The Assassins (2024) s01e17 Episode Script

The Brotherhood Messages

Another siege on the castle.
A fiercer siege.
I will make the numbers tenfold.
And tempt them with wealth, weapons, and
food that would suffice for five years.
To alleviate the siege, Al-Sabah
Devised a method of encryption
between him and his shepherds.
- "His face became hideous…"
-This means our lord needs information
About grain warehouses in the camp.
And at the same time,
Zaid Ibn Suhon was gathering
money and young men.
So hear and obey.
And anticipate
victory and paradise.
Hassan was a brilliant character
Hassan was a brilliant character
Barzak Amide
He has his eye on you,
and his jealousy of you is great.
Poor Ibn Suhon
Beware of him, and
treat him like a brother.
A world leader and
master of hearts.
As Imam Ghazali always
used to refer to him.
That he has a thousand images.
Just like Satan.
But contrary to the castle siege,
There was an internal
siege in Hassan Al-Sabbah
from his wife and
his lover, Donia Zad.
Beware of me, Hassan.
The one who killed her son.
I am your enemy
till the Day of Judgement.
I am your enemy
till the Day of Judgement.
A sacrificial lamb for his call.
Hassan Al-Sabbah's call.
As for the inspiration,
It's something science
has not denied,
And it has rules and principles.
Leave me.
Let him feel the fire of hell.
Take Lady Donia Zad to her room.
And closed the doors on her
with all respect and politeness.
I won't forgive you, Hassan.
A door opened for you this time,
next time you will die by my hand.
Even if everyone believed you,
Even if everyone believed you,
I won't.
My son's blood is on your
hands, I won't forgive you, Hassan.
Leave me.
Thank God it ended
with a reprimand.
Ever since I arrived to the castle,
I've been hearing about this Ibn Suhon.
It was also my first time
seeing Barzak Amide.
Barzak is worth a thousand martyrs.
They say these two
Are our lord's wings, that he
uses to fly anywhere in the world,
To another place.
Sometimes he flies
out of this world.
What does he look like?
Just an ordinary
man like any other.
The difference is that
he is the smartest
Who managed to be
alone on the throne.
Our Lord is not a King, Sultan
Nor even a Caliph
And there's no throne.
Our master, such
a profound spiritual thing.
A special creature.
Your faith is childishly
strong, Jouhar!
You are so innocent.
We're all like that.
Or don't you believe in our master?
I don't believe in anyone.
And what does the one who
doesn't believe in anyone do?
Among believers in
the Almut castle.
My story is very long, Khayrat.
I've tried all the
ideas and beliefs
A Zoroastrian in my childhood
Then a Buddhist,
Then a Buddhist,
Then a Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim.
In the end, I'm a martyr.
What did you get?
I am here, in the most
beautiful place I could ever be.
This place is a great alternative.
The greatest alternative!
Alternative for what?
For everything.
Life, despair, and fear.
In the end, suicide.
But here is something different.
There are imagination,
excitement, and passion here.
And even death, at the end, comes
to you in the most beautiful way possible.
Redemption and martyrdom.
Redemption and martyrdom.
Could there be anything
better than this, you think?
Your words are confusing and scary!
No no no,
Stick with your childish faith.
By God, this is the most
beautiful thing about you, my dear.
And you, Khayrat?
I am here to kill
as many Seljuks as possible.
And to be killed and finally rest.
They killed the
majority of my tribe.
And I killed their most important leader
inside his tent before I even turned 18.
And I killed their most important leader
inside his tent before I even turned 18.
And then?
I fled.
And hid in various
places until I arrived here.
Where I found my last opportunity
to kill, to be killed and to rest.
Good night.
And to you as well.
I love you.
What is it that God
created between your ribs?
It can't possibly be a heart!
It can't possibly be a heart!
There are many verses in the Quran
that talk about the rebellious son.
Who defied his father's will.
Like In Surah Al-Kahf
and the righteous man.
And like the son of Noah.
And like Adam's son
who killed his brother.
It happens.
That the son gets
killed when he is defiant.
And that is not by
my will or my heart
It's God's command.
I seek Allah's protection, man!
Even the father killing his son!
Even the father killing his son!
You want to amuse my mind again?
And convince me that
it's a divine command!
Deception, stubbornness, and obstinacy!
In Surah Al-Kahf, it was the
righteous servant who killed the son,
not the father.
It was the vanity that killed the
son of our prophet, Noah, not his father.
No one killed his son except you, Hassan.
I only passed the order.
So he didn't feel regret!
So he didn't ask for
forgiveness and pardon!
So he didn't ask for
forgiveness and pardon!
- I am the authority.
- You're insane!
You indeed believe that
you're superior to humans.
You're not a preacher
for the Hidden Imam.
You're a preacher for Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Lord of the Fortress
Who can do anything to have
his slaves believe he's their god.
I understand and
excuse your condition.
And I love you.
And I hate you.
Who were you dreaming about?
I was dreaming of
Yahia on his horse.
He was telling me, “I love
you, Norhan, wait for me”.
Ah, what a beauty!
Are your dreams more pleasant
than the dream of heaven?
I thank God for not being owned by
anyone from the paradise dreamers yet.
Your turn will come, Nourhan,
And you must prepare,
or else you'll die.
I'd prefer to kill myself rather than
become a pleasure for one of them.
Wake up, Nourhan!
Keep your dreams to sleep only.
And in the dream of heaven
And in the dream of heaven
Imagine that every chosen
one of them is Yahia.
Feel the blessing we have.
We're in a huge blessing.
Living in a nice place,
Wearing the best clothes,
We are adorned,
And we are enjoying it,
What's more beautiful than this!
Come, let me teach you something
before she comes to kill us.
"O, Cupbearer! To you I complain
To you I have called out,
even you shall not listen
I complain of a drinking companion
whose face I fell in love with
From his palms I drank the wine
O, Cupbearer! To you I complain
To you I have called out,
even you shall not listen
I can no longer be patient; nor
do I have any forbearance left
My folks have reprimanded me; and they
have gone too far in their reprimanding
They have made light of my
complaints of what has happened to me
However, my situation is
one deserving of empathy
For my situation is one of a debilitating
despair and of a demeaning affection
O, Cupbearer! To you I complain
To you I have called out,
even you shall not listen
My heart burns and my tears pour down
He knows what the fault is,
still he does not confess to it
He knows what the fault is,
still he does not confess to it
O, you whom I have been
speaking of and describing
Your love has sprouted
inside of me and blossomed
My lord.
I apologize for entering
without permission.
But the matter is serious and grave.
We found a group of shepherds
with encrypted letters from the castle.
And their explanations, as
if they were from us.
And maps for the secret
entrances of the castle.
And maps for the secret
entrances of the castle.
And an inventory
of grains and food.
And also correspondences
from other castles.
The Sultan's spies
Are amongst us!
We have pressured them in every way
And made them taste
the torment of hell
They won't tell us where
they got the letters and codes from
or what their purpose was.
Since when does the Sultan's army have
soldiers of such strength and bravery!
These are not soldiers, my lord.
These are a group of
women and girls of shepherds.
You are in the presence
of our lord, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I know you!
Your spirit is not
unfamiliar to the castle.
And I hear you say for our lord, and my
soul sacrifice to the keyholder of heaven.
Who are you?
Who are you?
A girl from shepherd's daughters.
What's your name?
The letters you brought, I
know how you got them.
But the explanations of the
puzzles and the words in them,
Only a very small group
inside the castle know them.
The senior preachers,
companions, and chosen ones.
Who and how did you learn from?
And it seems you are
looking for someone specific!
And it seems you are
looking for someone specific!
I'm looking for someone
who doesn't exist.
You sent him to
hell with your own hand.
Hassan Al-Sabbah sends
the devoted to paradise.
And only the enemies
of the dawah and faith,
- To hell
- And Derbas, my brother.
Is he in paradise?
My mother asks me every
day, and I have no answer.
I would like to
tell you to reassure her.
And tell her that your son
enjoys the bliss of paradise.
But you won't leave here.
You were one of us,
a daughter of our mission.
But the devil took advantage
of your love for your brother.
And made you follow
The path of the arrogant Sultan.
And support his soldiers
over your faith and creed.
My faith is firm.
And my creed is firmer than you.
And I and those with me
neither support the Sultan nor you.
Both are one in oppression.
You have sent my brother, his siblings,
and the children with me to hell.
And he sends his soldiers to
death, to prove he defeated you.
And he sends his soldiers to
death, to prove he defeated you.
To the point that whoever
falls into his hands is slaughtered.
He gets stuffed with straw.
He is burnt and his
ashes put in our mouth.
Blood gives birth to blood, but
not our lord's blood, nor the Sultan's.
But the blood of his shepherds
And his followers
Who taught you?
Our lord.
I taught my brother,
and he taught me.
I taught my brother,
and he taught me.
I am grieved by the death
of a young woman like you.
With your bravery and knowledge.
Your brother was my
son and my beloved.
Both inside and outside the castle.
They know that Hassan
Al-Sabbah could kill his son.
For the dawah.
For Hassan Al-Sabbah.
For the truth.
O truth
How many crimes are
committed in your name!
Your words are right, Rehana.
To be thrown
from the castle roof.
I feel the castle's
spirit is anxious.
Difficult days.
I want to speak to the people.
Which people?
All the people.
All the young
believers and preachers.
Welcome, loved ones.
You are my family.
And you are my beloved ones.
Kinship is not of clay and blood.
The kinship is of the soul.
You are my soul, and I am yours.
And my soul felt anxiety.
It felt your inside asking
Who is Hassan Al-Sabbah?
And what are we doing
in the castle of Alamut?
Why are we few and
facing the whole world?
And what is the fate?
That's why I had to appear.
And speak to you the
language of soul to soul.
Know this, my children.
That Hassan Al-Sabbah
is a simple Muslim.
He asked our Lord to know
the truth and the reality.
And I pledged to myself a pledge.
That the truth and reality
is above all considerations.
For the sake of truth, Hassan
Al-Sabbah killed his son.
Hussein, may God
have mercy upon him.
For the sake of truth,
I whipped my dear friends.
Like Zaid ibn Saihon.
And for the sake of truth,
I sent Barzak to his death.
I am amongst you and from you.
I have no purpose in
this world except the truth.
And the most important question.
Why is the key to heaven
with Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Because the key to Heaven is
with the servant of truth alone.
Because the key to Heaven is
with the servant of truth alone.
Every one of you is
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Because my soul
is connected to yours.
And my soul would die for you.
- Allah Allah
- Allah Allah
- Allah Allah
- Allah Allah
The history itself
is now witnessing us
As we lay siege to Iblis's castle
Any shepherd
Or Bedouin, or any
creature passing through
the land between
us and Almut castle
Gets killed
Him, his horse, and his flock
I want Almut castle
to be engulfed with hellfire
And the ones in it
Either dead
Or burned corpses if they
even think about leaving
And every rebel
head inside the castle
Will come to me here
I'll pay a hundred gold Dinars
to the one who beheads it
And I don't want
anyone to sleep now
Everyone get ready
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
What's that over there?
That is the Seljuks' camp.
Seljuks! Long
live Sultan Berkyaruq!
Lower your voice!
Commander Dawud,
We found these two
loitering around the camp
Both that simply you ignorant!
One of them is a poet from the best poets
in the world, not only a poet, but also
A poet, a scholar, and a jurist
And so much more
Thank you so much
for your words and welcome
Thank you so much
for your words and welcome
And certainly, by his side
a great personality like him
- I, my lord
- Of course of course
This is Sahban
One of the major
astronomers and a philosopher
He has cleansed many minds
and scrubbed off their filth
One could say a mind purifier
Mind purifier, a nice expression
An idiomatic expression,
Commander Maulana
But this path is very
dangerous and rugged
As if you came from Almut Castle
Only God saved us
from passing by it
Only God saved us
from passing by it
When the shepherds alerted us to it
I saw it from a distance like a mad, devil
spreading out his ego shadow to the sky
We ran away as fast
as possible of course
We found ourselves here, thank God,
in the camp of Sultan Berkyaruq's army
God is merciful.
Thank God for your safety, and
of course, welcome to our camp
Please come in
If the camp wouldn't move in the morning
to attack the dissenter Hassan Al-Sabbah..
I'd have offered you the
hospitality you deserve
Hospitality? My lord, the best thing you
could do is get rid of that madman.
He sits in the castle torturing and
killing, won't you say something, Omar?
He killed his own son, my lord.
Who does he think he is!
Even the scholar sahban
have seen Hassan Sabbah.
It's a metaphor, my lord.
Continue, our scholar Sahban.
It seems
Our leader, didn't pay any
Didn't pay any
attention to Sahban.
I don't understand.
The words spoken by Sahban are the
words of the shepherds by the castle.
They told us many legends; most of
them are lies that are easily debunked.
They told us many legends; most of
them are lies that are easily debunked.
Few of them are true.
And Sahban
Sadly, Sahban mixes what
he hears with what he sees.
This is a high rank
in science, wherein
A scientist arrives after
embarking on extensive learning.
He cannot differentiate
between hearing and seeing.
Between reality and imagination.
That aside
You are our guests.
Please, head to the tent.
Come with me.
What will this man do
to us in the tent?
The most important thing is not to
let the siege distract us from our mission
We received a pigeon message about
the death of Badr El-Din Al-Jamali.
By a plot from Ibn Al-Mustali.
Who said that?
The news that arrived.
It didn't happen!
Those who killed the believers by the
order of our lord Nizar, peace be upon him
I am the one who sent them myself
to kill him in the world of the hidden.
The pigeon will fly from
our holy castle with the news.
The followers of Hassan Al-Sabbah are
the ones who killed Badr El-Din Al-Jamali.
The followers of Hassan Al-Sabbah are
the ones who killed Badr El-Din Al-Jamali.
In retaliation for Imam
Nizar, peace be upon him.
Your orders, my lord.
We don't create myths and legends.
We teach people facts.
Their limited minds
can't reach, Zaid.
Hasan Al-Sabbah kills in both
apparant and hidden, brother.
Because my mission is to deliver
the souls of the disbelievers to hell.
And deliver the believers
the keys to heaven.
You brought us to
ruin, bathroom attendant.
Yes, my tongue slipped.
We need to cut it!
Alright alright, just
tell me calmly.
- What should I do?
- Play the fool.
Our only chance of survival is for
you to act the fool, got it?
Why am I playing the fool then?
They all hate Hassan Al-Sabbah
It's in everyone's best
interest that he faces ruin
But not by my hand, Sahban
Not by me nor my words
I won't stoop to his level killing friends
or hand a dagger to someone to do it
I won't stoop to his level killing friends
or hand a dagger to someone to do it
How do you still love him?
I cherish the
memories I had with him
The days of youth,
the best days of life
Even if he stabs me,
I won't forget them
- The commander
- Play the fool
Rest, rest, please
Continue, Sahban
How's the situation
at AlMut Fortress
and Hassan Al-Sabbah?
and Hassan Al-Sabbah?
What did the shepherds tell you?
Hassan Al-Sabbah
His tale is strange
Whose tale?
Well, each one of them
Has a tale
Three meters long
And big black wings
As soon as I saw him he flew
So, I got scared
So, I got scared
What's wrong?
- He is
- Not a fool
But when knowledge increases
It can overwhelm
Anyway, you all need to rest
Guide the guests to rest
Stay by the entrance of their
tent in case they need anything
Our master, the siege
will continue for days
And that is not in the
interest of the castle
The siege of Berkyaruq, if
it lasts a thousand years.
There will be neither
a victor nor a defeated
And faith will remain our
weapon that tips the balance
We are a fortress with revolutionaries,
and they are a regular army
What we endure in a year,
they would in many years
It's not about faith, Barzak
However the clever mind
Is a part of faith, Zaid
There will always be competition
and envy among brothers
Regardless of the apparent
friendliness and purity
It’s the story of life since
the time of Joseph's brothers
They reconciled eventually
The patient one always wins, Barzak
And wars aren't just
fought on battlefields
There are bigger wars in the sky
In the sky!
The correspondences
carried by homing pigeons
And the secrets
contained in those letters
And the secrets
contained in those letters
Will be our salvation
The messages' paths in the sky
Will be under our arrow's aim.
Know, Sanjar, that Berkyaruq
is busy with Almot's castle.
Hassan Al-Sabbah and the road
to Isfahan could be expensive.
When Al-Sabbah's resistance to
the Sultan's army prolongs.
And an indication is
worth a thousand words.
My brother, Mohamed.
We received your message
and understood the signal.
I'm with you.
Until the siege time when our brother's
soldiers boredom has reached its limit.
Then, not only
the road to Isfahan
Will be empty.
But the road to the
soldiers' souls who are bored
and longing for their
homes is the greater gain.
and longing for their
homes is the greater gain.
We'll gain an entire army ready
to break the siege at any cost.
I don't know how Hassan Al-Sabbah
got hold of the sealed letters' course?!
Even my letters to them
for surrender and sending
compulsory reinforcements
have reached them.
Well, my lord, how shall
we act in the castle's siege?
Write what I'll order.
And my message shall reach
the army besieging Hassan Al-Sabbah.
In a knight's hand before dawn.
In a knight's hand!
Dove's wings are no
longer safe, Taj Al-Din.
There are demons in
the sky that outrun pigeons.
My commander, may God
reward you for our Sultan.
To the army
under Sultan Berkyaruq,
Return to the country immediately
upon receiving the royal message.
What does this mean?
The higher orders have
been made for implementation.
And the justifications are
related to the royal court.
Obedience to the
Sultan is mandatory.
And us?
And us?
What about waiting, shipping, and
the blood boiling in our veins?
Commander Dawood,
say only one thing to cool
us down, what's
happening is unbelievable.
All I can tell you is that you
might put yourself to death.
Not complying with
orders is treason.
Then I have the
honor to be a traitor.
Yahya, Soliman, and Tayfur.
They are esoterics traitors!
Catch them.
Catch the traitors
Catch them
Commander Dawood, I have a plan.
I'll enter the castle as a traitor.
I'll enter the castle as a traitor.
Esoteric among you and a traitor.
And I enter the castle
pleading for help.
If I declare your treachery
You might die from us
before entering the castle.
That's my problem.
I want a real pursuit
from our soldiers.
And try to kill me.
Really! Try to kill me genuinely!
Surely Hassan Al-Sabbah
has traitors among us.
Get out, announce to the
remaining that I'm a traitor.
- Consider us two traitors?
- No.
- I want to be alone.
- Three!
Brothers till death.
We've gotten far off.
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