all healed!
Then it's time to go!
Let's get this Core back
to the Monastery!
[core crackles]
Wait, this isn't right.
It's a fake?
Where did the real Core go?
[both] Dorama!
Surrender that Class B artifact,
or I will destroy you!
[tense music]
[engine revving]
[tires screeching]
-[Lloyd] Zane?
-[Zane] Lloyd!
I suggest a hasty exit!
[tires screech]
[Agent Denholt]
Get that artifact!
[tires screeching in distance]
[Zane] Please disperse!
[tense music]
[weapons powering up]
[Zane] Most advantageous!
[tires screech]
[Lloyd gasps]
[Lloyd grunts]
[Lloyd grunts]
-[machine whirring]
I was wondering where you went!
[tense music]
If we want to re-open the portal
that brought you here,
we will need a special punch card.
[tires screech]
Activate the energy defenses!
[tires screeching]
Zane, go get that punch card!
We'll run defense!
[tires screech]
[tense music]
What are you doing? Take cover!
There's a dangerous Class B artifact
in a thief's hands!
I need a level 3 Portal Access
punch card right now.
Well, good luck.
I can't give you a level 3
without forms A1022
through C1101 filled out,
in triplicate.
[tense music]
Get us closer to the grids!
[Lloyd grunts]
Closer to the laser grids?
[Arin] Yeah.
I wanna try something.
[tense music continues]
[loud thud]
How did you make that happen?
I thought this might be
a two-in-one Mech!
I'd heard about these
when I was a mech street racer,
but I've never actually seen one.
[upbeat music]
Forms completed.
[suspenseful music]
You will find
these are in order.
I have never seen
form skills like this before!
You're a form genius!
Thank you.
[tense music]
[engine revving]
-[tires screech]
Portal punch card acquired!
Lead the way!
[engine revs]
-[portal whirring]
The portal is open! Hurry!
[tires screeching]
[electricity crackling]
[tires screeching]
[powers down]
We'll have to explain all this.
So much paperwork.
[suspenseful music]
[engine revving]
-[tires screech]
I apologize.
I did not mean to ruin your work.
Just means I get to enjoy
doing it all over again.
[tense music]
Okay, that was a whole thing,
but we managed to get
our Dragon Core.
And I'm sure the others
got their Cores too.
-We didn't get our Core.
Dorama's probably brought it
to the Empress by now.
What about Nya and Sora?
They aren't back yet.
No idea
if they found theirs or not.
Rapton tried to get this one
and failed.
I have no idea what the Empress
would want all three for.
[Kai] Whatever it is,
it can't be good.
Her having even one of them
keeps us from stopping
the Merge Quakes
and saving the world.
The best course of action now
would be to safely leave
our Core here
and retrieve Kai and Wyldfyre's
Core from Imperium.
And hope Nya and Sora
are heading back here with theirs.
[suspenseful music]
Imperium. Can't say I missed it.
I hope getting in and out will
be easier than the last time.
[Kai groans]
I'm thinking it's not gonna be.
[intense suspenseful music]
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