Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

Stuck in the Muck/Junkyard Sleepover

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[Kai chuckles, panting]
Come on.
We gotta hurry so we can get
on our way to Starlight Beacon.
Wow. Kai's really excited to get
to that space station, huh?
-[RJ chirping]
-Of course I am!
Starlight Beacon's
the most amazing space station ever.
We absolutely cannot be late for the tour.
I wanna see everything.
Now, there's gotta be a Tenoo tree sapling
around here somewhere.
Master Zia asked us to bring one
to Starlight Beacon as a gift.
[gasps, speaking Poobian]
-[Lys, Nash] Ooh.
Come on, Nubs. Let's get it in
the pot so we can get going.
[speaking Poobian]
[Nash] Yes, Kai.
I've checked the navicomputer three times.
[Kai sighs]
We're still on track to get to Starlight
Beacon way before the tour starts.
We have plenty of time.
Are you sure? I can't miss it.
-[console beeping]
-A distress call.
[hologram] Help! We need help.
Our ship Hurry!
Someone needs help!
Nash, can you track the signal?
-It's coming from planet Galjaero.
[speaking Poobian]
But-But Starlight Beacon! Th-The tour!
[sighs] I don't wanna be late.
Kai, Jedi always help.
We really should go check it out.
Besides, we're gonna get
to the station early, remember?
We got plenty of time for a quick stop.
[sighs] Okay.
The distress call is coming from
right below us.
There they are.
But they're not waving for help.
Are they trying to break into that ship?
-[RJ chirps]
Those people look like pirates!
[speaking Poobian, growls]
Right. You Jedi go check it out.
RJ and I will stay and watch the ship
in case there's more of them.
Let's see what's going on here.
All right, sleemo.
Boss said he wanted
all of these off the ship.
Every last one. Let's go.
First, they broke into the ship,
and now they're stealing those crates!
-[gasps] They are pirates!
[speaking Poobian]
And I bet the people who sent
the distress call are inside the ship.
We gotta get the crates back,
chase off the pirates,
and help get that ship out of the mud.
Then we can go to Starlight Beacon.
-Come on!
-[Lys] Hmm.
[both grunt]
Hey, pirates!
Kid Jedi?
I don't think these belong to you.
You listen here.
All this is ours.
You expect us to believe pirates? Ha!
You need to leave. Now.
Like I said, this is ours.
If you want us to leave,
you're gonna have to make us.
If you say so.
[all grunt]
-[pirates, younglings shouting]
-[RJ chirping]
I heard something too, RJ.
-[RJ whistles]
-[Nash] What's going on down there?
[shouting continues]
Easy there, buddy.
We shouldn't rush in without a plan.
-[RJ whimpers]
-[Nash] Hmm.
-Oy there, little lady.
-[RJ beeps]
Oh, hi.
-[both] Huh? I know you.
-[RJ beeps]
I haven't seen you or your pirate buddies
since the Jellyfruit Festival.
[chuckles] What are you doing here?
Our ship got stuck in the mud.
We sent out a distress call.
You mean the distress call we answered?
Well, we're here to help.
[pirates, younglings shouting]
-[Nubs shrieks]
-[Kai screams]
Well, your friends don't look like
they're helping much.
Oh. [sighs] Come on.
We gotta stop 'em.
[pirates, younglings grunting, shouting]
-Oy! Stop!
-Everybody stop!
[grunting, shouting continues]
-[Nash] Stop!
-[Kai] Hmm?
[Nubs grunts, speaking Poobian]
[pirate grunts]
Yeah, buddy, I know they're pirates,
but they're also the ones
who sent the distress call!
Huh? Wait.
This is your ship? Your crates?
That's what I was trying to tell ya!
When we saw you from up there,
we thought you were stealing all this.
We are so sorry.
Oh, that's all right.
Mates, we can trust this lot.
-They shared their jellyfruit with me
-[Kai shouts]
during the Jellyfruit Festival
on planet Tenoo.
[Nubs coos]
-Oh, right, jellyfruit!
-[pirate] Ah.
The Jellyfruit Festival?
Turns out, that day was a big deal for us.
Your kindness helped us realize
we didn't want to be pirates anymore.
Uh, what Chigg here means is
we no longer wanna steal stuff.
Instead, we buy and sell rare fruits
from all over the Outer Rim.
Like these beauties.
They only grow on this planet.
-[Nubs, Lys gasp]
We were unloading everything
to try and make the ship lighter,
so we could get outta the mud.
-You don't need to unload everything.
-[Nubs coos]
I bet with all of us together,
we can lift the ship out of the mud fast.
You could use your tools,
and we could use the Force.
That might just work.
Okay. Let's do it!
You sure
we shouldn't unload everything first?
It would be a lot lighter.
[speaking Poobian]
But it would take forever.
We'll be fine.
I don't wanna miss our tour
at Starlight Beacon.
Ready when you are, Jedi.
On the count of three.
One, two, three!
-Uh, hold on!
[all grunting]
-[all straining]
-[Force rumbling]
This is harder than I thought.
[Chigg] Push!
[all straining]
We're doing it!
-[Nash straining]
-[RJ beeping]
Oh, no. We pushed it too hard!
-[all gasp]
-It's slipping!
We've got to stop it
from going over the edge.
It's too heavy, Kai!
[straining] No. We can do it!
[all groaning]
Our ship.
Well, look on the bright side.
It can't get any worse.
-[creature roars]
-[Nash gasps]
What do ya know [chuckles] it got worse.
What do we do now?
-[creature roars]
-[Kai groans]
This is all my fault.
I was in such a rush
to get to Starlight Beacon
that I made things worse.
We all make mistakes, Kai.
What matters is that we don't give up.
[breathes deeply]
You're right.
We're not leaving here until we fix this.
-Starlight Beacon can wait.
-You sure?
We'll definitely miss the tour.
It's just like you said, Lys.
Jedi always help someone in need.
No matter what.
Now, let's make a plan.
How are we gonna get the ship back?
-[creature roars]
-[Lys] Hmm.
First, we have to distract
the creature so it lets go of the ship.
[speaking Poobian]
Right. We'll also need something strong
to pull the ship out of the mud.
[scoffs] Sure glad we didn't land
the Firehawk in that mud.
-[creature roars]
-[gasps] Of course!
The Firehawk!
We could use the tow cable
-[both] to pull the ship free!
-[Nubs exclaims]
Well, that sounds great.
But who's gonna attach
the tow cable to our ship?
-[creature roars]
-Hmm. I've got an idea.
You distract the creature
while Chigg and I get the tow cable
attached to the ship.
That way we can tow it to safety.
-Got it?
-[all] Yeah!
Let's go!
[Kai, Nubs exclaim]
[pirates laughing, exclaiming]
[creature roars]
-[Nubs shrieking]
[roaring continues]
You don't wanna eat that nasty ship!
Try this instead.
Mmm. Mmm.
[speaking Poobian]
[all] Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
Here! Have some more!
[Nubs, Lys grunt]
[Nubs panting]
[creature roaring]
[Lys] Go get it!
Okay, Kai, your turn.
[Chigg, Kai grunt]
Tow cable ready.
Now, Nash!
-One unstuck ship coming up.
-[controls beep]
Yes! It's working!
-[all cheering]
-All right!
Huh? [chuckles]
[Chigg] Thanks for your help, kids.
Say, what were you doing
in this part of the galaxy anyway?
We're headed to Starlight Beacon.
Oy! I'd love to visit
Starlight Beacon someday.
I've heard so much about it.
Well, what about today?
Wanna come with us?
[chuckling] Oh, you bet I do.
You hear that, sleemos?
We're going to Starlight Beacon!
[both] Yeah!
-Starlight Beacon?
-[chuckling] Yay!
-[all gasp, exclaim]
[Kai] Starlight Beacon.
-[Nubs coos]
-[droid chirps]
-[all exclaim]
[Lys] Look at this place.
-[pirate chuckles]
-[Chigg] Whoa.
-[Kai, Lys] Wow.
-[Nubs exclaims]
Ah, the younglings from Tenoo.
And guests?
-[Chigg chuckles]
-Huh. This is unexpected.
We had started to think you got lost.
I am Master Maru.
It's an honor to meet you, Master Maru.
Sorry we missed the tour.
We stopped to answer a distress call.
-That was us.
-[Nubs coos, chuckles]
[chuckles] Um, hi.
Helping those in need, eh?
You three are promising young Jedi.
-And what is this?
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] It's a Tenoo tree sapling.
Ah. It's beautiful.
Thank you.
The Jedi Order and the Republic
built this station
to help and connect people
throughout the Outer Rim.
-You've done exactly that today.
-[Lys chuckles]
How about a tour?
-[Nubs gasps]
-A tour just for us?
That would be amazing!
Thank you, Master Maru.
Your friends can join us too.
Right this way.
-[all cheering, laughing]
-[RJ chirping]
[creature howling]
[bird cawing]
-[creature chittering]
[whimpers, gasps]
What was that?
Who's out there?
-[JG-1 chatters]
-[Marlaa whimpers]
-It wasn't you, was it?
-Then what was it?
-[JG-1 chatters]
-Who's out there?
Sh-Sh-Show yourself!
D-D-D-Don't worry, JG.
I-I-I'll protect us.
-[JG-1 groans]
-Oh. [chuckles]
It was just one of my sculptures.
-Is Is that
It can't be.
[screaming] It's coming!
-[JG-1 groaning]
Thanks for helping me bring these
old engine parts to Marlaa's junkyard.
No problem, Nash.
Speaking of Marlaa, where is she?
-[all exclaim]
-Oh. Oh. Whew.
-[JG-1 chatters]
I'm sorry, kids.
I thought you were something else.
[JG-1 chatters]
Are you okay, Marlaa?
it looks like you haven't slept in days.
That's because I haven't.
There's something strange in the junkyard.
It's making noises and keeping us up.
[speaking Poobian]
It's true!
And every morning, I see stuff
in my junkyard's been moved around.
I think it's a gloomling.
[speaking Poobian]
What's a gloomling?
Well, no one's actually seen one before,
but there are stories here on Tenoo
about mysterious beings
who haunt your home until you leave.
And then they take it over.
[gasps, exclaims]
I've heard those tales too,
but I thought they were just
bedtime stories people tell for fun.
Gloomlings aren't real.
Well, something's messing with me.
And it sure seems like a gloomling
trying to take over my home.
But you're not gonna move away, are you?
If the gloomling doesn't stop it soon,
I'll have to move.
[JG-1 chatters]
This is your home, Marlaa.
And we're not gonna let
anything take it over.
-There has to be some kind of explanation.
Well, we're gonna catch whatever it is
so it'll stop bothering you.
Oh, you kids are too good to me!
Hang in there, Marlaa.
Tonight, we're catching that gloomling!
[Lys] I'm glad Master Zia said
we could stay all night to help you.
What else do you know about gloomlings?
Well, I've heard they're small
with glowing eyes that see in the dark.
And they don't like bright lights,
which is why they only come out at night.
-[Nubs whimpers]
-Oh, uh
I've heard they like
to play tricks on you.
Moving things around
when you aren't looking.
[all gasp]
Do you really think gloomlings are real?
Oh, the galaxy is filled with
all sorts of strange things.
Beasts of legend,
spell-casting witches, even ghosts.
-[creature chittering]
-What is that?
-[JG-1 chatters]
[speaking Poobian]
Yes, that might be the gloomling.
-But where did the noise come from?
-Right there!
-Over that way!
Um, let's split up and look for it.
Marlaa, JG and I will go this way.
You three, go that way.
[JG-1 chatters]
[Kai] No gloomling in here.
-[lid slams]
-Uh, did one of you just close that?
You said gloomlings like
to move things, right?
[both exclaim]
[Kai] Okay.
Yeah, that's scary. [chuckles]
We should find our friends
so we aren't alone.
I like that idea very much.
-Let's go now!
-[Kai panting]
[JG-1 chatters]
[Lys] Uh
[all grunt]
[stammering] Didn't Marlaa say gloomlings
have scary glowing eyes?
-[speaking Poobian]
[exclaims] Let's find the others.
Yep! Definitely!
[all screaming]
[Lys, Kai scream]
-[all screaming]
-Th-Th-The lid was open!
-Did you see the eyes?
-Staring at you!
-It had to be
-[younglings] The gloomling!
[JG-1 chatters]
Wait, wait, wait. Where's Nubs?
Wha He was just with us!
-Nubs! Nubs!
-Nubs! Nubs!
-[Kai] Where are you?
-[Marlaa] Nubs?
-[JG-1 groans]
[JG-1 chatters]
What is that?
Huh. Looks like a tunnel?
[Lys] Those are Nubs's footprints.
Maybe he fell in and got lost.
We'd better check it out.
JG and I will stay here and keep watch.
[JG-1 chatters]
[all grunting]
[mice squeaking]
Nubs? Are you in here?
Nubs's lightsaber.
He must've dropped it.
[footsteps approaching]
Do you hear that?
[Kai] Yeah, and whatever it is,
it's getting closer.
[speaking Poobian]
Nubs! We were worried about you.
What happened?
[speaking Poobian]
-[Nash exclaims]
-[all gasp]
[Nubs speaking Poobian continues]
What is that?
I-I-It's a gloomling!
-[all screaming]
-[Lys] Let's get out of here!
[all grunting]
It's right behind me!
Nubs, you're okay.
What's going on?
The gloomling. It's real.
And it's right behind us!
[all gasp]
-[Kai] Look out!
-[Marlaa] Oh, no! No!
[JG-1 groans]
-[Lys, Nubs gasp]
-[Kai] Uh-oh!
My perfectly organized piles of junk.
That's it.
You win, gloomling!
Just take it.
The junkyard is yours.
Marlaa! You can't leave.
Why not?
This is what gloomlings do.
They mess with you until you leave.
So I'm leaving.
I know you're scared.
We're scared too.
But so far, being scared hasn't helped us.
It's only made things worse.
Marlaa, it won't be easy,
but we need to push through
the scared feelings
so we can catch that gloomling.
Yeah, we can show that gloomling
that this is your home, Marlaa.
You're right.
This is our home, and we're not leaving!
What's the plan?
Well, if gloomlings don't like light,
let's turn on every light in the junkyard.
That way, it'll run away,
and we can catch it.
We can make a trap to catch it.
And then we'll tell it
to leave Marlaa's junkyard for good.
[chuckles, speaking Poobian]
Very clever.
I've wired all the lights
to turn on when I flip this switch.
-Hit it, Nash!
Come on out, gloomling!
[speaking Poobian]
[exclaims] There it is!
Use the light from your lightsabers
to guide it toward the trap.
-[chittering continues]
Oh, no, you don't!
[chuckles, grunting]
[Kai] It's coming your way, Nubs.
[grunts, chuckles]
-Not that way.
-[chittering continues]
Now, Marlaa! The trap!
-[chittering stops]
-[Marlaa] Gotcha!
-[Lys] All right!
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Nash] Whoo!
-[Marlaa] We did it!
let's see what a gloomling looks like.
-[all gasping]
[Kai] That's no gloomling.
It's a droid.
Aw, your vocal chip is damaged.
And your photoreceptor needs repair.
[chuckles] Not a problem.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
I just gotta put this new vocabulator here
and tighten this and that.
-[droid whirs]
-There ya go, little one.
We're glad you're okay now.
But how did you end up
in Marlaa's junkyard?
[Nash] Aw.
He was left for junk when his owner
closed shop and left Tenoo.
He's been digging for parts
around the junkyard to repair himself.
That's why he's here.
Well, you're welcome to stay with JG-1
and me as long as you'd like.
[JG-1 chatters]
We've got all the parts
to fix you up right here.
I guess I didn't have anything
to be scared about after all.
Morning, Marlaa.
We're here with more spare parts
for the junkyard.
-Good morning, friends.
You're in a good mood today.
Dear, you have no idea.
I'm finally sleeping again.
And I have all of you to thank.
Ah, there it is.
-Thank you, PT-3.
He's been such a help around here.
Come on.
-Let's get this box sorted.
-[JG-1 chatters]
[speaking Poobian]
-[hinges creak]
[speaking Poobian]
[coos, speaking Poobian]
-[hinges creak]
-[lid slams]
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