Pact of Silence (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

Dolorosa victoria

[suspenseful music playing]
[Brenda] Adriano, look at me.
This isn't you. You're not a killer.
You think you can keep on
manipulating my son?
I've been involved in enough campaigns
during my career to know
that to win an election,
a campaign has to be flawless.
With no baggage,
like you, weighing it down.
Dead weight that could sink us.
Adriano, you told me you'd protect me
from anyone who's dangerous.
Will you protect me from your father?
You're in this position because of
your fucking thirst for revenge.
Whatever gave you the idea
that a lowlife like you
could take on powerful people such as us?
Dad, don't do this.
Be quiet, you idiot.
None of this would've happened
if you'd listened to me
in the first place.
She'd be dead and out of the picture now.
What kind of father
tells his son to kill someone?
A father who wants his son
to become president.
But that'll never happen if you're allowed
to tarnish Irene's reputation
and ruin our family.
Adriano, he's using you
so he can stay in power.
He doesn't love you. You don't matter.
- He's manipulating you.
- Shut up.
- [Brenda screams]
- Hands off her.
[suspenseful music continues]
What? Are you defending
this fucking bitch?
You're a moron.
Don't you realize that Brenda
cheated on you with this asshole?
Shoot him.
- Go on.
- [Brenda] You do it!
- Coward!
- [Brenda] You shoot us, asshole. Huh?
You want your son to do the dirty work.
Come on! Do it!
The only coward here is you.
- [Brenda] I dare you.
- No, don't, Dad!
[music swells, fades]
- Get up, Dad.
- [somber string music playing]
[softly] No.
[Adriano breathing shakily]
[crying] No. No.
No. No. Please, Dad. [sobs]
Please, Dad. No.
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
[reporter 1 on TV] Welcome back
as we continue our live broadcast
of the mayoral election
here in Mexico City.
The polls show
that Congresswoman Irene Bustamante
has a slight lead over her opponent,
Félix Ramírez.
- [Irene exhales]
- [reporter 2] Right.
- Have you seen Ricardo or Adriano?
- No, ma'am. I'll ask around.
[reporter 2] Bustamante
seems to have pulled into the lead.
Will this be her crowning moment?
We'll have to wait and see.
[quietly] Rafaela, nobody knows
where Adriano is. Or Ricardo.
[Rafaela] I know,
and they're not answering my calls.
Well, they're supposed to be available
in the press room for questions.
- [cell phone rings]
- Keep trying.
- They've gotta be on their way.
- Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
- Thanks.
- [call connects]
Hi. Have you heard from Brenda?
Did she show up?
[Irene] Adriano and Ricardo
were going to intercept her if she did,
but I don't know where they are.
[Fer] I guess they stopped her.
They weren't gonna hurt her, right?
- Of course not. What's wrong with you?
- [suspenseful music playing]
They're not mobsters.
Why would you say that?
Obviously I was talking
about the bodyguards.
Things could always escalate.
[Irene] You're paranoid.
I told them not to hurt her.
I'd never let them do anything like that.
[birds singing]
- [Alex] Hi, Sam.
- Hello.
- I know you're mad at Brenda, but, uh
- [Sam] I know who Brenda is.
But my mom doesn't think
she's the girl she abandoned.
[scoffs] Well, that's not really
why I'm here.
I went to the hospital to see Tomás,
but they said they released him.
I need to talk to him
and your father urgently.
[tense music playing]
Why is he here?
He needs to talk to you.
It's important.
Make sure Mom doesn't come in.
- Close the door, Sam.
- [Sam] Don't worry.
- I'll keep an eye on her.
- [door closes]
I know you're a friend of Brenda's.
I saw you a lot when I was following her.
What do you want?
I'm here to tell you that
you didn't murder Itzel.
- [music intensifies]
- What?
[Alex] The coroner said
she didn't die when you hit her.
She was killed by a drug Adriano gave her.
[shakily] I didn't do it.
[Alex] Brenda's about
to tell the press everything.
But Adriano might try to get rid of you.
- You witnessed what he did.
- What do you mean, "get rid of me"?
You're in danger, Tomás.
You've got to tell your family
everything that happened.
[dramatic string music playing]
[breathing shakily] Come on.
Come on, Dad.
Please, Dad.
Dad, please wake up.
Do it for me, Dad.
- [string music building]
- [Adriano sobbing]
What do you wanna do, sir?
[Adriano] No one can know what happened.
I don't want anything bad said
about my father.
[Jacinto] Understood, sir.
This stays between us.
We have to make it look like an accident.
Help me get him out.
[dramatic music intensifies]
[Brenda panting]
[Adriano grunts] Careful.
[music ends]
We almost did something really stupid, Ro.
It doesn't matter
that you and Fernanda separated
or that Fernanda told us she didn't mind.
She's my best friend.
There's a code between friends.
Plus, there's your kids.
You and I are friends.
Our friendship means so much.
Let's not ruin it.
We can't change
what happened 25 years ago.
Martina, why can't we just start over?
Even with Fer out of the picture
I'm so messed up.
[somber music playing]
I just had my heart broken.
And I could lie to you and to myself,
but the truth is,
I love Omar, even though he's a bastard.
I can't be with anyone right now.
I get it. I understand.
I'll give you space and lots of time.
But know this, Martina.
I will never give up.
I want to be with you.
- Ro.
- [cell phone rings]
Give me a second.
[Martina sighs]
Hello? What's up, son?
- Are you all right?
- [tense music playing]
[Brenda whispers] César.
- You've gotta leave before they get back.
- [César panting]
I'm not leaving you with that prick.
Adriano won't do anything to me,
but he'll kill you.
Please, César. You have to go.
[César grunts]
[Brenda] No. No, no, no, no.
[whispers] Wait. Please, listen to me.
Listen to me, will you?
That's gonna make a lot of noise.
So, please.
César, you're badly injured.
This is your only chance to escape.
You hear me, César?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I promise I'll come back for you.
- Okay.
- [César panting]
I love you.
[Brenda breathing shakily]
Get going. Hurry up. Go.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music intensifies]
[door opens]
[Adriano] Fucking shit.
The asshole escaped.
[Jacinto] It's okay. There's no way out.
Get the others. Hunt him down.
Adriano, what are you doing?
You know César had nothing to do
with what happened between us.
I did everything for you.
Look what just happened with my father.
And you're worried about an asshole
who doesn't give a shit about you.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Brenda panting]
[reporter] Breaking news.
At this hour, Irene Bustamante
is still leading in the polls.
She is poised to be
the next mayor of Mexico City.
[Irene] I'm worried.
I feel that something's happened.
It's been a long day.
Ricardo likely went home.
They're not at the house.
Maybe he just wasn't feeling well.
If it was something serious,
Adriano would've called you.
He certainly would've.
He would've called me.
Especially if he took him to a doctor.
[Rafaela] Or they didn't want
to detract from your big day.
They know the cameras
have been all over you.
Adriano forced you to attack Brenda?
He didn't force me.
At first, I agreed to because I thought
that Brenda was trying to blackmail Mom.
But Brenda is Sofía's daughter, not Mom's.
[tense music playing]
[Rodrigo] How could you have abandoned
a child?
Rodrigo, I know
I owe you many explanations.
But right now,
the most important thing is Tomás.
[exhales] Listen, Tomás.
What you did was really serious.
Once you've recovered, we'll discuss
what your consequences will be.
But your mom's right.
Now, we have to concentrate
on protecting you from Adriano.
[music intensifies, fades]
I shouldn't have lied to Brenda.
I shouldn't have said
that I was her mother.
Well, it wasn't all your fault.
Irene and Fer were on board
with the idea too.
But it was my idea.
I was so stressed out about lawsuits.
But I really underestimated her.
[Martina] And now she's gonna be
really pissed off.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- You know what's weird?
She hasn't made good on her threat.
She hasn't talked
about the gardener's death.
[door opens]
Leave us alone a second.
- Hi.
- [Rodrigo clicks tongue]
We came to speak to Adriano.
I don't know where he is.
He hasn't been around.
Why? Anything wrong?
[clicks tongue] Your son involved Tomás
in a plot against Brenda.
[tense music playing]
What the hell?
We're sorry to have
to give you this news today.
But it's the truth.
Adriano has harassed
and bullied Tomás and Brenda.
That's why Tomás ran away.
Oh no. Fernanda, I'm sorry.
Your son left home
because you had a huge fight with him.
He's an addict.
- No, Irene.
- [Irene] That's the truth.
He's lied to you a million times,
but you believe him now?
How can you even stand here
and tell me this nonsense about my son?
I understand it's hard
for you to hear this.
But I'm warning you, Irene,
if anything ever happens to our son,
we will hold Adriano directly responsible.
Is that clear?
I don't believe this.
Rodrigo, I don't think that's fair.
[Rafaela] The official results are in.
You won the election.
Irene, we need you out here.
[tense music fades]
Brenda, please call me back.
I've left so many messages.
You were supposed to come
to the campaign headquarters hours ago.
And neither you or César
have answered any of my calls.
[suspenseful music playing]
[crowd chanting] Irene! Irene!
I'll be very brief. I swear.
My friends, we've been through
some very difficult
but wonderful times together
during this election.
My opponents put up quite a fight,
pulling out every dirty political trick
in the book.
But you defended me every step of the way.
And you never gave up on me.
Through honesty
and transparency.
But above all,
without stooping to their level,
we have shown that democracy
does win elections in this country!
- So, it's time to party!
- [upbeat music playing]
Victory is ours!
[supporters chanting] Irene!
Irene! Irene! Irene!
[man] Whoo-hoo!
[tense music playing]
I've got nothing.
No sign of him anywhere.
[tense music fades]
- [birds singing]
- [lock clicks]
[Irene] There you are, at last.
Where have you been?
I didn't wanna cause a stir
looking for you.
Where's Ricardo?
- Uh
- [tense music playing]
Brenda showed up at headquarters,
and we went off
to speak alone for a minute, so
So, I thought he was with you.
[scoffs] Why were you
with Brenda last night?
Because I had to stop her.
After she accused you
of trying to murder her?
No, no, no.
That was all just a lie meant to hurt you.
She and I spoke at length,
and I finally convinced her
to leave the country.
I'll catch up with her in a few days.
You don't have to worry.
I'm not leaving now.
[tense music continues]
Rodrigo and Fernanda came looking
for you at headquarters last night.
They believe you pressured their Tomás
into helping you harm Brenda.
Don't believe anything a drug addict says.
I'm afraid I don't know who to believe.
- Listen Mom.
- Because I don't understand any of this.
When I met Brenda, I didn't know
she was the girl you'd abandoned.
I didn't know that story.
And anyway, I would never hurt her.
I've always loved her.
I don't wanna talk about it now.
I can't wait any longer.
I'm sending them out to find your father.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [car door closes]
- [engine starts]
Enrique is completely out of my life,
and I swear he won't go near Camila.
Let's just try to come to an agreement
so we don't have to go to court.
You know how much I love my daughter.
No, I don't.
You've lied to me over and over, Sofía.
I don't trust you.
[gentle music playing]
What is it?
That mountain of lies
started when we were in boarding school.
So, is there more I should know?
If there is, tell me,
or I swear to God, I won't
Irene, Martina, Fernanda,
and I, we did something.
There was a pregnancy. And then a baby.
A secret we've kept all these years.
And that baby is Brenda.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brenda] Where is César?
What did you do to him?
You should eat.
[Brenda] You know
you'll never get away with this.
I'm famous. The police
are probably out looking for me right now.
It's true
that I'm not as rich as Adriano is,
but I'll give you a lot of money
if you let me out of here.
I won't tell anyone you were involved.
No one.
You'd take the money
and never hear from me again.
Come on! Do it, asshole!
What did you do to César?
[suspenseful music continues]
I know a lot of influential people.
You're all going down for this.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
I need the bathroom.
I don't have the keys.
The boss took them.
[Brenda] Come on, please.
I really need to go,
and my wrist is hurting me a lot.
[bucket clatters]
Give me some privacy.
I was ordered
not to leave your side, ma'am,
even for a second.
[suspenseful music continues]
Sofía, we were supposed to be a family.
How could you hide that from me?
It wasn't just my secret.
Which one of you is Brenda's mother?
I swore I wouldn't tell anyone.
And I won't.
But I promise it's not me.
We didn't mean to abandon her.
We were told that she'd died.
Okay. Uh
I get that you stopped looking for her
'cause you thought that she was dead,
but why would you think I'd leave you
because of a mistake
you made when you were a teenager?
Why didn't you trust me, Sofía?
[exhales] Because it wasn't up to me.
It was up to Brenda's mother to tell.
And she's never wanted to.
[doorbell rings]
You gonna get it?
What did you do to Brenda?
- [Sofía] I haven't seen her, Alex.
- Don't play dumb.
Brenda was supposed to go
to Irene's campaign headquarters yesterday
to tell the media the truth.
Now she's missing,
and she's not answering her phone.
- Did you do something to her?
- [Sofía] No. Of course not.
Alex, look at me.
You and I have met on several occasions.
What makes you think I could hurt Brenda?
Maybe not you. But Irene and Adriano?
She might be at their house.
But the guy's so crazy,
he'd probably shoot me if I show up.
[scoffs] I don't know
if you're pretending, Sofía.
But Adriano has tried to kill Brenda
more than once.
And now we know he killed Itzel,
who was one of our best friends.
[dramatic music playing]
Yeah. Brenda's manager's at my house.
He hasn't heard from her since yesterday.
- Does he think she's in danger?
- [Sofía] Yes, he does.
He thinks Irene and Adriano
have done something to her.
But we both know
Irene would never hurt her.
[Fer] But Adriano would.
Sofía, Alex is right
to think she could be in danger.
Adriano forced Tomás to attack her.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Adriano panting]
[cell phone rings]
Hey, sir.
I've been following that manager.
He's visiting someone.
Send me the location.
It's Sofía's.
She's a friend of my mother's.
- [bodyguard] Want me to do something?
- No, don't do anything.
Just keep an eye on Alex.
If he goes to the police, stop him.
I don't give a shit how.
The police can't do anything yet.
- Brenda hasn't been missing for 48 hours.
- [Alex] Yeah, I know.
But if Adriano's kidnapped her,
we can't wait that long.
So I'm gonna report him.
I have all the proof I need.
- I'll come with you.
- Sofía.
It's the least I can do for Brenda.
What's happened is partly my fault.
[Manuel] No, wait. I'll go with him.
- [Sofía] Manuel, it's my responsibility.
- [Manuel] Look, Sofía.
You want Camila to stay with you?
Now's your chance.
Go and get her, and I'll go
with Alex to the police station.
Come on.
I don't know
how much longer I can put off the press.
Irene, if you stay silent,
they'll push harder.
They wanna know why Ricardo
and Adriano weren't there last night.
Can you find out who, if anyone,
flew out of the country in the last day?
- You think Ricardo went somewhere?
- No, not Ricardo.
I'm talking about Brenda Rey.
Someone told me she left Mexico,
and I need to know if that's true or not.
[suspenseful music playing]
I've got all the evidence they need
to nail Adriano for Itzel's death.
[bodyguard] Sir,
they're at the police station.
- [Adriano] Kill them.
- [bodyguard] Copy that.
[music swells]
- [gunfire]
- [Manuel] Get down.
[gunfire continues]
- Let's go.
- [Manuel] You okay?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
- Yeah. You?
- Yeah.
Okay, thanks. I'll call you later.
Brenda Rey has not left the country,
at least not by plane.
You sure about that?
It was confirmed
by my contact at the airport.
- I can't believe this.
- [Rafaela] Ma'am, where are you going?
- [Irene] Lupita.
- Yes, ma'am?
- [Irene] Where's my son?
- No idea. He went out.
- He went out?
- [Lupita] Yes, ma'am.
- [cell phone rings]
- With all this going on?
Leave me alone.
- But, ma'am, you need
- Not now. I wanna be alone.
[tense music playing]
Ismael? Did you get that information?
[Ismael] Yes, ma'am.
I'm sending you everything
I found on Carmen Pérez.
Carmen Pérez registered a girl
under the name Brenda Pérez.
The girl was ten years old
when Carmen died.
The day she was being taken
to a foster home,
Brenda escaped from the social worker.
There's no official information on her
after that until she turned 15 years old,
when she was sent to a juvenile center,
where she remained until she turned 18.
[dramatic music building]
[music fades]
So those guards are here to make sure
Adriano doesn't get near Tomás?
- [Fer] Mm-hmm.
- So crazy.
Yes. He's getting the protection
I should have given to Brenda.
But I didn't believe her.
You know how I've always lived in denial.
- [Martina] Yeah, well
- [Rodrigo] Martina.
- Well, I better go.
- Why are you leaving?
I just came to make sure
you and the kids were okay.
[Fer] No, no. Don't go.
Why don't you stay a while?
What's the hurry?
What happened?
[Rodrigo exhales]
After all we've been through,
I don't want any more secrets between us.
Please, Rodrigo.
Okay, Fer. I wanted to tell you.
I'd been waiting for
this whole bloody mess to be done with.
But now, I think it's time you know.
Know what?
Listen, Fernanda, I want you to know
that no one ever betrayed you.
But after you and I split up
and it was clear
that our relationship was over.
I realized that I've always had feelings
for Martina.
[Martina] Honestly, I think Rodrigo's
just trying to figure his life out.
But, Fer, I want you to know
that there is nothing going on between us.
Fer, Martina rejected me.
[gentle music playing]
But it's it's important
that you know what happened.
I don't wanna know what happened.
Because the truth is that I betrayed you.
No. I don't believe that, Fer. [sighs]
I mean, your relationship started
a long time after ours.
- We were just kids.
- [Fer] No.
Our thing started
the night of the fair, Martina.
You two were still together.
You had a fight, and I hooked up with him.
- [gentle music continues]
- [sighs]
Well [sighs]
We were young.
It was all such a very long time ago.
And so many things have happened.
It doesn't matter.
[Fer] Yes. It does.
It matters because he was confused.
He didn't want to, but I insisted.
And because of that, I somehow changed
what happened between you two.
He was in love with you.
And I betrayed my best friend.
I also betrayed you
by not telling you about Lucía.
Yeah, well, Lucía was part
of the pact we all made together.
[Fer] Yes, but I avoided thinking
about it. I pushed it out of my head.
I was being very selfish.
I was just thinking about Rodrigo
and my future.
Fer. It's okay. You were young.
You didn't know what you were doing.
[Fer] No, you're not
you're not getting it.
This is all because I've managed to live
in denial all my life.
I've self-medicated,
and I've evaded everything,
and I've never had to take responsibility
for my problems.
[gentle music continues playing]
And Rodrigo, you have been the only man
in my life.
[Rodrigo exhales]
[Fer] But I know you've always been
in love with Martina.
That's something I can't deny anymore.
- [music intensifies]
- [cell phone chimes]
It's Irene.
[cell phone chimes]
[Rodrigo] What is it? Did Brenda show up?
[Fer] Confirmed. Brenda's Lucía.
[suspenseful music playing]
[cell phone chimes]
Manuel, where are you?
[Manuel] Sofía, don't freak out
over what I'm about to tell you.
We're both fine, but,
uh a guy pulled up in a car
and started shooting
at us outside the police station.
What? Are you okay?
Adriano Carvajal
has already murdered someone.
And there's evidence that
he's trying to kill my friend Brenda.
Sorry. This is urgent.
Yeah. Alex is filing a complaint
against Adriano right now.
That's why I'm calling you.
He's very dangerous,
and he's completely out of control.
I need you to file
for an arrest warrant right now. Please.
So, be careful if you see Adriano,
and stay away from Irene and her family.
[dramatic music playing]
Where are the other guards?
[bodyguard] They're busy.
But everything's fine.
Please ma'am. Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it?
- My husband is missing, sir.
- [tense music playing]
Adriano's gone,
and you don't know where the hell he is.
Or you're just not saying?
Just so we're clear,
you and your team work for the mayor,
and I am the mayor of this town!
Not my son!
You know where every family car is
at all times.
So, you will look me in the eye
and tell me now.
- Where in hell is my son? Where is he?
- [music intensifies, fades]
What happened to César?
Did you ever find him?
He was wounded, sir.
He probably died wherever he was hiding.
[Adriano] Leave us.
[tense music playing]
[Adriano] I don't like keeping you here.
Let's end this. Okay?
Let's get out of here.
All along, you've been doing this
for your father.
When did it all start?
How could you have let it get this far?
If you want me to go with you,
I need to understand you.
I need to know who you really are.
[Adriano sighs]
You must think I'm some kind of psychopath
who kills without remorse.
But I swear to you, I'm not.
I'd never done this before,
but the circumstances left me no choice.
The first person I killed was Ramona.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Adriano] When you showed up,
Ramona made threats to my dad.
He asked me to talk to her.
Hello, Ramona.
But she didn't wanna talk.
She thought it was a trap.
When you drove up to the school,
she tried to scream and run away.
- [groans]
- [Adriano] I had to do it.
I had to keep her quiet.
I knew you were right behind me.
I'd seen you.
[dramatic music playing]
[Adriano] I just had enough time
to make it look like it was a suicide.
[music intensifies]
[fixture strains]
[Adriano] I'd never killed anyone before.
But that's what I was taught.
To do whatever it takes
to protect my family.
But why kill Itzel?
She would never have hurt your family.
[Adriano] Your friend found things out
that could've changed
the outcome of the election.
What the fuck happened, you asshole? Huh?
I was just getting home, and, uh
[Adriano] Tomás told me
he had argued with her.
They'd fought, and he'd killed her.
It was an accident.
What do you mean you killed her?
What the hell do you mean?
[somber music playing]
[Adriano] I was going
to get rid of the body.
Listen to me, asshole.
No one can know this happened.
[Adriano] The plan was to make it look
like an overdose.
But Tomás was wrong
because your friend was still breathing.
[Brenda exhales]
[somber music continues]
[Adriano] She still had a pulse.
I called my father
and explained what had happened.
She's breathing right now.
And he told me what to do.
I'm not gonna kill her.
No. Please don't ask me to do that.
I said no. I swear.
But she opened her eyes and saw me.
So, I had to do it.
[Itzel moans]
- [music intensifies]
- [Itzel moans]
[Brenda sobs] You had a choice.
You could've let her live.
You could've stood up to your father.
It doesn't matter
if he brainwashed you or not.
She didn't deserve to die. Not like that.
I regret it. I swear I do.
Please, Brenda. Please forgive me.
You have to help me out of this mess.
- Don't touch me. Don't touch me.
- [Adriano] Please.
You're the only one
who can save me. Please.
No. Adriano.
[dramatic music playing]
[Brenda] Adriano. Let me go.
[César] Let her go, you son of a bitch!
[music intensifies]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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