The Longest Promise (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 17=
We followed your orders
and haven't sent any
of Second Young Lady's letters
to Jiuyi Mountain.
We withhold them all.
Well done.
As usual,
come back tomorrow
at this time to collect the letters.
(To Zhu Yan)
(your letter is quite amusing.)
(Chong Ming loves looking beautiful,)
(but his feathers are scorched black.)
(You're active)
(but can only lie in bed to recuperate.)
(The thought of a human and a bird)
(supporting each other)
(Bai Xueying)
(is truly hilarious.)
(you have to take care of yourself)
(and Chong Ming.)
(I heard from Prince Shi Yu)
(that on the south side
of Jiuyi Mountain,)
(there is a place called Nvluo Creek
where Nvluo plants grow.)
The favored consorts
in the palace use it
to maintain their beauty.
It's a panacea that helps hair grow
and revitalizes the skin.
Lord Chong Ming!
Lord Chong Ming!
Lord Chong Ming!
Lord Chong Ming?
Lord Chong Ming,
how did you become one with this tree?
Let me see.
You actually
look quite cute like this.
Lord Chong Ming,
shouldn't you eat something?
Starvation is a minor issue.
But disfigurement is a major concern.
Look at my current state.
Even if I starve to death,
I can't be seen like this.
Lord Chong Ming,
you've endured
the Flaming Heaven Punishment
for several days.
You really should eat something.
I, Zhu Yan, swear
that no matter how you turn into,
you'll always be the most beautiful bird.
Just a bird?
Oh, no.
I mean, in my heart,
even in human form,
you're the most handsome young man,
other than my master.
Are you going to keep your word?
Are you really not going to laugh at me?
Of course.
Now, you should
come over and eat something
and have some fish soup
to enhance beauty and youthfulness.
It smells so good.
The fish soup that has been simmering
for four hours
is truly a heavenly delicacy,
the ultimate beauty and skincare elixir.
Give it to me.
Be careful, slow down.
As long as mythical creatures
like us on Jiuyi Mountain are alive,
we'll continuously face tribulations
again and again.
A great tribulation
once every thousand years
and a minor tribulation
once every hundred years.
I've experienced
minor tribulations like this
a hundred times.
The heavenly tribulations like this
will be over in less
than a quarter of an hour.
What annoyed me the most
is this raging fire would always ravage
my beautiful feathers.
It makes me livid.
A mere quarter of an hour
of tribulations
takes half a year to recover.
Slow down.
(The favored consorts
in the palace use this)
(to maintain their youthfulness.)
(It's a panacea that helps hair grow
and revitalizes the skin.)
(Surely this item
can also restore Chong Ming's)
(former appearance, right?)
Is it not enough?
I'll get make some more for you.
I'll have another one.
No, no.
Give me another two.
(Nvluo Creek, Jiuyi Mountain)
Who are you?
Summon the Priest of Grand Preceptor
to rescue you.
It turns out you're after my master.
You can forget about using me as bait.
Even if I die here,
I won't let my master come.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Get out of the way.
No matter how grave the matter is,
you must not leave this place.
If you can break through
to the real state,
you'll ascend in one step.
If you halt your cultivation progress,
you'll fail
with no chance to try again.
Besides, your current cultivation
is insufficient compared
to the usual standard.
How will you escape
from a formidable enemy?
Knowing someone is in distress
and not helping.
Even if one breaks through
to the real state,
it's against one's conscience.
With just you,
do you think you can stop me?
Since you refuse to cooperate,
using your dead body to meet him
will be just the same.
You're the ones who will die!
You shouldn't have come here.
Ice Clan?
First, you attacked
the Emperor's Valley.
And now you lured me here.
What do you intend to do?
So you were the Immortal Official
at the Emperor's Valley back then.
If only I had killed you earlier.
Kill me?
Just several days ago, the Azure Clan
also sent people to kill me.
Could it be that you're colluding
with the Azure Clan from the beginning?
You're about to die.
Don't waste time trying to probe.
Considering that you're about
to reach the real state,
the Ice Clan cannot let you live.
I'll let you witness
the magic techniques of the real state.
(Born in Winter)
Her time of birth aligns
with the frigid winter month.
Her birthplace aligns
with the brightest crimson place.
What was recorded in the Elixir Book
of the dance ritual back then
was her official birth date.
According to Zhu Yan's
actual birth date,
she's the cursed lady.
Your Supreme Majesty,
the Ice Clan has taken Zhu Yan hostage.
The Priest disregarding everything,
went to Nvluo Creek.
Follow me!
have you broken through the stage?
Not yet.
It's because of me again, isn't it?
It's because of me
that you're in danger.
They are targeting me.
Hurry back to Jiuyi Mountain
and seek help from the High Priest.
Go quickly.
All right.
Priest of Grand Preceptor of Kongsang,
today is the day you die.
Yan'er, watch out!
(If this continues,)
(Yan'er will be in danger.)
(I can only use Celestial Assault.)
(Master actually wants)
(to use Celestial Assault?)
He's already at his weakest.
He's just bluffing.
Master, with Gong Shang here,
we'll be fine.
Celestial Assault!
(My power is weak.)
(I couldn't share)
(the damage with Master.)
(Fortunately, Yuan taught me
the Fushui Spell.)
When the Emperor's Blood is in peril,
the Ring of Houtu will emerge.
Indeed, the three Sorcerers
did not disappoint me.
♪Amidst the passing years♪
♪Gazing into those eyes♪
♪How winding, how entangled,
how lingering♪
♪When this life reaches its end,
fallen petals become intertwined♪
♪Snowy Rosa at the temple,
blooming the most beautiful verses♪
♪Through the years, through time♪
♪Only your appearance♪
♪I will forever remain in the past♪
♪Waiting a lifetime, just for one glance♪
♪Imprinted in my flickering soul,
the most touching connection♪
♪Asking what year, asking about tomorrow♪
♪Crossing over eternal rendezvous♪
(Cangwu Abyss)
(That's strange.
Master didn't transform.)
(Could it be because he's too weak?)
the situation was urgent earlier.
Forgive me for offending you.
How are you feeling now?
God of Dragon?
Are you the God of Dragon?
The God of Dragon that was sealed
for thousands of years
is actually trapped in the Cangwu Abyss.
You bear the mark of Emperor Xingzun,
who set up the dragon barrier
to imprison you.
Did the Emperor of Kongsang
send you to disturb me?
The Cangwu Abyss
is not a place for the living.
God of Dragon, you've misunderstood.
We didn't come
to bother you.
We were ambushed
and fell in here by accident.
Who ambushed you?
It was the Ice Clan.
My master said they are Ice Clan people.
They want to kill my master.
God of Dragon,
don't ask me why.
I haven't figured it out myself.
In short,
they forced us to come here.
God of Dragon,
my master is injured.
I'm begging you.
Can you send us out of here?
Two Kongsang people
actually asked me to send them out.
The aura on this person
is the same as the one
who trapped me thousands of years ago.
God of Dragon, you've mistaken.
My master
is an Immortal Official
of Jiuyi Mountain.
He's completely unrelated
to the person you're looking for.
(This is the talisman Yuan gave me.)
You actually possess
the Dragon Blood Jade.
You managed to use the sacred relic
of the Merfolk Clan
to protect a Kongsang people like you.
Could it be
that you're the one
I've been waiting for?
Do you know me?
the one I'm waiting for
is a woman from the White Clan, not you.
But since you can possess
the Dragon Blood Jade,
you must be closely related
to my Sea Kingdom's destiny.
If I were to kill you,
it would likely disrupt
the changes happening in Yunhuang.
God of Dragon,
I don't understand what you're saying.
But as long as I'm here,
I will never let you harm my master.
Return to where you belong.
we've finally come out.
It's all my fault
you ended up like this
because I insisted on picking Nvluo.
Master, I'll take you back.
♪The wind whirls and howls, dancing♪
♪One step, on the cliff♪
It's getting dark.
We can't be trapped here.
I need to quickly figure out a way
to leave this place.
if only you could transform
into a white beast.
But just now in the water,
I couldn't even
make you transform.
What should I do now?
Don't tell me
it would only work
if I kissed him longer.
Zhu Yan!
High Priest is finally here.
Ying. Ying.
Take the Priest back for treatment.
- Yes.
- Yes.
(Yin and Yang will meet,
and Starflower will bloom.)
(It's really you.)
Zhu Yan is also seriously injured.
I've transferred
some spiritual power to her.
Take her back for treatment too.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Yan'er. Yan'er.
Yan'er, run. Yan'er.
Thank goodness you're finally awake.
You've been unconscious
for three days and three nights,
do you know that?
Where's Zhu Yan? How's she?
Why do you care?
She almost got you killed.
I shouldn't have taken any chances.
She saved me.
If it weren't for her,
I would have died
at the hands of the Ice Clan.
But if it weren't for her,
would you have gone to Nvluo Creek?
The High Priest had transferred
some spiritual power
to Princess Zhu Yan.
So she's recovering well.
Her pulse has stabilized
and she should regain
consciousness tomorrow.
(It was such a serious incident.)
(Fortunately, His Supreme Majesty
did not suspect anything.)
Her vital energy was greatly impacted,
and it'll take some time
for her to recover.
Prepare the decoction.
But don't make it too strong
or rush with it.
Let her rest and recuperate slowly.
Don't forget to add
some Qi-enhancing red fruits.
She dislikes bitterness,
so add a bit of sweetness.
All you do is concerned about her.
Have you ever thought
about how long it'll take
for you to recover?
You failed at breaking through
the stage at the last minute.
I wonder
if you still have the chance
to enter the real state in the future.
You could even sacrifice
your life for her.
Could it be
that you've fallen for her?
What did you say?
Nothing, I didn't say anything.
I let my imagination run wild.
How could someone like you,
who wholeheartedly serves the gods,
fall in love with someone
from the mortal world?
Don't entertain
such distracting thoughts.
By the way,
the High Priest is waiting for you
at the Cultivating Hall.
He wants to treat your injuries.
So you'd better hurry back.
He couldn't possibly
have developed feelings
for Zhu Yan, could he?
You're always spouting nonsense.
You and your big mouth.
Both of you are unbelievable.
He sacrificed himself to save you,
and you risked your life to protect him.
You clearly have a connection.
But it's a pity
that you will bring him to his doom.
Don't die.
I won't let you die.
Princess, you're finally awake.
How's my master?
The Priest dropped by earlier.
He told me to decoct
this decoction for you.
Why is this decoction
The Priest was worried
you might find it bitter.
So he asked me
to add some sweetness to it.
Master is very considerate to me.
Where is he now?
The Priest should be back
at the Cultivating Hall
to treat his injuries.
is there anything else
you'd like me to do?
No, that's all.
Thank you.
Xueying suggested that I gather Nvluo.
Coincidentally, the Ice Clan
set an ambush to capture me there.
How could there be such a coincidence?
Could it be
that someone wants to harm Master?
They knew Master would rescue me.
So they imitated Xueying's handwriting
and tricked me
into going to Nvluo Creek.
I must write a letter to Xueying.
I encountered the God of Dragon
when I was at the bottom
of the Cangwu Abyss.
It's likely that the plague
in Jiuyi District
and the contaminated water
of Eastern Creek
are the results
of the God of Dragon's awakening.
When Wu Xian attacked,
he predicted
I would die in the Cangwu Abyss.
He also revealed
that there is a sage behind the Ice Clan
who plans for them.
Have you heard of him?
This sage
can make the Ten Sorcerers
of the Ice Clan
bow down and submit.
he must be an extraordinary
and unparalleled individual.
But I've never heard of him before.
It is as if he appeared out of nowhere.
It looks like the approaching unrest
in Kongsang is getting closer.
The Merfolk marine force
is constantly causing trouble.
with the awakening of the God of Dragon,
the rumors of the return of evil
and the Sea Emperor
are approaching.
The Merfolk marine force
will surely use this opportunity
to incite chaos among the merfolk,
leading to a bloody conflict.
it was the Ice Clan
who attacked you previously.
But the mastermind
must be the Azure Clan.
It seems that the Ice Tribe
is no longer content with staying put
and has colluded with traitors,
coveting Kongsang.
When the world falls into chaos,
Jiuyi Mountain cannot
become a secluded sanctuary.
You must prepare yourself early.
Rest assured.
As Jiuyi Mountain's
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
if Kongsang is in danger,
I'll do everything in my power
to protect the world.
So my cultivation will not be in vain.
(So the Azure Clan was behind this.)
I'm afraid Consort Qing
won't give up easily.
She has already discovered
your identity.
She'll do everything possible
to get rid of you.
I only have one identity.
That is the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain.
The tree longs for stillness,
but the wind keeps blowing.
I shall wait then.
(How did Master get involved
with Consort Qing?)
this time
you were on the verge
of reaching the real state.
But because of saving Zhu Yan,
your progress was hindered.
It's uncertain
when you'll have another chance
to attain such a breakthrough.
Don't you regret it?
Is Zhu Yan really
that important to you?
(Could it be)
(that you've fallen for her?)
When I was in danger,
it was you who came to my rescue.
It's the responsibility of teachers
to protect their disciples.
Zhu Yan was almost killed
by the Ice Clan
because of me.
It was an unjust calamity.
I hope you
won't make things difficult for her
because of this incident.
What do you take me for?
Do you think I don't know this?
I noticed marks left
by artifacts on both of your bodies.
Did something happen during the battle?
When I performed Celestial Assault,
Zhu Yan used Gong Shang
to share the damage with me.
Such a kind and righteous person
is truly rare.
you must treat her well in the future.
Do not disappoint
the deep bond
behind her selfless act of saving you.
I still need to warn you.
Although Azure King and Consort Qing
can't harm you directly,
they might target the people around you.
If you don't plan ahead,
Zhu Yan and the Crimson Clan
may be implicated because of you.
(What is Master's true identity?)
(Why would he implicate
the Crimson Clan and me?)
The best course of action now
is for you to leave your priesthood
and return to the imperial city.
Now, the Azure King and Consort Qing
are behaving tyrannically.
The people can no longer bear it.
If you're willing to return to Jialan
and reveal your identity
as the Crown Prince,
I'm sure
you'll have numerous supporters.
Crown Prince?
Crown Prince?
Master is actually the Crown Prince
from back then.
If I leave the priesthood,
I must undergo the Tribulations of Hell.
When that happens,
I'll lose all of my power.
Then how can
I protect the people of Kongsang?
I hope you
won't have such thoughts anymore.
Why is Yan'er
She heard everything.
I'm afraid so.
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
That can't be.
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
(The most difficult thing in the world
is relationships.)
(I want you to endure)
(this most difficult test)
(until you're willing
to descend the mountain for her.)
The Crown Prince I've been missing
turns out to be my master.
I actually kissed Master.
I must stop thinking about it.
(I'm afraid Consort Qing
won't give up easily.)
(She has already discovered
your identity.)
(She'll do everything possible
to get rid of you.)
Even Consort Qing
who's far away in Jialan knows
about Master's identity.
But why didn't he tell me?
I suggest you
not waste your life on a foolish idea.
No one is worth it.
It turns out
Master looks down on his past identity.
But I keep bothering him.
I'm really foolish.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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