The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

It wasn't a dream.
Min Seol Ah fell from Hera Palace.
I I killed her.
Yoon Hee.
Su Ryeon.
You came early.
(Episode 17)
Why did you ask me to see you here?
I have something to tell you.
To be honest,
I used you all this time.
Whatdo you mean?
The one who sent you to
Seol Ah's home in Bosuk Village
was me.
I'm also the one who called you
to Hera Palace.
I used you.
I needed you
for my revenge.
I am
Min Seol Ah's mom.
It's very surprising, right?
I'm sorry for telling you only now.
I was preoccupied
with looking for Seol Ah's killer.
it's time to catch that culprit.
The culprit?
Ro Na, what are you doing?
How about we go out
since it's the weekend
What are you doing? Stop.
- Let go!
- You'll hurt yourself!
You were right.
Talent? That stuff is useless.
Money and power trump it all.
Someone like me doesn't deserve
to sing.
I don't need my voice anymore.
Let me go!
Let go!
How did you get in?
Cheon Seo Jin was
the beginning of my misery.
Anyone who gets in
my daughter's way,
I will ruin that person myself.
Yoon Hee, you're hurt.
You need help.
Let go. I can't leave like this!
I'll make sure Ro Na gets into
Cheong Ah Arts High School.
I can't let her end up like me!
- Come here, Yoon Hee.
- Let go. I said let go!
Oh Yoon Hee!
Hand it over. Hand over your phone!
What are you doing here?
Ms. Oh?
What happened to your face?
Is something wrong?
The Hera Palace residents
are trying to kill me.
I'm scared, Ms. Oh.
Help me. Save me, Ms. Oh.
Who is trying to kill you?
It's okay. There's no one else here.
Let's get out of here.
It's okay.
Just a moment.
I have to get something.
I hid my phone.
You go ahead.
Where do you think you're going?
Mr. Joo. Don't kill me.
Save me!
- Let me go.
- Where is your phone?
(Beware of Falling)
Ms. Oh?
It was you?
Are you the one who saved me?
Thank you.
As long as you die,
Ro Na can be accepted.
As long as you die
What? Who's calling?
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Why are you calling?
What? Can you repeat
what you just said?
We have an extra slot
for Bae Ro Na
in the classical singing department
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
There's an extra slot?
Why Why? How?
One of the kids who got accepted
died yesterday.
Are you okay, Yoon Hee?
I'll explain everything.
When you saw Cho Sang Heon dead,
I was in that house too.
"Cho Sang Heon"?
Then Congressman Cho was killed
by you?
In a way, yes.
But I feel no guilt at all
about his death.
He might as well
have killed himself.
Su Ryeon.
I don't know at all
what you're saying.
In return for keeping quiet
about Cho Sang Heon's death,
I made you purchase
the Bosuk Village apartment.
You need to buy Unit 3-501,
which is currently out for sale.
And it was me
who made you move there.
All that wasn't a coincidence.
I planned it all.
Don't you get what I'm saying?
Why did you do that?
After Seol Ah died,
I felt dead inside.
Every day was torture.
I had to do something
to catch the killer.
That's why
That's why I used your emotions.
I needed you and your hatred
for Cheon Seo Jin.
Because she was involved
in my daughter's death.
Cheon Seo Jin?
Not just Cheon Seo Jin
but Joo Dan Tae, Lee Kyu Jin,
Ha Yoon Chul, Kang Ma Ri, Ko Sang Ah,
and all their kids
are accomplices in Seol Ah's death.
They locked my daughter
in the mechanical room,
disposed of her body,
and set a fire.
They insulted and mocked
Seol Ah's name.
They must all pay for it.
For what they did to my daughter,
they will pay dearly.
Soon, the police will
reopen the case.
Where's the evidence?
You couldn't
catch the killer so far.
Doesn't that mean there's no proof?
I saw it.
Saw what?
The person who pushed Seol Ah.
I saw them clearly
by the railing
here on the 47th floor.
Who Who was it?
She was wearing a ruby ring.
A red ruby ring.
It's definitely the ring
Cheon Seo Jin wore that day.
(Logan Lee)
Excuse me.
Is something wrong?
I'm fine.
I'll call you back.
She was wearing a ruby ring.
A red ruby ring.
It wasn't a ruby ring.
It was the apple necklace.
I killed Min Seol Ah?
I killed a person?
No, no way. I didn't.
No, it couldn't have been me.
I never No!
I killed Su Ryeon's daughter?
No. It wasn't me. No!
No, no
No, no!
I will end it all now.
My dear girl.
Did the chat with Yoon Hee go well?
She was in so much shock,
we couldn't talk for long.
I should've told her
a little sooner.
How much
do you trust Ms. Oh?
What do you mean?
(Oh Yoon Hee)
Actually, Ms. Oh is
one of the suspects.
That's impossible.
She's like a sister to me.
You must stay cool-headed.
Ms. Oh was also
at Hera Palace
the night Seol Ah died
and that's a fact.
That's true, but
Don't trust anyone
other than yourself.
Not even me.
(10th-grade 1st-semester Mid-term,
April 21, 1st period, Math)
- Dad.
- Memorize that.
You can do that, right?
This is something only I can do.
Don't lose to Ha Eun Byeol.
I'll test you in my study
in the morning.
5, 3, 1, 3.
5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 5, 3, 1, 3, 5.
4, 2, 1, 2, 4. 4, 2, 1, 2, 4.
Secretary Cho. Report Hye In's death
early tomorrow morning.
Shim Su Ryeon.
I don't know what you're up to,
but it's not yet time
to cut you loose.
(2020 Jakomo's Headquarter's site)
Ro Na. Are you
playing the piano again?
Why did you push me?
I liked you.
Oh Yoon Hee.
Was it you?
The one who killed my Seol Ah.
Was it you, Yoon Hee?
Su Ryeon. I didn't mean to kill her.
I wasn't in my right mind then.
Why did you do that
to the poor girl?
Did you think she can die
because she's an orphan?
Is it okay for kids without parents
to die wrongful deaths?
How could you take a life
to get your child into a school?
Su Ryeon, I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I must've been crazy.
I thought of Ro Na and
Su Ryeon, please.
I was out of my mind.
Please forgive me. Please.
I beg of you. Forgive me!
Forgive you?
How dare you speak of forgiveness?
Your daughter must die
just like mine did.
Just like Seol Ah!
No, Su Ryeon.
Not Ro Na! Please don't!
Kill me instead, please!
- No!
- Die.
Su Ryeon, don't.
It's my fault. I'm sorry.
Die! Die!
- Hello?
- Is this Ms. Oh Yoon Hee?
This is the police station.
The police station?
Soon, the police will
reopen the case.
Where do you go to school?
I told you I don't go to school.
I was expelled.
How could you steal at that age?
You're a total thief.
Ro Na. What happened?
Are you okay?
Are you her mother?
Yes. What is going on?
What is my daughter doing here?
She stole beer from
a convenience store this morning.
We have everything on tape,
and she even admitted to it.
Ro Na.
Did you really steal this?
I did. It was me.
I had no choice because
they wouldn't sell it to me.
Are you crazy?
What? What's the big deal
about some cheap beer?
Why are you hitting me?
Who are you to hit me?
What right do you have to hit me?
"Like mother, like daughter",
they say.
I didn't want to go home anyway.
Just tell them to throw me
in the holding cell or prison!
Why on earth are you doing this?
I'm already about to lose my mind.
What is the matter with you?
Why are you causing so much trouble?
You're even stealing now?
- You've become a thief now?
- Why are you hitting me?
- Have you lost your mind?
- Ma'am, calm down.
Stop hitting me!
- Please calm down. Ma'am!
- What are you thinking?
Let go of me.
It hurts.
What are we doing here?
It's cold. I want to go.
You don't
want to make up with me, right?
And you don't want
to go back to school, right?
I bet you don't want
to change your mind
and live properly either. Right?
Do you know what I did
to send you
to Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Stop using me as an excuse.
I've done enough.
Fine. Just give up everything.
Give up school, and even singing,
which you loved the most.
Just give up everything,
and do what you want.
I don't want to live anymore.
The moment you gave up
on your life,
my life ended too.
I have no reason left to live.
It's over
I don't want to live anymore.
So? You'll die here?
How could a mom say that
to her daughter?
How could you die
just because I stole something?
Is your life that meaningless?
What am I to do then?
I hated you. I hated you so much.
Can't I at least do that?
Can't I even complain or whine?
You're my mom.
You're the only one
I can complain to.
But you can't even accept that?
How can I live without you?
You're the only one I have.
I'm sorry, Ro Na.
I'm really sorry.
I know it's wrong, but I get mad
every time I see you.
Why did you meet Eun Byeol's dad
and let her say that about you?
I'm so furious
and feel like I'll lose my mind.
Ro Na. I made a mistake.
But I promise what you're thinking
didn't happen.
You have to believe me.
You are really the only one
I have, Ro Na.
You're the only one I have
in this world. I really mean it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for being so foolish.
I'm so sorry
for making you suffer.
Why are you sorry?
I won't trade you
for Ms. Cheon or anyone else.
I'm so happy to be your daughter.
You're such a kind mom.
No. No, that's not true.
I'm sorry.
Mom, I'm sorry.
I'm going to keep going to school.
I won't give up singing.
I will never lose to Ha Eun Byeol.
I'll win the trophy
at Cheong Ah Art Festival
and make it
to Seoul University of Music.
I promise I'll succeed.
And I'll protect you.
What do I do?
I made you into a daughter
of a murderer.
What should I do, Ro Na?
Don't get mad
even if I ruin the exam.
I might come in last place.
Do you want me to go with you?
No. I can go alone.
I'm going to fight on my own now.
I'm glad I didn't throw away
your school uniform.
You look prettiest
when you're in your uniform.
See you.
Pull yourself together, Oh Yoon Hee.
No one knows. No one.
You must stay strong
for Ro Na's sake.
I am a mom.
I'm Ro Na's mom.
You're coming back to school?
Can you do me a favor?
The necklace.
Where is it?
(Su Ryeon)
Why are you so surprised?
You're going to work early.
Oh, I have a meeting
early in the morning.
Ro Na called me and said
she's going back to school.
I heard you sorted things out
at the police station.
I'm so glad.
Yes. I'm busy,
so I have to get going.
Do you have time tonight?
I have something to ask you
about the night Seol Ah died.
I have to work late tonight.
And I have nothing to say
since I don't know anything.
Back then,
I didn't even live in Hera Palace.
I know how confusing this may be.
I'm so sorry, Yoon Hee.
But I must find the culprit
who killed Seol Ah
at all costs.
I desperately need your help.
I'll help you too.
I'll support you
for your revenge on Cheon Seo Jin.
Why don't you just be honest?
You're just trying to get
what you want
without getting blood on your hands!
Since you know I'll cooperate
if it's about Cheon Seo Jin.
Everything was a lie.
You pretended to care about me
and worry about me.
Everything was fake!
Am I wrong?
It may have started out like that,
but my feelings about you
were sincere.
I don't want to hear it.
Why me of all people?
Why did you involve me?
Why did you send me
to Bosuk Village
when I didn't know anything
and get me involved with Min Seol Ah?
Do you know how much Ro Na and I
suffered because of that?
Why did you do it?
You're also a mom
who raises a daughter.
You should understand me at least.
The culprit lives in Hera Palace.
So what do you want me to do?
I need your testimony.
Go to the police station
and just tell them what you know.
The police station? Me?
Why should I?
Do you know what this is?
Seol Ah's ashes are in here.
My poor daughter
who died is in here.
Stop mentioning Min Seol Ah.
Yoon Hee.
I have to go now.
(Cheong Ah Medical Center,
Serving patients for 30 years)
Oh, dear. Look at this mess.
You got divorced
and got kicked out of your home.
How can you fall asleep?
What do you want
so early in the morning?
Did you hear?
Chairman Joo and Logan Lee
signed an MOU
and they'll build a hotel
and casino in Myeongdong.
Isn't it a good thing
since he'll be doing something
with our investments?
How could you be so carefree?
Is it because you took care
of your issues with the alimony?
We have 60 million dollars
invested in the Myeongdong land.
How could he sign like that
without even asking us?
He's taking us as total pushovers.
If that land turns out to be
a jackpot,
we might not even be able
to recover our investments!
So? What do you want to do?
We must claim our ownership too.
I wonder how on earth
you became a doctor
with that brain of yours.
Aren't you the one who's most
furious at Chairman Joo right now?
Seeing that you've packed up
in here,
it seems like you've quit
this hospital too.
You should start looking
for a way to survive.
Did you decide on another hospital?
Where? Near your home
in the country?
Why would I go back home?
Do you know how many patients
I have at this place?
If not?
Did you forget about the agreement
with Seo Jin when you got divorced?
In return for
the seven million dollars,
you promised to leave
Cheong Ah Medical Center forever.
That's not true.
I've been appointed as the director
of this place.
What are you talking about?
The day before my father-in-law
passed away,
he told me to be the director
of this hospital.
That's why I'm moving my stuff
to the director's office.
Even if I want to refuse,
I should listen to him
since it was his last wish. Right?
Does Seo Jin know about this?
Not yet.
She'll find out soon.
(Question, Answer)
Seok Hoon, why are you so late?
I thought you weren't coming.
Come in.
Who is it?
What are you doing here?
Didn't you drop out? Are you back?
Come on, no way.
She didn't even take
yesterday's exam.
- Where is my seat?
- What?
Oh Okay.
What is going on?
He's being openly nice to her?
Am I the only one
who finds this strange?
I'm going out with Bae Ro Na.
So from now on,
you better watch your mouths.
Let's go out.
Didn't you hear me?
You must not be serious.
What are you thinking?
You said you liked me.
Then let's go out.
I think it'll be fun.
Since I'm returning
after canceling my withdrawal,
shouldn't we prepare
a surprise event?
Joo Seok Hoon.
Have you lost your mind?
What? You're going out
with Bae Ro Na?
It's obvious she's just using you.
Can't you see she's using you
as a shield to come back to school?
It doesn't matter.
I don't care.
- What?
- Take a seat.
It's 10 minutes before the exam.
The person you have reached
is unavailable. Please leave
Joo Dan Tae. What in the world
are you thinking?
You haven't even apologized yet.
Yes? What do you want
so early in the morning?
Did you hear the news?
It seems like someone unexpected
was newly appointed
at Cheong Ah Foundation.
There's something I don't know
about Cheong Ah Foundation?
Director Cheon.
There seems to be a problem.
I'm busy, so I have to go.
The late Mr. Cheon must've had
everything in mind.
Bae Ro Na is back.
I thought she wanted to drop out.
She decided not to.
She even brought a consent form
signed by her mother.
Where is Bae Ro Na?
(Music Class 1)
I'm so glad Ro Na is back.
Let's be honest. She's too talented
to drop out of school.
She's smart, talented,
and has great character.
She's perfect in every way
unlike one of the students I know.
I bet she's going to become
a world-famous classical singer.
Since when did you care so much
about Ro Na?
Ever since she was bullied
by the kids living at Hera Palace.
Is that so?
So from now on, I plan to take
extra good care of her
as a means to protect
a talented student.
Have a good day, ma'am.
No, wait.
You're our soon-to-be director.
Maybe I should just
call you "Soon-to-be".
Seowon Bank didn't let us
take out a loan?
But our company has so many assets.
I also don't get why.
What else can we do
if we fail to get a loan?
Logan Lee will only let you
become the co-president
if you pay the equal amount
of investment.
I heard there are lots
of other companies
that are trying to contact him
other than Ohseong Group.
If Logan Lee tries
to cancel the deal
because we can't meet
the investment
That won't happen.
Did you take care of it?
Yes, sir.
I guess it's time to use
the final card.
Ms. Oh, call Logan Lee.
Tell him I have something
to show him.
Although the economy
isn't at its best,
we saw an increase in sales
during the last quarter,
and we received a high score
in customer satisfaction.
Thank you.
I know our products
are already doing well,
but why don't we use this leather
to leave more profit?
Selling products isn't
our main purpose.
We're an upright company
that sells value.
The only way to keep our customers
is to use high-quality leather.
(Hye In's caregiver)
Is there something wrong
with Hye In?
The doctor told me that Hye In
was reported dead
and stopped giving her treatment.
Do you know what's going on?
What are you talking about?
Someone registered her death?
We both saw this coming.
If he registers her death,
he'll be able to own
half of her land.
We can't let him take that land.
My late father gave that land
to Hye In before he passed away.
How could he covet that land
when he tried to kill her?
I just got a call from his company.
He apparently wishes to show me
a land lot.
And I think it's that one.
How shameless of him.
I guess we won't be able
to postpone it anymore.
I want you to fix a meeting
with Dan Tae right now.
Jenny, how did you do on your test?
Were the questions the same
as the ones your tutor taught you?
Don't ask. I totally ruined it.
Get me a new tutor.
But I did better than her.
What? You did better than Eun Byeol?
Then you must've gotten
the highest score.
Eun Byeol, you always got
the perfect score.
She accidentally marked
the wrong numbers,
so she totally messed up.
She got 58 points.
She got the lowest math score
in our class.
You got 58 points?
Are you serious?
Eun Byeol.
It's because Ro Na came back today.
What do you mean?
Ro Na came back to school? Really?
That's what made Eun Byeol
have a mental breakdown.
She changed her OMR sheet
more than 10 times
saying she made mistakes.
Then she accidentally ended up
marking the wrong ones.
But what's even more shocking
is that Ro Na and Seok Hoon
announced that they're dating.
Ro Na and Seok Hoon?
Why would he date her?
What is going on?
What took you so long?
I told you to run over here
every time I called.
What are you thinking?
Why are you back?
Have you forgotten about our deal?
Do you want me to tell everyone
that your mom is an adulteress?
Did you just laugh?
Sure. Go ahead and tell everyone.
If you want everyone to know
that your dad cheated on your mom,
go ahead and tell people.
What did you just say?
You're scared, aren't you?
The fact that I'm back
bothers you like crazy, doesn't it?
That's why you marked
the wrong answers on the math test.
I heard you got a perfect score
for everything up until yesterday.
You have such a weak mentality.
What if you end up
making the same mistake
on your KSATs?
Ro Na, do you have a death wish?
I haven't even started.
You should look forward
to what's to come.
Ro Na.
Hey, Seok Hoon.
Do you want to come over
to my place and study together?
My mom isn't home today.
We can also eat dinner together.
I told him I missed him,
and he came right away.
Let's go. I'm hungry.
How dare you hit on Seok Hoon?
Are you a gold digger
just like your mom?
- Hey! Watch what you say!
- Let go!
Eun Byeol, stop it!
Why do you always take her side?
You don't even know anything!
Why do you even like her?
Do you not know
what kind of girl she is?
Her mom is an adulteress!
She's a homewrecker
who ruined my family!
My mom isn't an adulteress!
Watch what you say!
She hit on a married guy,
and that makes her
a gold digger and an adulteress!
Nothing will change that!
Seok Hoon,
how could you date
a lowlife like Ro Na?
Aren't you embarrassed of yourself?
How are we any different?
We're not any special than her.
Actually, you know what?
We might even be worse.
We act all smart and refined,
but we're all rotten inside.
What? How could you compare us
to that little brat?
Why can't I?
Is it because you're the daughter of
the next director of Cheong Ah
and because my dad is
the CEO of a big company?
But do you want to know the truth?
My dad and your mom
are seeing each other.
What did you just say?
My dad and your mom
are having an affair.
They're also committing adultery.
Now that you know,
stop causing a scene
before we both end up
humiliating ourselves.
No! No! That can't be true!
Follow her.
She's shopping
at the department store.
I haven't noticed anything strange.
Have someone keep an eye on her.
I want you back in the office.
Hey, Mr. Gu.
I think they're following me.
She knew everything,
but she's been hiding it?
How long has she known about it?
I fixed a meeting with Logan Lee.
You can go right away.
Great. Let's go.
- Are you sick?
- What?
You don't look so well.
I heard your daughter
dropped out of school.
Let me know if you need my help
I don't think
Seo Jin will be happy
if she finds out you said that.
I make my own decisions.
I decide who it is that I need.
And it's my choice
to help my people.
Thank you for saying that.
But my daughter went back
to school today.
Okay. That's good to hear.
I thought about what to give you
as a promotion gift,
and I got you a car that will suit
your position as the team manager.
My company's stability
depends on yours.
You're giving me a car?
That's too big of a gift.
It's too much. I can't take it.
Thank you
for not telling anyone
about what happened that day.
So you want to invest
with this site as collateral?
As you can see, this location
and size of this land
is good enough to get us
a big loan.
Yes, yes. The location is spot on.
I almost want it for myself.
Then I'll prepare
a co-ownership contract
and proceed with everything
as soon as we secure the loan.
All right.
I like the way
you handle business, Mr. Joo.
Thank you.
It's been a while, Logan.
What brings you here?
This is the furniture company I run.
Oh, really?
I was just talking some business
with Mr. Joo.
He's planning to invest
with this site as collateral.
I'll fill you in with the details
as I show you around. Come this way.
It seems like
there's a misunderstanding.
This land belongs to my daughter.
Unfortunately, she recently died.
So she doesn't own it anymore.
I have a rightful ownership
of this land.
Honey, what are you talking about?
Our daughter isn't dead.
Excuse me.
What are you doing?
Have you lost your mind?
You're the one who's lost your mind.
I clearly told you to wait.
How dare you report Hye In's death
without even discussing it with me?
It's been six months since she died.
We've waited long enough.
It's not like
she's going to come back.
So why do you keep postponing it
while having to pay a fine?
It won't bring you any benefits
to keep this land unused.
I own half this land anyway,
so I can do what I want with it.
Did you refuse to get a divorce
because you wanted Hye In's land?
Or is it because I'm next?
Are you going to kill me
and take full ownership of the land?
What are you talking about?
Do you think I don't know
that you killed Hye In?
How much do you know?
What did you scheme
with Yoon Tae Ju
before he died?
Do you want to know?
Do you want to know
what our scheme was?
Come inside.
Joo Hye In
Hye In, say hello to your dad.
She's saying hello.
Aren't you glad to see her again?
Hye In?
She got a lot better
after she received treatment.
It took her a while
to fully recover
because she was
constantly put under
at the hospital
for such a long period of time.
But her body is almost
back to normal now.
She can talk properly,
and she can even walk a little.
Aren't you glad?
You cared for her so much.
What in the world
She had something to say to you,
so I brought her here.
Hye In, why don't you tell him
This land
was given to me
by my late grandfather.
I refuse to give it to anyone.
Su Ryeon.
I can't believe she lied to me
and kept her somewhere safe.
Dan Tae, I'll slowly pay you back
for everything you've done.
What in the world is
going on, Mr. Joo?
Were you trying to put up
a fake collateral?
By claiming your living daughter
was dead?
And this isn't even your property?
I'm very disappointed in you.
No, it's not that.
I want you to know that you can't
do anything to this land
without Hye In's permission.
I gotta go.
She's not feeling well.
How could you miss that, you punk?
You darn fool.
Why didn't you properly
keep your eyes on her?
How could you not know
that Hye In was still alive?
I'm sorry, sir. I thought
I made sure to keep my eyes on her.
Shut it. You told me
she was at the department store.
How did she manage
to show up there?
Who were you following today?
Su Ryeon, I've had it with you.
Su Ryeon had another daughter?
Who's her father?
Su Ryeon knew
where Chairman Joo was.
That's how she was able
to bring her daughter there.
No way.
Is she and Logan helping each other?
You put too much strength
into your voice.
You should breathe with your stomach
as the notes get higher.
Let's try again.
Ro Na's singing was the best
I had ever heard that day.
(Su Ryeon)
(Su Ryeon)
The receiver cannot be reached.
You will be directed to voicemail.
Logan, wait by the penthouse exit.
I'll be right there.
Can we talk?
I'm busy.
I don't care how busy you are.
Why didn't you answer
any of my calls today?
You haven't given me
a proper explanation about why
you were with Yoon Hee
at the villa that night.
I told you already
I told you already
that I went there to get some rest.
And she just happened to come
with me after the team dinner.
She was wearing my clothes.
The outfit you got me as a gift.
Her clothes were ruined,
so she had to get changed.
Must I explain everything to you?
I heard you signed a deal
with Logan Lee.
So now, I want her fired.
Logan Lee wants her, and so do I.
- What?
- Be careful.
Many eyes are watching.
Don't change the subject.
I don't know what you're thinking,
but mark my words.
The promise we made
when we got back together.
I decide our relationship.
Whether we meet or break up.
Everything's up to me.
Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol!
Open the door, Eun Byeol. Please?
- Eun Byeol.
- What are you doing here?
Who let him in here?
I told you not to open the door
for him.
The thing is
Stop getting angry at her.
She called me because
she was worried about Eun Byeol.
Eun Byeol won't come out
of her room.
She's throwing everything in
her room and throwing a fit.
She's just venting
since she ruined her exam.
If you're trying to use her
as an excuse to come back,
let me stop you right there.
I have legal custody as well.
Even if it wasn't
because of Eun Byeol,
we were bound to meet anyway.
Is there any unfinished business
between us?
Oh. You need to leave
the hospital soon too.
You mustn't have heard.
I've been appointed.
To where?
There's still a hospital
that will hire you?
Yes. Cheong Ah Medical Center.
Are you kidding me?
I've been appointed as the director
of Cheong Ah Medical Center.
I wanted to tell you this myself.
What are you talking about?
I didn't even confirm it
as the director of the foundation.
How could you be newly appointed?
It's your father's will.
Your approval won't be necessary.
The day before he passed away,
he left Cheong Ah Medical Center
to me.
I didn't know it back then,
but it was Father's last wish.
I look forward to working with you,
Director Cheon Seo Jin.
You're nothing but a leech.
What in the world is going on,
Lawyer Park?
Why didn't you tell me about
the medical center's
director appointment?
Come to my office this instant. Now!
(Unidentified Number)
Whoon earth?
3, 2, 1, 5. 2, 1, 3, 2.
(10th-grade 1st-semester Mid-term,
April 22, 1st period, Science)
What are you doing?
Is this how you aced the exam?
Pretend you don't know.
Dad got it for me.
Until when will you live like this?
Dad gave his permission.
So it's not your concern.
You're the one who helped me
fabricate my grades all this time.
Why? Did you suddenly grow
a conscience?
What's with your arm?
Let go.
Did Dad do this to you?
Tell me. Did Dad do this?
I had to pay a price
for what I received.
2, 1, 3, 2. 2, 1, 3, 2
This isn't a price you have to pay.
It's mere violence and abuse.
What's gotten into you?
You already knew everything.
Mind your own business!
I'm going to take care of my life
from now on.
You've already abandoned me.
If we keep this up,
Dad will end up killing us.
I don't care if I die.
I just have to beat Eun Byeol.
2, 1, 5, 3. 2, 1, 5, 3
Shim Su Ryeon!
Where is Su Ryeon?
Where are you?
Where is Joo Hye In?
Where did you hide her?
Somewhere you'll never find.
You'll never be able
to kill her again.
Tell me. Where did you hide
that brat?
How dare you treat me like a fool?
You're not even a human being.
You're a piece of trash
and a murderer!
You little
That doesn't matter at all.
Since we know
more about each other now,
we can become a happier couple.
You're crazy.
You've been
too sophisticated,
elegant, and classy all this time.
A woman like you must be punished.
Punished for deceiving
your husband
and thinking of backstabbing him.
After you're punished,
everything will return
to its normal state.
(The Penthouse)
Let's go to the US together.
I'll make you happy.
You don't have to feel guilty.
I feel like I've finally met
a decent partner.
Why don't you use me?
Don't trust men too much.
I'm not in the mood
to put up with your temper.
- It's beautiful.
- There's going to be a bloodbath.
Someone might die.
They need to suffer
the exact same way.
Then they'll realize their sins.
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