Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e17 Episode Script

Blast to Your Dream. The Adventure of Marimo the Flying Bullet

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
Yummy toasted rice!
The best tumblers in Japan!
A strange contraption, it's
the biggest thing from the West!
Big brother, hurry up!
Over here!
There is no need to
hurry, that there is not.
The snake! Look!
Rice skewers! Mermaid!
Yahiko, all you're going for is the food!
You are all enthusiastic, that you are
Yahiko, all you're going for is the food!
You're doing it too!
But really
You're doing it too!
But really
But really
What's wrong with that?
Both of you, stop arguing!
This sure is a crowd, that it is
Of course!
The Sumida River
neighborhood is now a landmark!
What is the matter with you two?
Oh, look there!
Haunted House
This looks good!
Let's go inside this place!
It has to be some
little trick to fool kids!
But you're a kid too!
let's go in! Let's go in!
Lightning Beast
T-The wing moved
So a lightning monster does exist
It is a rokuro-kubi monster.
A fox-woman!
A raccoon-man!
A tengu!
They seem to be having fun
I think they're just scared.
I see
So that's how it worked
Over here, they put
fake wings on a boar
and were pulling it with a string.
They sure are tricks to fool kids.
That's how it's usually done.
Well, it seems
perfect for Kaoru and the girls.
It seems that way, that it does.
The tengu got beaten up
I feel sorry for him.
It's because
I feel sorry for him.
It's because
he scared helpless little girls
I'm gonna
quit this business now
Blast to Your Dream
The Adventure of Marimo the Flying Bullet
Ebisu cannon circus
Wow, what's this?
So many people
Let's take a look!
Maybe it's worth watching!
The Ebisu Cannon Circus, is it?
Shit, there are
virtually no customers here!
It's been like this ever since
that circus appeared across the way.
Dammit, that cannon girl!
She took all our
customers out from under our feet!
Now, now!
Thank you very much for coming
today to our Ebisu Cannon Circus!
Now, witness this!
Thanks for waiting.
I will now show you
the human cannonball.
When this girl, Marimo, goes
through the target, please applaud!
She's cute!
That girl looks like she's Yahiko's age!
It seems that way, that it does.
I wonder if she'll be all right
The key is the mixing of
the gunpowder, that it is.
It is dangerous if there is too much,
but it's no good if there's too little
And now, here we go.
That's great, Meiji cannon girl!
It doesn't go well unless the father
and daughter synchronize perfectly.
That is true, that it is.
Amazing, amazing!
She flew, she flew!
Hey, hey!
Outta the way!
Go home!
Go home, dammit!
Those guys
Kenshin, why are you stopping him?
Just see what
happens, that you should.
Mr. Sumidaya, what
do you mean by this?
Well, I was worried whether or
not your business was doing well.
Although you went independent,
you used to work for us, you know.
You don't have to
worry about that at all.
I became independent
through a perfectly legal contract.
Yes, but I don't want you to forget
You still owe us the money that you
borrowed when you went independent.
I will return the money.
Half of it before the end of
the day, and the rest tomorrow!
I see, I see.
Then it is all right.
The promise was that you'd return
the money before tomorrow night.
I'm sure you know,
but if you can't pay up
you will return to our
Circus without complaints.
Let's go back!
What are you doing?
I'll be waiting for you to
come with the money tonight.
You have be careful of
lit tobacco, you know.
Yeah, terribly sorry about that!
You have to be careful
What a bunch of ruthless guys!
Yahiko, it's not too
late, go beat them up now!
Go, Yahiko!
He's not here?
He's over there!
When in the world did
U-Uh I'm Yahiko Myojin!
You sure are a girl with a lot of
courage, to fly from that cannon!
I'm impressed!
I'm Marimo
Thanks for helping, Little Yahiko!
Stop it with the "little" thing!
So then what
You fell for that girl, right?
It's nothing like that!
Um, I'm just
You don't have to hide it!
Along with little
Tsubame from Akabeko
you sure fall for girls easily!
Where are you going, Yahiko?
On a walk.
Well, it might be good for you to
feel the night breeze and cool off!
That was such a weak excuse.
Then, just as I thought
He is worried about that girl, that he is.
It is Yahiko's masculinity at work.
Watch out!
Hey, wait, that money
You did this to my dad
Well, I don't know about that
Let go of me!
My dad
You can't perform tomorrow anyway.
You have to come back to Sumidaya!
Let go of her!
Oh, Little Yahiko!
You don't need to say "little"!
Y-You little
Kamiya Kasshin
Style, first apprentice
Yahiko Myojin!
You little
L-I'll get you back for this!
Hey, wait!
Dad is
Hey, wait!
Dad is
Dad is under all of this!
He won't be able to move for a while.
B-But doctor, I have
to get the money back
It's no use, Dad!
Sumidaya will pretend
not to know anything!
I'll file a report with the police
later, so you stay put, Dad
If the money is gone, I have to
hold a performance tomorrow
because if we don't have it
Y-You're right
You don't have to return it!
They were the ones
responsible for toppling the lumber!
W-We have no evidence
They'll say it was an accident.
Sumidaya is
someone who does such things.
We went independent because Mr.
Sumidaya kept doing horrible things
Why do you let such a
guy keep running around?
F-First things first
the performance
I told you that it's impossible!
Dad, I'll do it by myself.
Teach me how to
make the gunpowder
It's impossible for an ordinary person!
It's all right!
I can do it!
It's too dangerous!
If you make a mistake
mixing, you could blow your feet off!
I can't let you face
such a dangerous situation!
I'll help too, so
It's all right.
All we have to do is
go back to Sumidaya.
Is mixing gunpowder
similar to mixing medicine?
If you can teach me, maybe I can do it.
I smell blood
You like it?
It's better than the smell of apples
I especially love blood
from someone I've slashed
How about you?
I have no interest in blood
But, looking at your thin little neck
I just want to crush
it with a good squeeze!
All right, you can if you'll be my target.
There really are no
customers coming here!
But that will end today.
The father is hurt, so I'm sure
they can't have a performance today!
That means
"Please forgive me, Mr.
Sumidaya, I was in the wrong."
I'm sure that's how they
will come crying back to us.
I'm not sure about that
I can't rest assured yet!
But that girl can't
shoot the cannon by herself!
Such a spirited girl would
be one to do it all by herself.
We should be extra cautious.
You don't have to beat around the
bush like that, and let us handle it
If I let you handle it, the dear cannon
girl wouldn't be much use afterwards!
Now, come one, come all!
It's not something you
can see just anywhere!
It's a human cannonball, where a
cute little girl goes flying with a boom!
Just as I thought.
But this is it!
You sure are working hard.
Just watch!
We'll pull this off perfectly!
By the way
Where is this girl?
What did you come here for?
Of course I came here to
watch the cannon girl.
Maybe it's not that
We're here to see
little Marimo, that we are.
It's the same thing
So you're here to
make fun of me after all.
Do I look like a guy who would do that?
You do!
Something's wrong!
We have a problem, Yahiko!
What's wrong, Marimo?
The gunpowder
The gunpowder is missing!
Someone stole it!
What should we do?
What now?
We already have a
bunch of customers inside
A fireworks place
This neighborhood has
many places that make fireworks.
You can try many places, and borrow
gunpowder from each, that you can.
That's it!
I'll go with you!
You don't know what
kind of gunpowder, Yahiko!
Will they make it in time?
If it takes too long,
the crowd will get rowdy.
Until then, we'll hold the audience!
We have to do it!
L-It is a little embarrassing
Why me?
Come on!
Hurry up and start already!
We paid money to see this!
Thank you for waiting.
She's going all out!
She's perfectly in character, that she is.
Thank you very much for coming
here to the Ebisu Cannon Circus today!
Now, before the human cannonball,
we will have a special presentation!
I wonder if they'll be all right
They'll be all right!
Ken is with them!
Y-You're right
Gunpowder Formula
First, umbrella-spinning
and ball-riding featuring
Sometarou and Somenosuke Himura!
Sometarou and Somenosuke Himura!
Alright now, here we go!
L-I'm really going to do this?
When there's a will, there's a way!
Here, do your best!
It's like a boat
that I'm halfway on
I will stand, that I will
Ken, hold on!
Do your best, Big Brother!
All right, here we go, Kenshin!
This is great, Kenshin!
They're all laughing!
I am Somenosuke, that I am.
Way to go, Somenosuke!
Do some more!
Mr. Somenosuke, you're awesome!
Thank you!
We have to hurry!
Miss Kaoru, the preparation of
the target has been completed!
Hey, wait!
Why am I doing this?
Don't ask me
They are Miss Kaoru's instructions
What if she hits me?
That's why she's using you, correct?
You bastard!
Missie, are you confident about this?
Don't run away, Kenshin!
There's blood
Catch him!
A-All right, I will!
S-Sano, wait
You think I'll wait?
Don't say that, we only
need a moment from you
No way!
Isn't it time for the
human cannonball yet?
Yeah, yeah!
Hurry up and start!
Yahiko, hurry
Outta the way!
It's dangerous if you don't
pay attention when you run.
How about you give us
that bag you got there?
You again!
Stop muttering and give that to us!
Let's go, Yahiko.
After them, don't let
them have the gunpowder!
drink, drink
if you drink
Enough already!
This is boring!
watch out for fires
watch out for fires
Stop it, stop that stupid song!
Where's the human cannonball?
If you're not gonna do it,
give us our money back!
Yeah, yeah!
Hurry up and start!
We came here to
watch the human cannonball!
Guess this is it
I was pretty confident
about the kurodabushi song
Those guys
I'm leaving the rest to you!
Leave it to us, that you should!
This is getting more fun!
It would have been better
if you surrendered to us
If you're going to be this
persistent, I don't care anymore!
I'll make sure you
can't perform ever again!
Show them what happens
when you defy me, Soubei Sumidaya!
He sure is up to no good.
I guess I have no choice!
I'm leaving it up to you, Sano!
Hey now!
I can slay a man for
the first time in a while
I'll skewer him!
Let me break his bones
Your skills are not meant for
fighting with others, that they are not
Don't take these three too lightly.
You know that Imperialist corpse that
was floating down the Sumida River?
The guys responsible for that
Keep quiet!
I see what's going on, that I do
This is supposed to be a show!
Use this!
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Now, we'll show you the
secrets of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style
presented by Somenosuke Himura!
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Dance of the Umbrella!
I will use the secret
technique, that I will!
Such a thing exists?
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Umbrella Spin!
That was close
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Ball Throw!
Go, go!
You're doing great!
Oh, the cannon!
Why did he just
charge straight forward?
Is he a boar or something?
You idiot!
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Boar Evasion.
Sano, get a hold of him!
Yahiko, the rope!
It's finally my turn.
You're not going to draw your sword?
An umbrella is enough, that it is.
Enough of that!
Hurry up and get him!
So he says!
Come on!
All right!
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Umbrella Drop!
He's not human!
I won't let you escape!
The stars are
twinkling, twinkling brightly
He's getting away!
I won't let that happen!
Here we go!
All ready!
We did it!
All right, cannon girl!
Yeah, Sometarou, you're so powerful!
Somenosuke, you're so cute!
This is kinda amazing!
It makes me blush, that it does
My popularity is something else!
Really, this is amazing!
Soubei Sumidaya!
This man here has
testified to all of your crimes!
Don't move!
This makes for a
happy ending, that it does.
Hey, the crowd is
really happy about this
Do you want to
continue performing with us?
Sure, Kenshin and Sanosuke are bored,
and I'm good at throwing daggers.
Don't run, you two!
Sano, you stay back
there, that you should!
What are you saying?
It'll all be settled if you stay back there!
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
That is a little risky
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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